Chokro’s Play-Day

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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Re-upload from FA about a gray raccoon named Callis who has to serve for his master Chokro, a large green orc. The only problem he has with him is that Chokro always makes his slave serve him in smelly, and usually ass-related ways.

Chokro's Play-Day

Just another day. That's at it was to him. Another day to have some fun. Another day to relax. Another day to please himself with his little buddy that was sleeping beside him. Just another day at the office he always said. Another smelly day at the office. Chokro was just like any other orc out there: gruff exterior, a crooked, possibly unhinged jaw, teeth hanging out his mouth even when closed, big arms that could pop a coconut if squeezed hard enough, etc. He was pretty tall too; almost eight feet. His skin was a regular shade of green and he had a dark blue Mohawk plus some hair on his chest and abdomen, and of course his genitals. He was lying in bed right now, wearing nothing more than a pair of smelly red plaid boxers that made a sixty foot tall dinosaur suffering from endless diarrhea smell pleasant. Chokro lost count of how many times he farted, sharted, and shat in those undies, and quite frankly he was proud of how rank he got them. But the furry sleeping next to him was not. Callis wound up getting drunk and playing poker one night with his group of friends and when he got into so much debt from losing, they gave him an alternate decision: become a slave for an orc. Naturally, since the little raccoon didn't want to lose his life or spend the rest of his days earning the money back, he accepted the deal. Even better was that he got to pick out his own orc to serve. Sadly, he didn't listen to each orc's background history. If he had, he definitely would've chosen someone else. Chokro wasn't mean like the other orcs...okay strike that; he was mean. However, he wasn't very abusive. Since he had his slave he only hit the guy seven times and never even dragged him outside and beat him to a pulp yet. So why was Callis so deeply distraught about his choosing? Well, Chokro is a really big fan on ass-related erotic pleasures. Scat, farting, messing, dildos, sodomy, rimming; if it involved his ass, he made his slave participate. Whether it was sniffing his buttocks or smelling his farts or spending the night in his boxers after he ate a large supplement of beans and fiber, he somehow made his slave join in with his stinky games. Two months the coon had been spending his time inside the orc's stinky apartment, and during his "punishment" he had gotten used to everything now. But that still didn't mean he loved the smell. He still found it revolting, he still despised it, he still almost gagged once he caught a whiff of the orc's rancid scat, and he still wasn't fond of being the big guy's toilet. But if he didn't obey, he'd have to answer to the weasel mobsters he was in debt to and there was no chance in hell he'd get over $500,000 in the next couple of months so he'd have to pay off his debt by pleasing this giant behemoth. But he was still fearful of the orc; the guy was nearly eight feet tall, while he was only 5' 6". And with all that muscle and fat on him, well, it made the coon feel discomfit. But whatever. If he was a pussy, he was a pussy. He'd rather suck up to an orc who got horny with his ass than face a shitload of mobsters with giant fists and guns that could blow his brains out. And he was getting a little attached to him.

It was morning now, which meant that it was Callis's time to get to work. Sadly it also meant that it was one of Chokro's smelliest moments during the day. Callis knew by now that the orc always had a horrible case of Morning Thunder and he always vehemently forced his little slave to take a whiff of all of them. That and the orc's B.O. and morning breath were in his atmosphere, which also tended to interfere with his olfaction. But whatever, he'd deal with it, like he always did. The orc stretched his legs and yawned loudly as he sat up from his bed and looked around the house. He looked to the right and found his slave sleeping soundly next to him. The orc grunted and got out of his squeaky bed, planting his bare green soles on the brown carpet. He stood up on the floor and walked over to the other side of the bed, turning over to the other side of the bed. He scratched his left butt cheek before he leaned over and exhaled, farting profoundly near the coon. He laughed gutturally before taking a whiff of his own stench and smiling maliciously as he looked down at his slave. Callis was awake, but his eyes were shut and he was trying to get some beauty sleep. Or perhaps he was trying to fake sleeping so he could hope that his master would let him sleep all day. The orc grunted and flicked the coon on the head. All he did was mumble and turn around in the covers. Chokro growled gutturally and sighed, his pointy teeth hanging out of his mouth. The orc knew what his little playmate was doing and he decided to wake him up the way he always did.

