The Other J.T. (Part 1/2)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Other J.T.

Re-upload from FA. Yeah I know some readers (those not originally on FA) don't know the storyline behind Isle and my character JT, but I didn't feel like uploading or sifting through all the other stories that take place before this yet. However because I feel that this is a really great story in my gallery there, and due to the new "policy" on FA, I felt like sharing it with SoFurry readers. Isle finally confesses he's in love with JT, but JT realizes he still needs time before he can decide if he loves him back. However, after Isle meets Jon Talbain and the two have a flatulent, gassy morning that results in sodomy, JT begins to wonder if he really does love Isle, or if he should sever his ties with his girlfriend Carol. :iconIsleTiyanay: guest stars and came up with the idea. * * * The Other J.T. (Part 1/2) Isle couldn't stop hyperventilating. He was so nervous he thought he might piss his pants with worry. This wasn't the first time Isle had confessed a personal secret to someone before, but this might just be his biggest secret of all time, and he didn't know how the furry he was going to tell it to would take it. Maybe he'd accept it. Maybe he'd think Isle was rushing things. Maybe he'd think Isle was delusional and trying to make a fantasy in his mind real. Maybe he'd just laugh, and ignore everything Isle told him. But JT wasn't there yet, so he still had time to think about it. The hedgewolf was busy pacing back and forth in his living room, biting his claws and fidgeting. "Relax, Isle. He-he-he'll be okay with it. It's just a little secret to get off your chest. It's not like you're telling him he's got testicular cancer. Just...just a simple secret and he'll accept it no problem. ...Yep...he'll be okay with hearing it. He probably suspected it anyway." And yet, Isle couldn't stop sweating or fidgeting, his heart beating astronomically fast. That when someone knocked on his door four times and he let out a high-pitched squeal, quickly covering his mouth so JT wouldn't hear him. "Hey, Isle? It's me, JT." he said. The hedgewolf wiped as much of the sweat from his forehead off and headed over to the door, putting on the most casual face he could. He grabbed the doorknob and slowly turned it counterclockwise after unlocking the door before swinging it open and revealing his buddy JT, who was wearing black shorts and a gray tank-top, as always. "Hi, JT." said Isle, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Hey buddy. You said you wanted to talk to me about something important, and that it couldn't wait?" "That's right. Uh, come on in, JT..." said Isle. JT walked inside the hedgewolf's house and stood in the living room while Isle closed and locked the door. He sighed heavily and walked over to the brown wolf with red ears, gesturing towards the couch. "You should sit down." "Okay." said JT, sitting down on the couch. Isle plopped down on the couch with Jake and stared at him for a short period of time, hearing nothing except the clock ticking in the background, before the hedgewolf finally got the courage to tell JT his personal secret. " you know I'm gay--" "Hehe, yeah like anyone couldn't have guessed that. That's the big secret you wanted to tell me?" "No, Jake, that's not why I called you down here. Like I was saying, I'm gay and I've met dozens of wonderful friends over the years, like you and Zearoth and Derrick and Stone and Jared and a bunch of other furries...but I feel that we're more than just friends, JT. We're into so many of the same things and we have this...connection if you will." "Connection?" "I'm not sure if you understand, so I'll just come out and say it. JT..." JT sat in anticipation as he waited for the hedgewolf to confess whatever secret he had to him. It felt like forever, and Jake actually grew a little bored hearing nothing short of the ticking clock and the sound of Isle exhaling briskly, breaking out into a sweat. "I love you." JT blinked and stared at Isle for ten seconds. Although, time seemed to slow down so the ten seconds almost seemed like ten minutes. The ticking from the clock annoyed JT so much he almost thought about punching it and shattering it to pieces. Everything became humid and awkward, and JT himself broke out into a nervous sweat. He honestly couldn't believe what he had just heard, and thought his hearing was messed up. He chuckled timidly and smiled. "What?" "I love you, JT." His hearing was perfect. JT wasn't hallucinating at all. He frowned. "...Oh..." "I-I-I don't expect you to understand right away, but I seriously love you, Jake. I love you with all my heart. Everyday I think about you and I together, how great our lives would be if we were a couple. Every night I daydream about you before I go to bed, and sometimes I even fantasize about you and I having sex and I start masturbating. I...I really love you, JT. I want to be with you for the rest of my life--even in the afterlife. There are so many words I want to say to you right now...but I-I just can't seem to find a surefire way to say it all to you. But the one thing for certain is that I love you, and I want to be with you, Jake." Some feline just stole JT's tongue. He couldn't even babble incoherently. All he could do was stare at his friend--no, his lover with a blank expression on his face, at a loss of words. Everytime he thought about saying something, it came out wrong in his head. He just stared blankly into Isle's eyes, and after thirty silent, murderous seconds, he noticed the hedgewolf's eyes were becoming a little watery. "Please say something JT." "I...Isle..." Still no words. He was starting to regret that all this pressure had been put on his shoulders right now of all times. Of all the things he encountered in his past year living in Furtopia--being vored alive and thrown back up, surviving a zombie rat's homicidal wrath, narrowly avoiding anal rape, finding all these great friends, surviving a monster's wrath in the woods, and most recently, somehow eluding a mercenary who had a thing for castration and penectomy--he was never prepared for this, even when he told Carol that he loved her...or was it her that told him? JT had to admit that he had feelings for Isle, and he was very close friends with him, despite his somewhat adolescent and mischievous behavior (he was getting tired of that damn inflatable ball of his) but he wasn't sure if he was in love with him. Even if he was, he already had a girlfriend; he couldn't just break up with her to be with him...could he? "...I