Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 4

Story by Aygis on SoFurry

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#4 of Brooklyn Chronicles

Brooklyn's hand is forced when Demona breaks their deal. Demona doesn't like taking 'no' for an answer, however, and she'll take what she wants by force.

Brooklyn's head snapped up from his idle channel surfing when he heard the whoosh of wings from beyond the glass and steel bars that encapsulated his small prison paradise. He had been growing anxious to hear that sound announcing Demona's arrival for the past month. He dropped the remote on the couch cushions and stood as the balcony doors' locks were drawn back.

"Has it hatched?" Brooklyn demanded as Demona's smirking form stepped into the room, not giving her a chance to speak first.

Her expression darkened with a scowl. "That is not your concern Brooklyn. I've been busy, but tonight we will begin again with your part of our arrangement." she said coolly, hefting a familiar little metal container.

Brooklyn's hands balled into fists and his red hide nearly purpled with rage, and Demona's eyes narrowed warily. "What about our other arrangement?" he growled dangerously at her, tail lashing. "We had a deal, we fuck, and I get to see my kid."

"I'm sorry, Brooklyn, but I cannot have you influencing my future second and heir. You are too friendly with humans. Surely you can understand." she replied, assuming her facade of false sympathy.

"You're breeding your own clan." Brooklyn said pointedly. He had figured that out a long time ago, but Demona's words now only confirmed it. "Do you have others locked up somewhere? It's not going to work if you only have me."

Demona smiled, approaching him slowly. "Don't fret over the details, dear Brooklyn." she said with that sickening false sweetness, setting the metal box down on the coffee table and coming to stand before him. "You will be the father of an entirely new generation of gargoyles, a savior of our species! Isn't that worth some sacrifice?"

Brooklyn stared icily at her as she gripped his shoulders in her hands. It would be a new generation with the cruel, cunning, and solely self-interested Demona as their leader, and would know nothing but hatred and violence towards humanity. That is, that's what it would be if Brooklyn wasn't allowed in their world, and they both knew that.

When he said nothing, Demona continued, "You don't, however, need to sacrifice your own pleasures, Brooklyn." she said sultrily, and her hands began to wander down his bare red chest to his belt.

He let her hands fall upon his belt, and he hesitated in a moment of temptation. They hadn't had sex since Demona had become heavily pregnant with Brooklyn's egg months ago, and he had only had his own hands to relieve himself since then. He remembered the few times in Demona's rapture her control had slipped and she had let him push her down, and how good it had felt to mount and hate-fuck her from above. His maleness threatened to stiffen in arousal.

He pushed her hands away roughly and stepped back. Withholding sex from her was the only card he had in his hand. "No. If you won't honor your part of the deal, you're not getting mine." he said stubbornly.

Demona's eyes flashed red in anger. "I hope you won't forget the rest of our bargain." she spat out coldly, pointing at the metal container she had set upon the table. "Lest I remind you just how cold and hungry you were before I gave you all this."

Brooklyn inclined his head, folding his arms. "I'll keep my bargains if you keep yours." he replied.

With a snarl Demona turned and stormed from the apartment, slamming the balcony doors behind her and slamming the locks home. He watched her, unmoving, as she dived into a glide off the balcony railing and into the night.

When she was finally gone he let his arms fall to his sides with a sigh, and picked up the container Demona had left.

Brooklyn hardly made a sound more than a long sigh as he crested his peak and warm white fluid filled up the vial he held in his hand. The act, having been required in such relatively high frequency by Demona's deal, had diminished to a mechanical necessity for Brooklyn. Without opportunity to even begin to feel pent up, he was denied even the pleasant feeling of being spent after a period of chastity.

He corked the vial and set it in its wire holder within the refrigerated container, the last for this batch. Demona should be coming soon to retrieve it, he thought. He wiped the excess semen from his tip with a tissue that he discarded on his way to the bathroom to wash his hands. His mind turned as he scrubbed the red hide, to what he was going to do about his present circumstances.

He had a sneaking suspicion that Demona would not allow him to terminate their agreement as she had done and release him, though he couldn't figure out why exactly. What else could she want him for? Over the course of the months he had been staying here she had had him filling vials daily, surely she had more than enough of his genetic material on hand?

