Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 2

Story by Aygis on SoFurry

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#2 of Brooklyn Chronicles

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Brooklyn stood on the rooftop of the building opposite Elisa's apartment, staring forlornly down at the warm and welcoming glow coming from the windows and the inviting balcony. He thought about gliding down and going in to talk to her, not for the first time in the last few weeks, but suppressed the thought once more with a sigh.

She had given every indication that she had no interest in reliving their carnal encounter the one night they had both been feeling rejected and alone. She had looked away from his curious gaze awkwardly, and he'd even see her and Goliath talking intimately again. It was about par for the course for him when it came to women, Brooklyn supposed. At least he could relive the memory of the couple rounds of furtive sex they had had while working the desires out of his body on his own.

He knew it was probably creepy, but it wasn't like Elisa or anybody else could see him anyway, so he reached down and was about to push his loincloth aside when he suddenly heard the woosh of gargoyle wings in the air. He turned abruptly as someone landed on the other side of the rooftop, and found Angela standing there, alone.

"So this is where you've been disappearing to." she said, draping her wings from her shoulders like a cloak as she stepped closer.

"Yeah." Brooklyn said, his hand returning to the railing and glancing back down at Elisa's apartment. He didn't even feel like making the effort to draw up an excuse as to why he was there, not for Angela.

Angela came to stand beside him, looking down at Elisa's apartment like himself. She was quiet for a moment before speaking, "I saw you leave her place a few weeks ago."

Brooklyn looked over at Angela pointedly. "Why are you here?" he asked with a steel edge in his voice.

"I'm worried about you." she replied, looking back at him. The sincerity on her face and in her voice made his breath catch in his throat for a moment. "You've been so gloomy ever since I chose Broadway."

Brooklyn frowned. "Yeah, getting rejected for a second time by the only woman of your kind you'll probably ever meet will do that to you." he grumbled.

"You're talking about Maggie?"

Brooklyn looked at her with some surprise. "Yeah. Who told you about her?"

Angela sighed. "Elisa. She came and asked me to talk a few nights ago, she seemed like she had had something on her mind lately." she said, looking over at the ruddy gargoyle. "She explained that she had feelings for my father but, she seemed to feel guilty about something. She mentioned she had talked to you about it when she had felt rejected by Goliath because you were the only person that might relate to her."

Brooklyn nodded. "We... talked."

Angela returned her gaze to the apartment below. "It wasn't an easy decision, you know. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like with you."

Brooklyn's head snapped up to her immediately and Angela gave a small smile. "Really?" he asked.

Angela nodded and turned to face him and she seemed to hesitate for a moment before stepping closer. Brooklyn turned to face her, folding his wings back from where they cloaked him, letting her see his toned red flesh as he looked back at her. Her eyes flicked down his body for a moment, over his abdomen to where his loincloth covered him, then back up to his eyes, her own filled with a mixture of desire and uncertainty. Brooklyn's own eyes darted to her chest and thin waist, he was sure the longing in his eyes was apparent. It was as if a magnet was drawing them together.

They stood like that for several heartbeats before neither of them could stand it any longer, and they took the half step to close the distance and their lips met as their eyes slid shut. Brooklyn's hand came to rest on her waist while the other brushed through her black hair, touching her for the first time as he licked at her lips with the tip of his tongue. He felt one of her hands brushing over his chest and abdomen, feeling his defined muscles while the other caressed this side of his face and beak. His heart pounded in his chest as her lips cracked open and he pressed forward, seeking her tongue within the confines of her mouth.

As their tongues twisted and danced together, pushing alternatively back and forth between Brooklyn's snout and her mouth, he dared to lower his hand on her waist. He slid it down and back slowly until he was gripping her ass firmly and with meaningful desire. His arousal was beginning to threaten the usefulness of his loincloth, and he pressed his growing stiffness into her thigh. Angela's breath was growing hotter and quicker as well, and he groaned quietly when her hand came to grope his hardening cock and balls through his loincloth.

Brooklyn had forgotten the world in his bliss, ready to have sex with the woman he wanted most right there on the spot. He was about to hike up her dress from below and rip it from where it covered her chest when Angela pulled her lips away. "Not here." she gasped.

"Why not?" Brooklyn huffed with some irritation, seeking to press hips lips to hers once more.

"If I thought to look for you here someone else might too." Angela replied, disentangling herself from Brooklyn's arms. "Follow me." she said, before Brooklyn could complain, and leapt from the rooftop with a mischievous gin, unfolding her wings to catch the air and swoop away.

