Pack Mentaility Chapter 13

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#13 of Pack Mentaility

Veli had come out in the middle of the forest with a great smile on her face. The reason for that smile, Her sister Jezi had finally awoken from the coma and though she had a great ime with her sister's wolf and even come to accept her as yet another sister. She still missed Jezi. With the lost of her parents she honestly knew she couldn't handle losing Jezi. She was currently out gathering wood though she did notice a beautiful flower by a tree. Though neither she nor Jezi had a thing for flowers which seperates them from most women she thought it would be a nice welcome back gift. As she bends down to pick it she hears a rustle in the woods. She drops the wood,puts her hand on her swords hilt and scans the woods. She fells a sting on her thigh and finds a dart stick on it. She plucks it off but starts feeling dizzy. Though she has her sword she left behind her armour at the den, an obvious mistake today. Four men come out of the woods and approach her beliveing she'll pass out any second. She proves them wrong by gutting one man and tries to pull it out to engage the second man, but the drug has slowed her down and the man forces her away from the sword. She struggles for another minute before she sucumes to the drug. Two men carry Veli away while the third man places a letter on to of the sword. The note states that Roy has taken Veli and after a long time suffering he'll kill her. Digger comes across the scene much later hoping to chat with Veli and though he can't read he knows letters are important and that Jezeca would be the best one to get it. So he races home leaving the sword and corpse there.

"Why?" Silverback asks and Jezeca hands him the letter. After he reads it he crumples the letter and his eyes show much anger."No. You will not go with just them. Pup is pack even without fur and so the bulk of the pack will join you." He then turns away and roars."PACK! PUP HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM US! FROM HER SISTER! SHALL WE LET SOMEONE VIOLATE THE PACK?"

"NNNNOOO!" They replied.

"THEY WE GO AND TEACH THESE FOOLS YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE PACK." Thus 15 werewolves head out to rescue their human packmate leaving only Snowhunter and the children behind.

Meanwhile at Roy's hideout Veli tries to free her self from her bonds when Roy makes his apearance."It's no used trying to break thoses bonds. No human can. Save your strength for when you need it and trust me you will need it with what I plan to do to you."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Your family killed my brother and thus you will suffer long and hard before I kill you. You might get a break if your friend Jezeca comes then you will both suffer but she will suffer more and I will kill you in front of her."

"You don't know what you've just unleashed." Veli says with a wicked smile.

"Oh you do do you? Well I know your friend is a very skilled fighter. She has to be to kill my brother, so I'm prepared for that." Veli contiues her wicked smile ands says.

"Believe what you will, but at the end of this you will be dead. You should have left it at your brother but now you will join him." With his confidence shaken he storms out of the cell angery and frustrated by the fact he failed to scare her. With Roy gone Veli let's the brave face faulter abit.

"Hurry sis hurry." She pleads to the air.

The pack had quickly found the scent trail left behind and found there base quickly. After spreading out so they attack from all directions Silverback howls. "ATTACK!" An in an instant 15 werewolves sprun from the trees and leaped upon the startled gang members. With Jezeca now on there side and Silverback encouraging Argus to train the pack their combat strengh is now equal to the time they attack Raceh's town and then they had 30 werewolves. The gang really didn't stand a chance.

Roy seeing his gang slaughtered by werewolves he realizes Veli was right. He then races to Veli's cell determined to kill her before trying to flee. He opens the cell and draws a dagger."You were right about me underestimating your friend but that will not save you." He grabs her showing her the dagger."I had hope to make you suffer but I'll settle for killing you and make her suffer for failing to save you." He pulls back the dagger and as he begins to thrust he is suddenly grab from behind and tossed. Groaning from the pain he sits up at sees a werewolf with sand and light grey colored fur, red hair, and eyes shifting between blue and gold. Those eyes show much hatered. More so than when they looked at Silverback after infecting her.


Shocked Roy regonises who this is and stampers."You were a werewolf?"

"Yes I am and you've ticked me off." Realizing he is a dead man he resolves to get his revenge and throws the dagger. With Jezeca blocking his view abit he couldn't aim for the heart but he manages to get it to perice her left lung. She screams in pain as Jezeca in rage rips his throut out with her jaws nearly decapitating him. As his body falls Jezeca races over to Veli using her strengh to remove the bonds and carry Veli out to the claering where the pack waited. Laying Veli down she treats the wound. Veli had passed out after her scream which pushes Jezeca on but it didn't look good."I don't think I can save her.The wounds so bad, does anyone have a suggestion?" It's Silverback who answers.

"I know of a way but your not going to like it."

"What is it?"

"Giver her your blood."

"Give her my blood?....NO!"

"Even before a rebirth our healing kicks in. It will save her."


