Precious Cargo (Part 1)
#1 of Precious Cargo
Commission for about a disease that causes furries to suffer from mental regression...and incontinence. Although originally uploaded on FA, the commissioner has asked for it to be posted on SoFurry.
Precious Cargo (Part 1)
She didn't ask what she was carrying, not like they'd tell her anyways. She didn't need to know. In her line of business, she found that sticking your nose into other furries' business was usually what got you sent to one of those uncharted islands in the middle of nowhere, where your friends and family would never find you. Sure, she was just a truck driver, but there are some things you really shouldn't see when furries are busy loading up your truck with dozens of unknown boxes with funky labels on them. She could've sworn she once saw a deranged creature with serrated teeth in one of them, and a pool of blood dripping out of another. But, she didn't ask, and they didn't tell. So there she was, driving a gray box truck with a red biohazard symbol into a city in the middle of the night. They called the place Banshee City, but the driver kept thinking that it was "Diaper City," for obvious reasons. Everyone, no matter what role they played in the metropolitan area, wore a crinkly diaper beneath their trousers, and some would go around wearing nothing at all but the diapers, even in public. But since everyone wore diapers, no one made fun of another. Even the driver wore a diaper, and she looked down at the white cotton undergarments before paying attention to the road again. It was dark out and even with her headlights on, she was having trouble seeing everything up ahead. It was also very early in the morning-two a.m. the last time she checked-and she was out of coffee. Needless to say, she was tired, and eager to pull off to the side of the road so she could curl up in a ball and get some sleep. But she knew if she slept for the next five hours, she'd be late arriving to her destination, and she would receive a major pay deduction, or even get suspended. So she continued to drive down the road, reaching the outskirts of Banshee City within another half-hour. The driver yawned loudly and shook her head, trying to keep herself awake. However, once her eyelids became heavy and she almost rested her head on the wheel, she knew that she had to pull over and get some sleep. Fuck the payment, she thought. I'm not gonna sit here and fall asleep at the wheel. The driver slowed down and began to drift off-road, but at that time, she heard a truck honk its horn twice and saw headlights appear from the left side of the road. The driver failed to notice that she was about to cross a four-way intersection. She also failed to notice the speeding semi that was about to cross the same intersection.
"SHIT!" she yelled.
The semi plowed into the side of the box truck, shattering the windshield and windows and rupturing a substantial amount of the cuboid-shaped cargo area of the vehicle. The truck screeched as the driver tried to stop the vehicle, but it wound up flipped over four times, landing on its right side and skidding down the road nearly eighty feet before stopping. Amazingly, the driver didn't die; she wasn't even critically injured. The brown fox opened her eyes and started panting before she let go of the steering wheel and unfastened her seat belt, plummeting to the other side of the vehicle. She groaned and grabbed her head before walking through the shattered windshield and stepping outside, wincing once she stepped onto some glass.
The driver walked away from the truck and noticed that the driver from the other truck, a burly gray bear who also seemed to be wearing a diaper, was running over to the scene of the accident. The fox held the bloody scar behind her ear before staggering over towards the bear.
"I'm fine! I'm fine-just got some glass in my face."
"Damn! Dat was some fender-bender ya got in dere ma'am! What's yer name?"
"Sorry 'bout that Mary, guess ah was drivin' wit mah eyes closed, ya know?"
Marianne nodded, knowing she was in the same position he had been placed in.
"Ah can take ya to the hospital if ya want me to. Mah rig ain't bashed up too bad."
"No, just call the paramedics; I don't want anyone to think we're running from the scene of a crime or anything."
"Yew got it!" said the bear, getting out his cellphone and dialing 911.
" me a favor...see if anything from the back spilled out."
The gray bear went over to the back of the truck and noticed that the back door not had been busted open during the crash, but a few mysterious containers had cracked as well, spilling a mysterious white powder all over the place. The gray bear chuckled.
"Damn lady! What were yew shippin', cocaine?!"
Marianne's eyes grew wide, knowing that the only way the bear would even think she was shipping drugs were if the containers had been busted open. She closed her eyes and swore to herself.
It didn't take long before Marianne arrived to the hospital, nor did it take long before the cops showed up and started asking questions. Like the bear that ran into her implied, it looked like she was a drug mule ready to flood the streets with a huge assortment of narcotics. Even though all three of them were wearing the standard blue uniforms and armed with a nightstick and 9mm, something told Marianne that underneath it all were a pair of fat diapers that crinkled with each step they took.
"So what were you transporting Marianne?" asked a male blue rhino.
"I already told you, I don't know." said Marianne as she pressed a bag of ice against a lump on her head.
The rhino's partner, a female leopard, looked up at her. "How would you not know what you were transporting?"
Marianne shrugged. "That's just the nature of my business. The less I know, the better it turns out for me."
"What does that mean?" asked a cougar, also male.
"You ever hear about those four truck drivers who went missing for two months and were never seen again?"
"No." said the leopard.
"You hear about the serial killer who dismembered a few victims and scattered all the parts around the city?"
"Yeah, it was all over the police radio."
"Coincidence? It's more than ironic that the news said when all the parts were collected, they equaled four different victims."
"Okay, okay, do you know anyone who can give us the answers we need then?" asked the rhino officer.
"Yeah, go see my boss back down at the truck station I work at. Maybe she knows something."
"We'll keep that in mind. You stay here and rest until we get back."
Marianne shrugged. "It's not like I'm going anywhere soon."
The brown fox was breathing softly to herself, wondering when she'd finally be able to leave the hospital so she could get back to completing her shifts. She knew her boss or her boss's boss was gonna shit bricks when they found out what happened, but she still felt lucky. She survived getting hit by a massive semi-trailer truck with only a few scratches, and a broken rib. If anything, Marianne was surprised that during the crash, she hadn't lost control of her bowels and defecated all over herself. Not that it would matter, since she had the padding around her waist, but she only soiled or wet herself when she absolutely had to, and had no private area to squat and shit at. The fox sighed and rubbed her tummy, remembering that she hadn't used the bathroom in quite a while, and that now would be a great time to go. So she grunted and started to get out of bed, hoping that none of the nurses or doctors would rush in to help her; it was just a broken rib after all. However, to Marianne's surprise, as she got out of bed, she noticed that her legs were becoming wobbly and she couldn't move very much. She looked down at her paws, trying to comprehend what they were, before glancing over at the medical instruments and the beeping heart rate monitor. Marianne was almost mesmerized by the calm, periodic noises, and she giggled to herself, unaware that her mouth was hanging open and saliva was beginning to drip onto the floor. The next thing Marianne knew, she collapsed onto the floor with a loud thud and started babbling to herself very softly, the small trail of drool steadily increasing and spreading all over the floor and her face. A security guard saw the driver fall down and, judging by the way she was shaking and babbling, thought she was having a seizure and called one of the nurses to come over. Both of them rushed into her room.
"What happened?!"
"I-I dunno! She was just standing there and suddenly she fell!"
"Get the doctor! Tell him we got a Code Blue and it's an emergency!"
The security guard rushed away while the nurse used all the adrenaline in her body to pick up Marianne and place her back onto the bed, wiping the slobber that got on her paws all over her scrubs.
"Okay, okay relax Marianne. Just look at me Marianne! What's wrong?"
