Willa's Adventure

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#9 of Willa and Sinsi

Willa Ryley is a sheep out on a quest--leave the comfort of her home to experience adulthood like she couldn't when she first turned 18. Now 20, this sheltered sheep braves the forest by her house in search of some new experiences, and the owner of the forest, a mysterious fennec fox, is more than eager to show her what fun entails in adulthood.

This is the first story in the saga of Willa Ryley and Sinsi Renard. Presented by myself and Luna-C. If you like our work, please follow and support us!

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"Okay, then. I got myself a toothbrush, extra shearers in case I need them, hoof trimmers, extra conditioner, snacks, and a whole stack of cash. That should do it!" Willa Ryley happily bleats as she stuffs the final few items into her overstuffed traveling bag. She hefts the thing over her shoulder, feeling the straps weighing down on her wool-coated shoulders. "Ah, that's mighty comfortable if I say so myself," she giggles.

A knock on the door sends her throwing the book bag off and tossing it into her closet, hopping onto her bed, grabbing a stuffed wolf, and wrapping it closely to her fluffy chest.

"C-come in!" she bleats.

The door cracks open and in pokes the head of a ram, broad-shouldered and dressed in his overalls. He keeps his head down as he peers to the floorboards. "Pa wanted to know if you wanted the last slice of yer birthday cake."

"Nah, Ricky, he can have it! Pa's been workin' so hard lately. He deserves a treat."

Richard Walter Ryley nods, his hoofed fingertips tapping on the doorknob as he lingers there.

"Somethin' the matter?" Willa asks, tilting her head.

"Willa, you doin' alright?"

Willa squeezes her stuffed toy closer to her chest. "W... what makes you think I ain't?"

"Can I come in?"

Willa licks her lips, glancing at her closet, only slightly ajar from her hasty shoving. "Y-yeah, sure!"

The ram steps in, arms akimbo, sighing. "Look, I know it's been a rough couple of years for you, what with you wanting to go out and all." He steps over to the side, closer to the closet.

Willa's heart thumps as she watches him approach. "It's not a bother, Ricky. Really. I like helping out around the farm. It's beautiful here at home."

He squats down, reaching toward the closet.

"Bu-but something's bothering you, ain't it?"

Ricky picks up a fallen stuffed chicken and puts it on the shelf beside Willa. "Well, with Roxy back and all, I figured it'd be weird, what with--"

"Whatcha nerds talkin' about?"

Willa bleats and Ricky whirls around. Standing in the hallway, leaning on the doorframe, is their sister, shorn down and dressed in a tank top and shorts. Her ears flicker as she smirks at her siblings. "Something spicy?"

Willa brings the stuffed toy to cover her face, shuddering at the sight of her sister.

"Now, Roxy, don't you agitate Willa."

"Agitate her?" Roxy says with a huff. "Miss Pretty Pink Princess here is doing just fine. Isn't that right, birthday girl?"

Willa nods sheepishly.

"Anyway, Rick. Dad needs ya to grab something for him."

Ricky rubs the back of his neck, rolling his shoulders. "Work never ends 'round here, does it? Goodnight, Willa."

"Night, Ricky... Roxy..." Willa says, scooting into her bed.

The two siblings close the door, leaving Willa alone in bed, surrounded by her childhood toys, the room she's always slept in, and the life she's always lived.

The sheepie waits a moment and then hops out of bed, scooping up her backpack and slipping into her overalls and hiking boots. When she opens the window, she stops, rummages in her pocket, and pulls out the note she wrote for everyone.

"G'bye, everyone!" she chirps to no one. "I'm off on an adventure!"

"My... s-sure is mighty dark 'round here," the sheep says, her voice shaking.

She unclips her flashlight from her backpack and scans around the forest, crunching through dead leaves as she marches through the path she chose in the first steps of her adventure.

"It's just like them old stories, w-what with the big bad wolf and all," she reckons. As she treks deeper into the darkness, the growl of the giant creature crosses her mind's ear.

She whips around, and there's no one there, but she can imagine him, tall with his eyes glowing, staring down at her with snarling and drooling fangs, hunched over, ready to strike!

What would she do if he were to actually appear here? What would go through her mind? What would she say and do? She thinks about it momentarily and runs through the scenario most likely to occur.

"Why, h-hello there, mister wolf!" she says, a hand upon her cheek. "Don't mind me. I'm just out on a trip. You wouldn't want to eat me, you know. I ain't got the fat you think I do. I'm a hard-workin' farm gal!"

The wolf blinks and shrugs, stomping off into the darkness.

"But oh me, oh my, ain't a guy like that handsome or something!" she shudders.

The wolf steps out of the forest in front of her, producing a bouquet of grasses, bowing his head, a soft growl rising from his throat.

"Oh, thank you, mister wolf! Don't mind If I do!" she giggles, chomping the treat. "Mmm, Mmm! That's almost as good as..."

She pauses and finds herself alone in the darkness again, her imaginary adventure closing as reality sinks back in.

"Momma's... cooking."

"Oh, dangit, Willa," the sheep gasps, licking her lips, stepping backward, turning her light where she came.

Or is it where she's going?

It's so dark.

"Whooo Whooo!"

Willa whips around, her knees clicking together, her light shaking. "O...oh my... Willa girl. Do be brave," she chatters, stepping forward slowly and tentatively. "You're n-not even off the property line of the neighbor's. R-right? Good old so-and-so who lives... uh..." She frowns.

