Pack Mentaility Chapter 14

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#14 of Pack Mentaility

Three weeks later Jezeca was busy painting the carvings with an unconsience smile as she carfully paints the carving of Lela. Pup comes in and sees her sister painting."How's the painting coming?" JeZeca looks over her shoulder at Pup her smile grows and revels the carving she's working on.

"What do you think?" Pup stares at the likeness of her mother. Tears start welling up in her eyes.

"It's starting to look just like her. To be honest I never thought you'd be a good artist." Jezeca just shrugged her shoulders.

"Mercenary work wasn't all action so you learn ways to pass the time."

"Hey I've got a question for ya."


"Why did you get involed with Nadia?" Jezeca looks at her for a minute before answering.

" She just dominated me in that area I guess. It's been so long since I thought about it. I was never interested in females but seeing how happy it made I figured why not considering all she's been through. After a rid Brutus of his balls for a month none of the males were interested. Not that I was interested in them at the time, even now my feelings for most of the pack is not a favorable one. Does that answer your question?"


"Why did you want to know this?" It's Pup's turn to shrug.

"Just curious." Pup then walks out of the room leaving Jezeca staring at her. When Pup's out of sight Jezeca just shakes her head and mutters.


A few days later Pup returns to the room and Jezeca was putting the finishing touches on Lela's carving." Hey sis in about 5 hours could you come to Wolf's Peak. I have something to show you."

"Sure. Is it something I'll like?"


"I'll be there then." Pup walks away with a mischevious smile on her face.

Five hours later Jezeca is at the top of Wolf's Peak wondering where Pup is when she hears rusling in the woods. She tries to get a scent but the wind is blowing from her."Pup?" She asks while getting into a fighting pose.

"No it's me." Silverback emerges from the woods looking as puzzled as Jezeca.

"What are you doing here?"

"Pup told me there was something I need to see."

"She told me the same thing."

"Maybe she's running late."

"Maybe." Jezeca sits down on the ledge and looks at the stars while Silverback joins her.

"How's the painting coming?" Silverback nervously asks.

"Great. Thank you for the paint. I've already got Pup, Pat ,and Lela done."

"That's good. I'm glad you like them." Silverback looks down to the woods where the den is hidden."How do you feel about the pack?" Jezeca looks at him deeply for a moment before answering.

"I......I honestly don't know. I still don't like that you changed me but if that hadn't happened I wouldn't of met Pup and her family and Nadia would still be a slave to that Black Star woman." Jezeca puts a paw in her hair in frustration. "And that's just me not including my wolf in that."

"I see." A silence goes through the air for a few minutes before Silverback continues."I like nights like this.A light breeze and a starfilled night. It's to bad your lover couldn't join us."


"Nadia, isn't she your lover?"

"I don't know what to dicribe her. I love her but it isn't quite a love love. We both can only imagine what she went through and I bet it pales in comparison to reality. Her having sex with me seems to help her." Jezeca chuckles."You may find this hard to believe but she always starts the sex and is dominant the first round." Silverback is stunned by what he hears and in a way that proves he's alpha material he asks a big question.

"Jezeca you know I haven't taken on a mate to be my alpha female." She nods." I was hoping you would be my mate. Your strong, intelligent, willfull, and loyal but after seeing you and Nadia making out one night I was afraid that I lost the chance and all the other females here seem pale in comparison to you." Jezeca just stares at him shocked beyond reason. She imediately gets up and flees Wolf's Peak at frighting speed leaving a staring Silverback.Silverback gets up and punches a small trees causing it to fall."Real smart Silverback, you scared her away." He then heads out to kill something in frustration.

Jezeca has reached the den and stomping into her room when she sees Pup looking at her."PUP! I have half a mind to strangle you. How dare you do that to me!" Pup's features droop.

"I guess the date didn't go well."

"DATE! What makes you think I have any intrest in him. He was the one who CHANGE me. You will never do something like that to me again."

"I'm sorry sis but he does love you. He got you the paint and I thought you two be a good match."

"Well get that idea out of your head. I'm only now tolerating the pack and I don't need nudges about that. Gosh I'm tired. I'm heading for bed." As she passes Pup to the matress Pup starts to join her figuring the subjects closed when Jezeca holds up her hand."No. You sleep outside tonight for that stunt." Sighing Pup knows arguing with Jezeca in this mood is useless she heads to the door way to sleep. Jezeca climbs into the covers hoping to put this night behind her.