Chokro sighed and got on top of the bed, getting on all fours and pulling down his dirty underwear. Afterwards he leaned back a little so his ass was directly over the coon's head. He grunted and let out a foul burst of intestinal gas that was so sour that the smell of vinegar would be rendered tame enough to be considered a batch of frosting. Anymore and his flatulence would've corroded through the bed sheets. And of course, there was the problem with how loud it was. Chokro lived at the basement of the apartment facility after too many furries complained about the smell and the noise of the farts, but it turned out that the basements didn't have any air conditioning...or windows. So it smelled just as bad, if not worse. And since Callis was confined in the apartment, he had it the worst. This meant that the sound and smell of the fart nearly shattered his ear drum and made his nose weep with stinky sorrow. The raccoon burst awake almost immediately, and started panting and covering his nose. The coon sat up before he groaned and shielded his eyes with his face, looking directly into the orc's musty asshole.

" it morning already...?" moaned the coon.

Chokro chuckled and pulled his undies back up. "Yes it is slave."

"I don't suppose you don't have some gas from last night's grilled KFC chicken, right?"

"Oh, indeed I do slave. I can still taste the succulent poultry juices in my throat."

"And I can still smell those rancid hot wings on your breath."

"What was that?!!"

"Nothing, nothing. Just wish you cared a little more about dental hygiene is all."

"I am giving you a privilege to talk furry. There are thousands or orcs out there who would have no problem sitting here and fucking you till your ass turned a dark shade of blue. Be lucky I haven't ripped out your tongue or crushed your skull yet. Besides it's been two months now; you're used to the smell now!"

This was true. Despite everything Callis was used to the smell of halitosis and digested chicken and beans and body odor. And, Chokro was right. If he picked the fat gray orc he thought was attractive or the large, sexy orc with a red loin cloth, both of them would be fucking him simultaneously from both ends. Callis sighed heavily and rubbed his head.

"You're right, you're right. I guess I should be grateful."

"Good. Now slave,"

The orc patted his boxers a few times with his meaty hands.

"Sniff! And make sure your muzzle is right on my ass cheeks. I want to be sure you get full wind of these foul farts. Hehe...wind."

The coon groaned at the dry joke and leaned forward, pressing his nose against the orc's smelly red boxers. Normally, he'd retch and get close to vomiting, but now, he was used to the sweaty ass crack. The orc's stomach groaned loudly and before Callis knew it, his face was getting blasted by liters upon liters of stinky flatulence that seemed endless. Everytime the orc stopped farting, he started again a split second later. Some were wet and turned out to be sharts; others were loud and bombastic, like a motor boat having trouble with its engine starting. The funky hot gas crept into the coon's mouth and nostrils and he gagged loudly, pulling his face away from Chokro.

"AH!! Sniff you little furry!"

Chokro grabbed Callis's head and pressed it against his butt so the coon was now forced to sniff the stinky farts. The green orc sighed loudly before letting loose a whale of a fart that was so repugnant even he coughed a few times and waved a hand in front of his nose.

"OOOH, STINKY!!! Maybe you are right Callis. Ha-ha, I think I should lay off those hot wings!"

Callis did nothing but screamed with his mouth muffled. Behind him was a heavy hand. In front was a stinky ass. He had no escape. All he could do was give the orc what he wanted. And so, he took a huge whiff, one loud enough for Chokro to hear. The orc purposely shook his buttocks in the slave's face and gave him a little bit more gas to season off his sniffing. Perhaps if there was a window on the basement level or at least some kind of A/C unit to filter the fetid air out of the room, maybe this wouldn't be so bad for the coon. But as it is, he was in flatus Hell right now, unable to find his way out. He'd just have to hope that the orc would stop soon or at least expel fart that smelled like bars of soap instead of musky ass.


The orc groaned multiple times as his stomach began to churn like pipes transporting water to a boiler upstairs. The bubbling might've been described as one of those comical sound effects people add when something is sinking or dissolving in acid; it barely even sounded real. But Callis knew that all of this was indeed very real and it wouldn't take him long before he'd be blasted away by the foul odor. Chokro quickly took his hand off the coon's head and used both of them to spread his butt cheeks apart like they were double door cabinets. Only, the inside of those cabinets didn't contain condiments and uncooked noodles and cans of fruit. Callis gulped loudly and shut his eyes, bracing himself for impact. Then, using all of his lower body strength, Chokro let his gas pipes loose and contaminated that stale dry air with an abundant, copious amount of flatus that might make a rhino turn around and run away. It was certainly powerful too, considering that Callis was blown backwards and into the bed frame, unable to move even an inch as the flatulence blasted him like water from a fire hydrant. The apartment felt like it was shaking and a picture or two fell from the wall and shattered. The table shifted and rumbled to the left a few meters and the TV almost fell off its nightstand. And even worse, was that some of the plaster from the roof was drifting to the floor like someone was hammering the roof or wall into nothing but dust. Callis waited for a full eighteen seconds before the unhygienic orc stopped blowing wind in his direction and relaxed his bowels. The green behemoth sighed ecstatically and waved a hand behind his ass. Callis slowly fell from the bed frame and plopped onto the bed, seconds before Chokro rose from the mattress.

