Episode Sixteen: Rain and Clouds

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#16 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Sixteen: Rain and Clouds

Raindrop was busy with her morning routine. She stood in a field of grass, surrounded by metal shrapnel, destroyed robots in a rainbow of colors, and naked as the day she was born. She pulled a still-twitching metal robot cock out of her pussy and threw it aside. Looking ahead of her she saw the rather round bird, an owl that she was constantly at ends with. She was naked as well, but looking quite exhausted.

"You done egghead?" Raindrop called. "Your army of robots is defeated, and I'm still up for another fuck."

The owl, Doctor Clanker shook her head violently. "I cannot believe this, all of my plans, my robots, my everything. You've defeated me once again, Raindrop. One day, One day I will defeat you, and then I will rule the world. Or at least a small portion of Red Acres County."

"In your dreams eggface."

Doctor Clanker turned around and walked her well shaped, fat ass away. With her rival once again defeated she could go back home and sleep. First though she was going to go get a chili dog. Hell she was hungry as could be and knew just the place. It took her a couple of minutes to find her pants and shirt but once dressed she used what was left of her magic to run faster than anyone could accurately see right to the Dog Spot.

Once there she slid to a skidding halt and stopped at the counter. Mack was there, his thick red fur and blond mane looking as beautiful as ever. His freckled cheeks weren't bad either. "Sup, Mack."


"I'll take a chilidog please. Extra spice for this slut."

Mack wasted no time in whipping up a mean chilidog, extra jalapenos and fries on the side. She took her meal and quickly found a place to sit on a chair nearby. She was about to dig in when someone sat next to her. It was a young man, young fox with an aviator's jacket, a white shirt underneath and a pair of black jeans. The red scarf around his neck made him look kind of cute, his blond fur and white chin completed this fox's appearance well.

"There you are Rain. Seriously, you ditched me back there in the fight against Roboslut."

Raindrop shrugged. "Not my problem. Your just too slow."

"I flew a fucking plane into her blimp."


"And you didn't even check on me."

Raindrop pouted. "Yes I did. Didn't you see me? I stood there for more than like... three milliseconds waiting to see if you were okay. I even touched you. You looked just fine. Cloud."

Cloud shook his head. "Raindrop, I would have appreciated it if you would have stayed long enough for me to know you knew I was okay. I was worried about you."

Raindrop reached out, put a hand on Cloud's shoulder and squeezed. "Hey there little buddy, your like, my best bud. I'm sorry. You want half my chilidog?"

Cloud let out a sigh. "No."

"I won't do it again, promise."

"I'm not hungry."

Raindrop's stomach felt rather grumbly now. She wasn't sure if she wanted to eat herself, but she had food and would happily eat it, she just wished she didn't feel like such a jerk while she did. Eating the food she looked at him. "So, what's the next plan?"

Cloud leaned back in his chair. "Well we beat up Roboslut this week, so I think we're good... unless you want to try and talk to big pouty and feathery again."

"Ugh, no, edgelord crow can fuck off."

"You sure about that? She's not that bad is she?"

Raindrop let out a sigh. "Maybe not... just... well thinking about her makes me think about how I got my magic and I really don't like it."

"At least you didn't get them from magical red shoes or whatever."

"My red shoes are awesome, fuck you."

Cloud snickered, that smile cheered Raindrop right up. She wasn't as bad of a friend as she thought... or well feared. Damn, she would have to start being a better friend. Otherwise, she might lose the ones she had. "Okay, Cloud. I'll talk to edgie mcbutt, if I do that, will you forgive me."

Cloud smiled. "I already forgave you, but sure."

Raindrop stood up and pumped a fist in the air. "oh yeah, and then while we're at it, we can go look for magical rings, or gems, or whatever it is we do... what the fuck is it we do?"

Cloud pulled out a small laptop. One of the strangest things he held on his person at like all times. "Looks like we... fight evil, save the day, eat chilidogs."

"Fuck yeah we do!"

Cloud put his computer away and stood up. "Should I join you?"

"Would you mind?" She asked him not just because she loved Cloud's company, but honestly, she was a bit intimidated by Nightshade. She was such an overbearing edgelord it hurt, more than that though... it was personal.

Cloud stood up and nodded. "I would love to."

Well they could sit there and waste more time or they could run off and adventure. Adventure seemed more fun anyway. They walked away from the Dogspot and made their way to Cloud's car. He had a nice looking van, the sides were painted up in an idyllic scene of pink skies and clouds, so it had to be awesome, the real awesome part though was that it could fly.