need time." "What?" "Isle," started Jake, rising from the couch. "We're friends, really, really, good friends--that I have no problem admitting. I also have no problem admitting that I have very strong feelings for you, and would gladly put my ass on the line in order to save you," "Why do you make it sound like you're going to add a 'but' to the end of that sentence?" "But...I'm not sure if I love you back, Isle. I'm sorry, I really am. I'm not saying I don't love you, nor am I saying I do. All I'm saying is that I need time to think. Even if I did love you--which I'm not saying I don't nor I'm saying I do--I already have a girlfriend! Carol and I, we...think about it, Isle. How do you think she'll feel if I tell her I have a boyfriend? Not a fuck-buddy like Dayron, or a pet like Ryke, but an actual boyfriend? She's already pissed as it is I fuck them more than I do her!" "You don't love me..." said Isle, his voice almost cracking. "I didn't say that!" "You didn't deny it..." JT shut his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "Listen, Isle, this is too much for me to handle right now. Please just...give me a couple of days, alright? I need time to think about all of this. Are you okay with that?" Isle looked back up at JT, his eyes still watering a little, before he nodded his head. "Good. Um...just...just wait for my decision, okay?" "Okay, JT." The brown wolf opened up Isle's front door and slowly walked outside, heading back over to his apartment and leaving the hedgewolf sitting on his couch, still upset that JT didn't respond by saying, "I love you, too." * * * JT sat down on the side of his bed, trying not to wake up Carol. He didn't bother trying to discuss the idea with his girlfriend...girlfriend, for all he knew, that was gonna change in the next day or two. The brown wolf rubbed his head and sighed heavily before he heard the bed sheets scuffling and knew that Carol had just woken up. "Jake?" "...It's okay, honey. Go back to sleep." "How come you're still awake?" "I can't sleep." "You're having insomnia again, JT?" "No, Carol, just go back to sleep." The green wolf didn't have the time or energy to argue with the wolf, so she turned back over and went back to sleep under the covers. JT on the other hand was wide awake, still unable to take in all the overwhelming news that his friend, or better yet, his lover, had told him. JT knew he should've handled the situation differently. He truly didn't want to hurt Isle in any way, but he could tell in the hedgewolf's eyes that his heart had been stomped on when Jake refused to simply say, "I love you, too." He tried not to blame himself, but he knew it was his fault. All he had to do was say four words back to him, acknowledge the wolf/hedgehog hybrid that he had feelings for him too. But he couldn't. No, he couldn't tell Isle how he really felt about him. He wasn't sure anymore. Not only that, but there was a naked female wolf lying in bed beside him. How was he going to explain all of this to her? Carol was already pissed at some of his fuck-buddies, and they never really made friends with one-another. Ryke even jokingly wondered what would happen if a certain "accident" happened to Carol. And yet...JT still had his doubts. Not just on Isle, but Carol too. For the past month or so neither of them had been connecting like they used to. Carol always snapped at JT for no reasons at all, or the reasons would be tiny and easily able to get over. She was also upset that JT had so many fuck-buddies that were male, not female, and wondered why he never bothered even looking at a female fuck-buddy. Of course, Carol always kept telling herself she'd beat JT to a pulp if she ever caught him cheating on some bitch. But cheating on her with a gay guy was another story, since she also had a knack for sneaking out late at night, working at a lesbian strip club as an exotic dancer, and having her own little cache of female fuck-buddies as well. To this day, JT still wasn't sure why Carol hadn't broken up with him when he confessed to her that he was bisexual, and had previous relationships with male furries such as Dayron, but hey. They managed to last this long without any substantial hitches in their relationship, until now. JT rose from the bed and gazed onto the streets of Furtopia, unsure of what he should do anymore. "Isle..." * * * The hedgewolf wasn't doing any better than JT was. After his unsuccessful attempts at having JT confess his love to him, Isle bit back all his tears and decided to take an evening stroll. The entire time he was walking slowly and kept his nose to the ground, unable to smile or feel any joy. Why was it so hard for him to say he loved me back, thought Isle. Why is he afraid to show the same affection to me as I do to him? The hedgewolf sighed dejectedly and continued to trot along the barren streets of Furtopia, unaware that a cheetah was stalking him along the way. Isle stopped walking so he could lean next to a street light and exhaled loudly, sniffling once and trying to keep himself from whining and bursting out into tears. He should be happy; JT didn't flat-out tell Isle that he wasn't in love with him, and even admitted he had some feelings for him. But that wasn't what Isle wanted. He wanted JT to be sure of his decision. Why should he deserve any time just to think about whether or not he loved him? He should know right off the bat whether or not he was falling for him. But no! He just sat there and stammered and ran off, probably so he could stall for more time and find himself another boyfriend, or so he could go crawling his way back to his girlfriend and explain to her what Isle had proposed. Whatever the reason, it wasn't making Isle feel any better, and he let out a choking sob as he rested against the street light. He shut his eyes and two large tears squeezed out of his corneas; he couldn't hold back his sadness anymore and was about to cry. Before he could though, the cheetah who had been stalking Isle grabbed him from behind, putting him in a chokehold and placing a knife against his throat. Isle yelped and tried to break free from the feline's grip, but he instantly placed a knife against the hedgewolf's cheek, telling him to be quiet. "Now, let's not make such a big fuss, Isle. This'll all end much more quickly if you don't fight me." Isle could tell who the cheetah was. He was one of the bullies who used to harass him constantly back in his hometown Viletopia. Everyday when Isle returned home from school, or when he was walking in the park, or was basically seen out in the public in general, the