There she is chapter 11

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#12 of There she is...

Chapter 11 of Alex's adventure!

Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Alex cut an entire day of classes for the first time and got an introduction to the team known as TRICKS. With Alex joining the team, TRICKS is back up to full operational strength and Alex is going to have to train fast if he's going to be ready for his first ball game. Alex found out that the team plays just as hard as it works. Ali and Alex have reconciled the tigress' indiscretion and their love is growing stronger faster than ever. That's what you missed last time on Yiff!

The smooth, enthusiastic tones of One Republic set the rhythm for Alex's paws hitting pavement, putting him into a familiar and welcome meditative state. He crossed the street with a glance for cars in either direction, slanted rays of dawn warming his shoulders and back as he ran at a comfortable pace. The fox could still smell Ali's warm, sweet scent on his fur, having spent last night in her bed instead of going home. Their conversation last night crossed his thoughts as he ran.

"How did your new thing go?" Ali asked, her claws scratching and kneading slowly into the lean muscles of her boyfriend's back. Alex lay on the bed beneath her, his naked body limp with exhaustion from more than an hour of sweet, intense lovemaking. He grunted and cracked an eye to look at her in the mirror across the room.

His goddess wore nothing but her black stripes and looked sexier than any model in lingerie; her lean, strong back was straight, thrusting her full, perfect breasts outward. Ali's lean stomach and strong, toned backside made half of a perfect S curve as she sat astride his ass, kneading his back with languorous attention.

"It was hard work...challenging but fun. Basically it's training for computer security. It's a lot of math...but that's never been a problem." Alex was surprised at how easily the half lie spilled from his lips.

Ali stuck out her tongue with a distasteful grimace. Math had never been her thing...she preferred a balance beam to balanced equation any day. Her thick, soft tail twitched back and forth between Alex's thighs while she leaned down and closed her teeth on the fox's neck, smiling when the boy just relaxed, enjoying the possessive nip. "Any cute furs?"

Alex frowned a bit, pushing against the bed to turn underneath his lover, laying back on the bed with his bushy tail off to one side. Alex reached up and caught her paws with his own, lacing their fingers as he studied the naked, beautiful tigress above him. "Ali..."

"Uh oh, I know that look..." Ali teased gently, smiling and spreading their arms apart to lay down on his chest, pressing her body up against his warm, lean torso.

"Ali, are you sure know, sharing?" he asked, remembering how beat up she'd been after her own tiny tryst.

The tigress blinked and if anything her smile widened. "Ooooh, sounds like there are some cuties in your class." she said, winking at her foxy lover. "Yes, Alex. I'm sure...I'm your girl, through and through...but honestly, I want my man to be a stud. I like the idea that lots of furs know how good you are...and that no matter what you do with them, that you come home to me."

Alex felt color rise under the white of his chest throat and face...getting called a stud sent a thrill of pleasure through him. "No matter what happens I love you, Ali. No one else."

The tigress purred and nipped his shoulder softly. "Just make sure you're smart and safe, and that you save enough room for me." her purr turned to a soft growl and her hips rolled deliciously, making Alex's cock thicken, reacting to her words as much as her body.

"I'll show you room..." he said, grabbing his lover and rolling her so she was on her back, pinning the tigress down.

Ali laughed in lusty delight, giving a soft moan as they started up again......

The rest of the conversation had little to do with words and Alex flushed as he remembered, his running paws finding the way down through a small ravine. He purposely went for thick brush, letting his concentration come back to the present as he slid under low branches and flowed over fallen logs with sure, dextrous steps.

Alex had just reached the road again when his music seemed to fade, the words blurring into whispers. For a moment he thought something was wrong with his Ipod and Alex slowed, reaching for the player strapped to his bicep when Link's voice came through loud and clear.

"Morning Alex, how did you sleep?" The telepath's chipper voice made Alex almost miss a step in surprise.

The fox came to a stop to recover his balance. "Link? Did you fade out my music?"