His stomach lurched at the thought that Demona might be indulging in it herself, and he quickly pushed it out of his mind. He could believe she would be crazy enough to do that, but she was too clever for that to be her only motivation. After all, surely it took a lot to keep the lights on around here and keep him fed. Either she had some source of funding... or he was covering his own costs for her.

He turned the faucet's elegant silver knobs to stop the flow of water and dried his hands. Speaking of keeping the lights on, he had noticed that the kitchen seemed to magically restock itself while he slept in stone during the day. Demona must be paying a human to bring the supplies during the day. The thought chilled him - he didn't like the idea of someone working for Demona walking around his defenseless stone form.

He turned off the bathroom light and paced back and forth in the apartment's small space; how he wished he could go for a flight. He couldn't imagine any other reason that a human might be working for Demona other than money, and suddenly a thought came to him. If the human restocking the apartment for Demona could be bought for money, maybe they would take a higher sum to work for him? The only person he could think of that would have the money and might be willing to pass word to someone who might help would be... Xanatos.

Brooklyn had the sense of jumping from the frying pan and into the fire as he went to the kitchen, grabbed a notepad and pen, and sat at the fine wood dining table. He couldn't see much other option than owing Xanatos for his escape, however, as much as it unsettled him. He didn't know what he could do for Xanatos that would cover his debt, but he had to hope it was better than this. He had to hope that he might pass on word to his old clan, or maybe the Labyrinth Clan...

The pen in Brooklyn's hand scratched to a halt as he realized that Demona might very well be getting paid by Xanatos. His subsidiary company Gen-U-Tech had used gargoyle DNA to create the mutates of the Labyrinth Clan. They could be paying Demona for his DNA. That would certainly explain how she had been funding everything for all this time.

With a will, he forced himself to continue writing. He didn't know what else he could do. Demona had watched him like a hawk the times she had let him go for a flight, and that was a luxury he doubted she would give him now. He had to hope this would work.

He glanced over his shoulder, out the living room's windows, as he finished the note. The sky was lightening, dawn was coming. He folded the note and stood with a sigh, pushing the chair back under the table with a scrape over the linoleum floor. He took up his morning post in the middle of the small kitchen, where he had just enough room to avoid knocking anything over when he awoke, and where stone fragments would hopefully not land in the carpet.

He didn't have the will to assume an appropriately threatening position, instead simply standing, head bowed low and hand outstretched, a scrap of paper held loosely within as he entered his stone sleep.

Brooklyn awoke with a roar and flash of burning white eyes, flexing his muscles to shatter his stone cocoon. His roar caught in his throat however when his arms caught on something, limiting their movement. He looked around, confused, finding himself in a strange room that definitely wasn't his apartment. He saw blinking colored lights, whirring tapes, glass beakers, and fluorescent lamps overhead.

Suddenly he was wrenched backwards forcefully, faster than he could react, slamming him backwards into the wall and knocking the air from his lungs. As he fought for breath he looked to his wrist to find it encircled with a steel manacle, connected to a chain that fed into a space in the wall. Before he could react to break the steel bonds even thicker bands of steel clamped shut over his arms, legs, torso, and even his tail. He struggled, but he couldn't squirm far enough in any direction to get any leverage on the bands. He was stuck against the wall, immobilized.

A bone chilling laugh echoed from across the room, and Brooklyn's head shot up to see a pair of glowing red eyes hanging in a dark doorway. He wanted to spit every foul curse he could think of at Demona, but he was still gasping for breath as she strode towards him.

"Oh Brooklyn, we could have shared in so much more pleasure if you had just agreed, and on your terms too..." Demona said in that damnably arrogant tone of hers as she appeared under the lights in front of him, wearing a malice-filled grin.

"What are you doing?" Brooklyn gasped hoarsely. "What is this place?"

"I'm taking what's mine, and what I want. Much like you did with my daughter, Angela. Oh yes, I know all about that." Demona added with a smirk at Brooklyn's look of surprise and anger.

"It wasn't like that." he rasped.

