There she is...Chapter 9

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#9 of There she is...

Part 9 of Alex's Adventure...

_I think this one deserves a special introduction. I know a lot of furs out there were less than pleased with Alessa's indiscretion, I caught a lot of heat over it. But as with any good story, not everything can be cum and deep penetration, sometimes a hero like Alex needs something bad to happen to bring out the best in him. So I hope you all had enough faith to stick out the dark times...this one is for you.


Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Alex came home from his tour through the TRICKS facility and Aidan's recruitment pitch was stressing him out. Violette, Alex's mom, decided to help him relax as every good mother should...meanwhile Ali was at dinner with her father and craving cock so bad it was throwing her whole evening off. Unfortunately Alex couldn't come along and Ali found herself cornered by an older, forceful rabbit. Unable to control herself because of her sheer arousal, Ali lifted tail for the rabbit against her loyal love for Alex. That's what you missed last time on Yiff!

Ali was silent during the entire ride home. Her dress carefully replaced, she still shifted uncomfortably in the seat, feeling her lack of panties and the hot wet cum in her pussy. Not that she disliked the fact she loved it and that made her feel all the worse.

It wasn't Alex's cum. It was a stranger's. Ali's mind threw a memory at her as if it was angry and wanted her to feel even more guilty...her tail raised and her heavy lace clad breasts pressed against the stone balcony wall, the rabbit fucking so hard and fast she almost went numb. He hadn't even been particularly big...nothing special and he'd been over too fast, leaving her barely sated and more guilty than she'd ever felt in her life.

"Did you have fun, Kitten?" Her father asked conversationally as they left the restaurant parking lot, only to see her ears turn downward and her face turn toward the window in shame.

"I cheated on Alex." she answered, voice thick with emotion...she was almost on the edge of sobbing. "Daddy, what am I going to do? I betrayed him!" sheer guilt rushed her and the tears stung her eyes, cutting small trails through her alabaster facefur.

"What? Oh, kitten..." Eric sighed softly. "I thought you were both being open about the relationship...when you told me what you did with his mother, I just assumed." Eric frowned softly, seeing his daughter's shoulders shake with silent sobs. He reached out and rubbed the back of her neck slowly.

Ali squeezed her eyes shut tight. "I cheated on him and he's going to leave me. For ten stupid minutes with that stupid rabbit! What the hell was I thinking!?" she demanded angrily, as if he could answer the question.

"You needed it, little kitten." Eric said softly, trying to keep his voice comforting. "Alessa, Alex wouldn't want you to suffer because he couldn't attend the party..." He paused and shook his head. "You're an incredibly sexual tigress, Alessa. It isn't entirely your fault that you couldn't deny your urges...after all you're a cat. Cats of every breed are at a disadvantage with impulse control, it's in our blood."

Nothing her father said was going to take away the burning hot guilt...and every time she shifted her legs, she could feel the hot, sticky evidence of her the time they got home she was hugging herself and almost hyperventilating. Eric deeply considered giving her something to help her calm down, he'd never seen his little girl in so much torment. Ali staggered out of the car, swaying a little on her paws as she padded to the front door silently. Even her tail, with a mind of it's own, was completely lifeless, the sheer magnitude of her depression making it seem almost dead.

"Kitten...what are you going to do?" Eric asked, concerned and catching up with her to unlock the door, a powerful hand catching the back of her neck and giving a hard squeeze, trying to get her to recover a little.

"Take a shower...go to bed." Ali answered in a flat voice. "I don't deserve to talk to him." she staggered toward the stairs and Eric shook his head, more than just concerned now.

Alex hit the street after saying goodnight to his mother. He'd known that Eric's dinner might run a little late, so he'd waited till almost ten before pulling on a pair of comfortable jeans and the shirt he'd sort of stolen from Ali. He knew she loved to see him wearing her clothes...odd, that was usually reversed, wasn't it? All well, his lean, toned body was built just right to wear the skintight, long sleeved shirt, blue arms that climbed up to his shoulders and a white stomach with a blue cat on the chest that she said was from a cartoon she'd loved a couple of years ago.

Maybe surprising his tigress wasn't a super smart idea, after all she could be in bed already, or maybe the dinner hadn't gone well and she was comforting her father...but Alex was willing to take the risk. He closed his eyes and imagined ringing her doorbell and Ali opening the door in a slutty little two piece lingerie set, or maybe just a crotchless thong...maybe he'd take her right there on the porch, just so they could fuck with the fear of being caught driving them on...Alex grinned and lengthened his stride. Definitely worth the risk......

