Mindfucked - Red Dress

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#22 of 2023 Shorts

In the future nearly everyone is connected to the digital world, but at what cost? A faithful wife is BrainJacked during her anniversary dinner with her husband by an unknown person, but has a crime been committed when there is no evidence and even the victim is not aware they're even a victim?

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Foreword: In the future I imagine nearly everyone will be connected to the digital world through advanced technology which does not yet exist, but soon will. A spiderweb of pathways encompassing the brain, called a Neural Crystal Lattice or NCL for short, allows for much deeper communication to all parts of the brain. This NCL is created with the use of nanobots, often constructed shortly after birth and is maintained throughout a person's lifetime in much the same fashion as one would go to an optometrist for glasses. This NCL allows not only information to be transferred, but touch, taste and the entire spectrum of sensations we enjoy in the real world, blurring lines between the digital and real world. The NCL is linked to the outside world through metallic tattoos at the base of the neck in a small concentric ring pattern, eliminating the need for invasive ports. This transmission tattoo is then connected to a seemingly simple control harness or collar, worn about the neck which provides wireless connectivity to the digital world around us. Through the harness, users are able to enjoy simple augmented reality without the need for special eyewear or gloves, it can even assist with the visually or auditory impaired. Going one step further, users are also able to do a full "Deep dive" which I explored in my "Survival of the Fittest" series, fully submersing themselves in the digital realm.

It is my belief that along with such technology, new and invasive crimes would be committed as well, called BrainJacking. This ranges from simple theft of information from the victim's subconscious, to full blown overwriting a person's mind and taking control of their body in the most extreme cases. In lesser instances, due to the nature of the systems at play, individuals are able to enjoy parts of a person they would never otherwise be able to, often with only a slight feeling of unease on the victim's part as the only repercussion, sometimes presenting as a repressed memory or even a nightmare in rare instances.


Zea stood nude before her full-length mirror within her walk-in closet, or as nude as she got these days; she would never be caught dead without one of her harnesses about her neck. Her fingers traced along the slender silver loop as she idly swayed side to side, admiring her rich black and red fur. She was a melanistic fox, or rather an inverted fox as her husband Mallory like to tease her. She had a black face with red ears; black arms, legs and tail with rich red fur on her sides and back. From the insides of her thighs and all the way up to the divot of her collarbones was a pool of inky black. She almost appeared as a normal vixen, only that someone had inverted her color scheme by mistake. Her cerulean blue eyes twinkled with mischief and for good reason, tonight was a very special night after all. The vixen stuck her tongue out at her reflection before laughing and turning to head over to her dresser to finish getting ready, already applying her favorite red lipstick called "Devils Sin". Zea paused as a message notification appeared at the corner of her vision, a little blinking cartoon styled ringing old school telephone symbol.


Incoming secure connection....

Accept connection? y/n


The vixen smiled at the message blinking at the corner of her augmented HUD, thinking it must be Mal with an update on their planned evening. With a simple almost imperceptible cant of her head to the left, Zea accepted the connection, then frowned when a short burst of static and bright colors briefly filled her vision. Shaking her head as she blinked her eyes a few times, Zea assumed the connection had not been made correctly and whomever it was would try again later if it was really important. With a few unseen gestures made by her eye movement, the vixen began streaming one of her favorite songs, though the room remained silent, the only sound came from her humming along to the tune playing in her head. Pausing at her row of evening gowns to select the perfect one for the evening ahead before continuing on her way to get ready.

"Shh, he doesn't have to know..." A stern voice said from behind her as a strong hand cupped over her ruby red lips, smearing her lipstick as she tried to escape the firm grasp. Another hand slipped down across her shoulder and inside the front of her red off the shoulder dress, cupping at her breast with a firm lewd squeeze. She could feel the dark shapes interest throbbing against her behind while he ground himself against her, with her hips trapped against the black marble bathroom sink counter before her, she couldn't escape him. As much as she tried to squint or focus on the person behind her, even with the bathroom mirror not even an arm's length away and the lights shining brightly, Zea could not make out the person's face even as he nipped roughly along her shoulder.

