The Other J.T. (Part 2/2)

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Other J.T.

Part 2 to the previous story, where JT must decide between his girlfriend Carol, or his best friend Isle..

:iconIsleTiyanay: guest stars and came up with idea.

The Other J.T. (Part 2/2)

JT and Carol were busy taking a late night stroll along the beach near the outskirts of the city, where the couple first met each other during a game of volleyball. Any other time, Carol wouldn't mind walking alongside her boyfriend on the beach, but the fact that they were doing it in the dead of night where no one was around and all they could hear was the roaring waves and the wind blowing in their faces made Carol's spine tingle. She had to admit that walking on the beach this late at night, especially when it was in the fall, probably wasn't a good thing. Carol sighed and decided that she should be the one who should break the awkward silence that had been going on ever since they reached the sandy area.

"So, why are we here again Jake?"

The brown wolf sighed. "Since there's no way to sweeten this without you getting so shocked, I'm just gonna go out and tell you what I have to say."

Carol giggled. "What, you gonna tell me you have an STD or something?"

JT didn't answer. He simply stared at Carol and blinked a few times, his face suggesting that he might actually have cancer or a terminal illness.

"...Wait, you don't have an STD, right?"

"No, but I am breaking up with you."

"Oh, that's good...wait, what?"

"We need to break up Carol."

Carol simply stared at JT, speechless about the sudden, life changing news she just heard. She reacted the same way that JT did when he heard the news about Isle telling him he's in love with him. Only, instead of JT having a decision of telling him whether or not he loved him back, Carol had nothing to go on. There was nothing she could say that would change JT's mind. And yet, a majority of her brain told her that she still had to try. She just couldn't accept this news. And she'd use every tactic she knew of to get the wolf to change his mind. But first, she needed to know the why. Then she could start lulling him back into her arms.

"Is this...JT I-I don't understand. I thought we had-?"

"I didn't realize until recently that Isle has very strong feelings for me that I've been neglecting. I'm not sure how long he's felt this way, but he's been keeping it a secret from me for a very long time. He told me that he loves me, Carol, and I myself just found out this morning...that I love him too."

"...You're dumping me for a goddamn Sonic look-alike?"

"You can whine and bitch and wail about it all you want to; I don't give a shit."

"How could you choose him over me Jake?!"

JT raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be happy I'm breaking up with you?"

"Why the hell would I want that to happen?"

"Because it's me, Carol, not you. I'm the problem with this relationship, and whether or not you'd like to admit it, you deserve someone better than me."

"Well, I-I-I may have snapped at you a few times-"

"Oh bullshit! You have any idea how many times you bitched to me about all the fuck-buddies I have? You have any idea how many times you kept telling me, 'Oh, Isle and Ryke are out to get me! Isle and Ryke want you to break up with me so they can fuck you more and put a hitch in our relationship'?"

"That's what he's doing right now! That asshole has you so wound up you don't even see it!"

"Yes, I do Carol! Isle loves me much more than you do and you can't accept that so you're willing to disagree with me until you prove me wrong!"

"No I'm not!"

"YES YOU ARE CAROL!! Jesus-I just gave you a perfectly good reason why we should break up and you still want to be with me? You said it yourself-I spend more time with my fuck-buddies than I do with you, so why is it so hard for you to let me go?!"

"Because I still love you, and you still love me-you just won't admit it!"

JT sighed exasperatedly. "You know what, while we're talking about the whole fuck-buddy issue, maybe you should take a look in the mirror; examine all of your faults perhaps?"

"Don't you dare turn this back on me. You said you're breaking up with me because of you, JT, not because of me!"

"Now that I think about it, Carol, there are some things you did that annoyed the shit out of me that I no longer have to worry about."

Carol scoffed. "Yeah, like what?"

"Uh, hi? You're bisexual. I'm not the only who goes around flashing my genitals to anyone and everyone who wants to fuck me. I'm not the only one with a shitload of fuck-buddies!"

"It's only a few!"

"You still scissoring that bitch who hyper cums everywhere? Y'know, the one who came into the apartment...let me rephrase that."

"What about you huh?! You're still banging Dayron and Ryke behind my back and I'm pretty sure that scaley still keeps giving you all those smelly footjobs!"

"See?! Right there-you DO think it's a good idea we should break up!"

"No I don't! I was just saying it aggravates the shit out of me that you fuck all these random furries more than you do me!"

"This coming from the girl who scissored that girl back in the brothel? This coming from the girl who blew three separate raccoons in one night? This coming from the girl who HAD A CUNTBOI FUCK HER WITH A STRAP-ON???"

"At least I told you."

"We both agreed that we wouldn't fuck anyone outside of our own sex besides each other Carol! Despite all the fuck-buddies I have, all of them are guys, Carol! You had another male furry-"


"That's not the fucking point is it?!" shouted JT, in barely a second.

"Just because someone gave himself a penectomy does not mean he is no longer male! That just means he doesn't have a dick anymore Carol! ...You fucking any other men behind my back?"

"Oh please, I can't believe you're asking me this..."


Carol stammered a bit, trying to avoid the question without her boyfriend-presumably soon to be ex-figuring out she was lying.

"Are you fucking any other women behind my back?"

"You didn't answer the question." growled JT, without opening his mouth.

"Neither did you."

"No, Carol, I have not fucked any women behind you back! I have not fucked any transvestites who look like women-I haven't even fucked any trannies who 'technically' are male! You wanna know why? Because at one point, they were female. And no matter how much I twist it in my favor, you're still gonna look at it as me fucking some bitch who turned into some tomboy, or whatever female trannies do to become male."