When Alex rang the doorbell, he didn't get his fantasy realized, though it had just been a fantasy after all, and he offered Eric a smile when the large tiger opened the door, barechested and wearing just a pair of briefs. Dr. Frasier looked like he was just getting ready for bed. Eric didn't return the boy's smile...he just blinked in surprise.

"Alex...did my daughter call you?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder at the stairs, then back to Alex. Maybe they'd talked on the phone and everything was fine...

"Uh, er, no sir." Alex answered, shoving his hands in his pockets with a shrug. "I was just hoping to surprise her, maybe give her a massage or something before bed, you know, I haven't seen her all day and..."

Eric's ears had laid back and he looked grim, making Alex stop talking. The fox's heartbeat sped up and he looked at what he could see of the house past Eric.

"Is everything ok, sir?" Alex asked, his voice holding a note of concern. His own ears were pricked forward and he unconsciously came up onto the balls of his footpaws as adrenaline made him antsy. Something was wrong. "Is Ali ok?"

Eric frowned a little harder and tightened his paw on the door...he considered telling Alex now wasn't a good time, that he should see Ali tomorrow. Maybe by then his daughter would have calmed a bit, thought about this rationally...always good to face the music with a clear head...Eric knew it wasn't his place though. He wanted to protect his daughter, but she'd be very angry with him indeed if she found out he'd turned Alex away. "You'd better come in, Son. Ali is upstairs." he shook his head. "She's ok...well, I mean she's not hurt or anything."

The tiger's words ratcheted Alex's tension up even higher. "Sir?" he asked, hoping for some clarification and frowning when Eric shook his head.

"You'll have to talk to her. I'll tell her you're here." Eric told the boy to wait downstairs...another oddity. Something made Alex's stomach turn, twisting into knots. What the hell was wrong? He had about five minutes to agonize over it, playing scenario after scenario through his mind, each one worse than the last...when Eric came downstairs again, telling him he could go up, Alex almost flew up the steps in a rush to get to his tigress.

Alex paused at the closed bedroom door, then knocked and opened it a crack, sticking his head in... "Hey love, can I..." he blinked as the beautiful tigress, sitting on her bed with her knees drawn up under her, wearing one of Alex's own button shirts, burst into tears. Apparently he'd said something wrong already! Still, he wasn't going to just stand outside like a coward.

Ali watched the handsome fox step inside, wearing one of her shirts, looking yummy and worried about her, every line of him showing his devotion...and she wanted to curl up into a ball and die right there. She sobbed, even when he came over to the bed and wrapped his arms around her, she stiffened, then just took the comfort she didn't deserve, pushing forward into Alex's arms and bawling against his chest.

Alex was silent, stroking the tigress' back, holding her close and tight, as if he could make her feel better just by getting her closer....when her sobbing slowed, he gently pushed fingers into her hair, pulling her head back a bit. "Whatever it is, love, just tell me...I'll do anything to make it better."

His loving words almost brought another bout of tears. She definitely didn't deserve him. Ali looked down at the bedspread, taking a deep breath of his scent, coming from the shirt she wore, and from the fox directly...his musk was comforting and arousing all at once, even with the guilt grinding her insides to bits.

"Alex..."she said softly, biting her lip... she took a few breaths. "Alex, I love you so much, I'm so sorry..."

The pit of Alex's stomach dropped out and he sat frozen. She was breaking up with him. That was it...he wasn't good enough, she'd met someone better at the party or something. Ali the tigress, his fantasy, the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on wasn't satisfied with him...

"Alex, I...I had sex with another fur." She made the admission all in a rush, looking up at him and twisting her hands together. "At the party there was a rabbit who cornered me..." she stopped before she made it sound like it was against her will, like she'd been raped or something. She wasn't going to betray Alex a second time. He deserved the truth.

The fox was stunned. He had to swallow and make his ears pop, shaking his head to try and process it...he looked at her. "You're leaving me for him?" he asked, throat almost too tight to speak.

"What? No, Alex it meant nothing, I swear to god, I'll swear any way you want, it wasn't like that...he just...he was there, and I should have said no but..."She lowered her head again, guilt rushing forward. "I'm so sorry...please don't hate me..." she begged, knowing she didn't have the right to ask that, but doing it anyway.

Alex was silent, rocking back slowly on the bedspread...he looked down at her twisted hands, the spots her tears made on the sheets. "Tell me what happened." he said, voice surprisingly flat.

