The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 1/2)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#4 of Isle and his Gassy Adventures

Re-upload from FA about Isle taking a late night stroll and running into the Shinigami Sajin Komamura, where they share a meal inside a Chinese restaurant. Once they return, Komamura starts to get gassy from all the food he ate, and Isle gradually becomes horny.

:iconIsleTiyanay: guest stars.

The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 1/2)

It was late at night in the city of Furtopia, and for perhaps the first time in his life, Isle wasn't venturing over to Maytek City. He wasn't planning on having gassy sex with Leomon again, or persuading WereGarurumon to pass gas in order to relieve stomach pain, or try to endure the rank flatulence emitting from Gaomon's bowels. He was just walking down the street in his jeans, hurrying home so he could go get some sleep...well, so he could go fap to some werewolf porn, and THEN go get some sleep. He was also thinking about his possible future boyfriend JT. The hedgewolf was madly in love with the brown wolf and his gassy ass and he was hoping one day he'd be able to confide in the furry and tell him he was homosexual. ...Even though they already had sex Isle still decided to remain straight. But somewhere down the line his friends knew that he'd finally come out the closet, not that it would be much of a shock to them.

"Damn I should've recorded that werewolf pooping inside a pumpkin and farting last year. That'd be so awesome to watch over and over again! And now that I mention it someone probably should've taped me fucking Leomon while he was farting his ass off."

Isle sighed. "I should really get a camcorder. I could install it into a hole in the wall while I'm fucking someone with flatulence and whenever I'm horny I can watch it over and over again while I masturbate! Hehe, that'd be so awe-"

As Isle was walking over to his house, he heard loud howling in the distance and raised an eyebrow. It wasn't a revelation to hear a furry howl like a maniac or a demented subject from the Psych ward. With all the yiff going on in the city it was actually unnatural to hear a howl from time to time in the middle of the night. However, the howl Isle heard just now was ghostly, and almost unholy, like it came from a demon.

"What the hell was that?"

Isle heard the howl again and, due to his curiosity, he went over and investigated the scene to find the source of the disturbance. To his surprise, he saw a tall, muscular brown canid creature fighting an even taller creature that looked like a disembodied anthro fish or cetacean. Isle would've been scared by the disturbance, but he was too bust staring at the canine fighting the giant fish. He was a giant light brown wolf about nine feet tall and wearing a traditional black and white kimono with shoulder pads on. If anyone managed to glance underneath his dressing they would've seen that he was wearing plated boots. Isle knew right off the bat that it was the legendary Sajin Komamura, another famous idol of his. Even in the pitch black dark of the night, Isle still managed to see the Shinigami as clear as day, like there was a light shining above his body.

"Holy shit, it's Sajin Komamura!"

Isle knew what was going on now. Sajin was busy fighting another Hollow, one looking similar to a Fishbone D due to the fins on its back. And judging by the missing arm and hole in the side of its head, it was losing terribly. Isle should've run away or called for help or even assisted the soul reaper with his deeds, but it was clear to the hedgewolf that Komamura needed no help whatsoever. Besides, when else are you gonna find a wolf battling a giant fish ghost?

"Damn! I could really use that camcorder right about now!"

The Hollow roared groggily and swiped its hand over at the wolf, hoping it'd be able to catch the tall wolf and squeeze his body to the point where all of his bones shattered like bubble wrap, but its attempts were futile, as Sajin back flipped and slid backwards against the sidewalk with sweat dripping from his forehead. The wolf stared at the giant disembodied creature with bated breath before he held his sword in front of him and began to charge towards the Hollow for the final blow. Before he even had time to react, Komamura yelled viciously as he jumped into the air and plunged his sword down over the Hollow's head. Isle waited with anticipation and wagged his tail as he saw the wolf delve the sword clean through the Hollow's head in a vertical motion. The Hollow didn't even have time to howl again before the ghost disintegrated into thin air like ash blowing in the wind. The wolf stood with his paws gripping the sword firmly until he sighed with relief and placed the sword back in its sheath, standing upright so he could resume his night patrol.

"That's one less Hollow that'll be terrorizing this world."


The erratic outburst was loud enough to throw Komamura to the ground and his eyes grew wide and he flinched as Isle started jumping up and down, yelling in his ears. The tall wolf couldn't help but move his eyes up and down each time he saw the hedgewolf hopping, something like a jumping bean or a hyperactive grasshopper.

