Mojave Redemption - Chapter 7

Story by Aygis on SoFurry

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#7 of Mojave Redemption

So ends Mojave Redemption! Keep an eye out for the coming sequel - "A Forlorn Hope"!

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"I look ridiculous." Jacob said in dismay as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Daniel had returned to their small Freeside apartment from the Strip with a surprise for Jacob that he now wore.

"No you don't. You look handsome!" Daniel said from over his shoulder as he straightened the bowtie of Jacob's tuxedo.

Jacob rolled his eyes. "How much did this cost?"

"Oh don't you worry, between you working at the Gun Runners and my job at the embassy we've got enough. And I saw that." Daniel said with a grin.

Jacob looked into the mirror and sighed. As expensive as it was, seeing Daniel this happy was worth it. He turned around and faced Daniel, who wore a similar tuxedo, and placed his paws on the German shepherd's hips and kissed him softly. "Thank you."

Daniel beamed at him and Jacob didn't have to see it to know the shepherd's tail was wagging happily. "I can't have you looking like you just walked in from the wasteland when we go onto the Strip tonight."

Jacob's eyebrows rose in surprise. "So that's what this is about."

"You've been in New Vegas for two months and you haven't even seen the Strip! I can't have that!" Daniel said as he straightened up Jacob's tux.

"I might be too busy looking at you to admire the sights." Jacob said with a grin.

Daniel's ears splayed apart cutely. "Besides, I think a guy has a right to spoil his mate once in a while. Now come on." Daniel said as he tugged Jacob by the paw.

Jacob followed down the hall from the bedroom, unable to keep himself from grinning at the way Daniel's tail wagged behind him. When they reached the sitting room Jacob stopped at the end-table next to the sofa and opened its drawer and withdrew his 9mm, which he always carried outside the apartment.

"You won't need that, sweetie. We're not leaving the city..." Daniel stopped and turned at the door. "And they take away guests' weapons at the casinos."

"Then I'll carry it until we get there." Jacob said and tucked the pistol into his waistband and hid it under his dinner jacket. Daniel frowned but otherwise said nothing and Jacob followed him out the door, locked it behind him, and down the stairs and out onto the streets of Freeside.

It was early evening, and Jacob put an arm around Daniel as they walked together to the Strip's northern gate. Jacob eyed other locals on the street cautiously, he knew that the tuxedos Daniel and himself screamed opulence and he didn't feel like getting robbed. Thankfully while Freeside wasn't as glitzy and glamorous as the Strip, it was still much safer than the world outside the walls and they made it to the gate without a problem. Daniel presented the securitrons standing guard with their caps and were let through.

The sounds, sights, and smells of the Strip hit Jacob all at once as the big doors swung open. Lights, flashing lights everywhere filled his vision, catchy swing tunes filled his ears, and the wonderful smell of fine dining caught his nose. He blinked rapidly, turning his head this way and that trying to take it all in at once.

Daniel laughed and nudged him. "Told you it was amazing!"

"You've been "working" here for over a year?" Jacob asked incredulously as they strolled together down the street at a leisurely pace.

"Something like that." Daniel's grin widened and he looped his arm around Jacob's. "We're going to the Tops towards the end of the Strip. It's really classy."

Jacob was glad Daniel was walking slow to let him take in everything. On the left was the Lucky 38, the tall brightly lit tower Jacob had scene from the distance as he had approached the city over two months ago. On the right was the Gomorrah, decked out with its large pair of neon outlines of nude women.

"Recognize any of them?" Jacob teased Daniel as he nodded towards several scantily-clad female dancers near the entrance.

"Oh shut up, you." Daniel said it with a grin though.

People milled about dressed in fine attire, talking and laughing merrily as they walked the Strip. Jacob also noticed a number of soldiers dressed in NCR khaki uniforms stumbling around. "How about them?" he asked with a grin, imagining Daniel stumbling around drunkenly with his group of friends.

"Probably." Daniel replied. "It's Saturday, the gang is probably over at the Gomorrah right now."

"Want to go say hi?" Jacob asked.

Daniel shook his head. "This is our night." he said and planted a small kiss on Jacob's cheek.

They continued on, approaching another pair of large buildings. On the left stood an impressive rounded building with a lit fountain in front, just behind a sign that read in fancy lettering "The Ultra-Luxe". To the right stood another casino with a flashy fan on lights that ran along its facade and nearby a sign stood emblazoned "The TOPS" in vibrant neon.

