Furry Dreams

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#5 of Furry Dreams

A Furry Story

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

[Author's Note: I had no idea so many people want to read more of this story. I am proud to present to you fans... the next chapter in Furry Dreams.]

"Who goes there?" asked the woman. Then she looked closer at us. "I don't do wedding services."

"We need shelter from the storm... my name is Ashura Kusanaga... could we come in and make shelter with you?" I asked.

"Ash...?" asked the female. She stepped towards me, and got a closer look.

"Kacey?" I asked.

"Ashura!" Kacey said, greeting me with licks of joy. "Come, come inside!"

"How terrible of your parents to react that way towards your new friend, Sam" Kacey muttered.

"I know" I said. She and I are sitting on the same fold out couch-bed.

After I put the reinjured Sam in Kacey's bed, I relayed the whole "sheb-bang" to Kacey... the need of money, Sam's offer, the refusal, the fight, and the run away. I hadn't said anything about my first time yiffing with Sam.

I looked outside in thought. It was still raining. Sam's parents wouldn't refuse taking her back, but my parents wouldn't take me back... just like a baby bird. I've been thinking about this since those many hours ago. I'm sure after what has happened, my parents talked to- or at least tried to talk to -Sam's family.

"Ash? Earth to Ash" Kacey said. I looked at her from the window.

"Huh? What'd you say?" I asked. She smiled.

"I asked if you'd like something to drink" Kacey offered again. I thought about it, and asked for some coffee. As she got up, I suggested some brandy. Kacey nodded, and went to fetch her brandy and some coffee.

I went back to thinking about what my family would be doing, but each time I got to thinking about my family and returning Sam to her parents- she did nothing wrong -all I could do was wince. What is it my parents could have, or will tell Sam's parents?

I sighed, and not but a few minutes later Kacey returned, two mugs in hand, and brandy under an arm.

"You okay?" Kacey whispered, sitting down. She set down the coffee and brandy.

I nodded and faked a smile.

"Don' lie" she retorted jokingly. I couldn't help but to smile for real and give a little chuckle.

"No, it's just my family, and Sam's family... my family kicked me out as you know, but it's Sam's family I'm worried about," I said watching the coffee's steam float from the cup, and disappate. "Sam only ran away with me because she loves me, but she could return to her family... however, the part I'm worried about a lot is what my family has or will tell her family, if they will at all."

Kacey handed me a cup of java, and handed me the bottle of brandy.

"Sounds like you're being very responsible... even more than when you're family stopped by those few weeks ago" she said, as I poured some brandy in the coffee.

"I used to be responsible... I used to watch my cub sisters, wash the dishes, take care of my family..." I said handing her the brandy, and I briefly touched the wound on my face. It still stung a little.

"With time comes something new... and plus fate is something ever-changing..." Kacey said. I took a sip of the coffee. It tasted pleasant and calming... and vanilla.

"Like my leaving my pack? I was destined to leave that way?"

"You understood me again!"

"I try" I chuckled, as she too, poured some brandy into her coffee. The wind picked up a little, and she snuggled against me. I didn't mind, and it actually felt good to be close to another Furry. She took a sip of her coffee, and I put my arm around her shoulders. Kacey looked up at me from my chest, and slipped a paw around my waist. For the longest time, we just sat there, watching and listening to the rain, to the fire under the hearth, listing to the wind, and sippping our coffee brandy.

"It's been a long time since I've had the presence of a gentle male in my house... a long time since... I've been in the arms of another," Kacey spoke up from our silence. "Do you think she'd care, if I love you too?"

"Nope..." I said, then as if I were reading her thoughts. "Yes, I would like to."

"Would you like to... -huh... wait a sec! Did you just answer my question before I finished?" Kacey asked moving to a better position- she was still on my chest -to talk to me.

"I'm not psychic, but yeah... I think I did" I smiled.

"You might be psychic" she said rubbing my chest through my opened button-up shirt. I closed my eyes and purred. Kacey and Sam have similiar tastes in foreplay I think.

Kacey stopped rubbing my chest, shifted to kneel while still on the couch, turned around, and set down our brandy-flavored coffees on an end table. I took this opportunity to rub her back, and with this she arched her Kitsune back, and her tail swished like crazy. I noticed this and stopped, smiling the whole time.

"You like that?" I kneeled behind her while still on the couch, and whispered in her white ears.

She looked back at me, as I put my paws on her hips. The look in those eyes, those beautiful orange eyes, told me she did.

"Disrobe me" she whispered while still looking back at me, then she gave me a lick on my nose. I pulled her shirt off with ease, and she clutched her paws to her chest while I undid her bra. I noticed that she had white body fur. With a simple snap of the hooks, the laces fell, but still Kacey held fast to her bra.

