Days of Middle School:The Worst First Day Part 1 of 2

Story by Leo Livier on SoFurry

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This is the first part of my otherf story. I wanted ot see if i would do good if i made one with a school setting.

It was a bright and sunny day seeing no clouds in the sky and seeing that this was the first day of middle school made Leo a little depressed. Leo was a Dracubus but was a Femboy since he had on a short blue shirt and tight pants while having arouns his neck was his favorite neckerchief and around his arm was his fevorite ribbion.Leo didin't looked like he was 13 since he was 6'9 tall and was 85 pounds while he was walking to school he looked at the ground not wanting to see the others kids that were next to him walking to school.

Once Leo was at the Middle school he let out a sigh since he could hear and see the kids looking at him and laughing at him hearing them whisper things like: "Who's that?" "A Femboy at our Middle school?" "Hey let's pick on him when no ones seeing." While Leo was walking to the entrance of the Middle school he was bumped into a Rootweilier and looked up to see him saying "I'm really sorry." using a sincere voice.The Rottwieler turn around and looked at the Dracubus that had bumped into him. He had on a black short shirt and black short pants on looking much taller than him and seem like he was pretty strong since he could see his Abs form his shirt. The Rottwiler got closer to him to see his face and said "Watch where your going you Femboy!" letting out a growl while his friends were luaghing at Leo. Leo looked at the Rottwiler and said "Ok i understand." looking back down to the ground while he whimpered when he heard him growl and started to go into the Middle school knowing that he was not going to like it here.

Leo looked around the hall and saw a coulpe of people talking and conversating with each other not knowing that Leo was there and Leo didn't mind that he was not being notice. Leo looked around the doors that were there and let out a sigh saying "Where's my class?" hearing that he was trying to find his class.Leo continued to walk around in the hallway and finally when the bell rang he let out a sigh and said "Great now i'm late." seeing that he was still in the hallway when everyone had gone into there class when he had found his class he let out a sigh and went in the class room.

Leo was surprised that he had saw the Rottwiler that he had bumped into at the entrance of the school and let out a whimper when the Rottwiler had growled at him again the teacher had made the student quite and said to Leo "Leo you are late." Leo looked at the Teacher and said "I know i'm sorry." looking back down at the ground while the other students luaghed at him.The Teacher growled at the students and the students all started to quite down and the Teacher looked back at Leo and said "Ok then if your sorry then you may take a seat anywhere you like." Leo shook his head and started to sit at the end of the classroom looking at the desk while he heard the kids mumbling about him while the teacher was talking the Rootwiler threw a piece of crumpled up paper at him which had his name on now knowing his name was James Leo let out a sigh and started to open the paper and was surprised at what it had said.

Leo heard the beel ring and the Teacher had said "Ok Kids class is dismiss." Everyone got up and started to walk outside except for Leo knowing that he was frozen at wheat the note had told him it said that "Meet me at the Locker rooms when class is over or else singed James." Leo let out a sigh and started to do what the note had told him to do wne to the Locker room seeign that the James and his friends were there. Leo looked at him and said "ok what did you want me for?" James luaghed and said "Why i just wanted to have a little fun with you is all." starting ot walk near him.Leo started to back up but bumped into one of James friend and was pushed back to where he bumped into James chest. James down at him and grabbed him so that he couldn't struggle and said "Now let's have a little fun." looked at his friends and they knew to get out of the locker room and did that looking back at Leo and said "Now like i said let's have some fun."

James put Leo down and pulled out of his pocket some rope and tied his hand to the one of the lockers so that he couldn't excape and looked aorund seeign that no one was there he started to take his pants off seeing his 9 inche tall cock that looked like it was throbbign and said "Now it's time for you to get your clothes off." Leo looked terified at seeing Jame's cock and started to struggle from the ropes but knew that it was useless and started to look at him seeing that he wanted him. James started to walk to him and untied him from the rope and took of Leo's clothes and force him to turn around to where the lockers are and started ot tie his hands up again so that he could see his ass and said "Oh you seem like your still a virgin." seeing his cock get more hard when he saw his tight hole and said "Now let's take that away from you."

I'll get the other part of it done some time today i just wanted ot get the first part of it done. But for now here Part 1 of it.

Big's Bro pet Chapter 1

# **Start of Chapter 1** Lavi had on a white T-shirt and blue short pants heard from his parents that they were going to be out for a month and to keep his Lil bro,Leo, from harms way he let out a wicked grin since his Lil bro got all the attention...

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