Furry Dreams

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#6 of Furry Dreams

A Furry Story

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

[Author's Note: Thank you all for your ideas, and Nexus for his drawing. I now give you the next chapter in "Furry Dreams".]

So to say we had achieved something that night. We all just collapsed on the bed, very wet with sweat among other things, and very exhausted. We all even slept just like that... naked and in ecstasy.

It was late morning when I awoke. I was still in between the girls that I had made love to the night prior. It was strange. Most Furries I had heard of were yiffy sorts but, but never had one told me of threesomes, nor had one done anything with a human. Sure, Furries are part human, but so minuetly.

"Mmmmmm" one of the girls moaned happily as that one awoke.

"Kacey?" I said looking at her. What a fox.

"Ash, you awake too?" Sam said. I looked over at her.

"Yeah, why'd you moan? Did I rub up against you the 'right' way?"

"Somethin' like that."

And then there was silence as we looked into each other's eyes.

"You wanna take a shower together?" she suggested after a minute or so.

"Sure, I'd love to, Sam" I whispered, sealing the end of the sentence with a kiss. She smiled, and got up, out of the bed-couch, without disturbing Kacey from her wonderful sleep.

We snuck off to the bathroom, and quickly turned the shower on. I watched from outside of the bathroom to make sure, Kacey didn't wake up.

"It's ready" Sam smiled at me. I admired her naked body as she got into the shower seductively.

"You'd better be too" I smirked.

After our shower, and quick yiff. Sam and I were drying ourselves off, and making out still, when I heard the phone ring. I pulled myself away long enough, to see out of the steamy bathroom.

Kacey had gotten up, and was cleaning herself off with her tongue, and was absentmindly getting her phone.

"Hello, Kacey De'Arreth speaking... oh, hi James" Kacey said. My blood froze.

"Ashura, you alright...?" Sam asked quietly. I recomposed myself quickly enough to shush her, then I told her.

"My father is on the phone" I whispered harshly.

"Oh no...!" she said quietly. I made my way out of the bathroom, with a towel around my waist, and mouthed to Kacey, "Don't tell him anything."

Fortunately, she understood, and lied to my father, before she accidently said anything as to my whereabouts.

"Nope, I'm sorry, Mr. Kusanaga, but I haven't seen Ashura, since those two weeks ago... yes, I understand... no, it's okay... uh huh... right... right... I will..." Kacey conversed with my father over the phone. "Humans are nice though, Jimmy... I know... I know... well, not always... I've had my share..."

"What's she doing?" Sam breathed into my ear.

"I dunno" I shrugged.

"Well, if he's of age, and left on his own accord, then maybe it's best to let him go out on his own... the girl?" Kacey continued. "Sam, is it... well, I'm sure her parents are wondering where she- ... they know?"

My eyes went wide with fear, and as did Sam's when I glanced at her.

"Tell, me something... are her parents understanding?" Kacey said, as she held her nervousness in. "They are... good... uh huh... uh huh... well, if I see her too, I'll tell her her parents want her home."

"They... want me home...?" Sam whispered to no one. I nodded in agreement, and solemness. If Sam went back to her parents, what about our love that she and I shared?

"You can't go back" I whispered to Sam.

"But my parents understand, and they want me back" Sam whispered.

"What about our love?" I asked quietly.

"Uh huh... okay, I will... bye bye..." Kacey finished. She then hung up the phone.

"You can live with me and my parents" Sam continued at a normal volume.

"I don't want to live with your parents, I just want you... I don't care about a home..." I said normally.

"But why, Ashura?"

"I don't like that town."

"Why? I grew up in that town, and everyone loves new people there."

"Not us, not us Furries."

"You can't let the past overrule your feelings for a thing."

"What do you mean? My past is overruling nothing!"

"Your father lost his job right?"

"Because of a biased human... what if you're parents are just like the other people in your town, staring and all... probably thinking, 'oh god, what freaks now' huh?"

Kacey shivered. Sam had a look in her eyes, a look I'd never seen before.

"My... parents... are... not... biased! And neither are my neighbors... or the whole town!" she growled.

"Humans are like that to us Furries, though!" I yelled.


"We Furries are treated with upmost caution... treated lower than human, like some of our forebears. It hurts to know that even though we Furries exist among humans, we are treated as lesser beings, like the way Native Americans have been "resettled", or the bigotry towards African-Americans. It seems that whatever humans do not understand they treat with caution, mistrust, fear, or even hatred."

It seemed with every word, Sam slowly understood. And with each word, she became closer to crying, and that she did, as soon as I finished.

