Lien's Punishment

Story by Aygis on SoFurry

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"What do you want?" Temeraire snapped at Lien as he entered her pavilion.

"Now, now, must you be so upset over sharing some tea?" Lien said coolly.

"Yes, when I am sharing it with you." Temeraire retorted angrily as he sat on his haunches uneasily, wary of any sudden attack from Lien.

"I only wish to ask you some things." said Lien as some servants brought forth some bowls of tea before them.

"No doubt you mean to poison me and kill Laurence." Temeraire eyed the steaming tea, he couldn't trust Lien even if it did smell quite nice.

Lien picked up one of the porcelain bowls gingerly in her talons and sipped. "I assure you that is false." she took another sip. "I was wondering about this Imperial, Mei, I had heard about."

"How do you know about her?" Temeraire snapped with surprise.

Lien smiled. "I know many things. I hear she is quite beautiful."

"If you are trying to find out if I have an egg, you should know that I do not."

Lien chuckled, sending a shiver down Temeraire's spine. "I am sure you enjoyed her company a great deal."

Temeraire paused and picked up the bowl of tea before him and sniffed it cautiously before taking a sip, trying to buy some time to think of what Lien might be getting at. Perhaps she intended to go after Mei and use her against him; however, that seemed unlikely as Mei was so far away. "That is not of your concern."

"No doubt you shared much pleasure together." Lien continued anyway.

"What are you..." Temeraire was at a loss for words as he realized what she was referring to. "Why should you care?"

"Oh, I was only curious as to whether you wondered about how Mei feels about being the receiver of such...pleasures."

Temeraire stared at her as he took another sip of the surprisingly delicious tea. He was completely puzzled at her meaning. "What in the world are you talking about?"

"Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be in her position?" Lien said snidely.

Temeraire was only growing more confused. "I don't understand..." he was startled as he heard his own speech come out slurred. His mind was getting foggy and he felt tired. "You poisoned liar!" he tried to spit out his words but they only came out slow and stupid sounding, as if he were drunk like one of the sailors from the Allegiance.

"I am only going to give you an opportunity to better understand Mei." Lien said as Temeraire fell, the porcelain bowl crashing to the floor. "Consider it a gift."

Temeraire's eyes opened lazily as he slowly came to. For several moments he thought himself back in England in a covert under harness, but as he came to his senses he was startled to find that the harness he had felt was not a normal flying harness at all. Rather, it was a system of chains and tough leather straps, constricting his movement and tying him to the ground. Indeed, this was not England at all, but some field in or around Paris. This was Lien's doing, she had lied and the tea had been drugged after all! Temeraire made to roar out his challenge to Lien but found his muzzle clamped tightly shut with several large straps of leather.

"There is no use in struggling, Temeraire. Even if you were to break free I could have your dear Laurence killed at any moment." Lien said coldly, spitting out his English name. Temeraire lunged for her as she spoke, but the chains held and he eyed her with a low growl in his throat. He doubted that she would be able to kill Laurence before he could save him, but he didn't want to take the chance.

"As I said before you rudely dozed off while I was talking, with the sickness going around the few healthy dragons here have been having to work extra hard to make up for the loss." Lien continued, the evil grin on her face slowly growing. "And while working so hard they have not had any time for pleasure."

Temeraire grew nervous as she stressed the last word. He began to think of why she might have him tied down like this; perhaps it was to convince him to mate with the females so France might get some Celestial blood into their corps. That seemed odd however, he didn't think Lien would break the law forbidding the mating of Celestials with anyone other than their own kind and Imperials. Well, even if she would, they would get no eggs from him.

Lien must have seen this calculation on his face and snorted. "Do not think I would give you the pleasure of mating while you are here under my control. This is for the dutiful dragons of France." she said before lowering her head to his and speaking in a quieter voice. "Although I do admit that I might enjoy the show a little."

Temeraire tried to lunge at her again, which Lien chuckled at. "If you please, join us." she spoke to someone outside of Temeraire's field of view. Five dragons stepped in front of him: a particularly large Petit Chevalier which appeared to equal him in size, a Chanson-de-Guerre, Flamme-de-Gloire, and a couple of little Pascal-Blues who, despite being combat dragons, were even smaller than the medium-weight Flamme-de-Gloire. Each wore a nasty eager grin about their faces as they eyed Temeraire.

"These five," Lien said, "will have the pleasure of enjoying your company today."

