Tomb raiding

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#21 of 2023 Shorts

Twin brothers happen across a strange merchant whom appears to have the solution to all their problems, a tomb containing untold riches. But there is more than gold and jewels in the tomb they're trying to raid.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story, you should be of legal age in your respective country.

All characters are my own creation, any resemblance to existing characters is purely coincidental and not intentional, please do not use them without permission. If you would like to use them in a story, please feel free to send me a PM either as Inja on SoFurry or TheRealInja on FA. As always, I am open to new story ideas or situations with existing characters as well.


"Where are you going, 'babi?" Qadar asked shyly, the small lithe girl stood partially hidden behind the doorframe as she nervously suckled at the tip of her thumb. The little Golden jackal girl was dressed in nothing but an old cloth rag, dotted with countless rips and mends, the material marked from years of use well beyond what was intended. There were a few dark spots from stubborn stains here and there, but it was as clean as their limited resources allowed, at least it kept her warm enough most nights. Her long golden hair was a mess, framing her sweet and innocent face as she stared lovingly at Mahir. Even in last rays of pale moonlight with dawn threatening to vanquish the night once again, her brilliant emerald eyes shone only for her father, her world.

"Uncle Muhtal and I are going to find a brighter future for you, nur hayaati!" Mahir smiled at his little girl, scooping her up off her feet before whirling her about until she burst into a fit of giggles. The slender, older golden jackal tucked her in against his shoulder in a tight hug, calming her down again while idly brushing his fingers through her hair to at least somewhat neaten it while he carried her back to their bed.

Muhtal watched with admiration as his brother lovingly hummed and swayed his little niece in his arms until her peaceful, even breathing let him know she was fast asleep. Mahir was an excellent father, despite all the hardships of their life, Qadar was growing up to be a happy and healthy young lady. Muhtal leaned against the doorframe of the dilapidated building they all shared; with the night sky peeking through the cracks in the roof above in places, the full moon provided just enough light to let Mahir deposit his greatest treasure back into the pile of hay and rags which served as their bed, right beside his beautiful wife Iiman. With a final kiss to his still sleeping wife's cheek and making sure Qadar was tucked safely in her arms, Mahir turned to his brother. With a simple nod, they left quietly to begin their day.

"I feel it in my bones brother, today is the day!" Muhtal spoke with determination as he strode forth with purpose into the still mostly empty streets of Qena.

"Open your eyes brother, it's still dark out" Mahir joked as he pointed skyward at the stars still in the sky. Muhtal stopped mid-stride and smirked, shaking his head before reaching down to slip one of his well-worn sandals from his foot to brandish as a weapon.

"C'mere you smart mouthed goat!" Muhtal laughed, tossing his sandal at Mahir's head with deadly accuracy and striking his brother square between the eyes.

"If our luck was as good as your aim, we'd be Pharaohs by now!" Mahir winced and rubbed the spot where the heel of the sandal had struck him. Muhtal laughed again, collecting his sandal and slipping his foot back inside before wrapping an arm about his twin brothers' shoulders and the pair of golden jackals continued on their way.

"Trust me little brother, today is the day everything changes. I can feel it!" Muhtal reaffirmed before guiding his brother toward the marketplace. With no real discernable skills, the brothers relied on their deft fingers and ignorant merchants to barely make a living. With the first rays of a new day finally beginning to peak over the distant dunes, Muhtal and Mahir arrived at the market to watch as the merchants began to fill the square. They knew better than to try any funny business with the regulars however and kept their eyes peeled for any new potential victims. With Qena being situated along the Nile's riverbank, travelers were a frequent sight in the market.

A loud and unfamiliar booming voice caught their attention, one with a curious accent they couldn't quite place. The merchant appeared to be Dromedary camel, dressed as a poor imitation of a sultan with his baggy pants and oversized hat. However, the jewels and rings he wore did look like an open invitation for two desperate Golden Jackals on the prowl to say hello. Muhtal elbowed Mahir in the ribs to direct his attention, grinning and nodding as they hopped down off the small wall they had been sitting on while observing the growing crowd. Muhtal headed straight for the merchant while Mahir snuck off into the crowd and took a more circuitous route to get behind and off to one side of the camel, just as they had practiced many times before.

