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#20 of 2023 Shorts

While house sitting his family home when his family is away on holiday, a strange storm begins a series of eye opening events Arty McNye will never forget.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

I am back to ruin another classic movie! :P I have been seeing lots of "Back to the Future" stuff popping up all over lately, so blame the algorithms for this one. Before you ask, yes, they are quotes from THAT movie too...if you've seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about ;3


Arthur McNye, Arty to his friends, had always thought his life was too normal and sometimes even just downright boring. Nothing interesting ever happened to him or his family, not even anything particularly bad. Most people would probably be thankful for such a life, but as he got older and started entering into adulthood, Arty couldn't help but feel it had stunted his emotional growth and narrowed his perspective of the world a bit. It almost felt as though he'd grown up sheltered, which despite his parents never being that strict with him, he certainly felt like he'd somehow been denied the experiences which built character.

Arty reasoned this was because his parents had always been sticks in the mud, they never did anything fun or interesting; so that filtered probably down to himself and his younger siblings. It was no surprise then that instead of being out partying with his friends, Arty was back home during spring break. He was stuck home alone while both his parents, younger brother and sister, went to some national park to celebrate some anniversary or another. As he'd declined their invitation to join their road trip, they'd asked him to look after the house. To his mind, looking after the house which had been in their family for generations was a much better option than being stuck in an RV with his annoying brother and sister for days on end. Also, it would let his parents relax during their trip knowing someone trustworthy was looking after their house, they had been worried about another freak storm kicking up which could cause damage, or worse. There had been a history of strange storms in the area, but they were so random and unusual that it was hard to predict when one would occur, frankly there hadn't been any for a least a decade as far as Arty knew. Frankly the only storm he knew about was the one his parents spoke of from way back when, before they were even married.

As he lay on his bed in his childhood room upstairs, Arty stared at the photo of his folks back when they were around his age. It was a surprisingly intimate photo considering these were his parents, his mother and father lay cuddling in her bed under a shoal, but they were obviously not alone as there was someone's thumb partially blocking the image in the top right corner. His dad had told him that was the night he knew Arty's mother was the one for him, meanwhile while his mom joked that she would've preferred the guy whom took the photo but she just couldn't find him. Truthfully his eyes lingered a little too long on the younger image of his mom, she was quite hot back then, he had to admit. While his dad was a classic well-built red fox, his mom was a curvy blue eyed arctic vixen. She was the stereotypical preacher's daughter, still spoke with that same old southern belle accent as well, the sound of which still made his father's heart flutter after all these years. Arty supposed they did have a good solid marriage, even if it appeared to be boring from the outside. His folks just worked so well together and they did seem truly happy and content with each other.

As Arty lay staring at the photograph, a series of small flashes off in the distance caught his attention from the corner of his eye. He turned to look out his window, noticing how dark it had suddenly gotten outside, far quicker than it should've been even at this late hour. Then he noticed it, lighting and lots of it. For a moment he thought the lightning looked odd, as if something was off about it. There was an odd purple hue to the bolts striking the ground off in the distance, but they seemed to be steadily making their way towards his parents' house. With the lighting came heavy rains and strong winds, as if the lightning was just a precursor to a hurricane. No sooner had the thought crossed the young vulpine's mind would the warning sirens sound off in the distance. He'd grown up in the area so he knew the drill, grabbing what few items he could manage to carry, Arty bolted down the stairs and out of the house toward the storm cellar around back of the house.

With the wind howling like an angry beast by the time he made it to the entrance to the storm shelter, Arty had a fair bit of difficulty wrestling the heavy doors open to escape from the storm down below. Just as he was fighting to close the heavy doors behind him, the hard icy rain began pelting him through the open gap, drenching Arty in the few seconds he was caught in it. Tucking himself into a corner, Arty could do nothing but wait and hope the power didn't go out, but again he wouldn't be so lucky. Darkness encompassed him suddenly, turning the familiar storm cellar he used to enjoy playing in as a kid into an imposing and alien landscape. Arty tried his mobile, thinking it best to alert his parents to the situation, but when the screen illuminated, there were no bars of signal. "Fucking great, storm must've taken out the tower already" he grumbled to himself, listening to the storm raging outside. With no signal that meant no internet either, he didn't even have an offline game he could pass the time with. Arty groaned as he realized he was probably going to be stuck down in the storm cellar for hours with nothing to occupy his mind. As he patted himself down, he felt something in his pocket. He must've slipped the old photo of his parents in his pocket during the scramble to get to the cellar, at least he'd saved one memory if nothing else.

