Tik Tik and Adaeze

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#7 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

Tik Tik's adventures continue as she finds herself waking up in a tavern. Away from home and with no friends with her, she has to make her own in the form of a traveling companion, Adaeze the Gnoll.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Jovial music and the smell of enticing meats caress the nostrils of the newly awakened kobold. This strange new room must be some sort of place of rest for uplanders. Tik Tik kicks the covers off of her feet, sad to let the soft bed go, but more concerned about her current situation than her comfort. Sitting by the door on a small chest is a pile with a familiar green cloak, and, placed on top of it, the familiar gold-embossed leather tome. Tik Tik yanks her book off of the table and flips through the pages, a sigh escaping from a breath she didn't know she held in. Everything in the book seems to be in order, which means her precious artifact wasn't lost to her. Though, she's still a stranger among strangers. She can't just let herself sit in this room without exploring what is happening beyond the door.

Quickly, she slides into her traveling attire. Curiously, everything is clean with a rather lovely fresh scent. The warmth of clothing over her nude form is almost alien, as if it had been a lifetime ago before she actually last wore them, yet they have been carefully tended to by some unknown hand. Once she fastens the cloak to her shoulders and slides the book into her carrying pouch, Tik Tik is confident enough to head out and find the truth of her new situation. So, she stands on her toes and grabs the handle of the door, heading outside into the unknown.

The music is louder, but the hall has nothing but a few doors similar to hers and a staircase heading downward. Carved into each door is a symbol, a number in the upworlder tongue, perhaps? When she closes the door to her room, a loud click echoes out. She frowns and stands on her toes again, giving the door a little jiggle.


Well, there's no way to go but forward, and so she does, pulling the hood up over her head as she follows the sounds and smells.

Down a flight of stairs, Tik Tik's senses are bombarded by the loud and boisterous conversation and singing that fills the entire room. Never before has Tik TIk seen so many different creatures in one place. Her eyes widen as she desperately grabs for her book, flipping through the pages and looking over each and every entry she can. Humans and halflings and half-orcs and so many more enjoy themselves. This is a veritable treasure trove of activity for her research! But, her excitement dwindles when she notices that there is no sign of a particular reveler among them all. The handsome half-elf in shining armor is nowhere to be seen. He had been the first man she considered to be a lover, and he has abandoned her. Such sentimentality causes her to clutch at her chest.

"Is there something I can help ya with, shug?" a voice asks the kobold. A young lady stands before her in a dress with bright colors and a low-cut neck line. In each hand, she carries a frothing mug of drink, and her smile is enough to ease Tik Tik out of her worry.

The kobold licks her lips and thinks on the proper words to say. "Pretty man. Tybalt. He bring Tik Tik here?" She extends her fingers and places her hands up to the sides of her head.

"Aw, shucks, shug," the woman says, wiggling her own ears--much more pointed than Tybalts. Why don't ya come on over to the bar? I'm plenty busy, but I think the tender knows a bit more about what's happening. Come on and take a seat and I'll get ya something cool to drink. You hungry any?"

Tik Tik's stomach gurgles in response and the woman titters, ushering her in closer to the rest of the patrons.

Soon, Tik Tik finds her way over towards one of the stools. On either side, other patrons sit, leaning over the bar and holding a mug of ale in their hands. Tik Tik places her hands on the seat of the stool and scrambles up onto it, her foot missing a rung, causing her to tumble down!

A strong hand catches her by the rump and hoists her up. Fingers push inward, pressing up against her pants-covered slit. Tik Tik squeaks and scrambles to the seat, scooting in really close and crossing her legs. Such an advance might be playful, but she's much too hungry to indulge in her research right now.

"Whoops!" comes a boisterous voice from behind her. "Sorry about that. Usually, I'm a bit more drunk before I start groping a gal."

Tik Tik twirls around in the stool to see a massive creature standing before her. Dressed up in leather armor, spotted fur covers the beast's whole body, at least from what Tik Tik can see. Its arms show off muscle definition even through the speckled coat. The being's snout is long with a black fleshy nose. A long line of hair sticks up from its back and up to its forehead, and its teeth are sharp, yet turned into a jovial smile. "Hey, there. I'm not gonna bite, not unless you got a bounty on your head. Name's Adaeze."

