The Heroes of Mana Chapter 1

Story by Leo Livier on SoFurry

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This is the first chapter of my new Story that made a couple of years ago on paper.

There was once a land with peach and harmony live it was nice and peaceful. Until a man named Oda Nobunaga who came from the 6th heaven and was nicked name Devil king of the 6th heaven. Oda and his minions came into the land and conquered the Land. He thought he had seized the Land that was called the Forgotten until one day a Dracubus and his friends came into the world to stop the evil king and his minions the story starts out in the house.

Leo the Dracubus starts to wake up and said "That was a weird dream." He looked around to see that his Little Sister, Iris, was still asleep she too was a Dracubus yet her hair was silver and her eyes were silver as well instead of purple like Leo's hair and eyes. Leo gave her a smile and looked around to see that the house had caught on fire he was surprised at this and said "Oh no! I have to get Iris out of here!" He picked her up while she was asleep and jumped out the window that was next to his bed he fell to the ground looking around and got surprised again.

The village called the Village of Cloud, which Leo and Iris had lives in, was being destroyed by a bunch of daemons. Leo was terrified since the daemons were killing others, and destroying houses. Leo put Iris on his back and started to run to where they could get out of the village and saw a lot of people die he turn around to see if Iris was on his back. Iris was still asleep when this all happen. Leo smile when he saw that Iris was still sleeping and said "that's good." Looking back to be hit by something and fall to the ground making his iris fall as well. Leo looked up and was terrified at what he had seen.

Leo had saw a daemon that didn't look to happy being hit he was about to strike and Leo started to cower in fear until a light came out and destroyed the daemon which surprised Leo since he didn't do anything. Leo got up to see what the light was and was astonished to see that it was a Katana he looked around to see if anyone else had seen it but it looked like they hadn't seen it or was to distracted from running away from the Daemons he picked his sister back up and grabbed the sword and put it in his mouth since he had on pajamas and started to go out of the village.

Once Leo and Iris had gotten out of the village they looked around to see if there was any place to go to but it was still night and was too dark outside to see anything. Leo turned around to see that the Village of Cloud was finally destroyed and said "Why did this happen?" putting his Iris on the ground and fell on his knees to the ground saying "Iris are you alright?" looking at her with concern.

Iris started to wake up and coughed looking at Leo and said "Leo . . . is that you?" putting her hand on his head and gave him a smile saying "I'm so happy you're here. " Starting to get up and looked around saying "What had happen Leo?" looking back at him while she started to cough and went down to her knees and started to cough. Leo crawled over to her and places his paw on her shoulder and said "You too weak to move let me help you." Putting her on her back again and said "Don't worry well find a place." Starting to go into the forest since he didn't know what to do or where to go.

Walking into the forest didn't help them at all since he didn't know where he was going until he had heard singing of a voice that sound so beautiful he couldn't help himself but walk to it. Leo finally heard the voice up close and saw a beautiful girl that looked like she was a tigress with orange, yellow, and black fur having on a white dress on her she also looked like she was the same age as Leo. Leo walked closer to her and gave her a smile saying "Hello." The tigress looked at him and stopped singing giving him a smile and said "Hello there." Looking into her green eyes made it feel like they were going into a land of grass.

The Tigress looked behind Leo and saw Iris and said "Is there something wrong with your friend there?" pointing to Iris who was breathing hard and was blushing seeing that she was also sweating. Leo looked at her and said "She my Little sister and she needs help she has a fever." Looking at her with pleading eyes and the Tigress looked at Leo and said "Ok I shall help you just put her down and we can start.

Once Iris was down on the ground The Tigress looked at Iris and put her hands on Iris's head and closes her eyes and a green light started to glow emitted on Iris's body. Leo was surprised that this had happen since he could hear Iris breathing gone down and saw that she was not blushing anymore. Leo said to the Tigress "Thanks you I'm Leo Livier ant this here is Iris." The Tigress stopped and looked back at Leo and said "It's not a problem and my name is Rin." Rin gave Leo a smile and looked back at Iris starting to pick her up and said "Why are you two here anyway?" looking confused.

Once Leo had finished his story Both Leo and Rin were walking. Rin looked like she had understood him and said "I get it so you got away from your Village and now you are looking for somewhere to stay." Leo shook his head and Rin was about to say something until she felt like someone was saying something. The voice had said "You the Guardian of the Grass shall help the Guardian of the Fire in his quest to find the others Guardians and save the forgotten world." Rin started to shake her head and said "I just heard a voice." Looking at Leo and he got surprised and said "that's odd cause I heard the same voice as well in a dream." Leo told Rin about his Dream.

His dream was that he was in a pitch black room and he was floating around having his pajamas on while he was starting to open his eyes. Leo got surprised when he was there and said "Who is this?"hearing his voice echo but no one answer he stopped talking and looked around until he heard a voice say "You, The guardian of Fire, Must stop the Devil King of the 6th Heaven and bring Peach to the world." Leo got surprised and said "Who are you?!" trying to hear the voice again but didn't hear it and started ot wake back up.

Rin got surprised at what he had said and replied "Then I must help you defeat the Devil King of the 6th Heaven." Leo got confused and said "Yea but where is the Devil King?" looking around to see that no one was there and said "In fact there no one even near us." Rin was about to say something but heard some rustling and looked around to see nothing and said "Wait I thought I just heard something." Walking to where she heard the rustling.

Rin jumped back when she saw a Daemon come up and fell to the ground while she still hold onto Iris and said "W-What is that?!" pointing to it while she was looking at Leo who had pulled out his Katana and pointed it at the Daemon and said "That's the Daemon." Looking angry at it like he was about to kill the Daemon for revenge. Rin go back up and put Iris somewhere so that she doesn't get hurt and came back to him putting up her fist and said "I'll help you in the name of Peach." Giving him a smile while he gave her a smile back and said "Let's start!" jumping towards the Daemon while the Daemon was about to attack them.

This is the First chapter one of my story I hope you like it. Sorry theres No Yiff in here yet.

The Hero's of Mana Chapter 2

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