Eight inches of Snow

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#19 of 2023 Shorts

When an old Ice Road Trucker decides to give it one last go after nearly two decades of being away from the route, he stumbles upon a chance encounter that will change his life in unexpected ways.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


Ice road truckers are specialized truck drivers who drive over roads made of ice during the coldest months of the year to deliver supplies. The majority of ice road trucking jobs are in Alaska and Canada, specifically in Canada's Northwest Territories. The most infamous route traverses a little more than 400 miles of some of the most remote country in Alaska, from just north of Fairbanks to Deadhorse close to the Arctic Ocean and Prudhoe Bay. The route is so remote and dangerous, there has even been a television series about it, you may be familiar with the road from the show Ice Road Truckers.

Snow was just one such trucker, or at least he was one again after a nearly two-decade hiatus. He'd tried his hand at ice road trucking in his younger days, when he thought he was invincible. But as everyone in the game will tell you, that's a good way to get yourself killed. Snow damn near did just that too, but he managed to survive with his hide intact barely, his rig however was no so lucky. At his age and with his fiscal aptitude, the young albino German Shephard had not been smart enough to save some money for just such an eventuality. With no means to procure another rig of his own, Snow was forced to work for someone else and ultimately leave the Ice Road behind to work in safer climates while he worked himself out of the debt hole he currently found himself in.

Almost nineteen years and a few harsh life lessons later, Snow had finally saved up enough money to buy his own rig once again. Feeling more confident and level headed, the old dog decided to try his hand at the Ice Road one last time, hoping to build a little nest egg and retire early. He was smart enough not to burn any bridges when he left his job to pursue the danger and glory of the Alaskan territories however, just in case fate reared her ugly bitchy hand at him again. Mostly, Snow just wanted to get away from all the calls from the various baby mommas he'd left around the country during his travels. If nothing else, he was perhaps even more virile now than he was back in his twenties. Only now he had far more experience and with his tastes being rather varied, any hole was a goal. When you're out on the road and lonely, once your balls get nice and heavy, your standards do tend to take a dive.

As Snow drove along Dalton highway, aside from the blacktop, the landscape almost looked alien and flat with no signs of civilization as far as the eye could see. For a first timer, panic may have set in when after a few hours driving they did not see any vehicles on the road, nor any aeroplanes in the sky above. Out here, you were as alone as you could be without leaving the planet. Snow enjoyed the silence and quiet though, his only companion the steady rumble of his rig's engine and his tires on the road while he steadily made his way North toward Prudhoe Bay.

"Shit, that don't look good..." Snow grumbled when he spotted some low and dark clouds forming off in the distance. They were growing rapidly too, that could only mean one nasty storm was about to dump its load all over the place. He'd made the mistake once before of thinking he was good enough to drive through something like that, last time it'd nearly cost him his life. This time he knew better however, looking at his GPS he saw he'd already gone past the Happy Valley airstrip, unless he wanted to hunker down in the Trans-Alaskan pipeline pump station, his best bet would be to hunker down at the Last Chance wayside.

Last Chance Wayside had changed a fair bit since the last time he was there it seemed; what had formerly just been a flat open area where truckers sometimes congregated off the highway to rest up for the last leg of the journey now looked like a one-horse town. There were now a few small private rooms, which had been made from abandoned shipping containers, sat perched off to one side of a small wooden structure which appeared to be a bar or sorts. The menu on offer inside the makeshift bar only had two meal options and less than a half dozen drink choices. Thankfully he was a man of simple tastes, so a neat whiskey with a pan-fried Cornish pasty suited him well.

As Snow sat in one corner of what passed for a bar out here, sipping at his red solo cup of whiskey and taking a bite of his pasty, two young gentlemen stomped into the doorway to shake off loose snow from their clothing. From the look of them, it was obvious they were twins; if he had to guess though, they'd be at most in their early twenties, though neither of them looked as if they'd even tasted alcohol yet. Even beneath all their warm clothing, Snow could see they were two young and fit huskies; with their bright blue eyes, the stereotypical rich dark black masks and curly fluffy tails. Snow couldn't help but stare as they were rather handsome, looking more suited to an underwear catalog than being out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Looking at their gear, it was rugged and well worn, so they were used to this climate. Their gear was nothing fancy either, leading the old dog to deduce they were probably students returning home for one reason or another.