Jacob followed Daniel's lead into the Tops and reluctantly handed over his 9mm at the front desk but made no fuss. To the right was a gambling floor and ahead, behind a staircase leading to the second floor, were elevators to guest hotel rooms followed by another gambling floor.

They exchanged some caps for chips and spent some time on the gambling floor. Jacob found himself quite rusty at blackjack but fared alright, Daniel however grinned profusely as he won a not insubstantial amount from the game. Predictably Jacob's luck at the roulette wheels was consistently poor except for a couple times where he made the right bet and managed to make his money back and then some. Daniel went and retrieved some drinks for them and they sat together pulling the slots as they drank and talked and laughed as they reminisced about old times together.

Jacob found himself having a great time despite his poor gambling luck after he finally succumbed and let go of his initial aversion to such luxury and enjoyed it. Mostly though, he was happy to be spending time together with Daniel. After a while Daniel suggested they have dinner and they moved to the casino restaurant, where Jacob enjoyed the tastiest meal he had ever experienced.

"I hear they put on some nice acts up in the theater." Daniel said as they sat at their table after finishing a wonderful desert.

"Oh yeah?" Jacob said uncertainly.

"Come on." Daniel said and pulled him along after leaving payment for the meal on the table. Together they ascended the lobby stairs and crossed through the doors next to the chip cashier into a large room. Deep blue curtains hung behind a lit stage at the far end of the room, over which hung a neon sign reading "Aces Theater". In the corner to the left stood a bar and the rest of the room was filled with small tables around which were set two or three chairs each.

People seemed to be settling in for a coming act. "You go find us a table, I'll get us a couple drinks." Jacob said, turning to Daniel who nodded and went along the wall towards the back corner of the room.

As Jacob turned to the bar and ordered a couple drinks a male coyote adorned with a duster almost as worn as Jacob's and a stetson stepped out onto the stage from behind the curtain with an equally worn looking guitar. Jacob watched and listened as the coyote began to play, the warm and deep sound of the guitar filling the room, and then he began to sing.

"From this wasteland they say you are going We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile For they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our road for a while "

The guitar's strumming and the coyote's song made Jacob stop in place as he picked up the drinks. He turned to watch the coyote on stage, somewhat mesmerized.

"So come sit by my side if you love me Do not hasten to bid me adieu Just remember the New Vegas valley and the drifter that loved you so true "

It felt like Jacob's heart had crawled into his throat somehow, and he turned to look towards the back corner of the room and found Daniel sitting there, smiling back at him, his eyes glistening slightly. Jacob moved quickly along the back wall and sat next to Daniel, setting their drinks on the small table.

"For a long time my darling I've waited for the sweet words you never would say Now at last all my fond hopes have vanished for they say that you're going away "

Jacob's muscles tensed up and his ears lowered on their own as he glanced over at Daniel, but the German shepherd only took Jacob's paw in his own and squeezed it tight.

"So come sit by my side if you love me Do not hasten to bid me adieu Just remember the New Vegas valley and the drifter that loved you so true "

As the coyote's words faded slowly applause washed through the crowd and the performer started on another song, but Jacob was too absorbed with Daniel. "I'm sorry." he croaked, his eyes damp.

"It's okay. I love you, my drifter." Daniel said with a smile and closed the gap between their muzzles.

Jacob kissed back lovingly, gripping Daniel's paw tight, and then when they finally parted he peered deep into the shepherd's eyes. "I love you, Daniel."

Jacob's head was buzzing on the way back to their apartment and was glad when they finally made it through the door. He was somewhat startled however when Daniel suddenly turned and pressed him up against the door and kissed him passionately while gripping his hips, which was all slightly awkward for Jacob considering Daniel was several inches shorter than himself. He kissed back happily anyway though.

"Come on." Daniel said huskily and tugged Jacob towards the bedroom.

Jacob followed after replacing his pistol in the drawer. He had never seen Daniel this forward and he could even smell his arousal through the alcoholic haze and it made Jacob aroused and slightly nervous at the same time. "Are you okay?" he asked as they entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

"Better than ever, and it's my turn." Daniel said as he began to clumsily untie Jacob's bowtie in the dark.

"What?" the wolf said, helping Daniel after turning on the electric lamp resting on the bedside table.

"I always wondered what it would look like - you on your back, between your legs..." Daniel said with a grin as he began to remove the rest of Jacob's clothing.

What Daniel was getting at began to dawn on him as the shepherd attacked his belt "Wait, you mean..."

"You always fuck me, Jake. I want to try it." Daniel said, finally defeating Jacob's belt.

The wolf's pants fell to the floor and he felt Daniel's paws grip his rear tightly. "I don't think I've ever seen you this drunk before." he said absently.

