Fenn's Easter Surprise!

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#18 of 2023 Shorts

It's Easter time and the Easter Bunnies are out doing their thing. But what happens when a stand-in Easter Bunny is friends with a Valentines Day cherub who has a friendly rivalry with him?

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.

Yes, I am back to ruin another holiday for you all! I enjoyed writing all those Christmas stories so much, I thought why not ruin some other classic holidays and imaginary beings as well! Unfortunately, I missed Valentines Day, but maybe next year ;3


It was another ordinary night at the Rusty Fairy Inn, the pub was packed to the brim with fairytale characters from all walks of life and every holiday imaginable. The bright and cheery green, yellow and red motif would look almost garish to most normal folk, but to the selective clientele, it was always festive no matter the season. With classic Bob Marley playing over the speakers amidst the din of cheerful chatter, the haze of pungent smoke hung heavily in the air. For those whom chose not to partake in such vices, at least not directly, there was always the best Guinness available from the Leprechauns homeland.

At one end of the bar sat a small white furred goat with stubby horn nodules and little white angelic wings; dressed in a cloth towel about his waist to give the impression of a baby. Despite his young appearance, the diminutive goat was already almost a century old. Slung about his back and between his tiny wings was a golden bow with a quiver of magical arrows, with which he plied his trade once a year, every February. Beside the goat was a tall and toned brown rabbit with brilliant emerald eyes, wearing naught but a short toga which barely covered his posterior. The odd pair of friends were Jaylin, a seasoned Valentines Day cherub, and his best friend Fenn. Fenn was nothing more than a stand-in easter bunny, due to his fear of heights, which had ultimately led to him failing out of Tooth Fairy school when he couldn't complete the flight requirements. As was almost a custom by this point, every time the holidays shifted from Valentines to Easter, their unusual friendly rivalry got the better of them and resulted in some good-natured ribbing.

"At least I don't shit eggs for a living" Jaylin mocked, taking a deep puff off his joint before blowing a large ring of smoke up into the air. The small flying goat darting through the center of it before fluttering back down to hover beside his tall handsome friend.

"C'mon, you know that was just a rumor started by the tooth fairies. That was one guy who let a tooth fairy shove an egg up his ass just so she'd let him bang her, then when he ghosted her after, she spread that rumor" Fenn replied in exasperation, gesticulating with his hand so much, he sloshed his Guinness all over a passing Christmas elf. "At least I don't wear a diaper for a uniform," he continued while smiling apologetically at the small grey squirrel in her green and red outfit glaring up at him.

"Oh yeah? At least it doesn't smell like a Hershey's factory every time I let one rip" the small winged goat replied.

"I spread joy and happiness!" Fenn replied angrily.

"No, you spread diabetes and tooth decay. You're a dentist's nightmare" Jaylin pointed out before taking another drag from his obscenely large joint and puffing it directly into Fenn's' face.

"At least my dick is big enough to please a woman!" Fenn grinned, knowing that was a sore point for the small goat.

"I'll have you know, I'm really popular with the Neverland fairies! To them, I'm hung like a stallion!" the flying goat insisted.

"Oh please, those fairies don't count. They'd fuck a tree stump if it had any protruding branches low enough" Fenn sighed, slouching down to rest his chin atop his arm as he swirled the remnants of his Guinness at the bottom of his glass before waving it over at the barman to order another. He really wasn't looking forward to another year of planting painted eggs around some random park in the early hours of the morning. "Damn, my luck is so bad, even my Guinness doesn't get much head," Fenn lamented when his next drink slid across the bar to stop directly in front of him, sure enough there was barely any foam to be seen in the glass before him.

"Is that so? When's the last time you got any action then, big guy?" Jaylin retorted, knowing all too well the dry spell the big dumb rabbit had been having lately.

"That's...none of your business and it's beside the point anyway! I can get lucky if I want, I'm just waiting for the right woman to come along..." Fenn tried to defend himself, though even he didn't believe himself at this point. No doubt the next time he did get lucky, he was so pent up when he did finally pop, he'd probably blow the top of the unfortunate gal's head out.

"Uh huh, and the Kwanza goose is going to overtake Santa in popularity soon too." The goat mocked with a grin.