"Hey Sam, any chance you're going to Deadhorse sometime soon?" the first young man asked the barkeep.

"Sorry Brian, just got back and all stocked up. Won't be heading back that way for a couple weeks" Sam, the large polar bear standing staring at the weather report on the television replied, without looking behind him at the obviously familiar voice.

"Damn, any idea whose rig that is outside? Maybe we can catch a ride with them." The other young husky asked hopefully, to which Sam hiked his thumb over his shoulder at the watching Snow.

"That fella just got in, stopped in here because of the storm." Sam offered before whistling at the news about the storm. "Looks like nobody's going anywhere anytime soon though, that's some nasty weather out there."

Snow watched as the two young men shared a skeptical look before approaching him; the twins taking the seats on the opposite side of the small table and staring at him hopefully. Snow didn't say a word, instead he let the two youngsters speak first to see what sort of leverage he had over them; if he was going to be stuck out here for a while, he might as well have a bit of fun to pass the time until the weather improved. It was either wrestling with Sam, or he could see how far he could push things with two handsome young studs and Sam didn't seem to be in a cuddly mood. As the two youngsters pleaded their case, Snow listened intently. He noticed that one of them was very subtly more feminine that the other, that suited him just fine though. Even if he couldn't convince both of them to have some fun with him, he wouldn't turn down the chance at getting under one of their tails at least. He let the boys plead their case, never offering more than a solemn nod or grunt to let them know he was listening. They explained how the storm had forced their flight to Prudhoe to be cut short and instead land at Happy Valley, the pilot had been kind enough to take them this far, but would go no further, so it was up to them to find their way home alone. As they had a deadline for when they needed to be back, for reasons they did not want to share, they couldn't wait a week or two until Sam needed to go back to Deadhorse to get there.

"Looks boys, I am going that way, sure. But I ain't running no taxi service; but if I was, the only three payment methods I'd accept are cash, gas or ass. I still have a near full tank, so I don't need gas. By the sounds of it, you two don't even have two dimes to rub together between you. So, unless you're willing to lift those fluffy tails of yours for me as payment, best start walking" Snow offered while trying to hide his grin; he knew he had them.

"Give us a moment..." Brian, the older by two minutes and the clearly alpha hetero one of the twins said. Snow watched with amusement as the twins shuffled over to the far end of the small bar for what little privacy they could find and began arguing rather animatedly. As he suspected, the younger and more feminine twin was more agreeable and didn't see a problem with the offer. Especially as Snow was still a good looker, even with his muscle gut and strong arms, he was what would be considered a dad bod these days, which the younger twin seemed to find appealing. With his steely blue eyes and charming smile, he'd wormed his way into plenty of people's pants over the years. Hell, he was pretty sure he had kids out there somewhere by now, not that he'd ever own up to being some little bastard's father. It also didn't hurt that he had the equipment to back up his bravado as well, his friends often referred to him as the weather man due to his love of picking up women by predicting they'd be getting eight inches of Snow later in the evening. More often than not, he was right too.

"Fine, Andrew is willing to...lift his tail" Brian growled low as he openly glared at Snow, clearly, he was not fond of the fact he was practically selling his brother for a lift back home.

"That's all good and well for him, but if you want a lift as well, you gotta pay your own way kid. It's only fair" Snow remarked, barely restraining a grin at the shocked look on Brians face.

"What...I...don't..." Snow could see the inner turmoil in the young handsome huskie's face. He would find no support from his brother either, the snarky younger husky simply grinned and winked at his older brother.

"Told you he wouldn't go for it. But don't worry B, it's not that bad, you get used to it. Hell, you might even find you enjoy it as much as I do" Andrew teased, gently elbowing his brother in the side.

"But you're the bottom bitch, you damn well know I prefer to pitch rather than catch..." Brian tried to argue, desperation starting to set in as he looked back and forth between Snow and his brother pleadingly.