The fox didn't respond. Well, she responded, but not coherently. The only thing that came out of her mouth was more saliva, which was dripping all over the place. That's when the fox remembered that she had to use the bathroom, but was nowhere near the toilet. Lucky for her, she still had her trusty diaper on, and was prepared to use the diaper for the exact reason why they were made. So, she giggled a little bit and felt her diaper grow dangerously warm near her vaginal region. The soggy urine started to fill up her diaper and expand a little, and the white plastic began to turn a little yellow and started to bulge outwards. The nurse raised an eyebrow when she heard the faint trickling before gasping when she looked at Marianne and noticed that her diaper was turning a bit yellow. She backed away after the fox grunted as hard as she could and something squished several times over. Another gigantic bulge showed up in her diaper, only it was brown, and looked much thicker. Marianne turned around so she was lying on her stomach, still drooling all over the place, before raising her tail and squirting out four more large logs of fox shit, that warm, sticky sensation filling up the diaper and smearing around her groin and ass. The doctor and security guard finally came into the room and saw the fox cooing and drooling as she shat all over herself and wiggled her smelly posterior at the medical staff, like they were her audience.
"The hell...?" muttered the security guard.
Marianne was quickly isolated in the mental ward until the staff figured out what was wrong with her. From what they could tell by her eyes, it looked like she had been hypnotized or lost all control of her mental functions and was unaware that she was soiling herself in public. They weren't sure what the issue was, but once the cops found out that she was driving for a company that dealt with pharmaceutical supplies and medicine, the doctor was called down to the hospital immediately so she and her protégé could discover what the problem was themselves. Dr. Stacy Krimwood was a red vixen with black paws and feet. She attended medical school for almost seven years before she finally graduated and became a professional physician. She and her colleague had been trying to find dozens of cures for various lethal viruses and diseases known all around the world, including the measles, malaria, cancer, AIDS, etc. The scaley standing next to the vixen was a green lizard named Mallick Crasney, Like Stacy, Mallick also spent several years in medical school, and devoted his life for trying to find cures for diseases, especially after his father succumbed to a lethal case of rectal cancer. Mallick wasn't there when his father had died, but he heard grisly details about how his old man was literally lying in a pool of his own bloody shit. Since then, Mallick vowed to find the cure for cancer, and various other diseases. Most recently, they had been trying to find a cure for a virus that was responsible for causing over 70% of the city's population to become brain dead. Stacy and a few other doctors and scientists were trying to invent a vaccine for HPV, but due to some unknown, and major mistake during the making of the vaccine, they turned the substance into a lethal agent that ate away at everyone's nerve cells, cutting off most of their functioning capabilities. After the terrible tragedy that happened in the other city, it was Stacy and Mallick's jobs to get rid of the virus. Of course, their superiors thought otherwise, and suggested that there was some sort of cure hidden within the agent. Instead of destroying the virus, they contained it and desperately tried to find its cure. So far, they've been unsuccessful.
"How long has the virus been out?" asked Mallick.
"Keep your voice down, Crasney. The last thing we need to do right now is start a panic when only one case has been reported."
"You've read all the reports Stacy. You know how fast this thing-"
Mallick immediately shut his mouth when they entered the mental ward and spotted the three police officers staring at Marianne through thick plate-glass window panes. All of them turned around once they saw the doctor and her protégé walking towards them and properly introduced each other.
"Well, you guys sure got down here pretty fast."
Mallick chuckled. "It is a crisis after all."
The rhino officer raised an eyebrow. "I never mentioned a crisis."
Mallick stammered. "Well, figuratively speaking-you know, just thinking out loud and whatnot-"
"What he means to say is that there's no reason to panic, because nothing has happened. This is only a minor, minor inconvenience."
"I'm Doctor Stacy Krimwood. This is my associate Mallick Crasney."
"Nice to meet you guys." said the rhino as he shook Mallick's hands and Stacy's paws.
"I'm Sergeant Slater, and this is Officer Matthews and Officer Hindel."
"Hi." said the leopard, Hindel.
"Hey." said the cougar, Matthews.
"So what seems to be the problem?"
"I think you should see for yourself doctors." said Slater.
Mallick and Stacy walked over to the glass window and stared at Marianne, watching as she sat on her fat diaper and bobbed back and forth, babbling to herself and drooling so much that her shirt was drenched with saliva. She giggled and grunted before she released a few more thick turds from her anus, which made the diaper bulge even more than before. Mallick scratched his chin while Stacy continued to observe the fox.
"How long has she been like this?"
"About two hours now. None of the doctors can figure out what's wrong with her. All she does is babble, drool and soil herself. It's like she think she's a cub or something." said Matthews.
"Where did she get all of those scratches?"
"She sustained the wounds in a truck crash early in the morning. The reason why we're here is because we wanted to know what she was transporting into the city. Her employer didn't know what it was, so now we're here to ask you what she was carrying. Care to explain?" asked Slater.
"Oh, it's nothing your team should worry about, Sergeant. She was merely transporting some lab supplies and chemicals over to a laboratory stationed in this city. All the powder that she was carrying was mere halite."
"Halite?" asked the leopard.
"That's right, crushed halite. We're not sure what the scientists intended to use it for, but they work in a different division that my colleague and I."
"None of this explains why your driver is currently rolling around in her saliva and stinking up the hospital."
"Did she sustain a head injury in the crash?" asked Mallick.
"Yes, and she called in the nurse twice complaining about a splitting headache."
"Well, there's your problem Sergeant. My guess is that she's acting this way because the crash damaged her brain and destroyed a large amount of her nerve cells. Perhaps she should stay here for now, and let the doctors in the hospital try to find the source of her problem, and give her an MRI scan when the time comes."
"...If you say so, doctor."
"In the meantime, we have priorities of our own that need tending to, so if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way now."
"Thank you doctor."
Mallick and Stacy walked away from the three law enforcement officers before the vixen slipped her colleague a syringe containing light yellow fluids. Mallick looked down at his left pocket and lifted an eyebrow.
"What did you just give me?"
"Vaccine. We don't know how many furries came into contact with the driver; better safe than sorry."
"Jesus, Stacy, you know how this happened back in the other city. You know how fast-"
"Shut up! And yes, I know how fast this thing spreads, but we can't risk anyone evacuating town and causing a panic and spreading this disease all over the country, can we?"
"So what, we're just gonna sacrifice another city because your goddamn bosses are too crazy to realize that this virus has no good output?"
Stacy shrugged. "You know how this works, Mallick. The conglomerate fat cats sit on their fat asses and eat their fat meals and send their subordinates-that's us-to do their dirty work, and when shit hits the fan-"
"Or diaper in this case."
"-they blame it all on us. So unless we yield a positive result, we can expect to spend the rest of our lives in prison."
"I seriously doubt they would-"
"I've been in this business much longer than you have kid."
"Don't call me that." grumbled the Iksar as he folded his arms.
"Point is, we need to find a cure for this in days, Mallick, not weeks, or else this city will be full of mentally regressed furries defecating in their trousers until they explode."
"You really think it'll get that bad?"
"If we don't find a way to contain the furries already infected, it will be that bad."
An ambulance was speeding through the streets of Banshee City, its sirens wailing full blast as the driver raced to send the injured cheetah to the hospital. Two paramedics-a German Shepherd and lizard-were inside making sure the patient didn't lose consciousness. The Shepherd stared at the defibrillator and held the victim steady as he lay on the gurney while the lizard was standing by in case she needed to use the shock paddles in case he flatlined.
