Bee Stories 3

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#39 of Tik Tik's Tower

Baker recounts his experience with the bees and his battered body, offering up all of himself for their delight

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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Is that all too graphic for you, darling? No? Sorry, but I need to ask. There are people out there who are sensitive to such things. They look at me and think I'm some sort of precious baby that needs to be protected when in reality, I don't even know if I'm even alive as they would describe it.

Have you ever thought about that sort of thing, molasses? Life and death and all that? The people at work often talk about killing me, but they really can't. When my spirit goes out of one form it just zips on over to the next, and I always have a backup ready. Even if I'm not prepared, it doesn't bother me. I was created to serve, though my pursuits have changed from my original manufacture. I perform to the sweet end every time I can.

A pleasure to all the senses--that's what I want to be. That was always the end goal of my pursuits, to be sure. And I got it, too, with your help. Of course, you and Tik Tik know all about that. "Baker's Recipe" is a popular read at the little coffee table library we have at the bakery, you know. People can't put it down!

Once I discovered the secrets of making these oh-so-scrumptious bodies that story talks about, I knew I had to share the delights they could provide to everyone who wanted to indulge.

And, my, oh my, did those bees indulge. Most clients back home are so nervous when you present them with an entire body of tasty treats to satisfy themselves. I don't expect people to eat me whole, even at wild parties. Some stay behind and watch in terror at what their friends get into.

But not with the bees. Oh, no, they tore me apart layer by cakey layer, stuffing chunks of shortcake and frosting and jam into their mouths and humming happily as they flew away.

There's a certain magic you probably wouldn't understand, being unable to feel pain as less and less of you exists in the physical space. It is a sacrifice of one's self for the delight of others, and I cannot think of a better way to serve someone than that.

I heard little Cynwrig the whole time. I feel bad for him. You had to hold the boy back as he tried to rescue me, pulling bees off the pile and screaming my name.

One of the bees had grabbed my cheeks while I was making out with another of her companions, only to yank my head clear off my shoulders. What a rush to lose connection to the rest of myself and watch as the body went limp.

Cynwrig, poor, poor boy, screamed when we locked eyes, but I gave him a big smile with jam dripping out from the sides of my lips and onto the ground, and I told him, "Don't worry. I'm fine! Better than!"

And, of course, he fell over right at that point, and the little muffin lost his lunch. How truly sad. Remind me to ask those bees if they need a job in cleaning. Wouldn't they just look so sweet in little dresses as they dust and shine things? They were on him in a moment, and the cells were spotless.

Still trying to figure out precisely what they did with him after that. I immediately realized that I was in a much better position to state my case to the queen. The bees and I were on the same page as the one carrying me held me close to her chest and crawled deeper into that city of eager workers.

When I arrived to see the queen, she was lounging on her throne of servants, receiving quite the spa day, but she sat up and clapped her hands together, saying, "and here's the Baker! The energy output from your offering is phenomenal. How do you do it?"

The worker placed me on the queen's lap, and she gave me a nice firm squeeze so I wouldn't roll away. Her hands played over my hair in such a doting manner. It was pretty nice, actually.

"Well, your highness," I said, "It's all a matter of using the right ingredients and bringing out their greatest value."

"We detected something in you that is familiar to us," she says. "How did you come upon our honey?"

"Ah, hah! I'm glad you noticed," I said, rocking back and forth on her lap. "It is the very reason I came to meet you, queenie! I was able to secure a small amount from the caravans. Imagine what I can do with a larger supply?"

"You would make more energy stores for us?"

"Oh, honey," I said, laying on the charm, "I'll make the best honey cakes for your gals and save the body for those who like it the most."

"We think it would be best to not have the body. It was a strange experience but not unpleasant," she said as she scooped me up, holding me in the palms of two hands. "You are a member of Anteronia? You can give us a place there to extend our colony?"

"I can offer a couple of your gals a job, at least! Anteronia's a big place."

Her thoughtful hums were so cute, darling. I wish writers could put them down, but I have no idea how they'd do it. Anyway, she hummed to me a moment before placing me in her servant's waiting hands. "Very well, let us draft up an agreement. Your friends can enjoy the hospitality of our home while we do business."

And that, of course, is how I secured myself a fantastic deal with the bees.

Is there more to my story, dear? Well, there are some details I'll never tell. You know I've signed an NDA, and there are some things you never divulge about a lady, sweetums.

Let's just say Tik Tik may find her a bit too much.

Bee Stories 4

Eshere Baker's gentle nudge towards existentialism in the previous chapter fits quite well with some of my own thoughts that crossed my mind as I visited the bees. I never entirely understood what I was, and I don't think I currently understand it...

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Bee Stories 2

Baker I'm happy you'd ask me to divulge my experience with the bees, sweetums. They've been wonderful new friends and partners. Where should I start? Is the beginning good? Well, Tik Tik and I had discussed the idea of gathering ingredients...

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Draykan's Hoard 6

Galenna wills the light closer to the shifter's face, her own face only inches from the blue woman. "You'll need to tell me who you are and for whom you're working. The safety of my beloved requires you to tell me these things. The shifter shakes...

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