"Ah, Salaam and good morning to you, worthy friend! Please, please, come closer!" the merchant spotted Muhtal as he feigned disinterest in his wares, eagerly trying to attract the canine's attention when he spotted a seemingly full bag of coin at his hip. The heavy looking coin purse was covered protectively by the jackal's hand, as if to prevent would be thieves from stealing his hard-earned coin. Muhtal pretended as if he didn't hear or even see the merchant, absently tramping on the camel's foot as he approached.

"Too close, a little too close!" The camel yelped and hopped on the spot, clutching at his foot while being oblivious to deft hands slipping inside his pockets to relieve him of various small items. "Welcome to Qena, a city of mystery, of enchantment...and the finest merchandise this side of the river Nile, on sale today, come on down!" the merchant quickly recovered and began plying his trade again, while doing his best not to let his greedy gaze lower to Muhtal's heavy coin purse. "Heh, heh. Look at this! Yes! Combination hookah and coffee maker, also makes Julienne fries. Will not break!" the camel offered one of his many wares, a curious golden jar looking device with four tubes extending out from the top, sweet scented red smoke rising lazily from the ends of the pipes to tickle at Muhtal's nose. "Will not..." the camel continued as he set the item gently down on his makeshift table, wincing when it crumbled into a pile of scrap before him as soon as it touched the tabletop. "It broke! Ooohhh! Look at this!" the merchant continued undaunted, pulling an odd-looking container from somewhere inside one of his oversized flowing sleeves like a cheap magician's trick. "I have never seen one of these intact before. This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware. Listen!" The camel spoke with a note of awe and mystery, raising the container to his ear where he opened one corner of it a few times, making squeaky sounds out of the corner of his mouth. "Ah, still good! Wait, don't go!" the merchant begged as Muhtal frowned at his display and turned to head away from him, scoffing at the merchant's useless junk. Apparently, he didn't actually have anything worth stealing after all it seemed.

"I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare. I think then, you would be most rewarded to consider...this!" The camel leaned forward to speak barely above a whisper, his entire demeanor shifting to more serious and composed. Again, he reached inside one of his expansive sleeves to retrieve a scroll bound with simple common twine. "Do not be fooled by its common place appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside which counts. This is no ordinary map! It once changed the course of a young man's life. A young man who, like this map, was more than what he seemed. A diamond in the rough. Perhaps you would like to hear the tale? It begins on a dark night, where a dark figure waits, with a dark purpose..." Muhtal frowned at the serious look in the camels' eyes, he swore he caught a brief red flash in those large dark orbs and a sly grin on his lips. However, when he looked again, he was met by the same silly smiling face as before.

"I think I have seen enough of your junk, merchant" Muhtal scoffed, turning to leave again when the merchant suddenly reached out to grab him by the elbow to halt his retreat.

"It is not junk, it is a treasure of a lifetime!" he persisted, reaching inside the breast pocket of his robe to withdraw a finely carved diamond the size of a date. Muhtal watched as the jewel caught and refracted the light in a dazzling display. "The map leads to a hidden tomb not far from here, containing unimaginable treasures! Gems as big as your fist...piles of gold taller than the Pharoah!" he whispered in a hoarse growl.

"If that's true, why are you here peddling this junk?" Muhtal asked the obvious question, again frowning when it was met by a knowing grin from the camel.

"I enjoy the work, I don't need to sell anything, but making a sale is a fun challenge! I carried as much as I could from the tomb, more than enough riches to see me through to the end of my life. Living like royalty gets boring fast, there is no challenge, so I choose this life because it is what brings me joy!" the merchant replied in earnest.

"It's a fanciful story, almost believable. I'll give you that, but...oops!" Muhtal yelped and jumped back when he accidentally knocked the pile of scrap from the hookah device from the table. "My apologies, it jumped off your table at me!" He made a show of bending down to pick up the scrap from the floor, grinning when he felt the familiar touch of fingers less skilled than his own alleviating him of his coin purse. While the merchant was pilfering his coin, Mahir would be doing the same to him. "I wish you luck, friend. But I will not be requiring any of your items today. Wa alaikum assalam!" the golden jackal spoke firmly before he turned and headed off into the now bustling market square. Soon joined by Mahir whom held aloft the merchant's diamond and the map he'd shown Muhtal.

"Hey, there's nothing in here but stones...and where's my map!? Thief!" the merchant could be heard yelling from behind them and kicking up quite a ruckus in their wake. Muhtal and Mahir burst into laughter as they immediately set off at a sprint, ducking down back alleys and climbing up into balconies to run through their neighbors' homes in order to escape the city guards trying to give chase.