Cloud took the driver's seat and Raindrop the passenger seat. They took off down the road and it wasn't more than a few minutes before they were alone on the road. That was when Cloud pushed the big red button. Wings shot out of the sides of the van and before Raindrop knew it they were already lifting up into the air. This kid was a real wiz when it came to all things flying or mechanical. She wished she could be that smart.

They flew to the east. Far to the east. It really wasn't long before the lush blue fields of grass below began to die out and were replaced by hard yellowish orange cracked earth. Rocks and valleys. They were flying fast. Not as fast as Raindrop could run mind you, but still fast.

Eventually, they saw it. It was a tall mountain of red cracked rocks, old metal debris littered the area around it, and the ruins of some lab stood on top of it. Robots and robot pieces were lying scattered about it. Most so rusted and old that it was impossible to think this devastation happened only about ten years ago.

There was an old helpad on top of the mountain and Cloud aimed the flying van toward it. They landed with a jerk and a bump but otherwise stopped in the right place. Cloud opened the door grabbed a plastic container and stepped out, Raindrop joined him.

Just as the two of them left there was a sound. Faint, but Raindrop could hear it. Time seemed to slow down around her as she saw someone running at them. Dark blue feathers, silver and white striped hair flying behind her, and a black top and pants that were covered in chains and needless buckles. She was running toward Cloud at a speed only Raindrop could see.

Raindrop ran toward her and the two met. Fists lashed out, and where the crow woman threw one fist, Raindrop caught it, Raindrop threw one in return and the crow caught that. Time resumed normal pace and a loud boom sounded around them sending a wave of dust and dirt billowing out around them as their sonic speeds clashed together.

Raindrop frowned. "Don't touch my fox."

The crow hissed through her beak. "Don't touch my mountain."

Raindrop growled and then jumped back. The crow did the same. They stared each other down and Raindrop spoke, "Nightshade, this is not how you greet guests."

Nightshade the crow spat to the side. "Fuck you and the van you flew in on."

Raindrop folded her arms over her chest. "Oh that's rude. And here I came offering chilidogs."

Nightshade blinked. "Chilidogs... chili... dogs... you're serious aren't you?"

Raindrop smirked. "I never joke when it comes to the dog, dawg."

Nightshade jabbed a finger at her. "Present your chilidog and be gone with you."

"Only if you agree to talk to us first."

"Grrrr... you know my one weakness."

"Our weakness."

Cloud finally joined Raindrop's side. "You know they mentally brainwashed you two into loving Chilidogs so that you would be controllable. It was a reward mechanism they instilled so they could get you two to do what they wanted. Why on the Lapis Garden would you still want them?"

Nightshade looked away and closed her eyes. "It's... hard to resist the dog. It's always clawing at the back of my mind. Whispering to me. Promising me good delicious taste. Greasy flavor. Meaty buns. I... I can't always resist. I try to fight it, but I can't always resist the dog. You could never understand, you and your pure, happy world. You would never truly understand the chilidog."

Cloud blinked. "The... what the fuck?"

Raindrop reached out and squeezed Nightshade's shoulder. She saw those violet eyes glistening and wet. "It's okay. I get it. I really do. We need our chilidogs. It's our life blood. Your pain is my pain, mine is yours. I swear, we brought you chilidogs, just talk to me okay?"

Nightshade seemed to deflate a little, her chest plume seemed to sag and she let out an audible sigh. "Fine, come with me. I'll show you the old base."

Raindrop and Cloud followed her to an old metal ramp going down into the mountainside. Old doors were there, large and imposing, and frozen half open. Once big enough for a truck to get through now only just large enough for the three of them. Inside were more robots, junked, destroyed and torn apart. Lights were on though, and recently replaced too.

Nightshade explained. "Most of the base is destroyed, I can't repair it, I wouldn't want to. But what I need to live works."

Cloud whistled. "Good job on the lighting. Last time we were here, I remember seeing severed robot heads used as lightbulbs."

Nightshade nodded. "Yeah... yeah... I moved them to the basement."

Raindrop rolled her eyes. "That's weird you know. Like, Doctor Roboslut kind of weird."

They walked down these old corridors, Raindrop could still remember when she first woke up. There were a few of them. She and Nightshade of course were the fastest, the most skilled, and the most dangerous. The chilidogs had worked for training, but once the real test began, that was when they turned the tables on the old doctor and destroyed everything here. Leaving the doctor to flee and work on her revenge, one crummy plan at a time. Hell even Queen Lillian herself had praised them for their actions, but Raindrop could remember seeing the sad look in her eyes. She was torn apart to see what they had to survive when they were turned into weapons.