"Wow, out of the frying pan, yeah?" asked the Shepherd.
"What do you mean?"
"Weren't you there the other day when that fox got into a fender bender and spilled her payload all over the road?"
"Yeah, but no one had been stabbed three times in the back and was on the verge of losing their life."
"Still, sometimes being a paramedic is harder than it looks. I remember hearing on the news about this one guy who called the paramedics and faked his injuries and just when they were about to put 'em under, he stabbed them so many times-"
"There is a victim suffering from multiple stab wounds right in front of you, and you think now's the best time to mention that?"
"Geez, I'm just saying Janice. No need to get your scales in a bunch."
Janice shook her head and exhaled. "Right."
The Shepherd stared at his female accomplice and noticed that her hands were shaking a bit and she was sweating much more than usual. She also looked like she was having some trouble breathing-she did suffer from claustrophobia, so the Shepherd assumed it was normal.
"Is the air on?"
"Full blast. Why?"
"I don't know...I'm just feeling a little light-headed."
"Relax Janice. If you want, a doctor can examine you when we get to the hospital."
The lizard nodded before exhaling and wiping some of the sweat off her forehead. The Shepherd noticed that she was perspiring way too much now and even having a bit of trouble standing up. But what was even weirder was that as she looked down at the victim, a thin line of drool started to come out of her mouth. The canine raised an eyebrow as he looked at her before calling out her name.
The lizard let out a small moan before more saliva started to drip to the floor. Not a moment later, he heard a loud series of splattering and noticed that Janice's pants were wet near her groin and a notorious yellow liquid was dripping down onto the floor of the van. The canine giggled as he watched the scaley piss herself.
"Told you to use the bathroom before we left."
Janice fell backwards and let out a small moan again before her drooling started to increase, and her uniform was becoming drenched in her spit. She looked all around the ambulance, trying to comprehend what all the weird gadgets and gizmos were before she babbled to herself and tossed herself over so she was on her hands and knees.
"Shit, you alright there Janice?"
But Janice didn't respond...with words, anyway. She responded by letting out a great big burst of flatulence from her hindquarters that rumbled against her diaper and heated up the ambulance in a matter of seconds. A few seconds later, she let out several short farts that all sounded wet and disgusting, even to the canine. The lizard guffawed before she began to fill up her diaper astronomically fast. And to make matters worse, the Shepherd just realized she had been suffering from the trots all week. Janice felt something like hot coffee filling up her diaper, and savored every second of it, even though she couldn't really understand why her diaper was beginning to crinkle and expand around her filthy groin. She stopped shitting herself for a second before letting out another foul and rambunctious low-pitched burst of gas that had the same effect as the previous one, and quickly heated up the ambulance. Then she giggled levelly and went back to filling herself up with diarrhea, looking down at the puddle of drool coming out of her maw. Her counterpart gagged and immediately backed away, vigorously waving a paw in front of his face while covering his nose with his other arm.
"HEY! CAN YOU GUYS OPEN THE FUCKIN' WINDOW!!?!" he shouted at the driver.
Right then, the Shepherd envied the cheetah lying near death on the gurney. Sure, he may have been stabbed three times and may even die once they get to the hospital, but at least he had fresh air to breathe from the oxygen mask.
It was nearly dawn, and the bear was gonna savor as much time with his girlfriend as he had before heading out to ship more cargo off to a nuclear power plant. The guy had so much luck going for him. Lovely job, nice ursine to fuck everyday, lots of bulk and a chubby gut he wasn't afraid of showing off to the world, and a fat, adult diaper wrapped around his waist. Yep, Mikey had everything he could want in life now, and he even managed to survive a truck crash without so much as a scratch. The country bear stared down at his girlfriend with a devious grin on his face before brushing his groin against her diaper. She murred once she felt the massive bulge in his undergarments and heard the sound of the plastic rustling as both of them made contact with each other.
"Ah'm gon' ride yer ass just like dem horses mah gran-pappy raised!"
He wasn't exactly the best when it came to dirty talking to his girlfriend, but he made do with what he learned from all those porn flicks he pawed-off to when he was a teenager, and they seemed to work for his girlfriend. Even after he said those words she still managed to growl playfully and lashed her claws at him like a cat. They both giggled before Mikey bent down and kissed his mate on the lips for a couple seconds, the boner in his diaper still thick and erect. Once the ursine was done kissing his girlfriend, she noticed that he slobbered a bit when he removed his mouth from her own. Mikey admitted that he wasn't the best kisser either, and would sometimes slobber into a woman's mouth. Of course, she didn't seem to care, and was simply waiting for the gray ursine to take off his diaper so they could get to fucking. ...That was when she realized that she had been waiting for nearly thirty seconds and her lover still hadn't moved at all. He was just staring down at her with a blank gaze on his face.
Mikey let out a moan she would've heard from a zombie before a long and endless trail of drool began to drip down onto the female ursine's chest. She muttered something and put her paws up in the air as she tried to block off all the saliva descending onto her face, but her paws weren't helping at all. Mikey was drooling more than a baby was or a feral predator that smelled meat roasting over a fire. She tried to ignore it, but once some of the spit got into her eye, she suddenly lost the urge to have sex with Mikey, and just wanted to brute to get off of her. Before she could ask though, she heard a loud, but low-pitched flatulent noise coming from the ursine's posterior. The bear let out another dull moan before the deep flatulence became louder and more obnoxious, like a motorboat's engine struggling to start. If she were standing behind the bear, she would've noticed that his diaper just increased in diameter and bulged outwards so much that it looked like it might snap right off his ass. Mikey moaned loudly again before another long series of chugging was emitted from the bear's fat ass, and the next thing Mikey's girlfriend knew, shit was seeping out the leg holes of the diaper and plopping onto the bed. She shouted with surprise when she spotted the dark turds fall onto the bed sheets before she looked up at Mikey, who was still drooling like an idiot. Mikey was a big bear after all, so it was only natural that he took big shits. Really big shits, as far as she could tell. But this was the first time he shat himself so much that some of the shit began to fall out of the diaper because there was no more space left. She didn't even want to imagine how fat and brown his diaper looked, but something told her if she poked it, the undergarments would explode and cover her entire body in the fecal matter. Mikey laughed and started to rub his paw through his girlfriend's hair before farting and dropping another gigantic log of shit in his diaper. Then he collapsed on top of his girlfriend, giggling as his mouth began to leak saliva like a faucet releasing water. Mikey's girlfriend tried to shove the bulky figure off her body, but it was then that she noticed that she was drooling too, and she desperately needed to use the restroom. She could also feel the boner in Mikey's diaper beneath all the filth, indicating he was still enjoying himself thoroughly. She didn't know why...but something in her mind told her not to be afraid of using her diaper either and she grunted before using all her strength to squeeze out the three balls of dung that had been locked away inside her stomach. She felt a sense of euphoria once the shit finally landed in her diaper and proceeded to sigh heavily as more logs began to follow very silently, unlike Mikey, whose shit came out with much force and noise. She couldn't feel her own diaper, thanks to Mikey, but his bubbly, padded ass was just sitting there out in the open for someone to grab. The female ursine reached out and slowly started to grope Mikey's greasy back fur before grabbing hold of his brown, messy diaper. She let out a soft moan (which quickly turned into a bubbling one due to the spit forming) and started to squeeze his diaper, giggling each time she heard it squish. She stuck her fingers inside of the undergarments and began to play around with the bear dung before taking out a squishy stool sample, which got all around her fingers. Then she brought her fingers over to her mouth and started to lick the shit off with her tongue, believing it was harmless chocolate.