Along the way Muhtal managed to snag a loaf of bread and some grapes, which the two brothers shared for breakfast from their perch atop a building, not too far from the scene of their latest crime. Mahir held the diamond up in the morning light and marveled at how it sparkled, it was worth enough to feed his family for a long time! "We did it, brother! We're rich!" he cheered happily before turning to look at his frowning brother.

"If what that merchant said was even half true, then there is even more treasure to be had. We could live like Pharaohs!" Muhtal grinned as he looked at the map, recognizing a few landmarks the camel had indicated on the parchment. "I know where this is, it's in the cliffs to the south of Qena, at most a seven-mile hike..."

"Those cliffs are forbidden" Mahir replied, hoping to dissuade his brother from such a crazy endeavor.

"It's not like we've ever obeyed the law before, brother" Muhtal reminded Mahir with a grin and tapping him on the nose with the rolled-up map. "Besides, I told you today was the day, didn't I?"

"True..." Mahir had to admit, sighing and shaking his head with a laugh. With nothing else to do, the brothers headed back down into the market to "collect" some supplies; while no one was looking of course. Soon they were making their way out of Qena and across the Nile, making sure to avoid being spotted by the city guards whom were still hunting them as they headed toward the forbidden area. With the increased patrols thanks to their earlier escapades, it was slow going. Soon their efforts were aided by the setting sun and the cover of darkness, with the moon now high in the night sky, two figures scampered along the edge of the cliffside on a clandestine mission. The torches and fires of Qena glimmered like jewels off in the distance down in the valley behind them. The twin brothers dared not light their own torch yet, lest they alert the city guards to what they were up to and their plans be ended prematurely. With Muhtal leading the way, he would pause every so often to squint and try discern the location of the entrance to the hidden tomb, containing untold riches, under the light of the full moon. There was no indication of whom the tomb was for, but seeing as it was well hidden, they were not very well liked or respected. The tomb had been hidden, burying the occupant with respect, but out of sight so they would eventually be forgotten to time and history. There was no grand entrance carved into the cliffside like most notable and beloved pharaohs would demand, this opening was hidden inside a simple crack in the cliff face. It was barely big enough for the brothers to squeeze through sideways before part of it had collapsed, making it easy to be missed by passersby, unless they were specifically looking for it.

"Here, hold this and let me go in first to have a look" Muhtal said while handing Mahir his unlit torch and the map before he got down on all fours and crawled into the partially collapsed opening. The first couple of feet where a tight squeeze, almost claustrophobic with how the walls and darkness pressed in all around him unrelenting. If he were a more well-fed man, he would not have managed to squeeze through the opening, but once he was past the obstacle, the cave beyond opened up enough to allow him to stand with only a slight crouch. "It's clear, toss me the torch and map!" he called out to Mahir, whom quickly tossed the items through the small opening. By the time Mahir had crawled in behind his brother, Muhtal had lit the torch and peered down into the narrow dark tunnel before them. They could see where the walls transitioned from natural cave to being carved by a skilled hand. With how the cave opening was positioned, there had not been much sand blown inside and soon they were walking on smooth floors.

"So far the merchant wasn't lying" Muhtal noted with a brief pause to grin at Mahir. Very carefully and cautiously the twin brothers began to make their way deeper into the tomb, being extra careful to avoid any potential traps along their path. Thankfully the map was very detailed, Muhtal had done his due diligence and even memorized every line of it during their slow journey, to the point he was sure he could find his way in the dark if needed. There were dozens of passages branching off the main one they were currently in, some more brightly decorated and inscribed than others to give the impression they were important somehow, it would be easy for someone to get lost and never find their way out again if they didn't know precisely where they were going. Eventually the twisting passage met a dead end, nothing but cobwebs and hieroglyphs marked the walls around them. Where most people would be disheartened and perhaps given due to such a turn of events, the brothers knew this was just a clever deception. There was a hidden entrance somewhere nearby, something Mahir was very good at finding. While Muhtal had learned the map inside and out, Mahir knew how to read the ancient hieroglyphs all around them. With his brother holding the torch aloft to cast light along the walls for his brother to read them, Mahir began to decipher the inscriptions as per the map's instructions.