Carol huffed and turned around, taking a few steps away from JT and kicking up some of the sand with her foot. The couple...ex-couple, remained silent for a minute before JT started talking again.

"That's not the only reason why I've come to this decision, Carol."

"Then why else do you wanna break up? You wanted to tell me you're not really a man and your dick is made out of tofu?"

"Fuck you."

"Yeah, and then we'd feel much better, wouldn't we?"

JT huffed. "Fuck it-I'm gay, Carol."

Carol chuckled with disbelief. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am Carol!"

"But we've had sex several times now! I'm pretty damn sure homosexuals do not have sex with someone who is of different sex. That is why the word is 'homosexual,' JT!"

"Thing is, now that I think about it, I find women attractive, but not attractive enough to have sex with them. AT MOST, I'm okay with them giving me a blowjob, and even then, sometimes I won't do it. Why do you think at night I always prefer you give me head or paw me off instead of me actually fucking you?"

"You told me you were lazy, and don't feel like having sex all the time."

"Yes, that's true, but I've also realized it was because you're not male."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Everytime we have sex, I'm usually thinking about fucking a guy-Dayron most of the time-and that's how I get a boner. Sometimes I have to force myself to get hard just so you'll feel better after we do it."

"But...what about-?"

"Christmas back in Viletopia, when I got into that threesome with you and Dayron? Why do you think I was in the middle? When I felt the jackal's smooth cock breach my tailhole...I just lost it. I was fixating on his dick inside my ass, and I was so horny, that the only thing I wanted to do was fuck the shit out of the nearest furry I could find."

"...You said it was a Christmas gift."

"Yeah, and when I realized that shit wasn't working, I immediately called Dayron over so he could dom me!"

"But what about the camping trip?"

JT scratched his head. "Did I even fuck you then? I remember us talking, but when you said you were okay with me being bi, since you were too, I immediately ran out of our tent and fucked the shit out of Dayron."

"...Oh yeah." said Carol, dejectedly.

"I'll admit some women are pretty. I'll admit some women are attractive. I'll admit some women are hot and downright sexy, and I may even briefly imagine what they look like in the nude. But there's no way in hell I'm fucking a woman, not without forcing myself to think of fucking a guy to get it up."

"But...what about the-the time we first met each other?"

"Carol, back then I didn't realize I had feelings towards men. And back then, I was trying to get in your pants."


"Carol, you flashed your titties at me. The very first time we met. While we were playing volleyball. You think it was just a coincidence I wanted to hang out with you more, get to know you two weeks later?"

"Oh my God I can't you just said that..." said Carol, holding her head and shutting her eyes, embarrassed about the whole situation.

"YOU ARE SO MEAN!!" she suddenly shouted, like a spoiled child who didn't get the candy she wanted because her father wouldn't let her.

"See?! There ya go-another perfectly good reason why we should break up! I'm a douchebag! I'm just not as bad as Derrick is. I'm the 'tame' kind of douchebag."

"What the fuck does that mean?!!?"

JT backed away, suddenly realizing how angry Carol really was. "Subject change. What-what about my career huh? Shouldn't you be happy you're not dating a freelancer?"

"Your job has nothing to do with this!"

"Yes it does when you think about it! I almost died because a goddamn zombie sewer rat stabbed me in the gut and was seconds away from murdering me, and I don't even want to remember the hell we went through with that whole Konu fiasco. Shouldn't you be happy that you won't be in danger anymore?"

"I like your job, JT! I like that you go around helping random furries for no damn reason whatsoever so you can get paid and feel proud about yourself! How many other furries do you see around Furtopia with a freelancer for a boyfriend?"

"'re still with me, because you can brag to your friends that your boyfriend's a freelancer? That's it?"

"No, Jake! I'm just pointing out the positives here!"

"You're countering every valid reason I'm giving just so you won't leave me! Did you ever think I'm not just doing this to benefit myself Carol?! Did you ever think that I'm not good enough for you to date?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'll go a week or two without showering if I don't feel like it. I urinate in public sometimes. I get drunk and come home and puke all over the floor and expect it to be cleaned up after I pass out on the couch. I fart in the morning almost everyday, sometimes intentionally, even though you told me several times it annoys you. I still masturbate even though we can easily just fuck each other. I occasionally bring my fuck-buddies over so we can bang each other-those are six perfectly good reasons right there Carol!"

"So what if you're a little annoying?"

JT sighed and tried to steer the conversation back to a minimal level of aggression.

"What I'm saying is that I'm a guy, Carol. You don't want to date a guy, Carol. You want to date a gentleman. No matter how hard I try, and no matter how old I get, that will never be me. Hell, I could be 89-years-old and I guarantee you I'll still go around playing the Pull-My-Finger joke! You need to find someone out there better than me, Carol. Someone who doesn't mind you being bi, someone who doesn't have a single fuck-buddy, and someone who doesn't resort to using the newspaper he's reading while on the toilet to wipe his ass. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, it's what every guy says to the furry they're breaking up with that they found someone else." said Carol, a bit teary-eyed.

"That's not what I'm saying at all."

"YES IT IS JAKE! You just told me the only reason why you're breaking up with me is because Isle told you he loved you and you're picking him over me! That's all it is JT and you know it! And-and now you expect me to be okay with this and find some other guy right off the bat?!"

"OH MY GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!??" screamed JT as he grabbed his head.

