Willa's Adventure 8

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#8 of Willa and Sinsi

After an explosive climax, Willa realizes what her life will now be like. What does this mean for the sheepie, for Mistress Sinsi's "Little Willa"?And more importantly, what does Willa mean to to kind, yet lonely, Sinsi Renard?

This is a collaboration between myself and Luna-C. If you like our work, please follow and support us!

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Despite just reaching climax right here in the open, her knees weak and wobbling, her face burning red, Willa realizes that Sinsi is nonplussed, continuing to wash her as if nothing had happened

Who is this fox? How can she do these things to this sheep, and why, oh why is Willa craving MORE!?

When Sinsi begins rinsing Willa off, the sheepie's wool is equal parts fluff and suds.

Willa whimpers as the suds wash away from her. That delicate time when they were so close and intimate, disappearing onto the lawn and the expensive cloak.

Perhaps it feels over too soon, but the rinsing finishes and Sinsi directs Willa to stand up while she shakes water off her cloak, eventually leading the lamb back inside; there is no urgency in her movement, neither in exiting nor entering the mansion, with her even pausing to toss the cloak down what is likely a laundry chute close to the front door, where she also procures a towel.

Kneel again," she instructs, now using the towel to dry Willa off.

In the doorway

With the door open.

And the sheepie's heinie facing the road Willa met earlier, with only her ears to warn her of oncoming traffic.

Willa's ears flick back as she grumbles. She holds her arms up and sits down before her mistress, watching into the room beyond, watching that home, her new home, from a different-her Mistress'-perspective!

So much closer to the floor, Willa gets a better idea of life in Sinsi's paw prints; as large as the manor seems to the sheepie before, it is much more massive from down here, with the grand staircases towering above them both, and hallways that can probably fit sixteen or so of the fennec in a square if one stacked floor to ceiling and wall-to-wall.

It is a bit lonely, honestly. Parents had passed, and siblings had left, leaving none but the youngest fox to walk these empty halls.

The drying takes less time than the washing. Though fluffy and soft, the towel is remarkably absorbent than any other Willa had tried. Is this the best that money can buy?

Once the lamb stands again, Sinsi takes a few more moments to wipe up the remaining moisture tracked in before leading her back to the kitchen, Willa's myriad items still resting on the countertop while her clothes lay abandoned on the floor. The fennec takes two cups from a cupboard before sifting through available items.

The controlled temperature against her toweled-off body leaves her wanting to move her arms to cover herself. Even if the fox hadn't instructed her to do so, she keeps her hands away from herself, close to her head, like the good sheepie she was ordered to be, her gaze sometimes going from her mistress to the clothing laying unaddressed and undressed. "So, should I s'pose that snack time's gonna be a surprise too, Mistress?"

"Perhaps not," Sinsi replies, pulling out several varied ingredients; Willa might recognize wheatgrass and beets among what she can only guess to be creams and powders. "I feel something dinner-adjacent would be appropriate before bed, and protein smoothies are easy enough to make... as long as I don't put together anything either of us might disagree with." There was an odd compassion to her voice, as the fennec never ceased her efforts to be a good host and was considerate of potential dietary differences... yet this was somehow more difficult than any of the things they'd already done together?

"S... somethin' the matter, miss Sinsi?" Willa asks, bending her knees slightly, and getting down closer to her. "I don't mind whatever you wanna give me. You've been so good to me. I'm sure I'll like it." She offers the fox a soft smile. "You're the very best mistress I've ever had, after all!"

"Based on your words, I'm also the very first mistress you've ever had," the fox teased, adding a handful of raspberries to an open blender, which soon housed the beets, wheatgrass, and other ingredients. "It might sound strange, but I'd prefer not to be the last, so your safety is as important to me as your happiness is." Any immediate objections to this were drowned out by the sound of the blender running, leaving Willa to dwell on that last sentence until the whirring stopped and Sinsi poured the contents into the two cups.

Willa waits a moment before she tentatively removes her hands from her head, slowly clasping her hands around the cup. "Uh, t-thank you," she says, bringing it up to her mouth, pursing her lips before she can drink. "For everything. You're so nice and caring and all that. I'll do my best to be the best pet you had. Better than any others you've had, that's for sure!"

Sinsi smiles but takes a sip before responding. "...actually, you'd be...n-no, never mind." The slightest twitch of her left ear before she becomes demure, disciplined, and drinking again as if that little slip never happened.

Willa sips her own drink, one hand on her hips as she does. "Well, this ain't bad at all, Mistress," she says. "And, well, walking around all naked like is neither." She says this, rubbing her nose, blushing. "So... what's next, best Mistress ever?"

"Next?" replied a lightly blushing-but better able to hide it-Sinsi as she set her cup down. "Sleeping arrangements." With their snack finished, the fox again leads her sheep into the hallway. Instead of heading back up the staircase, Sinsi takes Willa to the first door on the right, a bedroom still looking as lovely as the one upstairs but clearly lived in.

"You'll be sleeping here with me," the fennec explains, hopping up on the bed that, thanks to her small size, can comfortably fit Mistress and Pet together easily.

Willa approaches the bed and tentatively sits beside her mistress on the edge, her legs stretched out a bit due to how low it is. However, the actual surface area is no different than any other bed, save for being comfortable for the two. She runs her fingers along the sheets and sighs, smiling. "It's lovely, Mistress, and it's funny. It's like... like we're just two normal people now. All the strangeness, fun as it is, just seems unreal, but a bed... it's regular, you know?"

She frowns. "Unless this is some kinda sexy bed?" She says, double-checking the bed for any secrets or nuances.

Sinsi titters slightly at Willa's suspicions. "If that were the case, I'd risk getting stuck here every time I woke up," she replies quickly. "No, the only sexy part of this bed is who shares it, and even then, not always. After all, you wouldn't expect unreal strangeness during every waking moment, would you?"

"Everything today has been unreal strangeness, Mistress, and that's exactly what I've been looking for. Adventure! In my own backyard!" she giggles and then flops onto the bed. "But, I guess... I am a bit tired..."

"Don't worry, Willa," Sinsi promises, snuggling closer to the nude lamb. "Tomorrow, we'll do a few more things that you might also find unreal, strange, and fun..."

Watching Willa drift off to sleep filled the fennec with an odd sense of...satisfaction? Contentedness? A job well done was one thing, but this...this didn't feel like that; Sinsi felt a warmth that this old manor had lacked for...a little over a decade, really.

It felt like a home, which it hadn't since before her parents passed away...

...and the business-savvy little fox hadn't yet decided if this was good or bad.

Willa's Adventure

"Okay, then. I got myself a toothbrush, extra shearers in case I need them, hoof trimmers, extra conditioner, snacks, and a whole stack of cash. That should do it!" Willa Ryley happily bleats as she stuffs the final few items into her overstuffed...

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Willa's Adventure 7

The fox's finger stops to tap Willa's upper lips, their eyes meeting. "For as long as you wish", the fennec vows, "I'm willing to show this world to you and, as you desire it, you to this world." More than her actions, the fennec's...

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Willa's Adventure 6

The fox lets Willa believe her toe's casual stroking of the sheep's sex is merely a mistake. Admittedly, the only control this woman-who is half Willa's height and probably weighed a bale or two of hay at best-has over the sheep is spoken word. But...

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