"Yeah, well, sort of. It's not so much that I did anything to your music, but when I contact you your hearing will sort of focus inward instead of outward. It's a side-effect. Worth noting because in the field you'll have to be extra vigilant with the rest of your senses." the telepath sounded slightly apologetic.

"Oh, ok, no worries. I was just worried my Ipod was dying or something. What's up?" the fox glanced around, taking Link's advice of being vigilant, mostly because he realized that to a passing fur he would look like he was having a conversation with himself and they would probably question his sanity.

"The captain doesn't want you taking too much time off school right away, at least not until we get a better excuse put together. You've got about two hours before classes start and we want to get you in for neural mapping and a little training first."

"Alright, that's fair. um...I'm about twenty minutes away from the warehouse. I'll try to hurry it up." Alex frowned, already starting to plan out his quickest route.

Link grunted a negative. "Not a're two streets over from a jump point. Head east on the road you're on, then take a left on McMaster."

"Jump point?" Alex asked, frowning and checking the rising sun before heading east.

"Yeah...did you get a chance to meet Remus?" when Alex said no, he gave another grunt. "Remus is our transportation guy. He's got a really neat talent for reality and spatial manipulation."

Alex tilted his head, pulling his earbuds out as he walked and tying up his Ipod. "I've heard that spatial thing before, from Aidan. Remus is the guy who made the warehouse bigger on the inside than the outside, right?"

Link grunted in the affirmative this time. "got it in one. I still don't understand how he pulled that one off...but I do understand how he does jumping. The way it works is, imagine that there's street X in our city. And halfway around the world, there's another street named X. all the people who live on that street, who drive by the street or on it or even look at a map...they know that street as X, so the place takes on the identity of "Street X". you follow?"

Alex scrubbed fingers through his headfur, trying to kick his mind into gear. Even if he was out running, it was still early morning. Intellectual pursuits before six A.M. were just more difficult! "Yeah, I think I got it. So, because of everyone's labeling, this street really is McMaster."

"Right. Now, if there's a second street called McMaster, people get confused sometimes, because they're both McMaster...both streets, in different locations, share the same identity." Link explained, trying to keep it simple. "So, since two places share an identity, Remus can make a link between them so when you start out walking on McMaster where you are..."

Alex frowned as the telepath's voice started to twist and fade, becoming indistinct...and then he stopped caring when the whole world started to do the same, twisting and shifting...Alex's stomach turned and he doubled over, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to keep bile down. It was the worst bout of dizziness he'd ever felt and it hit him so hard he was on his knees as it started to fade.

The fox looked up, blinking, and his eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the completely different scenery around him. Gone was the small suburban street with it's little one story ranch houses. In it's place was a street fronting five or six highly manicured office buildings. Alex recognized the industrial park, he knew that down the street and around the corner was the Romero Securities warehouse, the TRICKS headquarters.

"And he translocates you to the McMaster street here." Aidan said, finishing Link's thought for him. The bear was standing nearby with another fur at his side and he came over to Alex, reaching down with one massive paw and helping the boy to his feet. "Good morning, Alex."

Alex coughed and almost retched again as he stood, freezing in place and taking a moment to try and fight his gorge back down where it belonged. "What the hell..." he panted, shaking his head to try and rid it of the disorientation.

"Experiencing translocation first hand can be difficult in the'll get used to it though. Alex, I'd like you to meet Remus Argive, our transportation specialist." the massive bear turned and gestured toward the other fur.

Remus was a diminutive ferret, his species would have lent him a lean body already, but it seemed like Remus was on the point of starvation. He looked around wildly, eyes jumping back and forth and all around with a nervousness that bordered on outright fear. The ferret hustled over to Alex and the captain, getting as close to the massive bear as possible, as if seeking protection. His fur was a chocolate brown and his delicately tipped ears were laid back firmly against his skull. "H...hi A-A-Alex." he muttered, voice coming out as a small squeak. "C-c-can w-w-we go b-b-back inside?" the ferret asked, barely glancing at Alex before he looked imploringly up at Aidan.