"I just gave you every single reason why you should break up with me and you still think Isle is just going against you and that we still have a chance?! I'm in love with another guy, I spend more time with my fuck-buddies than I do with you, I'M GAY, I'M GAY, also, I'M GAAAAAAAAY, my career is getting in the way of our relationship, I'm gross and sometimes adolescent, I'm a douchebag, and my feet smell!"

"...Jake you never said that was one of the reasons why we were breaking up."

"Well, there ya go! Now you don't have to worry about wondering why the coffee table stinks of cheese after I rest my feet on it! God, it's getting to the point where I'm starting to think that the only reason why you're so pissed off right now is because you weren't the one who ended our relationship. You're not breaking up with me. I'm breaking up with you. Is that why you're upset?"

Carol didn't say anything. She merely looked down at the ground as her soles pressed against the sandy terrain. JT scoffed.

"I thought so. God, would it be better if I had baked a cake that read 'I'M GAY AND I'M DUMPING YOU' instead of saying all of this?"

"YES! I would love that so much more! Because with the cake, at least I can eat my sorrow away and by the time I'm done eating the cake, I won't even feel upset anymore!"

JT shut his eyes and remained silent for a very long time, realizing he probably made a terrible mistake.

"Damn...I was gonna bake that cake too." he said meekly.

" can't just leave me, not after everything we've been-"

"Do not start with the whole 'Not after everything' speech. I just want you to get the stuff you put in my apartment and leave."


"PACK UP YOUR SHIT, AND GET THE HELL OUT!!!" he suddenly shouted.

Carol stared at Jake for half a minute, trying to find more words she could use so JT would be able to change his mind, but all she wound up doing was letting out a tiny sob, and she sniffled a bit, desperately refusing to run away whining like a bitch. But it wasn't until she noticed that she subconsciously turned around and started to drag her footpaws against the sand that she was doing just that. But something told her that she needed to have the last word, and tried one last time to go against JT.

"How do even know your relationship with Isle will even work huh?! After all the faults you've named and the reason why our relationship failed, how do you know the same thing won't happen with him? HUH?! What does Isle see in you?!"

"Everything you failed to see in me."

There was no fighting, no shouting, nothing. After they met each other on the beach, JT went back home and grabbed all of Carol's stuff and dumped it into a few boxes. JT kicked them all outside of his front door. The next morning, JT looked out on his doorstep and noticed that all the boxers were gone. Amazing that the situation hadn't ended worse than he thought it would. No tires had been slashed, no threats were made, no windows smashed, no marks on his door, nothing. So, half of the hard part was over for JT. Now came for the other hard part: making it right with Isle again. The second JT freshened up and got his gray tank-top and black shorts on, he headed out the door and went straight to Isle's house. The wolf frantically pounded on the door and shouted out Isle's name twice, hoping that he didn't piss him off too much the other day. But sadly, there was no answer. Luckily, Isle and Talbain were gone, doing other miscellaneous activities outside of the house. Once JT looked through the windows, he decided to search for Isle at all of his favorite hangout spots. He searched at the local restaurants that Isle usually got his meals from before heading over to the infamous bar that he and the rest of the gang would always hang out at. At that moment, JT slapped himself in the forehead for remembering that Isle didn't even really like to drink, and half the time he drank some kind of fruit beverage. With no alternative, JT headed down to the park to see if he was anywhere around, probably walking with Jon.

"Alright...if I was a hedgewolf dating a burly wolf with nunchucks in his pants, where would I be?"

JT skimmed the park with his eyes up until he noticed Isle walking beside the blue wolf, eating a hot dog. The brown wolf panted as he ran up to the couple before shouting out his name.


The hedgewolf turned around and spotted JT, but merely frowned upon his appearance. He ignored him and turned back around, taking another bite out of his hot dog. JT panted and grumbled to himself.

"Isle, this is serious! I need to talk to you!"

"Isle has nothing to say to you." said Jon.

"I wasn't talking to you, Jon." said JT, trying to hold his anger in.

"Well I'm responding. You got a problem with that?"

"Goddamnit," muttered JT, hastily walking in front of Jon and Isle, blocking their paths.

"Will you just listen to me for one goddamn minute?!"

"Why should he? I'm pretty sure if the furry I loved rejected me, I wouldn't want anything to do with him or her either."

JT shut his eyes and exhaled sharply, using every fiber in his body to restrain himself from punching Jon in the face.

"Isle I just wanted to say that I'm sorry-"

"That's not going to make up for anything is it Jake?!" shouted Isle, slamming his hot dog on the ground.

"Just let me finish, Isle."

"He already said-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP JON! Jesus Christ, I am trying to tell you something and both of you guys keep interrupting me!"

"Hmph! Like you're worthy of using that mouth of yours."

"At least foul air doesn't come out of mine when it's open..." he murmured.

"Let's not start that again."

"Geez maybe if you shut the fuck up and let me finish and actually figure out how to use a toothbrush every once in a while, you wouldn't have to worry about any witty comebacks, would you?"

"This coming from the guy whose feet smell like you've been running around in melted Limburger cheese?"

"That's not the fucking point! Everyone just shut up for one goddamn second-"

"Or what asshole?! You gonna go whine some more, take all your envious fury out on Isle, maybe me? Oh wait, you're gonna make up some story about how your daddy molested you when you were five or how your parents abandoned you when you were nine and blame your fucked up childhood for the way you act now?" said Jon, stepping so close to JT their muzzles were inches away from each other.

"Get the fuck out of my face, Jon," growled JT, unaware that his right paw had balled up into a fist.