Tik Tik just can't help but take in Adaeze's features, her mouth agape.

Adaeze's laugh comes quick and high pitched, much different from the booming voice that accompanies the chortle. "What's the matter? Never see a lady gnoll before? Though, to be frank, they say I ain't much of a lady."

Tik Tik tilts her head and shakes it. "Tik Tik never see gnoll before!"

"Ah, new to the adventuring business?" Adaeze asks. You're far from the kobold-infested mountains, so I figured you'd be a more cosmopolitan kind. No offense meant, of course."

Tik Tik shrugs and glances toward the bartender. He's a young man whose hair is tied in a ponytail. He approaches her with hands upon the counter. "And what can I get you, miss?"

"Whatever she likes," Adaeze says, "I'll take it too." With that, Adaeze plops a sack which clinks with the weight of coinage.

"Tik Tik doesn't know!" She squeaks. "Tik Tik hungry, but she also want know where Tybalt?"

"Tybalt?" The bartender asks, frowning. "Oh, you mean the dashing knight that brought you in last night? Shining armor, abs you can grate cheese on?"

Tik Tik nods, though the idea of grating anything on such a smooth body seems ridiculous A scaled body would be more appropriate, certainly.

"Oh, he came and went. He said he waited for you, but his duties required him to be elsewhere. Paid for your room and board though, so breakfast is on us, miss Tik Tik."

Adaeze shrugs and tucks her money pouch away "Won't be needing this, then."

Tik Tik frowns, tapping her fingers across the counter. "Say where went?" she asks, frowning.

"Sorry about that. But he said to tell you he hopes to see you again, if the lords of love are willing. Let me get ya something nice and warm, alright, Tik?" He reaches out and pats her hand before sliding off to put in the order.

With the bartender gone, Adaeze places her hand on Tik Tik's shoulder and shakes her head. "Paladin, eh? I've met a few guys like that before. They're always got some cause to champion. They say they're all about you and then WHAM, they're off to fight for a war or off to seek glory or all sorts of other excuses like that. My advice is 'don't get attached.' Let one night stands be just that, and you'll be fine."

Tik Tik pulls her book out, reading it to not think about him for now. As she muses on the words of wisdom, she flips through different pages, absently making her way through the sections, past 'gargoyle,' and 'gelly creature,' and 'ghost,' and 'ghoul'...

"Say, that's a fancy book you got there." Adeaze says, leaning in for a better look. "And exciting. What the hell's a kobold doing with something like that?"

"Tik Tik study to learn it. Help tribe."

"Really, now? You're looking at some beast cataloger work just for your friends and family? Come on... you don't need a monster book for that..."

Tik Tik sighs and closes the book, pulling it back in close to herself. "Tik Tik not selling."

"What? No, I mean-"

The bartender returns, sliding a warm plate of roasted meat and a side of vegetables. "Here you go, miss. Enjoy!"

Tik Tik pinches a piece of the roasted meat between her fingers and sniffs it. She flicks it into her mouth and chews, taking a moment to savor the taste before she shudders and lets out a quite pleased "mmmmm!"

Adaeze leans in and whispers, her hand resting just near the book. "I don't want your book, you see. I'm in the monster-hunting business. It's pretty dang lucrative work, if you ask me."

"Monster hunting?" Tik Tik continues, taking a carrot and snapping it off with her teeth.

"Yeah. If you're studying all kinds of strange creatures and beasts, you've come to the right place. All sorts of monsters call the Wild Lands their home. In fact, they've been getting a bit more active lately, which is perfect for a couple adventurers like us. Seeing them in their natural habitat can really help you with your studies, you know?"

"Why Adaeze want help Tik Tik?" The kobold asks, putting the vegetable down and returning to the meat.

The gnoll shrugs. "It helps to have someone who knows things on the journey. Plus, its also a positive to have a little cutie around," she says, pulling her hand off of her to nudge her side with her shoulder.

Tik Tik scratches at her snout a moment, but then shakes her head. "You don't know Tik Tik. Tik Tik not traveling with not-known person. Not after losing Tybalt."