cheetah would always come over and bother him to no end. It wasn't playful jokes or teasing though, like farting in his face or pissing on him. It was more like taking him into an alleyway and beating him to a pulp, shoving his face into a mound of acrid shit, dry-humping him so hard it hurt, and threatening to kill him (one of the cheetah's friends came close to slitting his throat). And now, it seemed like he was back to cause more turmoil, or maybe to even kill him. The cheetah fought against Isle's protests and gradually dragged him into a pitch black alleyway. However, unbeknown to the cheetah, a vigilant blue werewolf with patches of platinum color in his fur was observing the cheetah kidnapping Isle. He growled gutturally before scurrying along the rooftops to get a better view of them. Isle started panting heavily, whimpering and desperately trying to get free. He really wished JT was there with him, not just as a bodyguard, but because he just felt safer when he was in JT's presence. He jokingly thought that JT could gross out the cheetah with his cheesy feet or his flatulence, but then he remembered that his assailant was Viletopian, and all of them accepted those stenches like they were perfume. The cheetah chuckled evilly and began to break through the skin of Isle's cheek, ready to kill him. "Such a shame to let such a perfect body go to waste. Maybe if you let me have my way with you all those years ago, we wouldn't be in this current predicament. ...But I'm sure I can still have some fun with your body, even if you are dead." As the feline was about to delve into Isle's flesh, both of them heard faint howling from above. The cheetah looked up into the air and almost swore out loud, but before he could, a werewolf kicked him hard in the face. The cheetah instantly dropped the knife and Isle was free, even though the feline was still conscious. The werewolf snarled viciously before performing a round-house kick and whipping out his nunchucks, whacking them against the feline's jaw and his temple. Before the cheetah even had a chance to recover, the mysterious hero spun around and kicked the assailant across his cheek. He groaned and spat out a small puddle of blood before collapsing to the ground, unconscious. The werewolf panted heavily as he gazed at the subdued attacker before putting his nunchucks away and turning back around to glance at Isle. The rescuer blinked twice before growing levelly and approaching the hedgewolf. Isle backed away, fearful that the mighty beast would attack him and rip his face off, but to his surprise, the creature merely hopped over his body and began to walk away. As the werewolf became visible in the spotlight, Isle gasped once he noticed his violet pants, his gold martial arts belt tied around his waist, and his blue and platinum fur. It was Jon Talbain. "Hey! Hey, sir, WAIT!" called out Isle as he chased after Jon. Talbain snorted and turned around. "What?" "You just...saved me." Talbain shrugged. "So?" "It's just...I don't ever meet enough furries who go around saving others from danger without expecting anything in return. Thank you." "Don't worry about it." said Talbain, walking away. "But sir, wait!" Talbain stopped again. "What?" he asked, a bit exasperatedly. "Don't you want to stay over at my house tonight?" "I can't do that. I still have to continue my patrol and scout the area to see if anyone else needs saving." "But I insist! I-I have to repay you somehow! No one's ever saved me like that before, not someone I don't know anyway. Besides, you look tired. Don't you think it's time to rest and take a break from patrol?" "Hmm...I have grown a bit weary, and hungry for that matter." "Then it's settled! You shall stay at my house for the night!" Talbain smiled a bit and extended his paw. "Jon Talbain." "Islander Tiyanay." said Isle, grabbing the Lycan's paw and shaking it up and down. "So, where do you live?" * * * "This is the place!" said Isle as he opened the door to his living quarters and let Jon inside. The werewolf stepped into Isle's house and began to look around, examining the hedgewolf's place. The first thing he recognized was the stack of videogames sitting next to the TV set, most of which were Final Fantasy or Kingdom of Hearts games. There wasn't much inside Isle's living room short of a couch, a table, a few nightstands and lamps, and dozens of pictures of Isle and his friends and father. To Talbain's left was the bathroom and Isle's bedroom, and to his right was the kitchen and laundry room. "I see you're a bit of a videogame player." Isle began to blush. "Maybe..." Talbain sat down on the couch before he heard low growling and looked down at his stomach. "You must be really hungry tonight, huh?" Talbain nodded. "I actually haven't consumed anything for a while." "I have a bowl of chili and leftover ribs in my fridge if you want those." "That'll be fine." Isle nodded and headed into the kitchen to go warm up the food while Talbain continued to relax in the hedgewolf's living room, grabbing the remote control and turning on the television. The werewolf sat in silence for the next ten minutes before his mouth began to water once he smelled all the meat heating up in the kitchen. Talbain kept his mouth closed so he didn't ruin Isle's couch with his saliva before the hedgewolf walked back into the living room carrying the plate of ribs in one paw and the bowl of chili in the other. "Here you go!" Talbain grabbed the dishware before placing the ribs on the table and noisily slurping up all the chili inside of the bowl, spreading the meaty and saucy goodness all over his maw and muzzle. Isle was a bit surprised by the beast's voracious appetite and scooted away from him a little when he sat on the couch next to him. He wasn't scared of Talbain, but it was usually best not to get in the way of a hungry werewolf, less you want to end up getting bitten on the arm. The hedgewolf thought he shouldn't bother Talbain, but it was so rare of Isle to find famous furries such as him in the city. Sure, he knew a few Digimon--had sex with one as well--and he met Sajin Komamura a while back after witnessing him vanquish a Hollow, not to mention convinced Kimahri, Red XIII, and Lucario to get into a fart contest the same night, but he had never met an actual famous Lycan such as Jon Talbain before! Even better, the guy saved his life! ...Okay, so maybe Isle could've broken free of the cheetah's grip using his Sonic-like powers, but he panicked and didn't know what to do. Just when all hope was lost, Jon came down to his rescue, like a common superhero