"Talk about a dry spell, even for someone that allegedly produces eggs, the last time that guy got laid was at his conception" Fenn joked, catching Jaylin by surprise and causing his friend to cough and splutter halfway through his next drag.


"I don't know why we have to wear togas, it's the goddamn twenty-first century, at least let us wear underwear for heaven's sake!" Fenn grumbled as he tried to tug down the back of his short toga which barely covered his behind. The cold early morning air was nipping at his nethers something fierce, even with the alcohol flowing through his system still after his late night out drinking with Jaylin. He supposed most easter bunnies were female and a lot shorter than he was, so it was understandable that the uniform wouldn't quite fit him. Slipping his right hand into his service EGG (Entity Generating Gauntlet), a modern technological marvel which enabled the wearer to transport small objects from great distances, or create simple small constructs from nothing. Fenn began to wander around the park and start hiding his eggs in preparation for the egg hunt later in the day, as was tradition among his sector.

This part of the job was always the most boring, trying to find spots to hide eggs which weren't too obvious, but also which weren't super difficult. No one liked rotten goods that some snot nosed little brat couldn't find after all. Fenn had adjusted his EGG to respond to a specific keyword to make the job at least somewhat bearable, while not exactly against the rules, it was frowned upon to adjust one's device. Especially when Fenn had altered his EGG to allow him to pretend his raised thumb and extended index finger were a mortal weapon.

"You're thinking 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Now to tell you the truth, I've forgotten myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question...'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" Fenn growled and squinted while staring at a statue of a brass child and his dog a few feet ahead of him. Raising his hand with thumb cocked and finger pointed at the statues head, as if his hand were a gun, Fenn muttered a simple "Pow" and a brightly painted egg shot out from his fingertip to splatter all over the statues face.

"Oooh damn, nice headshot Harry!" Jaylin giggled from his spot up in a tree as he watched Fenn blow imaginary smoke from his fingertip, as if it were indeed a real smoking gun.

"All in a day's work" Fenn replied, tipping an imaginary cowboy's hat and to the small goat before pretending to turn and walk away while whistling the classic Western tune. Only to suddenly turn around and once again brandish his "weapon" at the unsuspecting target in the tree. With a series of "Pow, pow, pow!" shouts while cocking his thumb like a revolver, Jaylin was pelted with a string of colorful eggs spattering all over him.

"Dude! Not cool!" The now slimy and messy small goat coughed and sputtered, wiping the yolks and egg shell mess off himself, only to slip and fall from his perch into the bushes below. "I'll get you back for that, asshole!"

Fenn laughed at the angry little goat cursing him unseen from his spot in the bushes, deciding he'd had enough fun for the morning and it was now time to get to actual business. As he walked around the park, Fenn randomly mumbled a "Pow!" whenever he pointed at various spots to hide his eggs. There were very few people out at this early hour, not that it mattered much anyway. With the special glamor all easter bunnies now had; after the last time one was caught and detained by an over friendly "fan", they now were rendered invisible and completely undetectable to mortal eyes. Fenn rather enjoyed this fact as he could stand right between two people and they would be none the wiser he was even there. He'd often use it just to spy on mortals and their deviant acts, his most memorable was the time in that bar where he helped two old guys win a pool game against a couple of twin felines. Now that was a day to remember, the only way it could've been better is if he could've joined in on the fun which ensued shortly after.

Rounding a corner, near to the far end of the park bordering the forest, Fenn spotted an alluring sight, one which brought a grin to his lips. With growing interest and curiosity, he made his way over to an interesting looking pair of oddly colored vixens, both of whom were beginning their warmup routine. Judging by their outfits and gear, they looked to be runners as they bent and stretched to warm up before beginning their run around the park. Fenn couldn't help but leer with an appreciative growl at the pert behind of the snow-white vixen with bright pink hair and a pink tip of her tail as she bent over to touch her toes. Beside her, a slender blue vixen with white hair showed off her flexibility by doing the splits not far away, seeming to bend effortlessly forward to rest her chin on the floor before her.

"Man, I'd love a crack at some fine tail like that..." Fenn muttered to himself, staring longingly at the two vixens stretching and bending before him. Eventually, he reluctantly moved off and continued with his job after watching for a few moments, a slight tent in the front of his short toga making walking a little more awkward.