Wait, who lives next door. Ma and Pa never talked about the neighbors, but Roxy sure did.

"Oh yeah, they're freaks," her older sister would say. "A bunch of tricky types."

"That ain't quite right," Ricky said. "They're just... different, is all."

"Can I meet 'em?" Willa asked, bouncing on her hooves.

"Only if Ma and Pa say you can."

They never brought them up, and her whims always took her elsewhere.

For the first time, Willa realizes that she should have spent more time questioning things she took for granted instead of happily living in blissful ignorance on the farm.

Just as Willa loses hope of escaping the night-time forest, the sheep spies a faint light ahead. Was someone searching for her, or did she find a caretaker of this forest? One of her strange and exotic neighbors, maybe?

She takes a deep breath, clasping tightly to her overalls, her whole body shaking. The scared sheepie makes her way closer to the light but doesn't quite wish to call out. Her instincts tell her to be alert, flick her ears, try to calm her breath, and step ever-quietly through the trail. Even so, her heart beats heavily through her plaid blouse, and her backpack clatters with all the doodads and attachments she has prepared for her journey as she takes agonizing steps closer to the light.

The closer she gets to the aura, the more details become clear. The illumination comes from a hand-held lantern, held by someone half her height and wearing a cloak. The individual walks, but not towards Willa, without a sound.

The sheep perks up, her eyes wide, flickering between the lantern and the hood, but keeping herself looking tall, maybe more intimidating? What was it her brother Ricky said about meeting strangers on the road? "Uhh... h-hi?" she bleats, biting her lip. "Dangit, that was the opposite of what Ricky said to do, wasn't it?"

The hooded stranger turns to look up at Willa with a vulpine but surprisingly youthful face framing wise aquamarine eyes.

"You're a polite one," the fox replies with a soothing voice and kind smile, "though you seem lost. Might I ask your name, young lady?"

The sheep rubs her hands over her straps, looking away from those eyes. So kind looking, what did old fairy tales say about kindly pretty things in the woods? Not good things, that's for sure. But this is the adult world, right? She's an adult!

She stomps, holding her head up high, staring at the light rather than the fennec before her, and she bleats out. "Willa!"

"Willa", the tiny fox echoes as if testing the sound of the name. "So, why are you here this late at night, Willa? Perhaps I can help you?" She sounds lovely and doesn't make a move for the sheep. Moreover, she is shorter than Willa and hasn't asked her to do anything dangerous. Perhaps this adult wasn't the vicious stranger the lamb had been warned against?

"G-golly, I-I'm on an adventure!" She blurts this out. "I'm 20 now, and I want to see what the adult world is like without my ma or my pa or my brother or sister getting in my way!" Placing a hand on her chest, she takes a deep breath and continues. "So, if you think you can help with that, I'd love to hear it!"

"I suppose I can help you on your journey," the fox coyly teases as she hangs the lantern on a nearby branch, "but an adventure like this requires a few things, like ample resources and a knowledgeable guide. Let me see everything you brought with you, and I might be able to offer what you're missing."

Willa doesn't question her when she pulls off her backpack, which then promptly crashes to the ground with a "flop" that makes the fox stumble.

The fox shakes her head, clicking her tongue. "No, no!" she chides, even kneeling down to provide an example. "Lay each item out between us-on the bedroll, if you're worried about it getting dirty-so we can take inventory together. After all, I can't see the items, and you can't seem to remember everything."

Willa frowns but walks before her pack, going between her and the shorter lady. She squats down and grabs onto a buckle. "I really, nngh, put this in really tight. It was hard to... too-!"

With a snap, assorted things spring free from their tense prison, cannoning into the sheep and sending her backward into a stunned sprawl!

"Are you alright?" the fox asks, scurrying over to offer a hand to help Willa back up, and, to her credit, not sounding like she's stifling a giggle. Her eyes scan over the lamb, quickly over every part of the sheepie's body, a frown twitching on her muzzle.

Willa pushes herself back up rather quickly and shakes the stars out of her head. "Oh, golly, that's just all over the place. It took me hours to get this all in here! Hm... and it's really dark too." She sniffles but resigns herself to picking up little bits of travel gear off the ground.

"You should rest at my place, Willa," the fox suggests as she helps gather the scattered items. "It's not far. We can reorganize your things there. Oh! But there's a condition to such hospitality."

Holding so many things up against her chest helps to squish the impressive bosom more than her suspenders already do, but kneeling down, Willa is face-to-face with the fox, her eyes wide and her nose twitching. "W... what condition?"

"You'll have to follow my instructions, Willa," the fox explains, giving the sheep's nose a soft boop with a finger of her free paw. "It's a big house, so I wouldn't want you to get lost inside; that would reflect terribly on me as a host."

Willa blushes. "I'm not s-supposed..." she begins, then nods quickly. "O... okay! I'll go! I'll listen! I'll be the best-danged guest you ever did have!"

With Willa's belongings reclaimed and the lantern back in the fox's paw, the lamb would follow her host through the woods. Despite the leaves and twigs, the hooded Samaritan does not make a sound, leaving Willa's hoof steps as evidence of their journey.

Within a few minutes, the two reach the edge of the woods and what seems to be a door in a wall; it is too dark to make out much detail, so Willa follows the fox inside, the clicking of her hooves upon linoleum tells her they must be in a kitchen.

Then, the fox turns on a light.

