Tik Tik's Death Coach 8

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#103 of Anteronian Adventures

Tik Tik's wild ride continues, but who is really driving this coach? Her headless coachman, or the only thing here with a head...?

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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So many things happened all at once. First, Tik Tik received an otherworldly facial from the burly coachman. Second, the driver, apparently overcome with the overwhelming experience of getting head, loosens his grip on the reins. Thirdly, as if by some means waiting for such an opportunity to occur, the lead horse swerves and bucks.

Oh, so many things are happening in quick succession, all leading to some determined fate--if that is not an adequate allegory for the experience of life, then what is?

However, all Tik Tik cares about now is how far her kobold body flies off the conjured seat and into the dismal night air. A wizard may be a nearly impossible threat to deal with. The one thing they never enjoy is a surprise.

For a few moments, her body flies with no control, naked sensations of rising and falling cling to her body, the force of gravity clawing at her and sending her plummeting to her fate. But while everyone falls, how hard is yet to be determined until the moment of impact.

Whether he flew off himself or was launched, none can say, but What Tik Tik does know is that the strong arms of the driver wrap around her, his heavier, bulkier frame rolling her out of the way of most harm as he crashes against the sturdy trunk of a tree, falling to a heap upon the ground.

Tik Tik lays buried under his rugged body, the shock like a cold slap that tingles before she snaps back to awareness. She skitters from under him, shaking his shoulder and calling out to her partner.

A shadow looms over her, and she spins around, only to see the head horse staring down at her with bright yellow eyes.

"You mess up ride twice now," she snaps. "You're a bad horse!"

The horse snorts but offers up no response otherwise.

A slight shift turns her attention to the downed driver. He pushes himself up. Despite the terrible throw he went through, the only evidence of the collision is the marks of mud upon his trousers and boots.

"Are you okie dokie?" Tik Tik asks, clinging to the driver's leg.

He pats her on the head but pushes her away, marching up to the carriage.

A passenger door bursts open, and out from it stomps the skeleton. It clacks and rattles, poking the driver in the pecs. The driver remains silent to this berating and stands still as the skeleton stomps forward, passing Tik Tik and unhooking the horse in the front. He then climbs up on the driver's seat and, from there, tosses the discarded clothing of the rider and his shotgun passenger.

Tik Tik walks up to the door, but the black pig pokes her head out, snorting at Tik Tik and saying. "Sorry, Miss, but we're late, so your friends will accompany us to the old wizard's place while you troublemakers stay here. We'll come back for you later."

"You can't just leave Tik Tik out here without friends!" The kobold snaps, green energy forming in her hands.

The driver places his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it.

"Sorry, sweetie, but no one can stop this coach from reaching its destination, not even a powerful wizard."

Eshere pokes her head out from behind the pig lady. "Don't worry about us, Tik Tik. Everything is fine. I'll have a report written for you when we next cross paths."

The skeleton cracks the whip, sending the headless horses riding off into the darkness of the predawn hours, the door slamming shut behind him.

Tik Tik huffs and sits on a fallen log, hands on her cheeks, staring down. "Aw, poo. Tik Tik feel she in some parable. At least know where meet friends if ever split up."

The driver grabs the rein of the head horse, leading it over to a tree, where he promptly ties the thing tight.

"You okay with that horse?" Tik Tik asks, hands on the log. "It seem tricky.

The horseman pats the stallion and spins around to Tik Tik, shrugging.

"It could knock you off if you try ride it. You okay with that?"

The rider gives her a thumbs up.

Soon, the two of them are sitting on the log, the kobold drawing circles in the ground with her toe. "All Tik Tik has is her clothes. All things left in the coach. They will come back, yes?"

Thumbs up.

"Okay, well, if not, Tik Tik will use all magic make them pay. You know, Tik Tik mad at them, but mad at horse. Not mad at you. You good. Very good."

The rider shrugs.

She blows a raspberry, rubs her nose, and looks around at the silent darkness of the woods around them. "This place so strange. Not real, no. That wrong. Remind me of Lily Nymph domain, but shivers." She wraps her arms around her shoulders. "So, the old man... he is one that you will take to afterlife, yes? Or the skeleton will, yes?"

Thumbs up.

"That's what Tik Tik feared. Old man go to die and leave with all his knowledge he didn't write down. Tik Tik no want that. Tik Tik want write everything. Let people know when time to go." She glances at him. "Time yet for Tik Tik?

Thumbs down.

She smirks. "Wait long for others?"

Thumbs up.

"Wanna fuck?"

Thumbs up.

Tik Tik's Death Coach 9

Left alone on the quiet and lonely roadside, the kobold wizard can make her own way in the world while death rolls along its merry way, taking what it deems appropriate. So, there she is, with only the headless coachman, his last remaining horse tied...

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 7

Tik Tik has had many cocks in her time researching. It's all part of the fun of her study of the eroarcane. Each phallus provides her with different challenges and logistics, from the massive members of the giant folk to those her size. But there is...

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Niv and Tik Tik 2

For added measure, the bindings swirl and slide over him, leaving intricate patterns of binding around Niv, keeping him from moving as it wraps around his neck and down along his chest, connecting every part of him until he is an intricately woven...

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