Furry Dreams

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#4 of Furry Dreams

A Furry Story

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

[Author's Note: Thanks to some ideas of my own, and ideas that have been suggested, I am able to continue this story. Thank you all for keeping this story alive.]

"Ashura!" my father said angrilly. "Get back here!"

I paid no heed to his words, and continued down the driveway towards the road. Tears began to slide down my face fur, and the tears on my right, mingled with the blood.

"Ashura, please come back!" my mother cried.

More tears flowed freely. I didn't stop or turn around.

But I continued down the road, and across the bridge.

Hours later, Sam and I found ourselves in some woods.

"Ashura, you should have your face looked at" Sam said while we rested. She rested against a tree, while I rested between two bushes.

I had been jogging and kind of running with Sam on my back. It had been almost three hours since I'd left my "former" family, and as sad as it is, I do kind of miss them. But as far as I cared, if they can't accept my new human friend as a friend, then I will not care. Even then, I am of proper age to leave my pack and set out on my own anyways.

"How, Sam?" I asked. "There's no way I can staunch the bleeding."

"I can help, Ash, by getting some herbs" she said, then she went to collect something.

"What is it you're looking for specifically?" I shouted out to her. A moment went by before I heard anything. I moved over to a tree and sat on a stump attached to it to get more comfortable.

"Anise seed" she replied. Anise? If I remembered correctly, anise is a licorice-flavored seed that has some "healing" properties, and is used mainly in cooking. She came back about three or so minutes later, holding some flowering anise.

"Here," Sam said sitting down again and handing me a flower. "Anise is good for you."

"Thanks" I said popping a seed into my mouth. I cracked it with my teeth, and sucked on it.

There was a silence that permeated the woods around us, mostly because of our not saying anything.

After an awkward silence, Sam cleared her throat and moved a little closer to me to talk.

"Ashura?" she said. I looked up from my thoughts.

"Would you think differently of me if I asked you something... 'yiffy'?" she continued.

"What are you getting at? Why would I judge you?" I asked, "...And what sort of yiffy thing?"

"Well... I know you wouldn't judge me, and I was talking about-" Sam explained but trailed off.

"Talking about what?"

"You know... yiffing..."

My eyes got wide. Never had a female been so... "frank".

"Y-yiffing?" I said, and she blushed while looking away. "You know about yiffing?"

"Yeah, of course I do... I'm an Internet Furry."

"What's your fursona?"

"I'm a Neko-jin."

"So... you want to yiff me? Even though you're not a Furry like me?"

A million or so thoughts raced through my mind as she pondered this question at hand.

"I do, and even though you're a Furry... besides, I'm kind of a furry by the Internet" Sam blushed as she said this.

"But what about our physical differences? You know... like your 'flower' and... my 'member'?" I said testing her lingo.

"Well," she smiled, which brought a smile to myself, "it shouldn't matter, since they're pretty much the same in any species."

I nodded in agreement, and smiling while doing so. Sam moved over to me, and sat on my lap facing me. Then she moved up my legs and rested on my knees.

She looked into my slitted yellow eyes. And moving her face ever so slowly towards mine, so did I to hers.

"Come here you little Neko-jin" I whispered. With that Sam practically pounced me, and pressed her lips to my maw. With one hand, I held her head, and with the other, I rubbed her back. She on the other hand, used her hands in similiar fashions, except her other hand was rubbing my fuzzy chest through my already opened button-up shirt.

At the moment we broke our kiss, she opened her button-up shirt, and undid her swimming suit's bra. I looked in her eyes with a look of curiousity even though I already knew what she was doing and what was under that bra. I slowly looked down at her chest from her face as soon as she dropped her swimming suit top onto the ground beside us.

Sam shrugged her shoulders and held her button-up shirt closed, only revealing her shoulders.

"She's a tease?" I thought to myself before closing my eyes and kissing her left shoulder. From there I worked my way up her neck in the front, then began making small kisses from her neck to behind her ear. I was purring all the while, but as soon as I hit that spot behind her ear and got a resulting moan, I stopped purring and murred knowing my quest was not yet over.