"Why? Is my foul breath too much for you to handle? Am I invading your personal space? Perhaps I'm making you feel 'small' and inferior? Tell me, Jake, since you have good looks and a bulbous ass, I'm assuming you're trying to cover up the fact that you have a really small penis. Ain't that right...pal?"

Jon shouted once JT's fist made contact with his nose and he fell flat on his butt. Jon and JT were both panting heavily and the blue wolf looked down at his nose. He ran his paw against it once he sniffled a few times and realized that it was coated with blood. Jon growled gutturally as he stared at JT, ready to crush his skull with his jaw. As the blue wolf stood up, ready to tackle the other wolf to the ground, Isle stepped in-between both of them and stopped the fight.

"Guys, stop it!"

JT sighed and lowered his arm. "Thank you. Now, Isle, if you listen to me for five-"

JT shouted with as much surprise as Jon did when someone punched him in the jaw. The brown wolf staggered and took a few steps back before staring at the perpetrator. To his surprise, it wasn't Jon that punched him. It was Isle.

"...The fuck man?!"

Isle rushed over to JT and punched him in the jaw again before shouting with frustration and tackling him to the ground, breaking a wooden bench in the process. After both of them shook some of the dirt out of their hair, Isle made another fist and started to repeatedly punch the brown wolf in the face. After the fifth punch, JT grabbed his fist and stopped him.

"Isle, stop!"

Isle ignored him and used his other fist to sock him in the nose.

"I'm sick of you never being happy for me! I'm sick of you always taking advantage of me!"

"What are talking about, taking advantage of-OW!!"

"And I'm so fucking tired of jealously Jake! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!"


Of course, JT knew that he probably wouldn't be able to get out the last words before Isle punched him in the jaw again, and to no surprise, he didn't. The hedgewolf punched him really hard this time, and it just so happened that JT's tongue was partially stuck out of his mouth when the incident occurred. As a result, the wolf wound up biting his tongue. He could already taste the salty blood dripping down his throat. JT knew that the only way he'd end up getting through this without ending up unconscious and beaten to a pulp in the middle of the park was if he defended himself. So, despite how much he didn't want to, and despite how much it'd physically hurt Isle, he balled up one of his paws into a fist and punched Isle dead in his face. Immediately afterwards, he kicked him off of his body and watched as Isle fell on his back. Both of them quickly stood up and looked at each other, panting frantically.

" just hit me..." said Isle with disbelief.


Isle, thinking that JT punched him simply because he was pissed off at him, did not hesitate to resume beating the snot out of the brown wolf, and punched him in his nose, sending him backwards next to a tree. Then Isle crouched down until he was in the form of a ball and started to spin himself around the ground like a tire, and like Sonic the hedgehog.

"Stop it! I broke up with Carol-"

JT eyes grew wide as he grunted once Isle slammed into his abdomen like a soccer ball. The wind was knocked right out of his lungs and he couldn't breathe for a second or two. As JT fell to his knees and began to cough, Isle slammed into him again, this time in the face. His body was launched against a tree with a loud thud and dozens of near dead leaves plummeted to the ground. JT coughed a few more times and groggily got to his legs before Isle pinned him to the tree and punched him in the nose three times. Then he whipped his body around and round-house kicked him in the cheek. JT spat out a fair amount of blood before he staggered to his right and placed his paws on his knees, coughing up blood as he tried to stay conscious and cope with the pain. Isle saw that the wolf was exposed, and attacked again. Only, he hit JT in a rather sensitive area, and used all the power in his right leg to deliver a blow right in-between the wolf's legs. JT let out a high-pitched whine-the kind you'd hear from a feral dog after whacking a dumbbell against its cranium-before he fell to his knees, keeping a firm grip on his wounded testicles.

"Really?!" said JT, airily.

Isle didn't care that he made a cheap shot; he twirled his body around and kicked the wolf in the jaw again, sending him down onto his stomach. JT groaned loudly and was suddenly beginning to wonder if he should've just blurted out the words "I love you" the second he caught up with Isle. Jake had to admit that he didn't use common sense, and it was terrible because it was always the situations that were the most important in his life that he failed to use it in. ...He was really wondering what would've happened if he'd just baked that damn chocolate cake for Carol. JT turned around and noticed that Isle had jumped into the air and was preparing to stomp his head into the ground. He quickly rolled out of the way and his foot made contact with the soft earth. Instinctively, JT tripped the hedgewolf and heard him grunt as he landed on his back. The brown wolf rolled over again until he was on top of the black hybrid.

"For the last fucking time, I am trying to tell you something!"

Isle headbutted JT, causing the wolf to shout in pain and swear vociferously as he got off the hedgewolf's body.


Isle was about to tackle JT again, but he acted instinctively again and kneed him in the torso, making the young black furry exhale airily. Then JT grabbed the back of Isle's hair, ignoring the high-pitched screams he was emitting, before punching him in the throat and knocking him back onto the ground. JT and Isle were a bit tired from their squabble-JT much more than Isle-and were panting a little. The wolf wiped some of the blood off his face while Isle continued to cough, recovering from the blow to the throat.

" that we're both...exhausted...maybe I can finally tell you what I have to say," started JT.

"I don't...want to hear what you have to say."

"But Isle...I keep telling trying you how dire it is. I broke up with Ca-AHH!!"