As the young vulpine sat staring at the photo of his parents under the glow of his mobile phone screen, the storm outside seemed to be growing in fury and distemper, threatening to rip the very skies themselves apart. The odd purple lightning sounding like it was striking right down on top of him, making the walls of his temporary shelter vibrate. Then suddenly there was silence, Arty thought he'd gone deaf for a moment until he Frowning, he made his way to the cellar door, carefully unbolting and lifting it to peek outside. There was no sign of the storm, not even dampness on the ground, but there was definitely music, old music at that. Curiously Arty made his way out of the cellar and back around to the front of the house where he found there were a few cars parked haphazardly all over the lawn, with dozens of people standing around drinking and talking. Various songs were blaring from inside and outside the house, though even through the loud music, odd sounds behind Arty caught his attention.

Turning about and heading into the darkness, Arty could barely make out the shapes of two people poorly hidden behind a tree. There looked to be someone leaning back against a tree trunk with someone else kneeling before him. With the motions of the kneeling persons head and the faint sucking sounds, it was plainly obvious what they were doing. Arty stood in stunned silence watching the show for a moment or two, when the person on their knees suddenly pulled back to lean to one side and glare at him, causing the young vulpine to balk at the sight. His mind reeling at what he was looking at not more than a few feet away, as plain as day, even though it was night time.

"Wait your turn like everyone else, no free shows!" the young fox, whom bore an uncanny resemblance to his uncle Ted, snarked. But that was impossible, his uncle was older than him and married to his aunt Linda, and they had kids! There was no way Uncle was a cock sucker, he was always going on fishing trips with his friend Cliff...

"Dude, you're ruining the mood. Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here! Unless you want to take this bitch's place and lift your tail for me instead?" The large bull turned to snort back at him while flipping Arty the bird. Again, Arty felt his head spin; the bull looked eerily like his uncle's friend Cliff Cannon. Ted had told Arty all about how Cliff used to be the worst bully in school until Ted had gotten the better of him, now they were good friends.

Arty shook his head fervently before turning on his heel and making a hasty getaway, before Cliff carried out his threat, pausing as he spotted another familiar face along the way. The poodle leaning against a dark blue 1950s Plymouth De Luxe looked and sounded a lot like his aunt, Linda. But Linda was far too conservative to be wearing such a low-cut top and have so much cleavage showing, however the Linda looking poodle was sporting some rather eye-catching cleavage that certainly had a fair few boys interested while she flirted shamelessly with them.

"I really want to go camping, but the roads are terrible in the wet season," Linda pouted, shrugging her shoulders and making her ample bosom jiggle teasingly. Arty swore he could see the guy's heads follow the motion as they nodded in agreement before one of them spoke up.

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads. My baby will fly over any obstacle!" A large alligator commented with a toothy grin, his eyes very clearly trained on the poodles bust.

"Oh yeah, the way you drive, if my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious shit," an equally as large grey wolf snarked with a grin as he patted the Plymouth rather hard on the roof, which obviously belonged to the gator as the large reptile winced at the sight.

Arty shook his head to get his eyes unstuck and continued to make his way back around front and eventually inside the house, pausing again when he spotted what looked to be a younger version of their town's mayor sitting in their living room. Sitting on a sofa Arty recognized as having belonging to his grandmother, Mayor Goldstone was sitting between a rather curvy heifer and a slender spotted feline. The golden stallion grinned and winked when he spotted Arty watching, while the two women got rather handsy with him. As the eager ladies groped at his impressive bulge within his bell-bottomed jeans, Goldie discussed the recent storm in the area a few weeks back and how it had managed to crack the large bell at the top of the city hall tower.

"Damn, that lightning was crazy. I wonder how strong it was?" The heifer almost panted as she feigned interest in the conversation while greedily palming the young stallion's crotch, her eyes going wide with what she felt hidden within his jeans.

"1.21 gigawatts!" Goldie snorted and groaned softly, rolling his hips into her touch encouragingly.

"No shit, with that much power you could probably power a time machine!" the spotted feline purred while she leaned over to kiss the stallion, giving his bottom lip a playful nibble and pressing her bust invitingly against him.

Arty stared and shook his head, this couldn't be happening. Stumbling through the downstairs hall toward the kitchen, the vulpine thought all he needed was to splash some cold water on his face to snap himself out of this crazy fever dream. Once more though, he was caught short when he spotted a younger version of his high school teacher, Mrs. Strictland.

"Great, Scott! Just fucking great..." The beagle shouted as she spun the large Labrador making out with a small grey tabby around to face her fiery anger.

"What, it's not my fault she looks like you!" he protested in his defense. Suddenly Arty understood why she'd given up on men, even he wasn't dumb enough to believe Scott's lie and he was pretty sure he was having a mental breakdown right now.