No one had ever looked so sad in Raindrop's life. She wished she could take that pain away from the queen, but the pain wasn't hers to give or take. The pain was all in Raindrop's background. The same as with Nightshade.

They walked into a little breakroom off to the side and there they saw the place that had become Nightshade's room. Nightshade had shoved a cot and a mattress in here. Dark blue feathers littered the floor. Her clothing was laying around in heaps around the place. Old microwavable chilidog wrappers were lying in a mountain in the corner and the place smelled like chilidogs.

Nightshade took a seat on the couch and looked at them. "You promised dogs."

Cloud let out a sigh, he opened up a container and set down a few chilidogs, microwaveable ones on the table. "Those were the best I could find on such short notice."

Nightshade glared at them. "dogs are still dogs. Your payment is received, now why did you come to my place of darkness?"

Raindrop took a seat across from Nightshade. "Come live with me."

Nightshade blinked. "Are you an idiot?"

"Yes, but that's not the point."

Nightshade hissed. "I am fine here by myself."

Cloud took a seat next to Raindrop. "Nightshade, how often do you get laid?"

Nightshade looked down at the table... once a month? Sometimes twice if you come over."

Raindrop leaned back in the couch. "Is that why you charged my boy here? You planning to jump his bones?"

Cloud shrugged. "She does that,every, single, time."

Nightshade stuck her beak up. "Fuck you."

Cloud replied. "that's what you wanted to do."

Raindrop knew the problems. "Nightshade, you know that lust buildup is a thing. As awesome as we are all the kids of Project Speed, we are still vulnerable to the condition. We have uh.. what's the word?"

Cloud took over from here. "We have evolved to live with others. We need to have sexual intercourse on a regular basis the moment we have our first heat, or else we can get sick, and in the worst cases, die. Going a month without sex can be very dangerous, and the game your playing by staying here is very unsafe. Me and some of the others have a little place you can stay at if you don't want to live with Raindrop here."

Raindrop smiled. "You don't even have to live in the same building. Just live near us. Please. You're the only one who's so isolated."

Nightshade looked away. "You know I can't do that."

"Why, because you're afraid of getting close to us?"

"No because I'm afraid of getting close... to you... yes."

That left Raindrop and Cloud silent for a moment. Yet Raindrop wasn't going to give up, not now, not ever. "There's no telling what the long term effects of the changes we went through are. We went into heat way too fucking early, we were turned into weapons, we love chilidogs, and we all have special abilities, magic that is almost entirely unheard of. It's like we're a bunch of fucking freaks and we need to stick together or else something bad could happen again."

Nightshade's eyes took on a gloomy, painful look. "But... but what if... one of you..."

Raindrop offered as gentle a smile as she could. "We're all going to die one day, god I hope we all die one day. I'm not sure if we actually will, but I hope we're not like immortal or something. The point is though, that we can die. It's possible, we all felt the loss, there's no way to unfeel that loss. You were affected the most because that was your biological sister, but we are all family by our experience alone if nothing else."

Cloud looked down. "Please, Nightshade. Come back with us."

Nightshade looked down at the chilidogs. "Will there be more of these?"

Raindrop felt hope, it was small but it was there. "Are you kidding, there's these and even better chilidogs waiting for you. Just come home with us and you'll get all the dogs you want."

Nightshade let out a sigh. "I'll join this pact, but there better be more dogs in the future."

"There will be."

Nightshade grabbed at the hem of her shirt and began lifting it up. "Okay, then we will sign this pack with our bodies. Or else there is no meaning to our words."

Raindrop blinked. Oh, oh she wanted to fuck on it. Well... ah hell she could go for a good fucking anyway, and Cloud looked ready too. "Sounds' like a plan man."

"I am a woman, so are you. Only Cloud is a man here and that is debatable."

Cloud grunted as he stood up and began stripping. It was pretty quickly revealed that yes, yes he was a man, and his rather friendly-looking member was hard, erect, and looking for someone to be friendly with. Raindrop joined in stripping as well. Only once all three of them were naked did the real fun get to start.

Nightshade practically jumped over the table and tackled Cloud into the couch. Her hips straddled his and her soaking wet pussy rubbing his cock. Raindrop rolled her eyes. "needy bitch ain'tcha?"