"Look, Tik, I'll level with ya. I can tell that book of yours is magic just by looking at it. It's far too clean for something that old, you know? I've... come across a bit of a snag with this current job I'm on. That's why I came to this place. I was actually eying up the Paladin, before I figured he was a man on a mission. But hey, here we are, right? I figured someone with some magic in them could help me out. He said there was a wizard here I could get with my particular problem.

Tik Tik raises an eyebrow ridge at that and leans in. "What problem Adaeze have?"

She looks over her shoulders just to see if anyone else was listening in on their conversation. "I don't have the magic necessary to break past that thing's defenses without punching it. And, well, uh... its sort of the kind of creature that is really effective against maidens...."

Tik Tik blinks. "You, Adaeze, are maiden?" she asks.

"Sshhh!" the gnoll says, looking around with wide eyes before pulling the kobold in with a muscled arm around her shoulder. "Don't talk that kind of stuff out loud. I got a reputation to uphold!"

"Tik Tik doesn't understa-"

Adaeze cups her hand over Tik Tik's mouth. "Listen," she hisses. "I didn't realize it needed a certain kind of maiden to be powerful, alright? It's not like I'm green, got me? I've had plenty of lovers, just... not in that way. So, a sex paladin tells me that he's got a wizard friend who can help me out if I really need it. Then he ran out the door, all serious-like.

"Tybalt didn't help?" Tik Tik asks. "Even if busy, should have helped!"

"The monster isn't exactly," she says, shaking her hand back and forth. "Hurtng anyone. The baroness just wants it out of her kingdom. I aim to take it out."

"Kill?" Tik Tik gasps. "Tik Tik need see and learn before kill. Come."

Tik Tik hops off of her seat, clutching her book closer to her.

"C... Come...?" Adaeze says, blinking.

"Tik Tik will discuss pay with Adaeze up in room." She snaps her fingers and points to the room. "You have room? We go!"

The gnoll stares up to the stairway, her tongue peeking out from between her lips, licking over her chops. "W... well, whatever you say, miss Tik Tik!" she says, hopping down herself.

Despite having never been among so many uplanders in her life, the hustle and bustle of the tavern reminded Tik Tik enough of the crowded warrens back home that she finds her confidence returning to her. This may only be her third encounter out in the wide world, but she feels that directing the large Lady Gnoll Adaeze back to a private room is certainly a win for her quest to learn as much as she can about the ways of sex.

An important section in her book talks about the cultivation of relationships. After all, one can fall to their base desires, yet if there is a connection between two or more individuals before they consummate, then there is more passion that comes out of it.

Tik Tik wishes to see if this is true for herself. Already, she has initiated the courtship, and as she walks into the hyenafolk's room, she is greeted by the strong odors that come with the furred creature. There's a mix of powerful musky scents, but there is a hint of something different, like the forest she had traveled through when she first emerged from the warren. 'Floral'--is that the word?

"It's a bit lived in," Adaeze says, closing the door behind her. "I hope it's not a problem for ya, miss."

Tik Tik unhooks her cloak and tosses it, letting it drape over the back of one of the chairs. "No problem for Tik Tik," she says, unstringing her top as well. "Tell Tik Tik about your monster. You said it hurts only on a maiden?"

Adaeze stands tall, taller than the paladin Tybalt, but smaller than the troll Gramble. She's quite a monstrous beast, yet there's a softness there. "Yeah, well, I'm not a virgin. Far from it. I've had my share of guys and gals, mostly humanoids who'd get a kick out of what I'm packin'."

Tik Tik drapes her top over the back of the chair, standing there in only her foot coverings and pants. She pulls out her book and hops onto the chair, crossing one leg over the other as she flips to one of the pages. "Ah, Tik Tik see. Hyenafolk, spotted. There you are." She furrows her brow, reading through the colloquialisms in the unfamiliar common dialect to try and piece the next part together. "Has... a 'special treat' between legs?" she closes the book with a slam, showing the gnoll a toothy grin. "Show Tik Tik. Now."

Adaeze blushes deeply and goes for her belt. "T... that quickly, huh?" She asks, dropping trou, and looking away, holding her hands out so as to show she has nothing to hide.