Mahir's fingers brushed lightly across the carved hieroglyphs while mumbling to himself what they said, causing him to frown in confusion at what he was reading. "It says to enter at our own peril, like there's something evil inside?" Mahir paused and turned to look back at Muhtal questioningly.

"Of course they'd say that, putting "piles of gold are waiting inside" wouldn't be much of a deterrent to people like us, now would it?" Muhtal laughed and shook his head at his brother.

"I suppose you're right; most people do say gold is evil and this doesn't specifically say what is evil in there, like they normally would on such a warning" Mahir admitted with a shrug of his shoulders, trying to ignore the twisting feeling of worry growing in the pit of his stomach. Also, the thought of being able to give his little girl the life she deserved was too tempting to ignore, they'd come this far already, it'd be foolish to stop now when riches were on the other side of the hidden door. The twin golden jackals grinned one last time at one another when Mahir's fingers brushed across the carving of a serpent holding aloft an orb consisting of a spiral above his head. With a soft but firm "click" the center of the spiral pressed inward and the sound of distant rumbling could be heard. Mahir slowly leaned close against the wall, pressing his ear to the flat surface as he listened to long forgotten gears and pullies turn, straining against an impossible weight somewhere. With an almost living gasp for air bursting from behind them, Muhtal and Mahir jumped in surprise when a section of the wall began to rise reluctantly, with the aid of an unseen force.

The twin brothers paused and looked at one another with raised brows, after only a brief moment of hesitation, they subconsciously decided whom would be first to enter. Muhtal being the eldest, by only a few minutes when they were born, was the first to step through the doorway and into the once hidden chamber. Raising his torch high above his head, his lips instantly curled into a wry grin as his gaze was met by the glittering of gold and jewels extending as far as the light of his torch could reach.

"We've found it, brother!" Muhtal called out with uncontainable excitement, letting Mahir know it was safe to enter the chamber. After getting the all clear from his brother, Mahir dashed in to stand beside Muhtal and see for himself. With his mouth hanging open, Mahir couldn't help but burst out in laughter while rubbing his hands together greedily while he slowly turned around to survey their new fortune. Absently he reached behind him and finding Muhtal's arm, he gave his brother a firm pinch. "Ow! What the hell, Mahir! You're supposed to pinch yourself, not me!" Muhtal grumbled and rubbed at his arm where Mahir had pinched through his fur at his skin beneath. With this treasure, they could afford to buy their own kingdom, no one would look down upon them ever again!

"What's that?" Mahir asked, pointing at a large statue partially concealed in the gloom further back in the chamber. Cautiously, he urged Muhtal through a narrow and winding path between piles of gold, being careful not to disturb any treasures just yet. The only other sound in the otherwise silent room aside from their breathing was a continuous faint crackle, as if a small fire was burning somewhere out of sight, yet the only source of light in the oppressive darkness was the singular torch being held aloft by Muhtal. Slowly they made their way over to the base of the statue, circling around it before coming to a stop before it once again.

Standing in a small clearing was a large, intricately carved obsidian serpent statue with large rubies for eyes, the details of its scales and features combined with the dancing of the flickering torchlight made it appear almost alive. Curiously though, it did not appear to be the normal serpent statue normally associated with Apophis. This being looked humanoid from the waist up, despite having four arms. Two of which were crossed over its chest, while the other pair held a golden ankh in one of its left hands with a hooked Was-scepter in his other right hand. The statue appeared to be a representation of Apophis, the demon of chaos, at least as far as the typical black asp hood and snakelike features were concerned.

"Kidhb, servent of Apophis" Mahir leaned forward to read an inscription carved into the base of the statue, after brushing aside a cobweb. His ears twitching as he thought he heard a faint sigh from somewhere above him, but when he raised his gaze, there was nothing but the statue's stoic carved face looming above him. "Why would someone make a tomb for him? I've never heard of Kidhb, he can't be revered enough for all of this...." Mahir asked in confusion while he frowned up at the statue.

"Who cares, look at the size of those rubies!" Muhtal replied, drawing his rusty dagger from the sheath at his hip. The golden jackal had to stand on his tiptoes as he reached up to pry the gems from the statues eye sockets, handing the first to his brother before taking the other for himself. Each ruby was big enough to fill their palms, making the brothers grin in satisfaction to one another while they hefted their ill-gotten gains and felt the promise of a brighter future before them.