Hiding in a nearby tree, a sticky Jaylin grinned as he watched his friend eye the two women, a devious plan already forming in his mind. Perhaps there was a way to get Fenn back in a way the rabbit would enjoy, so he wouldn't be too mad and seek further retribution on the goat. Unslinging his bow from about his back and from between his little angelic wings, Jaylin took aim. The cherub lined up two golden arrows and let them fly, hitting both vixens square in their pert behinds. Drawing a different arrow for his next shot with the target arrow, a red heart tipped shot which was aimed at the backside of his best friend. Just as Fenn was about to step into a secluded spot in the park behind some bushes, Jaylin let loose. The arrow flew fast and true to strike Fenn in his right buttock, causing the rabbit to jump and yelp.

"JeezusCroist!" Fenn yelled and instantly begun rubbing the spot where Jaylin had shot him. To mortal people, they wouldn't feel a thing aside from a rush of adrenaline and an insatiable attraction to the chosen target. To a magical being however, they would feel the impact as if being shot by a real arrow, only no actual physical damage would take place. No sooner had he finished checking to make sure he wasn't bleeding, Fenn looked up to see the two vixens from earlier approaching him with hunger in their eyes. "Oh shit...you can see me?"

"Oh yes..." The white vixen almost purred with a lick of her lips as she stalked closer to the suddenly shy rabbit. Before Fenn could so much as ask the vixen her name, she already had her tongue in his mouth as she pressed herself invitingly against him. Her soft hands exploring beneath his toga, brushing across his toned chest and even groping at his stiffness beneath his clothing. Soon she had Fenn groaning into the kiss as his hips began to lightly buck into her teasing touch, his arousal soon making her fingers more slick with every eager hard throb between her digits.

"You're welcome!" Jaylin shouted from his unseen hiding spot where he watched as the action began to unfold.

"Jay...this is against protocol..." Fenn tried to resist and reason the situation away, but the vixens would not be deterred. Soon the Easter Bunny stand-in found himself caught between both women as they got down onto their knees before and behind him. "Oh...oh great Cadbury!" he huffed when the front of his toga was flipped up to allow the white vixen access to his stiffness. All thought of protocol vanished as soon as he felt her soft lips and tongue against his needy flesh which had been neglected for far too long.

It didn't take long before the pink haired, white furred vixen was gripping Fenn about the waist while she merrily bobbed her maw back and forth along his turgid prick. The rabbits' toes even curled and ripped up bits of grass when he felt the sneaky vixen using her tongue stud to tease against the sensitive tip of his copiously dribbling prick. It felt like she was trying to swallow him whole, no one had ever been this eager to suck his cock before! The moment would've been pure bliss, if not for one distracting thing. The white haired, blue furred vixen behind him had lifted the back of his toga and stuck her slender muzzle beneath his short tail. Fenn considered himself a real ladies' man, so what she began doing to him next was something he'd never even considered attempting in the past.

"Woah, hey now...not normally into that...but it does feel kinda nice though" Fenn mumbled as the blue furred vixen's tongue swirled around his pucker, her soft hands gripping his firm buttocks with her thumbs lightly spreading his toned cheeks. His hands gripped at the white furred vixens' ears tightly while she sucked him with enough force, he was sure she would be able to strip the chrome from a tow-hitch. Fenn was quickly being overcome with pleasure, the warm mouth about his prick along with a slick tongue washing around and across his sensitive, until now untouched pucker was quite a uniquely pleasant combination. Soon his eyes shut closed tightly, gritting his teeth as he fought back his climax, but it was too late and soon his hips began to roughly thrust back and forth into the vixens willing maw. Just as his soft furred orbs lifted and tucked in close against his body, soft hands cupped and fondled his aching balls, from front and back by both vixens. If he was a wolf, Fenn had no doubt he would've howled louder than if there was a full Blood moon just then while he painted the white furred vixens' tonsils with his pent-up seed.