Brooklyn growled in annoyance and followed, leaping from the concrete ledge into open space to glide along after her. She was climbing, using pockets of hot air to gain altitude as they spiraled upwards towards the top of one of the taller buildings in the area. When they could get no higher by gliding she latched onto the building's side, digging her talons into the concrete with a gargoyle's strength. Brooklyn did similarly so below her and followed her up the remainder of the way.

He tried to sneak a look up under her dress, but Angela wasn't oblivious to his attempt and her tail whapped his beak lightly. "Don't think I don't know your tricks." Angela teased. "Patience." Brooklyn growled again, she had better not be toying with him.

He could wait no longer when the finally reach the rooftop and swung themselves over the barrier. She didn't resist when he grabbed her again and kissed her while hiking up her dress from behind to reveal her bare ass and grip it with both hands. She returned the kiss passionately, moaning softly into his mouth as he gripped and squeezed her cheeks. Her own hands went to his belt, fumbling with it in their fervor until she grew frustrated and ripped the leather with a snarl and tossed the fragments aside, leaving his body nude to her.

She pushed him away breathlessly and Brooklyn stumbled back a step. Angela looked his body up and down, her hungry eyes focusing on his erect red shaft, swinging and bouncing slightly with his sudden movement. Within a heartbeat she was suddenly crouched before him, kissing and rubbing his great red length across the gray skin of her face. Then she was licking from the base to the tip, and Brooklyn moaned and rested a hand on her head when she pulled his foreskin back and licked his tip. She looked up at him and Brooklyn felt her tongue tease over the opening at his tip, making a shiver run up his spine.

Without giving him a moment of reprieve she gripped his thighs and took his cock into her mouth and sucked on him hard while licking him all over. "Angie..." he breathed, widening his stance to stay upright as he felt his knees weaken. "'re amazing."

She seemed to smile up at him and she continued her ministrations while keeping her mouth as far down on him as she could. He watched as she pulled her dress to the side, revealing the wet lips of the entrance between her legs, and began to rub herself. He stroked her hair, panting with pleasure and leaking onto her tongue while she inserted two fingers into herself and thrust them in and out rapidly.

Brooklyn could stand it no more. He pulled his cock from her mouth and pushed her onto her back forcefully and she snarled up at him and her tail lashed the air as she spread her legs demandingly, her pussy glistening with her juices in the glow of the city's lights. He descended upon her, his instincts to mate and take what he wanted gripping him. He ripped the cloth of her dress easily, tearing it from her chest to reveal her petite and firm breasts. He gripped one with a firm hand, squeezing it while he aligned his cock with her entrance using the other.

"Don't finish inside." Angela growled, her conscious clawing past animal instinct for a moment.

The words barely registered in Brooklyn's mind, and he speared her body with his, and thrusted his hard length home with a single thrust. Angela cried out in pleasure and Brooklyn snarled as the tight wet warmth enveloped his shaft. She wasn't as mind-numbingly tight as Elisa was, but he could slide his great red length all the way into her, and to feel those wet lips parting around the base of his cock felt so incredibly erotic. He thrusted like mad, pounding his entire length in and out of her while she moaned in pleasure under his assault.

There was a certain lecherous pleasure Brooklyn took at his besting of Broadway. Here he was, between the legs of the fat gargoyle's mate, pounding her and gripping her breasts and touching her as he pleased. A wicked smirk twisted his beak and his eyes glowed burning white with righteous victory as he pounded Angela again and again.

Angela's eyes burned red in kind as she screamed and moaned under his assault, her claws tearing at his back, cutting the thick hide. Brooklyn hardly noticed the hot blood oozing from the cuts and shifted to short and heavy thrusts while pinning Angela down by her shoulders with enough force to pierce her own hide to prevent her from rolling him onto his back.

Angela's claws cut down his back as her hands descended to his ass, where one pulled one cheek aside none-too-gently. Brooklyn grunted as he felt Angela unceremoniously press two of her fingers past his pucker and into his asshole while smirking up at him. Brooklyn growled down at her as he felt the fingers spread him apart and his body squeezed around the invaders reflexively while he continued to thrust. His body began to convulse around her fingers as they pressed in and out of his ass and he felt his peak nearing, his cock throbbing, his seed moving within his body.