would. " you like this city, Talbain?" asked Isle. Jon finished up his bowl of chili and gulped loudly. "I've noticed a significant amount of the people here are what many of your kind say are anthro. There are no humans in this city?" Isle shook his head. "Nope! About 90% of the population is furries or scalies! That's why it's called Furtopia." "That's a rather cliché name." said Talbain, picking up a rib and smacking on it noisily. "Well, at least it's fitting. This place is basically a utopia full of furries, and scalies." Jon didn't respond to Isle this time. He merely continued to eat the meat stuck on the bone, desperately trying to appease his ravenous appetite. Isle didn't speak either, and watched the Lycan eat all his ribs with glee, stopping occasionally to swallow or lick the sauce off his lips. The more Isle observed the canine, the more he realized that Jon wasn't that bad of a creature everyone probably thought he was. Even while he sat there eating all that food, Isle knew that Talbain was just hungry, and not evil or merciless. He smiled while watching him eat before Talbain slapped another clean bone against the plate. "How long have you lived in this city?" asked Talbain, picking up the final rib. "About a year now. I used to live in Viletopia for several years and was raised there by my father until I moved away to find a better place to live." "Viletopia?" "Imagine Furtopia, but the entire city stinks due to all the furries and scalies who never do anything hygienic. That cheetah who attacked me tonight was an old bully I knew back in Viletopia." "Huh...I was wondering why he stank so much." "Yeah...Lannex liked to uh..." "Liked to what?" "You know, it's better if I don't mention it; I don't want you upchucking all the chili and ribs you just ate all over the floor." "Okay." Jon and Isle sat in silence for another short while, doing nothing but watching TV for the next five minutes, before Talbain finished his meal and gulped loudly again, slamming the final bone on the plate. Jon leaned back in the couch before sighing and rubbing his chiseled, and now full, stomach. "Did you enjoy your meal?" asked Isle, grabbing the plate and bowl and heading into the kitchen to wash them out. Talbain nodded and licked his lips again before closing his eyes. "You ready to go to bed?" "Yeah, it's been a long day..." Isle walked out of the kitchen and headed over into his bedroom with Jon trailing behind him. He didn't bother turning on the lights since the moonlight from the window provided enough vision for both of them to see. Isle walked over to his mattress and bent over, sticking his arm underneath his bed and grabbing the sleeping bag he stashed under it. After Isle began to unzip the bag, he was surprised to see Talbain sit on the floor and slide his way inside the bag, making the hedgewolf raise an eyebrow. "What are you doing, Jon?" "Sleeping on the floor, what else?" "But you're a guest in my house." "Exactly. And as a guest I shouldn't intrude, especially in your personal bedroom." "But it's because you are a guest that you deserve to sleep in luxury and I should make you as comfortable as possible. I insist, Jon." Talbain looked at the comfy, king-sized bed and got out of the sleeping bag. "If you say so." said Jon, climbing into Isle's bed. Isle smiled before taking off his jacket, shirt and shoes and crawling into the sleeping bag. "Good night, Jon." "Good night, Isle." * * * Eight hours later, it was morning. Isle was the first one to wake up, feeling the sun rays penetrating his room, hearing the werewolf snoring in his sleep. He was lying in a prostrate position, twitching occasionally and growling unintentionally. The hedgewolf wasn't sure what he was dreaming about, but something told him it had to do with chasing cats or some sort of feline. Maybe he was dreaming about ripping that cheetah Lannex to shreds with his razor sharp teeth. Isle didn't know, but he couldn't help but giggle to himself. The hedgewolf sat up and yawned loudly before he heard abrupt sputtering and what sounded like a trumpet blowing. Isle jerked his head over to Talbain and heard him sigh in his sleep before he sniffed the air. Normally, a furry would plug his nose and recoil, but Isle simply leaned towards Talbain, taking in the smell of his flatulence with glee. But Isle was known for being Eproctophile Isle, or rather having a fart fetish, in large part due to his father. He only liked it when guys did it though, since he found women passing gas to be lewd and a huge turn-off. Talbain grunted and shifted around in bed a little before he sat up as well and yawned while stretching his arms out. After he finished and exhaled, he grunted and held his grumbling stomach again, inevitably releasing another hot supply of foul wind into the air, the sound muffled by the mattress. Talbain glanced at Isle, who was already awoke and heard him pass gas before he blushed and started to frantically wave a paw behind his posterior. "Pardon me." he said. "Oh no, don't worry about it at all! I'm...I don't mind the smell of flatulence." "That's weird. A lot of the people I've run into aren't fond of a werewolf breaking wind in their personal space." Isle giggled. "I'm different. I just think it's cute and funny when furries like you fart!" "What about the smell?" "Hehe, you already forgot I was raised in Viletopia, the city that encourages its citizens to gargle with raw sewage instead of mouthwash?" "I know, but..." Talbain stopped talking and groaned while holding his stomach with both arms, leaning forward with his eyes shut and teeth grit. The werewolf passed a little gas before lifting his tail and farting for five seconds. The sound of it was rambunctious and squeaky, sounding like a notorious trumpet blowing a sour note. Talbain sighed again before catching wind of his own flatus and groaning loudly. He hopped off the bed and headed over to the window, opening it and letting in the fresh air. "Whew! You sure you don't mind it being a little funky in here?" "Of course not!" said Isle, a boner sticking upwards in his sleeping bag. "Ergh...where's your bathroom?" "Oh, it's right next to my bedroom, through that door right there." Talbain walked away from the window and headed over to the bathroom, releasing a squeaky fart right next to Isle when he stepped over his sleeping bag, making the hedgewolf's phallus grow even more. After the werewolf disappeared into the lavatory, Isle got out of his sleeping bag and made his bed, bending over to sniff the spot where Talbain farted before murring. Isle also closed the window