Leomon's Reaction to Sauerkraut
#3 of Isle and his Gassy Adventures
Re-upload from FA where Isle heads to Maytek City for a movie night with all his Digimon friends. However, once Leomon becomes flatulent after eating sauerkraut, Isle's secret fart fetish acts up, and things become yiffy...
:iconIsleTiyanay: guest stars.
Leomon's Reaction to Sauerkraut
Right now, Isle was in the Digimon city Maytek along with a majority of his Digimon pals, such as Biyomon, Agumon, Guilmon, Gaomon, Flamedramon, and several others. All of them were gathering around in an apartment building to watch a movie together. Of course, Isle was eager to see the movie, because it just happened to be Dr. Dolittle 2.
"What's so special about Dr. Dolittle 2 anyway?" asked Gaomon.
"I can't spoil the scene! But trust me when I tell you, you and the rest of the Digimon in here are gonna love it!"
"OOH!! Does the movie show a portal leading to an endless supply of bread?"
"No Guilmon, sorry."
"Aww!!" whined Guilmon, his ears drooping.
"Don't worry Guilmon. I brought this giant loaf of monkey bread so everyone-"
Before Isle could even finish his sentence, all the Digimon in the room snatched a slice of monkey bread and scarfed it down their mouths, chewing noisily.
"...You could've saved me a piece!"
Impmon spat the chewed up bread into his hand and showed it to Isle.
"Want it back?"
The little imp chuckled and tossed the moist, chewed up bread into his mouth and swallowed.
"Any of you guys know where Leomon is?! I thought he was supposed to be here a half-hour ago!"
"He said he was bringing a snack over for us along with the DVD. Just be patient guys."
"Well, it's a little hard to do that when you have Guilmon here breathing his halitosis down your neck." said Impmon.
"Yeah, and it's getting a little stuffy in here. One of you guys take a shower last night?" asked Renamon.
"Um...I might've forgot to..." said Gabumon.
"Awesome. Could someone open the window and air this place out?"
"It's almost winter! You know how cold it is now?" asked Isle.
"But all you furries have a bunch of fur on your hides that act like your own blanket."
"Just keep the window closed Renamon." said Biyomon.
As the Digimon were all sitting in front of the TV talking to each other, Leomon kicked the door open with his massive feet and walked inside, grunting as he carried several bags and packages of snacks.
"Who wanted the s'mores?"
"ME!!" shouted Biyomon, flying over to the bag and snatching the bag of s'mores in her feathers.
Leomon, unable to hold any of the snacks anymore, dropped the packages to the floor. All of the Digimon grabbed whatever snacks they wanted and left Leomon with only one package. The feline walked over to the TV and put the DVD into the DVD player, sitting back down and grabbing a bowl and dumping a package of the only snack left into it.
"Leo...did you seriously just open up a bag of sauerkraut?" asked Isle.
"That's disgusting."
"And unorthodox. Who eats sour cabbage as a movie snack?" asked Veemon.
"Who eats ham as a movie snack?"
"...Good point."
Impmon took a bite of his chili dog and grunted once Leomon placed his paws on top of his head like it was a footstool.
"Mind takin' your pungent feet off my scalp Leo?"
"Why? Your head's real comfy and I've been walking around all day."
"They sure smell like you've been walking around all day!" said Guilmon.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, nothing! Let's get the movie started."
Leomon turned on the movie and began to stuff some sauerkraut into his mouth, noisily chewing on the snack along with the other Digimon. Isle decided to stay away from chili dogs after developing a serious rash from Impmon's tainted one. Now he was busy eating a chocolate bar he bought from a shop in Maytek.
"So you said this is your favorite movie Isle?" asked Leomon, taking another handful of sauerkraut.
"Not exactly, but it is pretty funny. And there is one scene a lot of my friends say are pawworthy."
"Pawworthy?" asked Guilmon.
"You guys are too young to understand."
"I'm not." said WereGarurumon.
"Yeah, neither am I." said Flamedramon.
"Last time I checked, I'm the oldest Digimon in the room." said Leomon.
"Yes, well...when you see the scene, you'll understand."
"This isn't some inside sex-joke is it?" asked Renamon.