"Fuck you, asshole!" the beagle snarled and stormed off, shoving her way past Arty and vanishing into the night outside.

"I think the woman was born a nun," Scott grinned at Arty before turning back to continue making out with the small grey tabby, despite her protests.

Arty blinked a couple of times and tried to process what he'd just seen, but his mind refused to let him believe it. There was no way this could be happening, this sort of thing only happened in movies, not to people like him! Sighing to himself, he stepped into the kitchen where he was met by the sight of three familiar faces again, only younger.

"Who built this shitty thing?" A large bulldog that looked amazingly like his high school football coach growled while trying to set the tap in the keg on the kitchen counter.

"THE LIBYANS!" A slender white and orange mottled rabbit, whom Arty was used to seeing behind the pulpit at Sunday services cheered, quite clearly intoxicated shouted. Waving his half empty cup around and splashing his drink over the floor. Already the kitchen smelled like a brewery, now Arty knew why.

"Doc, you're my only hope. Can you rig something up for us, please?" Coach Ramsey snarled when the tap snapped. The bulldog looked over to a seedy looking black furred canine leaning against the wall beside the kitchen door Arty had just walked through.

Doc was something of the town's black sheep, everyone knew him but no one really liked or trusted him. If you needed something shady done, or were looking for a deal on something specific but not quite legal, Doc was your go to guy. He was always in trouble with the law, so it was quite a shock seeing him here, in his parents' house. When the dark furred canine turned to grin at Arty, something felt very off, as if Doc knew neither of them weren't meant to be there. The look was far too unsettling, making the young vulpine turn on his heel and head back out of the kitchen without his application of cold water to his face.

Arty swiftly made his way back up to his bedroom, thinking if he went to sleep, this whole strange dream would be over when he woke up in the morning. As he made his way through the house however, he noticed how old everything looked. There were no modern amenities, no flat screen television, no wireless modem. Everything looked like he remembered it looking when his grandmother was still alive and living here. Even when he got to his bedroom, he found it looked nothing like how he remembered. If anything, with all the pink frills and pillows everywhere, it looked downright girly.

"What the fuck?" Arty mumbled to himself as he turned and headed toward a dresser, picking up a photo of what was clearly his younger mother and her friends in a picture frame.

"Oh hey, we were looking for some privacy, but you're kinda cute" A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him, a moment before the bedroom door was closed and locked by someone else.

Arty whirled around to find himself standing face to face with his younger mother, Lorraine, whom was clearly drunk judging by her slightly unfocused eyes and slurred speech. Behind her was a younger version of his father George, the handsome red fox was watching as Lorraine openly flirted with another man right in front of him, oddly though he didn't seem upset. In fact, George was grinning like a literal fox in the hen house.

"I promised George here a night he'd never forget, care to join in on the action?" Lorraine offered, turning about and pressing her pert behind back against a now pinned Arty's crotch. He couldn't escape as his mother ground her perfect backside against his crotch like she was trying to polish his bulge with her butt.

"I uh...I'm not sure I should..." Arty meekly replied, unsure where to put his hands as the attractive arctic vixen ground insistently back against him. Despite knowing whom it was before him, Arty could feel his body responding to the lewd grinding, his mother was pretty good at this he unfortunately found out. His pants were starting to get tighter the more his mother ground and rubbed herself against him, no amount of thinking of sports was helping him either.

"Part of you sure feels like it wants to join, c'mon...what's the worst that can happen?" Lorraine almost purred to him when she finally relented and turned about, catching his lips in a soft kiss suddenly. Arty whimpered at the lust with which his mother kissed him, her hands guiding his to her breasts over her top, as she nipped playfully at his bottom lip. Arty knew this was wrong on so many levels, no matter how good it might have felt, he was still groping his own mother! He had to stop this and soon, before he did something he knew he shouldn't. Only; when he looked down at his fingers squeezing at his mother's breasts, he saw they appeared as if they were beginning to fade and go see through, as if he was fading from reality. "You've got to be shitting me..." Arty groaned to himself, he'd seen enough time travel movies to know what this meant, if he didn't go through with this, he would never be born. Arty had to have a threesome with his own parents to ensure they got together and he would eventually be born. Doing some quick maths in his head, he realized in some sick and twisted turn of fate, the timeline added up and tonight would be about right for the night he was conceived.

"Uh, yeah...sure" Arty replied, swallowing hard when he felt his mothers hand pressing against his crotch and beginning to rub invitingly at his bulge.