" can see me?" asked the Shinigami with disbelief.

"Oh hell yeah, as clear as day!"

That...that can't be right, thought Komamura. Only other Soul Reapers and members of the Soul Society have the ability to see me! How is it physically possible for this human...wait, this isn't a human being. In fact he looks like a canine, just like me...if I had big hair, anyways. Maybe that's why he can see me...

"This isn't right. No ordinary human being...well, whatever you are has the ability to see me, let alone a Hollow!"

"Wow, you're so much taller than I thought you'd be! I knew you were the tallest Shinigami out there but I thought it was all a hyperbole!"

Sajin raised an eyebrow. "Err...are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, yeah! I know about the whole 'Death god' and Hollows and Soul Reapers and all that stuff! Besides I thought everyone here could see you?"

"No, the fact you are able to recognize me is a little esoteric, if not disturbing that you've already heard of me. What are you, some sort of fan?"

"Something like that, yes. My name's Isle by the way. I just can't believe I actually found you visiting Furtopia!!" squealed Isle.


"That's the name of this city. Perhaps I should show you around the area so you can get the gist of the area?"

"Sure. I'm on patrol anyway so I may run into a few more Hollows that I must vanquish."

Isle and Komamura started to walk down the streets of Furtopia with the black hedgewolf pointing to his left and right to show off the places of interest in the city, a casino here, a Chinese restaurant there, a yiff hotel elsewhere, and so on.

"This city is unlike the ones I've ventured to in the past. Why are there so many bipedal animals roaming through the streets without any sort of protection on?"

"What, condoms?"

Sajin blinked. "No...I mean protective gear to shadow their faces and paws and feet. Before my mask was ruptured I used to wear...well, I'm sure you know."

"This place isn't called 'Furtopia' for nothing Komamura! This city is full of furries and animals dude."


"It's a term used to describe anthro animals of all kinds of species. In a way, you yourself are a furry Sajin."

"Ah, I see. So, what can you tell me about this city?"

"Well, as you can see by that wolf over there,"

Isle pointed to an alleyway on his left, where it showed a naked wolf urinating heavily into the sewers after opening up the manhole cover. Sajin's eyes dilated a little.

"We have no problem using the bathroom in public."

"So I can actually just urinate or poop whenever I please?"

"The government prefers if you clean up after yourself and do it privately, but yes, you can use the bathroom whenever you please and no one will give a damn. In fact, it's legal in my hometown Viletopia."


"Imagine Furtopia, but filthier and stinkier."

"Nevermind. What else can you tell me about this city?"

"Lotta furries are gay or bisexual."


"Really. If you say hi to five random furries, at least three of them are gay or bi. And I'm putting a major emphasis on 'at least' Sajin."

"Guess this city is rife with STDs then."

"Actually no. The only furries I hear of who died of STDs are prostitutes and convicts. But then again, we're not human, so our genes are more habituated to the diseases."

"Well, why don't you tell me a little about yourself, since you are the only one who can see me now. What do you do for fun?"


Sajin stopped walking and stared at the black wolf briefly, blinking a couple of times.


"Uh, uh, I mean," Isle stammered.

"I play...videogames. Yeah, yeah like Mario and...Sonic."

"Oh. I see you're another individual obsessed with your technological gizmos and too, such as these 'videogames' and television."

"Don't you like Animal Planet?"

"On rare occasions, usually if it involves dog competitions."

As they were walking down the street, Isle heard the Shinigami's stomach grumble loudly and Komamura looked down and held his stomach.

"I don't suppose any of the food here tastes good, does it?"

Isle chuckled. "Who doesn't love a nice bowl of moo shu pork or spicy curry? Or a good old fashioned handful of hot dogs?"

Isle and Sajin were currently sitting down inside of an oriental restaurant, eating a different selection of meals. The tall wolf was busy chowing down on the moo shu pork and spicy curry and spicy lemon chicken, while Isle was busy eating some egg rolls. However, eating may have been an understatement. He seemed to be watching the Shinigami eating all the food ravenously, smiling as he gobbled down the zesty moo shu pork and slurped up some wet noodles and poultry.

"You must be really hungry tonight Sajin."

