Bee Stories 2

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#38 of Tik Tik's Tower

Baker recounts his experience with the bees and his battered body, offering up all of himself for their delight

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! Its development is funded by the readers. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and being able to help produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that, but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories that I write.

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Cover art is by @heckabun

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I'm happy you'd ask me to divulge my experience with the bees, sweetums. They've been wonderful new friends and partners. Where should I start? Is the beginning good?

Well, Tik Tik and I had discussed the idea of gathering ingredients for various this-and-that, including, of course, the decadent treats I have planned for special occasions and promotions. When her trader friends at the Great Caravan brought a small chunk of crystallized honey to my attention, I just had to find the source of the scrumptious treat.

With Tik Tik's help, I found its source, and it was off to the college to learn all I could about the bees and the bees. If that joke works, of course, you can keep it in.

Adventuring isn't my strongest suit, you know. I was built for modeling, and I chose baking as my profession. Somehow I stumbled upon prize fighting and masochistic demonstrations, but I didn't think I needed those skills on this expedition.

What your readers do need to know, of course, is that no matter how I'm dressed, I'm ready to help out however I can. It's a bit of a holdover from my days of service. I was built to be a model and a pleasure piece. There's still something special about helping people, even at my own expense. I'm just so glad I get to do it with bodies that I bake for myself. Because of that, I can laugh in the face of danger and do what I can to make my partners happy.

After my strawberry shortcake body was punctured and battered by that rather skilled warrior bee, I was standing before the colony in a tattered mess of my cute adventure gear with my strawberry filling oozing out of my gaping chest hole and all over that cell-lined floor.

To add insult to injury, I didn't find out until after we got there that the cells were too short for my body frame. Oh, when the books we read said that the bees were person-sized, we really should have done the due diligence to fact-check our sources.

I have experimented more with new body types recently. If I had known that our hosts were more gnome sized than human-sized, I would have gone smaller. But that was not going to help me there. I was low on jelly and energy. I sat down on one of the cells, lamenting the sorry state of the body I had spent so much time on.

One of the little darlings approached me with those large curious eyes. How her mouth clicked, and her antennae twitched told me all I needed to know.

"Oh, I'm sorry, darling," I told her, "but I made this body scrumptious for my business partners, as a gift to your leader."

"Scrumptious?" she asked, that curiosity and excitement brimming in her voice.

"Oh yes," I said. "I'm fully edible, and I made my body so sweet and fruity. It's a dessert fit for a queen. Well, it was until I ruined it."

"The queen eats all she needs," she said as others crawled up to join her. "The workers are the ones who need the most energy to serve her. We shall tell you of her gift if you let us have you."

Cynwrig, the little dear, was all aghast at the suggestion. That beetle boy, well, he just was going on and on about how we shouldn't let the bees have their way and that we should find Tik Tik. I know that Tik Tik can handle herself, and I know full well when a body of mine has its limit.

So, I told them, right then and there, "well, if you want to have a good dose of energy with the sweetest taste you can have in Anteronia, look no further, darlings."

Now, wouldn't you know it, but that was all that those busy little bees needed to pounce right onto me. Oh, how I would hate to be an enemy of the colony who cannot survive such an attack!

A moment after their pounce, I was covered in a pile of buzzing bodies, all of their fuzzy forms rubbing against me, warming me up something fierce. Hands and mandible ripped past the rest of my remaining clothes, leaving me an exposed spongy boy practically squished under their weight. And the more they pressed into me, oh, the more that strawberry filling left me, and the more they writhed on top of me, mm, the more I loosened up.

Jelly was running down my eyes in tears of joy, knowing they were having the time of their life. The pressure, oh, got to be so much that I'm embarrassed to say that I coughed up a big old chunk of strawberry. I told the boys at the bakery to use jelly, but someone apparently got a little jam in the mix.

One of the bees lapped that hunk right off me and delved her tongue deeper into my mouth, slurping up the goodness there. Of course, I gave her some taffy tongue, which she happily suckled on while her friends licked over my stinger hole.

I could tell from that first taste that they were telling their sister bees all about the taste and the experience because more and more were latching lips over me and looking for something to drink. Oh, it was full of tickles that whole time, and there was an innocence in how they went about going at me, but all that innocence disappeared when I got a bit of a nip on my dickie.

Why did I make this body have that? Well, I didn't know if the queen would want to indulge in other pursuits besides tasting delicacies. It's always good to be prepared, darling, and I was pretty prepared for when that hungry little busybody bit down and took the whole thing right off. I don't think they expected that cream filling there, but they lapped it until I was dry.

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