A sudden cold sensation at his crotch snapped Fenn back from the climax induced mental haze, shaking his head and looking down, he saw his softening spit slicked cock glistening in the early morning sun. The white haired, blue furred vixen however was still dutifully rimming him, something Fenn blushed at as he realized he was pressing back against her tongue a little seeing as there was no longer a warm eager maw wrapped about his prick. As if being granted mercy and to renew his affirmation of being a ladies man, a soft cough caught his attention. Fenn's gaze rose to the sight of the white vixen a few paces away, she was now leaning over one of the low chess tables and presenting herself to him invitingly. With her running shorts and panties pushed down about her thighs, her fluffy white tail with its pink tip curled in a come higher motion. One of the vixens' hands snuck between her thighs from below, slender fingers gliding up either side of her snug little slit before she would part her bright pink folds to expose her slick honeypot for him to come and enjoy. Whatever softness that had been setting in before was instantly reversed at the sight before him, like a sailor falling prey to the siren's song, Fenn grinned and happily accepted the offer.

"Hey, you wouldn't mind if I fuck your girlfriend, would you?" Fenn absently asked of the blue furred vixen still kneeling behind him and going to town on his balls and taint. With her muzzle still pressed between his cheeks dutifully, her answer was rather muffled. He hadn't heard an outright no though, so as any red blooded male would've done in a similar situation, the stand-in easter bunny took the blue furred vixens muffled response as permission to go right ahead. When she didn't try stop him, that was all the confirmation he needed to know he could claim his easter surprise!

As much as he was enjoying the tongue under his tail, Fenn much preferred the feeling of a slick cunt wrapped about his cock. The tall handsome rabbit mounted the vixen faster than kids could inhale free chocolate, his hips clapping against her pert behind as he worked his stiffness in and out of her wonderfully clenching cunt. With his buck teeth nibbling along the back of her shoulder and up the side of her neck, his hands slipped beneath her hips to brush his fingertips along the contours of her toned abdominals, following the imaginary path up and across her ribs to finally grasp at her breasts. Slipping his hands beneath her running bra, Fenn felt the twin points of her stiff little nipples and quickly zeroed in on them to pinch and tweak, grinning as she instantly began to pant and moan for him.

"After I'm done with you, I'll have a crack at your girlfriend next" Fenn teased playfully with a little growling huff while he nibbled along the white furred vixen's shoulder. His hips alternated between quick short thrusts for a few moments, before giving a few slower but deeper strokes, always keeping the vixen guessing and on her toes as he rut her eagerly.

"Not my girlfriend...husband..." The white furred, pink haired vixen groaned out before shuddering through her first intense climax. Even with her body tensing and beginning to twitch and jerk, her hips rolled and pressed back against the eager rabbit's assault needfully.

"Wait, husband?" Fenn asked in confusion, not sure he had heard her right. As if to answer his question, a gentle weight suddenly pressed up against his back. Sure enough, he felt a firm chest against his shoulders instead of a soft bust, somehow, he had missed that while ogling the white furred vixen's backside earlier. As if to drive that point home, Fenn felt something far worse, a hot and hard something began to nudge under his tail before sinking forward and stretching his unwilling backdoor.

Again, Fenn yelped out in a mixture of pain and surprise as he was taken from behind, briefly stunned into inaction as the blue fox; no longer vixen as he had assumed earlier, now rutted him from behind. Soft hands with an unreasonably strong grip held his hips firmly in place as what felt like a yule log was shoved under his unwilling tail at a steadily increasing pace. Soon enough, Fenn felt the blue foxes' hips tapping against his flexing and clenching backside as he was fucked deep and fast for the first time. Every buck of the blue foxes' hips forced his own forward and into the fox's wife now trapped beneath the both of them.

"Hey man, I'm not into that...stop fucking my ass, or else!" he tried to threaten, but the blue fox ignored his protests. With a sneer, he simply adjusted his thrusts and began hammering the unfortunate rabbit's prostate, hard and fast while pinning Fenn down over his wife below.