Komamura finished chewing a portion of the chicken before swallowing hard, the giant lump in his esophagus flowing down to his abdomen.

"When you're reaping Hollows it's hard to find pleasurable food in the environment you're in."

"What does that mean?"

"Eating the unknown tends to upset your colon. You ever drank stagnant fluids?"

"You mean like, drinking water from Mexico?"

"Something like that. It's not that all foreign nourishment will give me an upset stomach, but I wouldn't rule it out."

A light bulb went off in Isle's head. "Upset stomach eh?"

Komamura took another huge bite of moo shu pork. "Yes. Whether it's vomiting or diarrhea or flatulence or indigestion, somewhere along the line I get stomach pain."

"Well, maybe you should get yourself a big helping of the beef noodle soup!"

Komamura shook his head. "Nah, I hear that's got carrots and other veggies in it."

"That doesn't mean you can't take it out. Besides, I hear it's loaded with special legumes tonight, so it should cure your stomach issues on the spot!"

The brown samurai Shinigami looked to his left at a bowl of steaming beef noodle soup with two chopsticks resting on top of it. Even with the poultry and moo shu in his gut, he still had an appetite and wasn't finished filling his hole. He shrugged and took out the carrots and other vegetables before he started to voracious gulp down that meal as well. Meanwhile, Isle was busy fantasizing about the gassy future Komamura was going to have due to all the Chinese food, and covering the bulge in his pants.

Later that night, Isle invited Komamura to stay over at his house until morning, telling him he may need "protection" from the Hollow, since he could see them. But in all honesty, he was waiting for the canine's bowels to start reacting to the gas forming due to all the protein and fiber he ate earlier. It was only a matter of time before Isle's environment would be clouded with the gas from Komamura's lower intestines.

" this another documentary about the spotted leopard?"

"Yeah, looks like it. This must be the part where-"

Before Isle could finish, he heard the soul reaper's stomach growl loudly and he squinted a little, desperately trying to feign the pain. But Isle noticed the Shinigami squinting and smiled slyly.

"Something wrong?"

"Nah, nah I'm okay. Just some indigestion."

"It's not serious is it?"

"Well, like I told you earlier, my stomach takes a while to adjust to new food, so don't be surprised if I have to use the bathroom soon."

Isle and Komamura continued to watch TV for a couple of minutes, blinking a few times and fidgeting in their seats. It wasn't until the area around Isle became increasingly warm, and that the air was filled with the humid stench of rotten eggs that Isle realized what Komamura just did. He started to laugh to himself and plugged his nose before the soul reaper began to shift around in the couch, his cheeks red with embarrassment.

" apologies Isle. I guess the reaction has preceded a lot faster than I thought it would."

"Hehe, don't worry about it! I'm okay with that stuff anyhow. It's not like you'll accidentally kill me from your flatulence...unless you light it on fire."

"I know, I just wanted to warn you in advance-"

Before Komamura could finish, the brown wolf's eyes widened as he abruptly let out more noxious bubbly gas. To Isle is sounded unreal, like a Whoopee Cushion or a horn blasting a sour note in the orchestra room. But after the smell came in, Isle knew it was all too real. He started to laugh even harder after the six second fart ceased and began to wave a paw in front of his nose.

"Damn Sajin!! I never knew you could stink that much!!"

Komamura took it as an insult, and not a joke or a compliment in Isle's case. He rushed over to the window and began to pry it open when Isle stopped him and slammed the window shut.

"What are you doing?"

"I-don't you want the room to air out?"

"No, no! I was just joking earlier about you stinking so much. Coming from me that's a compliment...unless you really do stink, but in that case I'd offer you deodorant or AXE."

"So, you tolerate-"

Sajin grunted and let out more fierce wind from his behind, which he quickly began to fan away with a paw.

"You tolerate that?"

"I wouldn't say tolerate, more like admire."


"Oh yeah! To me, a furry's flatulence and how strong it smells and how loud it sounds is very flattering to me. Kinda like how someone can admire the smell of durian and Limburger cheese because it tastes so good."

"Have you tried that?"

"Oh hell no; durian smells like monkey ass and Limburger smells like feet."

"But overall, you like the odor of flatulence?"

"Well, yeah. I mean I do have eproctophilia..." Isle murmured under his breath.