The realization of what Lien was intending hit Temeraire with incredible force. She was going to humiliate him by having him bred like a female! He had heard of males copulating before, but the idea that he should share such company with another male had never occurred to him. He struggled against his bonds, he could not let this happen to himself.

The males chuckled and the Petit Chevalier stepped towards him. Unable to roar, Temeraire growled menacingly as the French dragon slowly circled him, eyeing him. Temeraire could see the Chevalier was already growing aroused as he circled, his cock proportioned well to his large size and covered with jutting ridges typical of western dragons. Temeraire shuddered at the thought of that pole entering him.

"I wish I could say you'll enjoy this as much as I will." The Chevalier said in French behind him after passing out of view. "I've heard about you, how strong you are, how terrible your roar is." Suddenly Temeraire felt the scales of the Chevalier's belly slide across his back and his muzzle dip down next to his head. "And here you are, defenseless..." Temeraire cursed the Chevalier mentally as he felt the French dragon's large cock grind along the smooth scales of his rear. "You will be a good female to fuck."

Anxiety welled up in Temeraire's chest as the Chevalier lifted his tail forcibly, he couldn't take this humiliation. As Temeraire's chest was pushed to the ground and he felt himself being mounted by the dragon above him he looked to Lien, hoping she would stop this, that it was some terrible joke, but she did nothing besides keep her evil grin. Temeraire clenched tight as he felt the Chevalier's tapered tip press against his entrance. "Resist all you want, I'm still going to fuck you." the French male said before adding, "And I like fighters."

The feel of being penetrated simply felt odd at first, but as the Chevalier sank his length deeper pain began to grow. Temeraire groaned through his closed muzzle as he felt another male's shaft press into him, destroying his pride and forcing his submission. It felt like an eternity as he felt himself filled with the male's cock before at last the Chevalier stopped pressing forward. Then ever so slowly it pulled back out of him, each ridge in the male's shaft grinding against the soft flesh of Temeraire's insides, making him burn in pain.

Then when just the tip of the Chevalier's cock was inside him he changed pace he grunted in pain as he felt the cock ram all the way back inside him in one swift motion. Temeraire closed his eyes as he dealt with the pain, swearing that if he ever got his claws on the French dragon that he would rip his throat out. The Chevalier pulled out again, faster this time and he felt the dragon's weight settle on top of him and his claws grip the black scales of his hips.

The French dragon pressed forward again and then back out, his speed increasing until he was pounding Temeraire's tailhole with incredible speed and ferocity. Temeraire tried to roar and shake him off, only succeeding in drawing a growl from the Chevalier above him as he felt the dragon's talons dig into his hips.

The other were chuckled and he opened his eyes and stared at them hatefully. The three males sat on their haunches, each stroking their rock hard poles slowly as they watched their friend mate him forcefully. Lien simply sat to the side, watching as coolly as always.

Temeraire closed his eyes again as he felt the Chevalier's cock spear deep into his hips, spreading him wide. Without any oils to lubricate the mating, the pain was unbearable, and Temeraire was sure it was no less unpleasant for the male above him and didn't understand how he possibly carried on rutting him so. He continued trying to push the Chevalier off, he couldn't let himself be taken without a struggle; however as he did so the male's jaws wrapped about his neck, pinning his head to the ground.

The Chevalier's growls of pleasure grew louder and louder above Temeraire and his thrusting grew more heated until the male released his neck and snapped hoarsely, "You are mine now, bitch." Then with a roar he plunged his cock all the way inside Temeraire's tailhole. Temeraire grit his teeth as he felt spurts of hot fluid deep inside him as the Chevalier emptied his seed and claimed him. He wanted to unleash the divine wind and fight, but was forced to lay there and submit, accepting the male's cum as it was shot into him in powerful ropes.

The Chevalier panted hard to catch his breath after roaring and stayed on top of Temeraire for several moments before pulling his cock from his tailhole, leaving behind strings of sticky white semen. He pushed off of him and strutted back to his place next to the other males.

Now the Chanson-de-Guerre stood and approached with a smirk on his face. Temeraire noticed that he strutted about just as the Petit Chevalier had, seemingly without compunction for the fact that he was going to be taking a used male. Used. The word made Temeraire cringe, that's what he was now. He supposed males such as these would care little for that fact, especially when getting a chance to humiliate a dragon as infamous as him among the French ranks.