Mahir and Muhtal stared down at their respective rubies, both brothers falling silent as they became lost in their own reflections in the polished surfaces of the large perfect gems. A faint rumbling started from somewhere deeper in the tomb, whisps of dust fluttered down from the ceiling overhead. Without warning, the heavy stone door suddenly released from whatever force held it aloft, dropping down with a boom of finality behind them, sealing the unaware brothers in the chamber. A sudden otherworldly gust of wind howled through the tomb, extinguishing the torch Muhtal was holding aloft, plunging the tomb raiders into impenetrable darkness.

"Muhtal?" Mahir called out, suddenly snapped from the greedy trance he'd been caught in while staring at the ruby in his hand. Muhtal however did not reply, instead Mahir's call was answered by a soft laugh which filled the panicked silence between his ragged breaths; along with the sound of something big slithering around the now pitch-black room. Mahir whirled around as jewels and coins clinked together and spilled down all around him, seeming to come from everywhere all at once.

"You have sssomething which belongsss to me" a soft, alluring voice whispered behind Mahir, making the jackal whirl around and blink in surprise when he was met by even more inky blackness. His ears twitched at the sound of Muhtal striking his flint with the blade of his dagger while he desperately tried to light his torch again. Mahir whirled about at every sound around him, briefly catching glimpses of black scales moving between the stone support pillars and piles of gold in the brief flashes of light.

"Who's there!?" Mahir called out in panic, his ears twitching and flicking at every perceived sound around him, only to have his words met by more mocking laughter. The room once again fell silent when Muhtal finally managed to relight his torch, holding it aloft to light the immediate area around them. As they had done so many times during their lifetime, whenever they faced dangerous foes, the brothers turned to stand back-to-back as they scanned around the tomb as far as their light permitted, trying to spot whatever was in there with them.

"It's gone..." Muhtal whispered with a note of panic in his voice, raising his hand to point at the now empty spot where the serpent statue had been only a moment ago. Mahir turned to look as well, his brother was right, the statue was gone and nothing but the pedestal remained, confirming they had not simply imagined its existence.

"Look into my eyesss..." the soft voice whispered enticingly, sounding as if it was all around them.

"Show yourself!" Muhtal shouted back defiantly, swinging his torch around wildly as if to burn away the invasive thoughts starting to creep in at the edges of his mind. Again, his demand was met by more mocking laughter.

"Lower your gaze and look into my eyesss!" the voice growled louder, more commandingly. Muhtal felt his gaze lower against his own will, as if an unseen hand was pushing his head forward to look down into his hand. It was then he noticed the ruby in his palm appeared to be glowing with a warm and comforting light, a swirl of stars floated peacefully at the center, constantly moving and shifting before his gaze and soon reflecting in his wide-open eyes. The longer he stared, the brighter the light seemed to become, until it was all encompassing around him, replacing the oppressive darkness of the tomb. The world around Muhtal began to fade like a distant memory, all his worries and fears subsided as he was overcome with a comforting warmth. His thoughts became sluggish, his eyelids heavy and even his breathing began to slow. Every muscle in his body felt relaxed and at ease, finding a peace he never knew was possible in the world of the living.

"Wake up, wake up young one. I have need of you" a soft voice called unseen. Muhtal's eyes fluttered open, his vision blurred and unfocused in the bright reddish light filling the familiar room from sconces dotted around on the support pillars and walls. His ears twitched at the muffled sounds coming from behind him, it sounded like Mahir and he appeared to be struggling with or against something.

Muhtal slowly turned about, his movements sluggish and delayed, as if he'd drunk far too much and his limbs reluctantly obeyed his mind. Only his stomach felt empty and his head was not paining, though his mouth did feel oddly damp as he salivated from an intoxicating aroma filling the chamber. The golden jackal frowned at the sight before him, his mind struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. Mahir was in the clutches of a large, four-armed, obsidian serpent. Its ruby red eyes glowed with a familiar warmth as it stared unblinking at Muhtal with a mocking grin upon its thin lips. It's hips, or what appeared to be its hips, were undulating against the smaller form of his brother kneeling before it.