She had to get away from the hospital. She was tired of being surrounded by all those sick furries who suffered from gunshot wounds and stabbings, furries who OD'd on ketamine, furries who attempted suicide and were under supervision 24/7, and all other sorts of issues nurses like her encounter in the hospital. More importantly, she was tired of trying to get that truck accident victim...what was her name? Marianne? She was tired of trying to make Marianne speak again. She was tired of Marianne drooling so much that she had to mop up after the mess. Most importantly, she was tired of changing her goddamn diapers, especially when she would pee all over the hospital bed like it was nothing. She knew she had a head injury and probably didn't know what she was doing, and even though the nurse was a skunk, she had her limits. Quite frankly, changing a fat, stinky diaper filled with feces that wasn't her own, only to have a clean diaper get even fatter and stinkier in less than an hour, was too much for her to handle in one day, especially since she had been working for over 24 hours straight. Her boss was nice enough to let her go home so she could get some rest, and that's what she was preparing to do right now. It felt out of place to go back home so she could sleep during the middle of the day, but it was cloudy and dreary, perhaps the perfect weather if anyone wanted to take a nap. She was hoping it wouldn't rain anytime soon; she didn't want to walk home reeking of wet skunk when she got off the metro bus she was riding. Of course, being a skunk, she smelled foul regardless (as she could tell from all the bus riders sitting away from her) so the wet skunk smell would probably be an improvement. The nurse sat back in her seat and rubbed her head, looking down at the nametag still imprinted into her green scrubs and reading the name "Nancy" backwards in her head. The mephitidae wiggled her rump in her seat so she could hear the faint crinkling of her diaper. She wasn't sure why, but the sound of the cloth squishing made her feel comfortable and "secure" as she put it. Besides, there were thousands of furries and scalies in the city who used diapers for the same reason she did, so she wasn't alone. The tourists didn't seem to mind either, and favored Banshee City much more than Viletopia, mostly because the city smelled better. As Nancy sighed and relaxed in her seat, she felt something spewing out of the crack in-between both of her lips and quickly opened her eyes.
"Damnit, now that driver's got me doing it." she muttered.
She wiped the slobber away from her mouth with the back of her left paw before licking her lips. Not a moment later, she coughed and more saliva shot out of her mouth like bile, splattering all over the back of the seat she was sitting behind. Now Nancy was beginning to panic. Did that driver really have some...some kind of contagious sickness in her bloodstream that was affecting everyone in the city? Only twelve hours had passed since the truck crash and twenty-seven furries and scalies (including ten members of the hospital she worked at) had been sent in suffering from the same bizarre condition the driver had: incessant drooling, mental regression, and incontinence. She thought it was only a coincidence-it just had to be. She knew it just had to be! ...Right? Nancy ignored all the spit that was staining her scrubs before she looked down at the space in-between her legs, which was suddenly beginning to grow warm. If she had pulled her pants down, she would've seen her white diaper slowly obtaining a dark, soggy stain that had the faint odor of urine to it. Nancy gasped before the trails of saliva in her mouth began to increase and dripped down onto her pants and the floor of the bus. She had whatever that driver had, and the virus was eating away at her brain, ready to drop her I.Q. down until she was dumber than a Stegosaurus. She tried to stop the flow of drool, but when she raised her paws, she noticed that she was slowly placing one of them into her wet diaper, feeling all around the wet cloth and sighing ecstatically as the warm fluids crept in-between each finger. She had to get off the bus, call for help or try to make her way back over to the hospital. The bus decelerated until it stopped completely and a loud hiss was heard. The bus driver opened up the door that folded onto itself and released a few passengers, before he closed the door again and started the engine back up. Nancy would have made it outside, but when she stood up, her stomach began to hurt and she suddenly lost all feeling in her lower body. She couldn't even control her bowels and bladder anymore, and it didn't take long before more skunk piss started to fill the front end of her crinkly white padding. The back end was simultaneously being filled with a solid case of slurry, and she was releasing a large log of dung that coiled around inside the diaper and turned into a ball. Drool was still pouring out of her mouth and forming a small puddle around her chin and neck. She wasn't in pain anymore though, or suffering from the burden of having an accident on the bus. She was just like Marianne and Janice and Mikey: oblivious and smelly, but as happy as can be. She didn't want to move. She didn't want to think. All she wanted to do was fill up her diaper as much as she could so she could bask in the euphoric goodness of all the scat smeared around her ass and waist. The other bus riders didn't seem too happy with her tactics though. Sure, some of them didn't mind shitting their diapers-that was what they were for, after all-but some of them preferred doing it in private or at least in a place that wouldn't block the bus aisle. The bus screeched to a halt and one of the passengers got up from his seat, only to be stopped by Nancy, who was still adding excrement to her diaper.
"Hey, go shit yourself somewhere else lady. I got places I need to be."
Nancy just muttered something inaudibly before letting out a small fart. The equine sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Hey! Get the fuck out of the aisle!!"
The equine kicked her in her derriere, which made the skunk shart all over herself and flood her diaper with a sizzling combination of runny scat and flatulence. She sharted so long that her scrubs were beginning to turn light brown and the mess was leaking through the diaper. Even worse, the skunk also sprayed some of her spray at the horse, who immediately shrieked and backed away as he covered his burning eyes.
Eighteen hours had passed now, and the hospital Marianne arrived at was full of victims suffering from the same illness. Furries and scalies of all sorts-male and female-were being thrown into the medical facility with dribble on their chin and manure in their diapers, and a crazed, almost hypnotic gaze in their eyes. The entire staff had their paws full, and some of them were the ones suffering from the illness. One of the doctors, a brown wolf with a grey underbelly, was baffled by the results and couldn't stop scratching his head in confusion, on the verge of panicking.
"Has Janice recovered?"
"No." said the doctor's nurse, a malamute.
"What about Shelley Collins? Does she have the same symptoms?"
"Mental regression, extensive drooling, incontinence."
"Kerry Shirwore?"
"Mental regression, extensive drooling, incontinence."
"Mikey Dobson?"
"Mental regression, extensive drooling, incontinence."
"Nancy Wilosh?"
The nurse sighed heavily and shook her head. "Doc, I can go through all the names on this and I'm gonna give you the same answer: they're brain dead vegetables who can't stop messing their diapers."
"How could this be happening?! There-there was only one victim...we placed her in the psych ward the second she started showing symptoms; she's been isolated ever since. How is it that 82 furries are sick now?!"
"You're asking the wrong furry here, doctor. The only logically explanation is that the original victim caught some kind of contagious illness that is spreading all around town, infecting furries and scalies left and right."
"What like a virus?"
"...Hmm, you know, we still haven't gotten her blood test back from the lab. It is possible that she inhaled something on the way over here and her body is acting as a vessel to...oh my God."
"What is it doctor?"
"Marianne was hauling an unknown substance into the city. What if...OH MY GOD!!"