to seal the rotten stench in his home. The hedgewolf walked over to the bathroom and pressed his ear against the locked door, listening to Talbain urinating heavily into the toilet. But he wasn't focusing on the sound of him pissing. Instead, he waited until Talbain expelled a fart so loud that it echoed throughout the entire bathroom. He heard the werewolf groan again and smiled widely, his dick pressing against his pants yet again. The hedgewolf didn't listen for another fart after he heard the toilet flushing and ran into the living room, sitting on the couch and turning on the television, acting like he wasn't obsessed over Talbain farting whatsoever. Jon opened up the bathroom door and headed straight for the living room as he pressed his arms against his toned abdomen, still trying to overlook his intestinal dilemma. "That's the last time I eat chili and ribs before bed. I don't think I've had gas this bad for two months." "That's okay, Jon. You can stay here with me and relax for the day!" "Just as long as I'm not interrupting your personal schedule." "It's no trouble. Who else is gonna let you stay in their house while you have incessant flatulence and not mind?" "Good point." Talbain groaned loudly again and leaned against the right side of the couch, still holding his stomach as though it were about to burst. Isle knew that he was okay though, and was only acting this way because the chili he fixed for him had too much beans, or rather fiber, in them. But it would all pay off in the long-run once he was farting every other second. "To be honest, Jon, I actual find flatulence arousing, like a pheromone, you know? I don't know why, but whenever a guy passes gas, I just get really...well..." "I see what you're saying. It's a paraphilia, right?" Isle blushed and looked down as he pressed his index fingers together. "Yes." he said, meekly. "That's interesting. I don't think I've met anyone with a fetish before, let alone one for flatulence." "But it's just, y'know, a thing I like. I'm not sure if you'd understand--" "Being a werewolf, I was ostracized from society, so I think I do understand how someone with a paraphilia would act. You keep it secret; don't want anyone to find out since you think you'll be rejected from the world, right? That's why you were so apprehensive in telling me right now, right?" Isle nodded and smiled. "Thank you for understanding." "No problem." Talbain was about to say something else to the hedgewolf, but his bowels started to act up again and his stomach growled so loudly that Isle almost thought he could see his gut vibrating. The werewolf grunted again and closed his eyes. "Good thing you have a fart fetish, because I feel like I'm about to explode!" Isle smiled again and wagged his tail before Talbain leaned over and ripped a ripe fart that lasted for six seconds and quickly heated up the room. Isle sniffed the gas without any hesitation before sighing with euphoria. His flatulence smelled profoundly of bad eggs and the digested chili he ate the other night. Jon held his stomach again and leaned forward, letting out a strident, but short, burst of wind. It didn't have a scent to it, unfortunately, but Isle giggled like a child once he heard the noise. "Nice one, Jon!" The werewolf chuckled to himself before he shut his eyes and released a foul, silent stream of wind that sounded like gas hissing out of a pipe. The smell was so strong that Talbain had to cover his own nose with both paws and started groaning loudly, while Isle simply fell on his back and started hooting with laughter. "Can't handle your own gas, Talbain?!" "It smells like burnt tires and hot cow shit." he mumbled. "I know, I know, but if you don't get rid of all your gas now, could die." "Are you serious, or are you just saying that in an effort to make me fart more?" "I'm serious! Your gut could explode for holding it in too long!" "Are you serious, or are you just saying that in an effort to make me fart more?" "Jon, I'm not joking! This could be a serious problem--" "Isle...are you serious, or are you just saying that in an effort to make me fart more?" "...The second reason." said Isle timidly. "Although I don't believe I'll die from holding in flatulence, I'm assuming my abdominal pain will disappear once all the flatus has been released, so I'll continue." "YAY!" And so, Jon leaned over on the couch again, his tail raised high, before passing gas again, letting out a rambunctious trumpeting sound that echoed throughout the living room for three seconds, followed by another series of gas that lasted nearly ten seconds. Unlike the previous fart, it was very wet and sounded squishy towards the end, like Talbain was stepping on a wet sponge or a frog. The werewolf grunted and fanned a paw against his rear before making two fists and farting yet again, his ass aimed directly at Isle. This one didn't have the same eggy stench as the previous ones, and reminded Isle of actual rotting meat; the odor was so coarse his eyes began to water a little. But Isle didn't care. Being the eproctophile he was fetid flatulence was the one thing he accepted without any quarrels, no matter how much they stank. He leaned towards Talbain's smelly rear and took a deep whiff of the repugnant smell before moaning ecstatically. "Talbain...don't be afraid to um...fart in my direction or in my face..." "You sure?" "Yes, I'm sure." The werewolf shrugged and got to his knees, pressing the heels of each footpaw against each ass cheek before relaxing his muscles and passing more gas in Isle's direction. This fart wasn't as loud as the others, but it lasted for a record seventeen seconds and sounded like an elephant seal groaning or a motorboat's engine sputtering incessantly. The stench of it was like charred meat and sewage waste, and the hot wind was so acrid that Talbain wound up coughing a couple of times and plugged his nose again. However, he knew that Isle adored this kind of treatment, so he got on all fours and shoved his stinky butt in Isle's face. The hedgewolf's eyes grew wide when his nose dabbed the werewolf's violet pants before Talbain lifted his tail, stuck his ass out a little more, and sighed with much relief as he blew a massive ball composed of hydrogen-sulfide in Isle's nostrils. The flatulence was so wet that Isle could feel his nose going damp as the eggy, and somewhat musty, wind blew in his face. He smiled widely before growing a boner in less than four seconds. The smell was so strong and stimulating that Isle was close to ripping off Jon's trousers and shoving his entire muzzle into his anus. He held