There she is...Chapter 10

Story by AidanKuma on SoFurry

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#10 of There she is...

_Chapter 10 (PART I) of Alex's Adventure

Author's note:

!!!SPECIAL TWO PART CHAPTER!!! in this part of Alex's Adventure, it's time to meet the rest of TRICKS. I fit as much yiff into the beginning as I could, but the majority of part I is the exposition of a whole slew of new characters. If all your looking for is the yiff, and I know the feeling, part II is in the works and it'll be forthcoming by the end of the week. You have my word.

Thanks! -AK_

Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Ali's indiscretion was eating her up on the way home and she was terrified of losing Alex when he came over for a surprise visit that night. She was surprised indeed when Alex was understanding and their love grew even stronger because of it. Even with Ali's reassurances that Alex wasn't the problem, he still felt like he might not be fulfilling Ali's needs and decided it was a good time to be all that he could joining TRICKS.

Ali was at the island counter in her kitchen when her fox came downstairs, freshly showered and changed after his morning run. She normally wasn't up this early...hell, she usually didn't get out of bed until Alex made her, and then it was just to jump in the shower with him. But she'd had trouble sleeping after he'd slipped out this morning, so the tigress had gotten ready for school early. Daddy was long gone, on his way to work, and Ali had just been sitting and drinking a cup of coffee when Alex came home and dashed upstairs to get ready himself.

Ali had chosen a short black skirt that hugged her ass, ending mid-thigh. One of the lacy, dark blue push-ups was just barely visible under one of Alex's button shirts, tied just above her navel and showing off her pure white stomach. The shirt smelled like her boyfriend, and after last night, she was craving a little comfort of that kind. When Alex came downstairs the tigress suddenly felt antsy, as if she should be doing something for him...anything to be good to him, just...

Alex came into the kitchen wearing his usual soft jeans, torn at one knee, his footpaws bare. He wore a black belt around his hips and an inch of his sterling white stomach and auburn sides was bare above the belt because the shirt he was wearing was a little too small...though it looked amazing on his lean frame. The fox had obviously raided his girlfriend's dresser again, though his choice seemed more like whatever was on the top rather than a careful selection, and he was wearing a double-shirt, long white sleeves beneath and quarter length sleeves over them so it looked like he was wearing two shirts instead of one. The top shirt was black with a printed fleur de lis in white velvet that was offset and tilted sideways.

"Looks almost better on you than me." Ali said with a hesitant smile...Alex didn't pause on his way into the kitchen and didn't answer her verbally, just came to his tigress and slipped a hand behind her neck, pulling Ali into a slow, deep kiss.

"Morning, Love." Alex said when they broke the kiss...she smiled shyly up at him, her fears melting away as he traced her hip with one paw, squeezing her waist with his fingers. "If we get going, I'll buy you some breakfast on the way. I've never known my girl to say no to a little meat in the morning."

Ali was half purring, half growling in answer, both hungry and pleased that Alex really was acting like last night had never nothing had changed. Ali nodded, reaching down to pick up her backpack, slinging it over one shoulder casually. "How was your run?"

Alex gave a shrug, grabbing his own bag on their way out the door. "Not bad...though I was surprised when I didn't come home and find you in bed. Trouble sleeping?"

"A little..."Ali said, looking down and adjusting her hair a bit where it was caught up into a ponytail behind her head casually. Alex reached up and scratched the back of her neck slowly, playing with her ponytail a bit.

"Your hair is getting long..."he teased a bit, rubbing one of her ears to make her purr for him.

"You like it?" Ali asked curiously, reaching out and sliding her arms around Alex's waist while he considered the question.

"I think you're beautiful no matter what you do with your hair." Alex answered with a grin, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. They didn't have too far to walk, just a couple of blocks down and one over before they got to a breakfast cafe that was pretty empty most times...most people just came for coffee and a bagel then dashed out again.

"An artful way to say, you like shorter hair better, but you don't want me mad at you." Ali accused, grinning toothily at her boyfriend as they slid into a booth on either side of the table.

"I would never say..."Alex said, flushing beneath his fur...he leaned back in the booth, his knees spreading wide and he nudged her ankle with his left footpaw, smiling at her.

Ali laughed and she gave him a wink. "Don't worry, I wouldn't get mad." she said, her own footpaw rising and pushing his pantleg up a bit so she could knead his fur gently. The server came to their table and took both orders, a ham and sausage omelette for Ali with a glass of milk and for Alex a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon along with a cup of tea.