Mallick was panting heavily and sweating as he stuck the needle into his scaly arm. He wasn't even sure if he hit the right vein or a vein at all. He just wanted to get the vaccine into his bloodstream as soon as possible. He had been feeling funny all day, and after he woke up from a nap and started drooling, he panicked and grabbed his thin rubber tourniquet and syringe. The Iksar placed his thumb on the plunger before he pushed it down and injected the entire dose of the vaccine into his arm, sighing with much relief and chucking the plastic device onto the table in front of him. Stacy's protégé unwrapped the rubber material that was on his left arm before throwing the used syringe away and rolling his sleeve back down.
"Mallick, how much of the vaccine did you use?"
The lizard huffed. "All of it."
"I told you not to do that! You have to conserve-we don't have an endless supply of that you know."
"But-but you have more of it, don't you?"
"That's not the point Crasney. If all else fails, we may have to use this vaccine on all of the victims if we can't find a cure."
"We've been sifting through all these documents and folders and papers for hours now and we still have nothing Stacy. ...Are we gonna be able to stop this?"
"You can't think that way Crasney. We just have to hope for-"
Suddenly, the lizard and vixen heard several thunderous pounds on the door to Mallick's apartment. He glanced over at Stacy for a short moment before sighing heavily and rising from his seat so he could look through the peephole. A blue rhino in plain clothing was standing in front of the door, his arms folded.
"Shit. It's that Slater guy."
"So? Open the door, unless you want him to break it down with that horn of his."
Mallick unlocked the door and twisted the doorknob before opening it a mere inch or two. Slater didn't bother waiting for the doctor's assistant to open it all the way and promptly kicked the door in with his foot, sending Mallick backwards when the door slammed against his nose.
"What the hell?!" shouted Stacy, jumping out of her seat.
Sergeant Slater shut the door and locked it back up before he grabbed Mallick by his shirt and shoved him over to the couch next to the vixen. Mallick sniffed a couple of times and shook his head before he grabbed his wounded nostrils.
"...I think you broke my fuckin' nose."
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Jesus, warrant much?! You can't just barge-"
"Before you finish that sentence, doctor, just know that I'm perfectly okay with knocking out a woman's teeth."
Given Slater's current mood, Stacy believed the burly pachyderm, and quickly sat back down and shut her mouth.
"Okay, let's make this simple: I'm gonna ask you guys a question and you're gonna answer as truthfully as possible. If you don't-"
"What? You'll beat the answer out of us?"
"What makes a rhino's horn so fascinating is that it doesn't have to worry about fitting inside a hole. It can just make one of its own. For example, if I placed the tip of my horn into the belly button of yours, all I have to do is move forward until my horn expands the hole on its own so it can fit, tearing away through all your flesh and bone-"
"What do you wanna know?" interrupted Stacy.
"What was your driver transporting into the city?"
"I told you, it was mere-"
"Whatever she was carrying has infected over 100 citizens in this city already! Do not sit there and tell me that crushed halite turns full grown adults into retarded cubs!"
"Well, technically, the term is mental regression-"
Slater snarled viciously at the Iksar.
"I'll shut up."
"Like I was saying, a lot of furries are suffering from the same condition as your driver, and only four of the victims had head injuries similar to Marianne's, so don't sit there and say that everyone is just bumping their head on the pavement."
Stacy sighed and started to fiddle with her thumbs, knowing that there was no point in trying to hide the truth from the authorities anymore. She might as well tell someone and who else other than a sergeant in the police department?
"It's a virus."
Slater stared at the doctor for a brief moment and blinked. "What?"
"She was transporting a highly infectious virus into the city."
"And why the fuck did anyone believe that was a good idea?"
"Because we were trying to look for a cure for it, that's why Sergeant Slater!"
"And something told you that performing your experiments in a highly populated area was a good idea?"
"I don't make the rules, Slater. They told us to move the shipment to Banshee City, and we did, up until that other driver crashed into the truck and spilled the virus all over the road."
"Of course. You just do whatever the bosses tell you no questions asked. Anyway, what does this virus of yours do?"
"It's not fatal, is that's what you're asking. The short version of it is that it basically eats away at your brain until you're practically brain dead and can barely function or control any of your movements. In many cases, it also seems to make the victim incontinent, hence why so many of them have been soiling their diapers so frequently."
"So it turns furries into retards who can't stop pissin' and shittin' themselves?"
"If you wanna be a douchebag, yes, that's the easiest way to look at it." said Mallick.
"And since you haven't bothered to notify me about it yet, I'm assuming there's no cure for this virus, right?"
"No, there's not."
Slater sighed heavily and pressed his fingers against his forehead. "Yeah, this just keeps getting better. What about the percentage rate on this thing? How many of us-?"
"It doesn't really matter. When this virus was exposed in the other city we came from, 85% of the population was infected and suffered from mental regression. The 15% that didn't show any symptoms were found to be carriers of the virus, which means that even though the virus didn't affect them, they were still contagious and capable of spreading the virus. Those civilians were sent into several quarantine zones, and are currently locked away from the outside world and being tested on to see if we can find a cure from their blood."
"...I see. So how do we know whether or not we're contagious?"
"Did you come into contact with Marianne?"
"Not direct, but I was standing close to her. Yeah, and so did Officer Matthews and Hindel."
"Then you're already infected, as well as the other two officers. And since you are standing there not even five feet away from us and exhaling into the air, you've infected us too. As far as I know, we've been infected since we came into the city."
", thousands of furries could be infected by now then! Do you have any idea how many-"
"That's kind of the point genius." said Mallick harshly.
"Why didn't you guys just come into town wearing your HAZMAT suits and your gasmasks and all that fancy shit you doctors are supposed to wear?"
"Because that would imply that something was indeed wrong with Marianne, and that would've caused a panic, and spread the virus around even faster than it is now. That's why we didn't tell you in the first place." said Stacy.
"...So you're pretty much telling me that this whole city's fucked."
"Unless we find a cure before the entire city is infected, yeah. You should be lucky though, Slater."
"Studies have shown that only 50% of males show symptoms of mental regression, but nearly 90% of females show it, and it usually occurs before the males start showing signs. If anyone here should be worried or pissed off, it should be me. You guys will probably end up like the other detainees who are stowed away in a lab underground."
"That sounds...vaguely better." said Slater, suggesting quite the opposite.
"At least you have some 'entertainment' sergeant." said Mallick.
"What does that mean?"
"Some of the males they sent some of the regressed females into their rooms so they could...pleasure them."
"I don't follow."
"Imagine a burly lion dry-humping the shit out of a dirty diaper, with an erection so long and hard it pokes a hole in his own diaper."
Slater grimaced.
"Yeah, that shit wasn't pretty when I saw it either."
The rhino exhaled. "What are we supposed to do then doc?"
"Nothing. You're just gonna have to pray that we find a cure and deliver it to all the infected civilians before we show symptoms or else this city's fucked. And before you ask, yes, our bosses have the power to cover up this entire thing, so we're gonna work as fast as we can."
"When will you guys have the cure?"
"It's hard to say, but I do know that things will definitely get worse before they get better."
