Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 5

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#5 of Brooklyn Chronicles

Hey there, it's been a while! Sorry for not uploading, but no, Brooklyn Chronicles is not dead! I do plan to continue it, along with another project I'm working on. For now, enjoy, and see if Brooklyn's escape plan comes to fruition!

Brooklyn awoke from his stone slumber with an angry snarl. In the sudden flash of consciousness that struck him as his stone encasement shattered he was surprised at the restraints that held his arms and legs. He felt his nakedness then, and remembered where he was. As the white glow faded from his eyes he looked down at himself and was relieved to find the device that had tormented him for hours the previous night was gone. With mixed feelings he realized his flesh felt as if the abuse it had taken the night before hadn't occurred at all thanks to his stone sleep. It meant Demona could go as hard on him as she pleased without risk of damaging him.

"Good evening, Brooklyn."

His head shot up to where Demona stood in the doorway across the room, regarding his naked form. As she strode towards him he noticed that she was as naked as he. Surely not a good sign. "How long are you going to keep me like this?" he rasped.

She came to stand just a foot from him, looking up at him as he hung from the hydraulic arms. "Until you are broken. Until you understand that this is all you are now." she answered, reaching out and hefting his cock and balls in a hand.

"How much DNA do you need?" Brooklyn asked incredulously.

Demona grinned and began to stroke his maleness. "As much as I want."

Brooklyn willed his body to not respond, trying to think of anything else, but his cock began to harden in her hand anyway. Finally he sighed and let his body give in, figuring he might as well enjoy the first orgasm before the hours of torment began.

His ruddy flesh was hard in moments, and Demona surprised him by immediately opening her mouth and going down on him. He groaned at the warm wetness of her mouth and even thrusted his hips slightly. He looked down at the person he hated more than anything, sucking his cock and bobbing her head up and down over his length. It had been somewhat satisfying before he had been abducted and brought to this lab, when he had felt some measure of control. Now it felt entirely like he was being used, even while this female was on her knees before him.

Regardless of how he felt, his body responded. The long drag of her tongue over the underside of his shaft and over his tip drove a shudder of pleasure up his spine from the tip of his tail. She looked up at him with a smug, knowing smile. He wanted to say say something, anything, to wipe that smile off her face. He even thought of spitting right in her face for a brief moment. He grimaced and bit his tongue however at the thought of Demona's teeth right over his cock. The worst part is he could tell she knew exactly what he was thinking, especially when those teeth just grazed his flesh, purposefully.

With that reminder of his vulnerability, he didn't resist her ministrations. He moaned and even met the bobbing of her head with thrusts occasionally. He closed his eyes and let his pleasure grow until he felt the seed rising in his body, his cock throbbing as it pushed it towards release. Abruptly Demona's mouth left his cock to be quickly replaced by her hand, wrapping around him and stroking him rapidly. He opened his eyes and panted to find her face just a few inches from his tip and staring at it eagerly.

He exploded with a flash of eyes and a growl. His cock pulsed and splashed Demona's face with a heavy load fresh from a day's stone slumber. The pleasure of release once again gripped Brooklyn, his reparative sleep having also healed his bruised flesh. Demona's eyes closed against the coming spurts until the last couple ropes of white fluid fell over her bare breasts.

Brooklyn's chest was still heaving for breath when suddenly the heavy steel door was sent flying across the room, accompanied by a familiar rage-filled roar. His head shot up, and there, filing into the room, was his entire former clan. Even Angela and Broadway, even Elisa, only Hudson seemed to have been left at the castle. Goliath led them into the room with balled fists and eyes glaring white. Then Brooklyn noticed in Angela's arms was a small gargoyle, a hatchling, with light blue skin and little beak and red hair. "It's over, Demona." Goliath rumbled.

She had spun around to face the clan, reacting instinctively to the huge crash as the steel door skittered to a halt at her feet. There was a moment several heartbeats long as looks of shock, horror, and disgust passed over the clan's faces. Brooklyn belated realized she had been caught naked and covered with his seed from head to breast.

"She's been using me. Help me, please." Brooklyn begged them, straining against his restraints.

"Get out of here, you vile creature." Goliath's voice was quiet and menacing, vibrating with rage.

Demona stood and smirked at them, seemingly unconcerned with her nakedness or the fluids dripping from her face and breasts onto the floor. "He's an exile. Why should you care? We had a deal," she said, indicating Brooklyn with a tilt of her head, "he broke it."

"You lying bitch!" Brooklyn roared and lunged at her, the mechanical arms protesting heavily but still holding.

"Leave, before I make you." Goliath demanded.

"You're not taking my child. Not another."

"I chose the clan." Angela interjected, eyes flaring red with anger. "And it looks like I chose well. Leave, Demona."

Demona surveyed the forces arrayed against her for a long silent moment before finally reaching for the device strapped to her forearm and tapping a code. Brooklyn fell to the floor when the restraints suddenly released him with a clang. He groaned at his aching muscles. By the time he looked up, Demona was gone. In her stead, stood Goliath with a proffered hand.

"You're sure you don't want to stay with the clan?" Goliath asked from beside Brooklyn as they glided through the night.

He looked down at the small gargoyle clutched carefully to his chest. It had been several hours since he had been rescued from Demona's clutches. He had been given an opportunity at the castle to clean up and feed himself, and given fresh, if somewhat awkward for him, human clothes from Xanatos. It was then that Goliath had first offered him a chance to rejoin the clan. Goliath apparently felt guilty for what had befallen Brooklyn.