"The skirt too" she beckoned quietly. She turned around, revealing her big patch of red torso fur going from the nape of her neck and disappearing into her skirt. Kacey then sat down on her rump, and allowed me to pull her skirt off.

"Now do the bra and the undies" she whispered, as she covered her chest with an arm, while still holding on to the bra, and slipping a paw into her "undies". I pulled off her bra, and she kept her arm over her breasts, hiding her nipples. Then I pulled off her panties with some difficulty, because of my growing member. She, too, was strip teasing me! Finally I got her clothes all off, and there she sat, arm covering her nipples, and paw covering her red-furred crotch and probably black nether lips.

"Well? What do you think?" Kacey cooed.

"I'm doing my best not to put a hole in my pants with my member... figuratively speaking" I managed past the pressure of my pants and length. Slowly she pulled her arm and paw away from what I had been desiring the whole time I was stripping her. Her nipples were a dark tan-like color, and her other lips were in fact black, like I guessed.

"Now it's your turn" Kacey said, then pulled at my pants, and undid them very gently and swiftly, all the while being yiffy. Then she pulled my pants off as I took off my shirt, which is usually the easiest thing of mine to take off. As Kacey tossed my pants aside with one paw, she pulled off my boxers with the other paw.

"Ooh, my..." Kacey smiled toothily, still looking down at my sex. Again, it had gone to its near full hardness of six inches.

"You are very yiffy looking, Kacey" I said. If she was blushing, I couldn't tell through her fur, but I had a feeling she was.

"You're pretty yiffy as well, Ashura," she replied. "Lie down, Ash... I have two surprises for you."

I laid down on the couch, and Kacey turned back around. While on her paws and knees, she made her way backwards towards my face. Her cunny was a sight to behold, and her tailhole... was enough to make a virgin cry. As soon as she was making her way backwards, I could already smell her wonderous scent, washing over me like a beach's surf as she backed towards me. She stopped mere inches from my nose, and the smell was pleasantly unbearable... though I made no effort to escape this earthy scent, this robust scent. My breath was becoming ragged, and soon my breaths began teasing her mound as Kacey's breathing began to quicken.

I grabbed her thighs so that I could have something to tease her with, something to hold onto, and to stop her from shaking with anxiety. She, too, found a hold around the base of my length. Almost simultaneously, we began licking each other's sex, and after a few seconds we had to stop.

"Oh my god... this is hard, but it's so gonna be worth it" she moaned.

"I've never had to stop before while doing sixty-nine on a female... you're good" I managed.

We began again, and this time we managed to keep it together... most of the time.

I took the time to taste her inner walls, while thumbing her clitoris. Kacey, on the otherhand, was rocking her head slowly up and down, while ever so gently caressing my sack.

The moaning and purring and yurfs and murring was filling the whole room, and our efforts to please each other doubled with each suck and lick.

"Mmm, oh yes... oh yes! Lick me, Ash!" Kacey murred, while taking a quick break. "Lick that clit!"

As soon as Kacey couldn't take it anymore, she arched her back, and pushed her rump against me and my snout. She ended up pushing so hard, that she practically buried my nose in the moist confines of her vagina. Dispite Kacey being wet, I actually got a huge whiff of something so incredible, I couldn't describe it. After a moment or two, Kacey's walls let go my nose, while at the same time reapplying herself to this mutual oral sex. And while she continued pleasuring me, I slipped a finger into her welcoming slit, and massaged her clit at the same time. I soon was barreling towards my first orgasm with her, and it was a pleasant one when it happened.

"Oh god, yes!..." I moaned, as the rest was a quiet yet forceful roar. I almost passed out as soon as I felt my seed erupt from me into Kacey's mouth. The pleasure she had given me was perfect. Without a doubt, Kacey was very skilled at giving sixty-nine. And soon... we went at it again.

"How do you feel?" Kacey asked, laying next to me. We were wet- well, her mostly -tired, and extremely happy. We had sixty-nined for the second time, after resting briefly.

"On top of the world..." I murred.

"Ashura?" she asked.


"Wanna yiff proper?"

"I like that idea... but..."


"What about protection?"

"What about letting me join? I couldn't help but to hear your wonderful chorus of moans, yiffs, murrs, and couch springs" asked Sam from the hall. Both Kacey and I smiled, and looked over towards Sam, who was standing there without much trouble.

Kacey and I nodded, and I got up to help Sam over to the couch-bed, while Kacey got up to turn it into a bed.

"Ready, little neko?" Kacey asked Sam. All of us got onto the bed.

"Just let me slip into something more," Sam said taking off her oversized shirt, "comfortable."