Isle recovered from his blow much quicker than JT did, and tackled him with as much force as possible, sending both of them tumbling down a steep hill. Both of them grunted and shouted as they gradually reached the base of the elevated section of grass and dirt. A few onlookers had noticed the fight between both canines and were watching them with anticipation, instead of acting logically and calling the cops to break up the fight. But it was Furtopia after all, and two dogs fighting each other in the park was normal, whether it was over love, money, or who put super glue on the toilet seat. Talbain seemed to be watching too, but he figured the fight was between Isle and JT, and respected Isle's wishes not to interfere. The canines finally reached the end of the hill, landing on the ground and breaking another wooden bench. Both of them were exhausted now and were wishing that the fight would just end so they could go back to their separate lives. JT, of course, was unable to accept that, believing that a majority of his life would be meaningless if it was without Isle or someone like him. JT rubbed his head before groaning as he struggled to stand up, just in time for Isle to come over and punch him in the jaw again. The brown wolf tripped over the local water fountain and landed inside with a loud splash, his fur and clothing instantly soaked by all the fluids. Isle panted very slowly before he walked over to the same fountain and looked inside, wondering what happened to JT. His intentions were to beat the snot out of him, not critically injuring or killing him and despite everything, he wanted to make sure that JT could at least walk away. But just as the hedgewolf approached the fountain, JT snarled and emerged from the water like a shark, grabbing Isle's shirt and pulling him into the fountain. JT stood up, breathing heavily, before he yanked on Isle's shirt again and hauled part of the hedgewolf's body out of the water, so only his head and chest weren't submerged. Then he punched Isle in the face as hard as he could, hoping the blow would weaken the hybrid to the point where he wouldn't want to fight anymore. But JT knew that Isle wouldn't back down that easily, so he punched him again...and again...and again. He punched him in the face eight times before he decided that that was enough (Isle's face was bruised and his nose was beginning to bleed as well). Then JT grabbed Isle by his hair and dragged him over to the center of the fountain, hoisting him to his feet before pinning him against the stone.

"ISLANDER TIYANYE!! STOP!" he screamed.

" can either stand still and let me say what I have to say, or I can shove your ass underwater until you pass out and cool down. Now which is it?!"

Isle didn't say anything or protest. He could tell by the look in JT's eyes that he was pissed out of his mind now, and was willingly to do anything to say what he had to say. JT let go of Isle's throat and backed away so he could give the hedgewolf some air.

"I love you, Isle."

Isle's anger was vanquished in a split second and he stared at the wolf with hopeful eyes.


JT sighed heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't realize it before...but I love you Isle. I-I want to be with you too; I want to spend as much of my life as I can with you. I just...please forgive me for what I said the other day, and for the fight that just happened."

Isle scoffed. "What about Carol?"

"What about the bitch?"

"I thought you get angry when furries call her that...?"

"I broke up with her, Isle."

"You broke-well why didn't you say that before?!"

"You kept punching me in the goddamn mouth! And you kept telling me you didn't want to hear what I had to say!"


"Yeah, 'oh'."

"So, you broke up with her just so you could be with me?"

"Well that and I thought she should find someone who's better than me. Plus she implied that she was cheating on me. It didn't end very pretty though, and now I'm beginning to wish I had just baked that damn cake."


"Nevermind-the point is, I dumped her for you. I almost beat the shit out of Jon Talbain-THE Jon Talbain-for you. I just risked getting beat to a pulp...for you, Isle. If I really didn't love you, then why did I go through all of this? Why did I pack up the stuff Carol had in my apartment and toss it out the front door?"

"You really, really love me, Jake?"

"Yes, Isle. I love you."

Isle stared at JT for a long moment before his eyes began to water and he let out a small chuckle. Then he ran over to the brown wolf and gave him a great big hug, sniffling as a few tears came out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Jake. I'm sorry."

"No, no, it's okay. It was just a little fight Isle. A painful, extended and bloody fight, but just a fight."

"Please forgive me, Jake. I was so stupid-"

"Hey, I was the one who didn't say 'I love you' the second you told me. I was the one who came into your house and got all jealous just because you fucked another guy. It's me who's messed this up, not you. But I've made it right, Isle; that's all that matters. I've made it right."

The two furries continued to hug each other inside of the fountain with JT trying to calm Isle down by brushing some of his tears away, when Jon spotted the two hugging and decided to butt in. Isle opened his eyes and glanced up at him. His nose was still bleeding.

"Hmph. I see you guys didn't take long to make up."

JT stopped hugging Isle and turned around, wincing a bit. "No, we didn't."

"How do you know he's not playing with your mind so he can take advantage of you, Isle?"

JT would've growled at Talbain, maybe even attempt to punch him again, but he didn't have the time or energy to do so.

"He's got a good point there, Jake. How do I know you're not playing me for a fool?"

"Would I lie to you?"


"...Would I lie to you about something this dire?"


JT shut his eyes and sighed exasperatedly.

"Let's just make this simple so all three of us can get past this whole ordeal: I'm going to stay with you, JT, but if you do anything that seriously hinders our relationship again, including getting pissed at me when I have sex with another guy that isn't you, then I'm going back to Jon. And this time, you won't have any chances to make things right again."

JT nodded. "That sounds fair, I guess."

JT looked at Jon again before he scratched the back of his head and laughed timidly.

"So how's your nose?"

"I think you broke it." he snapped.

"Hehe. Sorry about that."

JT and Isle stepped out of the fountain and shook themselves dry.

"No hard feelings?"

Jon merely stared at JT and growled gutturally without opening his mouth.

"Okay, hard feelings."

"Jon, if anything should go wrong with this relationship, where can I find you?"

"Don't worry Isle. I'll find you."

"Okay. Now, let's go my house and get all these wounds patched up."

"Sounds good to me."