This colossal kitchen could fit Willa's bedroom, kitchen, and dining room inside... with room left over! Stoves, ovens, cabinets, a cutting table, sinks, a microwave built into the wall, a grill, what seems to be two large refrigerators also built into the wall, a couple of fire extinguishers, and plenty of counter space that the fox can easily reach, upon which she unburdens herself of the lantern and Willa's things.

"You can put your things down anywhere." The fox offers a last lowering of the hood of her cloak to reveal her large ears.

The sheep practically drops everything right then, clapping her hands over her cheeks. "Oh my stars!" she gasps. "This is your house? I mean, you must be a bazillionaire!"

"Not quite that rich," she giggles, now collecting all of Willa's items and organizing them on her counter. "Though, I come from old money and work hard to maintain it. Would you like something to drink?"

"Ah, ha, well, I suppose I'd like whatever you're offerin'," Willa says, sitting on one of the fancy kitchen chairs. She plops onto it, hands on her knees. "And I thank you kindly. I'll be your most gracious and polite guest, miss. Don't you worry about that!"

The sheep waits only a beat before she continues, her curiosity overflowing. "Well, it certainly is a big house, miss, but do you use all the space you have?"

The fox fetches two glasses and a wine bottle. "My whole family used to live here, but we moved out years ago. When my parents..."

She pauses, stopping her pouring, "Well, they left this place to me, and my business didn't require me to live anywhere specific, so I moved back in."

The hiss of seltzer and the fragrance of cinnamon apple fill the room. "Accounting's a strength of mine, so I've been assessing my parents' finances and further handling what my siblings are getting; each of them will be arriving soon to collect, but none of us expect it to be like old times."

"Aw, shucks, you don't get along too well with your kin?" Willa asks, sniffing the strange drink. She scratches her nose. "Ma would be blushing and shouting if she found out I got myself something to drink the first night away from home. Though, I suppose it could be an exciting experience, yeah?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but this is sparkling apple cider," the fox teases. "I wouldn't be an excellent host if I intoxicated my guest, now would I~? If you would like, I can offer something stronger upon the refill."

The fennec picks up her drink and swirls it around, sitting on a seat. The guest and host chairs do a great job of putting the two eye-to-eye. "So, what about your family? Do you get along with them?"

Willa takes the glass and brings it to her lips, stopping to ponder. "I suppose I do, enough. My sister can be a bit of a bi..." she stops and licks her lips, taking another sip. "I mean, we butt heads a few times here and there. Pa says we seem like two rams in the family. But I kinda envy her adventurous spirit, goin' out and experiencing new things outside of home.

"My brother Ricky is strong and dependable, but I knew I couldn't depend on him forever to be my knight in shining armor. He's gonna hafta have his own wife and kids and all that. He can't be looking out for his sisters. Ma and Pa, well, shucks, they're just great! I love 'em all so much!"

"You live with your family, and you're the youngest," the host infers. "That's surprising. My parents were loving, but my siblings and I were eager to leave the house to live independently." She sips her cider, a wistful smile on her face. "Last to leave, first to return; almost poetic. Anyways, what are you hoping to experience on your little adventure?"

"Well, ain't we just two peas in a pod?" Willa says, raising her drink but getting near the bottom. She runs her thumb over the rim of her glass and says. "I want to experience everything the adult world offers, ya know? My folks treat me like their little princess, and I never saw things unfiltered. I'm not the smartest, but i can tell when people are hidin' something from me. Maybe they just want to keep me safe because I'm the baby. I dunno."

"You're an adult now," the fox reminds her, sipping more of her cider, "so you get to decide what is and isn't safe, Willa. Be careful, though, as some people react differently to such freedom when granted all at once. Take it slow. Try not to overwhelm yourself."

"I'll... I'll take it slow," she says, taking another sip. "Still... it feels so excitin'! Even though I'm not breaking the rules, it's almost like I am an- and that feels rather nice, and-" she blushes. "Ah shucks, I suppose you don't want to hear this stuff, miss."

"I don't mind," she assures the lamb. "I'm not one to dwell on when I left this old house, so it's fun to hear your excitement. So, this is your first night on your own, but you've never had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush, I take it?"

"G... girlfriend?" Willa asks, "Why, no, can't say I've had any of those. I lived a pretty sheltered life. Homeschooled and all that, helping out on the farm, all the things." She swishes the glass and contemplates it before taking another deep drink. "Why'd you say either? What makes you think I'd have a girlfriend?"

"You did say you wanted to experience the outside world," the fox explains simply. "I was just determining what you currently know to see what I can inform you of. In this case, nothing stops two willing women from being together."

Willa finishes off the last bit of the drink. She places the glass down, staring at it with a new determination as if she were interrogating it. "Any two women can be together? Like not just two ewes or anything like that?" I don't know if the rules differ for people not meant for breedin'. Though, I suppose it makes sense if different species can get married and such that different species but the same sex can, unless there are rules against it, maybe...? But then again, how would they do things?" The formulas buzz around the sheep's head as she concentrates on the glass.

"Any women," the knowledgeable fox confirms, patiently answering Willa's questions. "Marrying to breed has rules, whereas marrying for love does not; breeding only works if the species are close enough, but pleasure's universal. Though, such lenience on same-sex marriage was only legalized recently. This doesn't really affect dating, which has always been lax."

"Well, don't that beat all," Willa muses. "Guess I never thought of it, but I wonder if it'd be somethin' for me, you know?"