"So...if I were to do this,"

Komamura leaned over to the wall and hiked up his right leg, letting out another foul, bombastic fart that smelled like the digested moo shu pork he finished eating earlier. Isle instantly fell on his back and started laughing again, sniffing the fumes as they began to sift through the room.

"OH YEAH!! That was a good one!"

Sajin smiled. "Well, perhaps we could hold off on the animal show and you could observe my 'talent' if you want to call it. You've been really nice to be tonight so I figure this is a way I could pay you back."


And with that, Komamura started off his little farting spree with the usual method: turning around so his butt was aimed at Isle and raising his tail to let the gas out. The gas was quieter than the others, but it still sputtered like a motorbike's engine which intensified the noise. And the smell of it was just as rank, something like the backside of a camel and a satisfying, yet equally repulsive smell of chicken. Isle didn't mind of course, and he simply leaned forward and expanded his nostrils to let the repugnant gas into his system.

"Mmm, now that was nice."

Komamura grunted this time and squatted down a little with his butt sticking out, as though he were about to poop. Rather, he just let out more gas and sighed heavily after all of it came rushing out, stinking up the room even more than before. Isle sniffed repeatedly and continued to sigh while Sajin waved a paw behind his ass again in an attempt to waft it away.

"WHEW!! Isle are you sure I shouldn't open the door or window or even turn on the air conditioning?"

"Absolutely not! This room smells heavenly due to your rank ass! Keep going!"

Sajin shrugged. "If you say so."

The Shinigami was busy trying to discover his own creative farting move when he felt his stomach growling again. The brown wolf stood up and chuckled softly before pressing his arms against his abdomen. As a result, he forced the gas in his intestines down to his rectum and subsequently right out of his anus. Isle sniffed the gas with glee and lowered his head near the wolf's buttocks, taking a massive whiff of the acidic compounds that was now hot, foul air. And the smell of it passing through the soul reaper's butt cheeks only seemed to make the odor stronger, and Isle hornier. He murred softly while Sajin turned around and gestured towards Isle. The wolf extended him a paw and winked at Isle. The hedgewolf didn't even need Komamura to ask the question before he giggled childishly and yanked one of his fingers. The tall wolf leaned towards Isle and let out another thick burst of rancid gas before he exhaled and sighed with relief. Isle took another huge whiff of the flatulence and quickly identified what is was: spicy curry and blocks of beef and noodles, and something that smelled seemingly like beans. All those legumes in the stew must really be working, which was all part of Isle's ploy. However, the Shinigami wasn't finished yet, as he fell on the floor, lying flat on his belly with a malicious smirk on his face. Due to his flattened torso, all the gas that was inside wound up going either north or south...and since Sajin refused to open his mouth to burp (not to mention that a majority of it was in his large intestines anyway) it didn't take long before he relaxed his anal sphincter and let all the flatus out. Isle had his nose practically dug into his asshole once he farted and as he looked at his haori, he couldn't help but notice the fabric was fluttering a little in the "breeze." Isle murred even louder than before and had his mouth wide open, seconds away from drooling on... Nope, he literally started drooling on the wolf's clothing. The smell hypnotized Isle, something like ecstasy if there was a rotten egg roll and bean dip flavor to it. Isle also imagined he wouldn't hear trumpeting for six seconds in his ears either once he took the drug, but hey.

"P.U.!! You're right Sajin; maybe we should open a window!"

"Good. I should warn you that being trapped inside this room is like being in a box with no holes. Eventually we'll start suffocating, and then there's a chance we really could die from my flatulence."

"Hey, I got an idea!"


"Instead of opening a window or door, how about you take off your clothes?"

Komamura raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Yeah!! It'll be easier for you to pass gas and-and since you won't be wearing any clothes, all the gas won't um, won't stick to your fabric. This way, you can go back home without reeking of decaying intestines and smelly rotten eggs."

"Uh...okay. I'll um, take off my clothes then."

He was still apprehensive about the idea, but Sajin had a long sword resting in his clothing and all he had to do was throw himself over to his clothing and yank it out of the sheath in case Isle was some Hollow spy. So he casually kicked off his boots and quickly took off his haori before bending down to pull down his trousers and underwear, exposing himself to Isle. The hedgewolf couldn't help but stare at his dangling penis with a googly-eyed expression. Komamura raised an eyebrow again.