Ali swallowed sobs at the cold sound...she knew what was coming and he just wanted to get the fire up to tell her off, to make her hurt as much as he must be hurting. She lowered her head and started speaking, the words spilling from her like an avalanche as she described the dinner, what her father had suggested, how he was right, she described Kyle, how the rabbit had cornered her, how she'd tried to say no but in the end she didn't. She told Alex everything, how he tore off her panties, how she sucked the rabbit and how he'd pinned her to the wall, fucking her hard and fast, making her beg for more because, frankly he wasn't going deep enough for her...everything.

Alex listened until Ali got to the last, her words coming too fast now...she was trying to use useless facts to put a better light on the whole thing. He reached out and touched her paw with his long fingers and she shut up, like he'd touched a valve and cut off the flow of her words. Alex looked at his tigress for a long moment, studying her face, seeing her tears and listening to her quiet, half-held sobs.

"Is it me?" Alex asked softly, biting his bottom lip, his fingers shaking a little where he touched her soft paw. "Am I not enough?"

Ali's mouth worked soundlessly for a moment before she shook her head hard. "What?, no it's not that, I love you Alex." The words siezed in her throat and she had to force them out. "I don't deserve someone as good as you I'm so sorr..."

Alex's hand reached up and covered her muzzle, stopping her words physically. He frowned and looked down at the bedspread, then he looked back up at her. "Ali, I won't lie to you...I don't like that you..."He took a breath and chose his words a little more carefully. "After the stuff we've done so far, with your dad, and my mom and all, I think I understand why you couldn't resist. I just wish you'd come to me...that we'd at least talked about it first."

Ali looked shocked. he...he understood? Even when Alex moved his hand, uncovering her mouth so she could speak, she still couldn't say a word. He didn't hate her?

"I don't hate you, Ali...I love you." Alex seemed to read her mind and he gently pulled Ali into his lap and kissed her softly. "I knew things were going to be unusual with the things we've done so far...i just..." Alex closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. "Ali...i want you to be mine forever...I just...I want to be good enough to be your man."

Alessa was speechless. She squeezed her eyes shut and snuggled into the fox as best she could. She was the one who did something wrong, and Alex was the one who said he wanted to be good enough for her? She knew right then that this was the one she could never let go matter what.

Alex kissed the tigress softly. "I'm ok with shared me with your father, and with mom...I understand that you need as much attention as me, if not more." He let out a soft breath, feeling the slight twisting of jealousy...but he shouted it down. What she did with another fur didn't matter...what she did with him was what he cared about.

"Alex..." Ali said softly. "You're amazing, you're everything I could ever want..." She kissed her beloved soft and slow. "As long as you love me, I don't care what happens, I'll always be your girl. I'll always belong to you." she reached down between them, wrapping her fingers around his massive bulge and giving a slow squeeze. "You're the only one I really want I just needed..."

Alex gave a bit of a groan, the sheer pleasure of her touch scaring away his uncertainty, even as he accepted what she said. Alex opened his eyes and he gave her a smile. "Were you just trying to make me feel better when you said he wasn't enough?" he asked softly.

Ali grinned back at him. "My love...I think you've spoiled me. I don't think there's a cock out there that's as amazing as yours." she licked her lips and squeezed him again softly. "was your mom...enough?"

Alex couldn't help the lusty grin that slid across his muzzle. His hands tightened and he pulled, making her straddle him with her tail twitching back and forth behind her. He kissed his lover. "No one can compare to you." he answered, sliding his paws down to her ass and squeezing hard. He gave a grin. "get on your knees, pet. Show me I'm the only one you love."

As usual, the pet name made her growl, but she was all too happy to slide off his lap and push Alex down onto the bed so he was laying back while she took his pants off. She nuzzled his glorious, half hard length and licked slowly over the massive shaft. "Still can't get over how big you are...this is still too much cock for just one girl." She moaned, wrapping her lips around his tip and sucking hard, as if she wanted to draw him into her mouth with sheer suction.

Alex groaned and reached out, grabbing one of her ears with his fingertips and rubbing slowly as he pulled her deeper onto his cock. "I failed you..."he said softly, his eyes glinting with a new determination. "I wasn't there to satisfy your needs, I understand that...and I don't plan on letting it happen again."

His reassurance was rewarded by the feel of her throat meeting the tip of his fat monster and Ali's tail went completely straight as she forced her way forward, accepting him into her throat, silencing her own purr with his massive prick. Alex pulled hard, fucking his girlfriend's throat slowly. "That's a good little slut, Pet." he growled, making her look up at him with fire in her eyes. She fought against his dominance naturally, and ended up melting as he gripped the back of her neck with his hand, pleasure sliding through her body slowly.