The fox swirls the remains of her drink at her last query before gulping it down. "Would you like to find out?" She asks before amending, "From me, I mean."

The sheep's eyes look straight at the fox with a wide-eyed stare, and her mouth drops in a cartoonish display. "I... wait, what? You and me? You'd... you'd date me?" she says, kicking her feet, grabbing her seat. "But we just met, and I'm some dumb hick who doesn't know nothing, and you're a rich lady who knows so much," she gulps, whispering like a child telling a tattle. "You're so small... how would that work...?"

"If dating sounds too weird, you can call it a learning experience," the fox assures her. "After all, if you've never dated before, you wouldn't wanna be stuck with me, but you might wish to learn a few things before you find someone you're ready to be serious with. I don't mind where we came from if you don't, so that shouldn't matter. As for size, well...."

A soft giggle escapes her as she closes the gap, lightly touching her nose to Willa's without actually kissing her. "That's another lesson for you to learn, isn't it?" She practically purrs, sultry eyes still locked onto the sheep's innocent peepers.

The sheep blushes deeply at that, feeling something inside her she hadn't before. Liquid courage, as her uncle had called it, perhaps. "I, uh, gee, well, I want to learn all about adulting, and I guess... I guess this will be a great lesson!" She nods with enthusiasm. "Then teach me, Miss!"

The fox nods simply, accepting the sheep's teaching as her responsibility. She steps back from Willa to give her room to maneuver. "I'll start by teaching you about your body, Willa," she explains. "Follow me, but with every step you take, I want you to remove a piece of your outfit until there's nothing left."

A simple instruction, but with quite the implication behind it. Unless the fox led her somewhere nearby, Willa would be walking about nude in someone else's house.

She's a bright tomato red at this point, hearing those words. But something in her mind is buzzing, and her heart flutters deeper down. "O... oh my... A... alright..." she says. "I... I didn't expect my first adult adventure to be so... so sexy." She hops off of the stool and takes a deep breath. She takes a step and unhooks her overalls. They fall and reveal her panties. She steps again and lifts up her blouse, showing off her bra. Another step, and she reaches back, arms fumbling, fingers playing a moment before finally unsnapping it. "Aa... I hope this is... something you like?" she says, pulling her bra off, showing off her large and bouncy tits, and finally, another step. She bends forward, pulling down her panties, baring it all.

Willa is a clean gal and well-groomed. Her fluff mostly comes in her hair, though as a sheep, she must adhere to a regimen of shearing, so she's gotten good at keeping her wool mostly short but not so short as to destroy her modesty. This includes slight extra fluffiness at her chest and between her legs.

"Ain't no one see me like this..." she says, rubbing her arm, "But... I'm willing to try new things... to get out of my comfort zone and all."

"Very much so, WIlla," the fennec compliments the sheep, never taking her eyes off her; apparently, she knows her home so well that she can effortlessly navigate it while walking backward. "You're a charming young lady, skilled at self-grooming if no one's seen you like this before me."

Willa's body shudders through the cool air on her skin. She's never been nude like this, not walking around home. Being around people always means she must be as covered up as possible, so hearing the compliment spurs her on.

"W-well, miss. I know Roxy says she does things with her wool, different lengths in different places, or even shorter in some, I s'pose!"

"It'll take a while to let it grow out, but I'm sure there are many fun things that can be done on the canvas of your body, Willa."

The kitchen leads to a high-ceilinged dining hall with a table that can easily seat twenty with plenty of arm space, but the fox still leads Willa further.

From the dining room to the foyer, a long hall that leads from the double doors to a twin staircase, one of which the host leads her guest up, there seem to be a few other places, including a hall straight ahead, that can go up from here, but the fox is still leading Willa.

Up the stairs to the carpeted second floor, now muffling Willa's hoof steps as she continues to follow her mysterious benefactor, down the hall to one door leading to a simple room.

Though 'simple' in this case means basic furnishing; though not as big as the kitchen, the room is still larger than anything poor Willa has ever grown up in, with a four-poster canopy queen-sized bed that resembles one from a fairy tale... or a pricy catalog.

"Would you prefer to kneel on the bed or the floor?" the fennec asks, her tone equivalent to inquiring whether Willa wanted tomatoes or cucumbers on a sandwich.

The feelings flood back to Willa, blushing brightly and stammering, "W... wha... why I... I don't know, miss...!" she says truthfully. "S-suppose it depends on what's coming next!"

"Well, I intend to learn what you don't know about your body," the fox explains, even taking a casual walk around Willa to see all of her, "so I can teach you what you should-and perhaps would like to-know about your body, about adult pleasure, and about how you might respond to it and more. Still, I'd rather not go further than you're ready for."

Willa's foxy mistress sits on the bed, looking the sheep in the eyes. "I'll be listening to you, of course," she assures the lamb, "but being on the floor or bed might be your difference between keeping control... and surrendering it."

"S-shucks, I don't even know what I'm doing, and you think I should have control? W... what kinda stuff could I do to you? I don't even..." she gasps, hands on her cheeks. She falls to the floor, blanching.

The fox swiftly rubs over the sheep's back and shoulders from behind, her mouth by her left ear. "Oh, don't worry. I meant control over what happens to you. I'll lead. I'll guide you, just like I said, but control means you still have a say in what I teach you. Keeping control means you can limit what I do. Surrendering control means you trust me unconditionally to teach you... to please you... to care for you."