It didn't take long for Isle and JT to get back to their usual habits of laughing and joking around. Right now they were busy sitting on the couch, reminiscing on some of the previous adventures they had had with their friends and family.

"HA! Remember the time when all of us got stuck inside that grocery store full of zombies?"

"...Isle I'm pretty sure that didn't happen."

"What? I remember it clearly; there was that big sewer rat-"

"I think you're confusing the time when you got drunk in the middle of a store and wound up vomiting all over the cashier. And then we got banned from the place."

"Oh, yeah."

"That's not as bad as the time I hit that bear while driving at night."

"Did you kill it?"

"No, but he got so pissed that I ruined his new SUV that he knocked me out when I got out the vehicle and torched my car when I was unconscious."

"Damn. I bet that must've sucked."

"Yeah, you try walking home in the middle of the night in an area full of serial killers."

JT sighed and stopped talking for a bit before he glanced around the living room, noticing the horde of videogames that the hedgewolf had laying near his TV set. It wasn't until JT could hear the ticking of the clock again that he realized that the room suddenly went quiet.

"I'm really sorry about the fight that happened today. was immature of me." said Isle as he scooted over to JT and hugged him again.

"I told you it's okay. It was just a fight buddy. All guys fight and they usually get over it in a few days, maybe hours."

"I know, but still, I should've just listened to you."

"You think I wouldn't have done the same thing if I was in your position?"

"I don't know...I just feel so childish that I succumbed to all of that."

"I did get jealous just because you fucked some random guy, even though I have several fuck-buddies of my own. I dunno; maybe I was jealous that you fucked Jon Talbain before I did. Something tells me if you fucked some other popular furry I probably wouldn't have given a damn."

Isle giggled. "Yes you would've."

"...Probably." chuckled JT.

JT could feel his stomach bubbling a little bit and grinned widely when he noticed that all the gassy food he ate since yesterday was beginning to take effect.

"Hey Isle...did I ever tell you about the time that Ben and I made a fox cum all over his living room?"

"Damn! How'd you do that?"

"We each took turns sitting on the guy's face and farting on him until he came all over the place. Guess the guy really loved the scent of my ass."

"Well who doesn't?!"

"Ass haters."

"Right. ...I wish I had been there with you."

"Oh, don't worry Isle; you'll have your chance real soon."

Isle looked up at JT, who still had a grin on his face, before his eyes grew wide once he heard his stomach churning.

" mean-?!"

"I haven't been eating beans and cabbage for the last several hours for nothing Isle."

JT grunted and leaned over a little on the couch before he let out a short fart that was muffled by the couch cushion. Isle gasped loudly while JT chuckled and took a deep breath.

" the smell just right too."

Isle squealed with ecstasy and gave JT a great big hug, unintentionally forcing more foul gas out of the canine's stomach with a loud trumpeting noise. Isle had daydreamed about JT farting for him for months now, just waiting for the brown wolf to have a serious case of flatulence so he could stand behind him and sniff the eggy odor and admire the rumbling noises. There were actually times where Isle would trail behind JT after he ate a big dinner, praying that he'd expel a raucous, nasty one. But now, he didn't have to wait. He didn't have to hide his emotions from the wolf anymore. He could finally express to JT how he truly felt, without a single ounce of hesitation. After the hedgewolf hugged Jake, he scooted back against the couch and wagged his tail with expectation, waiting for him to blow out another one. JT grunted again and leaned over as he shut one eye before letting out a squeaky, but definitely audible fart for a few seconds. Isle's smile grew even wider and he continued to wag his tail as he watched the wolf pass gas, the fumes starting to stink up his living room. JT chuckled a few times and lifted his tail before he let out a short poot and paused for half a second. Afterwards, he let out a longer fart that was twice as long and paused again. He sighed and released three more short poots one-by-one before stopping and letting his bowels do the rest. Since all the shorter ones had been let out, he could finally release the big one. JT relaxed himself before he expelled a nasty, wet fart that lasted for quite a bit of time, almost five seconds as far as Isle could tell. The brown wolf plugged his nose and fanned a paw behind his rear end.

"Damn! See what happens when you hold in farts too long? They become vile and smell twenty times worse than you expected!"

Isle didn't care. He just continued to stare as a small bulge grew in his pants, which JT noticed.

"But you're Eproctophile Isle, so I figured you wouldn't give a shit anyway."

JT scooted over to Isle and turned around so his paws and knees were on the couch and he was in a crawling position. His ass was pointed directly at Isle's face, his muzzle only inches away from dabbing the seat of his black shorts. JT felt his stomach grumbling again and knew that more of the cabbage and beans were making their way down to his anus, and he didn't hesitate to let them all out of their chamber. The first one that JT let out wasn't as smelly as Isle thought it'd be, but it was surprisingly warm, like a heater almost. It was also strong enough to make his fur flutter a bit in the hot breeze. The second one was a different story though, and JT passed gas so hard he thought he might bust a hole in his trousers. It sounded just like a tuba blasting in someone's ears, and the cabbage he ate smelled much worse coming out than it had coming in. Isle leaned forward and inhaled deeply before murring softly, rubbing the bulge on his pants that was steadily growing with each burst of gas his boyfriend let out. The wolf raised his tail and stuck his ass out a little so it was touching the very tip of the hedgewolf's nose before releasing a burst of flatulence that sounded like steam coming out of a pipe, and felt just the same too. Isle was mesmerized by the pleasant hissing and closed his eyes as he moved forward and pressed his nose against his smelly ass. But just when things were calm and serene, JT inhaled sharply and let out a fart so seismic that Isle yelped and fell back in his seat, shocked by the sudden outburst. The wolf turned his head around and flashed a lustful glare at Isle, grinning leeringly and implying that there was much more where that came from. Isle jerked himself forward and glomped JT's buttocks, inserting his nose deep into the canine's hindquarters, expecting much more flatulence. JT promptly gave what his mate wanted, and squirted out another hot blast of intestinal gas that stank of rotten eggs, and from what Isle could tell, sewage waste. That cabbage he ingested was really producing a fetid outcome, and the beans were producing a thunderous one-both a huge plus in Isle's book. He was surprised that he hadn't already started pawing-off or tackled JT to the ground to fuck him, but he was sure the time would come soon once Isle saw that bare ass of his.