"If you want that lift back home, you best learn to catch like a major league fielder" Snow retorted, leaning back in his seat and resting his arms along the backrest of his seat, shooting Andrew a wink as he giggled at his brothers look of sheer terror.

"Fine..." Brian eventually relented, surprising Snow that he didn't try to skate by with offering only an amateurish blowjob instead.

While his cab did have a bunk in it, there was no way it would be big enough for the three of them in there all at once, especially not with what they were about to do. Snow shelled out a couple extra bucks to rent one of the heated containers for the night, or at least until the storm passed. Inside the container it was surprisingly comfy, a decent sized bed with the floors carpeted in thick shag carpet. It looked as though someone had stolen a scene from a sixties porn shoot and dumped every item into the container room. A little space inside had been taken up by the wall conversions, but it was worth it with how warm and cozy it was inside. It was money well spent as far as Snow was concerned, they could strip down completely and not worry about freezing to death out here. The insulation also had another fringe benefit, it did an excellent job of shielding them from the howling wind outside, letting them talk at normal levels without the need to shout to be heard.

"Lose the clothes and get down on your knees against the end of the bed" Snow ordered, watching as after a moment's hesitation, the twins complied. They all knew why they were here and had all agreed upon the payment, so there was no need to beat around the bush any longer. Soon Snow was standing behind two naked young men, their taut backsides on display beneath obediently raised curled and fluffy tails. Even their decently sized orbs hung neatly between their toned thighs, jumping lightly when Snow knelt behind them and reached out to cup a set of testes in each hand. "Nice hangers' you boys have, when last did you empty them?" Snow asked curiously as he let his fingers caress the silky soft heavy sacks in his palms.

"Day before yesterday, before our flight back home" Andrew offered rather meekly, though curiously Brian remained stoically silent with a curious blush growing in his cheeks. His response, or rather lack of a response was not missed by the albino shepherd.

"Well well, for someone that protests about lifting his tail, it seems someone doesn't mind using his brothers lifted tail...right, Brian?" Snow asked with a grin, giving the silent huskies orbs an encouraging squeeze when he didn't answer.

"Yes...okay! Okay, I...I did it...I fucked my brother! Is that what you want to hear, you old perv?" Brian snarled back at Snow, while he shifted his weight uncomfortably from knee to knee while his balls were squeezed.

"Doesn't bother me none, but you are going to find out what that feels like, being on the receiving end. Unless he's already shown you that?" Snow asked curiously, reaching his thumb upward to lightly rub around Brian's nervously winking little pink pucker. Though from the look of it compared to his brothers, Brian was so far untouched back there.

"No...never, I don't do that gay shit..." Brian snarled again, lowering his tail briefly at the feeling of something rubbing against his tail hole.

"Says the little bitch who fucked his brother" Snow laughed and dropped his hand from between Brians thighs, only to bring his palm down with a firm swat to his toned backside, hard enough to make the young mutt yelp.

"Yeah, bro. Doesn't get gayer than fucking your own sibling" Andrew teased, sticking his tongue out between his front teeth mockingly.

"Fuck you..." Brian snarled, staring straight ahead as he refused to make eye contact with Andrew.

"Maybe later" Andrew retorted with a little giggle while he reveled in his older brothers discomfort from being in such a submissive position for a change.

"Come up here and show me you two can do something other than just argue with those mouths" Snow ordered, while he crawled up onto the bed, laying back in the middle of the bed and kicking off the last of his clothing. Once he was a nude as the twins, he wrapped a hand about his growing member and began to idly stroke at his thick red eight inches. Again, he had to try resist laughing at the look of abject horror on Brians face, the young mutt now knew what he'd signed himself up for. Not only was he about to lose his last virginity, he would be doing it with an above average cock too.

Andrew was more than eager to crawl up beside Snow by comparison, the younger twin wasted no time in gripping and starting to lick at the older canines turgid red spear, while Brian moved at the pace of a glacier. Even his touches were clumsy, when his tongue finally touched another mans flesh, his nose wrinkled in disgust. Of course, Snow had to teach Brian a lesson in humility and simply grabbed behind his head before he forced the reluctant maw deep down onto his cock.