"Mmm, impressive" Lorraine purred into Arty's ear when she felt the outline of his growing stiffness through his clothing. For a preacher's daughter, she had surprising skill with undoing his zipper and extracting his swelling cock. Arty watched with surprise as his younger mother dropped to her knees before him rather eagerly, giving a slow lick along the underside of his swelling cock before wrapping her lips around his tapered red tip. He'd always pictured his mom as shy and naïve, possibly even reserved, but that image of her was shattered when she easily sunk her pleasantly hot and slick maw all the way down to his knot in one go. She didn't seem to battle even slightly as she swallowed him whole, the fact George standing behind her didn't look surprised hinted that this was nowhere near the first time she'd done this either.

"Jeezus!" Arty whimpered and gripped behind her head, instinct kicking in as his hips tried to work more of his cock into the inviting warm orifice wrapped around it suddenly. Already he could feel his cock lurch and fire off a thick strand of slick precum against the back of his mother's tongue before she pulled swiftly back and off of him.

"Don't take his name in vain!" Lorraine chastised Arty, her look a mixture of pride and annoyance. It appeared despite being an expert sword swallower, she was still at least somewhat religious.

"S...sorry, just never met someone able to do that so easily" Arty apologized to his mom, feeling as if she'd just caught him drinking straight from the milk carton for some reason.

"I'll take that as a compliment, though if you want have to earn it" Lorraine teased, grinning up at a confused looking Arty before she turned back to look knowingly at George. A now rather nude George, whom was watching from his spot on the bed and openly stroking his own cock while enjoying the show of his girlfriend blowing another guy. This revelation left Arty with so many questions, though it did also answer a few others in unsettling ways.

"What?! You can't be serious?" Arty whined as he looked back and forth between his younger mother and father. Doing stuff with his younger mother, a rather attractive vixen in her own right, was one thing, but there was no way in hell he'd do anything with another guy, let alone his own father. He just didn't swing that way, it was impossible!

"Whatever he wants to do to me, or me to do to him, he's gonna have to do with or to you first! That goes double for you too, stranger" Lorraine grinned up at Arty while leaning in to draw her soft tongue up along the underside of his rigid pole encouragingly.

"C'mon man, just suck it. She gives great head as you now know, it'll be worth it!" George offered with a weak smile while he shifted back a little on the bed and parted his thighs invitingly. Arty stared at his father's fat red length with trepidation, again wondering if existing was worth doing this. As he hesitated and stared down at his feet, again he spotted his extremities starting to fade and flicker from reality. With a resigned sigh, Arty began to step over toward his mother's bed where George waited eagerly. The handsome fox grinned as he shamelessly stroked himself, eager to get his cock sucked and it didn't matter by whom either it seemed.

"Strip first!" Lorraine giggled while she moved over and sat on the bench beside her dresser to watch the show. As she moved, she stripped out of her own clothing, before taking a seat in the nude to watch what Arty would do, with keen interest.

Even though she'd seen him naked countless times both as a baby and growing up, this was something completely different. Arty couldn't stop himself from blushing and feeling super-exposed while he stripped out of his clothing fully, while under his younger mother's watchful gaze. Tossing his pants haphazardly onto her bedside table in the process and covering a picture of his grandparents she had there, mercifully blocking their view of what was about to happen. There was an odd mixture of shame, embarrassment and excitement in the lustful gaze she watched him with the entire time, further adding to the confusion and turmoil inside him.

Once he was just as nude as George, Arty moved to kneel beside the bed and between his younger fathers' knees. Arty had to fight not to laugh at the strange realization he was staring down at the cock and balls which had helped produce him, but that amusement was soon replaced by a rather unique worry. "Hey, uh...just tell me before you cum so I can stop, okay?" Arty asked of George in earnest.

"No worries, bud. Saving up for that little sexpot over there!" George grinned and winked before reaching out to grab behind Arty's head and guide his maw down onto his waiting cock. Whatever Arty was trying to say was soon muffled when his father's cock filled his maw and quickly nudged against the back of his throat. It was an abrupt lesson in genetics as Arty quickly realized where his slightly above average package came from.

Even though he had fooled around a bit with his dorm mate in college, that was just light petting and a little bit of sucking. Arty had never actually deepthroated anyone before, however he was having to learn rather quickly thanks to his father's firm grip. Timing his breathing to the thrusts of George into his maw, Arty gripped at his fathers' thighs while the vulpine began to buck up off the bed and into muzzle in his lap.

"Goddamn, not bad. Almost as good as you Lorraine!" George huffed and panted, bucking a little more roughly into Arty's maw. The younger fox couldn't help but blush at the compliment, hearing that he'd inherited his mother's natural talent for sucking cock was not something he'd ever expected to hear, especially not while his own father painted his tonsils with copious shots of slick precum.