While they were waiting for their drinks, Ali stretched and yawned in her booth, her shirt pulling and rising almost hypnotically. She caught her boyfriend watching with his lower lip caught in his teeth. She grinned toothily and thrust her chest out a little more, reaching up to stroke her own neck fur idly, as if she were just grooming. Alex realized she was teasing him after a second or two and his eyes caught her gaze with a hungry little growl coming out of his throat. The nubile little tigress stretched farther, sliding down into the booth and raising her footpaw up until it slid up his thigh, her pads stroking slowly against Alex's bulge.

Alex's growl turned into a moan that he tried keeping quiet, his eyes sliding shut. He slid his own hips forward into her teasing paw, letting her stroke a little harder under the table.

"Unzip." Ali murmured, glancing over her shoulder at the counter just out of the moment they were completely alone.

Alex's eyes snapped open and they darted around. "What? Ali...Here, now?!" he whispered, unable to stay incredulous because she kneaded with her toes, squeezing his hardening shaft against his thigh.

"Here, now." Ali said, demand in her soft voice as she teased the fox...Alex licked his lips and his hands slipped beneath the table. First his belt, then his pants opened up under his nimble, long fingers...he gave Ali's foot a squeeze, teasing her toes but she kicked his hands off gently and her footpaw dug down into his pants, rubbing against the fur of his sheath and...Ali blinked. "what are you wearing?" she asked, almost certain she could feel satin!

Alex flushed and looked down, a grin playing at his mouth. "Why don't you find out?" he challenged her, his own sense of daring rising to the occasion.

Ali showed off her delicate fangs in a toothy grin and she glanced over her shoulder...then slid down under the table, graceful and flexible as she went to her knees, leaning forward and putting her nose right in Alex's lap. She took a deep breath and pulled his pants open wide, giving a small laugh. They were the panties she made him wear out of the lingerie store! The tight little deep blue panties were bunched to one side, letting Alex's massive sheath lay along his thigh and Ali gave a soft cluck of her tongue.

"You're wearing them wrong." she whispered and reached into his panties, grabbing his massive sheathe, lifting him up and forcing his massive, half hard shaft against his lower stomach so she could stretch the panties over his heavy balls. She licked him through the satin, her heavily textured tongue making Alex groan as she teased him...she pulled his sheathe down further and slid her muzzle up to lick the hot, smooth shaft of his cock. She bathed her toy lovingly, making Alex groan and tense...but he caught her ear and squeezed with a hiss.

"Ali! The server is coming!" Alex hissed suddenly, his whole body tensing. He glanced down and she grinned, pressing her lips fiercely to the underside of his cock, then she pulled back sharply, reaching up and grabbing a fork off the table...

"Found it." she said, holding the fork up triumphantly as she pushed up into her seat, allaying any suspicions the server might have had.

"I'll get you a clean one, Miss." the server said politely, laying down the two plates of food and fresh drinks. He grabbed a silverware roll from a nearby table and put that in front of Ali. "Anything else you need?"

Alex shook his head, but Ali just grinned. "a cup of coffee for me, please." she said.

"Cream?" the server asked.

Ali shook her head. "No, that's alright, I've got something better." She met her boyfriend's eyes and slid a footpaw up into his lap again under the table, kneading his fat, throbbing shaft with her toes.

Alex swallowed hard, suppressing a moan as his tigress slowly stroked him with her foot. His eyes rolled back in pleasure, He didn't even see the server walk off to get the cup of coffee...he had no idea her footpads could feel so damn good, the velvety soft fur between her toes making him moan...Ali was glad as hell she'd chosen to wear just a pair of flipflops today under her sensitive pads.

Alex was fully hard, forced to lay back even farther in the booth because the sheer size of his shaft meant his tip would have poked up above the table if he'd sat up. The new position let Ali raise her other footpad, surrounding Alex's shaft and stroking slow and hard, frowning at his almost painful pleasure...she realized he was dry and she toed the tip of his fat member slowly, massaging out pre to make her footpaws slicker...Alex had to bite his lip to hold back a moan.

Ali grinned, her slicker paws moving easier over his thick shaft...she pressed her toes around his shaft again and again, unable to spread them very wide around his thick member, but he didn't seem to mind. Alex bucked softly against her footpaws, one of them sliding down to knead and stroke his satin covered balls.

The server brought her coffee and Ali thanked him casually, keeping his attention off Alex, who was having a little trouble containing himself. She waited till the server had left them alone again before her paws slipped off Alex's lap and she glanced around before taking her coffee cup and slipping under the table.

"Ali? What are you..." Alex whispered, leaning back to look down at her as she caught his massive cock, leaning forward and starting to lick him again.

"I'm getting some tasty cream for my coffee." she answered hungrily, grinning.