"...Not entirely..."
"Does this involve-"
"Please stop talking and watch the movie."
The movie was more than halfway over, and the Digimon had finished all of their snacks and were busy chuckling and staring at the screen.
"Hehe, dis guy Eddie Murphy is hilarious!" said Impmon.
"You should see him during his Live performances."
"So are we getting closer to the pawworthy scene yet?" asked Agumon.
"Yes, yes, just calm down and watch!" said Isle.
Everyone stared at the screen with anticipation and waited for Isle's infamous scene to pop up. As the gang was busy watching the movie, Leomon felt something tingle in his gut and looked down after it rumbled a little. The feline opened his mouth the belch, sighing with relief after the sauerkraut gas was out of his system. After Leomon patted his belly twice, it growled loud enough for Biyomon to hear.
"You alright there Leo?"
His stomach growled again. "Yeah, yeah, it's just a little acid reflex."
"Acid...reflex?" asked Guilmon.
"It's just a little...chest and abdomen pain. It'll go away soon."
"Alright then."
Leomon relaxed himself on the couch as his stomach began to growl in a less audible tone. It wasn't until he felt something push itself into the large intestines that he felt something building up inside of him. Leomon felt some pressure in his kidney and inhaled sharply before leaning over to the left slightly.
"You sure you're okay there Leo?" asked Palmon.
Leo continued to sit down feeling some intestinal pain, trying not to show any pain in his eyes. Leo sighed once the pain passed and grunted once he felt something brewing towards the exit of his large intestines.
(DAMN!! That's the last time I eat sauerkraut!) said Leomon in his mind.
Lucky for Leo, he didn't have to use the bathroom...but he was certain that flatus was building up in his gut and minutes away from getting out.
(There's only another half-hour or so left. I can wait that long before the movie ends, right? Then I'll rush to the bathroom and release the gas there).
"YES!!! My favorite part's coming up!" shouted Isle, hopping up and down with joy.
"What's got you so giddy?" asked Renamon.
"Just watch!"
Isle was busy glaring at the TV screen giggling to himself with his mouth shut. Meanwhile, Leomon was holding his chest and stomach, trying to hold his gas in and breathing loudly. Suddenly, Isle's scene came up. It was the part where Dolittle was trapped inside the bathroom with Archy after he ate Cherry Garcia ice cream.
"Here it comes!!!"
As Dolittle tried to escape the bathroom through the window, Archy started to fart raucously and poop inside the toilet, grossing out the doctor beyond recognition from the horrible odor. When the farts began to fly, Isle fell on his back and started hooting with laughter, rolling around on the ground like he was out of his mind. Some of the other Digimon like Gaomon and Agumon and Impmon began to laugh as well, but nowhere near as much as Isle. The rest of them were staring at the screen flatly, wondering what was so funny about flatulence.
"Um...am I missing something here?" asked Palmon.
"So...pawworthy is a bunch of pee and fart jokes?" asked Guilmon.
"Absolutely not! Pawworthy is something you can fap to!"
"Could we please stop talking about this scene and farts please?" asked Leomon, becoming more uneasy.
"Let's rewind it again so you guys can get a better understanding." said Isle.
Isle rewinded the movie to the Archy bathroom scene and played the part where the giant bear was farting and pooping inside the toilet again. He resumed laughing his furry hide off while only a few other Digimon began to chuckle; the others were a little appalled by the scene and why it was "pawworthy." Meanwhile, Leomon was groaning and trying to hold the gas inside his colon.
"Isle could you please fast-forward this?"
"Yeah, I still don't see the point of this scene." said Renamon.
"Really?! How don't any of you guys find this pawworthy?"
"I find it hilarious, but I don't see how you can fap to this, whatever that means." said Agumon.
Isle rewinded the scene and the bear began to fart loudly, forcing Leomon to while softly as his stomach churned again. Watching the bear scene over and over was really unsettling his stomach. The hedgehog-wolf continued to laugh again while the scene suddenly became unfunny and was now simply obnoxious and tedious to the internet monsters.
"Isle, this movie is getting really boring now." said Biyomon.