"You gotta suck his too, it's only fair!" Lorraine piped up to remind George, while she sat back against her dresser and played with herself. One of her feet was up on the bench she was sat upon while her fingers brushed, rubbed and delved between her thighs with ever growing slick sounds, her other hand tweaking and toying with her nipple creating quite the intriguing sight.

"Get up here, bud. Gotta do as the boss lady says" George grumbled reluctantly while he pulled Arty's maw from his lap reluctantly. Arty sat back and panted softly as he watched his father lay back on his mother's pink frilly bed. His cock aiming skyward and throbbing expectantly, a single drop of precum trailing down along the underside, following along the pronounced cumvein.

"Seriously?" Arty groaned again when his fingers once again dimmed and began to turn transparent when he paused a moment too long before climbing up onto the bed to join his younger father. Which ever deity was watching this whole ordeal certainly had a sick sense of humor, Arty thought. Not only was he having to suck his own father's cock, but now his father would be sucking him as well, at the same time no less! Arty wasn't sure how this night could get any worse at this point.

Again, he reluctantly moved and got into position, kneeling over his father's head while staring down at his waiting spire. Arty knew he didn't have a choice and wasted no time in sinking his lips back down along George's spear of hot, hard and throbbing flesh before him. While Arty begrudgingly showed off his natural talent for sucking cock, George however was nowhere near as skilled. Arty hissed and growled when his father's lips and tongue met his flesh, but unfortunately his teeth did too. As George tried to take his counterparts cock a little deeper, all Arty could feel was his sharp front teeth scraping along the top and bottom of his sensitive flesh. Until that moment in time he'd not considered the possibility that a bad blowjob could ever exist, only to find out in the worst way possible that was not the case.

"Alright, that's enough. Get up, boys!" Lorraine purred, graciously ending their torture after only a few minutes. Thankfully she didn't intend for them to finish, she was simply making sure George was willing to do it, before she did the same for him. Arty never thought he'd ever be so happy for a blowjob to end, but he was eternally thankful for when his cock was removed from the beartrap that was his father's maw. If his cock wasn't already red flesh, he had no doubt he'd see the scratches from George's teeth along his shaft.

George and Arty did as told, climbing off the bed and standing beside it while Lorraine sauntered over, smiling seductively at the two men where she knelt down before them. As much as he hated to admit it, the view of his younger mother kneeling before him in all her nude glory was rather spectacular. Her hourglass figure, smallish but perky tits and a nice firm round backside were a delight for the eyes. She was undoubtedly stunning in her younger days, most people would at most have a passing fantasy about this and feel guilty afterwards. But Arty had no choice but to live out the fantasy, his own very existence depended on it.

Lorraine started with a simple grasp and stroke along both cocks before her. Her fingers were soft and gentle, but still firm as she caressed both slick red lengths. Soon though she would begin showing off her oral talents, only briefly teasing her soft tongue against their tapered red tips before she would begin sinking her maw completely down each cock for a few moments before repeating the process on the other. In short order she had George and Arty both panting and whining with need while she brought them to the edge of climax again and again, but the devious vixen seemed to know just when to stop and let their pleasure recede while she switched to the other to pleasurably torture them the same way.

"Fuck! Please...let me cum!" George was the first to break, whining pathetically as his balls ached with the need for release. Thick strands of precum dripped in long gossamer strands from his tip to the floor below and over Lorraine's fingers while she stroked at his turgid shaft.

"Aww, poor Georgie can't take it..." Lorraine purred, her hands starting to almost blur with how fast she started pumping both their dicks. Both Arty and his younger father almost howled when she finally pushed them over the edge, letting both father and son alike fire their pent-up loads all over her face and chest.

"I'm definitely going to Hell for this..." Arty thought to himself as he watched his younger mother being painted with his cum, all across her beautiful face and perky breasts. For a brief moment Arty panicked when he saw his younger father was doing much the same, but when he didn't instantly vanish from reality, Arty realized he was obviously not part of that load from his fathers' balls now glazing his mother's breasts. Conversely however, he also realized this meant the night was not yet over. He did know how reproduction worked and even if he had failed biology class miserably, even he knew a woman couldn't get pregnant from a facial, no matter how many guys bukakke'd her.

"Good start, but George...if you want to do that thing you've been begging for, for months, best you bend over for our new friend here" Lorraine said nonchalantly to a shocked looking George, while she scooped some of their combined mess from her breast and licked her fingers clean.