back his temptation though and continued to watch the canine fart. Jon sighed heavily again before letting out a deep-pitched fart that vibrated against his ass cheeks. Isle sniffed the gas again and pushed his nose against Jon's ass, finally caving in to his temptation. "HEY!" Isle veered his head back. "Oh! ...Sorry, Jon. Do you think you could do this on the floor?" "Why the carpet?" "Because...the rug is more comfortable than the couch...and you'll have more room to pass gas." Talbain shrugged and got off the couch, walking over to a barren space in the middle of the floor, and got on all fours yet again. Isle observed the blue and platinum werewolf as he exhaled again and released another disgusting blast of flatus from his anus, creating a noise so loud that Isle thought it would've shattered glass. Talbain had his eyes shut and was sweating a little; he farted for nine seconds before exhaling loudly and panting, still offended by the stench of it all. "Hey Talbain, you know what you should do?" "Go buy a can of air fresheners?" "No, that would spoil the fun. I was thinking maybe you could take off your pants and underwear." "Why would I do that?" "Think about it Jon. You're wearing a belt. Surely all that pressure must be bottling up all the flatulence inside of you. If you take off your pants then maybe you'll be able to let all the gas out with no pain, plus it won't take so long." "Good idea." Jon stood up and untied his yellow belt before pulling his pants and underwear down to the ground, showing off his naked, muscular body to Isle. Isle was particularly amazed by the length of Jon's flaccid penis, and was wondering how long it'd be when it was erect. Jon got back on all fours and heard his stomach gurgle before he raised his tail into the air and let out a wave of strong, rank hydrogen-sulfide. Since Talbain's butt was bare, his flatulence was louder than before, and the stink was even stronger. Lucky Talbain, Isle's advice seemed to be working, and he felt no pain whatsoever. The werewolf sighed with relief as opposed to groaning in pain and grinned. He stuck his ass out so it was pointing at the TV and farted again, letting out a series of tiny farts that crackled almost like tiny fireworks exploding. Isle's boner grew a tad bit longer now and he got off the couch and slowly crept behind Jon, staring down at his rotund glutes. They were so much bigger than he thought, a bit unkempt but still sexy to Isle. They also smelled a bit foul; Isle figured Jon never had time to take a bath. But the most important thing Isle was fixating on was the way his ass jiggled everytime he passed gas. He watched as the werewolf let out a ripe fart that was so loud his buttocks jiggled a little, almost like they were vibrating. Isle murred and leaned forward so he could sniff the wind before he got on his knees and stared directly into the werewolf's tailhole, waiting for more smelly gas. Jon exhaled and farted directly in Isle's face some more, making some of his fur flutter in the breeze and stimulating him even more. It was another squishy, wet one that sounded like he was stepping on a wet sponge. Isle murred again and closed his eyes, dabbing Talbain's asshole with his nose again, just in time for him to let out another vile burst of flatulence. It was so rambunctious and so nasty Isle thought for a moment that Talbain had to use the bathroom. But it was only gas, nothing else. Isle's eyes burned and his nose felt like it was on fire, but his brain ignored the pain and the hedgewolf simply murred and began to drool a little, staring at Jon's bubbly ass cheeks. "I gotta say Isle..." Jon grunted and released another loud poot before exhaling. "I feel much better now that my pants are off! Of course, your whole house smells like a sewer, but other than that, I'm fine." Isle ignored Talbain and stood up, zipping his pants down and letting them drop to the floor. He grabbed Talbain's waist and positioned himself behind his rectum. "Isle--AUGH!!!" The hedgewolf ignored Talbain again and thrusted into his ass. He started panting heavily as he kept his firm grip on the werewolf's thighs before thrusting into his asshole again, making Jon yelp. "I'm sorry--I'm sorry Jon, but you and your farts are just too damn sexy for me!" Jon yelped once Isle thrusted into him a third time. "If you...wanted to fuck me, all you had to do was ask. I'm a werewolf; I'll fuck anything with a pulse if the mood strikes. ...Probably got that trait from my father." "Good! Then you won't mind if I do this!" The hedgewolf started thrusting into the hole in-between Talbain's ass cheeks several times over, moaning and panting each time he thrusted forwards. Talbain didn't seem to mind any of it, even though he hadn't been fucked by someone (let alone an eproctophile) before. It felt weird to be the submissive partner, just lying there and taking it in the ass like some prostitute or a scrawny furry ready to get ass-raped in prison. Part of Jon wanted to knock Isle off of him so he could return the favor, but his stomach disagreed with his mind, and responded by churning loudly again. Isle waited a couple of seconds after hearing the beast's abdomen growl before he felt something warm vibrate around his cock. He heard a muffled sputtering sound and seconds later, the notorious odor Isle and the other millions of furries in the world were familiar with swept into his olfactory system. The scent of hydrogen-sulfide was like a pheromone to the hedgewolf, and after he caught wind of it, he moaned ecstatically and started thrusting faster now. Isle must've set some kind of record at this point. This was the third "celebrity" furry he managed to not only be around when he was gassy, but managed to sodomize as well, the first two being Leomon and Sajin Komamura. What was even more amazing by all of this was that none of them even minded. Isle felt Talbain fart again on his penis and almost squealed with joy. He tightened his grip on Jon's waist and resumed thrusting back and forth as fast and as hard as he could. Jon was moaning as well, but they weren't moans of pain from his intestinal dilemma. They were moans of euphoria, and overall, happiness. He hadn't met anyone as weird or as kind as Isle before, and even though he had such a bizarre paraphilia and was currently butt-fucking him because of it, he was a nice hedgewolf. Isle thrusted a little harder this time and closed his eyes while doing so, gritting his teeth and grunting instead of moaning. He thrusted five times in a row before stopping for four seconds and murring loudly, his jaw