"You were sleeping in just a shirt? Nice" said Kacey. I smiled at both lovers while I layed back, and the girls just reclined onto their elbows.

My member was already making an appearance. Then the girls began to draw closer to each other, and closed their distance with a kiss, then another, and another. Kacey put her paw on my sack and started to rub it again. While Kacey was doing that, Sam broke the kiss, and moved down the bed to sit on her knees, only to position herself to be licked.

"I did want you to lick me in the woods, but a first time is a first time I guess" Sam smiled. I then noticed her scent. Sam's scent was like just like earlier... spicy and sweet. I smiled bigger at that thought again.

"You were virgins?" Kacey asked before beginning to lick my shaft. Sam and I nodded.

"Young love..." Kacey sighed, before going down on me.

"Lick me, my yiffy mate" Sam said. I didn't need to be told again. I grabbed Sam's thigh with one hand, and rubbed Kacey's lower backside, before I went to Sam's cunny. After a moment or so Kacey stopped.

"Hey Ash? Sam?" she asked. I stopped, and looked around Sam's quivering thighs.

"What?" we replied. Sam barely couldn't say it.

"If it's all right with her, could I yiff you?" Kacey inquiered.

"Sure, but only if I can makeout with you again" Sam answered. So Sam turned around, so I could still lick her, while Kacey pulled herself upright, and over to my full hardness of seven inches.

Slowly, Kacey lowered herself, and without pausing and with a brief gasp, Kacey was on fully. Meanwhile, I began licking again, only this time instead of grabbing her hips, I reached up and grabbed her breasts.

"Oh yeah, Ash..." was Sam's reply. Then she liplocked with Kacey, while Kacey moved up and down again and again. I felt like crying. I was experiencing a threesome... something I had only dreamt about.

Taking a break from kissing but not yiffing, Kacey asked me, "how is... it poss... possible... that you... have so mu... so much energy... for yiffing... this many... times?"

"I'm half anthro-lion with some human qualities, and we lions can yiff a lot, and rather quickly" I said, taking a break. After resuming for a while or so, Kacey stopped.

"Why are you stopping?" Sam and I asked.

"You're getting close, my friend... don't you wanna climax in her?" Kacey asked.

True. I did.

"All right then let's switch" we agreed. Sam got off of my face, while Kacey got off of my sex, and they both lay on their backs. I moved over to Sam, and put myself in the "missionary" position.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked Kacey, looking over my shoulder. She had moved kind of with me, but was laying on her back, her black lips swollen with pleasure.

"You'll see, it's the second suprise" Kacey said. So I eased myself into Sam again, for the second time, and she held onto my shoulders, while I went fully into her warm tunnel. While I began pumping into her again and again, Kacey grabbed my tail, and played with the tip of it near her vagina. I continued yiffing, even while I watched in wonder as Kacey took my tail into her nether lips. She wasn't playing with it, she was wetting it with her own juices.

"Smart girl" I thought. So I resumed looking back at my mate, and smiled when she did.

"Oh, yes, Ash... yiff me! Yiff me!" she said.

"What a tale of tails this is!" Kacey said at almost the same time.

My yiffing movements aided Kacey with her pulling and pushing. It was strangely more arrousing.

I could tell that we were all getting close, especially me. So I took my time in pleasuring the girls- well... Kacey was doing that herself -and soon we all climaxed at the same time.

"Oh yes! Yes! Yes! YES!" 'rawred' Sam.

"Ooh baby... ahh, I'm cumming!" barked Kacey, as she "came" for the first time tonight.

There wasn't much of a word or words to say what I said except "RAWR! SNARL! SNARL-MURR!"

So to say we had achieved something that night. We all just collapsed on the bed, very wet with sweat among other things, and very exhausted. We all even slept just like that... naked and in ectascy.

[Author's Note: Yet another fine chapter of Furry Dreams banged out... I loved getting so many suggestions, as few as there were.

I do have a suggestion for you fans: If you can or want to draw a picture, I would love to see what my fellow Furries think of what my characters look like. I care nothing of quality of you pictures, though other Furs might.

I will be continuing the story, and I will be adding "Interactive" to the keywords if I can. With more suggestions of where to take the story, I will give you, my fellow Furries, another treat!]

Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: Thanks to some ideas of my own, and ideas that have been suggested, I am able to continue this story. Thank you all for keeping this story alive.] "Ashura!" my father said...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had a vivid dream, and this story is the dream, and then some. However, this is also the end of the dream and the beginning of my imagination. Bare with me, that this is probably not...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I had a vivid dream, and this story is the dream, and then some. Bare with me, that this is probably not going to be my best story I have written.] After eating breakfast, and...

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