"... More" Sam whispered into the air. I didn't have to be told, as I went back to the front and kissed down her neck, right in the nape of it too. Then leaning Sam back a little, I opened her shirt she held close, continued kissing and licking her chest, and moved a little to the right until I felt more flesh and heard a gasp.

I opened my eyes. I knew I had pleasured her nipple, but it was a little stiff before I got there. Had my kissing licks behind the ear done something to this friend, this partner, this Sam of mine?

I closed my eyes again and went back to pleasuring and teasing her lefthand nipple again. I felt her righthand brush passed my chest and heard her pull off something of hers... and some more moaning. As soon as I heard a zip, I knew she'd fixed her jean skirt to do something.

I re-opened my eyes again while switching breasts. Sam had her eyes closed too, was trying to murr, had her hand down her jean skirt, down her swimming suit bottom, and a finger in her cunny.

"Keep licking you wonderful Lion" Sam murred successfully. I smiled and stopped to lift her chin.

Sam stopped her finger pleasure, but didn't take it out. As soon as she opened her eyes, I held a finger up.

"Let me..." I smirked, before licking my free hand's finger, gently pulling her hand free of her wet private- if she wasn't wet by now, something was wrong -and replacing the pleasure void with my own finger... and also used my thumb for her clitoris. I now knew why humans had made us Furries with thumbs... clits.

"Don't worry... I always keep my claws in and dull" I said when she gasped.

"I'm... uhn... not worried... just getting... ohh... wetter" Sam replied her best with these new pressures. I closed my eyes again after she closed hers and pulled her close to me as well for another lip lock. This time she pushed her tongue into my mouth, and both of them wrestled, and all the while I'm pawing Sam off.

At this time, my own member was doing something it had done before, but with my shorts on... I grew big but uncomfortable.

Sam broke the kiss, which snapped us a little out of the moment. So I paused on pleasuring her, and we opened our eyes.

"You're poking me" Sam smirked sheepishly.

I chuckled, and allowed her to pull my finger out of her wet cunny. I brought my finger close to my nose, and my head felt a tiny lighter. Her scent was intoxicating, and pleasant at the same time. I licked it as she watched me, and I murred with her tangy and sweet taste. While I briefly was in awe, Sam had unzipped my shorts, and pulled herself up so she could properly pull them down.

When I snapped out of it a second later, Sam had pulled my shorts almost to my knees, and briefly admiring my length.

"Six inches... why Ashura" she giggled. I grinned and pulled her soaked bathing suit bottom off, revealing her small patch of well kempt auburn pubic hair. Her inner lips were slightly swollen past her outer lips and both sets were moist... not dripping but moist. She murred properly again, and pulled herself down toward my slimy stiffness. I lifted her instead, and lowered her slowly onto my six inch Lion, and not fully, but just enough for Sam to get used to it.

"Ohhh, Ash! It hurts!" she cried while smiling. "Pull me deeper!"

The warmth of her canal snugly around my sex felt so good, for this was the first time I had entered a female. I could also tell that she had never been stretched before like this, so I'd take it easy.

"I'll take it slow at first, okay?" I said, beginning to ease deeper into her. But all I got was a moan of pleasure for a response.

I continued pushing until I bumped her cherry.

"Do it... Ash... break it" she demanded in a shuddering whisper.

I pushed in gently and with a small near silent "pop", I felt her tense up a little as she'd been "broken" as she'd put it.

"Ohhh yes... that felt painful yet releaving at the same time..." Sam said with a moan.

I continued to push in until all of my length was inside her, then just as gently as I'd pushed in, I pulled out a little. As I did that, Sam pulled away as well, and when I pushed back into her, she helped by pushing against my member. And each time I pulled out, we moaned, and each time I pushed in, we made little pleasure groans together. As we yiffed, Sam and I were kissing gently everywhere. And soon after learning eachother's rhythm, we continued on instinct even though it was our first times.