It was their seventh wedding anniversary, for once Mal was in town to spend it with her and was even feeling sociable for a change. In a surprise twist of events, he'd sent her a message through her augmented reality heads up display telling her to dress fancy because they were going somewhere special. She knew he'd just gotten his secretary to do the booking, but it was better than the alternative. Every marriage has its rough spots, but at least Mal still cared enough to try make her happy. He knew his wife loved showing herself off, in truth so did he, even though she knew he would give the token argument about how slinky and revealing her dress would be. The way Mal smiled when he caught another man eyeing his woman while he walked arm in arm with her into a room never failed to stroke his ego, she was more than happy to do so too. She worked long and hard to stay in shape, even as she neared the big three-oh, Zea knew she could give most twenty-one-year-olds a run for their money. Not that she needed to, she knew Mal would love her just the same if she grew ten sizes, but she wanted to look nice for him because he worked so damned hard for her.

As she sat at her dressing mirror, her makeup done to look almost natural but not quite, Zea smiled at herself. She briefly glanced at the silky off the shoulder red dress she'd been dying to wear for months and tonight was the perfect night for it. With her favourite pair of gold loop earrings, the melanistic fox opted to wear her golden control collar to match the rest of her outfit, quickly swapping them over before she felt the emptiness of disconnection from the network. It was a slender golden model with an intricate Japanese dragon design etched into the surface, while not the latest model around, it was by far the prettiest she owned. As she slipped the unit around her neck and positioned it to engage with the metallic transmission tattoo, just beneath the fur of her neck, she resumed the straightening of her naturally curly dark hair. Windows of scrolling text appeared and disappeared in the corners of her vision while the system booted up, reconnecting her to the wireless mesh network and resuming any programs which had been temporarily stored in her short-term memory, handing control back over to the digital world.

"Don't worry, you'll love it" the harsh voice whispered again before giving her an almost painful bite at the crook of her neck. Zea whimpered, but it was muffled by the hand gripping over her mouth so tight it was difficult to breath. The hand beneath her dress pushed the front down to expose her bust, his fingers finding her little dark fleshed nipple to begin tweaking and pinching painfully, which only made her try to cry out even more. Why wasn't she fighting more though? Zea frowned as she stared down at her hands resting unrestrained on the black marble counter before her, but as hard as she tried to make them move, they refused. It was as if they were superglued in place and she could not lift them from the counter no matter how hard she tried. Thankfully, his touch retreated from her breasts and his sharp teeth from her neck; her relief was short lived however as his hot breath began to descend down along her mostly bare back thanks to the low-cut dress. Zea tried to scream when his hand finally left her now smeared red lips, her dark furred muzzle and cheek streaked with ruby red, leaving her looking like a deranged clown. The room remained silent, even as she shook her head, her jaws refused to open and every sound she made came out as nothing more than a pathetic muffled whimper.

As expected, Mal gave her that "I'm going to pretend I don't approve of your dress but secretly I love it" look he always did, as soon as the elevator had arrived in the lobby and the doors opened to reveal his wife's outfit. Zea just smiled at her handsome feline of a husband's reaction, it was exactly what she'd hoped for. Mal was a tall slender panther, dressed in a tailored suit replete with a pocket wedge. Despite his playful objection to her sultry attire, it didn't stop Mal from shamelessly palming her behind with a fond squeeze, in full view of the large grinning bull security guard at the front desk as they strode past him and out toward the waiting town car ready to take them to their destination. Ever the gentleman, Mallory opened the car door for his wife despite it being fully capable of doing so of its own accord; which she showed her appreciation by climbing slowly inside at an angle which allowed him a generous view of her pert posterior. Zea couldn't help but grin at her husband, having to slap his hand away from drifting too high up her thigh during the trip to the restaurant a few moments later.