"C... can I change my mind later, M... miss?" Willa asks, shuddering, relaxing her shoulders, hands on her knees. "I think... I'd like to try things out how you'd like, but... I'm a bit s... scared?"

The fennec assures her. "I'll teach you a special, simple phrase if you're ever truly uncomfortable, but there's something else you'd need to say... to confirm your surrender to me, Willa."

Her voice now lowers as if to impart a secret to the sheep. Her fingers continue to relax, continue to offer soothing safety. Her voice offers the enticing lull of discovery, excitement, and, perhaps, danger.

Willa closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling, her tail twitching, her ears flicking. "Ah... w... what is it?" she whispers, entranced by the voice, the actions.

"I belong to you, Mistress."

Such a simple phrase, delivered in hushed tones, but the meaning behind them is formidable.

"Aah?" Willa's body freezes for what feels like forever. Then, energy burns throughout her body, giving her goosebumps, making her nipples perk up, and enflaming her womanhood, just from those words from this stranger. She can't help but breathe a breathy, quick, lusty, "I... belong... t-to you, ha... Mistress!"

"Kneel on the bed, little Willa," the fox murmurs, her tone and attitude not changing much, but her words bear more weight after the pact is sealed. The fox is now Willa's Mistress and the lamb must follow her instructions.


Then again, her new Mistress is helping Willa stand back up, so she is hardly a cruel tyrant. Perhaps this won't take much adjustment.

"Thank you," Willa whispers before climbing onto the bed, sitting on her knees, her tail flapping, her arms squishing her breasts together in a demure posture. "L-like this?"

"Hm... you might need a little flexibility", her Mistress replies, hopping onto the bed with her. "Scoot up just a bit... sit back a little... spread your legs some... lay the back of your hands on your thighs, palms up, and... relax."

The position makes her a little more vulnerable but doesn't have her standing at attention. It is comfortable, letting her enjoy the plush feel of the bed.

Willa takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and letting herself relax. "W... wow, this is rather nice..." she says with a hushed sight. "Thank you..."

"Surely you don't think I would suddenly not care for your well-being, little Willa?" the fox coos, shifting forward on the bed to touch the lamb more intimately, her paws delicately pressing her breasts, expertly testing their texture and sensitivity. "I may be your Mistress, but you are my responsibility."

Willa blushes deeper, tilting her head down and opening her eyes to watch the fennec as she kneads her breasts. They are big and bouncy, and those paws on her feel so nice. "Ah, y-yeah, just... th-thanking you..."

With a smile as she closes the distance, the fox slips out her tongue and licks between Willa's breasts, briefly and lightly. Meanwhile, her nimble fingers close in on the sheep's nipples, flicking and rubbing the hardened nubs, yet still testing, her eyes glancing up at Willa's face occasionally to see what her actions cause.

Willa watches, her head pressed against the fox's face, breathing heavily with eyes half-lidded and gasps escaping from her. This new world opened up and made her squirm and sigh and even, just barely, moan.

"You've never done anything like this before," her Mistress confirms. "Have you ever been kissed before? Ever touched yourself?" She leans in again for another lick, this time at the front of Willa's throat. "Would you like me to teach you how these feel, too?" she asks, still giving the lamb-her lamb-a choice, making this experience memorable.

Willa looks aside, "Ah, I mean, N... never with someone," she says, tilting her neck.

Another lick, as if gingerly accepting the offering, moving higher. The fox stands on the bed, her paws clasping WIlla's cheeks, before uniting their mouths.

The fennec claims Willa now, but it doesn't feel predatory; there is a protective element, rather than a hungry one-a physical promise of safe guidance, even as the fennec's tongue prods at the sheep's to make the experience as sensual as it deserves to be.

Willa returns the kiss, but she doesn't move the rest of her body. She keeps herself in that submissive state, just enjoying the experience. However, her tongue shows sparks of eagerness and energy that she can do more, provide more if only she unlocked herself.

Tender, enticing, exciting, sensual, patient-the kiss is so much, yet so little, a taste of things to come while still somewhat tame.

That is until one mischievous toe nuzzles against Willa's womanhood.

It isn't rough, nor does she enter. The fennec unexpectedly intimately touches her lamb yet acts as if the kiss is all that matters, even though they both know differently.

Willa bleats, trying to ignore the surprising new detail. Perhaps it was unintentional, and they are still just kissing. The lamb finally gives in to grasp the fennec, sighing into the kiss, keeping it up, just enjoying it. Yet, that little press of the toe pushes Willa further, making her kiss with more desire, more passion.

The fox lets Willa believe her toe's casual stroking of the sheep's sex is merely a mistake. Admittedly, the only control this woman-who is half Willa's height and probably weighed a bale or two of hay at best-has over the sheep is spoken word. But there is something to this surrender. The first step in Willa's journey, the first lesson in what the sheep can do under someone's influence...

The fennec at last parts the kiss, though her perverted toe keeps up the slightest wiggling. "Tell me, little Willa," she asks, confident without being smug, kind instead of commanding, "was that an informative experience for you?"

Willa blinks out of her trance, her hips rolling gently, finally acknowledging the toe. "I... y-yes, "she says. "It's amazing!"

"I'm pleased to hear that," her little Mistress purrs, her toe still offering the extra stimulation, "though I wonder if there's more you'd like to know about or if you would prefer to do something else, whether eat, drink, bathe, or rest?"