Angela's body convulsed and her claws gripped Brooklyn's ass hard enough to draw blood, holding him to her while she shrieked her pleasure to the night sky. Already clinging to the crest of his pleasure, Brooklyn could hold on no longer as Angela's pussy clamped around his cock, squeezing it rhythmically as it was flushed in her feminine juices. He attempted to pull back for one final thrust, but was held forcefully in place by Angela's grip, fully sheathed within her. He ground his hips against hers as the clamping of her inner walls teased him over the edge, urging the seed racing up his length to spill forth.

He bellowed victoriously as his cock throbbed and his first rope of hot cum shot from his cock and into Angela. He growled and snarled, looking down at her and she up at him, their eyes both glowing as he felt spurt after spurt of thick seed leaving his body to enter hers. His own inner walls clamped down on Angela's fingers rhythmically, a new sensation that caused his cock to spurt with even more strength as the pleasure from the spasming engulfed him.

Angela was the first to come down from orgasmic rapture. The red glow faded from her eyes slowly as he panted, and her claws released their hold on his backside and her fingers slipped from his body. "Fuck... fuck!"

Brooklyn was still too far gone to care much about what had her bothered. That is until she pushed him off of her and causing his sensitive cock to slip from her body, leaving a trail of white cum across her tail's gray hide. "You came in me!" she exclaimed.

He looked at her from where he had fallen onto his backside opposite her, his white-smeared cock bobbing up and down slightly. "You wouldn't let me go." he said, his mind starting to claw its way through the fog of lust and post-orgasm pleasure. He somewhat guiltily neglected to mention that it hadn't been his intention to pull out at all.

Angela glared at him, obviously not able to refute that point. "What if I get pregnant?"

Brooklyn thought about it for a moment. What if she did end up having an egg from him? Surely that would solidify his place at her side instead of Broadway? He felt a little guilty at the thought of having possibly gained it in such an underhanded way, but she had toyed with the idea, and she had prevented him from pulling out. "What if you do?" he said finally.

That seemed to catch her a little off guard. "I... I don't know." she said and got to her feet and Brooklyn followed suit. "But you shouldn't have... and I shouldn't have..."

Brooklyn was getting annoyed at this point. He stooped to pick up the wreckage of his loincloth, torn at the belt and useless. "What, did you expect to come to me with an offer to fuck and have me play the gentleman and refuse?" he said bitterly while wiping himself clean.

"I don't know!" Angela snapped. He quirked an eye ridge at her and she turned away from him. "I have to go." she said and then hopped up on the ledge before gliding away.

Brooklyn was left standing there nude, wondering what the hell had just happened and how he was going to find a new loincloth.

A couple hours and a guilt-stricken petty theft of some clothing later, Brooklyn returned to Castle Wyvern with a new intact loincloth. He looked about as he landed on the heavy stones, hoping that no one was around to notice his return, and thankfully that seemed to be the case. He was about to head for a corridor leading into the castle's labyrinthian maze of passages to disappear when suddenly he heard the woosh of wings on the air and something very large and heavy landing behind him.

"We need to talk." Goliath's voice, stiff as iron, sent a chill running up Brooklyn's spine. A moment later, before Brooklyn could recover from his frozen shock, a heavy hand descended upon his shoulder and pushed him along into the corridor he had been about to enter.

Brooklyn's mind raced and his heart thundered in his chest as the giant gargoyle pushed him along until they reached a small room that had once been an armory for the men who defended the castle walls a thousand years ago. Various medieval weapons stood and hung from display racks, as well as a couple suits of armor, but Brooklyn didn't even notice them as Goliath shut the heavy oak door behind them. He stood waiting, dumbstruck and heart racing like a hatchling caught out of line.

"Elisa spoke to me tonight." Goliath said in a deep and foreboding voice as he turned to Brooklyn. The crimson gargoyle's heart seemed to stop in his chest. "She told me what transpired between you and her, out of guilt."

Brooklyn had no words to reply to Goliath, the massive gargoyle's face contorted with barely restrained fury.

"You took advantage of her. What do you have to say for yourself?" Goliath's voice was a cold and sharp barb.

The sudden accusation opened a deep well of anger inside of Brooklyn. "I didn't take advantage of her!" he spat, his wings mantling and tail lashing. "She wanted it, she asked for it, because you wouldn't give it to her."

Goliath's hands balled into fists and he stepped towards Brooklyn, towering over the smaller gargoyle. "She doesn't want you." he snarled.