"Look on the bright side: Be lucky I didn't lay a lit candle near my ass!"

Several hours later it was in the afternoon, about two o'clock. Chokro was still wearing his boxers but decided to cover his chest by slapping on a greasy tank-top with several stains on it. Callis was, of course, naked. Although after much pleading his master let him put on a pair of white underwear. Both of them were sitting on the couch, watching TV with Callis sitting very close to his master. Judging by all the stuff that he was eating and by the massive bulge in his boxers the orc was getting ready to go on another soiling spree, as he usually did on his play-days with Callis. He was eating salsa out of a bowl using his bare hands for one. There were a shitload of protein bars on the nightstand next to him for another. And the orc had a tall jug of prune juice resting next to his feet. By the looks of it, everything inside the salsa was some type of vegetable that contained fiber. A LOT of fiber at that, especially the chopped bits of potato skin and diced onions. Maybe that's what Chokro wanted, to soil himself so Callis could share the satisfaction of walking around with those dirty undies hanging over his head.

"Can-can I change the channel?" asked the coon meekly.

Chokro responded by leaning over and letting off another rancid fart in the coon's direction, prompting the orc to laugh hysterically. Callis simply sighed and plugged his nose.

"Did the master say you could have the remote furry?"

"N-no, but you never said--"

"Then why would a slave such as yourself even bother asking for such a thing?!!"

"I just...wanted to watch something besides wrestling for a change, that's all."

"But that skunk grizzly Otis is supposed to wrestling later tonight and I don't wanna miss it!"

"You know I'm not fan of farting."

"Well you better learn to like it or sooner or later it's gonna kill you. Better to accept your inner odors than to try and extinguish them, cause there's no way you'll be able to get rid of them permanently."

Chokro gobbled down four protein bars simultaneously before pouring the rest of the salsa down his throat, ignoring the bits of it that spilled down his chin and splattered on his tank-top. He smacked his lips a few times before he licked off the salsa and opened up his bottle of prune juice. The orc immediately pressed the jug against his lips and started to chug the entire bottle until there was only a few drops of purple juices remaining. He tossed the bottle aside and patted his belly.

"And now, we wait."

Callis continued to watch TV as the orc started murring loudly and put his left hand into his underpants, groping his penis and balls and scratching them vigorously right in front of his slave. It only took a couple of minutes before the fiber and prune juice worked its magic and, like anyone would predict, he had to go to the bathroom. The orc got off the couch, got down on his knees and starting groaning and exhaling gruffly. His erection grew larger and larger and his stomach suddenly churned loudly. Callis heard muffled farting followed by a very displeasing thick odor in the air. It wasn't until Callis saw the lump in his plaid underpants gradually grow bigger and the goofy smile on the orc's face before he realized what was going on.

"WHEW!! Man it sure does feel good to let--"

Chokro grunted loudly again before sharting and letting two large lumps of brown dung slide between his ass cheeks and plop in his boxers, making the hill in his trousers bigger before adding a stronger, even stinkier scent to the apartment. Callis didn't even want to know what the insides looked like, but knowing his master, he'd find out.

"Let it all out, doesn't it?"

The orc simply sat there with the same stupid grin on his face, completely nonchalant that he was soiling himself right in front of someone. But he didn't care. It's not like anyone was watching (except for Callis, who was gagging with his nose plugged) so he didn't have to worry about anyone running around shouting out that some orc got horny by shitting himself. Not that that would matter either, cause the second he found the person who started the rumor, he'd pound the guy to a pulp and poop all over the furry or human being. But as it is, he was safe.

"I don't know why you got your nose plugged! You're gonna have a front row seat at the movie theatre slave!"

"Oh, what is it this time? You want me to wear your undies on my head? Make me eat the scat out your drawers? Or, as always, just sniff 'em?"

Chokro grunted again and let out a solid fart that made the orc exhausted after letting it out.