"Oh, Ash! It... feels... so... good!" she panted. I felt like I was humping harder and harder.

"It.. feels good... for me too!" I moaned loudly. A familiar sense began growing inside of me, as I could tell Sam was getting closer to the "edge".

We continued to yiff harder and faster, and neither of us cared about anything else in the world. It felt as though time itself was standing still as we stroked each other's flame of passion. Deep down I began to feel something I'd felt before. The more I yiffed Sam, the bigger it got. Our kissing increased and became more desperate.

"Oooh... ahh... this feels... so incredible!" Sam moaned loudly. Some birds scattered out of their trees at her passion.

My balls began to ache, and I felt dizzy.

"Ohh, Sam... I feel it... I feel it!" I growled in pleasure. She was holding out on me, waiting for me so we could share this moment together. I felt myself let go as she did, and we both shattered at the same time.

I roared in ecstasy as I felt jet after jet of my seed pump inside her. Sam also roared a long and loud "rawr" as she came too.

My cum flooded Sam's passage and went into her womb, and she moaned hard as she felt it.

I didn't care if it got her pregnant or not, I would share this moment with her as long as time felt like it stood still. Sam pushed herself as far as I could go in length, and continued humping slightly, trying to milk the last of my seed. With her sweat-slikened chest still heaving, she colapsed against my heaving sweat-damp chest, and we both lay against each other as our orgasms ebbed away. I pulled my length out of Sam, and she gave one last sex moan as it popped out, my member slowly softening.

Sam looked me in the eyes, and I smiled at her. She, then, smiled too.

"Thank you," she said softly as she pressed her head onto my chest.

I pressed another kissed into her sweaty forehead, and said "you're welcome."

This day had changed my life forever, but something told me and Sam that we should find shelter before nightfall.

"I'm glad your ankle is feeling better" I said wiping the rain away from my face.

Sam and I were walking together as close as we could, while making haste to find shelter. Although her ankle was still hurting, Sam's ankle didn't really bother her as much anymore.

"We've been walking for hours, Ash... I don't mean to complain, but I-err... we need shelter" Sam replied. "Thanks for noticing by the way."

True, we had been walking for hours, and more hours before that from our former homes. But we were nowhere near anything remotely close to civilization. And the night and the rain were getting worse.

"Ah!" Sam cried out. My reflexes caught her before she hit the ground.

"What happened?" I said frantically.

"My AceWrap broke! I need it for my ankle to heal properly!" she explained. "And plus I twinged my bad ankle again."

I discarded the broken AceWrap, picked her up in my arms, and continued with Sam in my arms.

After we got out of the woods, the wind changed direction, and the rain became almost blinding.

"Just hold on, Sam!" I shouted over the new wind. I saw a house in the distance, and stomped towards it. What normally would've taken me a minute, took us five.

Finally, I reached the door.

"Let's just hope they're friendly" I said as Sam sleepily buried her head into my shoulder. I knocked on the door, and waited.

The door opened to reveal a feminine figure draped in shadows.

"Who's goes there?" asked the woman. Then she looked closer at us. "I don't do wedding services."

"We need shelter from the storm... my name is Ashura Kusanaga... could we come in and make shelter with you?" I asked.

"Ash...?" asked the female. She stepped towards me, and got a closer look.

"Kacey?" I asked.

"Ashura!" Kacey said, greeting me with licks of joy. "Come, come inside!"

[Author's Note: I still need more ideas for the story if someone as would be kind enough to do so. I appreciate the quickness of everyone's suggestions... even the yiffy ones. Thank you!]

Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had a vivid dream, and this story is the dream, and then some. However, this is also the end of the dream and the beginning of my imagination. Bare with me, that this is probably not...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had a vivid dream, and this story is the dream, and then some. Bare with me, that this is probably not going to be my best story I have written.] After eating breakfast, and...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had a vivid dream, and this story is the dream, and then some. Bare with me, that this is probably not going to be my best story I have written.] The road to our new "home"...

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