The National Banshee Park was a beautiful and serene area located in the heart of the city, overlooking one of the busiest districts. It looked like any ordinary park anyone could think of, except all the occupants were wearing diapers. In one section of the park, a jaguar was walking alongside his fiancée after proposing to her a few days ago, a family of four was having a picnic, a businessfurry on break was leaning against a trash can eating a hot dog, and a Doberman making out with his girlfriend in the bushes. All in all, a normal day at the park. Unfortunately, no one took into account that the virus from the truck crash was spreading throughout the entire city, infecting anyone in its path. And it just so happened that a few of those furries were residing in the middle of the park right now, walking around and infecting anyone who stood within five feet of them. Some pedestrians had been infected longer than others, but there was no way of avoiding the fact that it took less than three minutes for sixty-five furries and scalies to be infected. There was also no way of getting around the fact that the city park was going to be full of dozens, maybe even hundreds of furries who couldn't stop shitting in their diapers and drooling.
The Doberman making out with his girlfriend was kissing her very passionately all over her lips before she abruptly spat into his mouth and made him veer his head backwards and cough. He rubbed some of the slobber from his maw before he looked down at his mate and noticed that she was frothing at the mouth and looked silly. It was almost like a rabid dog, but with a playful face, not an "I'm-going-to-bite-off-your-dick" face. He thought about bending down to kiss her again, but all that slobber was getting in the way, and everytime he wiped it away with his shirt, more would appear. The Doberman scratched his head as he tried to figure out what was happening before he felt something warm on his left leg. He lifted up his leg, which was resting on top of her diaper, before looking down at the undergarments. She was wetting her diaper, and the dark stain was gradually spreading all around her groin. He thought he should go tell someone what was happening, but the boner in his diaper said otherwise. So he flipped her over so she was lying on her stomach before sticking two fingers against the part of the diaper covering her asshole and pushing it forwards. His girlfriend giggled a few times and pushed out a hefty load for the Doberman, and the space on her diaper instantly bulged outwards with a muffled squish. His eyes grew wide and his boner nearly busted a hole in the diaper. He looked left and right, making sure no one was staring at him, before he put a paw down his diaper and started to masturbate.
Two female black panthers were busy lying on their stomachs on a hill overlooking the park, spying on everyone with a pair of binoculars. Both of them were a mischievous bunch of misfits who loved to play pranks on furries, and it just so happened that one of them was carrying a rifle loaded with paintballs.
"How far away are they?" asked the panther holding the rifle.
"I don't know about 100 yards." said the panther holding the binoculars.
"You think I can nail that guy eating the hot dog on the parking bench?"
The other panther shook her head. "I'm not sure anymore. Do you think we should be doing this? I'm not feeling so good..."
"Relax Katie. We're just gonna nail a few bystanders and run home laughing like we always do."
Katie nodded before she exhaled loudly and noticed that she was perspiring. The panther merely thought it was due to the heat though, and disregarded it. Meanwhile, Katie's friend slowly zoomed in with her paintball rifle, getting a good fix on the German Pinscher's head. She snickered to herself as she grazed the trigger of the rifle with her index finger, ready to repaint the canine's head so it was blue or pink instead of brown. The panther exhaled softly without opening her mouth before she was finally ready to fire. Just when she pulled the trigger, she heard rambunctious farting not far from where she lay, and she wound up hitting the bench instead. Katie's friend swore loudly to herself before slamming her rifle down and looking over at Katie. Whatever that flatulent noise was, it had come from her.
"Goddamnit Katie! How can you expect me to shoot someone in the back of the head if you're too loud for me to have my concentration?!"
Katie's friend noticed that she wasn't moving at all and her face was implanted in the dirt. Katie's friend frowned before she heard the same disturbance as before, and noticed that Katie's diaper had rumbled after the noise had been expelled, indicating the presence of flatulence. The panther might've been upset, especially because it was just a fart that scared her, but when she looked at Katie's diaper, she noticed it was a bit bloated, like someone stuffed oatmeal into it. The panther examined the diaper more closely and realized that the reason why it was bloated was because Katie just shat herself, hence the abrupt farting sound.
Katie's friend turned her over so she was lying on her back before she gasped and dropped her gun. She didn't know what was wrong with Katie, but she couldn't stop babbling incomprehensibly, nor could she cease the large trail of saliva falling out of her mouth.
Elsewhere, a lioness was lying on the ground, twitching a bit as she inhaled sharply and tried to understand what was going on with her body. She hadn't eaten anything tainted and her diet was exactly what any growing lioness would eat. She had no stomach disorders of any kind, nor had she had any surgery on her abdominal region. But if that was the case, then why was she lying there on the ground, thrashing her legs about without any self-control? Was there some greater entity at work here, brainwashing the unfortunate lioness to lose control of her actions? She felt like something was eating away at her cerebellum; her head would not stop hurting. She was in so much pain that she lost control of her bladder, and started to urinate all over her diaper. She gasped and stopped twitching once she looked down at the dark spot on the cloth wrapped around her waist. It was at that moment when all the pain stopped and she felt as light as a feather, unable to comprehend anything that was going on. Maybe there was something in the air that was making her light-headed, or perhaps she was simply woozy due to the humidity. She didn't know for sure, but the feline looked down at her chest and was surprised that it was slowly being drenched in her own dribble, like she was a cub who couldn't keep her mouth shut. The lioness smiled and muttered something to herself before she felt something lumpy filling up her diapers from behind. She raised an eyebrow as the log of feline dung began to coil around her buttocks, before a few small, but thick dollops of shit fell out of her tailhole and made her diaper bigger and smellier. The lioness attracted a small crowd of furries in the process, and decided to use them all to gain "popularity" with that district of town. For some reason, something told her to grab the warm, now yellow stain on her diaper and grope it with her right paw and she started to squeeze the soggy area, hearing the piss squish around. Something told her to soil herself some more, and she grunted before leaning over and blowing out a large, airy fart at the crowd. She giggled like a child; the vibration of the gas expulsion tickled her anus. Then something told her to do something very...nasty. The lioness stuck one of her paws into the seat of her diaper, and moved her paw all around the stinky undergarments before pulling it back out. Her paw was doused in her own feces, and she smushed some of it together like it was clay. Mistaking the brown color for chocolate, the lioness slowly opened her mouth and began to chew on the turd she pulled out, before sucking one of her fingers clean. The onlookers were suddenly appalled by the female lion's sudden decision, and backed away or grimaced while groaning in disgust.
Somewhere by the lake, a group of horny wolves were busy eye-humping a Border collie who recently showed symptoms of the virus. She was resting on her stomach and looking down at the ground, caring very little for the gigantic puddle of dribble that was under her chin. All the males were drooling too, but not because they were symptomatic. They were staring at the dog's diapered ass, waiting edgily for her to make an overwhelming mess in the plastic and cloth. The collie farted twice-each burst of gas lasting about three seconds-before she sighed and lifted her tail. All the wolves gasped and leaned forward before they saw her diaper filling up with various squishes. It was silent at first, but after the various lumps in her diaper grew larger, and brown, everyone could hear all the shit that was rattling around inside her undergarments. One of the wolves glomped her bulging posterior before moving his paws all around the diaper, feeling all the warm lumps and getting a little bit of the wet feces on his paws. Then he stood up and started to briskly rub the erection in his diaper alongside the mess she made, murring loudly and resisting his urge to drag her behind a tree so he could fuck her. The collie sighed again and released a huge load of excrement into her diaper, so much that the wolf thought his left paw would be engulfed by the squishy cloth. He backed away and stared at her diaper, realizing that she soiled herself so horribly, that the diaper's diameter was wider than two heads put together. The wolf naturally turned around, and started masturbating furiously. The other fierce canines were intrigued by this collie as well, and proceeded to grope her undergarments while the lead wolf stared out into the lake and pawed-off, feeling a bit of precum on his paw. But right when he was about to climax, he felt something warm around his paw. He stood very still as the warm sensation (and his diaper) grew before pulling out his paw and analyzing the contents. He just peed himself without even knowing, and now that he was thinking about it, his stomach had some pressure built into it too. It didn't take long before his friends heard the wolf cry out in pain and raise his tail so he could drop enough shit in his diaper that was equivalent to the weight of several high school textbooks. His diaper sagged so much that it hung down to the back of his knees. His friends all grimaced once they saw him; he had never shat himself that hard, or at all, before. The lead wolf moaned and fell to his knees before he began to shake and more dung started to flow. One of the wolves walked over to him to see if he was doing okay, but screamed upon seeing his face. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth and he was frothing like a rabid dog. Even worse, his eyes looked like they weren't even his own and had been replaced with a demented scientist's eyes. He muttered something under his breath before running away to go find some help...not that it would do the wolf any good.