When she came up for air, she gasped softly. "Alex...I want to be only for you, even if you use this on a dozen other furs, I want my pussy to be yours alone." She whimpered a bit, remembering how hard it was to say no to the was she going to fulfill that promise when her body demanded cock so badly?

Alex growled softly and he sat up, grabbing his pet's throat and pulling the athletic tigress up to her footpads as well. He pushed her back until her shoulders hit the wall and she looked up at her fox, surprised at how strong he was being, her whole body quivered with arousal for how predatory he was being. Alex kissed her deeply, passionately. "You are mine...and I'm yours, no matter what happens." he said softly. He didn't need to tell her all was forgiven...his lust for her, his love, spoke for itself. Alex's hands slid up her thighs and he pushed her borrowed shirt up till her hips were exposed, the soft black panties she wore slid to one side at his touch. Ali's body arched beautifully and she took his monster in her paws, guiding the well endowed fox into her dripping pussy.

The rabbit's cock had been nothing compared to this. He'd been fast and hard, but Alex forced his way into her tight entrance slowly, claiming her hot pussy for his own. He reached the end of her with an inch still to go, and Ali yowled softly in mixed pain and pleasure as Alex forced his way past her cervix, pushing into her womb on that first, hard thrust. She belonged here, pinned to the wall by her fox's cock.

Alex began to fuck her hard and slow, feeling her lift her legs off the floor and cross her ankles behind his back, holding him close as he made her his own once again. Ali threw her head back, whimpering with pleasure as he drove into her body, deep and slow. This was the way it was meant to be, it felt so good she could barely form thoughts and every single one of them that left her mouth was only to coax him onward, to praise her fox. They ended up on the bed after long minutes, Ali struggling to get his shirt off even as he ripped a few of the buttons off the shirt she wore, baring her soft, full breasts.

Alex bit down on one of her nipples, Making Ali's back arch and tearing a soft cry from her mouth. Her whole body tensed as she came for him, milking his fat cock with her insides.

"Oh God,'re filling me so're splitting me open!" she moaned, bucking her hips upward as Alex drove himself into her particularly hard.

"Good girl..."he said, knowing it would bring the fire out of her again and she fought back, struggling for dominance. Alex ground his hips into the tigress and she melted again, unable to withstand the sheer force of his thrusts. "God Ali, you're so tight, it feels like you were made for me."

the tigress looked up at him, whimpering softly as her claws shredded the sheets, gripping them as she was brought to the edge of another orgasm in seconds. "Fuck my pussy, Alex...Mark me as yours..."she begged him.

Alex reached up and caught her throat, thrusting into her harder and faster, making her cry out twice more as her body convulsed in climax after climax. Alex pulled back, up onto his knees, his monstrous cock popping out of her tight, abused little entrance. He threw his head back and groaned as he came to his own climax, ropes of thick, hot cum falling heavily on Ali's pussy lips, her stomach, even all the way up to her mouth. Ali licked her lips as she took his mark, tasting his climax and moaning softly.

The fox leaned down, crawling up to kiss his lover slow and deep. "I love you, Ali...i won't let you down again." he said softly, covering her mouth with his own. He knew what he had to do...he had to be more. He had to be better. He laid with his beautiful tigress till she fell asleep in his arms, stroking her hair slowly as her breathing evened out. Alex gently and carefully slipped out of bed, grabbing his pants and going downstairs, fishing Aidan's business card out of his pocket. If he wanted to be better, stronger and more for Ali...there was one way he could think of to do it.

Aidan picked up the phone next to his bed, putting it to his ear as the bedsheets pooled around his waist. "Hello?"

"I'm in." Alex's voice said, making the bear smile. "What do I have to do?"

I hope everyone enjoyed the makeup sex between our hero and his tigress and I hope her indiscretion didn't turn off too many of you. The good stuff is just starting.


There she is...chapter 10 part 2

_Chapter 10 (PART II) of Alex's Adventure_ **_Author's note:_** **_!!!!PART II OF SPECIAL TWO PART ADVENTURE!!!!_** _With the introduction of the majority of TRICKS out of the way, it's time to get to know all these new furs...intimately. So begins...

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There she is...Chapter 10

_Chapter 10 (PART I) of Alex's Adventure Author's note: !!!SPECIAL TWO PART CHAPTER!!! in this part of Alex's Adventure, it's time to meet the rest of TRICKS. I fit as much yiff into the beginning as I could, but the majority of part I is the...

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There she is...chapter 8

Part 8 of Alex's Adventure _Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Alex decided to meet with Aidan and he was blown away by his first contact with the superpowered team of secret agents! Aidan knows that Alex has power and he's thinking hard about...

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