"R-right now?" Willa bleats. "I, uh, g-guessin' we jus' stop this w-whenever we want...?" she asks, not pulling away, just looking over the fennec. "I mean ah reckon' ah am I bit hungry after walkin' and all this."

"It is your choice," the tiny fox assures Willa, gradually picking up the pace with her toe, stimulating the lamb and providing more distraction. "If you'd like to continue now and eat later, you have that option; If you are hungry, however, we must deal with that, wouldn't you agree~?"

Willa nods sheepishly, grumbling a little as she moves her hands over her stomach. "I, uh, it's gonna feel weird eatin' when... when I'm so excited."

Oh, that twinkle of mischief in the fox's eyes.

"Well, do you remember where the kitchen is?" she asks. "We'll head back there, but we can have fun on the way. See how excited you can get."

They are upstairs. The kitchen is downstairs. Willa is naked. Her Mistress is not. How much more excited can the lamb get?

The fox is ready to answer that question, helping Willa off the bed and standing upright again. Their height difference is apparent again, and that probing toe is gone. The host's nimble left fingers replace it, the new dexterity letting her do so much more down there, move slightly and explore more thoroughly.

"I want you to lace your fingers behind your head," she instructs, "and follow me. We'll go slowly, but let me know if you have trouble while we walk."

Willa wobbles, the teasing of the fingers making her own fingers tingle as she lifts them over her head, her breath in broken gasps as those things insert into her. She can feel that the fox is holding something back through it all.

Once her hands are on the back of her head, she feels that chill in the air as the breeze from the door opening hits her exposed chest. "R... right... f...follow your lead..." she says, taking a slow step forward and then another.

The fennec's powers of observation are on full display here; she guides and teases Willa with one paw, opens the door with the other, and effortlessly leads the sheep while keeping a close watch on her facial and bodily reactions. She maintains a steady pace for her lamb's benefit, almost as if the fox isn't heading back to her kitchen.

This continues as they reach the stairs-two stairwells above merging into one grand staircase that faces the sizable foyer and front door-, but she stops Willa at the landing.

"Close your eyes, Willa," she instructs the lamb, sliding between her legs to avoid removing her fingers and effectively baring her fully, "and imagine that the empty space below you is filled with people, their eyes locked onto you. Oh, and you still can't cover."

Willa's hands twitch, jerking back to their original position in response to that last-second command. She squeezes her eyes tight. The phantom images of people, blurry and indistinct, fill her mind's eye. "It's... weird..."

"Weird how?" the fennec coaxes, her fingers still working their magic between Willa's lower lips. "Tell me the thoughts running through your mind. Explain to me what you're feeling."

"I... I should be embarrassed, but... but I'm not. I am, really, but only a little? Maybe it's just that I'm nervous instead of ashamed?"

"Nervous about what?" the fennec asks, now adjusting her probing to more of a slow rotation, every once in a while grazing the sheep's clit. "Are you... enjoying this too? Being seen... not permitted to cover... which do you like more?"

"I, uh... n... not being... ab... e....le...?" she says. "I wa-want to, buh-but you won't let me and... mmmmm."

"I see," the fennec remarks, her free paw and tail brushing against Willa's knees. "So, if I were to instruct you to kneel... here and now... and use your arms and hands to ease yourself down... do you think you would make your sensation weaker... or stronger?"

Her tone is authoritative. Not really asking a question but demanding the hypothetical into existence.

"S...suh-stronger?" Willa gasps, shuddering at just the indication of the suggestion. Though her knees shake, she lowers herself slowly but surely as if she had been commanded, as if she wants to be controlled, to lose herself in this trust and care.

Despite giving instruction, the little fennec still helps her lamb settle into position, mindful of potential strain and discomfort; Willa's new stance, though comfortable, can't get up from without assistance.

"I think", the fox remarks, gently rubbing the pad of one finger against the hood of the sheep's clit, "that I'm beginning to understand you, Willa. You desire someone to show you your limits, help you experience, and push past them." As she speaks, the fox slowly drags that finger up the center of Willa's body, extra careful to stimulate without unbalancing her, ensuring she remains stuck. "As long as someone guides you... as long as your situation is under control, I imagine there's nothing you couldn't do."

The fox's finger stops to tap Willa's upper lips, their eyes meeting.

"For as long as you wish", the fennec vows, "I'm willing to show this world to you and, as you desire it, you to this world."

More than her actions, the fennec's words stir the lamb to a pleased, needful gasp. "Oooh, M... Mistress!" she gasps, "Yes, I... I want to see it all, whatever it all is!" Please show me!'' She feels ready to burst but dares not try to leave her position, keeping herself bound to her Mistress's command because that limitation and control is what is most exciting!

"With pleasure, little Willa," the fox agrees, "and we'll start with the first thing you require-a stable location. You shall live here with me so you'll always have a place to call home... without returning home. I'll show you the world nearby and far beyond here until you say, 'Enough playtime, Sinsi.' Until then, as long as you trust and obey me, I'll keep you safe."

"Sinsi," the sheep whispers, the words slipping between her teeth in a slow hiss. It is like a threatening snake at once, but to her, it is the escaping pressure leaving her soul.

"W... wuh wait? I can live here with you?" Willa gasps, sniffling. "In a mansion, whisked away by a charming Mistress? All this... all this on my first night out from home! I... I don't know what to say. I wanna hug you right now!"

Before any possible objection could be voiced, the sheepie does just that...though she withdraws as she feels her Mistress stiffen in her enthusiastic embrace. "S-sorry," Willa apologizes, immediately worried she ruined this opportunity.