"Got any tips on sucking dick to help your brother out?" Snow asked a grinning Andrew as he held the struggling Brians head down in his lap.

"Breath through your nose and relax your throat!" Andrew laughed and watched intently as his brother glared up at him with tears in his eyes. "See, it's not that hard...well, that cock is, but sucking it isn't" he mocked once Brian finally listened to his younger brother's guidance and started to breath through his nose. Soon however, breathing was the least of Brians problems, when he felt Snow grabbing at the base of his fluffy tail to haul his behind back and around within range.

Brian screwed his eyes shut as the dirty old shepherd spat a slimy wad of saliva under his tail, before using two thick fingers to smear it over and around his virgin pucker. Though it was obvious it wouldn't be virgin for too much longer when Snow slowly but firmly worked his fingers in under Brian's twitching tail. His thick digits forcing the tight resisting flesh of Brians asshole wide as they stretched and pried his backdoor open insistently. As much as he didn't want to, his body betrayed him when the old dog began to buzz his prostate, soon Snow had Brians' cock sliding free and growing hard beneath his belly. Every pained and uncomfortable groan Brian gave about the thick cock still buried in his maw only seemed to excite the old man even more, which only made the fact Andrew was sitting close by and watching with a smug grin that much worse.

"Ready to lose your cherry, pup?" Snow asked, finally withdrawing his fingers from under Brians tail, along with letting up on shoving his muzzle down onto his cock.

"I don't suppose you'd still give me a lift if I said no?" Brian gasped for breath and asked hopefully, wiping the back of a hand across his slick muzzle; though he already knew what the answer was going to be.

"Ha, nice try kid. I like your moxie, but I know I'll like breaking in that nice tight ass of yours even more" Snow smirked and gave Brian another firm swat on his behind. The old dog slipped out of the bed and walked over to his pile of clothing not far away; his heavy flesh spear swaying ominously before him as he retrieved a tube of lube from his jacket pocket. When he turned to smirk at the petrified looking Brian, he raised one hand with a finger extended in a circular motion, indicating for the young mutt to roll onto his back. His other hand meanwhile poured a liberal amount of lube along his shaft while he waited for Brian to get into position.

"Do your brother a solid and sit in his lap, might be easier for his first time if he's a bit distracted, aye?" Snow offered with a wink at the watching Andrew. Of course, he was only too happy to do something that would embarrass his brother, though truthfully a small part of him did worry about what Brian was about to go through. Not everyone liked or even could take a dick, especially one like what the old dog was sporting. Andrew knew he could take it though, so surely his twin brother should be able to as well, right?

Andrew nodded in understanding, climbing from the bed to wander over to Snow as he took the tube of lube from him. One of the young huskies' hands snuck down to give the albino shepherds slick cock an encouraging stroke or two before he returned to the bed and climbed into his brother's lap. Andrew smiled apologetically down at his brother while he applied a decent dollop of lube under his own tail before guiding his twin's cock to his slick opening. It was one thing for them to fool around in private, but it was something else completely to have his brother ride him in front of a complete stranger. Brian shook his head pleadingly as he watched and felt Andrew slowly sink down onto him again, even with as many times as they'd done this, Brian still couldn't get used to the feeling of that tight, hot ass gripping around his cock.

Only this time there was something else; he felt slick fingers gently massaging just below his balls when Andrew leaned back to apply another dollop of lube to Brians own taint. At least Andrew was gentler about it than Snow, it almost felt nice having his brothers' slick fingers starting to work him open while slick lube was applied liberally to his virgin behind.