JT stopped farting and got off the couch before playfully shoving the hedgewolf to the ground. He didn't know what was going on, but decided to play along, knowing it would only end with more gas-play. The wolf giggled before turning around and squatting down near Isle's face, raising his tail so he could let out a short burst of gas that created an additional stink in the living room. Isle wasn't sure what it was; possibly burnt meat or smoke. Whatever it was, Isle inhaled it with glee, and his phallus continued to grow inside his pants. JT knew that simply farting in the hedgewolf's face wasn't enough, so he sat down on his head, burying his face and his nose underneath his smelly posterior. Isle squealed again before the brown wolf sighed heavily and expelled what seemed to be an endless supply of flatulence from his tailhole, occasionally leaning over so he could let it out. JT didn't know how Isle was doing underneath him, but judging by the humongous erection he had, he must've been doing okay, and was using his flatus like it were oxygen. The wolf let out a long, airy fart, followed by dozens of tiny, short ones that came out like a machine gun and tickled the gap in-between both ass cheeks. Several of the farts that followed after that one were simply loud, odorless ones capable of waking up any creature that was sleeping. The wolf thought that he should get up and give Isle a bit of fresh air to breathe, but as he took a whiff of the living room, he noticed that there was no fresh air to breathe, and all the windows had been closed. Besides, something told JT that if Isle died from suffocating on flatulence, let alone his flatulence, he'd be okay with that. So he continued to break wind left and right until his stomach gurgled so much that it actually hurt, and he felt something acidic brewing near his anus. JT chuckled evilly and knew that all the wet, repugnant farts were the ones that were ready to come out. However, he didn't want to conceal the stench by wearing his shorts and underwear, so he unbuttoned them and pulled down the zipper. JT stood up and gave Isle a bit of air before pulling his shorts and boxers down and chucking them across the room. The hedgewolf gasped again as he stared at the wolf's bubbly and fat ass cheeks before they descended and covered his entire face again. Isle had to admit, JT's ass sure was smelly. He assumed that it stank so bad right now due to all of the sweat that had formed inside of the ass crack, and from all the previous farts he expelled, but as always, he didn't seem to care, and was just happy to be under such a rancid derriere. JT wiggled his rump while laughing before he grunted and blew a sour gas bubble right in Isle's nose. The smell was immensely strong, like a bottle of sulfuric acid had just been spilled, and it sounded so wet and gross that Isle would've assumed JT was busy stepping on frogs or blowing dozens of wrong notes with a horn. But that was just the first one. The brown wolf grunted and let out a resonating fart similar to the long, dragged out series of farts that he was holding in the whole time, and sounded rank towards the end. Of course, since his jean shorts were off, there was no stopping the stench or noise. The gas smelled so rank that Isle actually screamed with euphoria into his ass and started thrashing around. JT saw his legs jolting around erratically and thought the hedgewolf needed more air, but once he saw the dark stain appear on his pants, indicating he squirted out some precum, JT simply laughed heartily and gave Isle more malodorous flatus with a grin on his maw. At that precise moment, Isle couldn't hold back the horny images going through his mind, and shoved the brown wolf off of his face.

As Isle stood up to catch his breath, JT crawled on the floor a bit with his tail raised and fat ass still aimed at the hedgewolf. Then he turned around and shook his rump a bit, letting out another high-pitched, yet still funky, fart. The hedgewolf muttered something and stood on his footpaws, hurriedly unfastening the restraints on his pants. JT watched as they dropped to the floor and revealed a thick cock that was still oozing a bit of pre. Isle was finally ready to fuck the shit out of JT, and just needed one last bomb to go off in his brain before it happened. So JT raised his tail once more and pointed his buttocks upwards at Isle's face before he sighed and spread out his ass cheeks. That was when he released a fart so massive Isle could've sworn he saw the wolf's buttocks and tailhole vibrating. He released a smell so dreadful that a few tiny insects inside of Isle's house might've suffocated on the odor in a few seconds, not minutes. Needless to say, JT's plan worked, and after passing gas for ten and a half seconds, Isle plugged JT's fart hole with his dick, making the wolf yelp with surprise. Isle started panting to himself, his mouth nearly watering as he was about to get what he had desired for so long. Then he thrusted hard into the canine, their bodies rocking forwards a bit as he moved. JT murred and chuckled sensually before he grunted when his new boyfriend thrusted into him once again. Isle truly wasn't holding anything back this time, and shouted loudly as he thrusted into the wolf a third time. He didn't know that sex could be this...this lovely before. It wasn't just that Isle was fucking someone with a smelly, fat ass and a serious case of flatulence, but someone he loved. For once, he was having sex with someone he wouldn't hesitate to die for. He was having sex with someone who would spend the rest of his life with. He was having sex with someone who cared about him just as much, someone who just broke up with his previous girlfriend and risked getting sent to the hospital just so he could tell him he loved him. He was having sex with Jake Tyre, the furry he was destined to be with for the rest of his life, and even the afterlife.