"Even better! I have a new assignment for you today slave! Lately I've been wondering if my colon is clean or not and my doctor has told me to eat lots of fiber and take laxatives. I need you to take a peek inside and make sure I'm not crapping out unnecessary belongings."

"What does that mean?"

"Look in my undies and observe my scat and bowel movements to see if something 'out of the ordinary' comes out."

"Like what?"

"Glass, a paint brush, a cellphone maybe, that kind of stuff."

Callis was about to ask the orc why a digested cellphone would be in his stool, but he knew if he asked the creature such a stupid, pointless question, he'd make him eat the scat coming out of his bowels. Of course, he'd probably have to do that later, but he wasn't "hungry" now so he figured he might as well obey. Callis sighed with defeat and walked over to the pooping orc before he got on his knees and leaned towards his soiled boxers. The orc grunted and let out a giant log of shit that made the lump in his underwear noticeably bigger. When the poop shot out, it landed with an unholy plopping sound and the smell immediately hit Callis. He jolted backwards and covered his nose with his arm.

"HEY!! I don't see you observing slave!"

Callis looked up and saw that Chokro has his neck arched around so he was staring directly at him. The raccoon whined softly and approached the underwear. Honestly, to Callis, he was more scared of the orc's underwear than the orc himself. He didn't care about his B.O. He didn't care about his bad breath. He didn't care about his flatulence. Hell, at this point, he was even tolerating eating the guy's scat. But those boxers...for some reason whenever Callis got near them he stiffened or got cold paws. It was the one thing that he feared most from Chokro. But hey, he didn't want the orc to give him up to the weasel mob so, he moved forward. The raccoon pulled on the waistband of the nasty underwear and took a peek inside, groaning as he saw a full view of the orc relaxing his bowels and filling up his underwear some more.

"See anything?" asked Chokro, grunting as he pushed out more poop.

Callis didn't answer. He simply recoiled and retched loudly before the orc grabbed his head and stuck it inside his undies. The coon's nose was inches away from the actual pond of shit, and just as Callis began to move his head out, the orc sharted heavily and messed up the raccoon's face.

"P.U.!!! I know that one stank!"

Callis whined again and stuck his paw inside the mounds of poop, sifting through the fecal matter to see if there was something out of the ordinary in his stool samples.

", it seems uh...fine. Some corn and bits of chicken skin but nothing out the ordinary like glass or credit cards--could you please take me out now?" said Callis, without stopping to take a breath.

"Sure, sure, why not?"

As Chokro took out the coon's head, he grunted once again and laid another nasty brown egg in his undies, sighing heavily once he finished.

"Oh damn, I think I just shat out a kidney. Looks like you need further 'inspection' slave!"

Before Callis could even protest, his head was already pressed back inside the orc's noisome underwear. The slave started whining loudly while Chokro simply laughed heartily and blew some nasty wet farts on his head.

Later than sooner, it was already late in the evening. Callis was busy holding his grumbling tummy while the giant orc was chowing down on some more food that would inevitably give him flatulence or a bad case of the trots. He was still wearing those bad-smelling boxers he soiled and still had the nonchalant expression on his face, still completely okay that he was waddling around with poop in his trousers. And like always, he had a fairly large erection in his undies that he wasn't trying to contain. The orc nudged the coon on the back of the head and gestured him to go over to the wall.

"What do you want now master?"

"Oh you know what I want you little furry. I think before I have another release my asshole should be wiped off, if you catch my wind."

"Don't you mean drift?"

Chokro squinted and farted very loudly. "Hehe, no I mean wind."

"But-but-but I don't feel you tonight Chokro. My tongue's been very dry lately and I'm not sure how rimming you clean would help you any."

"But it'll fill you up very quickly slave. I've got steak with gravy for dinner, not to mention mashed potatoes!"

The orc chomped on the last piece of onion he had in his hand and swallowed very hard before he sighed and patted his big belly. He stood from the couch and took off his shirt, before stripping off his soiled undies and looking over at the coon.


The orc bent over and revealed his noisome ass to the coon before he spread open his ass cheeks, showing all of the dried-up "food" the orc had inside.

"It's time to eat dinner slave!!"

Callis meekly scratched the back of his head. "Heh heh heh, the thing is, I'm not really that hungry--"

Before he even knew what was happening the green ass was coming towards his head and the coon was lost in a stinky sea of darkness. He felt a painful crunch in his neck and was suddenly light-headed, as though someone slammed a dictionary at the back of his skull. The orc just pinned the raccoon to the wall with his bare ass and in the process, the coon's head was literally stuck inside his funky asshole. Chokro wiggled his rump several times before laughing and giggling to himself.