He had wanted to accept, badly, and almost had. However he had seen Angela and Broadway playing with the little red gargoyle that was his daughter... was their daughter. He knew his presence would ruin that happiness.

Brooklyn nodded solemnly. "I don't want to get between Angela and Broadway."

Goliath was silent for a while. "I'm sure Talon will let you stay in the Labyrinth. But you will be welcome back at the castle." Brooklyn detected a note of doubt in his voice.

He thought about asking if Goliath had any doubts, but sighed and instead turned the conversation elsewhere, figuring he would find out soon enough. "I'm surprised Xanatos didn't hold my rescue over my head. I figured he would have wanted something from me."

Goliath rumbled thoughtfully. "Do not be so sure that he won't, once he decides you have something of value to him." Brooklyn frowned, he was getting tired of owing people.

The rest of the flight was passed in silence, until they slipped into a disused part of the subway system via a quiet rail yard. From there they walked through the dark tunnels, making their way to the Labyrinth as their footfalls echoed out ahead and behind them. When they finally reached the large metal door that abruptly blocked off the end of a tunnel Goliath knocked and stepped back where a camera near the ceiling could see him clearly, its red on-light shining in the dark.

Nearly a minute passed before the door began to budge, grinding open slowly to flood the tunnel with lights from the repurposed subway station beyond. As the door ground open, it revealed the chief of the Labyrinth clan, Talon, standing beside his mate and Brooklyn's one-time crush, Maggie. The tall panther-like gargoyle, with bulging muscles clad in jet-back fur, didn't seem pleased at their presence.

Talon looked from Brooklyn to Goliath, barely sparing the child in his arms a glance. "Why is he here?" he barked to Goliath.

"Talon!" the sandy-furred gargoyle at his side interjected.

Brooklyn stayed quiet and let Goliath answer. "We rescued Brooklyn after discovering that Demona was abusing him. He... doesn't want to make things difficult for Angela and Broadway, and he was hoping he might find a home here in the Labyrinth." Goliath explained cautiously.

Talon's gaze shifted back to Brooklyn, and he saw a fire building in his eyes. "You can't be serious. Not after what he did." he said to Goliath, steel in his voice.

Goliath frowned. "Brooklyn regrets what he did." he replied evenly.

"Does he?" Talon spat, marching forward to jab a finger roughly into Brooklyn's chest. Brooklyn automatically turned his hatchling away from Talon protectively, taking a step back and narrowing his eyes, ready to fight or flee. "Let's hear it from him!"

"Talon!" Maggie exclaimed again, stepping forward and resting a hand on Talon's muscled bicep.

"What did I do to piss you off?" Brooklyn said, fighting to keep his voice even.

Talon opened his mouth to answer, but before more vitriol could spill from him an orange-furred hand suddenly fell upon his shoulder. Talon paused and looked back over his shoulder and found Claw standing there with a deep frown upon his face. The mute gargoyle was shaking his head slowly at Talon.

"Talon, he has a child." Maggie interjected again. "We don't reject people from the Labyrinth because they've made mistakes in the past."

Talon looked between Maggie and Claw and then back at Brooklyn. He seemed to simmer for a moment before finally saying gruffly, "Fine. But don't expect me to like this." He stalked away then, and they all watched him disappear down a hallway into the Labyrinth.

It was Maggie that spoke first with a huff of frustration, "I should go talk to him before he does something stupid. Claw, could you help Brooklyn and his son get settled in?" she asked of the tiger gargoyle, who nodded in response.

"Thank you, Maggie." Brooklyn said to her as Claw turned away.

The she-cat put on a smile that he could tell was more than a little forced. "Everyone is welcome in the Labyrinth." she said, and then as her eyes fell upon the child in Brooklyn's arms her smile became more sincere. "Especially brave little boys like you." she said, tousling the child's red hair.

Brooklyn nodded to Goliath and followed Claw away. He heard Maggie saying something to Goliath but didn't turn his head around, simply following as Claw led the way down a series of corridors. He used the silence to turn over in his mind what had just happened, and what could possibly have Talon so furious at him.

"He's pissed because of Elisa, isn't he?" he murmured aloud to himself.

Claw turned to look at him, and Brooklyn saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. The mute gargoyle nodded and Brooklyn sighed.

"I... it was a mistake. We both felt like shit, and we got drunk and... I wasn't trying to take advantage of her." he said quietly while looking ahead, unable to keep an almost pleading note out of his voice. It felt like his entire world was crashing in on itself again.

A heavy paw fell on Brooklyn's shoulder and he looked up at the big cat to find him nodding gently. They paused for a moment, and Claw gave him a reassuring smile and a little squeeze of his shoulder before his paw fell away. Then Claw was leading the way again through the quiet halls.

As Brooklyn followed behind, he felt for the first time in a very long time, that everything just might turn out okay.

Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 4

Brooklyn's head snapped up from his idle channel surfing when he heard the whoosh of wings from beyond the glass and steel bars that encapsulated his small prison paradise. He had been growing anxious to hear that sound announcing Demona's arrival for...

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Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 3

"Brooklyn! Come on, Angela's egg is starting to hatch!" Lexington's excited voice had the sensation of a blade forged from anxiety made solid stabbing into Brooklyn's chest. As this day had approached he had grown steadily more nervous about the...

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Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 2

Brooklyn stood on the rooftop of the building opposite Elisa's apartment, staring forlornly down at the warm and welcoming glow coming from the windows and the inviting balcony. He thought about gliding down and going in to talk to her, not for the...

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