"Yes." Nightshade replied. "I am a filthy whore who needs dicked hard. Please dick me."

Cloud reached out, his hands grouping Nightshade's large dark feathery rear. Nightshade groaned under his touch. Raindrop leaned forward and pressed her lips to that beak, and found Nightshade kissing her in return. Tongues reached out, met, and danced. Nightshade had a wonderful taste, almost minty. Once she'd finished kissing Nightshade, raindrop moved to kiss Cloud. They shared a quick but heated kiss before Raindrop pulled away and let Cloud and Nightshade make out with each other in earnest now.

It was time to play with something a little new.

Raindrop got off the couch and knelt behind Nightshade, grabbing that ass and spreading it open wide to see the soaking wet pussy lips and dark-ringed pucker that were staring at her. Raindrop moved in, sticking her tongue out and massaging Nightshade's anus with her tongue. Feeling the folds of her flesh and digging in deep. Nightshade moaned as Raindrop worked her magic.

Next Raindrop slid her tongue down, only briefly touching, tasting, and teasing Nightshade's pussy before going right to Cloud's hard dick. She slid the entire length into her mouth and down her throat tasting his precum and feeling his heat deep in her mouth.

Cloud groaned. "F-fuck, that's good."

Raindrop pulled her mouth away and giggled. "It better be good, I'm the best at like, everything."

Nightshade groaned. "Please, dick me. I'm so horny. I need this."

Raindrop grabbed Cloud's cock in her hand, then pointed it at Nightshade's entrance. "Well you asked for it."

She then shoved Nightshade's large ass down onto it and watched as the hungry hole swallowed the cock whole. Nightshade groaned loudly as Cloud entered deep into her soft warm nethers. Raindrop kind of wished she was a boy, she wondered if it felt as good as it looked when Cloud entered inside of people. Well she could still enjoy herself.

Nightshade began moving her hips against Cloud's dick, their gyrating motions making a wet schlicking sound and their musk filling the air with an overpowering scent of lust. Nightshade's tail feathers were sticking straight up revealing the entire show to Raindrop as well.

Though Raindrop wasn't done, she wanted to have some fun too. So she reached into Cloud's jacket pocket. She found a double-sided vibroblade. The smooth plastic was shaped like U, and would vibrate when the button was pressed down. The batteries still worked so she slid one half of the tool inside of her own hot and begging pussy, then stood up.

Pressing herself behind Nightshade she pressed the other half of the vibroblade's smooth soft plastic against Nightshade's asshole and then pushed forward. The toy slid into that ass with some ease and Nightshade's eyes widened, a small chirp escaped her throat as the toy slid in all the way to the middle where it met with Raindrop's pussy.

Nightshade closed her eyes. "Caw!"

Raindrop began to move her hips. Sliding the tool in and out of Nightshade's ass as Cloud fucked the crow's pussy. They worked together, in a well-practiced and perfect rhythm to fuck this bird. Raindrop taking care of the ass, Cloud massaging the inside of that pussy.

Nightshade's fingers dug into Cloud's shoulders. Her beak in a deep steady kiss with Cloud. They kept fucking her, minutes went by, their motions growing harder and rougher by the second.

It wasn't long before Nightshade stuck her head up and let out a loud powerful caw! Her ass and pussy squeezed down tight as she came. Hot viscous fluids splashed out against Cloud's lap and drizzled onto the couch beneath them.

Cloud groaned next. His hands clung tightly to Nightshade's hips as his own lust spurted hot and thick into Nightshade's pussy. Feeding her womb and filling her up with his creamy sauce. This only left Riandrop.

Raidnrop moved her hips hard and fast into that ass. Her own body was on the verge of cracking. She grabbed Nightshade's shoulders and squeezed them tight. One, two, and three last powerful thrusts she shoved the tool as deep as she could into Nightshade's backpassage and held her hips tight against that fat ass as she finally came.

A hot wave of orgasmic heat washed over Raindrop's body as she came at last. Hot fluids gushed from her hole and down against the dark blue feathers on Nightshade's ass.

She leaned forward and kissed Nightshade on the cheek. "There, ah, we, ha, did, it."

Nightshade grunted. "You fucked my ass hard."

"I know."

Nightshade closed her eyes and nuzzled into Cloud's neck. "The promise is made, the bond cannot be broken. I shall live with you... for now."

"Good," Raindrop laughed. "now let's all have chilidogs to celebrate."

The end

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