Snow stood close by and watched the almost intimate display, idly stroking himself while growling lustfully. There was something oddly erotic about watching twin studs fuck and finger each other, it was certainly a first for him. He'd be generous enough to give the twins a few moments alone before he climbed on the bed behind Andrew; grabbing Brian's legs just beneath his knees and lifting them upward to expose his rear. As he lifted Brians legs, he'd inadvertently cause him to buck up into his brother, making both twins groan in unison. The older albino German shepherd shuffled forwards on his knees until Brians legs were about his waist, his slick cock resting against the young mutts' heavy balls and his tapered tip rubbing against his brothers behind just above. Slowly Snow drew his hips back, letting the weight of his cock drag his tip down until he felt that welcoming slick warmth and began to press forward. It took a few tries, but eventually Snow knew he'd found his mark when his diamond shaped tip caught the little indent of Brians asshole and felt the snug slick resisting tail hole below those heavy soft furred balls.

"Ahnfuuuck!" Brian cried out when Snows hips pushed forward, just a little past his tapered red tip. Though he wouldn't let the young mutt get much of a break, he just continued to shuffle his hips forward and force more and more of his thick cock into virgin territory. All the while Andrew slowly and gently gyrated his rump down onto his brother's own length, trying to distract him somewhat from the ache of having his backdoor bust open by Snow's girthy invader. His hands brushing and stroking soothingly along Brians chest as he took his first cock ever, a mixed look of worry and a touch of amusement on his face while he stared down at his brothers' expressions.

"Stop whining, pup. I'll let you get yours after you manage to take my knot" the old mutt sighed in satisfaction as his knot finally bumped up against Brians protesting ring. He was a cruel bastard, but even he knew better than to try knot the kid on his first time. Goddam he loved breaking in a newbie, the way they trembled and whined as he shoved all eight inches of his red rocket up their shitter never got old. Even now he enjoyed the sight of Brian's toes spreading wide before curling tight every time he barely moved an inch backwards or forwards in him. "C'mon kid, relax. Look at your brother, he's also got a cock up his ass and he ain't complaining" Snow mocked, giving a little buck into the whimpering Brian below for good measure.

"Fuck you!" Brian snarled, his hands gripping at the cheap leopard print bedspread beneath him while he hissed and growled, his hips squirming uncomfortably against the thickness under his tail.

"Already told you, only after you take my knot!" Snow laughed, slowly drawing back, almost all the way out this time. His lips curled into a devious grin when he heard the sigh of relief from Brian, letting him think it was over, only to slowly push every inch back inside his tight clenching backside in one smooth stroke.

"Jeezus!" Brian yelped, bucking up and away from the invading cock, only to sink himself deeper under Andrew's tail.

"Should've read the weather report kid, otherwise you'd know you were getting eight inches of Snow tonight" the old dog mocked, pulling his hips back almost all the way out again, only to buck forward with a bit more force this time. Soon Brian's aching behind was bouncing and clapping against Snow's lap as the older dog rutted him eagerly.

"I think he's had enough for now..." Andrew turned to speak to Snow with a look of worry in his eye after Brian whimpered and groaned out from the constant fucking and rearranging of his guts from the older dog.

"You going to take his place then?" Snow asked with a raised brow, not even bothering to slow down his thrusting into the whining mutt below.

"Yeah..." Andrew replied, climbing from his brothers lap and getting to all fours beside him. Andrew knelt with his head resting on his folded arms with his rump raised high, his tail obediently lifted and his own snug little slick pucker on display. Snow had to admire the kids' spirit, though he was curious to see if there was any difference between the twins beside their personalities. Withdrawing himself from the wincing Brian, Snow shuffled over behind the other young mutt and lined himself up. Somehow, Andrew felt tighter than his brother, despite being the one whom enjoyed this sort of thing and having just had his brother buried balls deep under his tail. Snow couldn't decide if he enjoyed the virgin backside of Brian, or the obviously skilled posterior of his younger brother more.

"Damn kid, for a backdoor bandit, you're still damn tight...your brother could learn a thing or two from you" Snow joked, huffing as he inched his way into the new, but similar behind. His nails digging into Andrews hips as he held the young husky in place, already starting to swing his hips with firm thrusts into the more practiced bottom bitch.