Muhtal frowned at the sight before him, something nagged at the back of his mind that something wasn't quite right here. But the more he tried to focus on that nagging thought, the more elusive it became and continued to slip from his grasp. Mahir was kneeling before the large serpent, with his eyes screwed shut tight while he whimpered and whined, or at least tried to. His sounds were muffled as his muzzle was clamped shut by a large scaled hand while his fluffy tail was gripped and tugged upwards roughly. Mahir's wrists were caught behind his back, pinned up between his shoulders by another strong hand, while the remaining one was extended in invitation toward Muhtal. Every forward roll of the serpents' hips against Mahir's behind made the smaller canine whimper pathetically, it was then Muhtal noticed why. Beneath his brothers held aloft tail was a ruby red, ridged spear of flesh which was penetrating Mahir deeply. Muhtal could see and hear every ridge and vein, every time they entered and withdrew from his brother's flesh, accompanied by flexing and protesting muscles as he was forced to endure the languid mating from Kidhb. The serpent appeared to be taking great delight in Mahir's suffering, seeming to be in no rush to reach his climax, instead he would withdraw almost completely from the golden jackal's backside, only to force every thick ruby red inch back inside his protesting behind slowly.

Despite his natural instincts raising his hackles in alarm, Muhtal found himself willingly stepping closer to the serpent and reaching out to take his offered hand. His gaze briefly lowered to meet Mahir's; finding his brothers' eyes were now wide open and pleading as he tried to shake his head in warning, but it was too late. As soon as Muhtal's fingers touched Kidhb's cold scaley digits, the whispers began. Promises of riches and pleasures untold would be his, if only he would submit completely. Whatever he desired in the world, nothing would be beyond his reach and it would only cost him...everything.

Mahir gave a muffled cry of despair as he saw Muhtal fall under the sway of Kidhb, the red swirl growing bright in his brothers' eyes when Muhtal nodded his acceptance. Mahir had barely resisted the temptation, at the last moment he'd understood the serpents name, Kidhb meant Lie and that was what he was doing right now. Unfortunately, Muhtal had fallen for the ruse and had accepted his fate unknowingly.

Kidhb hissed in satisfaction as Muhtal accepted the terms to the deal, the red glow burning bright before vanishing entirely from the jackals' eyes. As if to test his new acolyte's servitude, Kidhb shifted about to roll onto his side, pulling Mahir down along with him. His thin scaled lips curled into a deviant smirk as he watched Muhtal register the action and soon get down onto his knees before them without needing to be commanded to do so.

Muhtal stared down at the pair of bodies before him, watching as Kidhb slowly worked his thick red spire in and out of Mahir, only now with them on their sides he could see there was a second length rubbing between Mahir's thighs and over his brother's crotch with every thrust. "Do it" Kidhb hissed, laughing as the other jackal crawled forward without hesitation to reach out and grasp the ridged length. Muhtal leaned forward and began to kiss and lick along every inch of the serpents second spire, as if he'd been doing so every day of his life and it was as natural as breathing was to him. His soft tongue traced over every ridge and along every vein, while his hands caressed back and forth along the thick pulsating shaft. Soon he would be inching his warm, willing maw ever deeper down onto the snake's cock. Even when he got deep enough down onto the turgid member, with his own brother's sheath rubbing against the side of his muzzle, Muhtal would not cease or even slow down.

"Good pet" Kidhb hissed out, his hips starting to roll and buck with growing desire as he fucked one jackal under the tail while the other pleasured him orally, corrupting both brothers at the same time. Though not yet satisfied with Mahir's degradation just yet, his now free hand would reach lower to grasp and stroke at the still resisting younger brother's sheath. Mahir put up a valiant fight as he tried to squirm away or at least avoid the touch, but Kidhb's grasp was as insistent as iron. Mahir could feel his flesh bruising beneath his fur as he fought against the serpent's grip on him, but it was useless, he could not escape. Against his will, Kidhb stirred his reluctant member to fullness and soon his dripping tip was rubbing against his brother's cheek, marking him with Mahir's intimate scent. But Muhtal cared not, his only focus was on pleasuring his new master and he would not be denied this depravity.

"Lay back for me...and hold this" Kidhb commanded Muhtal, Mahir grunted as the serpent suddenly withdrew his length from beneath his tail. The brief moment of relief was short lived however when Mahir found himself being easily moved about to lay down atop his brother. Muhtal stared up at him blankly, suddenly his strong arms wrapped about his brother in a bear hug.

"Brother, let me go, we can escape this madness!" Mahir pleaded, but Muhtal grinned back dumbly at his younger brother as he struggled against his grip. Mahir tried to wriggle free, but Muhtal held him in place firmly, seeming nonplused by being naked and laying beneath his just as naked brother with their stiffnesses rubbing against one another.