"She'll be alive isn't that what counts. Or are so afraid of what you are that you can't see the pluses.Since Pat left you her guardian it's your choice." Jezeca looks at him for a minute then looks at Veli. Veli was getting worse losing color on her skin. Jezeca starts shedding tears and lowers her head to nuzzle Veli's.

With tears streaming down her eyes she says."Forgive me Pup." She then cuts her wrist and mixes her blood with Veli's wound. In minutes the wound closes up and color stats to return to her skin. Jezeca then picks up Veli and the pack leaves for home.

When they reach the den it was becoming evening. Jezeca took Veli to their room barring everyone even Nadia from entering. Tonight will be a full moon so Jezeca does tie up Veli. Silverback does go to her to tell her something."Jezeca there's something you should know."


"If you think it would be more comfortable for Pup you can change her to her human form after the rebirth is done."

"I can do that!?" Her shock clearly visble.

He nods "Since you gave her your blood your her sire thus you have that ability."

"Thank you." He just nods and walks away. She heads back to the bed where Veli is lying. She strokes a lock of Veli's hair and waits for the moon. Soon it happens, Veli strats convusting and her muzzle and claws form. Dark sand and grey colored fur sprout throughout her body. Even though she's not awake she still howls before collapsing back onto the bed now fully a werewolf. Her wolf form is beautiful, the darksand covering most of her body with the grey on her belly. Her hair still a gorgeous buy strangly colored purple. Jezeca looks at this new form for a minute before trying to change her back.

"Let me do it. I know how." In a rare moment Jezeca willingly gives up control to the wolf. The wolf places a paw on Veli's head and focuses. After 5 minutes Veli starts to revert back. When it's done the wolf releases control and Jezeca lays next to Veli and pulls the cover over them. Nadia knowing that Jezeca and Pup in to be alone sleeps with the pack this night.

Veli wakes up the next morning feeling stiff all over. Groaning she opens her eyes to see Jezi's face above her filled with great sadness."How are you feeling Pup?"

"Stiff but fine despite that."

"That's good." Jezi does not look relieved.

"What is it sis?" Jezi sits next to Veli on the bed and brings her head against Veli's.

"You were hurt bad Pup. You were dying and I did have the strengh to let you go,so I.....I infected you."

Veli checks where she was stabbed and only fines perfect skin. She also finally discovers her wolf.

"Hello other. I'm glad to finally meet you. Shall we merge?"

"I'll deal with you later I have to take care of Jezi."

"Yes our sire. Go ahead she needs us, I can feel her pain and guilt." Veli then takes JezI's face in her hands and moves it so they're eye to eye. Even in wolf from she clearly sees her sisters distress and sadness."Was there no other way?" Jezi shooked her head. Veli then hugged Jezi and said."I don't blame you. Your all that I have too. Though I'm not completely happy about this either we'll get through it together. We're family. Uh....Why I'm I not furry?"

"I didn't want you to wake up furry and Silverback told me I could since I'm considered your sire and my wolf did it."

"Ah, well lets go to the pond I want to see my wolf self." Veli got up and they both went to the pond that is the packs primarly source of water. Once their Veli went through her change and in seconds she was wolf again and looked at her reflection. She liked what she saw paying close attention to her eyes which were green with a tinge of gold. She started playing with her gorgeous hair. "We're beautiful." Her wolf said.

"Yes we are. I'm not sure yet how to deal with you for now I just want to be seprate for a few days before I make a decision. You okay with that?"

"That's fine you've been through alot but don't forget me though. I'm ment to guide my other half through this so don't hesitate to ask me."

"Pup is that you!?" Veli looked up and sees Nadia looking at her with a shocked and curious expresion. Veli stood up and faced Nadia.

"Hi Nadia." Nadia then races over and bear hugs and even lifts Veli in the air.

"Your gorgeous Pup!"

After that they headed back den. Silverback is the first to greet the new Veli."Well it looks like Jezeca can make a beautiful wolf. I'm glad your with us again Pup." Soon the whole pack went to see the new Veli leading in to an exhasting day for Veli. That night Nadia rejoined them in sleep and even though she has lost her humanity she has never felt more welcome and safer in her life. As sleep starts to claim her she admits it isn't a bad trade off.

It has been a year since Veli's rebirth. She has change in many ways beyond the fur,claws, and muzzle. She has abandon her name and now refers to herself as Pup. She also settled into a compramise with her wolf, while not as serperated as Jezeca is with her wolf she is only 2 tiers below that. One thing that hasn't changed was her love of polytails, so you can always tell you she is among them. though that may change since some of the female pups exprest interst in doing the same. She loves the highten senses and with them she notices Silverback's reaction to her sister. The biggest one was 3 weeks ago.

Jezeca was in their room at the desk studying her carving of Veli. She has carvings of Veli, Pat, Lela, and Debie that she places on the desk that the pack put in when Veli first arrived. Silverback comes in and sees her and asks. "What's wrong with the carving?" Jezeca's eyes flick over in his direction before going back to the carving.