"Him? But..." The wind went out of young George's sails as he saw the look of determination on Lorraine's face. She wasn't going to back down on this one it seemed, with a sigh George turned around again and got to his knees while leaning against Lorraine's bed, his bushy red tail raising slowly. "Hey, do me a favor would you?" he asked while staring at a confused looking Arty.

"What? No, you can't be serious!?" Arty whimpered when he saw what his father was doing, but the knowing grin from his younger mother just confirmed it. Surely, he wouldn't have to do this, it was too far! But as certain as the sun rising every morning, Arty felt it before he saw his fingers fade and flicker. This time though it seemed to occur quicker, as if getting closer to moment of his conception meant he had less time to doubt and resist. "Fuuuuck..." he thought to himself while he got down on his knees behind his younger father, trying not to stare at the firm round buttocks before him. Lorraine however was already waiting with a tub of petroleum jelly which she handed to the reluctant foxes, she would not be denied her show.

Dipping his fingers into the slimy goop, Arty drew a decent helping before he gripped George's tail in his free hand and hoisted it upwards. Slick fingers inched beneath the fluffy appendage as Arty applied the slick mess to his younger father's reluctant backdoor, he hated how hot and tight George felt around his fingers too while he gently worked the slick mess deeper inside him. Under any other circumstances, even if this was some other random guy, Arty felt he might've actually enjoyed it. But as he pumped two fingers in and out of his moaning younger father, he felt ashamed and embarrassed.

"Just do it already, I've been trying to get under her tail for months. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I get my prize" George huffed and squirmed against the fingers stretching him open. Arty somewhat agreed, the sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could get out of there as well. Withdrawing his fingers from under George's tail, Arty shifted into position and used the remaining slickness on his fingers to lube his own cock. Pressing his tapered tip to George's little winking pink pucker, Arty began to push forward and into the tight clenching heat before him. Again, he despised how good it felt, feeling every inch of his own thick cock sink beneath his younger fathers twitching tail, until finally his knot pressed against George's reluctantly stretched pucker.

"F...fuck sake, not so fast!" George whimpered when the stranger pushed into his virgin behind in one go, causing him to squirm and grit his teeth. For most people, feeling what he felt would make them reconsider wanting to do it to someone else. But for George, it only cemented his desire to do the same to Lorraine, even if only as revenge for making him do it first. It certainly didn't get any easier when the stranger began to withdraw and push back in, soon starting a slow rhythm of fucking him, every thrust making George whine and groan uncomfortably while his hips shifted beneath the other fox.

Arty was trying to think of anything else other than what he was doing in that moment, he even tried to remember old maths problems from high school, just to not have to think about the wonderfully snug and warm orifice gripping about his cock. His attention however would soon be occupied by something hard and slick nudging under his own tail, along with a pair of breasts pressing against his back. "What the...HELL!?" Arty yelped when something hard forced his own pucker open and began to push deeper into his unprepared asshole, forcing his hips to press against his younger father's firm backside.

"Got this at the last all girls bible camp, I was going to use it on George tonight, but you'll do. Not the same as playing with my girlfriends, but always wanted to try this" Lorraine admitted with a heated pant as she sunk a thick black rubber dildo under a surprised and confused Arty's tail. He was learning far too much about his mother it seemed, not only was she kinky, but apparently, she swung both ways too? Though those thoughts would have to be dealt with later, right now his asshole felt like it was burning white hot from being so suddenly stretched without warning. Unfortunately Lorraine didn't seem to be generous enough to give him time to adjust as she immediately began to pull back and thrust forward into him in short, shallow strokes.

Judging by how well she handled the strap on, she knew what she was doing and had obviously had a lot of practice with it. Arty huffed and groaned, feeling obscenely full as his younger mother started to work her hips back and forth, tugging his own back before she pushed him forward into George with her own thrusts. Soon she had taken over the pace of the mutual fucking, her hands on Arty's hips as she bucked and thrust into the confused vulpine. Sure, there was a touch of pain and a fair bit of discomfort, but there was another more disturbing feeling as well which quickly began to rear its head. The odd shape of the toy was battering his prostate every time she pushed the rubber length inside him. Before he registered what was really happening however, Arty felt his balls tuck up against his body as his cock lurched inside George, spewing hot messy strands of his seed deep inside the panting fox.

Ah, fuck! He's cumming inside me!" George whined and moaned, clearly not happy with this turn of events.

"Quit your bitching, you know that just means you can do that to me too then!" Lorraine laughed as she gave an extra hard buck against Arty's behind, forcing his own hips to clap firmer against George's, making them both yelp in unison.

" knot!" George whimpered at the firmer buck, feeling Arty's bulb of flesh threaten to pop inside him. Even for the depraved fox, that seemed to be too far and too high of a price to pay for what he wanted to do with Lorraine.