"Only fair I get to fuck you; you're fucking my wife after all..." The fox growled into his ear before biting down at Fenn's scruff, causing the trapped rabbit to whimper pathetically. As much as he didn't like having a cock in his ass, knowing he was fucking another mans wife did give him a more enjoyable thrill somewhat. Though Fenn wasn't sure how he should feel about being on the receiving end of another mans cock, especially with how the nudges and grinds of said cock were hammering his prostate like a joy buzzer. He'd never been even slightly curious about his behind, he'd even thought of other guys that did that stuff as a bit weird and couldn't understand how anyone could derive pleasure from such acts. Unfortunately he was getting a firsthand lesson in just what sort of pleasures could be had from being fucked, even unwilling as he was, Fenn couldn't deny just how hard every grind of the foxes cock against his prostate made his cock throb extra hard inside the married vixen's cunt. Already he could feel his balls churning with the need to spill another load inside the vixen before and beneath him, the real vixen.

"Wait, what's that...keep that knot out of me!" Fenn suddenly pleaded as he felt something thicker starting to spread his cheeks. He knew enough about foxes to know they sported the typical canine knot and he drew the line at being tied! Again, the blue fox ignored his cries, instead the bastard just bit down harder at Fenn's scruff while his hips switched from short, quick strokes, to deep and firm thrusts, as if he was trying to batter the poor Easter Bunnies pucker into submission. No matter how much he tried to resist it, the fox knew what he was doing. With a final withdrawal and firm buck forward, Fenn yelped painfully when the fox's knot popped inside his untrained tail hole.

If being tied wasn't bad enough, the feeling of hot seed spilling deep inside his guts a few moments later was even worse. Fenn felt his cheeks turn scarlet in an instant, every pulse and throb of the thick fox cock under his tail caused the knot to grind against his prostate, just further adding to his humiliation as his own cock throbbed and spat sticky gobs of his precum into the vixen. Try as he might, Fenn couldn't hold back his own second climax and soon his hips also twitched and bucked into the married vixen beneath him, once more depositing his sweet goodness deep within her too, despite having cum once already.

Fenn lay trapped between the married couple, motionless and silent as he tried to rationalize what had just happened. He felt uncomfortably full thanks to the damned fox under his tail, his no longer virgin tail hole was already starting to ache. The only pleasant part of this was the snug vixen cunt still flexing around his softening cock as she tried to milk him of every last drop of his Easter goodness. After a few unsuccessful and particularly uncomfortable tries, the blue fox eventually managed to pop his knot free from the rabbit. Fenn wasted no time in scampering away from the crazy couple of mortals as soon as he was able too, though the swift movement quickly reminded him of an unsettling new pain he hoped he'd never feel again in his lifetime.

No sooner was he free would Fenn use his EGG to produce a small ice pack, using his free hand to hold it under his twitching tail to try calm the constant throbbing ache. Fenn glared at the blue fox as he watched him kneel down behind his wife to begin cleaning her, the white furred vixen groaning lewdly at her mates tongue against her well fucked pussy. Under normal circumstances the sight would've been entertaining and perhaps even exciting to Fenn as he watched a cuck husband clean his rabbits cum out of his wife's cunt. However, after what he'd just experienced, he was not in the best of moods, despite having climaxed twice in such a short space of time. Turning on his heel and starting to walk awkwardly away, a trickle of now cool fox seed ran down along his inner thigh, just adding that last final straw of embarrassment.

"Pow, pow, pow!" Fenn turned on the spot, finger gun raised and aimed right at the blue foxes exposed behind. At first it seemed as if nothing had happened, but a moment later the fox groaned and clutched at his stomach as a brightly colored egg began to emerge from under his fluffy tail. "Just be glad they weren't ostrich eggs, asshole!" the angry rabbit shouted before turning to walk away with a limp.

"Damn, that was mean..." Jaylin laughed and snorted from his hiding spot, having seen what his friend had done to the fox as retribution.

"You!" Fenn scowled up at the laughing little goat up in the tree.

"Dude, I swear on Aphrodite's ambrosia underwear, I thought they were both girls! Honest!" Jaylin swore seriously, making the symbol of a cross over his chest.

"If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll pluck your feathers and deep fry your ass worse than what the Colonel would do!" the rabbit growled, walking a little stiffly. "You owe me big time for this, you can start by buying me a pint."

"Fair enough...and maybe one of those donut cushions too" Jaylin replied, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard.

"I didn't know those arrows worked out of season, I think we should find a few friends and have some fun. What do you think?" Fenn grinned up at the small goat flitting about beside him. "Maybe we could start our own special holiday?"

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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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