"It isn't painted. I put alot of detail in these but I don't have paint to give them colors. I don't want to forget the colors of these people." Silverback nodded in understanding and got up with his thoughts of how to help. He'd figured that he'll have to got into town and by this paint. He went to the cache for clothes. After his visit to Pat's house he decided it would be a good idea to have some clothes readly avaible for the pack. So they scavange and got a good number of clothing and put in in a stone area to keep it safe. He smiled at a thought. This idea originally came from Jezeca and her caches which he learned from Nadia, Jezeca has influence this pack more than she knows. More than what she fears as them influencing her.His smile fades, she would make a great alpha but she's intrested in females and her has to be a male alpha. Silverback changes to his human form and gets dressed. He heads out with a small bag of coins to get paint.

When he gets into town he finally realizes that he has no idea what paint looks like. Frustrated at the problem he smells a familuar scent. He follows it to a woman in her early forties and bears a resemblance."Ah." He saids to himself."This must be Debie." He walks over to her and introduces himself. "Hello Debie I'm Silverback. A friend of Jezeca's and I need your help." Debie looks at him supsiously but remebers Jezeca talking about a man with that name."Is she allright?"

"She's not in danger but a little depressed. She made some carvings but has no paint...whatever that is. Can you help me?" She looks at him with a puzzled expression.

"You don't know what paint is?" He shakes his head embarest.

"Not where I'm from."

"Well how much money have you got?" He opens the sack and shows her. She looks in and makes her assessment.

"Well you've got enough for some food but not enough for paint and supplies." This news obviously dissapoints Silverback. Seeing his dissapointment Debie decides to take a risk.

"Since this is for Jezeca I'll make a deal with you. You work for me on some tasks and I'll pay you. Do you have a place to stay?"

"I have to return back to our.......colony. I'm there leader there but I care for Jezeca. I can come every day just set the time." She ponders that in her mind for a fewmintes before answering.

"How does late morning to dusk sound to you?"

"Sounds good."

"Then come tommorrow for your first day." She holds out her hand to a puzzled Silverback. "Here we sign deals with a hand shake." Silverback oddly shakes her hand. "Your colony must be a strange place if you don't know how to shake hands." He just shrugs. "I've got a spare room if you need it."

"No thanks. I'm the leader of our colony and must return at night. See you tomorrow then." Debie watches him walk to the edge of town.

"What a weird man. Oh well." She shrugs and heads home.

When Silverback returns to the den he summons over Argus for a little meeting."Argus I'm going to be gone for few days for a progect of mine. I'll be back at night the pack is yours during the day."

"Very well, be careful Alpha." Over the next two weeks Silverback worked for Debie and saw why Jezeca liked her. She's loyal, depenant, compendant, and funny.It was a great learning experience for Silverback on the lifestyle of humans. Finally though he had enough money for all the paint and supplies and like the predator he is he pounced of the shop with Debie in tow to make sure he gets the right stuff. In the end he bought 10 jars of various paints, a set of brushes, and a mixing pad. He said goodbye to Debie and headed out imagining the look on Jezeca's face.

Back at the den Jezeca.Nadia, and Pup were in the usual triad fooling around while waiting for a rare cooked meal. While there's been some questions on where Silverback was it was a big deal since he returned each night looking tired. Tonight there was some concern for Silverback was late but that concern was defused when he appear with a large sack. He walks straight to Jezeca and handed the bag to her while the entire pack looked on in curiousity."I got these for you." Puzzled Jezeca opens the sack and inside she sees the carefully packed painting supplies. Touch and further confused she asks.


"So you can paint those carvings you have. By the way Debie says hi."

"You were with Debie?"

"Yes she was a big help. I like her, Will these work?"

"Yes, Thank you." To the surprise of everyone she got up and hugged him.

Watching this Pup decided to investigate Silverback further. He just might be worthy of her sister. Her wolf is thrilled at the prospect. This is going to be fun.

Pack Mentaility Chapter 14

Three weeks later Jezeca was busy painting the carvings with an unconsience smile as she carfully paints the carving of Lela. Pup comes in and sees her sister painting."How's the painting coming?" JeZeca looks over her shoulder at Pup her smile grows...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 12

Though the trip took longer than it usually did since they couldn't treehop but it was enjoyable. Veli's excitement seeing a different area of the world was infectous. Also the time they psent to gether without work or many chores in the way cause a...


Pack Mentaility Chapter 11

It is now early spring and a new routine has formed in the house. Nadia and Veli worked in the kitchen for Nadia assisted Lela when she was alive, while Jezeca and Pat ran his trade business. At night Pat goes to bed in the main bedroom still unable to...

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