Demona smacked him across the face with her hand brutally hard, her claws cutting along his beak. "You shamed her!" she screamed with a ferocious snarl while pressing something on the wall beside Brooklyn. "While she may have thrown her lot in with that fool of her father and his bitch human, she is still my daughter."

While Demona spoke, her voice shaking with rage, the metal braces that had been clamping Brooklyn to the wall extended, propelling him towards the center of the room where he hung suspended by what appeared to be small hydraulic arms. It held him spread eagle in midair, and he found himself unable to spread his wings, those also having been restrained. Even his tail had a clamp attached to a mechanical arm holding it halfway down its length.

Finally beginning to catch his breath Brooklyn choked out a harsh laugh. "If you were so pissed at me, why did you let me fuck you?"

At that, Demona snarled again and gripped his belt with one hand and sheared it from his body with one powerful and painful stroke, bringing with it a substantial part of his pants and underwear. "I fucked_you_, and I can whenever I please." she said snidely as she pulled away the remains of his clothes, leaving him hanging bare naked by his bonds.

Brooklyn was just now starting to realize the precariousness of his situation. He had no idea if anybody might know where he was, much less if anybody actually cared. He didn't think Demona would give him any opportunity for escape either. He hung his head as she slowly walked around him, appraising his nude body from every angle.

"Angela came to me." he said quietly. "I was angry at Broadway, Elisa had just.... I thought I would be alone forever."

Demona stopped her circling at Elisa's name. "What's this about the human?" she asked from behind him.

He hesitated, but figured Demona would get it out of him anyway sooner or later. "She had a fight with Goliath and she told me she wanted to talk. We met at her place and... we ended up sleeping together. I think she regretted it after." he finished bitterly.

"My my, Brooklyn. A human? What a waste of seed." Demona's voice was approaching him from behind and he turned his head to look at her, but she was already on him. "Good thing I have full control of this now..." she said as she reached around in front of him. Her hand came to gently cup his limp uncut cock and his balls, which had been dangling in open space. He felt her breath wash over his neck, and a chill ran up his spine as he felt her teeth nibbling on his ear. "Forever."

She began to stroke his soft cock then, and he tried to resist, tried to think of anything else. "No, don't..." he protested, even as he felt his body react and his maleness begin to stiffen in Demona's hand.

"Why, dear Brooklyn? I thought males love being tended to..." Demona said, and as she continued to stroke him he felt her other paw slide down his back to his buttocks. "Unless, you've been fooling me all this time..."

Brooklyn's eyes went wide when he felt her hand delve under his tail. "What are you doing?" he cried, trying to squirm away, futilely. To be penetrated during a rough mating session, where he was in control, was one thing. To be played with in such a manner was quite another.

Demona only chuckled and pressed closer, her hand now gripping his hardened cock firmly and giving him long strokes from tip to base. The fingers of her other hand teased at his anal ring, which squeezed tight in response as his heart pounded in his chest.

"What the fuck! No!" he yelled as he felt her fingers begin to apply pressure to his asshole. He struggled against his bonds, panting in exertion. The hydraulic arms gave a little but tugged his limbs taught again easily.

Her fingers were dry, and he groaned with pain as Demona forced her way into him. Her two middle fingers pressed deep, unrelenting, until they could go no further. She gave him no opportunity to go limp on her either, still stroking him and sending conflicting messages of pain and pleasure to his brain. He felt his body squeezing around her fingers, felt them spreading him apart. It was a somewhat alien feeling, having only experienced it with Angela, and then only when his focus was elsewhere. Then she started thrusting them in and out, fucking him with her fingers. He groaned and clenched around them as they withdrew.

"It's always so interesting to see you males, so used to sticking your dicks in females without thought, struggle to take just a couple of fingers." Demona said. "I've always wondered how a male might react to a proper fucking."

Then abruptly she released his cock and pulled her fingers from his body and stepped away, leaving him panting. There was a sound like a code being punched into a keypad, and suddenly the mechanical arms came to life with a whir. They bent him over on his knees, forcing his arms behind him and down, making him present himself like a female. Demona stepped away to a nearby lab bench, the arms spinning Brooklyn so he was continually facing her. He felt his anal ring clenching and unclenching, and miserably the arm gripping his tail held it up and out of the way so he couldn't cover himself. At least she couldn't see his backside yet, but that did little to comfort him.