Without a word the Chanson-de-Guerre stepped around him, sizing him up before stepping behind him. "Get up" the French dragon said in a deep brassy voice, giving him a light kick to the leg. Temeraire tried to look around behind him to see what the Chanson-de-Guerre intended but the chains restricted his movement, he wondered why he wanted him to get up from his humiliating and easily accessible position.

"I must admit that my friend's methods are...effective, but I have some different tastes." Temeraire felt a clawed hand slide over the smooth black scales of his rump and up his back as the dragon behind him spoke. "I like more willing participants, and a male as pretty as you... why, you deserve some pleasure."

Temeraire could tell without looking that the French dragon had the most unpleasant smirk about his face. This was not for his pleasure, no, it was for the Chanson-de-Guerre's and Temeraire's humiliation, that a dragon as powerful as he would be seemingly willfully mounted. "Do not make me repeat my friend's performance, I am sure it was most unpleasant for you."

As much as Temeraire wanted to defy the male, he didn't think he could take another rutting such as the Chevalier had given him. While looking resolutely straight forward past the smirks of the other males he got back onto all four feet. "There we go, is that not better?" the Chanson-de-Guerre said, mimicking a sincere voice rather well. "Let me see you now, raise that tail shall we?"

Temeraire refused to budge, standing perfectly rigid as he stared onward with determination not give Lien or the other males any satisfaction. The Chanson-de-Guerre only chuckled. "Very well then." He said as he easily pushed Temeraire's tail up and to the side, revealing his used tailhole dripping with the Chevalier's spent seed. "My my he did quite the number on you. New to males I take it?"

As if Temeraire could reply. He simply waited for the inevitable mounting but started abruptly when he felt the male's tongue teasing against his sheath. Temeraire squeezed his eyes shut, willing his body to not react, to not humiliate himself further by showing pleasure, but to no avail. "No, no, no..." he thought to himself as he felt his sheath swell, "Why is he doing this? Why couldn't he just use me and be done with it?"

"Oh, quite exotic." the Chanson-de-Guerre purred as Temeraire's member began to poke out from his sheath, admiring his gentle ripples and ridges opposed to a western dragon's more aggressive shaft. Finally the male mounted Temeraire, resting one foot up on Temeraire's haunch for better leverage in thrusting he supposed. Abruptly the Chanson-de-Guerre's member poked at his rear several times before finally finding its mark, sinking into his tailhole.

Although there was soreness from being used so roughly previously, it was not so painful as before. With the Chanson-de-Guerre being slightly less well endowed and with the lubrication of the Chevalier's semen the invading member slid into Temeraire much more smoothly, which he was grateful for. As the French dragon pressed into his tailhole up to the hilt he lowered himself down onto Temeraire's back, wrapping his arms around his midsection.

As the Chanson-de-Guerre began to slide in and out of him slowly he noticed with growing alarm that his own erection was not retreating back into its sheath. He stared onward resolutely, trying to think of anything but sex and not let the male on top of him know of his unwanted arousal. His body didn't help as the French dragon picked up his pace slightly, thrusting his entire length in and out of him in long smooth motions; he could not stop his muscles from reacting to the rhythmic passage of the member inside him. He felt his body flexing, relaxing as the male's cock pressed into him and contracting as it slipped back out as if Temeraire's body wanted it back inside of him.

The soreness was mostly gone now with help from the lubrication of the Chevalier's warm seed and now with growing alarm that the sensation of being filled repeatedly was more pleasurable than Temeraire would have liked to admit. This was not right, he was being used and humiliated, he should not be enjoying it! As the French dragon's thrusting went on Temeraire's pleasure grew and so did his erection. The other males wore huge smirks as they saw Temeraire's black cock hardening under him and the Chanson-de-Guerre must have seen their faces, for Temeraire started when he felt a paw stroke lightly along his length.

"My, my, what do we have here?" the male above Temeraire said, his voice coming somewhere next to and behind his head. "I am glad to see you are enjoying yourself." Temeraire wanted to snarl back that he was not enjoying it at all, that his body was betraying him, but he could say nothing with his muzzle clamped shut. When the male wrapped a paw around Temeraire's cock and stroked several times he was unable to prevent himself from instinctively bucking his hips forward, drawing a chuckle from the Chanson-de-Guerre. "Do not worry, I am sure you will get off eventually." he said and released Temeraire's shaft, much to his frustration.