"He's mine now, just as you will be...if you'd only stop resisting" Kidhb hissed, once again grasping and painfully tugging up on Mahir's fluffy tail. Sharp claws scratched against the curve of his bare buttocks when the snake spread him so degradingly again, only to let that thick throbbing spear find it's mark again. Only this time it was not alone, Mahir watched the brief flash of pain and discomfort cross his brothers face as well. Kidhb had sheathed them both and was now breeding them in tandem, he could feel the entry ever so slightly swell his brother's taut belly beneath the underside of his cock rubbing against the coarse fur there. Mahir whimpered out aloud this time, with no hand grasping his muzzle closed, he yelped and whined with every ridge as it stretched his reluctant tail hole wide before popping inside him. Only to be withdrawn a moment later, repeating the uncomfortable process again and again. While he was suffering through the torment, Muhtal appeared to be enjoying it, the look of ecstasy on his brother's face was shameful, almost as much as the eager throbbing brotherly spire trapped beneath him was. Mahir shuddered as he felt the warmth of his brothers precum spill against his own prick and belly fur while they were rubbed together with every thrust from the serpent behind.

As if to add insult to injury, Muhtal had began to nip and lick along Mahir's shoulders and neck as if they were mates. Mahir tried his best to avoid the unwanted attention from his brother, but it was no use, Muhtal was no longer in control of himself and this was no doubt just further torment from his new serpent master. A sudden spill of sticky warmth against his belly alerted Mahir to Muhtal's untimely pleasure, his brothers hips bucking and twitching beneath him while he emptied his balls of his virile seed against both his own and his brothers bellies. The unwanted warmth was not what Mahir was focusing on however, instead it was the fact that Muhtal had loosened his grip about Mahir, enough to let him wriggle free and scramble out from beneath Kidhb looming over him.

Mahir bolted for the doorway at the far end of the chamber, sending gold and jewels scattering about in his wake as he tried to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of his brothers seed cooling and making his belly fur a sticky mess. He did not pause to try find his clothing or even a torch, his only thought was to get out of this chamber, even the risk getting lost in the maze outside was a better option, rather than endure this madness for a moment longer. He had to escape, had to get back to his wife and child waiting for him back home!

"Where do you think you're going? You can't essscape me, you will sssubmit or you will die." Kidhb roared from behind Mahir as he gave chase and easily caught up with the smaller canine. With one swat of his left hands, Mahir was sent flying off his feet to slam into one of the support pillars, hard enough to unsettle a small plume of dust from up above. "I'm not done with you yet" Kidhb threatened with a leering grin, grabbing Mahir's wrists in one of his hands hard enough to make him cry out in agony. The serpent leered at the nude canine as he easily raised him up high enough so his feet were dangling a few inches above the floor. One cold scaled hand wrapped his rough digits about Mahir's still erect cock, starting to stroke the struggling mutt while another cupped and rolled his balls in tandem. "I will break you, you will be mine!"

"Let me go, I have a family...please!" Mahir pleaded, even though he knew it was pointless. His suspicions were only confirmed by the cruel grin this new bit of information brought to the snakes' thin lips.

"Not anymore you don't" Kidhb replied while coiling his tail into a makeshift seat beneath himself. Mahir was hoisted high over his lap while the remaining hand grasped both his thick lengths and aimed them skyward.

"No, please...don't!" Mahir pleaded again, but Kidhb cared not for his playthings wants or needs. Mahir yelped and almost howled as he was lowered down onto the waiting twin spires, feeling every bare millimeter being forced into his achingly stretched asshole as ridge after ridge popped past his protesting pucker. Kidhb would not give him time to relax and adjust either, no sooner had his aching opening bump down onto the wider fleshy base of the snake's twin lengths, would he find himself being hauled upward by his wrists, only to be lowered back down deep onto the serpent's iron hard rods. Worst of all was the fact his brother stood close by, idly watching and smiling as his younger brother was mercilessly fucked by an ancient being.

"Come" Kidhb hissed out, at first it was uncertain to whom he was speaking. Mahir thought the serpent was indeed crazy, there was no way he could climax from such abuse. But when Muhtal approached with a lick of his lips, Mahir shook his head as if to try dissuade his brother from what he knew was about to happen. As Mahir was bounced up and down in Kidhb's lap, the serpent forced Muhtal to his knees before them so he could sink his maw down onto the unwilling and bouncing stiffness of his brother.