"Yeah, is there a point anymore? Or are you just trying to become horny by watching a bear poop in a toilet?" asked Impmon.
"...the second one. Now....LET'S WATCH IT AGAIN!!!"
"Give me the remote Isle." said Renamon.
Renamon tackled Isle to the ground and both animals began to bicker and fight over the remote. Isle managed to rewind the DVD one last time to show the gassy bear break wind in front of the doctor who could talk to animals, making Leo's stomach deeply upset.
"Isle, give Renamon the remote control and stop the DVD. Now!" demanded Leo.
"But it's about to go on the farting scene again! Just watch!"
Leo whined again and held his gurgling stomach. As Isle was busy wrestling with Renamon and Veemon, who also began to find no point in this scene anymore, the farting began and Archy began to defecate into the toilet. Isle stopped fighting the digimon and started laughing hysterically, pounding his fist on the floor with his eyes watering.
"Isle dis is really starting to piss me off. It's gotten to the point where I can actually smell the farts now!" said Impmon.
Agumon flared his nostrils a couple of times before plugging his large nose and waving a hand in front of himself.
"Hey I can smell the farts too! How does Cherry Garcia turn something that stinky?! PHEW!!!"
"Leo, you brought a DVD with Smell-o-vision?!"
Leomon didn't answer. He simply grunted with a few fists made and passed gas in the same rumbling noise as Archy from the movie. Everyone suddenly turned around and looked at him instead of the video.
"God that feels good..."
Leomon cocked his leg up and farted twice in a very loud, squeaky tone, exhaling and waving a hand in front of his nose.
"Pardon me!" he said, still trying to show courtesy.
Everyone in the room groaned with disgust and immediately scooted away from Leomon like he had cooties. The feline was slowly stinking up the apartment and grossing out his digital monsters.
"UGH!! That was you?!" said Renamon.
"Dude that smells worse than a pile of Greymon manure!" said Palmon.
"If the smell wasn't so bad, I'd congratulate you." said Gaomon.
"Same here." said WereGarurumon.
"My sincere apologies, but I just couldn't restrain my flatulence any longer."
Leomon groaned again and passed another sputtering fart through his butt cheeks.
"EEEWWWWWW!!!" shouted all the Digimon.
"Uh, you should open the window that window now Isle." said Gabumon.
"So we can all freeze to death?! I don't think so!" said Agumon.
"I'm sorry that none of you have a pelt as comforting and warming as mine, but we should really air the room out."
"Hey Leo, is this gonna last long?"
"If I release all the gas now, I might be able to finish within a half-hour."
"Good. We'll come back in 90 minutes after you're done farting and the room airs out."
"Great idea. Any longer in this stench and I'll pass out!" said Biyomon.
All the Digimon ran out of the room with their noses plugged and locked the door. Leomon passed some more gas and sighed with relief before looking down at the floor and seeing Isle still rolling around laughing.
"What are you still doing here?"
"Oh man, your farts are so funny Leo!! I just love how you managed to synch up your farts with the ones that were playing in the movie! That was just amazing Leo!"
"Really? I thought a furry like you would be disgusted by something as vulgar as odorous gas."
"No, of course not! I love farts! I can't tell whether I love the strong stench of it or how humorous it sounds, but farting is what makes me tick! Haven't you talked to Gaomon or WereGarurumon yet?"
"If you had, they would've told you I love gas expulsions from the anus! Now, I want you to fart again, and get a little creative with it."
"C'mon Leo, you're a guy! Don't tell me you didn't impress your friends with your awesome farting techniques when you were a kid?"
Leomon chuckled to himself. "There were several occasions where my friends would get into a little circle inside this secret club house and after we gorged ourselves on a bowl of beans, we'd start breaking wind till the whole place reeked. It was so funny one of us peed ourselves from laughing so much!!"
"Then you can't tell me you didn't play around with your gassy backblasts!"
"If you really want me to rip a few, then so be it. I'm sure you're familiar with the infamous Pull-My-Finger joke?"
Isle grabbed Leomon's finger as he extended it towards him and smiled widely. Using all his might, he yanked it towards himself and watched as the feline farted in a loud, sputtering tone and fanned the gas in his direction. Isle started laughing hysterically and began to cough on the noxious gas.