"Chicken!" Lorraine laughed, finally withdrawing the toy from under a panting Arty's tail. In turn, he too would extract himself from his younger fathers aching behind. Lorraine grinned at Arty as she flopped down on the bed beside them while wriggling out of the clumsy harness holding the toy in place. The sexy arctic vixen winked invitingly as she parted her thighs before letting her fingers reach down to part her folds invitingly. "While his pride recovers, care to fill me up?" she offered to Arty.

"I'm not sure I can after that climax" Arty panted while he stared at his nude younger mother exposing herself so lewdly before him. Goddamn how he wished he wasn't related to the arctic vixen, she was so naughty and sexy, he'd kill for a woman like her. But this was his own mother he was staring at with such lust.

"Sure looks like you're up for it" she purred with a lick of her lips, nodding down at Arty's still stiff prick. Sure enough, somehow, he was still hard as a rock, even with a strand of pearly white seed stretching gossamer thin as it succumbed to gravity from his tapered tip. Arty didn't need to look at his hands and feet to feel that familiar tingle, he was obviously not done here yet. With a resigned sigh, he moved over between her thighs and lined himself up. As she pulled his head down to her breast, Arty guided his still stiff prick into her waiting quim. All too soon he was wrapped up between her thighs as he thrust deeply into his younger mother, listening to her groans of sinful pleasure.

The pleasured groans from Lorraine were oddly erotic though, thankfully the music was blaring downstairs and outside, so hopefully no one else would hear them. She felt even better than George had, soft and silky, warm and slick, with just the right snugness about every inch of his throbbing prick. Arty hated how much he loved the feeling of fucking his younger mother, even with his lips wrapped about her nipple while he nibbled and suckled. Breasts he would one day be nursing from, he thought in irony. Again, his train of thought was derailed by something nudging under his tail again, this time he could feel the warmth of the object against his still aching asshole.

"She got a turn, don't see why I can't. Plus, you fucked me, so it's only fair I return the favor" George grinned as he loomed over Arty's back, his hips pushing forward before Arty could complain. He felt the pleasured groan from his younger father against the nape of his neck as he bit down at Arty's scruff, cramming every thick inch of his cock deep into the pinned fox beneath.

Arty whined and whimpered as George sunk every inch of his cock into the once again unprepared stranger's backside, returning the favor of doing it in one firm thrust as well. Arty huffed and groaned as George wasted little time before starting to withdraw and buck forward again, soon setting the pace of their fucking. George released the mating bite to instead lean over Arty before he locked lips with Lorraine, it might've been a cute tender moment under normal circumstances, but knowing what he did, Arty just felt incredibly awkward as his parents made out while they fucked him from either side. Soon George's hips were clapping against his behind at a moderate pace while his own cock was forced in and out of Lorraine below. If it wasn't for the cock in his ass, Arty knew he'd have emptied his balls inside his younger mother already. He only hoped that George would stop fucking him before he did cum again however, having seeded one of his parents already was more than enough sin for one time traveling encounter.

Arty furrowed his brow as he fought back a familiar growing tingle just behind his balls, despite having cum not so long ago, he could feel another wave starting to swell and surge inside him. George and Lorraine wouldn't slow down however, no matter how much he whined and groaned, Arty was pinned between the writhing bodies of his parents. As much as he didn't want to, George's cock was now throbbing and grinding against his prostate worse than his mother's toy had. It was all too much, with a cry of ecstasy, Arty felt his third load flood his young mother's cunt below. More worrying was how George felt like he was trying to get his knot inside Arty's backside at the same time, the bulb of flesh grinding threateningly against his protesting pucker.

"Get off...getting heavy..." Lorraine groaned and patted George on the shoulder. After his climax, Arty had forgotten to try support his weight, now with George resting atop him too, all that weight was pressing down on his mother at the bottom of the pile. At least George listened and didn't try resist, the uncomfortable pressure under his tail soon retreated as his father withdrew from him, thankfully before he managed to get his knot under Arty's tail too.

Arty stumbled back to flop down on the bench beside his mother's dresser, while he watched Lorraine get on all fours atop her bed. His mind barely holding on from shattering as he watched George mount her from behind, having the perfect angle to see as his father finally claimed his prize. Not only was his mother kinky and swung both ways, but apparently, she took it up the ass like a pro too! Lorraine groaned in unadulterated pleasure as George sunk his thick turgid length under her fluffy white tail. Arty blushed as he spotted a little of his seed appear between his mother's ever so slightly gaped pussylips when she clenched down on George under her tail, her little pink pucker stretched taut around his cock.