"Relax slave. Remember: don't think of it as shit. Think of it as mashed potatoes and gravy...only with a more pungent odor and it doesn't taste like chocolate."

The raccoon whined and slapped the orc on the butt multiple times to get free, but nothing seemed to work. He wiggled his ass again and blew a courteous blast of gas in his mouth.

"RIM SLAVE!!!" shouted Chokro.

The raccoon whined again but quickly stopped himself before he got into more trouble. The orc was nice at first but he had a very short temper and when that temper snapped, he got angry and aggressive. The last thing the coon wanted to do was die because some orc suffocated him with his asshole so he figured if he gave Chokro what he wanted, he'd let him have some air. Callis extended his tongue and began to lick the crusty, flabby inside of the right ass cheek before he bit down a little. The orc started moaning passionately and murring a little before he moved his tongue all around the place. Callis penetrated the asshole and must've tickled the sphincter, because he licked an area that made Chokro jerk to the left and fart in his face again. The raccoon gasped with surprise once the fart got inside his mouth before he coughed with his mouth still open. Nevertheless, he ignored the repugnant smell and resumed his erotic duties. Callis started to slowly lick up and down the asshole before he moved his head down a few inches and arrived to the taint. He started to nibble on the fleshy and partially bony scrotum before making his way back up to the gaseous jiggly butt. Callis stopped for a few seconds to catch his breath and to try and get the taste out of his mouth, but he went back and started licking the other ass cheek from the inside. The orc started to pant loudly, exhaling his breath into the humid apartment before he grabbed his now erect cock and moved his meaty hand back and forth on the foreskin.

"Mmm...that's lovely slave. As a reward for your generous affiliation to me, I'll give you some dinner, as promised."

Chokro shook his ass to the left and in the process, the raccoon was thrown out of his asshole and fell onto the floor. Before the coon could get back up to elude the green creature Chokro gestured for Callis to lie on his back with his mouth open. Callis shook his head frantically, but the orc simply snorted and turned the coon over himself. He put his hands on his head and jaw and stretched his maw wide open, quickly pressing his butt on the furry's face and smothering him with his ass. The orc sat on him like his mouth was a toilet. Well, that's because his mouth was a toilet, a very effective one at that.

"What do you want first my slave: the gravy or the mashed potatoes?"

"MM-MMPH!!" shouted Callis.

"Oh that's right; you don't like plain mashed potatoes. Guess we'll just do both then, eh?"


Chokro sucked in a short supply of air before expanding his anal sphincter and widening his bowels and lower intestines. The orc stared blankly into space for a brief moment before he heard faint squishing from behind and smiled maliciously as the dung began to flow. Chokro grabbed his thick cock again and began to paw off very slowly as he pooped into the coon's mouth. Callis himself was forced to swallow a thick, slimy and smelly lump of dung whole before he retched loudly and began to cough. Diarrhea splashed all over his mouth and some got on his face. Next thing he knew, more poop was falling into his mouth and he was forced to either swallow or vomit it all back up. However if he did that, he'd suffocate himself underneath his master's grimy hairy hide. The orc sighed again before rolling his shoulders back and letting out more funky farts. He grunted and gave the raccoon a heaping helping of mashed potatoes before stretching out his asshole to let the poop come out even quicker. As he leaned forward, he sharted on the coon's face and made the fur on his head light brown like chocolate milk. Perhaps if it smelled as sweet Callis would've licked his face clean. But as it is... Chokro shouted with fury and pressed his arms against his belly, forcing the gas and fecal matter to rush out of his bowels at higher acceleration. Callis could barely even swallow each lump of dung that fell down his throat because so much of it was rushing out. Not to mention the watery, slippery texture of his sharts and diarrhea. Kinda like clay that had been watered down too much. Callis retched again before coughing a little, and a lump of shit wound up splattering on his cheek and rolled onto the floor. Oh well, he thought. Chokro can get all the leftovers. He is the chef after all.

"You like your dinner so far slave?"

Despite everything the feces was filling up his stomach. There was a chance he'd vomit all of this back out the second Chokro finished--it had happened before, after Chokro ate asparagus and seven mayonnaise and Swiss cheese and steak sandwiches--but it was filling his rumbling belly. Callis knew that Chokro was disgusting, but it was times like this where he considered wondering if the burly orc actually cared for his slave. Sure, he was shitting in his mouth, but at least he was getting fed. Callis was surprised at the way some slaves were treated, many of whom wound up dying from famine or from getting beat or raped to death. He was almost ready to fully accept the stinky slave-owner...but then his face was buried in the contents of about a gallon's worth of sharts and that memory was now eradicated from the depths of his brain.