"Not all humans are like that... I'm not... my siblings aren't..." Sam sobbed. It became clear to me, that in my anger, I had struck a nerve.

"I know... I know that, Sam..." I whispered gently and sadly.

"I'm a tiny part Native American, Ashura... I know about my ancestors and the 'resettling'..." she said sniffing, and drying her eyes.

"Sure, we may look different, but on a mental level, we are the same" she continued, after she stopped crying.

"I know... it might not be my place to say so, but you both are right" Kacey said. "Things among humans and Furries may never be pleasant... but that could change if we gave eachother a chance."

"Like how we've broken down barriers with yiffing?" I suggested. Both Kacey and Sam nodded in agreement.

"You got it..." Sam smiled.

The was another silence, before anything else was said.

"I still won't live with your parents or in that town... not when my parents are that close... I want to stay on my own..." I said.

"I agree on that, but then what about our distance?" Sam asked.

"Phone?" Kacey suggested.

I nodded, and plans were made to return Sam to her parents...

But then something happened...

It was the next day...

"Ash?" Sam called out to me. I was in the kitchen with Kacey, helping her make lunch.

"Coming" I call out to her. I made my way to the bathroom, where I heard her.

I rounded the corner, and saw Sam not looking so good.

"You okay?" I asked a gentle smiling concern on my face. I began to walk into the bathroom, but noticed that there was a smell. A bad smell.

"I puked" she managed. And then, she heaved, but did not vomit. I came into the bathroom, anyway, dispite the smell.

"Looks like you got a cold from that rain the day before yesterday" I chuckled. But my chuckles stopped after she heaved again, and this time did vomit.

I closed my eyes, and looked away almost in time.

"I'll go and get Kacey-" I began.

"No... stay here, and call... call to her" Sam managed.

"She all right?" I asked Kacey, after Sam had fallen asleep. She looked back at Sam briefly, and then led me to the kitchen. We sat down, and she answered me.

"She's not ill... I think she's... something else..." Kacey smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked the Kitsune.

"I think she's with child... your child obviously..."

"What? How? That's not possible... we're incompatable!"

"Well... that might be the case, but her body is showing symptoms of that..."

I was silent for a long time, before I said anything more.

"You positive?" I asked.

"I'm not one-hundred percent, but I'm pretty sure she is" Kacey said.

I breathed a sigh of angst, and thought about it.

"She can't return home now... not if she's pregnant" I said finally.

"True, but we can't be sure... wait, how long is your species pregnant for, Ashura?"

"About three months... why?"

"Humans are about nine, your species is three... let's see here... we'd have to wait for four to five months, then we'll know!"

"But after one month, I could tell my mother was with cubs... what about Sam?"

"Two months? But if that's the case, then... we'd have to keep her here much much longer."

"Then we will... if my parents or her parents call, then lie to them about everything."

Kacey nodded in agreement, and went back to tending to Sam.

It had been some time since our awakening to Sam's possible predicament, but something was odd.

"Sam?" I asked her one day at the lunch table.

"Yeah?" she said after putting down her "B.L.T."

"I noticed something different about you... you're cheerful."

"Even though I'm expecting?"

"How'd you know what I was gonna say?"

"Dunno... it just... came to me."

Kacey looked at Sam and I repeatedly, then stopped and smiled.

"It's the bond of love and child that you share" Kacey smiled.

Sam frowned, but I understood.

"What?" Sam asked.

"She means that we are in love, and we have a child on the way, which means we have a connection that most don't have" I translated.

"Like the same brainwave?" Sam reasoned.

"Yeah, exactly."

Kacey murred, and under the table began to stroke my legs with her foot. I knew I had made her happy again, like I usually do when she doesn't make sense to others. I knew she'd want to give me an extra present tonight.

[Author's Note: So, my fellow Furries, how was that? Probably a shocker, probably the next step in Ash's and Sam's (and Kacey's) relationship. By the way, if any Fur wants to draw a picture of Sam, Kacey, Ash, or any other character, feel free to do so if you want. I will also be taking those suggestions again. Here's to another chapter of "Furry Dreams".]

Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had no idea so many people want to read more of this story. I am proud to present to you fans... the next chapter in Furry Dreams.] "Who goes there?" asked the woman. Then...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: Thanks to some ideas of my own, and ideas that have been suggested, I am able to continue this story. Thank you all for keeping this story alive.] "Ashura!" my father said...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had a vivid dream, and this story is the dream, and then some. However, this is also the end of the dream and the beginning of my imagination. Bare with me, that this is probably not...

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