"No dessert without dinner first" she chided him, though if he'd really tried to, she would've eagerly swung over to settle herself in his lap for a bit of pre-anniversary fun before they arrived at the restaurant; that was what driver assist AI was for after all, wasn't it? The only thing better than riding her husband's cock however, was stroking his ego. Zea had to fight back a blush when they eventually stepped into the main dining area of the exclusive restaurant, the atmosphere was electric as a faint hush fell upon the collected high-class and even celebrity diners when heads began to turn and look at her. She didn't need to turn and look Mallory's way to know he was grinning like an idiot with how he'd looped his arm in hers and given her hand a gentle possessive squeeze. As always, she let him lead the way, like a feral rooster strutting his stuff while he led the most desirable woman in the room to their table, bathing in the looks of lust and jealousy from the onlookers.

"No panties, you are a naughty girl" the stranger mocked when he lifted her dress up about her waist before pressing his hands against the insides of her ankles to force her into a wider stance. Zea frowned at his words, she'd been wearing underwear, hadn't she? Suddenly she couldn't remember if she had slipped them on when she'd gotten dressed, but evidently not as she could feel his heated breath lightly tickle against her bare folds and up under her tail. Even though she couldn't see him behind the dark fluff of her lifted tail, she could feel him moving steadily closer to her. Again, she tried to force her tail downward; it refused to cooperate with her and remained raised, as if tied by an unseen rope to the ceiling. Zea's deep cerulean eyes shut tight when she felt the hot slickness of the stranger's tongue draw almost tenderly along her nethers, right from the hood of her clit, all the way back to her...no, not there! Even Mal didn't do that with her, Zea growled, or at least she tried to but the sound came out nothing more than a muted purr. Goddammit why couldn't she open her mouth and scream! Even though she knew it was futile, she tried to kick the stranger, but as expected her feet would not budge from the floor either and seemed to be stuck in place just like her hands were.

Zea closed her eyes for a brief moment, purring in delight as a shiver ran down her spine at the sweetness of the wine Mal had selected danced with her tastebuds. Her ruby red lipstick marking the rim of the glass as she gently swirled the wine about and took another hit of its rich fruity scent. It was a good vintage from the start of the millennium, she always did love wines from the year 2000, a nice round number. Of course, she couldn't resist teasing Mal either, slipping her dainty foot from her red heels in order to lightly brush her toes up along the inside of his thigh over the expensive material of his suit pantleg. She did so love how he blushed and got all nervous like that, the way he looked around to make sure no one was watching what she was doing. As her touch moved higher, Zea slipped a little lower in her chair to be able to reach just that little bit further. Bingo! She felt the throbbing eagerness of her husband, if anything the wine was making her just as eager as he seemed to be, perhaps they would have to rush through the main course to get home for some private dessert after all.

"What's the matter Princess, don't like people playing with your cute little ass?" The stranger mocked as he stood up behind her, his hands gripping firmly at her pert buttocks to spread them a little while one of his thumbs rubbed against her pucker. The little pink indent of her asshole stood out starkly against the dark furred valley of her buttocks, just above the inviting sweet pink flower of her womanhood below. Slowly he eased a thick digit into her rectum, making Zea close her eyes and whimper again at the unwanted intrusion. "Don't worry pet, not going to claim that prize this time" was his only warning before an even thicker intruder split her cunt apart. The melanistic vixens' eyes opened wide as a hot, hard and throbbing length sheathed itself within her in one smooth thrust. She stared at her surprised expression in the mirror as she waited for the inevitable pain to come, but it never did, instead she just felt a sickening pleasure from being so filled so suddenly. "That's right, you vixen sluts love a big cock, go on and grind back on it, you know you want to." The stranger teased, his thumb giving a few uncomfortable probes beneath her tail before withdrawing so he could spank her buttocks with a loud CRACK!