"Y...yeah..." Andrew tried to sound confident, but even with his experience, Snow was on the bigger side of what he'd ever taken. Gritting his teeth and clutching the leopard print bedspread, Andrew forced himself to relax and let the older dog sink in a bit easier. Soon both Snow and Andrew were huffing and groaning, though only one of them was purely from pleasure. While the older dog rutted his brother, Brian lay beside them glaring up at him, for once he knew exactly what his brother was going through. The dull ache was throbbing incessantly under his fluffy tail and felt like it was going to be there for years to come, Brian was pretty sure he'd be sitting funny for at least a week.

Unlike his brother, Andrew was soon groaning and wriggling back onto Snow's every other thrust once he got accustomed to his size. One of his hands grasped and pumped around his own drooling cock as the old man hammered his behind while a blushing Brian watched from the sidelines. The look in his eyes said it all, he shouldn't be finding the sight of his brother being fucked by another guy exciting, but his cock had never been harder. Hell, even Brian's dick was weeping with arousal from watching the display before him, long thin strands of precum dripped from his own tapered red tip to the bed below. Though he dared not touch himself and give the impression he was enjoying the show, even after being fucked up the ass, he still was not a bitch like his brother.

Even when Snow gave one last firm buck under Andrew's tail, Brian just lay idly by on one side and watched with raised brows when the old dogs knot popped inside his brother. A small part of him idly wondered what that felt like, considering the torrent of seed which suddenly burst from Andrew's cock as his hand became a blur while stroking at himself, it couldn't have been all bad. Brian watched curiously as Snow's own heavy balls jumped and twitched while he flooded Andrew's behind with his own load, while Andrew painted the bedsheets below with his seed.

"At least one of you knows how to take dick worth a damn" Snow panted and mocked a blushing Brian, whom snarled back in response.

"If it's so easy, why don't you take one then?" Brian retorted after a moment.

"Sure, hey kid...seeing as you took my knot, feel like doing the filling instead of being filled for a change?" Snow leaned over to ask a tired looking Andrew, his hips still stirring and grinding against the flexing husky behind gripping vicelike down around his cock and knot.

"Sure..." Andrew replied with a heavy pant, his hips idly rolling and grinding beneath Snows. His curled tail giving a weak wag in response to the offer, then again when he caught sight of the surprised look on Brians face.

"Let's make this interesting, shall we? Get on all fours, while your bro does me, I'm going to do you...again" Snow smirked, extracting his still swollen knot as gently as possible from Andrew below after a couple of minutes waiting for his knot to shrink a little. This time Brian knew better than to argue; all too soon he would adopt the same all fours position as his brother had, while the old dog moved over to kneel behind him once he'd gotten his knot free of Andrews vicelike grip on it. Once more he winced when Snow sunk himself back under his tail, despite having taken that cock once before, it still felt just as massive the second time. At least Snow didn't immediately begin to fuck him, this time he held still as he waited for Andrew to join the party.

Instead of just going straight for the lube however, Andrew grinned as he got down behind Snow and lifted his tail. His broad tongue reached out to wash back from the older dogs' musky balls, all the way back and under his tail. Slowly Andrew slicked him up before working his tongue past the tight muscled opening and into Snow's backside. "Damn kid, didn't your parents ever tell you not to play with your food before eating it?" Snow laughed after Andrew had been rimming him for a good few moments before finally sinking his tongue inside the albino shepherd's backdoor. Snow groaned and closed his eyes, his behind pressing back and squirming against the delightful tongue against his sensitive flesh while his cock lurched and spilled off thick ropes of hot precum deep inside Brian.

"Never knew our dad, mom was always too busy to teach us anything..." Andrew mumbled from under Snow's fluffy tail, giving the older dog a few last licks before he started applying a generous amount of lube to his tail hole as well. While Snow kept his hips pressed flush to Brians flexing and twitching behind, Andrew finally lined himself up with the older dogs behind and began to sink slowly into him. "Damn, you're tight too..." Andrew noted with surprise, having expected Snow to be more experienced and frankly, more worn out with age.