At first Alex took the ferret for a young boy, but on closer study, he realized it was just because Remus was malnourished...everything about the ferret seemed tiny, even if the ferret was probably in his mid twenties.

Aidan frowned a bit, but he nodded. " really need to get some more sun though, Remus...have you been eating?" The captain cared for his team members, even those with strictly support roles, and not just because he was worried about losing their usefulness. The little ferret really didn't look like he was staying healthy.

"I d-d-don't l-l-like it outside." the ferret squeaked, fidgeting and rubbing his paws together. Aidan started toward the headquarters warehouse and had to adjust his long stride to let the little ferret keep pace, almost glued to his side.

Alex looked around curiously, following at a little more of a comfortable distance. "Is something wrong? Why does he look so worried?" the fox asked, looking at Aidan. The bear started to shake his head, but Remus spoke up first.

"Ag-g-goraphobia is the fear of o-o-open spaces." the ferret stuttered, frowning at Alex. "y-y-you don't have to t-t-talk about me l-l-like i'm not here." He frowned, still wringing his paws as they got closer to the warehouse.

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it." Alex answered, giving a small shrug and a sympathetic smile. "I've never met anyone with a strong phobia before. You didn't have to come out..."

The ferret gave a quick, wry smile, glaring up at Aidan for a second. "H-h-he makes me c-c-come out sometimes." when they reached the building, Remus rushed inside gratefully, leaning against the wall as Alex and Aidan followed, letting the door shut behind them.

"That's because even Agoraphobics need a little sunlight on their fur sometimes." The captain answered with a sympathetic smile. "It's a vitamins thing."

"T-t-that's why I t-t-take vitamins." Remus answered sharply, stutter or not, straightening up and pulling at his plain black t-shirt. The ferret wore comfortable looking jeans and t-shirt, further reminding Alex that he hadn't seen a uniform in all of this para-military business. Maybe it really wasn't anything to do with the military at all, like Aidan said.

Alex couldn't help a laugh and he gave the ferret a grin. "Fight the establishment, man." he said, offering Remus a balled up fist. The ferret blinked, hesitating a moment before he extended his own fist and bumped knuckles with Alex, grinning at the young fox.

Aidan marveled a little at the fox's easy ability to strike up a friendship, shaking his head. "Vitamins. Right." he shook his head at Remus. "At any rate, Alex came in for neural and physical mapping, so he'll be spending some time with you and Link." he told the ferret. He looked to Alex next. "Remus can explain the details if you want, but the short version is that both he and Link need to get to know you inside and out to facilitate easier communications and easier jumps."

Alex nodded slowly, not quite understanding, but going along with it...he looked to Remus and the ferret nodded. "Spending a l-l-little time getting to know y-y-you will make j-j-jumping easier on your s-s-system." he stuttered, sort of forcing the words out past his speech impediment.

The fox pursed his lips, head tilted a bit. "Sort of like, getting used to a workspace makes it easier to work in." he guessed.

Remus nodded with a smile. "E-e-exactly." they walked into the warehouse proper, skirting the field where Bell was taking Romeo and Rayn through hand-to-hand exercises. He called out a greeting to Alex and Remus as they walked, both giving a wave on their way past, heading to a door Alex had seen but never been through. "I a-a-always thought CQC was c-c-cool, but only to w-w-watch." He made a hands off kind of gesture and Alex chuckled.

"I take it you're a lover, not a fighter." Alex said, grinning at the ferret. Remus blushed and ducked his head with a quick smile and no comment, leading Alex down a short hallway.