"WHOO!! That was a stinky gasball!"
Leomon's stomach churned loudly again.
"Well don't hold back on me Leo! Let 'em rip!"
"If you say so."
Leomon got off the couch and turned around, getting on his hands and knees so his butt was facing Isle. The hedgehog-looking wolf giggled with anticipation and edged his nose closer to the seat of his pants. Leomon grunted and lifted his tail before letting out a loud, wet fart in Isle's face, filling his nostrils with fetid, sewer-reeking gas. The lion creature farted for eleven seconds before exhaling and waving a hand behind his buttocks.
"Excuse me."
"Trust me Leo, you don't gotta excuse nothin'!!" chuckled Isle.
"If you say so. Hmm...what other pose was there I always did with my friends? Oh, yeah!"
Leomon wrapped his tail around Isle's neck and dragged his body across the floor so his face was smothered by the seat of his pants. Isle shouted a muffled question before Leomon smiled deviously, farting into his nose and mouth in another wet tone. This fart was so spicy and wet that it let a moist spot on his ass and Isle's eyes began to water. Leomon uncurled his tail and let Isle fall to the floor, coughing violently.
"A little-COUGH!!-aggressive, but I love the smell of that one!"
"That move was very handy when it came to fending off virus Digimon."
"I can see why!"
"I'm having a little fart block right now. Do you by any chance have any fart poses I can use?"
"SURE!! Get on the ground and lie on your stomach!"
"Trust me, it'll make you gassy real quick."
Leomon shrugged and lied flat on his stomach, feeling an overwhelming sensation of gas rush to his buttocks. Isle got on top of Leomon's back to pin his stomach down some more and rush the gas out faster. The buff feline farted so hard Isle felt his head pushing back up into the air as he had his head resting over his ass. The wolf inhaled deeply before murring in nirvana and having his tongue hang out. Leomon sniffed the air and plugged his nose.
"Wow, this place is getting funkier than I thought it would."
"Oh, don't worry about the smell. I'm perfectly fine with that!"
"In that case, there's another pose you should really check out."
Leomon lied on her back and put his legs up into the air so his feet were facing the ceiling and his buttocks were aimed at the wall. Leomon relaxed himself and passed some more foul-smelling air, letting out gas that vibrated against each butt cheek and made a hilarious, trumpet or tuba blowing sound. The smell wasn't as strong, but Isle couldn't help but plant his nose directly near Leomon's ass. Leomon himself laughed from the ticklish feeling and farted again for the sole purpose of feeling the giggle-inducing flatulence.
"You think Gaomon and WereGarurumon would mind getting involved in this little farting spree?"
"Nah. I'm not sure why, but those two can't handle the smell of my flatulence. Apparently, feline flatus is something even their noses can't accept. You on the other hand seem to have no problem with it."
Isle giggled. "Thanks."
"Why don't you participate?"
"I'm more into smelling than actually farting."
"Your loss. What other pose do you think I should do?"
"Um, uh...turn around and squat down like you're about to take a dump!"
Isle got on his back and lied down on the floor.
"Okay, now go."
Leomon squatted down with his legs spread and his ass resting on Isle's nose and broke wind like crazy, blowing sputtering trails of gas into his nostrils. The gas was hot and steamy, giving Isle a spicy, burning sensation in his nose and filling his ears with bliss. The noise was like one of those farts you'd hear in TV shows, loud and obnoxious and something you definitely laugh at if you heard it in real life. Isle moved his head up a few inches and planted his nose right into Leomon's stinky posterior, smelling his putrid ass stink. Isle was murring deeply, putting his hands over his crotch to prevent his erection from being noticed by the heroic feline. However at this point, he couldn't restrain himself anymore.
"Hey Leo, I know what you should do next!"
"Get back on your knees and hands like you're about to crawl, but instead, take your pants off so your ass gets more air and you're able to pass the gas more easily!"
"...I haven't thought about that yet, good idea!"
Leomon took off his belt and zipped down his pants, chucking his pants and boxers aside and revealing his bareness to Isle, which made him smile widely.
Leomon looked down and giggled sheepishly.
"Yes, um..."