She heard Alex give a soft groan, his body tensing as her fingers slid up to wrap around his shaft, pulling it down again, making the panties pull tight against his heavy balls.

"Ali..." The fox groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip as he felt her tongue slowly circle his tip, teasing before she wrapped her lips around his cock, sucking slow and hard. "Does...does it really taste good?" he panted. He flashed back to last night, his mother using his cum for sauce on her pasta. He remembered how Eric's tasted...musky, salty and a little bitter. It wasn't a bad taste, kind of like...well, like nothing else, but it wasn't something he'd actually want to...

Ali growled softly and nipped the side of her fox's cock, her teeth making him suddenly tense and gaining his full attention like nothing else could. "Taste's sweet. Daddy doesn't taste this good..." she started purring like a motor as she licked pre from his tip. "Cum for me, foxy boy. Want my sweet cream."

Alex whimpered softly...the sound of steps coming their way made him tense and he opened his mouth to warn his hungry little goddess...but she wrapped her mouth around his tip again, making him moan instead. It was too late and Alex composed himself as the server stepped up to their table, bringing their food and setting the dishes out.

The server glanced at Ali's empty seat and then back at the fox, getting a slightly strained smile. "washroom." Alex said by way of explanation. The server didn't react...he wasn't supposed to pry after all, just serve the food. He asked if they needed anything else and Alex shook his head. His toes suddenly curling and his whole body tensing as his climax rose unexpectedly. "We....we're fine." he answered in a strangled groan.

Ali milked her fox carefully, watching him blast ropes of cum hard into her cup of dark, french vanilla roast. She licked his tip slowly, making Alex quake as she teased his oversensitive head. Above the table, the server gave Alex a strange look. "You alright?" he asked with a frown, getting rapid nods from Alex.

"I'm...I'm good, just an upset stomach. That's why I got tea." he said hurriedly , hoping the server would take the explanation at face value. He let out a relieved breath as the server nodded and left the check, heading back to the front of the cafe.

Ali slipped back up into her seat when it was safe, grinning toothily as she stirred her coffee, taking a slow sip that made Alex aroused all over again. "Mmmm...perfect."

Alex couldn't help laughing softly...shaking his head. He put himself away with a little effort and they shared a laugh, reaching across the table to lace their fingers. They shared breakfast for a while, in no rush to separate when school started. Alex pulled out a few bills when they couldn't drag breakfast out any longer, setting them down under his teacup.

Together they rose to leave, walking arm in arm toward school.

"Ali, I've been talking to this professor from the university and he wants me to pick up a special extracurricular program." he gave a shrug. "Some computer stuff, lots of math and a little science, you know, boring stuff."

Ali pursed her lips a bit, tilting her head. "Sounds like smart-guy work...this is about that card you had the other day, right? The one that was all in gibberish?"

Alex blinked in surprise, not realizing she'd remember the coded business card, or make a connection between the two. "Yeah, it is. It's...well, they want to recruit me for this program and I want to give it a try. I don't plan on letting it cut into..." Alex blinked when she held up a hand, her fingers straight up in a halting gesture.

"Foxy, you don't have to explain or make excuses...I'm your girl, not your shackles." Ali grinned and she reached down, lacing their fingers together as they walked. "Go for it. I'll be rooting for you the whole way."

Alex smiled and leaned in to kiss his girlfriend, tasting breakfast, coffee and a hint of something he didn't recognize on her lips...he felt bad about lying to her about what he was getting into. He wanted to tell her that it had nothing to do with school, but Aidan's words returned to him from their parting before.

"Remember, Alex...what we do, the team and our organization, aren't public knowledge. The less people know, the better. If you talk about're out. You'll never see us or hear of us again, and you'll only end up looking stupid or worse, crazy. Understood?"

Alex understood...and he stuffed the discomfort of lying to Ali down. She belonged to him, and he to her. When the time was right, he'd come clean and tell her what he was up to...and he'd make it up to her any way he could. When they got to school, Alex caught his lover and pulled her close, ignoring the glances from the other students making their forlorn way into the school halls.

"I'll see you tonight, pet." he said, teasing her with the nickname and making her growl at him...then turning the growl into a purr with a kiss so fierce it made her whole body tingle.

"I love you." she answered, nuzzling into Alex's neck and smiling when he answered in kind. They parted and Ali wasn't alone for long, her friends finding her and instantly starting to grill her about the cute fox.....

Alex headed toward the side entrance at the other end of the school, but he didn't go in. instead he pulled out his cell and dialed from memory. He'd started to put the contact number that Aidan had given him into his speed dial, but the bear had stopped him.