"Come on, you'll love it." Daniel said and he began to undress himself with some help from Jacob.

The wolf really was surprised, he'd never expected that Daniel would want to top him, he'd always seemed to love being on bottom. Jacob wouldn't admit it, but he was curious and more importantly, he loved Daniel, and didn't resist when the shepherd gently pushed him down onto the sheets.

Jacob could see Daniel's ample erection now that he was fully nude, and noted that he somehow looked much larger than before. Daniel reached in a drawer in the nightstand for a small tube of lubricant and squirted some in his paw and applied it to his hard shaft, smearing it across his length after replacing the tube. Jacob somewhat nervously opened his legs to Daniel, who gently pressed a couple cool fingers under his tail.

"Relax." Daniel said softly when Jacob clenched reflexively. "If you clench up it will hurt." Jacob forced himself to relax and Daniel gently pressed a couple fingers inside him and smeared the lubricant around. Jacob thought it felt really strange as he felt Daniel's fingers moving inside him and he wondered to himself why Daniel enjoyed this so much.

Daniel seemed content to press his fingers in and out of Jacob's tailhole for a couple minutes before finally withdrawing and scooting closer. Jacob eyed Daniel's considerable looking shaft as the shepherd gently pushed his legs farther apart and nestled himself between them. "Take it easy on me, okay?" Jacob said.

"I promise, pup." Daniel said as he took his shaft in his paw and Jacob felt his tip brush against his entrance. He forced himself to relax again as Daniel gently but firmly pressed his hips forward and Jacob felt the shepherd's shaft slide into him. Jacob breathed in sharply as Daniel's length began to fill him and Daniel stopped immediately. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

Jacob nodded. "Just feels weird." he said and Daniel continued slowly until their hips met. Jacob was glad Daniel stopped and let him adjust for a while as they kissed deeply. Then finally he began to move again, sliding slowly in and out. After a while Jacob found himself growing accustomed to the sensation and even found himself enjoying the feel of being filled over and over.

Jacob's erection began to grow as he moaned softly, and didn't mind at all when Daniel picked up his pace slightly. Jacob felt Daniel's soft paw wrap around his cock and stroke gently, down as he thrusted in, up as he withdrew. Jacob lost track of time as Daniel thrusted in and out of him, never letting his eyes wander from Jacob's for long.

Daniel was moving both his hips and his paw faster now and Jacob's pleasure was growing quickly. The German shepherd's breathing was growing ragged now and he whispered. "Jake, I'm gonna cum."

Jacob looked up into Daniel's eyes and before he realized it he wrapped his legs and arms around the shepherd and pulled him down until their chests were pressed together and Jacob's cock pressed into Daniel's white bellyfur. "Do it." he whispered into Daniel's ear.

Jacob was thankful that Daniel had enough presence of mind to not try and knot him, instead gripping his knot tightly with his paw as he buried the rest of his length inside Jacob. He held him tight as Daniel moaned loudly and shuddered. Jacob folded his ears back as he felt Daniel's cock pulse, followed by warmth spreading deep inside him and he moaned softly as Daniel gave a series of small thrusts, punctuated with a grunt and a pulsing inside. Jacob pressed his muzzle against Daniel's lovingly as the shepherd whispered his name over and over as he released his seed.

Several long moments passed before Jacob felt all the tension in Daniel's body disappear, followed by hard panting. He let Daniel rest on him for several minutes before the shepherd finally propped himself up. "I was worried you fell asleep on me." Jacob said with a smile.

"I got to take care of you first." Daniel said and began stroking Jacob's length once more. "Do you want me to pull out?"

Jacob shook his head, finding he very much enjoyed the sensation of his muscles contracting around the shaft inside him. It wasn't long before he was moaning once more and he felt himself approaching his peak rapidly. He looked up at Daniel's smiling face, his own contorted with pleasure, as he felt his seed racing up his length as his heart pounded and his cock pulsed. His body spasmed rapidly around Daniel's length, making it the most powerful orgasm he ever experienced as his cum shot from his cock in long ropes. His eyes closed reflexively when suddenly his own warm seed splashed across his face. "Oh Daniel..." he moaned, reaching out blindly to grasp his mate as he spent himself. Daniel's paw closed around his and held it tight through his entire orgasm.

"Wow, you're a mess." Daniel said when Jacob caught his breath; Jacob could feel splotches of warmth all over his chest and face. "I told you you'd love it."