As Isle continued to thrust into the flatulent canine, he noticed that they didn't feel like thrusts at all. He wasn't paying attention to how many times he jammed his erect cock into the tailhole. He was fixating on the ecstasy, practically getting high from the pleasure. Sure, they were having sex, but Isle didn't see it that way. He couldn't hear the sloppy noises of his penis penetrating JT's anus at all, and thought that his body was completely weightless and he was fucking the wolf high up in the sky with clouds floating around him. He didn't feel any pain or pressure when he thrusted into JT, but rather a soft, tingly sensation that practically made him giggle. JT was in the same position as Isle was, and didn't see it as taking it up the ass by a hedgewolf. If he was lying flat on the floor, he would've thought that he was simply having his ass massaged, despite the foul odor all around him. In reality, both of them were panting and shouting as loud as they could. Isle was nearly drooling and smiling as a tear of joy slid down his left cheek. JT couldn't stop grunting and gritting his teeth as he dug his claws into the carpet, trying to handle the blissful pain. Isle huffed loudly, exhaling so much it sounded like the wind was being knocked out of his body. He thrusted into JT's tailhole three times in a row before stopping so he could give his throbbing cock a bit of rest. The hedgewolf made sure he kept a firm grip on JT's waist as he rested and started to grope his groin and ass cheeks. After gliding his paws up and down his bulbous glutes for a short moment, he resumed banging him, and JT continued to bob back and forth each time he thrusted. JT still had his teeth grit, but he was grinning as well, proud that he was finally being nailed by one of his best friends. At least he didn't have to worry about his envy acting up, not this time anyway. But as he told Isle, he was gonna try to cope with their open relationship. The hedgewolf was in the middle of another round of thrusting when he felt something warm blasting around his cock, kind of like when JT was passing gas in his face and the air felt strangely like a heater. Only, the wolf just farted all over his dick, the same as Talbain when he was fucking him. Knowing Isle's true nature, it only fueled his lustful desire, and he let out a clamorous yell and started to pound the wolf some more. Another blissful tear trickled down the hedgewolf's eye and he chuckled to himself, almost hysterically at one point. He couldn't help but think, it took me this long before I finally got to tap dat ass?

Both of them were steadily becoming exhausted by the sodomy, and Isle could tell that he was going to cum very soon. JT was sure that he'd cum as well, as his erection was so long that it was almost touching the carpet. JT decided it'd be best if he gave the hedgewolf one more tease so he could release his spooge. The brown wolf let out another raucous, nasty fart for several seconds that heated Isle's dick and crotch instantly. The smell was so ghastly Isle felt his eyes watering (although it was probably due to all the gas JT let out earlier) and couldn't breathe without the funky odor going inside his olfactory system. The stench acted like a pheromone to Isle, and once the wolf let out that giant, sloppy wet one, he couldn't hold it in any longer. The hedgewolf kept a firm grip on JT's waist as he banged him and thrusted his entire groin at the wolf's asshole. That's when he stepped forwards and thrusted back and forth eight times in a row, using his entire penis to penetrate JT's sensitive anus. On the ninth thrust, Isle gritted his teeth and kept his dick inside his tailhole, feeling all the semen making its way up to the glans. Then, with two simultaneous shouts, Isle and JT came all over the place. JT didn't cum as much as Isle did and only squirted four streams of the goop onto the floor. Isle on the other hand lost count of how much spooge shot inside the wolf's ass. He could see some of it oozing its way back out onto the carpet though, so he knew he came a helluva lot more than anticipated. But neither of them cared; the stain could be cleaned up in the morning, and both of them got what they came for. Isle collapsed to his knees before falling down next to JT, who also collapsed onto his stomach. He panted a couple of times as he felt his shaft becoming flaccid again, grunting as he squirted the semen Isle injected into him back out of his anus. Both of them rolled over onto their sides before they gazed into each other's eyes and smiled. The brown wolf dragged himself over to the hedgewolf and got on top of him. Then he lowered his head and kissed the hedgewolf on the lips very gently and passionately. Right then, Isle and JT knew they were meant for each other. They both felt that spark that went off when someone kisses their true love. It was like nothing mattered to them anymore. They could be trapped inside a cell for the rest of their lives, but as long as they had each other, they'd find a way to make their captivity enjoyable. JT removed his lips from Isle's and stared at him lovingly again.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you, too." Isle responded.

The two canines got off the floor and started to head into Isle's bedroom, closing the door after turning off the living room lights so they could head off into bed. A normal furry probably would've seen the incident as a simple, stinky session of sodomy, but to Isle and JT, it was much more than that. They had finally found the meaning of happiness. They had finally found their true love.

The Other J.T. (Part 1/2)

Re-upload from FA. Yeah I know some readers (those not originally on FA) don't know the storyline behind Isle and my character JT, but I didn't feel like uploading or sifting through all the other stories that take place before this yet. However...

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The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 2/2)

Re-upload from FA continuing where the previous chapter left off. Isle's night continues as he finds an anthro version of Red XIII heading over to a building Lucario and Kimahri are staying at. It just so happens they all have a serious case of...

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The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 1/2)

Re-upload from FA about Isle taking a late night stroll and running into the Shinigami Sajin Komamura, where they share a meal inside a Chinese restaurant. Once they return, Komamura starts to get gassy from all the food he ate, and Isle gradually...

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