Demona had opened a drawer at the lab bench and had extricated from is what appeared to be a rubber mold of a particularly impressive human penis, a dildo, Brooklyn thought it was called. Only it had a series of straps at the base. He was forced to watch with growing horror as Demona tore her own dress off carelessly and began to fasten the dildo to her groin using the straps.

He could hear the pounding of his heart. He had heard of some of the males of his old clan fooling around with each other, and he couldn't believe it when someone had explained to him that they mounted each other. He had never considered mounting another male, much less being mounted himself.

Demona finished fastening the thing to her and she turned towards him with a terrible grin. The rubber penis bobbed as she walked, and Demona watched it herself as it slapped against her thighs. "How interesting." she mused.

He looked away as she got closer, but grunted in pain when she grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked his head upward. The black rubber cock was right in his face, and he could see its bulging veins. Demona thrusted her hips forward and pulled his head closer, smearing the rubber dildo across his beak and face. "Open your mouth." she commanded.

"The fuck do you get out of this?" Brooklyn spat. He tried to pull his head away, but that turned out to be a mistake when Demona yanked him back forcefully by his hair. She gave him another hard slap across his beak with enough force to leave him seeing stars.

"Open your fucking mouth!" Demona demanded with a snarl.

Brooklyn reluctantly complied and parted his beak, and was promptly rewarded with the large black phallus being shoved into his mouth hard and deep enough to make him gag. His stomach convulsed and his body shuddered with a heave as the tip of the rubber penis punched the back of his throat, and he only barely kept his bile down.

Brooklyn pulled his head back reflexively, but Demona only laughed and gripped the back of his head, and forced him down again. He heaved again, and this time he tasted the bile, but there was little he could do. Demona was holding him there, with the dildo so deep it threatened to press down his throat. He found it difficult to breathe, and panic began to strike him, and he struggled against the mechanical arms holding him down.

"I think I'm starting to see why you boys like this so much." Demona said, looking down at him. He looked back up at her devilish smile. She was intensely aroused, he could smell it, and her bare nipples were stiff and swollen, her tail lashing the air behind her.

Finally she pulled back, but was quick to thrust the dildo back in. She was merciless in her thrusting, pummeling his muzzle, leaving the heavy taste of synthetic rubber on his tongue as it ground against it. Tears stung his eyes as he gagged repeatedly and choked, struggling for breath. He cried out around the faux penis for her to stop when he felt himself on the verge vomiting violently. Blinking back tears he looked up, and apparently she was getting some kind of pleasure from it. Perhaps that was the buzzing he heard coming from beneath the strap that extended over her vulva. Her mouth was slightly parted, panting, her breasts bouncing as she thrust her hips like a male would, lewdly.

When she failed to stop, Brooklyn did the only thing he could think of to halt her. He bit down on the dildo hard, teeth sinking into the rubber and causing Demona to push his head upwards roughly with her next thrust. It took her a second to register what he had done, and then her eyes flashed red and she snarled. She yanked her hips back, forcing Brooklyn to release his hold on the dildo and it slipped from his beak.

"I thought you would have the sense to be more careful to bite a cock when your own is so vulnerable, Brooklyn." Demona said. She slapped him again, and as his head was rebounding he failed to notice Demona winding up her kick. Pain exploded in his groin and his breath escaped him in a gasp again as Demona's foot connected with his dangling and unprotected cock and balls.

His body tried to curl in on itself to protect his damaged genitals, but the mechanical arms held him in place mercilessly. He was left convulsing, his entire body screaming in agony, vision blurred with pain. He gasped for breath and his moans of anguish failed to reach his ears though they reverberated off the metal walls loudly. He failed to notice Demona moving around him and disappearing from view, and when he peered under him to inspect his dangling genitals for visible damage, he saw her there directly behind him and between his spread legs. His penis and balls however, thankfully appeared to have suffered no permanent destruction despite the incredible pain he still felt.