The pace of the French dragon's thrusting picked up as a low growl rose in his throat. The Chanson-de-Guerre was almost finished, thank goodness. Finally the male huffed out as he pushed himself further up Temeraire's back to bury himself deeper and wrapped his jaws loosely around the back of his neck. Temeraire closed his eyes as he felt the dragon's shaft push all the way inside him and his own body continued to squeeze around the invading length, pushing the Chanson-de-Guerre over the edge into his orgasm. Temeraire felt the muscles of the male on top of him tense, arousing him further as he knew exactly what that male was feeling...and he wanted to feel it himself. Again he felt strong splashes of warmth deep in his hips as he was bred.

After emptying his seed into Temeraire's tailhole he slid from his back and walked around in front of him. "I think we can have this taken off." the dragon said, indicating the muzzle holding Temeraire's mouth shut. "We have his captain after all."

Temeraire knew that the Chanson-de-Guerre wasn't doing this for his benefit so he was nervous when Lien dipped her head and the male removed the leather straps. "I will kill you." Temeraire growled angrily, straining forward against his restraints after the muzzle came off. "All of you."

"Now, now. Is that any way to thank someone who gave you such pleasure, and removed this from you? I am sure it was quite uncomfortable." the Chanson-de-Guerre said, hefting the series of leather straps. "In fact, I know a wonderful way that you could thank me." Then the male turned his side to Temeraire, revealing his still hard cock which was thoroughly coated with white cum, both his own and the Chevalier's.

"Absolutely not!" Temeraire snapped, revolted at the idea of taking another male's shaft into his mouth. In his current predicament he couldn't prevent the males from mounting him, but to pleasure them with his mouth was too much like giving in. On top of that it was covered in semen, from two males that had used him!

"Remember, your captain..." The Chanson-de-Guerre was right, Temeraire couldn't risk Laurence's life, so without a word he hung his head low, avoiding the male's eyes. The dragon stepped forward and Temeraire remained motionless, hoping that the Chanson-de-Guerre would simply force his cock into his mouth and spare Temeraire the humiliation of taking it "willingly". But the French dragon didn't move either and when he was about to speak Temeraire extended his head forward until the cum-slathered cock was right before his lips. The musk in Temeraire's nose was dizzying and it took effort to push out his tongue and take a long dreadful lick at the head of the shaft, covering his tongue in warm white seed. Closing his eyes he drew it back into his muzzle, the sticky cum smearing across the surfaces of his mouth. Temeraire was prepared to heave and vomit at its taste but was surprised to find that the taste was not that unpleasant, and though it was slimy and sticky, the texture was strangely...exhilarating.

As Temeraire smeared the cum around his mouth, feeling its texture, without realizing it his softening cock came back to full hardness. Forgetting his situation and who the male was he opened his muzzle and slid it over the Chanson-de-Guerre's cock and sucked steadily as he licked the seed from its surface, experimenting with its unique texture and taste. After licking it clean he drew his head back and froze when he saw the male looking at him with a huge grin, and he realized again what he was holding in his mouth. Just when he was about to spit it out the Chanson-de-Guerre wrapped a paw tightly around Temeraire's muzzle. "I saw how much you like it. Go on..." he said. Trying to forget that the fluid in his muzzle came from the males who violated him, Temeraire slowly swallowed the seed, feeling it slide down into his belly leaving a wake of sticky warmth all the way down his throat.

Now the Chanson-de-Guerre released his muzzle and returned to his friends, leaving Temeraire nearly heaving with the thought of what he had just swallowed. The Flamme-de-Gloire stepped forward, obviously eager and extremely full of himself as he strutted forward, no doubt because he would be mating a male larger than himself, Temeraire was sure. He hung his head, it was just one humiliation after the next. The medium-weight took little time in getting behind him and mounting Temeraire awkwardly, which gave him a slight smirk. Without ceremony the Flamme-de-Gloire plunged his length into his used and cum-filled tailhole, giving Temeraire a start, the smaller dragon was surprisingly well-endowed indeed.

The Flamme-de-Gloire immediately set into a fast rhythm, which quickly brought back the pleasant sensations of his body contracting around the invading member much to Temeraire's despair. What hardness his length had lost quickly returned as he was rutted once more. He didn't know how long he could ignore the pleasure of being fucked, and the Flamme-de-Gloire's speed didn't help either. Temeraire could feel the seed of the previous two males leaking out of his entrance, dripping down the black scales of his rear, staining them white with shame.