"Just like little Brian here, I prefer to pitch rather than catch. But catching can be fun sometimes as well, right Brian?" Snow teased as he pressed back onto Andrew's cock, only to thrust forward into the groaning Brian beneath him. Soon the older dog would be backing up onto the cock under his tail a couple of inches, before reversing direction and sinking his own length back into the waiting ass before him.

"Fuck no..." Brian groaned with no small amount of discomfort, taking Snow's dick a second time wasn't any easier. His asshole ached from being forced wide about the invading member, every pull back of press forward struck nerves there which had him clenching on reflex which just made it worse. Though Brian had a feeling Snow would last even longer the second time around as he didn't seem to be in any rush to get his rocks off this time.

"Aww, poor Brian can dish it, but he can't take it" the older dog mocked in a sing song voice, leaning over Brian's back while reaching down to brush a hand down from his chest to his belly, moving lower until he was gripping the young huskies engorged cock. "He says he doesn't like having a cock under his tail, but this sure is a mighty big hardon you have here, kid" the albino shepherd commented, his fingers starting to pump back and forth against the reluctant canine's member. "C'mon Drew, show me what you got!" Snow challenged the husky mounting him, knowing full well what he was asking for. Sure enough, Andrew complied and began to buck and thrust into the older canine trapped between Brian and himself. As his hips slapped against Snow's behind, so too would his hips be bucked into the whining Brian beneath him. Snow knew very well that as he was getting fucked by Andrew, those trusts would in turn be transferred partially into his brother below.

Brian grit his teeth as he let Snow fuck him again, while outside the storm raged and showed no sign of letting up anytime soon. Try as he might though, Snow just could not get Brian to relax enough to take his knot; but that was fine by the old dog though. It just meant Brian would remain being a catcher and not a pitcher until either the storm wore itself out, or his cock couldn't get hard again.


By the time the storm had finally worn itself out, Brian had passed out from the exertion of being Snow's favorite fucktoy. Even when at one point, Snow convinced Andrew to fuck Brian right alongside him, the older twin had been too far gone to register he was taking two cocks at once, something even his brother had not done yet.

Brian was so tired and almost broken that he didn't even put up any resistance when Snow requested some road head for the duration of the last leg of their journey to Deadhorse. After spending so many hours fucking, Brian was rather surprised Snow had anything left to give. But even before they saw the outskirts of Deadhorse off in the distance, he'd swallowed two decent sized loads from the old dog.

As Snow followed the directions from the twins, a feeling of familiarity began to nag at the back of his mind. It was akin to Déjà vu, but not quite, the streets they were taking him down looked vaguely familiar for some reason. Even the chubby husky woman, whom bore a striking resemblance to the boys, strode out of the house he'd pulled up outside of looked familiar.

"Snow, is that you? I see you've met your boys" Bernice all but snarled with disdain between puffs of her cheap cigarette.

"Pardon, did you say...my boys?" Snow replied with a note of disbelief, his head snapping to the side to look back at the now wide-eyed Brian and Andrew.

"Yeah, if you hadn't ghosted me all those years ago, you'd know that you left some precious cargo behind on your last visit here." The annoyed older husky did not look impressed as she stood with her arms folded and glaring at the albino German shepherd.

"Oh shit..." Snow muttered under his breath as he slowly turned back to smile sheepishly at Bernice.

"Don't tell me you...oh fuck, that's priceless!" Bernice burst out laughing as her nose twitched, the scent of sex was hard to miss as it practically spilled from the open door around Brian and Andrew as they climbed out of Snow's rig.

"You told me you were on birth control!" Snow snarled and shouted at Bernice; someone he'd almost forgotten about until now. She had been his last conquest shortly before his accident, she'd not even been an afterthought after he'd lost his rig. At the time, she'd been the only piece of ass worth chasing out here, after playing hard to get for a few days, she'd finally let a pent-up Snow get lucky after buying her a few drinks at the local bar.

"Think about it, jackass. Where the fuck am I supposed to get birth control out here, dumbass?" Bernice smirked and took another slow drag of her cigarette while looking back and forth between her boys and her old lover, their father. "Besides, you told me you'd had the snip but would pull out anyway. Serves all of you right for sticking your dicks in anything with a hole."

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