" that's what I call 'A Load-Off' if you catch my drift furry."

Beneath the funky rubble Callis moaned exasperatedly at the orc's tasteless sense of humor, pulling off yet another terrible and obviously recognizable pun. He swallowed the rest of the scat in his mouth and wiped the shit off his face. Chokro got off his slave and let him stand back up, shortly before plugging his nose and waving a hand in front of it.

"Wow furry, you stink! You smell like the time I clogged the septic tank and its contents spilled all over the apartment floors!"

"...Thank you, master." said Callis, gritting his teeth and restraining himself from punching the guy.

"Now all this pooping has made me horny. How's about you and I go yiff in the bedroom hmm?"

Now Callis was happy. He instantly perked up and started wagging his tail. It was the one thing he loved about Chokro. Sodomy. Pure, rough, sodomy. And Callis was always the submissive partner. Lucky thing that Callis picked one of the best orc sodomizers this side of Furtopia. If it hadn't been for his ass sex every night Callis would loathe his job completely. Sure, he was only doing this because he was in debt with the mob, but at least this was one of the reasons he could enjoy. Callis walked over to the bedroom without trying to show he was excited (but it was given away by the large erection he had in his undies) and Chokro followed him over. The orc pushed his bedroom door open and Callis quickly hopped onto the dirty bed. He stripped off his trousers and revealed his nakedness to his master, making him smile widely. He hopped onto the bed as well and started breathing heavily in Callis's face. The raccoon leaned up to try and kiss the orc, but he quickly put a finger over his slave's mouth.

"You really think I'm gonna let you kiss me after you ate a barrel-full of shit?"

Yeah well your breath stinks too, thought Callis. Callis held his tongue and frowned, waiting for the orc to continue. He flipped the raccoon over and raised his tail, grabbing his thick dick once more before he began to penetrate his slave. There was no heat of the moment or any love or sentiment; it was all just fucking. Just pure anal sex that went on for minutes or hours, depending on how Chokro felt each night. Tonight, after all the shit that he expelled from his bowels, Chokro was feeling tired. Not too tired for one session of sodomy, but still tired. The second he stuck his dick inside he moved back and forth and in and out without any kind of hesitation. It wasn't really sex; it was just fucking. But Callis didn't mind. Sodomy was sodomy after all. Callis grabbed the bed sheets and started inhaling sharply and murring loudly as the orc moved his cock back and forth with no hesitation. The orc let out two loud farts before he exhaled and continued to fuck his coon slave, harder and faster than before. Callis shouted and started moving back and forth everytime Chokro thrusted forwards and backwards. The orc stopped fucking for a seconds and moved his dick a few inches further into the asshole, then resumed. Callis wasn't as tight as he used to be but it was good enough for Chokro to fuck. He farted again before grabbing the coon's waist and soaking his asshole with his pre.

"Oh God, yes!! Go faster master!"

"Did I say you could talk?!!"

Callis whined as the orc thrusted forward and got even further into his ass. Callis wondered if the creature was rupturing his bowels, but perhaps that was an exaggeration. Chokro must've been extremely horny, judging by the fact that he was already on the verge of cumming inside his ass. Callis shut his eyes and yowled as he felt a stinging and equally erotic pain inside of him. It was then followed by a greasy feeling going through his rectum, which quickly spilled out of his ass with ease. After the pain was over a seismic fart echoed throughout the room and the orc collapsed on top of Callis. He sighed heavily and started to rub the coon's head with his hand before he walked over to go grab his set of underwear that still had a few lumps of shit inside. He walked over to his mattress and sat down in his bed, watching him crawl over to his master and cuddle with him in bed.

Chokro smiled and looked down at his resting slave. It was strange with how they were. No matter how much they hated their masters, they always came crawling back. Or perhaps Callis just liked him because he pleased him erotically. Hard to tell.

What Happens in the Lavatory...

Re-upload from FA where Renamon gets a bad case of bowel desperation and promptly relieves herself in the bathroom. The only problem is that she goes into the boys' bathroom, just in time for more Digimon to join her and stink up the place. Scat...

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The Other J.T. (Part 2/2)

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The Other J.T. (Part 1/2)

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