"What? You've never seen a penis before?"

Isle awkwardly cleared his throat. "No-no I have. It's just uh...well..."

"Hehe, you weren't expecting one this big?"

"No, I actually WAS expecting that..."

"Then what?"

Isle scratched the back of his head and tried to form up a way to say this without scaring Komamura or freaking him out. He had to be very careful with his wording.

"Well you are a little...handsome..." said Isle.

"Is that so?"

"...Yeah...anyways you still got gas?"

Sajin responded by hiking up his leg again and blowing out another foul supply of hot air from his buttocks, making the soul reaper laugh out loud and Isle to lean forward and take a strong whiff of the gas.

"Hey, I got a new move for ya!"

Komamura got on the floor and sat down before rocking backwards with his paws grasping his feet. He rocked backwards until he was lying on his back and his knees were almost touching his face and his ass and feet were sticking into the air. Isle quickly crouched underneath Komamura's raised legs so his snout was almost pointed at his ass and he sniffed his buttocks before he let out another gargantuan blast of stinky air that mixed with the already tainted environment. Isle felt his fur brush backwards by the hot rush of air and he smiled widely, as though a fart shaped like a heart just blew across his face. Sajin couldn't help but laugh raucously now and he stood on the floor to glance at Isle.

"Wait a second, why are you naked now?"

Somehow, Isle thought up a perfect lie right on the top of his noggin.

"With all this gas you're expelling I couldn't help but notice this whole room was humid and steamy, so I took off my clothes to cool down."

Sajin glanced at Isle's cock and smiled himself. "I see yours is big too."

Isle's cheeks turned a little red. "Uh...a little, but I am kind of excited."

"Flatulence excites you? What, do you have some kind of fart fetish?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"In that case,"

Komamura turned around so his ass was pointed directly at Isle. The hedgewolf stared at the chubby and smooth ass cheeks before his tail raised into the air and expelled more gas, one of the strongest gas bubbles he's had all night considering that Isle slowly moved back an inch or two. Isle instantly received an even thicker hard-on and he moved over to the wolf's waist. Sajin got on his knees and paws and stuck his butt out a little more before gritting his teeth as his stomach churned again. Isle got on his knees too and stared inside the furry's asshole, waiting for the tail to rise because he knew the gas would come flying out yet again. Komamura grunted as he gritted the carpet with his nails and let out a short, then suddenly seismic fart that sounded like a balloon deflating and a horn blasting all at once. Isle was desperately trying to keep himself from falling on his back. The smell of it was rancid, like always, but due to the room already reeking of eggs the wolf didn't even notice. However he did manage to smell the curry coming out. Believe it or not, but spicy curry smells nothing like the real thing when it's digested and zooming its way out of an animal's ass. Lucky for Isle though, since he loved the smell of curry and the stench of flatus. Drooling with euphoria, Isle stood on his legs and charged towards the Shinigami, grabbing his waist and promptly thrusting into his rotund butt. Sajin yelped with surprised and his fart was cut off into a small poot. He tried to wiggle his ass or move forward but he couldn't help but notice someone inserted what felt like a warm, smooth blunt object up his anus, like a dildo, but not rubbery. And then he felt something sticky going inside of him, like syrup.

"Isle what the hell are you doing?!!"

Isle responded by thrusting forward. "C'mon Sajin, you know you want it!"

Isle grunted and thrusted forward again. Komamura let out another small fart in the process though, giving the hedgewolf's cock a nice blanket of heat. Isle started murring and panting loudly as he moved his dick back and forth, giving Sajin an erection as well.

"Ergh, fuck!! I didn't know you'd be so-URK!!-aggressive."

"Shut up and keep farting." Isle panted.