Mahir closed his eyes and tried to imagine it was Iiman, his wife, whom was doing this to him instead. No matter how hard he tried to though, the ache under his tail from the slow and steady fucking continued to break his concentration, there was no way he could try pretend it was anyone but his brother bringing him this unwanted pleasure. Mahir had thought he was strong enough to resist the snakes' temptations, but this was something else. His brother's maw felt uncomfortably good, a vast difference to taking twin thick lengths up his ass. Unluckily for Mahir, Muhtal also seemed to have a natural talent for sucking dick and soon he felt the familiar tingle starting to make itself known in his balls. Gritting his teeth almost hard enough to crack a couple of them, Mahir desperately tried to fight off the growing need to climax. He had better chance of capturing moonlight in his palms he soon realized, the way Muhtal was focusing on his sensitive tapered tip with his soft and agile tongue, Mahir's stomach was turning inside out from how hard he was fighting not to cum.

It was all for naught anyway, Muhtal was just too good and soon Mahir was howling as his brother received a load of his never to be born nieces and nephews against his tongue. Muhtal did not stop either, he continued to bob and suckle on the squirming Mahir well until after his climax began to subside, to the point when the twin canine was made oversensitive to the stimulation and begging for mercy.

"Sssubmit!" Kidhb hissed into Mahir's tired ear, the canine panting and too tired to speak, simply shook his head no. "I sssaid, sssubmit!" Kidhb roared, dropping Mahir fully onto his twin cocks and letting him feel a startling new development. Mahir felt the twin thick fleshy orbs at the base of the snakes cocks straining against his stretched asshole, demanding entry.

"No, please...anything but that, I can't!" He tried to beg again, but Kidhb would be having none of it. Mahir whined pathetically when he felt two of the snakes' hands on his shoulders and the other pair at his hips to steady him. He knew what was coming and there was no stopping it, slowly the pressure mounted at his hips and shoulders as he was forced down onto the serpent's twin knots. Mahir felt like he was going to break, his flesh would tear asunder from the impossible task being demanded of it. But Kidhb would not be denied and continued on undaunted, if Mahir would not submit, he would be punished. "I...I submit, please!" he finally cracked, hoping to be spared this agony.

"Good pet" Kidhb hissed in satisfaction as a pale red glow began to pulse within Mahir's eyes, just before the smaller canine's body went slack against him. Every muscle in Mahir's body relaxed and with that, Kidhb was permitted entrance. The serpents head raised high as he groaned out in pure bliss, his twin knots popping inside the squirming canine before he felt his first release in decades, possibly even centuries.

Muhtal had not moved during the entire exchange, his lips still firmly wrapped about Mahir's tapered red cocktip. Perfectly positioned to capture another load of nieces and nephews whom would never enjoy a life in the real world, dying prematurely in their uncle's belly instead.

With his own climax starting to subside, Kidhb regained his senses, raising a hand and gesturing at the door to the chamber they were in. With a simple flick of his wrist, the door ascended to reveal the passage the twin brothers had entered through an indeterminable amount of time ago. "I have a tasssk for you, my petsss..." Kidhb began to speak, rising up from his seat atop his own coils, wincing when a still tied Mahir fell forward onto the ground before him. His rump held aloft by the twin knots still locked beneath his wagging fluffy tail. "A tasssk which may need to wait a while it ssseemsss...." Kidhb sighed and lowered himself back down onto his coils while reaching out to scoop Mahir back up and into his lap.


"Ah, Salaam and Good Evening to you my dear friend. Please, please come closer!" Mahir called out to a passing Saharan striped polecat whom was dressed in plain white workers clothing. "Ah uh, too close, a little to close..." the jackal winced when the worker trod on his foot as he did indeed come a little closer when beckoned.

"Welcome to Dishna! A city of mystery, of enchantment, And the finest merchandise this side of the Nile River, on sale today!" Muhtal joined in, appearing from behind the startled customer while winking at his twin brother, launching into a familiar sales pitch.


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Eight inches of Snow

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual...

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Black and White

This one is for no one else but me, for the ghosts that haunt me still. We all deal with loss and heartache differently, there is no time limit on sorrow or grief. Some wounds are eternal, no amount of support and time will heal them, as much...

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