Jacob nodded and Daniel gently withdrew from under his tail and reached over the edge of the bed before producing a towel that he used to clean Jacob off as best he could. He dropped the towel on the floor before laying down on his side next to Jacob, and the wolf, not giving a damn about their size difference, turned his back towards Daniel and scooted back until their bodies pressed together. The last thing Jacob remembered was Daniel draping an arm around him and holding him tight.

He slept well for several hours, feeling secure in Daniel's arms, but eventually he slipped into a world of nightmares, revisiting the small town of Sweet Glenn. Many times it was he himself who fired the lethal shot - sometimes it was Joshua, sometimes it was Daniel. He twisted and turned in his sleep, pulling loose from the safety of Daniel's arms and ending up alone and cold on the other side of the bed.

Jacob awoke in a state of near panic from a nightmare where he was being attacked by Twitch, standing over him with a metal pipe, beating him ruthlessly. Once again his paw flew to his chest for a pistol that wasn't there, only inducing more panic until he realized where he was. His breathing slowly returned to normal when he saw Daniel next to him and he remembered the previous night. He clutched the side of his head when piercing pain exploded within it, a painful headache from the alcohol.

He didn't want to go back to sleep to face his nightmares and instead swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, sending more pain shooting through his skull. He pulled on a pair of pants left draped over a nearby chair and went to the window, pulling the curtains back just a bit and peered outside. Their part of Freeside, away from the Kings' headquarters and the nearby casinos, was dark, the sky only just starting to become tinged with deep violet.

Deciding he needed some fresh air Jacob groped through the closet in the dark for some kind of covering and pulled out the first thing that felt it would be warm enough. He draped it about his shoulders, not bothering to slip his arms into the sleeves, and left the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him so as not to wake Daniel, and headed out of the apartment. He climbed the steps of the decrepit apartment building until he reached the top of the last flight and opened the unlocked door and stepped out onto the deserted roof.

He turned to face south, finding little visible beyond all the bright flashy lights of the Strip, still bright in the early hours of pre-dawn. He sighed and turned his eyes to the southwest, trying to peer through the darkness as if he hoped that somehow he would make out the great statues at the Mojave Outpost. He stood there, staring into the distance for a long time, listening to the wind as he remembered his journey. He lost track of time as he remembered, not really caring about how long he stood there.

"I thought you might be up here." It was Daniel's quiet voice from behind Jacob. The wolf didn't turn or say anything as Daniel approached and put his arms around him. "I'm never going to get that thing off you for long, am I?" he asked as Jacob felt Daniel press his muzzle into the fur at his neck.

"What?" Jacob said, finally coming out of his trance. He looked down at himself to find that he had grabbed his old tired duster. "Yeah, I guess not." he said absently, returning his gaze to the southwest, beyond the bright lights of the strip.

"Nightmares again?" Daniel asked quietly. Jacob only nodded. "You need to let it go, hon."

"I left a part of myself buried out there, I can't." Jacob whispered.

Daniel was quiet for a while as he held onto Jacob. "I got you something else. I forgot to give it to you yesterday, I was so excited." he said, releasing the wolf. Jacob turned to find Daniel holding something that glinted faintly in his paws, a fine silvery chain. "I thought it would go nice with your ring." Daniel said and reached behind Jacob's neck and the wolf felt him undo the knot of the paracord still holding Joshua's ring.

Jacob felt naked without it, having not taken it off since Joshua had given it to him. He watched as Daniel removed the paracord and fed the chain through the ring and then replaced it around his neck, kissing him softly as he did. Jacob lifted the ring and chain and indeed they did match each other well. "Thank you." Jacob breathed, his eyes growing a little damp and he embraced Daniel tightly.

"Look." Daniel said, nodding towards the western sky. Jacob turned his head to find the sun just beginning to break above the horizon. They both turned to face the rising sun as its rays washed over them, warming their fur. Jacob found Daniel's paw and held it tightly as they stood together in silence.

Mojave Redemption - Chapter 6

Two weeks had passed since Jacob had parted ways with Sarah and he was now drinking whiskey at the bar of a seedy casino called the Atomic Wrangler in north Vegas, or Freeside as the locals called it. The journey to Freeside had been mostly uneventful,...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 5

It was late afternoon when Jacob and Joshua finally descended the stairs and got ready to go back to the grocery store for the water. Jacob shrugged on his duster, he thought about leaving his bag, after all, it would just be a short trip and should be...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 4

"Been here before?" Jacob asked Sarah gruffly as the three walked into the dusty little town. "Once, just passed through." she replied in her usual stony voice. "I'm surprised you and your friends didn't visit more often." Jacob said, eyeing the...

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