Tik Tik nods and curls her finger inward. "Closer to Tik Tik," she commands, and the gnoll steps out of her leggings and approaches the kobold.

Sitting in the chair, Tik TIk has the best vantage point for the strange and wonderful piece of anatomy before her. She brings her fingers up and strokes under the engorged clitoris. As she does, she finds the thing raise up to her touch, much like a male member. She gasps in surprise and honest joy, clapping her hands together as she watches with a twinkle in her eye. "So, Adaeze, this is how you're no virgin?" She cooes.

Rubbing the back of her head, the gnoll coughs slightly. "Y-yeah. That's it. Everyone I've ever been with wanted me to stuff them with this giant ladycock of mine. I happily oblige, of course. Feels damn good, too. Just never found someone to... well, treat me like a lady."

Tik Tik strokes her chin. "Hm... what kind of beast does Adaeze face that only counts one maiden kind? Might be fun to study, but need Adaeze to ask Tik Tik what she wants Tik Tik to do, or no give." She shakes her head, folding her arms over her chest and tilting her head. "So, ask Tik Tik." Adaeze gulps, her hands going behind her back as she looks away from Tik Tik.

The kobold lifts her leg, gripping the clit in her curled toes. "Say it."

With a whimper, Adaeze looks back down upon her and answers. "I need to make a trade to get close to it. My... my maidenhood, pierced by another in order to actually see it."

Tik Tik nods and spins around in her chair. When she does, Adaeze gasps when the foot pulls away from her body, yet the gnoll does not move. Tik Tik opens her book once more and flips through the pages. "Tik Tik found something like that. Let's see... Flower, fairy... Flower Fairy... Lily Nymph!" She pours over the entry on the creature and nods. "Hm... quite dangerous, very hurt if not prepared." She marks her page and closes the book . "Undress. All the way," she says, clapping her hands. "Lay on bed!"

Adaeze stands at attention. "Ma'am?"

Tik Tik looks over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes. "Tik Tik stutter? Naked. Bed. Adaeze."

Adaeze shuffles out of the last bits of clothing that she had left before jumping onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she lays there like she's being examined by a physician.

Tik Tik scrambles over to the bed and climbs up herself, letting her pants slide off of her as she makes it to the mattress. She crawls slowly up along the Gnoll's body, soon, laying with her chin resting on her ample chest, her eyes staring up at her. "Adaeze must lose virginity of one kind to face Lily Nymph. Different than kind you thought. We train now, you fight it. Tik Tik cannot have it taken, though."

Adaeze's eyes widen at that. "My intel was wrong? W... what kind of virginity do I need?" she asks, but as she speaks, Tik Tik brings her hands to the Gnoll's lip and hushes her. "No talky. Only listen to Tik Tik. Here." She says, holding up Adaze's belt. Hands. Together. Now."

Adaeze does as she's told, holding her hands before her as if in prayer. Using her trapmaker skills, Tik Tik binds the gnoll up nice and proper, preventing her from using her hands for anything. "Now, listen, and don't stop listening until lily is defeated, yes?"

Adaeze nods, keeping her mouth shut.

"Good." Tik Tik says, narrowing her eyes, her mouth curling into a seductive smile. "Tik Tik take Adaeze now, and Adaeze will have power by lose power."

Adaeze opens her mouth and takes a breath, but Tik Tik tweeks one of her nipples. The gnoll woman whimpers, but bites her tongue.

Tik Tik slides down along her body, scooting off of her until she sinks in between her legs. "Up!" Tik Tik commands.

Adaeze lifts her leg up into the air. The small kobold woman wraps her arms around the trunk of a thigh as much as she can, huffing and puffing as she scoots in closer. "You need... this virginity gone!" she says, scooting so close up into her that her slit kisses up against the gnoll's womanhood.

"O... oh!" Adaeze says, shuddering as she feels the kobold's moist slit up against her own. "T... That's it...?" she asks.

Tik Tik nips her on her thigh, causing the gnoll to whine and whimper, but keep her leg up. "No talking," Tik Tik says as she continues her grind against her. "Help Tik Tik. Get what you want!"