Zea had to sit up suddenly as their waiter approached with their starters, she'd ordered something vegetarian, claiming she was going to get her fill of meat later with a lecherous wink at her blushing husband. To their credit, the staff at the restaurant was very well trained, despite looking barely old enough to be allowed to drive, their personal waitron didn't bat an eye at the thinly veiled innuendo. This was one of the main reasons this particular restaurant was so exclusive, it was one of less than half a dozen which still employed actual living waitrons and chefs. Even when Zea blatantly felated the little baby corn she's plucked from her salad at her husband, their waitron continued as if they were doing nothing more than discussing the weather outside. Unfortunately for Mal, Zea had found a new game to enjoy with him, seeing how red she could make him turn in front of the staff without getting kicked out of the joint, which she effortlessly managed to do despite his dark fur.

Zea didn't recall telling her hips to grind back like that, nor did she expect it to feel so good. Her cheeks flushed with colour when she heard herself moan so lewdly, not realizing she'd made the sound at first as she'd almost forgotten she could. The way the thick cock stirred about inside her had the melanistic vixen shuddering and trembling, gasping and moaning as her breath briefly fogged up the mirror before her. Still, she was stuck in place by unseen restraints, only the tip of her tail managed to curl and twitch every so often when the unknown person ground against a particularly good spot within her. Even though she couldn't make out the stranger's face, she could somehow see his grin as she rolled and gyrated her hips back against him. When she bucked back a little too hard the first time, it felt like a shock at the very centre of her when his tip bumped against her cervix and something wider stretched her opening. Good, she knew he was canine at least, that would help with identifying him to the cops later. Right now though, she needed more of that cock, her hips and thighs started to work as she tried to ride the stranger with the limited mobility she currently had. Why couldn't she stop herself from doing this, she didn't know this man, he even seemed to be taking some sort of sick pleasure in her degradation and submission.

"Better than your husband's puny prick, isn't it?" the stranger mocked, laughing at the sudden look of shame and embarrassment written on her pretty face. Mal, how could she have forgotten about him? She could so clearly see his sweet, handsome smiling face even though he was not here right now. Yet she couldn't see any facial features of this stranger, despite him standing right behind her in a well-lit public bathroom. Zea's eyes drifted over to her left hand, stuck in place on the counter, her golden wedding band almost glowing against the ebony fur of her finger and the black marble beneath the longer she stared at it. Memories of her life with Mallory flashed before her eyes, happy moments that only made the guilt she felt from the pleasure the thickness starting to thrust into her was bringing so much more razor sharp. Even when the stranger brushed a hand up along her bare back and along the nape of her neck to grab a handful of her long dark, curly hair to pull her head back painfully, the vixen simply closed her eyes and tried to ignore the waves of pleasure being stirred between her traitorous thighs. "Cute, but futile" the stranger growled into her ear, giving her hair another rough tug back before she felt his other hand brush down over her taut tummy, moving lower to cup between her thighs. Zea tried to shake her head in denial, but it was no use, his fingers found her engorged clit and began to strum her like a musical instrument. The vixen whimpered and huffed, trying in vain to fight off new levels of pleasure while the unknown male behind her fucked her deep and slow.

She smelled it long before she saw it, the rich seafood pasta which paired well with her favourite wine. The portion was small enough not to fill her, but also big enough not to leave her hungry for more. Mal loved the way she so delicately twirled her fork against the spoon to get just the right amount without the risk of marring her perfect makeup. Most wouldn't dare risk eating such a potentially messy meal in such a fancy restaurant as this, but then again Zea wasn't most people. She had a fiery spirit that drew people to her like moths to a flame. She knew who she was and didn't care to try to impress anyone, at least anyone other than her husband. She was utterly devoted to Mal; he was the love of her life and she was not afraid to show it. Every time she looked at him, she couldn't help but smile and feel a happy glowing warmth spread within her. Of course she also couldn't pass up to opportunity to suggestively lick a spot of cream from her fingertip while maintaining eye contact with the beet red blushing panther.