Then suddenly Brooklyn felt the press of the rubber phallus he had just bitten against his backside. He was unable to utter more than a groan of protest through his pain as both of Demona's hands gripped his cheeks firmly and spread them apart to reveal his virgin asshole. He shuddered with pain anew as the dildo bumped against his sensitive sac and then ground up over his perineum and then his entrance, slowly. Brooklyn nearly cursed the crazy sadistic bitch aloud, but bit it back for fear of further pain or even permanent damage.

"At least use lube, please..." Brooklyn choked out, and the sound of his own begging broke him. This was his fate, interminable torture at Demona's hands. No one would come to save him, no clan that cared to find him. The worst part of it was that he knew it was all his own damn fault. He felt the press of a penis tip directly against his asshole and he screwed his eyes shut tight, tears rolling down his beak to fall and splash upon the cold tiled floor.

His pleas went unanswered, and Brooklyn imagined it was due at least in part to Demona's intense concentration upon the sight of his anal ring slowly spreading around the black rubber as her hips pressed forward. Thankfully, mercifully, she seemed to have lubricated the dildo while he almost blacked out from pain, though he suspected it was to make the job possible for Demona and not any sense of benevolence on her part. That did not prevent the sensation of having his asshole crammed full of a very large cock none too gently from being painful and disconcerting.

Humiliatingly, as the head of the faux penis pressed past his anal ring it felt as though he was losing control of his bowels. Then, the pain quickly followed. He groaned, his head hanging low as his insides burned and stretched wider than ever before in his life to accept the phallus. Demona sunk the cock into him quickly in one smooth motion. A cry, embarrassingly feminine to his own ears, escaped his mouth as he felt the tip of the cock sink into his hips' greatest depths and he felt as though he threatened to split down the middle. Demona let out a sigh of pleasure above and behind him as he felt her hips meet his rear.

"Look, Brooklyn."

He opened his eyes, blinking back his tears, and out of a corner of his vision he noticed a bank of some dozen television screens that had come to life. He turned his head to find that each one of them displaying a feed from a camera that appeared to be over Demona's shoulder, peering down at him to effectively portray her view. He saw her hands roughly spreading his ass, and his anal ring lewdly spread around that huge black cock. A red "Recording" icon flashed in each screen's corner. He looked away, his head hanging limp with shame.

"Something for your children to remember you by." Demona said, giving his ass a little pat with her hand. Brooklyn stared at the floor. She was just saying that to screw with him; she wouldn't seriously make them watch videos of their mother molesting their father?

Abruptly Demona drew the dildo nearly all the way back out of him, the head of the penis just tugging at his anal ring, threatening to pop out. Then she slammed herself back in, forcing a cry of pain from Brooklyn as great shaft was lodged within his hips once more. Demona's hands gripped his waist as a male would, and began to work her hips, thrusting at a fast pace. Her rhythm was off, obviously unused to working her hips in such a manner, but she seemed to enjoy herself nonetheless.

Demona moaned in pleasure behind him while he groaned in pain. She dug her talons into his hips roughly, cutting the hide and drawing blood, and his body struggled to adjust to the faux maleness invading it over and over. His balls still ached dully, but realized with horror that his cock was beginning to react to the pounding Demona was giving him.

As his body got used to stretching around that cock, the sensation of it pounding in and out of his ass grew horribly, terribly, pleasurable. He cursed his body with hatred. He was a male! How could his body find being mated like a female at all pleasurable? His cock hardened stubbornly and swung with Demona's thrusts, and he hoped she wouldn't notice.

Her breathing was growing sharper, her thrusting more erratic. Suddenly mid thrust she cried out with a snarl, and he felt her shaking from her orgasm. She didn't bury herself in him as a male would have, but rather kept thrusting slowly, drawing out her pleasure. Then as her cry died off there was the sound of her panting for breath, and he hoped the ordeal was over.

"Oh, Brooklyn, what is this?" Demona said, and suddenly he felt her hand groping at his still hard cock, wrapping her fingers around it and gripping like iron. He thrusted with a grunt reflexively, and looked up to see that the camera had found his erection and she had seen it. "Well, fortuitously for you, I can keep going." she said, and he could practically hear her smirk.