Leo cleared his throat. "Well, I don't like to brag but...can't really hide it from anyone can I?"
"I see you're also excited..."
Leomon looked down and realized his cock was erect and the farting spree had made him horny. The warm air inside the room whizzing through his sheath and ass-crack also made him feel comfortable. Leomon began to turn red.
"Hey, it's not like you don't get excited while farting, right? It's just, the feeling of it pressing through your colon feels nice and..."
"I understand. So are you gonna try out that pose?"
"Oh, right! Sure! Still got a lotta gas in my gut anyways..."
Leomon got on all fours and sighed with relief, farting even louder than before since his pants weren't muffling the sound and spreading more gas into the air. Isle was staring directly into Leomon's ass as the gas blew into his face. A wide grin appeared on his face and Isle began to murr with his tongue hanging out. Leomon grunted and blew more gas his way, wiggling his rump to get all of the gas out his colon. Isle suddenly stood up and held his tail up. As Leomon blew out another fart, he thrusted into the lion and he grunted with shock, surprised at what Isle just did.
"Isle what are you doing?!"
"C'mon Leo, don't tell me you don't love it. It's just this ass of yours and all those stinky farts floating around in my brain got me so excited that...I..."
Isle thrusted forward and made Leomon grunt, simultaneously forcing another fart out of his butt. Leomon moaned and dug his claws into the floor with his tongue hanging out as well.
"Isle, this seems very unorthodox. I've never been sodomized like this before!"
"...Not by a furry, anyway, but a Digimon." Leo whispered.
"Don't worry. You just keep farting while I continue plowing. It'll feel like magic!"
Isle began to moan and murr, slowly moving back and forth as his dick came in and out of his gassy ass. Leomon grunted and farted right onto Isle's dick, muffling the noise and spreading the gas around his cock. Isle's erection grew and he moved a little deeper into the lion's ass, murring some more and increasing his speed. Everytime Isle thrusted, Leo would squirt out a squeaky poot before sighing and inhaling sharply. Each fart rumbled against Isle's dick and some cum blasted out of Leo's ass in the process. As a new experimental procedure, Isle gestured Leo not to fart for a while and he continued to plow him in the ass, holding Leo's hips and thrusting repeatedly. Leo began to feel gas in his bowels get higher and higher and knew that a giant cloud was forming. After plowing for several minutes, Isle stopped and let Leomon let out his fart. The gas was monstrous and sounded deadly, powerful enough to blast water sky high. The smell could wilt a titan arum and easily kill a set of roses. All the cum inside Leo's ass blasted out of his butt and back onto Isle's dick, not to mention all over the floor. Isle took a big whiff of the wondrous odor and started yelping with joy, wagging his tail so much he wound up letting out a rank fart as well. Leomon caught wind of the fart and plugged his nose.
"P.U.!! Your farts smell like horse manure and burnt rubber!"
"You really think I care right now?!?!"
Isle thrusted and yelped, forcing Leo to let out another giant fart. He stopped for a moment, catching his breath before he decided to plow Leomon again. He yelped and thrusted again, forcing out some more malodorous gas and making Leomon get an erection as well.
"Oh God, yes...YES!!"
The wolf thrusted again, not forcing out a fart from the lion, but squirting a large accumulation of pre into his butt. After stopping for 18 seconds, Isle thrusted with all his might and shouted at the top of his lungs, shooting his load inside Leo's ass and simultaneously forcing a loud, bombastic fart from the digital monster's furry large rump. The fart squirted cum all over the floor and Isle's cock and footpaws. The whole spot was sticky with white goo and both partners were exhausted. Both of them let out airy, silent farts and collapsed to the floor.
"Wow...for your first...time...that went pretty well." said Leomon.
"Shit. How are we...gonna explain this to...the other Digimon?"
"...I know what to do."
"Sorry guys; movie's cancelled." said Leomon, walking out the room with his pants back on.
"Why?!" asked Impmon.
"Err...a jar of mayonnaise exploded and ruined the DVD player."
Impmon sighed. "AGAIN!?! That's the seventh time this week that happened?"
"Seventh?" asked Isle.
"Don't ask." whispered Leomon.