An uncomfortable stretch began to grind against her opening as the stranger ground his engorged knot against her, pausing only briefly before he hammered it back against her opening. Zea tried to clench down to bar its entry, but it would not be denied. "Let me in, bitch" the stranger huffed and growled down at her, his hips starting to batter his knot against her aching cunt. With a sudden punch to her gut feeling, he was in. Zea whimpered at the feeling of being stretched around such a thick bulb of flesh, again expecting it to hurt, but instead it washed over her as an almost electric wave of pleasure. The dark furred vixen couldn't help it; she'd been fighting against the mounting pleasure for so long that this was the final straw which broke the camel's back. She couldn't quite make out what the stranger was trying to say as she came hard, her own whimpers and groans drowning out his words. But she did hear how he laughed at her as she came hard around his cock.

With her meal devoured Zea leaned her elbows on the table, rather unladylike, as she swirled the remnants of her second glass of wine around. Her eyes locked on Mal as he painfully slowly cut up and chewed on his lab grown synthetic Kobe steak, making her wait for what she knew they both wanted. He could be such a tease sometimes, even her foot rubbing invitingly against his crotch did not seem to stir her lover into eating any faster either. "The faster you swallow that meat, the faster I get to swallow yours..." she idly threatened with a soft musical laugh when Mal nearly choked on his mouthful. "Hopefully you won't be the only one choking on a nice chunk of meat tonight, dear" she calmly commented before downing the remainder of her wine.

She just kept cumming, she couldn't stop herself! Every time the bastard shifted his hips and ground his still spitting length inside her, that damn knot ground against her good bits inside and set her off again. "Typical vixen slut, cum drunk from a big dick filling you with seed" he laughed through a pant as he climaxed inside the melanistic vixen. Leaning back a bit so he could see her snug little pussylips stretched about the base of his thick cock, while his balls twitched and jumped with every spurt of virile cum deep inside her. Every time he tried to pull his engorged knot back to stretch her snug little pink petals, the bitch whimpered and ground back onto him, she really was a slut! Even when his orgasm began to subside and his cock began to almost deflate, the vixen rolled and pressed back onto him needfully. He was a giving sort of guy, so of course he'd buck into her as long as he could, popping his slowly shrinking not in and out of the married vixen's cunt. He did love how that made her yip and yelp every time he did it, clearly, she wasn't used to being fucked with a knot.

Zea tugged on Mal's arm impatiently as they collected their coats from the clerk at the holding room, she was eager to get home and conclude their anniversary in their special way. For his part, Mal just laughed at his wife's eagerness, excusing it as an effect of the wine she had with dinner to the attendee who hadn't even asked and remained as professional as ever.

"See you next time, sweet cheeks..." The stranger spoke with a soft pant, giving her behind a firm swat before teasing his thumb under her tail with malicious intent. Zea whimpered when he withdrew himself from her for the final time, feeling the warmth of his seed spill from her used cunt and fall to the white marble tiles below, like thick pearlescent raindrops.


Connection terminated by remote host.


Zea blinked and shook her head, feeling a cold shiver run through her as a sudden empty feeling took over. A black furred hand brushed down over her belly and between her thighs curiously, frowning at a curious faint ache that hadn't been there a moment ago, though it was quickly fading so was probably nothing to be concerned about. The flashing exclamation mark in a triangle warning symbol in the corner of her vision going unnoticed as she was distracted by the growing feeling of unease, fading from her augmented heads-up display after a few seconds.

"Everything alright, princess?" Mal asked with concern as he watched his wife curiously.

"Y...yeah, must've just been a glitch in the Matrix" Zea laughed and leaned over to give Mal a peck on the lips, again shuddering at the fading feeling of being touched inappropriately. She had the unnerving feeling something was out of place, as if she couldn't remember where she put her car keys, but seeing as she didn't drive, she knew that wasn't it.

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Jack's Regrets Jack found himself standing outside May's door, hearing the faint music of their favourite songs playing from somewhere inside, songs they'd shared during better times, happier times. The cold winter wind whipped excitedly about...

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Tomb raiding

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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