Adaeze nods and pushes her hips up against the kobold. The two women grind against each other, the moistness building between the two of them make Tik Tik breathe out in ragged, yet pleased, huffs. Adaeze, meanwhile, squirms in the bed, letting out little whimpers as she feels the pressure building up between her legs.The big bad gnoll deep down loved the way that Tik Tik handled her. Even though the little kobold sat between her legs and the gnoll could easily crush her between her thighs, she listens to her, reveling in the power that the mage has over her.

Tik Tik rolls her tongue over Adaeze's thigh, sending a buzz of magical energy through that sensitive flesh. Adaeze bites her lip, letting out a louder whimper than before. Tik Tik, snickering, increases the pace of her grind against her.

And so, the actions continue, with Tik Tik and Adaeze jousting against one another, Adaeze's femdick flopping about between them, erect, though not in use. Soon, the sound of the two sloppy slits kissing each other overcomes the room, and the two women reach their own ends. Adaeze giggles, shifting about, as Tik Tik lets out a chittering cry as their bodies spasm in combined delight.

Tik Tik falls back, laying upon one of the gnoll's legs. Adaeze does not take heed of her anymore and lets her own leg drop down. Tik Tik scrambles a bit and pokes her head out, taking a deep breath. "Ah! Watch it!" she snaps.

"S... sorry," Adaeze says, pulling her leg free from the kobold.

Tik Tik slides off and stands on the bed, stretching her arms out while standing on her toes. "There Adaeze go. She was virgin to being lady's plaything. Now no more. She knows it now. Being controlled. Can fight monster."

"What about you?" Adaeze says, holding her hands up as she rolls around to face the kobold. "Can't you do it?"

"Nope," Tik Tik says, shaking her head, hands on her hips. "Only work on one who submit. Dom get nothing."

"So... are you... are you leaving me to face the Lily Nymph alone?" She asks, a whimper in the back of her throat.

Tik Tik giggles, squatting down in front of her face, and tapping her cheek. "No, silly. We work together. But we got much planning to do!" With that, she flicks her finger, which instantly unravels the bindings she had on the gnoll's wrist.

Adaeze rubs her wrists as she watches Tik Tik hop off of the bed and get dressed again. "So, that's that, then? Between us... physically, I mean."

Tik Tik half has her pants up when she stops, bent over, her tail up in the air. "You... want more from Tik Tik? Already?"

Adaeze waves her hands, shaking her head. "N-no, I mean we don't have to do anything right away! I'm good with waiting, if you are."

"Tik Tik good. You be good too," she says, tying her pants back around her waist, her eyes looking to her with a narrow slyness. "Because that what Tik Tik say. So, before prepare for monster fight," Tik Tik says, grabbing her shirt. "We go look around town. Shop things. Find tools for use. Something nice for Adaeze to wear."

"S... something nice? Hey, what's wrong with what I got?" she barks.

Tik Tik walks up to her, hands on her own hips, tapping her foot. "Adaeze be uppity. Adaeze need another bite?" she chomps her teeth.

Immediately, Adaeze slides to the floor, kowtowing to Tik Tik. "Please, Miss Tik Tik. I'll be a good girl for you!"

Tik Tik reaches down, scratching the back of Adaeze's head. "Good girl, Adaeze" she says, cooing softly. "Tik Tik be nice friend. But Adaeze need be ready. There many things we need do, okay? Get you in nice pretty outfit!"

"P... Pretty?" Adaeze asks, her eyes wide. "I... I can't look pretty, Miss Tik Tik, the people of the town... they'll lose all respect and-"

Tik Tik squats down, cupping the hyenafolk's cheeks and staring her dead in the eyes. "Never say no can be pretty!" Tik Tik snaps." Tik Tik live underground. Nothing pretty there. Wear rags. Tik Tik get travel clothes, then Tik TIk feel pretty. Tik Tik feel power! You will feel pretty and power too!"

"Y... you are very cute, miss Tik Tik," Adaeze responds.

Tik Tik purrs, leaning in, and pressing her nose against the gnoll, giving it a soft rub. "Tik Tik is good friend to Adaeze... will not let others harm her."

"T... thank you, Miss Tik Tik" Adaeze says, brining a finger to her eye and wiping away an errant tear.

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