Willa's Adventure 7

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#7 of Willa and Sinsi

Willa's mistress reveals her name and gives Willa the ultimate test--an outdoor bath right by the road!

This is a collaboration between myself and Luna-C. If you like our work, please follow and support us!

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The fox's finger stops to tap Willa's upper lips, their eyes meeting.

"For as long as you wish", the fennec vows, "I'm willing to show this world to you and, as you desire it, you to this world."

More than her actions, the fennec's words stir the lamb to a pleased, needful gasp. "Oooh, M... Mistress!" she gasps, "Yes, I... I want to see it all, whatever it all is!" Please show me!'' She feels ready to burst but dares not try to leave her position, keeping herself bound to her Mistress's command because that limitation and control is what is most exciting!

"With pleasure, little Willa," the fox agrees, "and we'll start with the first thing you require-a stable location. You shall live here with me so you'll always have a place to call home... without returning home. I'll show you the world nearby and far beyond here until you say, 'Enough playtime, Sinsi.' Until then, as long as you trust and obey me, I'll keep you safe."

"Sinsi," the sheep whispers, the words slipping between her teeth in a slow hiss. It is like a threatening snake at once, but to her, it is the escaping pressure leaving her soul.

"W... wuh wait? I can live here with you?" Willa gasps, sniffling. "In a mansion, whisked away by a charming Mistress? All this... all this on my first night out from home! I... I don't know what to say. I wanna hug you right now!"

Before any possible objection could be voiced, the sheepie does just that...though she withdraws as she feels her Mistress stiffen in her enthusiastic embrace. "S-sorry," Willa apologizes, immediately worried she ruined this opportunity.

"...you were excited", Mistress Sinsi replies calmly, though her tail is decidedly floofed. "I suppose I would be, too, if I were in your position. Come with me."

The fox carefully helps the lamb to her hooves, leading her down the rest of the stairs until the two approach their destination.

The front door? It has glass windows in gem-cut squares on either side of the great double doors. Sinsi peers through one, confirming how dark it is (barely illuminated by one street lamp, the light of which doesn't even touch the doorstep) before looking up at Willa. "Do you trust me?" she asks calmly, though her eyes shine with mischief and a hint of nervousness.

Willa blinks through the haze of delight, shuddering when her brain finally recognizes the portal. "O... of course I do..." she says, squeezing the paw of her mistress. "But what are we doing?"

At Willa's question, the fennec opens the door before guiding Willa out to the slightly familiar lawn. For the first time, Willa recognizes where she is!

"W... we're right down the road," the sheep gasps. "From the family farm!"

"You still needed to wash up", Sinsi explains, ignoring the outburst, "but since we're now determining your limits, I figured the hose out front would do just fine. Over here."

Following the lead of her Mistress, Willa cannot set one hoof in what limited illumination exists as they approach the expanding hose on the side of the building. The sheep taps her hooves against the ground in a nervous gait. Soon, her ears flop, and her nose twitches, clinging tighter to the fox. "M... Mistress? Yer gonna hose me?"

"No," the fennec replies. "I'm going to wash you; hosing you down would be inefficient, don't you think?"

She picks up the nozzle and twists open the spigot; the hose slowly expands, filling with water and providing ample reach for the fox. Turning the adjustable head, Sinsi aims the hose at her paw to show Willa the low-pressure setting.

Willa tensed up, ready for the cold, but she said she trusted the fennec, so she didn't move.

Sinsi removes her cloak, revealing a silken nightie beneath, partially translucent, and laid the pricy garment on the grass. "Kneel on this," she instructs, "and lace your fingers behind your head so we can begin."

Willa stares out toward the road. It is a road that could have taken her down a different path in life if she had only decided to travel in another direction earlier that day. That life would be more regular and acceptable to the people she loves.

But would it be so thrilling?

"What if my parents see?" she squeaks. "Random strangers are one thing, Mistress, but this is right next door!"

"Which way do you expect them to come from?" Sinsi asks, mostly calm but with hints of alertness and amusement. "We can both listen out for any cars on the road. If you think you hear your parents coming, lean back, and they shouldn't see you."

The water isn't hot, but it isn't cold, either. It leans more towards cool than warm but is helped by the fennec's warm paws, which again touch Willa all over through her wool. It is a slow process, with Sinsi assisting with the water soaking every inch of her sheepie.

Willa keeps her ears perked up, but her thoughts soon turn away from any sense of worry. The mixture of temperature and kneading motion turned the sheep into putty in Sinsi's hands, sitting there, posed for the world, but only there for her Mistress. It is amazing!

That kneading briefly strengthens as Sinsi sets down the nozzle, lathers up her paws, and scrubs Willa down. The fox does not miss a single spot, touching her lamb where perhaps she only touched herself before. This is definitely more power and control than just sexiness for the sake of it. A Mistress washing her pet in front of her manor, being gentle yet thorough while, perhaps unintentionally, arousing less innocent feelings from Willa than a bath might generally provide.

Willa's fingers curl into her head wool, and the sheep bites her lips. The crisp air and the water contrast upon her skin, stiffening her nipples and even tingling herself down below. A fluttering of earthly delight rises from within her core, sending her through waves of bliss that shock her when she bleats out, her voice echoing through the darkness of the night.

Willa's Adventure 8

Despite just reaching climax right here in the open, her knees weak and wobbling, her face burning red, Willa realizes that Sinsi is nonplussed, continuing to wash her as if nothing had happened Who is this fox? How can she do these things to...

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Willa's Adventure 6

The fox lets Willa believe her toe's casual stroking of the sheep's sex is merely a mistake. Admittedly, the only control this woman-who is half Willa's height and probably weighed a bale or two of hay at best-has over the sheep is spoken word. But...

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Willa's Adventure 5

Willa's foxy mistress sits on the bed, looking the sheep in the eyes. "I'll be listening to you, of course," she assures the lamb, "but being on the floor or bed might be your difference between keeping control... and surrendering it." ...

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