"Pup's right you know." She's not going to get her wish.

"Why?" She asks her wolf.

"I notice things you don't sometimes and his feelings toward us is one of them. He's attracted to us and after your handling of Brutus increased that and gave him clear permission from the other males."

"Huh?" Sighing the Wolf continues.

"That fight proved to everyone you were alpha material thus acceptable to help lead the pack but our relation with Nadia discourage him until now. Now that he has taken the courage to ask you run. It's time for you to get over your fear. You haven't lost your humanity, it's still there and what makes us different from normal animals. It's what's given you the will to overcome odds and be compassionate when others wouldn't. Our rebirth just gave you better tools to use and me to guide. This is also my life as well as yours and I want pups, something Nadia can't give me."

"But I can't completely forgive him for what he did."

"I'm not asking that.I'm asking you to give him a chance. He's allready gone to extreme lengths to make you happy. Some of it was for the good of the pack but alot was because he loves us." Jezeca fell asleep before the debate could continue and the wolf decided to join her. Even in her sleep Jezeca's mind went over the conversation.

The next day she went to a seculded spot in the woods thinking hard of what Silverback,Pup, and Wolf told her yesterday. Her wolf remained quiet allowing Jezeca uninterupted thought.Was it so bad to be Silverback's mate? Had she really lost her humanity? If she was Alpha Female of the pack she would have more power over things. What about Nadia? All these thoughts jubbled through her head for half the day when she was joined by Nadia. "I knew something was bothering you. What is it? Maybe I can help Mistress."

"Silverback asked me to be his mate."

"What's the problem then? He's a strong and wise Alpha and it's a honor to be a mate to an Alpha and you'd be great as an Alpha."

"But.... There's so many things that confuse my feelings on him, the pack, even what I've been change to. Then there's you. I don't want to hurt you after what you've been through." Nadia tightly hugs Jezeca nuzzling her muzzle to Jezeca's.

"You become his mate wouldn't hurt me as long as he might accept me as a mate as well and we can still be lovers. Besides I want pups and he can give that to me." Jezeca hugs back touched by Nadia's admission.

"Go tell Silverback I'll meet him tonight at Wolf's Peak."

"Yes Mistress." And Nadia got up and race to deliver the message while Jezeca considered the future.

That night they meet again at Wolf's Peak. Silverback hesitant but hopeful of what this meeting might bring. Sensing this Jezeca decides to start."Silverback I'm.....sorry about me leaving like that last night. You hit a very tenture spot I didn't know exsisted. I'm .....I'm willing to try but I have condtions."

"I'm listening."

"First I want to be sure that we have equal authority. Two if this doesn't work I have the right null the mating. Three I still have sex with Nadia for she still needs that from me, but she's willing to share if you take her to."

"Jezeca our pack has always allow joint control between the Alpha's so that's no problem. If the other condtions are the price for you then there a small price to pay." Silverback steps close to Jezeca and strokes her muzzle."I love you let me so you my love." She nods her consent. Silverback encourages her to the ground and begins to grope her breasts while licking her muzzle. Jezeca groans in pleasure. So he starts sucking on her right nipple while Jezeca clenches her fists and his back fur moaning.

"That feels so good." Silverback growls in pleasure at her admission and moves to the left nipple and begins fingering her pussy. She spasms from the stimulations mubbling incoherantly. In minutes it becomes to much and she cries."It's sooo goood I'm going to cum....I'm going to cum!" Silverback immediatly stops and keeps himself above her. "W..why did you stop!?" Jezeca huffs. Silverback smiles at her and surveys the wolfess beneth him.

"I don't want you cumming yet my beautiful Wolfess." For the first time in ages Jezeca blushes a bit. She never really thought about how beautiful her wolf form actually was. She only focus how not human it was. Her thoughts are interupted when Silverback's well endowed and fully hard cock enters her pussy. She whines in pleasure as she feels his fullness inside her. She yips however when his cock breaks through her hynem. Silverback pauses his advance when he hears her."Your a virgin?" She nods through the pain. He leans down nuzzles her muzzle again."Thank you for such a gift." He then continues his advance and when he's hilted he starts thrusting. The pain quickly turns to pleasure and grunts with him. His Knot starts to swell up. Due to his earlier stimulation she doesn't have much stamina.