She wasted no time picking up her thrusting again, pounding into him. The camera withdrew from under him to zoom out and show him bent over, legs spread, and taking a cock up the ass like a female. He had no dignity left, nothing that he might withhold from Demona, and the pleasure of being taken pulled at him. He suppressed a moan, barely, when Demona adjusted her footing and pushed his hips just a little lower. She could tell.

She adjusted again, and he felt one of her feet come up to rest on his thigh, her talons finding her purchase in his flesh. With her new leverage, she angled her thrusts downward, and the feminine moan of pleasure Brooklyn had held back escaped from his lips. A wave of shame overtook him even as Demona laughed triumphantly.

She rode herself through a second orgasm before Brooklyn was panting and moaning. With each thrust his cock throbbed heavily and he felt himself right on the edge of release, tantalizingly close. He desperately wished he could stroke himself and be done with it, but his arms remained bound and Demona seemed perfectly happy to continue pounding him. He clenched on the dildo and pulled his muscles taught, staring under himself at his dripping cock, urging it to spill its load.

Then his ass began to spasm rapidly around the dildo, clenching around it and milking it as if it were real, and he moaned again. He felt his seed racing along his cock and he panted, tensing his muscles and urging himself to release, his breath catching in his chest. Then, finally, he watched and felt a long rope of white cum spurt from his long red shaft and onto the floor. A wave of release crashed over him and he moaned as he came, the pleasure more intense than any orgasm he could remember as his ass clenched and spasmed around the cock inside him. Unrestricted as it was, his cock flailed with Demona's thrusts and jumped as it spurted his cum, sending the fluid everywhere. Seeing himself release without a touch to his maleness was startlingly thrilling.

He panted heavily as the tension in his body drained away through his penis, replaced by a wonderful feeling of blissful emptiness. Demona finally came to a stop then and dismounted him, pulling the dildo from him. She spread the cheeks of his ass apart, and he was reminded of his shame as he felt his body gaping wide.

"You're a whore, Brooklyn." Demona said, and released him. "And the evidence is all over the floor." Brooklyn looked away from the streaks of white staining the dark tile, but didn't answer.

"Look!" she demanded, gripping the back of his head, and suddenly the hydraulic arms sprang to life and brought him back and low to the ground. He was face to face with the evidence of his humiliation, so close he could smell his own musk.

"Clean up my floor." Demona ordered him after a moment.

"What?" he asked incredulously. She couldn't mean...

Suddenly Demona reached under him and clutched his dangling balls in a taloned hand. She squeezed just enough to remind him of his previous pain. "Clean it up." she demanded again, each word a carefully pronounced order.

Still he hesitated, until Demona began to squeeze his balls harder and harder. Finally, he parted his beak slightly and pressed his tongue forth. Reluctantly, he licked at one of the streaks of semen, and scooped up his own cum off the floor and into his mouth. The taste was somewhat sweet and a little salty, but it was uncomfortably slimy and it stuck his tongue and his throat as he swallow it down with revulsion. He coughed, but Demona kept up the pressure.

When he steeled himself and set to licking up his freshly spilled load Demona finally released him. She stood watching, arms crossed, for several moments before moving towards one of the tables. She had her back to the bank of TV screens, and Brooklyn was able to take a moment from his foul task to follow her with his eyes. She picked up something that looked like a large test tube, but had tubes and straps connected to it. Before she turned back he reluctantly resumed his task.

When at last the floor was clean he tried to speak, but had to cough to clear his throat of the slime. "Why are you doing this?" he croaked.

Demona smirked. "Because, Brooklyn, it gives me pleasure." she said, and tapped what appeared to be a small remote control strapped to her wrist. The hydraulic arms lifted Brooklyn upright and spread-eagle.

"It's not right." Brooklyn said, biting back a thousand harsher retorts that came to mind.

Demona shrugged and stepped closer, nonchalantly taking his now limp penis in her free hand and beginning to stroke him. "Neither was taking advantage of my daughter."

Brooklyn looked down, watching her hand moving up and down his soft length. Her grip was gentle, almost intimate, teasing the red flesh. He silently cursed his body for responding to the touch. "I wanted to stay, wanted to raise our kid with her. She was going to leave Broadway for me. It would have worked out if Goliath hadn't banished me." he said quietly.