"...you were excited", Mistress Sinsi replies calmly, though her tail is decidedly floofed. "I suppose I would be, too, if I were in your position. Come with me."

The fox carefully helps the lamb to her hooves, leading her down the rest of the stairs until the two approach their destination.

The front door? It has glass windows in gem-cut squares on either side of the great double doors. Sinsi peers through one, confirming how dark it is (barely illuminated by one street lamp, the light of which doesn't even touch the doorstep) before looking up at Willa. "Do you trust me?" she asks calmly, though her eyes shine with mischief and a hint of nervousness.

Willa blinks through the haze of delight, shuddering when her brain finally recognizes the portal. "O... of course I do..." she says, squeezing the paw of her mistress. "But what are we doing?"

At Willa's question, the fennec opens the door before guiding Willa out to the slightly familiar lawn. For the first time, Willa recognizes where she is!

"W... we're right down the road," the sheep gasps. "From the family farm!"

"You still needed to wash up", Sinsi explains, ignoring the outburst, "but since we're now determining your limits, I figured the hose out front would do just fine. Over here."

Following the lead of her Mistress, Willa cannot set one hoof in what limited illumination exists as they approach the expanding hose on the side of the building. The sheep taps her hooves against the ground in a nervous gait. Soon, her ears flop, and her nose twitches, clinging tighter to the fox. "M... Mistress? Yer gonna hose me?"

"No," the fennec replies. "I'm going to wash you; hosing you down would be inefficient, don't you think?"

She picks up the nozzle and twists open the spigot; the hose slowly expands, filling with water and providing ample reach for the fox. Turning the adjustable head, Sinsi aims the hose at her paw to show Willa the low-pressure setting.

Willa tensed up, ready for the cold, but she said she trusted the fennec, so she didn't move.

Sinsi removes her cloak, revealing a silken nightie beneath, partially translucent, and laid the pricy garment on the grass. "Kneel on this," she instructs, "and lace your fingers behind your head so we can begin."

Willa stares out toward the road. It is a road that could have taken her down a different path in life if she had only decided to travel in another direction earlier that day. That life would be more regular and acceptable to the people she loves.

But would it be so thrilling?

"What if my parents see?" she squeaks. "Random strangers are one thing, Mistress, but this is right next door!"

"Which way do you expect them to come from?" Sinsi asks, mostly calm but with hints of alertness and amusement. "We can both listen out for any cars on the road. If you think you hear your parents coming, lean back, and they shouldn't see you."

The water isn't hot, but it isn't cold, either. It leans more towards cool than warm but is helped by the fennec's warm paws, which again touch Willa all over through her wool. It is a slow process, with Sinsi assisting with the water soaking every inch of her sheepie.

Willa keeps her ears perked up, but her thoughts soon turn away from any sense of worry. The mixture of temperature and kneading motion turned the sheep into putty in Sinsi's hands, sitting there, posed for the world, but only there for her Mistress. It is amazing!

That kneading briefly strengthens as Sinsi sets down the nozzle, lathers up her paws, and scrubs Willa down. The fox does not miss a single spot, touching her lamb where perhaps she only touched herself before. This is definitely more power and control than just sexiness for the sake of it. A Mistress washing her pet in front of her manor, being gentle yet thorough while, perhaps unintentionally, arousing less innocent feelings from Willa than a bath might generally provide.

Willa's fingers curl into her head wool, and the sheep bites her lips. The crisp air and the water contrast upon her skin, stiffening her nipples and even tingling herself down below. A fluttering of earthly delight rises from within her core, sending her through waves of bliss that shock her when she bleats out, her voice echoing through the darkness of the night.

Despite just reaching climax right here in the open, her knees weak and wobbling, her face burning red, Willa realizes that Sinsi is nonplussed, continuing to wash her as if nothing had happened

Who is this fox? How can she do these things to this sheep, and why, oh why is Willa craving MORE!?

When Sinsi begins rinsing Willa off, the sheepie's wool is equal parts fluff and suds.

Willa whimpers as the suds wash away from her. That delicate time when they were so close and intimate, disappearing onto the lawn and the expensive cloak.

Perhaps it feels over too soon, but the rinsing finishes and Sinsi directs Willa to stand up while she shakes water off her cloak, eventually leading the lamb back inside; there is no urgency in her movement, neither in exiting nor entering the mansion, with her even pausing to toss the cloak down what is likely a laundry chute close to the front door, where she also procures a towel.

Kneel again," she instructs, now using the towel to dry Willa off.

In the doorway

With the door open.

And the sheepie's heinie facing the road Willa met earlier, with only her ears to warn her of oncoming traffic.


Willa's ears flick back as she grumbles. She holds her arms up and sits down before her mistress, watching into the room beyond, watching that home, her new home, from a different-her Mistress'-perspective!

So much closer to the floor, Willa gets a better idea of life in Sinsi's paw prints; as large as the manor seems to the sheepie before, it is much more massive from down here, with the grand staircases towering above them both, and hallways that can probably fit sixteen or so of the fennec in a square if one stacked floor to ceiling and wall-to-wall.

It is a bit lonely, honestly. Parents had passed, and siblings had left, leaving none but the youngest fox to walk these empty halls.

The drying takes less time than the washing. Though fluffy and soft, the towel is remarkably absorbent than any other Willa had tried. Is this the best that money can buy?

