Tik Tik's Death Coach 7

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#102 of Anteronian Adventures

Tik Tik thinks about her work as she gets some headless horseman cock.

This is a Halloween special inspired Thomas Crofton Croker's poem The Death Coach as well as a few other Samhain spirits.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Tik Tik has had many cocks in her time researching. It's all part of the fun of her study of the eroarcane. Each phallus provides her with different challenges and logistics, from the massive members of the giant folk to those her size. But there is one issue she has always enjoyed tackling--the issue of oral sex.

Many species were blessed with mouths catering to specific functions, from the simplest mastication to the formation of utterances and communication that few could even dream of. Of course, the trick in Tik Tik is the long snout and near reptilian teeth and maw that all kobolds possess. For such a mouth, some adjustments need to be made. One thing that is a constant, no matter the cock, is the amount of trust the recipient needs to allow her even to attempt such a thing.

And when the road becomes bumpy, that is even more the case.

Tik Tik could swear that just as she looked at the horse at the lead of the coach, the once smooth riding became a much more tumultuous affair. It's hard to ask the strapping man whose member she now held if something odd was going on with the ride simply because of the lack of a head upon his shoulders. Wherever this crazy journey leads her, she takes it in stride and focuses on the here and now.

And here, of course, is the big and meaty member of the spiritual driver, whose trust would implicitly fall upon her not to scratch or chomp on his cock, despite the rough riding and the sharp, predator teeth that all kobolds of her kind have.

So she opens her maw wide than those whose lips could quickly seal around such members could do and rolls her tongue out like a welcoming carpet for the blood-filled organ. Of course, this tongue is moist and bumped with so many taste buds, providing the cock a supple and textured walkway as she slides her head down over the shaft.

Her tongue cradles the cock, sides wrapping around it and nestling it in a straight shot with her muzzle. Her favorite technique at this point is to slide the thing upward, letting that large head press against the roof of her mouth.

The penis squishes against that ridged top, and once pressed, Tik Tik bobs her head down along the shaft. She makes up for what she lacks in the pure suction power of many humanoid lips in the practiced skill and dedication for her partner's pleasure.

The back of her tongue pushes the cock upwards as her bobbing slides the head towards the back of her mouth. The pressure from both sides massages and squeezes the thing, keeping it in a warm and moist environment. While she cannot suction or adjust the thing from all sides simultaneously, she lets her hand make up for it, wrapping around the base and stroking.

The driver's muscles tense up, his approval apparent when he presses his hand to the back of her head. He pushes her downward, forcing his cock further down her throat.

Tik Tik can handle it, most certainly. Sliding further and further down until her nose touches the musky bush of the dashing stranger.

The kobold laments the lack of muskiness to the driver. The strange absence of taste upon his meat, but the texture she feels as she licks and bobs over the cock is enough to make up for such natural sensations. There's an almost grittiness to his unearthly flesh, not in an unpleasant way, but in a different, unique, fantastic way. While there is no taste, that texture sends little vibrations of delight through her tongue and mouth, and she wonders just how much she can get out of him if he were to take her and pound away.

But such a thing would be impossible given the circumstances, would it not?

He thrusts his hips forward, the cock head punching at her uvula and sinking into her throat. The kobold's eyes roll back, and tears well up, but they are tears of delight, and what pain she feels with each thrust forward into her face is pain that hurts good. Such is the way of the eroarcanist, to find the good in the bad and the great in the good. The tramping of hooves and the rolling of bony wheels are now accompanied by the suction and the gulping sounds rising from the kobold's throat, which bulges with each shove down into her, deeper and deeper.

Of course, it was only quickly that each thrust would hit the back of her throat, making her gag and cough. She has to scurry up and even conjure up a magical disk to rest her knees before getting perfectly horizontal to the rider.

Rolling onto her back and laying on the floating platform, the kobold can let him dive deeper and deeper with every thrust, her hands on her tummy, her throat a cock sleeve for this magnificent, vivacious man. However, he is the coachman of this ghastly carriage.

And nothing can ever end this fantastic ride for her, except for the natural course of things, and soon, very soon, she figures, from the twitching of his cock and the erratic jerking of his hips, he would finish very, very soon.

And she's correct, as with one final thrust, he places his hand upon her chest, sinking his cock deep down into her, and releasing, spurt after spurt, deep into her gullet. When he pulls out of her, his ectoplasmic semen drips down off the side of her mouth and over her nose, oozing out and falling onto the footrest of the carriage.

Of course, it's never a good idea to distract a driver. This is something TIk Tik hadn't thought of until he came right at that sharp turn, and that disobedient head horse seemed unable to take the road, despite the rugged terrain in front of them.

But for a split second, Tik TIk is fulfilled.

Tik Tik's Death Coach 8

So many things happened all at once. First, Tik Tik received an otherworldly facial from the burly coachman. Second, the driver, apparently overcome with the overwhelming experience of getting head, loosens his grip on the reins. Thirdly, as if by some...

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Niv and Tik Tik 2

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 6

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