"T-t-this is m-m-mine and Link's c-c-common area." Remus explained, taking Alex to the door on the end and opening it. He admitted Alex into a room unlike any he'd seen in the warehouse so far. Two huge screen TV's dominated one side of the room, opposed by a very comfortable looking leather couch. A twin sized bed bordered the couch, near a small kitchen/pantry area, overflowing with chips, open soda cans, bowls half full of stale popcorn...a general mess. The floor was covered with a soft rug that Alex had to fight not to knead with his toes and sink his claws into. The TV's were hooked up to videogame systems of every kind, a general pile of dvd cases littered all over the place. What really made Alex's jaw drop though, was the wall behind the couch...or more accurately the lack of a wall. Stretching from the floor behind the couch up to about a foot above it was a thick pane of glass, the top of which was wide and rounded. Behind the glass was a tank of water easily ten feet square and it looked like it went down below the floor. In the tank was an unusual fur...or more accurately an anthro. Alex knew that they existed, but he'd never met what some called a halfsie before. -Taurs and Mers were a rarer breed of fur, being born with half anthro bodies, those who walked on land were considered -Taurs, like foxtaurs, wolftaurs and centaurs, while those who swam the oceans were the orca who raised a friendly hand at Alex, leaning over the rounded edge of his tank.

"Yo. You must be Alex. I'm Link. Nice to meet you in person." the orca said, grinning as he weathered the familiar shocked study that came from most furs who met their first orca. He was lean, his lightly muscled arms and shoulders a glistening midnight blue. His defined pecs and abs were pure white, stretching down his long torso to a point where the midnight blue took over again, completing the long, graceful tail and fin. Two pure white spots stretched up over his bald head and stopped just over his feral black eyes. He grinned, the gracefully rounded nose splitting to show rows of pearly white, pointed teeth and a very pink tongue.

"Uh, hi...sorry, I've never met..."Alex started, blushing when he realized how stupid he sounded. "I mean, that's interesting coloring for a..." the fox faltered again, realizing he wasn't sure how to classify the legless, sleek guy almost laughing at him.

"An orca." Link answered, shrugging. "And you're not alone, so don't sweat it. My mother was a full dolphin, my father a killer whale, so I got a little of both...I hear from Rayn you're a little of something and fox too." Link grinned toothily, making the fox blush. Link's tail swayed behind him, more articulate than just the usual vertical range of motion.

Alex lifted a hand. "Well, if you'll excuse my footpaw wedged firmly in my mouth, It's nice to meet you too. Your voice does you justice." Alex smiled winningly, hoping the compliment would save him from complete embarrassment.

Remus was snickering softly as he walked over to the kitchen, cracking open a can of soda and offering one to the fox before he sat down on the couch. "It's always f-f-fun to watch s-s-someone meet L-l-link for the f-f-first time." he said, tilting his head back and looking up at the killer whale above him.

Link rolled his eyes and reached down to flick the ferret's muzzle lightly. "Leave off, troublemaker. The kid is gonna be part of the team, so you have to be nice."

Alex sensed a deep friendship between the two as he toured the made sense really. Between Remus' phobia and Link's obvious lack of legs, they were both sort of stuck indoors together, probably twenty-four-seven. Either they would like each other, or hate each other after a while like that!

"So, uh, you're the new computer guy, huh?" Link asked after a second of letting Alex just look their lounge over. "It's good that you're joining up...I'm really not super good at computers and I've been pulling double duty since our last guy left."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Nobody talked about a predecessor before...I didn't realize I was replacing someone." He was fishing for a little more information at Link probably knew it.

"Yeah, the last guy got religion and quit the team...sorta sucked, but hey, people gotta go their own way..." He wasn't volunteering more and after a moment Alex just nodded.

"So, if you've been pulling double duty, I'm curious where your computer is?" Alex could see an obvious problem with Link doing electronics work...since he was in a tank of water.

"Head next door and I'll meet you over there." Link said, pushing up from the edge of the tank and sinking down. He went below the surface but his voice still came to Alex loud and clear, reminding the fox that he was a telepath. "The door on your left after you leave the lounge."

Alex nodded, giving Remus a smile and heading out again, letting the ferret sit and wait while he sort of followed door turned out to be a smallish, box like room, surrounded on three sides by glass walls. Through them was the largest tank he'd ever seen, filled almost completely to the top, with an open skylight surrounded by flourescent lights. The back walls of the tank were all larger than life monitors displaying everything from maps to internet searches...Alex scanned the screens and he found one that was streaming a video of a vixen laying on her back, being double penetrated by two wolf twins, the brothers kissing passionately while they violated their toy. Link swam into the tank from a connecting passage, picking up a flat, waterproof keyboard that had a touchscreen instead of keys. Alex lifted a paw and pointed at the porn. "Entertainment?" he teased, making the orca laugh in his mind.