Almost without realizing it, Temeraire began to succumb to the pleasure, trying to back into the French male's thrusts as his member strained under him. When he finally realized what he was doing he didn't care; if he was going to be raped and used he might as well make the best of it right? After such humiliation that he had endured he had little dignity left to rescue indeed. He closed his eyes as he focused on the feeling of being speared over and over by the cock inside him. He lost track of time as he began to release small moans and growls of pleasure, oblivious the snickering males.

As the Flamme-de-Gloire began to pound him with surprising force, Temeraire dug his claws into the ground as he felt the muscles in his legs tense up and suddenly he began to feel his lower abdomen flexing powerfully. Without realizing it he stood at the greatest height the chains would allow and released a loud moan, he knew he was going to explode all over the ground below him, and the pleasure was immense. The Flamme-de-Gloire yelped as he was jostled but was too far gone to stop his maddened thrusting.

The male was hitting just the right spot now and Temeraire moaned and panted as he felt himself crest the peak, hanging precariously until the cock buried deep inside his hips pushed him over the edge. His cock throbbed powerfully and he felt his muscles spasming around the length inside him, an incredibly wonderful feeling. Then he burst, his cock bouncing as he thrust forward powerfully and with the force of the ropes of cum he fired. Even as the pleasure of milking the cock inside him rolled through him, powerful spikes of ecstasy hit him as he felt himself shoot each individual spurt of seed from his black cock.

The spasming of Temeraire's body around his shaft must have sent the Flamme-de-Gloire over his own peak, for Temeraire felt a burst of heat and heard the roar of fire as the male loosed a huge gout of flame behind him. The French dragon buried his cock into Temeraire up to the hilt as he dug his claws into him and fired his cum deep into the hips of the dragon under him.

This felt different to Temeraire, this wasn't being used, this was two powerful male dragons at the height of their passion, melding together at their hips. Even as Temeraire fired his seed across the ground under him the male inside him pumped more into him as they both shuddered strongly in orgasmic pleasure. Temeraire moaned as he came harder than he ever had before, his climax driven not from stimulation to his member but by being mounted and mated until he burst. It was incredible.

And then it was over, Temeraire's pleasure began to fade even as his body continued to spasm around the length inside him. He panted hard and basked in the soft glow of pleasure that was left behind from his massive release before opening his eyes after seemingly several minutes. After his eyes slid open he was dimly aware of the male's before him stroking their members rapidly before realizing that Lien sat right next to him.

"Celestial seed is not supposed to be wasted." she said, swirling something around in a paw. As Temeraire looked he realized he had not spilled his seed across the green grass as he had thought, but rather Lien had stepped forward and extended her paw, catching each of his ropes in and across it. "You are a shame to your country in every way. Look at you." At this Temeraire averted his eyes, indeed, he was mounted by a male and had came without a single touch to his shaft, like a female. "You miserable beast, you will wear this shame." Lien growled and suddenly struck his face.

Or so he had thought until he realized she had swiped her cum-covered paw from the tip of his muzzle to his brow. He froze as he felt the warmth of his own semen plaster the black scales of his face, trickling down to his jaw where he could not avoid its shaming taste. He hung his head low, trying to hide it from the other males as the one on his back slide down, pulling with him even more spent seed that ran from his used hole and dripped to the ground. "It looks good on you." the Flamme-de-Gloire remarked flippantly as he headed back to the others.

Now it was just the two Pascal-Blues and it would hopefully be over. He didn't know what they could possibly being doing here as they were too small to mount him, though he found out when they stepped forward. They stood before him, stroking their cocks vigorously and one spoke in a harsh tone, "Open your mouth."

"Oh no, not this." Temeraire thought, but knew he had little choice and so opened his muzzle obediently. The Pascal-Blues continued stroking their shafts rapidly and Temeraire could see that they were already at the edge as they growled and shuddered in pleasure. They both reared on their haunches, each placing the tips of their cocks at the edge of his muzzle as they swapped paws, masturbating each other now. Temeraire looked up to see them lock their jaws together, twisting their tongues around each other and he closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Temeraire braced himself mentally when he heard the Pascal-Blues' yips and growls above him, which were quickly followed by blasts of cum landing on his tongue. Again he was torn by the fact that the semen itself was not altogether unpleasant, and the fact of where it was coming from. He tore furrows in the earth with his claws as rope after rope of warm seed spurted into his open mouth, frustrated at being used and humiliated while his body reacted, his erection growing once more. His mouth filled quickly as both males spilled their seed into it and without meaning to he snapped his muzzle shut quickly to avoid spilling any when the Pascal-Blues had emptied themselves. The French pair stood panting and waiting expectantly when Temeraire cracked his eyes open, and was forced to swallow the fresh loads of cum in his muzzle. It left even more residue behind in his mouth and throat and left his belly warm after sliding down.