"Don't bother." Aidan had said as he drove Alex home. "If you lose the cell, it could compromise our security. And we change the number often enough that it'd be a hassle anyway. Just remember the number. It's good for you to practice memorizing anyway."

Alex waited as the phone rang twice, then a strange voice picked up. "Alex! This is Link. Nice to talk to you finally. Cross the street and take your next left, Aidan will pick you up there."

Alex blinked and tilted his head. "You know where I am?" he asked, looking around to see if there was someone watching him.

"Sure I do. Well, more I know where your cell is at the moment, I'm tracking the signal. Once we get you linked up, I'll know where you are specifically at all times...kinda creepy, huh?" the sheer good cheer in the voice made Alex grin wryly.

"Kinda." he agreed, heading down the block, walking quick but not running. He didn't want to draw a truancy officer's attention or anything. "so I going to have to come up with a story why I'm skipping an entire day of school?"

Link gave a negative grunt, as if slightly distracted. "Nope, we've got ya covered. I'm already altering your records with the highschool main office. It'll show that you had an appointment with your therapist and are officially excused on doctor's notice."

Alex frowned at that, turning the corner. "But I don't have a therapist." he answered. "If they send an email to check in with the therapist, it'll bounce back and they'll know it's a fake."

The phone was silent for a minute before Link gave another grunt. "You got a point...I mean...well shit..."

Alex pursed his lips. "Alright, you're in front of your computer, right?" he asked. Link gave an affirmative and Alex nodded. "Ok, first open up a browser and pick a therapist office out of the yellowpages list. Then open that up and go to their employment page. Find an email address on that list and use it as a forwarding address for any Email listed with the main office's email account. We've got about two hours before the main office sends any kind of check in, so when I get to a computer, I'll hack the email address and when the office sends their check in, we'll respond for the therapist and it'll all check out."

Link was silent for a few moments. "Damn...I guess I understand why Aidan recruited you. I wouldn't have thought of this at all."

Alex saw a familiar car waiting just up the block and he grinned into the phone. "Sorry for making such a big deal, I just don't want to deal with the fallout from my parents and the school for skipping."

Link laughed out loud. "Don't be sorry is a primo concern. It's all set up, just like you said. See you in a while." he hung up and Alex put his phone away just as he reached the car. Aidan glanced up at him from the driver's seat.

"Alex, good to see you. Hop in and we'll get gone." the bruin waited till Alex was in before he took off. They headed to the industrial park and pulled into the warehouse again. "Link told me about the email runaround. Was it really necessary?"

Alex frowned, giving a small shrug. "If the whole therapist thing fell apart when the school checked in, they'd want to know where I was, I'd get in trouble with the truancy officer, my mother would worry..."Alex shrugged again. "I figured one successful lie was better than a failed one and a whole bunch more to cover it."

Aidan got out of the car with a pleased smile. "Excellent." he answered with a nod to Alex. "We've been contracting out with a number of electronic security specialists until now to keep our operation quiet. Of course, contracting out comes with it's own risks as well."

Alex frowned a bit, hitching his bag up on his shoulder a bit. "So that what I'm here for? Computer security? I mean...I'm not a real hacker or anything I just...I get how it works, you know?"

Aidan gave a nod. "Among other things, yes. one comes to this business as a pro. You're here because, according to your test scores and what we know of you, you've got skills. Skills that we can put to use. Now, let's concentrate on getting you up to speed and making you a part of the team."

Alex pursed his lips and gave a hesitant nod as Aidan led him through the huge training area. Last time he'd been here, everything had been empty and waiting for use. Today, the main field was occupied by four furs. The field had been scattered with a number of temporary obstacles, heavy foam walls three feet high, blocks built on top of one another, creating a sort of arena. Alex spotted Bell off to the right, dressed in fatigues and a heavy vest, a pair of saftey glasses wrapped around his face. He held a paintball gun in his hands and he crouched behind a wall, ears pricked forward.

"Bell!" Alex called before he thought about it, raising a hand in greeting. The leopard looked around and grinned when he spotted the fox.

"Hey Alex! Good to see...Shit!" Bell crouched down hard, pulling his hand back under cover, wiping paint off the back of his fist on his fatigues. "Damnit Romeo! Cheap shot!!"

Soft laughter answered him from somewhere up among the hung platforms, making Alex look around, trying to spot the source of it...he yelped and danced aside when a paintball splattered the ground next to his footpaw. More laughter followed.

Aidan rolled his eyes with a growl. "Keep it on the field, Romeo!" he demanded. He slowed, glancing over at Alex. "Romeo Simon is our sniper. When I recruit a team member, I generally start with a need and then find a fur who's talents and skills fill the need." Aidan explained.