"Hey, a guy's gotta satisfy himself somehow. Neither Remus nor I get a lot of visitors." the orca explained. He swam to the monitor, touching the glass and making a down left flick, closing the porn and showing Alex that it was a touchscreen at the same time. Alex nodded, looking around at the display of computational prowess.

"Very nice, Link. I think I'll have to spend a lot more time down here with you." he said, giving the orca a grin. Link answered the smile with one of his own and he gestured to the screen.

"Your predecessor put together a program that allows me to tie the profile of your neural map into the computer system, creating a sort of GPS of your mind, based on my gift." a few touches of his keyboard pulled up a cascaded list of files and Link touched the one labeled "Rayn". One of the screens came up with a map that zoomed down to a building plan that showed them Rayn's exact location.

"Neat." Alex said, pursing his lips and thinking about how he would put together a program like that...he looked back at the orca. "And that's why you need my neural map, so I can be on your grid."

Link nodded, closing the window again. "Got it in one." he agreed. He made a nod back toward the lounge and let go of his keyboard, letting it sink and settle on the bottom of his tank. He surfaced again in the lounge as Alex walked back through the door.

"Alright, I get what you guys need. Now, how do we go about getting it?" Alex asked, looking at Remus and Link. The ferret and orca glanced at each other and Remus shrugged a bit, letting Link do the talking.

"Well, it's sorta clinical, I can ask you a whole bunch of questions and the more we talk, the more I understand how you think and I form a neural map." Link swam over to a corner of the tank, reaching over the edge and opening a box, taking out a set of remote contacts. "wear these and I'll get you in no time. What we talk about really doesn't matter but...most people on the spot kinda go blank, thus the questions."

Alex walked over, leaning up to the tank so Link could affix the contacts to his head, gently digging into his fur a bit to get them attached to his scalp. "And for you, Remus?"

The ferret shrugged again. "A-a-again with the c-c-clinical...I s-s-sorta need to learn y-y-your body." He shrugged and stood up. "Y-y-you have to be naked, b-b-but I promise, c-c-clinical." He added, blushing a bit.

Alex studied the ferret for a moment, seeing how Remus dropped his eyes at the last part and glancing at Link let him catch a slightly sympathetic smile. Alex got the feeling they'd both done this a few times, probably once for each member of the team, and each time Link had watched the ferret touch every inch of a fur who was probably disinterested in the whole process and in the support team mapping him or her out. Alex glanced at his watch, seeing that there was still an hour and a half before school...and a mischievous grin crossed his muzzle.

"But, it's kinda the same thing as the neural mapping, right? As long as you explore my whole body, it doesn't matter how...and it doesn't matter what I think, as long as I keep thinking it." The fox asked, looking at both of the guys in turn. They both nodded, looking a touch confused at the odd question.

Alex reached up and pulled the Ipod strap off his arm, unwrapping it and taking it over to the TV. He found the AV cords that linked up the sound system and unplugged one of the TV's, plugging his Ipod in and making a selection, then the volume to a comfortable level, Massive Attack's strong, slow rhythms making a good background.

"Uh, Alex, what..." Link started to ask, but words failed him and his mouth sort of hung open as Alex started to dance. The fox wasn't super effeminate, but he was lean and well built, so instead of looking stupid, Alex looked pretty sexy, slowly rolling his hips in time to the music.

"I learned a thing or two from my girlfriend...and I thought you guys might enjoy something not so clinical." Alex said, closing his eyes and fighting to keep the blush off his face. He felt a little like an idiot, slowly twisting his stomach and rolling his hips, dancing a slow circle with his bushy tail swaying across his tight ass...when he peeked at the ferret and orca though, he felt a lot less awkward. Both Remus and Link were watching him like they couldn't get enough, disbelief and shock written on their faces. Was this really happening!?