Demona was silent as she stroked his hardening maleness, and didn't speak again until he was fully rigid in her grasp. "It's a beautiful child." she said and released him. She brought the device she had been holding to his tip, and he saw now the long clear plastic cylinder that had straps near its opening and a single tube leading away from its end. He watched, powerless, as she fed his penis into the cylinder and pressed it downwards until it was snug against the base of his cock, the smooth plastic teasing along his flesh on the way down.

"It's a shame that's all you're good for, Brooklyn." Demona said as she began to fasten the straps to his thighs and waist firmly.

"What is this thing?" Brooklyn asked nervously, eyeing his maleness encased within the plastic cylinder. Demona pressed another key on her remote, and suddenly the tube at the end of the cylinder jerked, and an incredible suction enveloped his cock. He gasped and his penis throbbed visibly; it was like being inside the tightest woman imaginable, even tighter than Elisa had been. Only not quite, as no smooth warm flesh caressed his maleness.

"Something I've been developing for just this occasion." Demona said with a chuckle, and then pressed another key. Suddenly the intense suction began to come and go in rapid cycling intermittent pulses.

"Holy fuck!" Brooklyn cried, his hips trying to thrust into the device instinctively. The sensation the device forced upon him wasn't as satisfying as thrusting into a female, but nevertheless simulated the thrusting with intermittent vacuum, and felt about ten times as stimulating. Demona watched him struggle in his bonds as his brain was overloaded, and he tried to thrust desperately, taxing the hydraulic arms to the point that they groaned in complaint.

Finally, not thirty seconds later, Brooklyn's body gave in. His eyes blazed white and his cock throbbed heavily and his seed raced up his length, called forth by the device. With a roar his cock began to spurt forth his cum, and instantly the vacuum pressure inside the cylinder became constant. His body shook as he came inside the device, spurting rope after rope. He watched, growling in pleasure, as the long tube whisked his fluid away.

From his pulsing cock his cum was drawn across the room to the device resting on the table from which Demona had taken the contraption now strapped to his groin. A window in the small tank showed splashes of white as Brooklyn's seed reached its empty interior.

"Fuck, get it off!" Brooklyn groaned. The pleasure of his orgasm had passed, and the stimulation his cock received from the device was quickly growing uncomfortable. He squirmed and bucked in his restraints, in hopes of dislocating one of the straps and thereby free himself. His struggles were in vain however, as the device stayed firmly latched to his groin. The continued stimulation failed to let his maleness soften, which might have granted him a reprieve, but as it was it kept him firmly lodged within the tube.

Demona laughed at his plight as he cried out, the stimulation becoming too much. She moved a hand down between her legs, rubbing herself as she watched. "More, Brooklyn." was all she said, with an evil grin.

More he was forced to give, just a few short minutes later. The device's suction had not relented, and eventually Brooklyn felt his body beginning to climb the pleasurable path towards orgasm once again. He thrusted and strained against his bonds again, eyes flashing white and he came again. His cock spurted a lesser but still substantial load of cum to be deposited in the tank on the table across the room.

He tried to brace himself for the over-stimulation, but again he cried out. His cock and attached device flailed wildly as he roared and struggled against the hydraulic arms holding him. He barely noticed Demona's gasp of pleasure several feet away. Her legs were splayed now, one hand between her legs and the other gripping her breast. Her fingers moved in and out of her body as she watched the device empty Brooklyn of his semen and he struggled against the over stimulation to his body.

It was as if sandpaper was being applied vigorously to his brain, turning every sensation into a hazy white noise. It would take longer to recede each time, until he was left growling and bucking as he felt his seed racing up his length. He stared down at his cock, panting heavily as it released violently into its prison, simultaneously wishing he could both stroke himself to completion properly and rip off the device.

Demona snarled then in pleasure, eyes flashing red as her fingers rubbed and dived within her body rapidly. Her legs buckled for a moment, knees turning inward, and her whole body shuddered and she clutched herself around her hand between her legs. Feminine fluids ran from her thighs and splashed on the floor below her as she panted heavily. Brooklyn had no mind for any of it.