Normally the sight of a beautiful woman taking a thick cock up her tailpipe would have him stiff as steel, but after three intense climaxes, Arty would need a bit of time to recharge. Already his member was shrinking and slipping back inside his sheath, even with the lewd scene unfolding before him. Arty had to admit, they did make an attractive couple, rather sexy too. He now knew just how well suited his parents really were for each other, both in public and private. His mother clearly had a naughty streak in her despite what she projected to the outside world, something she apparently only shared with her husband and a select few lucky individuals. Right now, George was enjoying that naughty streak as his hips dropped down heavily with a firm clap against Loraine's buttocks while he finally got to fuck her ass good and hard.

The way his younger mother was biting at one of her pillows and gripping the bedspread, along with the look of ecstasy on her face, there was no mistaking her enjoyment of this lewd and taboo act. When she begged with a muffled "Knot me!" into her pillow, George was only too happy to comply. His thrusts slowed a little as he took deeper strokes under her tail, every deep thrust ending with a grind of his knot against her pucker as he gently worked her open. Eventually he would manage to pop himself inside her, raising his head with a lewd groan while his balls jumped and twitched as he fired off hot ropes of his seed deep inside Lorraine's posterior.

Arty idly groped at himself at the sight, at least until he was struck by another moment of panic. Again, his basic biology knowledge kicked in, he knew his father had just seeded his mothers back passage and that would not lead to pregnancy either. Yet, as he stared at his hands, they remained solid and did not fade or even tingle. Arty frowned at this revelation, staring back at his parents, wondering what lewd act they'd do next as they collapsed onto the bed and cuddled with one another. George pulled a small shoal over them both as they lay tied to one another for the moment and cuddled contently.

"Hey, won't you take a picture? I want to remember this night" Lorraine panted, nodding over at the old polaroid camera on her dresser.

With a growing sense of Déjà vu, Arty walked over and collected the camera before lifting it and aiming it at his parents cuddling in bed. He'd always wondered who they'd trusted enough to take such an intimate shot of them, but now he knew. As he stood at the foot of their bed, Arty framed them up nicely while they cuddled like a real married couple and snapped the image he knew so well, grimacing when he noticed his thumb had partially blocked the image on the top right-hand side.

"You guys tried bondage yet?" Arty joked as he waved the photograph to help the image set.

"What's bondage? It sounds yucky..." Lorraine asked with confusion and skepticism.

"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it." Arty laughed and handed her the now developed photograph.

"Can't have kids doing it this way" George joked, giving a slow roll of his hips against Lorraine's behind.

As Arty stood wondering if he should tell them anything about their future, the distant rumble of thunder began to make itself known. Familiar purple flashes of lightning began to light the night sky off in the distance, drawing ever closer toward the house again.

"This was a wild night, but I have to get going" Arty mumbled, searching hurriedly for his clothing before getting dressed and making a hasty exit. As he scrambled back outside, Arty did his best to avoid the hoots and hollers from his aunt and uncle when they spotted him exiting Lorraine's bedroom; making a quick dash for the storm cellar. Once the doors were shut and bolted closed, Arty found his spot in the corner again, leaning back against the wall. Only this time, his behind ached from the night's activities. At least they'd tired him out enough this time to be able to sleep, soon Arty drifted off and the sound of the music faded away, replaced by loud cracks of lightning.

When he awoke who knew how much later, he could see sunshine peeking through the cracks in the door. Cautiously he opened the cellar door and stepped outside into the quiet morning light, finding he was alone again. There were no signs of any vehicles having been parked on the lawn recently either. Thankfully, when he went back inside, he saw the familiar sight of the flat screened television, along with the more modern furniture and decorations he was familiar with. Even the wireless modem was obviously also back as his phone began to ding with multiple notifications from his various apps, though oddly there was no mention of the crazy storm during the night.

Arty almost thought the previous night was nothing but a very vivid dream, but as he sat down on the stairs leading up to the second floor with a deep sigh of relief, the dull ache resurfaced under his tail and brought a blush to his cheeks. Pulling the photo from his pocket, he looked at it again, more closely this time. Sure enough, sitting there on the bedside table, Arty recognized his pants with the corner of his mobile phone peeking from the pocket.

As he replayed the events of the strange evening in his mind, a startling revelation struck him like a ton of bricks...George hadn't cum inside his mother, only he had!

Eight inches of Snow

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Black and White

This one is for no one else but me, for the ghosts that haunt me still. We all deal with loss and heartache differently, there is no time limit on sorrow or grief. Some wounds are eternal, no amount of support and time will heal them, as much...

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Fenn's Easter Surprise!

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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