Suddenly the Petit Chevalier appeared, shoving the Pascal-Blues to the side roughly and without ceremony grabbed ahold of Temeraire's head, staring him in the eyes. "Bite me and you won't have any teeth anymore." He growled menacingly. Without giving Temeraire a chance to respond he roughly shoved his large cock in his mouth up to the hilt, making Temeraire gag. "Suck." he commanded.

The Chevalier gripped Temeraire's shoulders in his claws, supporting himself as he began to thrust rapidly into his muzzle. Temeraire was so overtaken with surprise that he was not able to respond to the Chevalier's sudden assault, and was unable to brace himself against the thrusting. The male must have been close to begin with as it did not take long before the Chevalier gripped Temeraire's muzzle with both paws, holding it shut as he hilted his length into Temeraire's maw and roared. He gagged again as ropes of cum spurted strongly against the back of his throat, forcing him to swallow the hot cum quickly lest he choke. Temeraire was relieved when the flood of seed dribbled to a halt, but the Chevalier didn't let go and gave another thrust into his mouth with a growl.

With a shudder of revulsion Temeraire began to swirl his tongue around the cock in his mouth, cleaning it of any remaining cum. Then finally the Chevalier released his head and slipped his cock from Temeraire's mouth, leaving him gasping to catch his breath. The French dragon began to turn before pausing and snarling down at him, "He was right, it does look good on you." Temeraire dipped his head in shame, reminded of how he must look, his face covered with his own seed, eating the cum of males smaller than himself. He was glad when the Chevalier turned away for the last time.

"You must be enjoying yourself." the Chanson-de-Guerre said, smiling as he sat before Temeraire on his haunches, the Flamme-de-Gloire next to him.

"Spare it, I know what you want." Temeraire said, cutting him off. The Chanson-de-Guerre shrugged and the two French males moved in closer so their cocks were both right before Temeraire's muzzle. Letting go of his shame and misery, Temeraire dove right in, licking up the length of each shaft, wrapping his tongue around them and feeling each ridge. It was liberating as he shoved away any worry about social stigma, he was too far gone for that now. He enveloped one cock with his muzzle, bobbing his head up and down its length while he closed his eyes, moving quickly as he sucked hard and swirled his tongue over the tip. Then he switched to the other male, doing the same.

All the while Temeraire's own cock remained hard between his legs, and no longer caring, wrapped a paw around it and began to stroke himself vigorously. The pleasure was immediate as he gave himself to his lust, sucking one cock while the other one rubbed across the scales of his face, releasing growls of pleasures from above. Before long Temeraire could tell that both of them were close. They shoved him off their cocks and stroked themselves vigorously just as Temeraire did, and with a roar began to fire their seed in long white ropes across his face. Temeraire closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure as he felt their warm cum covering his black scales, adding to his cum already coating his face. The sensation was intoxicating, being claimed by two males and marked a whore with each splash of semen.

Temeraire was disappointed when it was over, but as the males drew away he continued to pump his cock rapidly. Drunken with lust he let his front slip to the ground, now thoroughly soiled with spilled seed, and thrust his hips into his paw. He moaned in pleasure as he felt his orgasm approach, this one feeling quite different from his previous, being driven by stimulation to his maleness. As he felt himself reach the edge he cupped his free paw before his tip and continued to stroke himself until pleasure exploded in him. With a low moan his cock throbbed once more and he began to shoot his Celestial seed into his waiting paw, covering it with sticky warmth. The release was wonderful, if less explosive than his previous.

He panted as he pleasure faded and he felt his last bit of cum drip into his paw. Letting himself collapse to the ground he brought his cum-filled paw to his muzzle where he studied it for a moment, his heart pounding. This was his seed, his essence, cloudy and white and hot in his paw, as semen from a Celestial male, it had to be the peak of sexual potency. Temeraire began to lick up his own cum greedily, ignoring the murmurs from the other males as he licked up every single drop. Given some time to actually enjoy it now, he closed his eyes as he smeared it across his tongue, tasting himself. The sensation of holding his own cum in his muzzle was intoxicating, it was amazingly erotic, threatening to draw his tired length back to hardness. After enjoying his cum's taste and texture he swallowed it down, returning it to his body where it joined the semen of two other males.