A Bernese Mountain Dog and his wife were busy lying on their backs in freshly cut grass as they watched the clouds go by. The husband had the whole week off and decided that now would be the perfect time to give his wife his utmost attention. Both of them were only wearing their diapers now, but if it was their decision, they'd probably walk around everywhere in the nude. They were what someone would call hippies, or environmentalists. They cherished the earth under their footpaws and did everything they could to help the wilderness. Banshee City was a perfect place to start living at, since nearly the entire population wore diapers-disposable, and in some cases, recyclable diapers. Neither of them even needed to worry about going in the backyard anymore since they could squat and go in the diaper and recycle it later. Plus they had to admit, the diapers in the city felt damn good around their waist. Both of them had their eyes closed and were beginning to fall asleep when the husband opened his left eye and glanced over at his wife, who seemed to be unconscious. He grinned to himself before inhaling sharply and letting out a fart that was so loud she shouted and immediately sat up. She looked over at her husband, who was busy chortling.
"Damnit Bernie, you know I don't like that!"
"What? It's just a bit of toilet humor dear. How can't you laugh at that?"
"I thought we were supposed to be eco-friendly? I'm pretty sure passing gas isn't gonna help the ozone layer."
"Well, where else am I gonna let it out honey? Besides, the diapers should seal the methane inside...I think."
Bernie's wife huffed. "Whatever you say Bernie."
She lay back down on her back again and sighed as she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep. Bernie stared at his loving wife before he grinned maliciously and felt more gas in his colon. He stretched out his legs as he yawned before passing more gas, this time louder than the previous one. Bernie's wife jolted back up again and found her husband laughing hysterically.
"Alright, alright I'll stop! Hehe, not my fault you don't know scatology and toilet humor when you see it."
"Whatever. Do you think I could go to sleep for at least ten minutes?"
Bernie laid back down and remained quiet so his mate could get some rest, even though he desperately wanted to break wind again. But he respected his wife's wishes and gazed up into the sky, doing nothing but inhaling and exhaling very quietly. It was surprising that no one had disturbed them or stepped on their stomachs by mistake; that was just how the furries in the park were, he guessed. Thinking back on it, he was growing a little tired too, and taking a nap in one of the most tranquil parks in the city was probably a good idea. So he shut his eyes and started to go to sleep, only to be interrupted once the same sputtering sound that came out of his own buttocks a few minutes ago woke him up. Bernie frowned and looked over at his wife before he started snickering.
"See? I told you you'd warm up on me with that joke."
His wife would've responded, but she was lost in the clouds and could barely understand a thing he said. She was also filling up her diaper, dropping log after log of dog shit into her diaper with little noise. Bernie noticed her diaper expanding underneath her body and giggled again, proud that she was putting her diaper to good use.
"Glad to see you're helping the environment! I'm sure the mayor will love using your shit as manure for his garden!" he joked.
Bernie's wife didn't respond. She only stared at the sky with the same blank expression on her face before several more lumps of excrement were ejected from her tailhole, plopping against the crinkly fabric and the other mound of shit she laid. Her diaper was growing with each passing second, and Bernie suddenly frowned.
"Damn. Slow down honey; you'll hurt yourself."
Bernie's wife coughed and a large amount of saliva spewed from her mouth. She mumbled something to herself before emitting a small squeal likely heard from a cub. Bernie knew something was wrong with her now.
"Lynn?" he said, crawling over to her and wiping the drool from her mouth.
"Lynn, c'mon, answer me!" he shouted.
But all Lynn could do was babble and leak slobber from her mouth and manure from her asshole.
A trio of ferrets was standing next to a tree in a secluded area of the park. The two adults were becoming frustrated at their son, whom they were trying to potty train. So far, their attempts were failing horribly, and they didn't know what to do at this point.
"Son, just go."
"But I don't wanna!" he whined.
"You're nearly eight-years-old! You have to grow out of this sooner or later." said his mother.
"No!" he pouted.
"Son, we're not even trying to force you to use the toilet; we just want you to use the bathroom somewhere else besides your diaper. I honestly don't care if you pee all over the sofa and walls; you just need to grow out of the habit of using your diaper!"
The wife angrily glared at her husband.
"Uh, not that we want you to pee on the sofa...heh."
"But it's not fair Daddy! It's not fair! Why can't I use my diapee anymore?" whined the cub.
"It's all a part of growing up son. You're becoming a big furry now and you need to learn to use the bathroom properly."
"But-but you and Daddy still wear diapees!"
"That's not the point; we wear them because they feel good around our waist, not so we can prevent ourselves from wetting the bed or pooping ourselves at work. ...It's just a mere coincidence that diapers prevent that sort of thing from happening. But I for one prefer doing number two on the toilet, not in my diaper. Sooner or later, you're gonna have to do it too, son."
"BUT I DON'T WANNA DADDY!!!" shouted the ferret, stamping one of his footpaws in the dirt.
"There are a lot of things you won't want to do when you get older son. That's a part of growing up. But I assure you, it will work out for the best when you learn to use the restroom properly. All you have to do is pull down your diaper and go on the tree. That doesn't sound too hard, does it?"
The son whined again before he turned around and stared at the tree bark. He had picked up a few things from watching all those cartoons on television where a dog or some other animal walked over to a tree, raised his hind leg and whizzed all over it, and he caught his father peeing all over the front yard quite a few times. He even spotted him pooping in the trash can when he ate way too many chili dogs and drank too much coffee from work. His mom got mad at his father for doing so, but he certainly had a good laugh that day. And like his father said, they weren't trying to make him use the toilet (yet); they were just trying to get him out of wetting and soiling his diaper, so he could pee or poop on whatever he wanted. Maybe he could even bond with his father, and join him in the front yard everytime he had to take a piss.
"Okay..." he said, dejectedly.
The adolescent ferret pulled down his diaper and aimed his wee-wee at the tree before he heard a loud thud, and looked to his left to see that his mother had collapsed.
"You alright Jane?"
The ferret was about to respond, but no matter how hard she tried, the only thing that came out of her mouth were haphazard babbles and syllables that their son used to say when he was only a year old.
"Jane, are you okay?"
Jane suddenly grunted and ripped a long, nasty fart in her son and husband's direction.
"Ewww!! Dad, Mommy farted!"