"She wanted me then! If she wants to run back to you after how you treated her then fucking fine!" Brooklyn retorted, his own fists clenched. He knew he couldn't take Goliath in a fight, but at the moment with how fucked up his life was, he didn't really care. "She's like every other woman, a fucking teasing bitch!"

Goliath's fist moved so fast he didn't even have time to flinch before it connected with his gut, knocking the air our of him in a rush. He collapsed to his knees, keeled over and gasping for breath.

"Speak of Elisa like that again and I will destroy you." came Goliath's steely voice from above.

"Fuck you." Brooklyn croaked, looking up at the huge gargoyle with a smirk. He considered telling Goliath that he had just got back from fucking his daughter. Before he could open his muzzle again however, Goliath's giant hand wrapped about his neck and pulled him to his feet and slammed him into the stone wall behind him hard enough to leave stars dancing before his eyes.

"You've been a disgrace to your clan ever since we returned from Avalon. Until you put yourself back in order you are no longer my second." Goliath growled.

Brooklyn struggled for breath despite the fact that Goliath wasn't putting too much pressure on his throat. His anger was replaced by fear now.

"And you are to stay away from Elisa. Is that understood?" Goliath said, tightening his grip a little.

Brooklyn nodded quickly for fear that the gargoyle would crush the life out of him.

Goliath looked at him for a long moment before releasing him, letting him slump down the wall as he took a gasping breath. "Your past actions as my second are the only reason I don't exile you now. Remove yourself from my sight."

With that Brooklyn fled the room in a stumbling run to disappear within the castle's depths.


The red gargoyle froze where he was sitting when he heard the door to the small room open, its heavy latch pulling back and its old hinges squeaking. He lowered the book he had been reading and looked over his shoulder to find Angela standing in the doorway apprehensively, lit by dancing firelight cast from the fireplace. He cursed himself for forgetting to lock the door.

"I've been trying to find you for two weeks. Any time we're not on patrol you just disappear." she said after stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. When Brooklyn didn't respond her smile faltered. "Why have you been hiding?" she asked finally.

"Why have you been looking for me?" Brooklyn replied dryly finally, still not yet closing his book or setting it aside.

"I..." Angela hesitated, apparently caught somewhat off guard by Brooklyn's counter. "I think I'm pregnant." That got Brooklyn to stiffen in his armchair and look over at her slowly.

"I don't know if it's yours." Angela said as Brooklyn opened his beak to speak, cutting him off. "But... it could be."

The red gargoyle stared at her for several seconds as he resisted the urge to snipe at her by way of asking if she had gotten fucked by Broadway before or after he had dropped a hot load in her. "So?" he asked stonily.

"I thought you should know." Angela replied, sitting down in the other chair at the fireplace.

"What are you going to do if it turns out to be mine? I don't think Broadway would be happy." Brooklyn said, trying to keep a smirk off his face.

"No, probably not." Angela said before thinking some for a few moments. "I chose Broadway because he made me laugh. I thought appearance wasn't what mattered but..."

Brooklyn stared and blinked at this revelation and subtle compliment. "I'm sorry I fucked up when we..."

"No." Angela said stiffly. "I wouldn't let you go. It..."

"Felt too good?" Brooklyn finished her sentence, unable to keep the smirk off his face now.

"Yeah." Angela said, smiling bashfully.

"Well, I guess you don't have to worry about getting pregnant now." Brooklyn said, finally closing his book and setting it on the small table beside the glowing oil lamp.

When Brooklyn looked back at Angela she was on her feet and striding towards the door. For a moment he thought she was about to storm out and slam the door behind her, but instead she turned the latch on the heavy door's lock, and turned to face him with a guilty smile.

Brooklyn smiled, the first time in weeks, and got to his feet as Angela approached. They embraced and their lips met as their eyes slid shut and their tongues locked in dance inside Angela's mouth. Their hands roamed over each other just as passionately as before on the rooftop, but with less of the ferocious lust they had felt then. Brooklyn's hands crept under the back of her dress to grip her bare ass while hers unbuckled his belt and let it and his loincloth fall to the floor with a thunk. Angela widened her stance slightly as one of his hands explored lower, a single finger tracing over her folds and upwards over the pucker of her ass, making her shiver. One her hands gripped his ass as well while the other gripped and stroked his quickly hardening red shaft.