"Y-y-you d-d-don't h-h-have to..." Nervousness apparently made Remus' stutter a little worse...but his protest was definitely weak.

"You'd probably rather have a girl in my place but..." Alex drew his shirt up over his stomach and chest, arms crossed over his head as he pulled the cloth off, exposing his lean, red furred back.

"I think I speak for both of us when I say you're just fine." Link answered quietly, swallowing when Alex looked over his shoulder and winked. The orca felt himself stir, the small slit in his rubbery skin beneath his abs stretching a bit as his arousal pushed out into the cool water. Alex turned, letting the boys take in his snow white chest and stomach, the lean column of slightly defined abs tensing and relaxing as his hips rolled in time to the music.

Alex closed his eyes again, imagining he were Ali dancing, trying to think about what she would do if she wanted to turn these boys on...for a moment he could see her in his minds eye, sitting on the couch behind Remus, her foot up on the table in front of the couch as she watched with hungry approval, her fingers slowly sliding her skirt up her thighs, dipping between her thighs to tease herself. The image spurred Alex on and he added a turn, arching his back and lifting his tail, hands sliding down over his hips as he bent...the running shorts weren't the best, but his ass looked great anyway as he bent at the hip, grasping his ankles in a slow, erotic stretch.

He came up again and let his tail fall, dancing around to face his audience as his hands slid down his stomach, pushing both running shorts and briefs downward, sliding the clothing down his thighs. Alex's thick sheathe and heavy package fell free as he danced and he slowly massaged himself for the boys, letting them watch as he pulled his sheathe down and stroked himself, his shaft coming to full hardness happily.

Remus gasped as he watched Alex bring himself to attention, his own arousal making his jeans almost hurt with how tight they'd become. He whimpered a bit, while Link licked his lipless mouth hungrily. "Good god,'re huge. How big is that thing?"

Alex grinned, coming over to Remus, stepping out of his shorts along the way. He put his hand on the ferret's chest and pushed gently, backing him up to the glass tank on the edge of the couch.

"I've never measured...but I bet it's important for Remus to know." the fox answered, a toothy grin sliding across his muzzle. "how big am I, Remus?" he asked the ferret, reaching out and taking the shy and definitely shocked ferret's hand and bringing it to his hard length.

Remus curled his fingers around that big shaft, whimpering again when Alex let his head fall back and moaned lustily...maybe it was a little over the top for just a touch, but damn it was sexy! Remus stroked slowly at first, his soft hand sliding up and down that throbbing, silken shaft...he dropped into a crouch and studied, putting away his shyness and reaching up with both hands to explore.

Link watched with almost painful hunger as the ferret got to his head he was begging Remus to lean in and lick that heavy cock. He didn't realize he was pushing the thoughts into the ferret's head by accident, but either way, Remus hesitantly dipped his muzzle forward, tongue sliding up the underside of the fox's impressive shaft...and this time Alex's moan was real.

"Twelve inches long...two and a quarter thick." the ferret said softly. "And sweet." he added with another whimper.

Alex was surprised...he'd been sure he was no bigger than ten inches, but there was no questioning the spatial expert! Alex leaned forward over the ferret, putting his hands on the tank as he came face to face with Link, a grin on his muzzle.

"Big." Alex said softly, leaning upward so he could put his tongue to Link's cool, rubbery skin, licking the water off the orca's throat in a line up to his gracefully curved jawline. It was Link's turn to sort of whimper, though in his throat it was more of a soft keen.

Alex felt the ferret's hands slowly sliding over his feet and up his legs, exploring Alex's body thoroughly...Alex reached down and pushed fingers into the Remus' headfur, taking a fistful of the soft, short hair. He pulled with his hand and pushed forward with his hips gently, pushing his fat tip into the ferret's muzzle and onto his tongue. He groaned into Link's smooth, rubbery skin, opening his muzzle to bite Link's neck but not too hard.