Bell pulled his gun up and put fingers to his lips, giving a sharp whistle. A second later it was returned from another wall just out of Alex's line of sight. Bell shifted away from the wall and broke cover, dashing toward another wall. This time Alex heard the soft pops of a paintball gun being fired. The shots would have peppered Bell as he ran across the field, except they slowed to a crawl, hanging in midair over Bell's head. When Bell reached safety the paintballs sped up again, splatting the ground harmlessly.

Alex's eyes went wide. "What was that?!" He demanded in shock, looking at Aidan.

The bear grinned. "That would be Rayn Nox, our team weapons and tech specialist. Her talent is...somewhat more elegant than most." Aidan cleared his throat. "Cease fire!" he barked, his deep chest and powerful lungs making it into a bellow that made Alex's ears lay back. "Team fall in!"

the response was instantaneous. Bell stood up, putting the safety on his paintball gun. Behind the hidden wall a second form stood up as well, a wolf with enough toned muscle to put any predator to shame. Long limbs, heavy with powerful muscle, broad shoulders. Powerful calves and thighs were encased in elastic tights that left little to the imagination, even outlining the perfect definition of all that muscle. A smooth V came up from the crotch and rolled into rippling abs beneath short, light grey fur, heavy breasts barely held in check by a taut spandex sports bra. Alex did a double take as he studied the muscled form again, realizing she was female...the wolf wore an amused grin on her muzzle, sharply pricked ears with a single notch near the tip of her left, and small silver rings climbing the lower portions of both. She reached Alex and offered a paw to the small fox.

"You must be Alex. I'm Rayn." She looked him over with a slow, roving gaze. "Aren't you just a cutie." she laughed when Alex flushed and looked down, clearing his throat.

"Uh, thanks." Alex answered, licking his lips and marshaling his courage a little. He looked up and spoke his mind instead of hiding shyly. "You're beautiful."

Bell joined them, laughing. "Impressive, scary, intense, sure, but I think that's the first time anybody's called her beautiful." Bell kept laughing even when Rayn slugged him in the shoulder hard enough to make him stagger a step. He put up a fist, bumping knuckles with Alex when he did the same. The third team member from the field showed up as well, alighting with casual grace. Leathery bat wings folded up and back, exposing a set of articulate hands that fit his light, wiry body. He was shorter and even more slight than Alex, his dark brown fur looking soft and sleek, almost black in some places. His upturned nose and intense, all black eyes marked him as a full blood bat and he gave an impish smile.

"Romeo." he said, his smooth, soft voice matching that laughter Alex had heard. The paintball gun he bore was obviously custom, a rifle complete with optics. He shook Alex's hand with an almost too delicate touch.

Aidan nodded as the bat joined them. "Alex, this is the field team. With your arrival, we'll be ready to resume full active operation." He looked around at the assembled team. "Everyone, meet Alex Reyes, our new software and electronic security specialist."

Alex blinked in surprise at the title, looking down and shuffling his feet a little. For some reason he imagined Ali watching him and he stood straighter, bringing his muzzle up and meeting the gazes focused on him with a casual smile, putting a little bravado in his stance.

"Oh, I like him, Captain." Rayn said, a hungry smile exposing her teeth. The rest of the team gave their own approval in different ways, welcoming Alex warmly.

Aidan nodded, pleased, and he looked around the group. "Alright, Rayn, Romeo, you're free to resume training. Bell, I'd like you to show Alex the locker room, get him settled and put him through his paces. Alex, we'll get you acquainted with the support team after you do some training with Bell, then I'll drop you off back at school before the final bell rings." Orders issued, Aidan dismissed the group and Bell gave the young fox a grin and a wink, nodding for him to follow.

_I hope all of you have been enjoying Alex's Adventure so far. This chapter was more about exposition than anything else, but don't get soft on me just yet. Plenty of yiff is on the way! Stay tuned for part II!


There she is chapter 11

_Chapter 11 of Alex's adventure!_ _Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Alex cut an entire day of classes for the first time and got an introduction to the team known as TRICKS. With Alex joining the team, TRICKS is back up to full...

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There she is...Chapter 9

Part 9 of Alex's Adventure... _I think this one deserves a special introduction. I know a lot of furs out there were less than pleased with Alessa's indiscretion, I caught a lot of heat over it. But as with any good story, not everything can be cum...

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There she is...chapter 8

Part 8 of Alex's Adventure _Here's what you missed last time on Yiff! Alex decided to meet with Aidan and he was blown away by his first contact with the superpowered team of secret agents! Aidan knows that Alex has power and he's thinking hard about...

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