"Shut up Caleb; that's natural. We discussed it after reading The Gas We Pass."
Jane continued to grunt to herself until she let out yet another fart that smelled even worse than the previous one. The next thing Caleb and his father knew, Jane's diaper was turning light brown and starting to stink something fierce, kind of like the day they tried to toilet train Caleb and he wound up squirting diarrhea all over the floor while running away from the toilet. Her diaper started to sag a little underneath all her weight, bulging outwards and oozing against the ground like it were slime, indicating the presence of scat. She started to drool like a baby as well, and the rivers of slobber were sliding down her chest and breasts, showing no signs of stopping. She grunted again and passed more gas before three loud squishes were heard, and the brown diaper expanded just a little more. Jane's husband couldn't take his eyes off of her, and Caleb started giggling to himself as he watched his mother soil herself, and quickly pulled his diaper back up.
"See?! If you guys can wear and use diapees then I should be able to wear them too!"
As Jane continued to soil herself, Caleb felt it was only fair if he peed all over his diaper, so he did. The ferret grunted before sighing and looking down at the yellow stain that magically appeared near his private area. He giggled as he began to wet himself, feeling a sense of accomplishment, since he managed to outsmart his parents yet again. He thought his father was going to say something, or maybe even give him a spanking for being so disobedient, but he noticed that his father was staring lovingly at his wife, who was still shitting her diaper. Caleb looked at his father's diaper and noticed a mysterious bulge had formed near his crotch.
"Daddy, what's that thing inside your diaper?"
The ferret looked down and found the boner that his son spotted and his cheeks instantly grew red with embarrassment.
"...I'll tell you about it when you're thirteen, son."
"Can I touch it?"
"Absolutely not."
Not far from the trio of ferrets was a Golden Retriever who was squatting behind a bush, hiding from her best friend. She thought she was a little old to be playing hide-and-seek, but it was such a fun game after all, and she couldn't help but enjoy the thrill of being "hunted" by one of her rivals. She must've been doing a great job though, considering the fact that it had been over a half-hour since she picked her hiding spot and the furry out seeking everyone still hadn't found her. Of course, that was when she began to wonder whether or not she was still even in the park. She remembered the time when all of her friends were playing hide-and-seek and the seeker wound up leaving after three minutes so she could go shopping. Her friends were left hiding in the park for the next four hours, until their parents came looking for them and found 'em. But Jocelyn thought it wouldn't happen again. Obviously, she thought wrong, and had been sitting on the same thorns for almost forty-five minutes. She sighed heavily and pulled off one of the leaves before her stomach growled and she passed a little gas. She was becoming aggravated waiting this long and desperately needed to use the latrine. Sure, she was wearing a diaper, but if she wet herself or took a shit, the smell would probably give her away; this had happened to two of her friends before. But as she sat there, pondering, she couldn't help but fantasize about how wondrous it felt to just sit back and let the urine flow into her diaper, leaving that warm sensation all around her vagina. She smiled a bit and closed her eyes. Before she knew it, she felt that warm sensation around her diaper, and looked down to see that she was pissing herself. It wasn't too much, nor did it make much sound, but it felt so warm and soothing to Jocelyn, and she couldn't help but shut her eyes and murr quietly to herself. Lucky for her, the diapers were super-absorbent, and her urine didn't bleed out onto the ground. She was still urinating herself when she unknowingly turned around and got on all fours. She still didn't know why or how she was doing it, but she felt her diaper sagging behind her, and she heard quite a few bursts of flatulence coming out of her tailhole. Jocelyn realized she was shitting herself now, but unfortunately, it was too late for her to stop herself. All the dog shit was filling up her diaper to full capacity and her feces was making the diaper sag so much that it nearly reached the ground. She knew that she hadn't taken a dump in the last few days, but never anticipated that there was enough excrement to make the diaper sag and be on the verge of bursting. Jocelyn continued to soil herself, dumping out one giant log of dog shit that coiled around inside her undergarments before dropping three more balls of filth and sighing happily. She really didn't know what she was doing, nor did she know that she caught the virus and couldn't control herself even if she wanted to. That'd explain the endless supply of saliva sliding down her jaw as well. But she didn't care, and her primary concern was soiling and wetting herself until she passed out. It was around this time that Jocelyn's friend found her hiding in the bushes due to the smell of her defecation. She spread apart the leaves in the bushes and came face-to-face with Jocelyn's sagging diaper. Before she could even acknowledge Jocelyn, the Golden Retriever raised her tail and farted so hard that the outburst surprised her friend, and she was thrown off her feet. She shook her head and fanned the rotten egg odor away before stepping into the bushes to look at Jocelyn. She was drooling incessantly, and her eyes didn't even look like they were hers anymore.
About an hour later, two gray wolves were driving down the road in their squad car when Bernie jumped out into the middle of the road.
"The hell?!"
The officer driving the car screeched to a halt, but not before running into the Bernese Mountain Dog and knocking him down on his back. The driver and his partner quickly got out of their police cruiser so they could go check up on him. The crash didn't kill or severely harm Bernie. In fact, he was still conscious and quickly got to his footpaws.
"You alright sir?"
"More importantly, what the hell made you think it was smart to dive in the middle of the street? I could've killed you just now!"
Bernie huffed. "Just shut up and help me."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"The furries and scalies in the park...I-I know it sounds crazy, but you have to believe me."
"I'm pretty sure Officer Nick and I have heard crazy stories before. Yours won't be any different."
"Oh yeah? Well what if I told you that everyone in the park can't stop shitting themselves?"
"Then we'd probably start laughing, since this is a city where everyone wears diapers. Even if that were the case, shouldn't you be calling the hospital?"
"I can't do that; they're already swamped as it is! Besides, one of them is my wife, and she hasn't said a word to me for an hour now! Just-just follow me into the park. I'll show you."
The wolves shrugged. "Fine."
Bernie started panting as he ran over into the National Park and the officers quickly trailed behind him. They weren't sure if he was lying or not, but the mutt seemed horrified about something or someone in the park. Perhaps he was telling the truth, and everyone could stop shitting themselves. But if that was the case...they still didn't see what the problem was. At least, not until they entered the park and retched from the stench of the place.
"What the hell is that?!" asked Officer Nick.
"I told you; everyone can't stop shitting themselves!"
"Don't ya think you should've warned us about the smell in advance?"
"Stop whining and just look!"
Officer Nick and his partner stepped out into the open and gazed out into the park. The whole area was filled with all sorts of creatures who were drooling and shitting or pissing themselves. There was a ferret who couldn't stop defecating next to her family, two panthers who were playing with each other's shit and digging it out of their diapers, a lioness who was actually ingesting the feces from her diaper, a jogger who stopped running so she could fill up her track pants, an off-duty taxi driver whose diaper seemed to be overflowing (not that he cared), a skunk who had a terrible case of the trots and had a brown diaper instead of a white one, and more. Officer Nick and his partner were at a loss of words, and didn't know what to do anymore. One of the victims crawled over to Nick and grabbed his pants. He promptly shouted and shook her paw away, which was covered in her own shit and just left a stain on his trousers.
"Shit Mark! What do we do now? What the hell are we supposed to do?!"
Officer Mark looked at everyone in the park and noticed that all of them had big, bulging, more important, stinky diapers strapped along their waists.
"We should probably start changing diapers." he said, meekly.