Niv and Tik Tik 2

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#161 of Tik Tik's Tower

Niv finds himself tied up and on the road to one of Tik Tik's adventures.

This is a collaboration between myself and naivintage / naivintage

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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For added measure, the bindings swirl and slide over him, leaving intricate patterns of binding around Niv, keeping him from moving as it wraps around his neck and down along his chest, connecting every part of him until he is an intricately woven present, tied complete with a bow over his face.

And after that magnificent transformation, the rest of the bar is left spotless.

Tik Tik leans toward Niv, whispering to the bound kobold in the yipping kobold speech, but he only whimpers and looks baffled toward her.

Sighing, she shrugs. "No know speak language? Oh well, guess talk in trade speak. You come with Tik Tik, yes? Tik Tik need help for job."

Tik Tik summons ghostly copies of her hands, which grasp the tailing rope tied to Niv, tugging him. Though he cannot stand alone, he leaps up to his feet, floating just a few inches off the air, following the wizard with a confident swagger in her step. "No worry, everyone!" she calls out when they head out the door. "Have drinks, ask no questions. Answer none. Saw nothing here, okie dokie?"

She punctuates this ultimatum with a coin of platinum, tossed and landed upon the bar.

Niv thrashes and shakes, trying to escape the strange substance. Alas, his conspicuous situation continues as they escape from the establishment and into the familiar streets.

Tik Tik turns down an alleyway, where a wagon with no animal parks. Tik Tik's spectral hand hoists Niv, plopping him on the shotgun seat. Tik Tik follows him, drawing a circle at her feet, stepping upon the light disc, and rising to the driver's side.

Niv shifts and shakes, a claw working upon one of the bonds of the rope, but despite its shape, it is still that sticky slime that holds him down, and his claw only goops into it. He keeps it up, digging through the substance, shaking and shifting.

"Eshere!" Tik Tik calls out, which brings Niv's attention back to the wizard beside him, gulping. What horrors has she planned now?

Well, his question doesn't linger too long, as from the back of the wagon slurps a translucent slime with a heart-shaped core in the middle. He screams as best as he can as it sloughs over the front of the seat and plops onto the pavement.

"Oh, don't be baby," Tik Tik says. "It just Tik Tik's assistant. Sit still, and Tik Tik take that off mouth once we out of town, okie dokie?"

The assistant rises from the ground, forming a more solid, defined shape. Although it is still a slime, it resembles a horse sticking to the wagon, complete with bridle and reigns.

"Out to the forest, yep, yep, yep!" Tik Tik says, leaning back, bringing her hood over her eyes, and kicking her feet on the reigns.

The horse whinnies and clops along the pavement, leaving Niv to watch as passersby stopped and stared at the procession, shifting around as he tried vainly to free himself.

As they near the edge of the village, Niv rocks back and forth, trying to be as quiet as he can, but the old wood of the wagon creaks with each sway. Nevertheless, he keeps it up, the stickiness of the ropes not strong enough to hold him down entirely. It grips desperately to his seat, but he can soon free himself, rolling off the side.

Without missing a step, the horse develops a pseudopod arm from its side, catching Niv, picking him back up, placing him on the seat, patting him down, and sticking him back to the seat.

Tik Tik shifts and yawns, sitting up and shaking her head. "Oh, seems friend no happy. We out enough now." She says this, reaching up and grasping the bow over his face. She tugs at it, and it sticks to his face. She frowns, tugging, but it doesn't come off.

"Hm... weird. Hold on!" she climbs up on Niv, sitting on his lap, digging her feet into the seat as she straddles him and grasping the binding with both hands. She pulls harder, grunting and pressing her hips against his lap, practically grinding against the poor kobold.

Niv whimpers, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. His snout elongates just a bit as matter particles cling desperately to him. Scales stick or break free one at a time until finally, his whole bill snaps back, flatter than usual, but then pops back into place.

Tik Tik holds the glob of goo in her hand, and with a quick blow into her hand and a closing of her fist, it disappears once she opens her palm again. Ta-daa!"

"Help! Help! I'm being kidnapped by a crazy lady and- mmmph!"

Niv is silenced when kobold's mouth meets kobold's mouth, leaving him freezing as the feeling of a lady's tongue caresses him. When Tik Tik finally pulls back, she licks her lips and pats him on the cheek. "Now, now, off on wrong foot, ye? Let start over. I'm Tik Tik, and you thief."

Niv opens his mouth, letting out a gasp of protest, only to shut up after that, glancing away. "You look like you wouldn't miss it."

"Maybe," Tik Tik says, slipping back to her seat and leaning back. "But you desperate try steal from wizard, and good enough to do it, and quite cute, too."

Niv bites his lip, looking downward. "What do you want with me?"

"Well, first," Tik Tik says, giggling and rolling over to face him. "Tik Tik want know your name."

He sniffs, blinks, and then nods. "Uh... it's Niv."

"Hello Niv. I'm Tik Tik!"

Niv and Tik Tik 3

The moments after their initial formal introduction, Tik Tik and Niv sit relatively quietly. Only the clopping of protoplasmic pseudo hooves, the creaking of the wagon, and the ambiance of nature filled in the awkward silence produced by the pair of...

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 6

Tik Tik is always a kobold to try different things, taking herself to new avenues of delight, particularly in giving her partners pleasure when her partners are such exciting and unique individuals. Give the coachman, for example. He is professional,...

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 5

The headless horses pull the skeletal coach down the deathly lane, off towards some inscrutable destination. None living knows precisely the destination of the Death's Coach, its goal unknown, its stops equally as mysterious. The only sure thing is its...

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