"I'm CCCUUUUMMMMMIIIINNNNGG!" She violently climaxes causing him to climax as well as his knot locks into place spurting his seed in her howling into the night. They come down from their orgasms panting with Silverback laying onto of Jezeca."You know." She huffs."I still don't completely forgive you for changing me."

"That's something I have to work on then." he starts thrusting again.

"You think great sex will convice me to forgive you?"

"It's the best weapon I've got to try with." As her pleasure builds again she manges to comment.

"We'll see but I doubt it." They yiffed eachother all night.

The next morning Silverback joined Jezeca and company for breakfast to clarify things."Jezeca has agreed to be my mate and Alpha Female." Pup squells and hugs Jezeca.

"I knew it! I knew it! I'm so happy for you. By the way, I told you so."

"I'm willing to try Pup and don't rub it in."

"Ahem." Silverback interupts causing everyone to focus on him again."Now Nadia you will be my sub mate since Jezeca said it's nesscesary but your status will not change in the pack and any pups we have will not be in line for the Alpha position unless in extreme circumstances."

"Very well Alpha."

"Now Jezeca later we will begin the mating ceremony and a requirement is for us to mate in full view of the entire pack." Jezeca's features droop.

"Is it absolutly nessesary?"

"Yes. It's tradition and law." Jezeca slumps in defeat.

"Very well."

"Nadia, you Pup and raceh will have places of honor in the ceremony." Jezeca perks her ears up and asks.

"Why Raceh?"

"She is your siremate and siremates allways get a place of honor in this mating ceremony. Nadai and Pup also get them for you were their Alpha not me and you added them to the pack." The rest of breakfast and most of the day passed Jezeca by in a blurr.

It was late afternoon while the sun low in the sky creating a beautiful orange skyline. The pack forms a wide circle around Jezeca and Silverback with Nadia, Raceh, and Pup standing behind Jezeca. Snow hunter steps out of the circle which closes behind him and addresses the pack."Today is a momentous day. Today we formalize the apointment of our new Alpha Female and her union to our Alpha Silverback who after the slaying of his predasucessor with courage and wisdom and has helped us recover from The town attack. Our future Alpha Female Jezeca has proven herself to be strong, honorable, and loyal. Her first encounter with the pack proved her strength for she was a defender of the town we attacked. She is confirmed responsible for 8 packmates including our previous Alphas before her rebirth. She then proved her honor when she returned to us even though she hated us because she gave her word. And her loyalty when she continued to support the human family that she lived with during her self exile. She even risk incuring the wraith of the pack when the parents died. Now she has brought us two wonderful females to the pack." He gestures to Pup and Nadia."Now Silverback and Jezeca will comfirm their union in front of us." Knowing how uncomfortable Jezeca was Silverback inisiate the yiff by kissing her and having one hand play with a breasts and the other with her pussy. It doesn't take long for Jezeca to respond with one hand stroking his sheath. Soon his cock appears leaking precum. Silverback pauses to adjust himself then thrust into her. Their grunts and moans continue for minutes until they climax howling. The pack joins the howl signaling the union of their Alphas. The rest of the night is nothing but a celebration of the union. They're games, meals, conversations, and sex. As it gets late the pack turns in forming their usual dogpile. Silverback is about to join them but remebers his mate practice and turns sround to face her. She's behind him clearly conflicted. Silverback gives out his hand.

"You don't have to sleep with us but would it hurt to try?" She looks at his hand the dogpile and her room for a minute. She then grabs his hand showing a brave face. Smiling at her determination to face her greatest fear he leads her to the dogpile. Nadia and Pup look at the new mates then at eachother. They then shrug at eachother and head for the dogpile as well. For the first time in years the entire pack sleeps as one.

Pack Mentaility Chapter 15

It's been 6 months since Jezeca and Silverback became mates and some final rifts in the pack seemed to have healed with Jezeca's group sleeping with the rest. Today however Jezeca, Silverback, and Nadia wake up in her old room on the bed. The reason...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 13

Veli had come out in the middle of the forest with a great smile on her face. The reason for that smile, Her sister Jezi had finally awoken from the coma and though she had a great ime with her sister's wolf and even come to accept her as yet another...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 12

Though the trip took longer than it usually did since they couldn't treehop but it was enjoyable. Veli's excitement seeing a different area of the world was infectous. Also the time they psent to gether without work or many chores in the way cause a...