His body was beginning to feel exhausted, as if he had been running for miles. He was nearing orgasm again, the muscles in his groin and abdomen flexing and tightening, his cock throbbing. Only now the sensation felt slightly different, as though his body had no more seed to give. Finally when he groaned and shook with orgasm, he watched as his cock failed to produce anything, and only throbbed heavily in its tube. Still his body struggled to issue something he did not have, muscles tensing on dry ducts. He was truly spent.

Abruptly the suction around Brooklyn's member halted and he hung limp in his bonds, panting heavily, chest heaving great breaths. When the gray tiled floor finally swam into focus before his eyes he lifted his head to find Demona panting for breath similarly, staring back at him.

"Now what?" he asked.

Demona's smirk reappeared as she regained her composure. "Now, you give me another egg, Brooklyn." she said as she turned and went to the machine within which his seed had been deposited. She withdrew from one of the table's drawers what appeared to be large syringe, tapered to a round plastic point. Then unlatching the reservoir tank form the machine she withdrew it and swirled the thick white fluid within with the tip of the plastic syringe for a moment before pulling on the instrument's plunger. She sucked up the entire contents of the tank, enough to fill the syringe to its limit.

"Look at me, Brooklyn. You ought to witness your child's conception." Demona said. He had looked away when she had turned back to face him, guessing what was coming next. Reluctantly, he turned his eyes back upon her.

Shamelessly, Demona spread her legs and parted her nether lips with one hand while guiding the plastic tube into her feminine entrance with the other. Brooklyn watched as she pressed it up as far as it could go, and then she depressed the plunger. He watched as the white fluid slowly disappeared, receding up and into Demona's body. A shiver ran up her body accompanied by a murmur of pleasure, and a wave of disgust washed over Brooklyn.

She stopped then with the plunger depressed about half way, and withdrew the syringe from her body. With it came several globules of seed, some sticking to the plastic while others dripped to the floor in long sticky ropes. With a wink at Brooklyn she lifted the syringe to her mouth and depressed the plunger again. Brooklyn watched his white fluid run out onto her red tongue, and then over her lips and down her chin, along her neck, and over her firm breasts. He was assailed by a confusing mix of disgust, hatred, and arousal despite the ordeal with the milking machine.

His cock had softened almost immediately after the suction had dissipated, but quickly grew erect again now as Demona dropped the empty syringe to the floor after licking it clean. She smeared his semen over her breasts with her hands as more dribbled out from her open and visibly full mouth. She quickly scooped up what she had lost, and let it run from her fingers back into her mouth, where she promptly swallowed it. The light blue skin of her chest shone where she had rubbed his seed into her pores, her nipples stiff with arousal.

She grinned devilishly at him, his erection apparently not having escaped her notice. "Haven't had enough, Brooklyn?" she asked, reaching for the remote strapped to her wrist.

"No, wait!" he cried, but it was too late. The suction began again and he was forced to ride a wave of pleasure to another dry orgasm.

Eventually Demona left, but he didn't notice when. He lost track of time as he rode up and down from orgasm to orgasm, eventually losing all sense of pleasure as the machine sucked every last drop he produced from his body. The pleasure turned to pain, and he cried out to the empty room, pleading with the camera trained upon him in the hope that Demona was watching and would have mercy upon him. Eventually, his body's strength finally faltered, and darkness swept over his vision and he went limp in his bonds, the machine finally switching off.

Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 5

Brooklyn awoke from his stone slumber with an angry snarl. In the sudden flash of consciousness that struck him as his stone encasement shattered he was surprised at the restraints that held his arms and legs. He felt his nakedness then, and remembered...

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Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 3

"Brooklyn! Come on, Angela's egg is starting to hatch!" Lexington's excited voice had the sensation of a blade forged from anxiety made solid stabbing into Brooklyn's chest. As this day had approached he had grown steadily more nervous about the...

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Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 2

Brooklyn stood on the rooftop of the building opposite Elisa's apartment, staring forlornly down at the warm and welcoming glow coming from the windows and the inviting balcony. He thought about gliding down and going in to talk to her, not for the...

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