Once the lamb stands again, Sinsi takes a few more moments to wipe up the remaining moisture tracked in before leading her back to the kitchen, Willa's myriad items still resting on the countertop while her clothes lay abandoned on the floor. The fennec takes two cups from a cupboard before sifting through available items.

The controlled temperature against her toweled-off body leaves her wanting to move her arms to cover herself. Even if the fox hadn't instructed her to do so, she keeps her hands away from herself, close to her head, like the good sheepie she was ordered to be, her gaze sometimes going from her mistress to the clothing laying unaddressed and undressed. "So, should I s'pose that snack time's gonna be a surprise too, Mistress?"

"Perhaps not," Sinsi replies, pulling out several varied ingredients; Willa might recognize wheatgrass and beets among what she can only guess to be creams and powders. "I feel something dinner-adjacent would be appropriate before bed, and protein smoothies are easy enough to make... as long as I don't put together anything either of us might disagree with." There was an odd compassion to her voice, as the fennec never ceased her efforts to be a good host and was considerate of potential dietary differences... yet this was somehow more difficult than any of the things they'd already done together?

"S... somethin' the matter, miss Sinsi?" Willa asks, bending her knees slightly, and getting down closer to her. "I don't mind whatever you wanna give me. You've been so good to me. I'm sure I'll like it." She offers the fox a soft smile. "You're the very best mistress I've ever had, after all!"

"Based on your words, I'm also the very first mistress you've ever had," the fox teased, adding a handful of raspberries to an open blender, which soon housed the beets, wheatgrass, and other ingredients. "It might sound strange, but I'd prefer not to be the last, so your safety is as important to me as your happiness is." Any immediate objections to this were drowned out by the sound of the blender running, leaving Willa to dwell on that last sentence until the whirring stopped and Sinsi poured the contents into the two cups.

Willa waits a moment before she tentatively removes her hands from her head, slowly clasping her hands around the cup. "Uh, t-thank you," she says, bringing it up to her mouth, pursing her lips before she can drink. "For everything. You're so nice and caring and all that. I'll do my best to be the best pet you had. Better than any others you've had, that's for sure!"

Sinsi smiles but takes a sip before responding. "...actually, you'd be...n-no, never mind." The slightest twitch of her left ear before she becomes demure, disciplined, and drinking again as if that little slip never happened.

Willa sips her own drink, one hand on her hips as she does. "Well, this ain't bad at all, Mistress," she says. "And, well, walking around all naked like is neither." She says this, rubbing her nose, blushing. "So... what's next, best Mistress ever?"

"Next?" replied a lightly blushing-but better able to hide it-Sinsi as she set her cup down. "Sleeping arrangements." With their snack finished, the fox again leads her sheep into the hallway. Instead of heading back up the staircase, Sinsi takes Willa to the first door on the right, a bedroom still looking as lovely as the one upstairs but clearly lived in.

"You'll be sleeping here with me," the fennec explains, hopping up on the bed that, thanks to her small size, can comfortably fit Mistress and Pet together easily.

Willa approaches the bed and tentatively sits beside her mistress on the edge, her legs stretched out a bit due to how low it is. However, the actual surface area is no different than any other bed, save for being comfortable for the two. She runs her fingers along the sheets and sighs, smiling. "It's lovely, Mistress, and it's funny. It's like... like we're just two normal people now. All the strangeness, fun as it is, just seems unreal, but a bed... it's regular, you know?"

She frowns. "Unless this is some kinda sexy bed?" She says, double-checking the bed for any secrets or nuances.

Sinsi titters slightly at Willa's suspicions. "If that were the case, I'd risk getting stuck here every time I woke up," she replies quickly. "No, the only sexy part of this bed is who shares it, and even then, not always. After all, you wouldn't expect unreal strangeness during every waking moment, would you?"

"Everything today has been unreal strangeness, Mistress, and that's exactly what I've been looking for. Adventure! In my own backyard!" she giggles and then flops onto the bed. "But, I guess... I am a bit tired..."

"Don't worry, Willa," Sinsi promises, snuggling closer to the nude lamb. "Tomorrow, we'll do a few more things that you might also find unreal, strange, and fun..."

Watching Willa drift off to sleep filled the fennec with an odd sense of...satisfaction? Contentedness? A job well done was one thing, but this...this didn't feel like that; Sinsi felt a warmth that this old manor had lacked for...a little over a decade, really.

It felt like a home, which it hadn't since before her parents passed away...

...and the business-savvy little fox hadn't yet decided if this was good or bad.

[a]convey more in attitude and action, perhaps?

Feels like a good place for Sinsi to recollect how she got to this lonely place, perhaps letting the washing of the sheep be a good way for her to let go of her loneliness?

Willa's Adventure 7

The fox's finger stops to tap Willa's upper lips, their eyes meeting. "For as long as you wish", the fennec vows, "I'm willing to show this world to you and, as you desire it, you to this world." More than her actions, the fennec's...

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Willa's Adventure 6

The fox lets Willa believe her toe's casual stroking of the sheep's sex is merely a mistake. Admittedly, the only control this woman-who is half Willa's height and probably weighed a bale or two of hay at best-has over the sheep is spoken word. But...

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Willa's Adventure 5

Willa's foxy mistress sits on the bed, looking the sheep in the eyes. "I'll be listening to you, of course," she assures the lamb, "but being on the floor or bed might be your difference between keeping control... and surrendering it." ...

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