descending as far as it could with a thin line of drool falling to the floor. Then he resumed thrusting into the flatulent werewolf as he took a giant whiff of his stinky living room. Isle couldn't stop thinking about Talbain and his bubble butt. The guy was so stinky and masculine, and valiant at that. He was still shocked that out of everyone who would save him, Jon Talbain--THE Jon Talbain--was the one who came to his rescue, slaying that smelly cheetah in a matter of seconds without even breaking a sweat. And despite his appearance and reputation for being a werewolf, Jon wasn't as grumpy as other furries said he'd be. He was nice and very tolerant as well. Isle was having such a great time with Talbain that he completely forgot about last night where JT refused to say that he loved him back. Perhaps he could stay with Jon for now until JT made up his mind. At least this way, if JT wound up saying he didn't love him, he had Talbain to take his place. Isle stopped thrusting for a short moment before he murred and Jon ended up farting again. Only this time, the fart was rather wet, and left a damp feeling on Isle's penis. It vibrated as it traveled out of his asshole onto Isle's shaft before the smell began to kick in. Like the previous gas bubbles, the flatulence acted like a pheromone to him, and once his sniffed it, he began to thrust into him as hard and as fast as he could. Talbain and Isle were both grunting and moaning almost loud enough for a wayward bystander walking on the street to hear. The hedgewolf couldn't take all this bliss anymore and could feel some of the pre dripping out of his dick into the werewolf's rectum. He started thrusting and using all the strength in his groin to penetrate the Lycan's tender and sensitive area on his derriere. Isle was practically screaming now and ready to reach the climax. Isle exhaled loudly after he thrusted forwards and left his entire cock inside the werewolf's ass. Talbain teased Isle one last time by letting out a massive fart cloud that heated up the hedgewolf's cock like it were a blanket. After he was done passing gas for twelve seconds, Isle inhaled one final time and murred with his tongue hanging out. He finally screamed, no longer in control. Isle thrusted into the werewolf five times, almost simultaneously, before he jabbed his dick forward a sixth time. The hedgewolf screamed again before his body shook a little and he came inside the canine's bubbly ass. Talbain could feel the warm goo flooding his anal sphincter and grinned, realizing that his own dick was erect as well from all the excitement. Isle groaned with relief before relaxing his shoulders and the rest of the muscles in his body. He took a few steps back and let his cock dangle in-between his legs before watching Jon fart out all the white semen in a noisy, and rather sloppy fashion. "God...I feel so much better now..." said Talbain, exhausted. "...So do I, Jon..." Isle fell backwards and sat down on the floor with his back pinned against the wall while Talbain collapsed onto his stomach, lying on the floor in a prostrate position. Both of them were fatigued now and needed to rest. The hedgewolf closed his eyes and smiled before losing consciousness. * * * Several hours later, JT finally decided to see Isle once again. He still wasn't sure of his decision yet, but he needed to talk to Isle some more, see if the hedgewolf was 100% sure of his own decisions. JT really had no problem being Isle's boyfriend, but Carol got in the way of that, and he knew that she would have a problem with him being in love with two separate furries. Not only that, but JT knew Carol would become envious of him paying more attention to him than her. ...Maybe he should sever his ties with Carol, make it simple on himself. The brown wolf knocked on Isle's door three times and sighed as he waited for the hedgewolf to open the door. "Isle? It's me, JT." The wolf waited a couple of seconds for Isle to open up the door, but to his surprise, Talbain was the one who opened it, staring down at JT and snorting periodically. JT was intimidated by the werewolf and took a few steps back. "Uh...hi?" "Relax, Jon, he's okay. It's just JT." said Isle, appearing in the doorway. JT sighed with relief and walked closer to the doorway. "Hey, aren't you Jon Talbain?" "The one and only. Isle says you're name is JT?" "It's just my initials, but yeah, that's what everyone calls me." "Pleased to meet you then." Jon extended his left paw and JT looked down at it for a moment before he finally grabbed and shook it up and down. "Come on in JT. I've got so much to tell you!" JT nodded and stepped inside Isle's living room before Jon shut the door. Isle sat down on the couch while Talbain continued to hover over the wolf's head, acting like the hedgewolf's personal bodyguard. JT took a few whiffs of the air and plugged his nose. Jon's little fart-fest that took place earlier that day was still lingering in the air. "Did your septic tank burst or something?" he chuckled. "Not exactly. You see, last night after you left, I went for a walk and this bully I knew from school tried to um...kill me." "Holy shit dude!" "Relax! Relax, I'm okay, JT. Jon saw me in trouble and he saved me." "Oh. Thank you very much, Jon!" "It's my job." "I take it that's why you're still here?" "...Something like that, yeah." JT looked at Jon and saw him and Isle share a glance. Jon grinned for a few seconds while Isle blushed and tried to keep himself from giggling. JT suddenly frowned. "Oh...I see. ...That explains the smell." "But don't get me wrong, JT! Jon is a really nice guy, and he's very tolerant! He didn't even care that I have a fart fetish." "That's great...that's awesome, Isle." said JT, suggesting quite the opposite. "...You don't sound like that's good news." "Was I talking to you, Jon?" "JT, are you mad?" JT chuckled. "Why would I be mad? I'm very glad that you and Jon are such good friends, Isle." "Oh...okay then." "You should probably get yourself checked though." "What?!" "No, I'm just saying. The way this guy smells I don't think he's had a bath in quite some time. I hope his ass isn't dirty." "My ass is very clean, thank you very much." growled Talbain, stepping a little closer to JT. "Yeah, well, the same can't be said about your dental hygiene." "What the fuck does that mean?!" "Nothing. It's just I don't think much kissing will be involved in your guys' relationship when your breath stinks that bad." Jon snarled and stepped dangerously close to JT, making him back away a few steps. "JT what's wrong with you?!" "Nothing! Nothing, I'm perfectly fine! ...I'm just saying Talbain's breath smells like he rimmed a gorilla with diarrhea, that's all." "Do you have a problem with me, pal?" growled Jon, so gutturally he almost sounded like a demon. "Nope! But, Isle might. I'm sure you have a bulbous ass and nice, stinky farts--many things that Isle adores--but usually furries who have one good trait try to cover up an equally bad one. I'm assuming your dick isn't that long, is it, pal?" Just as Talbain grabbed JT by the throat, Isle grabbed the red-tip of his left ear and gestured for Jon to let go. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" Isle didn't wait for JT to respond. He just dragged the wolf outside of his house by his ear, ignoring everytime he shouted out the word "OW!" before slamming the door shut and shoving him against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you JT?!?!" "I told you, I'm fine!" he yelled. "Stop denying it! I already know you're not fine Jake! Is this about Talbain? Are you jealous that I fucked him this morning?" "No, Isle! This has nothing to do with that!" "You know it does!" JT huffed. "Isle, think about it. Last night, you told me that you loved me, and you were on the verge of crying because I didn't say 'I love you' back to you. Not even twelve fucking hours have passed and you already stuck your dick up someone's ass! What is it--do you not have some fuckin' self-control or something?!" "Why are you so angry at him?!" "Because you told me that you loved me, and when I said 'I need more time'--I did not say that I did not love you, I merely said I needed more time--you went over crying on Jon's shoulder, substituting him for me as your little fartin' fuck-buddy! That's why I'm mad, Isle!" JT chuckled and shook his head. "That's gotta be a fuckin' record--not even 24 hours. Just like Leomon and Komamura all over again, huh?" "Oh like you're so goddamn perfect JT!" "I don't go around banging every furry I run into with a fat ass and incessant flatulence!" "Oh yeah?! Well go tell that to Dayron! Go tell that to Ryke! Go tell that to the dozens of fuck-buddies you have! I still remember that guy you met in Viletopia and you said his feet stank so much that everytime you caught a small whiff of them, you got a boner! Everyday for a week, you would go over to that guy's house and you would make him give you a foot-job and you wouldn't stop blabbing about the details! And you know what? I bet you you're still fucking that guy behind Carol's back! The only reason why she doesn't give a shit is because she is bisexual too and she does the same thing to you: fuck a bunch of bitches behind your back!" JT suddenly went silent and blinked. "You're no better than I am Jake! You're just so goddamn jealous that I met someone I can relate to that you have to make me feel bad too just so you can feel better you fuckin' asshole!" "...Isle--" "You know, last night, after you didn't tell me you loved me back, I was willing to do anything for you to change your mind. Now...I don't care anymore. Do whatever the fuck you want." Isle stormed back into his house angrily and slammed the door, leaving JT speechless as he stood near his doorstep.

  • * * JT was sitting in a bar now, trying to drown away his sorrows like every other person or furry out there who just got dumped by his or her mate. And yet, JT felt odd about it. He never went to the bar so he could drink away his problems. He went so he could get wasted, so he could enjoy that buzz he got after consuming a fair amount of alcohol. But here he was, trying to drink himself into a coma so the emotional pain would go away. JT knew that wouldn't happen though. Not only was he one who didn't succumb to drinking, but he was drinking water, not beer. There was no form of alcohol in it either; it was just a glass of sparkling water. The brown wolf looked left and right and noticed a couple of furries were looking at him with an elevated eyebrow, as though they were going to say, "Why the hell are you drinking water in a bar?" JT ignored them and took another sip of the water, sighing dejectedly as he tried to figure out what he should do. He had to admit that Isle was right back there. He wasn't any better than he was. He still remembered the time he was on that camping trip and that foxcoon swooned him in less than five minutes, and the next thing he knew he was sticking his cock up his ass. And he was still seeing that scaley Isle was referring to with the smelly feet. Isle was also right about him being jealous that he fucked Talbain so quickly. He let his emotions take over and began to instigate when he knew both Jon and Isle would've been pissed off in the process. He had no reason to say all that stuff to Jon. But JT wasn't fixating on the fact that he said it all. He was fixating on why he said it. If JT didn't care about who he fucked, if he didn't truly love him, then why was he so pissed off? He wasn't mad that Isle fucked Talbain and not him. He was mad that he fucked Talbain so quickly, and after such an emotional night. ...Right then, for the first time ever, JT finally realized why he was upset. He did care. He cared about Isle's feelings. He cared so much that he was willing to do whatever he could to make him feel better. He had to make things right with him again. JT pondered about what he was going to do for nearly five minutes before exhaling and taking out his cellphone. He dialed his girlfriend's number and placed the phone against his ear. "Hello?" "...Carol?" "Oh, hey JT. What's up?" "We need to talk."

The Other J.T. (Part 2/2)

Part 2 to the previous story, where JT must decide between his girlfriend Carol, or his best friend Isle.. :iconIsleTiyanay: guest stars and came up with idea. * * * **The Other J.T. (Part 2/2)** JT and Carol were busy taking a late...

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The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 2/2)

Re-upload from FA continuing where the previous chapter left off. Isle's night continues as he finds an anthro version of Red XIII heading over to a building Lucario and Kimahri are staying at. It just so happens they all have a serious case of...

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The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 1/2)

Re-upload from FA about Isle taking a late night stroll and running into the Shinigami Sajin Komamura, where they share a meal inside a Chinese restaurant. Once they return, Komamura starts to get gassy from all the food he ate, and Isle gradually...

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