For his part, Link's own mouth was parted and that tiny keening seemed to be completely involuntary...especially when the fox bit him softly. He felt more than saw Alex's hands slide into the water, the fox having let Remus take over the slow and sensual sucking of his heavy cock. Alex's paws slid down the orca's smooth, rippling stomach and he found the slit stretched tight around Link's own rather large cock. When the fox's soft paw wrapped around Link's member the orca's whole body tensed and he gripped the side of the tank hard enough to make squeaking sounds.

Alex stroked slowly, tightening his paw on that slippery, very hot piece of flesh, making Link moan and keen with pleasure. "Ever had a fur wrap his mouth around this piece of delicious meat?" Alex asked softly, his muzzle pressed against the orca's neck.

Link nodded, though it was weak, it took a moment for him to remember what speech was, let alone form words. "R-Remus got drunk night of my..." he groaned when Alex pulled, making Link push on the tank to lift himself up as high as he could.

Alex ducked down just in time as the orca's throbbing cock started to break the surface. Air never touched that powerful length because it pushed straight into Alex's mouth, the young fox's muzzle wrapping tightly around Link's shaft.

Remus heard the murmured conversation and he blushed...then felt the rising and falling of Alex coming up on his toes and sinking down again rhythmically...the small ferret suddenly felt the need to prove he could suck cock just as well as Alex, if not better. It became a sweet competition, between him and the fox, Link having no idea why Alex became fervent in his sensual licking and sucking...he just knew that he wasn't going to last long if it kept up!

"Stop, oh god, stop or i'm gonna..." Link's keening went silent as Alex ignored the begging. Instead he opened his throat up and pushed down at the same time, letting the orca's glorious length force it's way in. at his hips, Remus gagged slightly, his throat working to take some of a girth he didn't have the experience to swallow. He'd opened up the fastening on his jeans and his paw worked furiously to satisfy some of the burning lust Alex inspired.

Maybe it was Link broadcasting his thoughts to the others, or maybe it was just a mutual fall over the edge, but for a moment everything ceased as each tried to hold back...and failed. Alex swallowed as fast as he could, but there was just too much of the potent, watery seed flooding his maw. Remus didn't even bother, just licking and pawing the fox as Alex painted his face and the side of the tank, with an equally impressive but thicker climax, the sheer pleasure of servicing the sexy young fox making him spill his own musky cum all over the floor.

All three boys could only pant and brace themselves for a moment or two, Link slowly sinking back into the tank and Remus leaning back against the glass....he looked up at Alex and blushed furiously when the fox winked at him.

"Ahem." a vaguely amused voice interrupted, making the boys look toward the door where Rayn stood, her powerful arms crossed over her more than ample chest. She raised an eyebrow at Alex. "I came to tell you that you've gotta get going or you'll be late for school. What is it about you, Foxy? Every time I see you, you just swallowed a load of cum!"

Alex laughed, blushing and looking down. "Animal charisma?" he asked, looking to Link and Remus with a grin. "I gotta get going guys...i'll see you later though?" Link was surprised to actually hear a hopeful note in Alex's thoughts.


I hope you all have been staying tuned, despite my long absence. things have been very, very hectic since moving and now that i'm settled in and falling into a rhythm, (grin) I plan to be posting alot more of Alex and his story. stay tuned for 12 and keep fapping!


There she is...chapter 10 part 2

_Chapter 10 (PART II) of Alex's Adventure_ **_Author's note:_** **_!!!!PART II OF SPECIAL TWO PART ADVENTURE!!!!_** _With the introduction of the majority of TRICKS out of the way, it's time to get to know all these new furs...intimately. So begins...

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There she is...Chapter 10

_Chapter 10 (PART I) of Alex's Adventure Author's note: !!!SPECIAL TWO PART CHAPTER!!! in this part of Alex's Adventure, it's time to meet the rest of TRICKS. I fit as much yiff into the beginning as I could, but the majority of part I is the...

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There she is...Chapter 9

Part 9 of Alex's Adventure... _I think this one deserves a special introduction. I know a lot of furs out there were less than pleased with Alessa's indiscretion, I caught a lot of heat over it. But as with any good story, not everything can be cum...

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