Temeraire, his body abused and spent, let his head fall to the ground. Without further thought and without a care in the world he let the approaching darkness envelope him, passing out into a dreamless slumber.

"My dear, are you quite all right?" Laurence's voice was strangely distorted, as if coming through a tunnel. Temeraire stirred, opening his bleary eyes. "Temeraire?"

"Laurence?" Temeraire rasped and coughed, his mouth and throat feeling somewhat unpleasant. Then he finally saw Laurence standing before him, watching him with worry. "Laurence!" Temeraire exclaimed, happy to see his captain in one piece. Then he remembered what had happened and with horror he brought his paw to his face but was greatly relieved when it came away clean, Laurence simply couldn't know what had happened. "Laurence, are you alright?" he asked urgently, nosing at him gently.

Laurence gave him a puzzled look. "Why of course."

"Oh thank goodness. Lien had said they had you and that they would hurt you..." Temeraire thrummed lightly as Laurence stroked his muzzle softly.

"I did not believe myself to be in any immediate danger, I was quite alone I assure you." Laurence said. "Whyever would she say that?"

"I...I don't know." Temeraire replied, unable to think of an excuse. "Maybe she wanted me to stay or...or..." he quickly became more distressed, sure that Laurence could see right through him and knew what happened.

"My dear, what happened? You seem very upset."

"I...I..." Temeraire's mind raced as he remembered his humiliation and tried to think of a story he could tell Laurence. "I was just having tea with Lien, she made me stay."

Laurence paused, making Temeraire's anxiety grow with each passing moment. "That seems a rather absurd reason to lie about my condition, just to keep you for a cup of tea. And that does not explain what you are doing here."

"I do not know..." Temeraire said, burrowing furrows in the ground with his talons without realizing it. He looked around, realizing that he indeed lay in the same field as before, only the ground had been cleared of any evidence of the activity there and the sun hung lower in the sky. The chains holding him to the ground were also gone.

Laurence was quiet for a long time before leaning closely, not that the French dragons and men standing guard some distance away could hear anyway. "Temeraire, it is quite obvious that you are in some distress." he laid a hand on Temeraire's muzzle. "Tell me what happened."

Temeraire gazed at the French dragons nearby. Luckily they were not the ones from earlier. He drew his wings over his head, wanting to cover his shame and give them some privacy. "Laurence..." he said as quietly as he could, not sure he wanted to tell what had happened. "I...I was...taken advantage of."

"I don't understand, in what way?" Laurence asked him in a soft voice which soothed Temeraire somewhat.

"I...Laurence, please don't tell anyone about this. Promise me."

Laurence was quiet before nodding and speaking, "I promise my dear."

"Lien must have drugged me, when I woke up she had several dragons with her and I was chained and..." the words began to tumble from his mouth and he looked at Laurence, trusting him to not think less of him. "I was a female." Laurence stood completely silent and Temeraire steeled himself for what he might say.

"They will pay. I swear it." Laurence spoke, his voice shaking with anger. As his gaze fell back on Temeraire's eye his voice softened again, "My dear... I amm sorry. Will you be all right?"

"I do notknow. They...they raped me...but I couldn't stop my body...oh Laurence how they humiliated me." Temeraire spoke as Laurence pressed his torso and arms against his muzzle as if to give him an embrace. "You do not think I am weak for letting them take advantage of me?... For succumbing..."


Mojave Redemption - Chapter 7

--TWO MONTHS LATER-- "I look ridiculous." Jacob said in dismay as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Daniel had returned to their small Freeside apartment from the Strip with a surprise for Jacob that he now wore. "No you don't. You look...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 6

Two weeks had passed since Jacob had parted ways with Sarah and he was now drinking whiskey at the bar of a seedy casino called the Atomic Wrangler in north Vegas, or Freeside as the locals called it. The journey to Freeside had been mostly uneventful,...

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 5

It was late afternoon when Jacob and Joshua finally descended the stairs and got ready to go back to the grocery store for the water. Jacob shrugged on his duster, he thought about leaving his bag, after all, it would just be a short trip and should be...

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