As Isle requested, Komamura farted again, a muffled trumpeting noise that wasn't as loud as before but still smelled just as rank. The sound of it made Isle inhale sharply and thrust deeper into Sajin, the precum slowly oozing its way out of his cock. He moved forward a little and began to bang Sajin, forcing soft gasps of ecstasy from the furry. As he moved back and forth Sajin arched his back and sighed with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and a silly, sexual grin on his face. Isle grinned maliciously as well and murred loudly, rubbing his paws on the soul reaper's back. It's been a while since he actually banged someone like Sajin, and he was a pretty big fan of the furry's work. Unlike certain Shinigamis Komamura was very gentle and kind, unless he was in battle of course. It wasn't a surprise to Isle that he actually allowed him to bang him with no interference or protest. So, he continued to bang, thrusting his entire body back and forth as he grabbed his waist. Sajin gestured for Isle to stop so he could pass more gas, which only made the hedgewolf harder. Isle squealed again with excitement and moved forwards even more before increasing his acceleration. Both of them were inhaling and murring and panting loudly and before Isle knew it, Sajin was farting again to amuse and gratify him. The black wolf hybrid gritted his teeth and smiled in such a creepy way it almost looked demonic or licentious. He grunted several times and resumed his banging, going a little faster than before and squirting some more precum into the furry's asshole, moaning loudly and keeping a firm grip on the furry's waist.

Isle began to shout out vociferously to the point where a few furries outside of Isle's house where able to hear him screaming at the top of his lungs. None of them were Peeing Toms, thank God, so Isle didn't need to worry about any of them trying to look through his closed blinds to see anything kinky. The hedgewolf grunted loudly and panted twice before he thrusted his entire body forwards and screamed again as he left his fat cock inside of him. Sajin started breathing so rapidly it sounded like he was having a heart attack. Isle stopped thrusting so he could cool down and make sure he didn't jump the gun too quickly. But once Sajin excreted another foul cloud of flatulence from his rectum that was it for Isle. He let out what sounded like a squeal and a snarl combined and threw his whole body into Komamura, screaming at the top of his lungs as he released his load into the Shinigami. Sajin himself was shooting his load onto the carpet as he had his eyes shut and his teeth gritted. Isle was shouting for almost ten seconds before he finally expelled all the cum from his cock and exhaled with a loud huff. Isle looked down at Sajin, tired and weary, before he took a few steps backwards and let his cock out. Sajin collapsed to the floor and farted again for a very long time before sighing with relief.

"My's like shoving a sword up your ass but...but I feel happy...and it doesn't hurt."

"'ll get used to that."

Komamura grunted and slowly got to his footpaws before he turned around to look down at Isle. He was about to say something, but before he could he heard something howling in the distance, probably another Hollow.

"I'd love to stay but-"

"I know, Hollows right?"

"Yes." said Komamura, putting his clothes back on.

"Do you think that maybe...maybe you come back another night? I know of this great restaurant that serves chili 24/7!"

Sajin chuckled as he finished putting on his haori. "I'd like that. Right now I gotta go. See you later!"

And with that, Sajin ran out of the house and left Isle standing alone in the living room. The hedgewolf sighed and sat down on his couch, wondering what he could do for the rest of the night. He had his collection of eproctophilia porn to fap to, but after what just happened, he didn't feel like it, nor did he have the energy to. The only problem was that Isle wanted more gas to sniff and didn't know who to contact. JT was sleeping, Saber and Frisby were probably busy fucking each other, and Zea was probably doing the same with Mau. That or peeing in someone's flower bed. He could go over to Stone's house, but the last time he farted for him he got sprayed, and sharted on. But then, Isle started to daydream about Kimahri and Red XIII, and then daydream about their fat asses, and then daydream about them getting gassy, and so on. He smiled widely and got another boner before he began to think about Lucario, and how sexy his ass was too. And it didn't take long before he thought about what it would be like for funky hydrogen-sulfide and methane to blast out of that ass, right into his face.

Maybe he could kill three birds with one fart...


The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 2/2)

Re-upload from FA continuing where the previous chapter left off. Isle's night continues as he finds an anthro version of Red XIII heading over to a building Lucario and Kimahri are staying at. It just so happens they all have a serious case of...

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Leomon's Reaction to Sauerkraut

Re-upload from FA where Isle heads to Maytek City for a movie night with all his Digimon friends. However, once Leomon becomes flatulent after eating sauerkraut, Isle's secret fart fetish acts up, and things become yiffy... :iconIsleTiyanay:...

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WereGarurumon's Stomach Virus

Re-upload from FA where Isle heads into Maytek City, and finds WereGarurumon sick from a stomach virus. Somehow, he manages to soothe his pain through flatulent means... :iconIsleTiyanay: guest stars. * * * **WereGarurumon's Stomach...

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