Lifting her by her thighs then, Brooklyn picked her up and laid her over his chair, leaving her hips up in the air over the armrest, her dress falling upon herself to reveal her nethers. She grinned up at him and spread her legs wide while reaching down and spreading her pussy lips invitingly with one hand to reveal her moist and slick tunnel.

Brooklyn grinned back and stepped closer, his hand gripping his cock and pulling his foreskin back as he guided the head of his shaft to her tunnel. He sank into her in one smooth motion, burying his length inside her with a shivering groan of pleasure as her wet heat enveloped him. She gasped as he spread her and speared deep inside her hips, and he lowered himself to her press his lips to hers once more. He pulled her dress down, careful not to tear it this time, revealing her breasts and gripping them as they kissed.

When Brooklyn pulled away at last he gripped her ankles in his hands, supporting her legs and keeping them spread wide as he began to thrust his hips back and forth. He looked down at her face and she back up at him as his cock plunged into her in a steady rhythm, both of them releasing pleasured gasps that joined with the crackling of the fire to fill the room. The sound of their lovemaking grew gradually more intense as they grew closer to their peak.

Angela seemed to be growing uncomfortable however, with her hips perched on the armrest and her neck bent against the other. She would have to endure, just for a few more seconds, he was much too close to stop and change positions now. He could feel his cock throbbing and his seed moving inside and racing out when Angela suddenly pushed him back with her strong legs, sending him stumbling back and slipping from her tunnel.

Brooklyn was beyond the point of no return however, and instead of letting his orgasm turn into an unsatisfying ejaculation, he grabbed Angela by the shoulder as she was getting to her feet. He pushed her down to her knees, catching her by surprise as he gripped his red cock and stroked rapidly. His eyes burned white as he looked down, and with his cock pointed at her chest, he growled as his hot white cum spurted from his tip. He gripped her shoulder tightly and his growl broke into pants and groans of pleasure as ropes of semen painted the gray hide of Angela's neck and breasts white indiscriminately.

He watched as Angela lifted one of her breasts to his spurting cum while her other hand dove between her legs to rub herself furiously. Her eyes were focused on the tip of his cock, where white fluid erupted from its tip. Brooklyn's heart pounded in his chest as his cock throbbed in his hand and he watched Angela shudder and groan, her legs squeezing inwards upon her hand as her feminine fluids stained the rug below her.

Then they were panting, Brooklyn leaning onto her shoulder slightly as the last of his cum drooled from his cock to land on Angela's leg. His eyes wandered over her breasts, ropes of his freshly spilled semen covering them all the way up to her neck. Slowly Angela drew her hand from between her legs, now slick and glistening in the firelight, and with the other hand smeared the semen over her gray hide. Brooklyn groaned and his legs almost buckled when she leaned forward to take his cock into her mouth.

She released him just a few moments later however and fell back onto the rug beside the warm fire. Seeing no better alternative, Brooklyn joined her, laying on his back beside her as their breathing normalized.

"You didn't tell me why you have been hiding." Angela said, breaking the silence as her eyes drifted from the ceiling down to Brooklyn.

"I got into an argument with Goliath." he answered hesitantly after a few moments, looking back at Angela. "I wanted to give him space to cool off."

"An argument over what?" Angela asked.

Brooklyn's gaze returned to the ceiling. "He found out that I had slept with Elisa."

"What?" Angela exclaimed, rolling onto her side to face him. "You slept with her?"

Brooklyn nodded and went on to explain what had happened between himself and Elisa, and how Goliath had reacted. Angela was silent for a while.

"So you slept with a human... how was it?" she asked finally.

Brooklyn laughed, he hadn't expected such a question. "Uh, really tight, and they're fragile, so I had to be careful not to hurt her."

"No eggs with her though?" Angela teased.

"Not for lack of trying." Brooklyn replied. "Speaking of... with how upset Goliath is I'm not sure it would be best to, er, switch teams right now; if you were thinking about it."

Angela nodded. "We'll see what happens." she said, sitting up while covering herself back up. "Though I don't think your team will be neglected in the meantime."

She got to her feet with a smile and Brooklyn propped himself up. "I have to go clean up. I'll see you around." she said and before Brooklyn could open his muzzle to reply she was out the door, her tail swishing behind her.

Brooklyn Chronicles - Episode 3

"Brooklyn! Come on, Angela's egg is starting to hatch!" Lexington's excited voice had the sensation of a blade forged from anxiety made solid stabbing into Brooklyn's chest. As this day had approached he had grown steadily more nervous about the...

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