Pack Mentaility Chapter 12

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#12 of Pack Mentaility

Though the trip took longer than it usually did since they couldn't treehop but it was enjoyable. Veli's excitement seeing a different area of the world was infectous. Also the time they psent to gether without work or many chores in the way cause a huge surge in bonding. The three of them were now insepratable. At three months they arrive at Debbie's town. there Jezeca met with Debbie and told her what happen and how she didn't need to worry about the lettering service anymore but she could use it if she needed to contact Jezeca. They then sold the horse and cart and bought some meat since it was now winter and they were adding three mouths to the pack. They then stopped by the cache Jezeca left behind and Jezeca and Nadia strip and changed. Veli heads into the deep woods with two werewolves by her side feeling very safe. At this point Jezeca pick her up and shows Veli treehoping with Nadia a little behind carrying the meat. In hours they finally reach the den and Jezeca puts Veli down as Veli examines her new home."Beautiful." She comments. jezeca then looks around herself and notices Pup was right she never noticed before. The first wolf to meet them is not Silverback but Raceh, who currently has a sizable belly.

"Welcome home Jezeca, Nadia." She then looks at Veli and solemly says."I'm so sorry for your parents the entire pack mourns."

"Thank you." Veli says simply and Jezeca asks a question.

"Where's Silverback for I'm surprised he didn't meet us. Twins again?" She gestures to Raceh's belly.

"They're out hunting and I hope not just one this time for me." Crescent and Bob then come out and check out Veli.*

"She has no fur mom." Crescent declares.

"That's becuase she's human dear." They spent a few minutes chatting when the pack returned from their hunt.

"Jezeca. You made good time I was expecting you for another week or so." Silverback walks up to them carrying a buck in one arm. Handing the buck to Raceh he looks at Veli."Raceh go and cook the meat I have to welcome a new member to the pack." She nods and winks at Veli before leaving to cook the meat.

"Pup,we of the pack are sadden by your lost and gladdly to offically make you pack though your were consider a member already. Tonight we will honor your father with you as the guest of honor."

Weakly she replies "Thank you." and within the hour the pack has dinner. As the honor ceremony requires Veli sits next to Silverback with Jezeca and Nadia sitting on the other side. Silverback stands up with a cooked piece of meat(Tradition it usaully is uncooked but Argus told him that uncooked meat is bad for humans) and began the ceremony."Tonight we gather to pay repects to the sire of our latest member, Pup. A human yes but one full of honor that he accepted one of our own into his den and continued to without hesitation after he found out. He knew how it is to struggle to thrive and he did we'll his pack lived comfortly under his rule. Pup has lost a sire and we have lost an ally, now we will never replace him or her mother but we will be there to support her including her proclaimed sister Jezeca. Pack will you accept Pup as pack and will you honor this agreement." They all howl their agreement and the party truely got started after Silverback hands Pup the meat signaly the end of the honor ceremony and the begining of the joining ceremony.(Note both of these ceremonies happen the night Jezeca and Rachel were infected but they played no part being tied up. The joining is also used when a werewolf joins the pack from outside thus this is also Nadia's offical joining.) All of the pack took time throughout the night welcoming Veli into the pack and she quickly became the center of the party though Jezeca was always nearby.

Finally as the hours past the party winds down and Jezeca guides Veli to her spot in the den. She stops them at its enterance an absolutly shocked look on her face. Even Nadia is stunned by what she sees. Not only was the area is bigger than it was before the left but also there was a large matress in the center with a quilt of animal furs on top of it and a small desk that had Jezeca's carvings on it. Silverback walks by them and notices their reaction."Do you like it?" He asks.

"I...How?" Jezeca stampers.

"I went to your friend Debbie, She's nice I like her. And asked her what to get when I found out Pup was coming, though I got a bigger matress than she suggested to fit the three of you."

"How did you pay for it?"

"I notice vendors trading in furs when I went into the town so I had the pack skin our dinners and sold them to the vendors. Did I do good?" Veli answers for them by jumping on to the bed.

"It's so soft." Silverback grins at her response.

"Goodnight you three." And he walks away.


"Yes Jezi."

"Do you mind that you sleep in the same bed with me and Nadia? I can get another one for you tommorrow."

"No I don't mind. I trust you and Nadia."

"Okay. I'm going to clarify something with Silverback then I'll join you to." She leaves them as Veli strips off her armour. She finds Silverback at the enterance to the den making sure everybody was accounted for. He sees Jezeca approach him.

"Jezeca, What can I do for you?"

"I'm going to make this clear to you and everyone else. If I so much as hear talk of changing Pup I will...."

"Woah!woah!woah! Easy Jezeca I've allready told the pack she's not going to be a wolf just pack. everybody knows you'd make whoever did it plead for death after years of torture."


"Not long enough?"

"Maybe. So long as you understand. I very relucantly allow her to come." She begins to walk away when He replies.

"I know how you feel about what happened. I wish I could make you see it as the gift it is. I'll ask you one question. Are you prepared to see her grow old and die before your eyes?" She paused and swung around and look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you notice you have remained unchange psyhically since your rebirth? Minus the wolf form."

"No......I haven't."

"You look at me and you would say I was what...20 to 25 years old?" She nods.

"I'm 50 years old and Snowhunter is 350. We don't aged the way humans do. That's why you haven't seen a psyhicially old werewolf. They don't exsist." She leaves him with the revalation bouncing in her mind. Never growing old, my goodness! Then she remembers her debate with the wolf and what see said there.



"I owe you an apology. I went to far in that debate and you were right."

"I forgive you. You are scared of the pack in a way and you were afraid of the repeat of what happen to you."

"But you were born from that."

"Yes I was and I know how much that hurt you. At that time you thoughts and memories were open to me so I know and it shames me that I am aprt of that pain. The only comfort I have from that is that it is also painful to bring children into the world."

"I owe you alot wolf."

"Well it's too late for us to ever be merge like Raceh or even Argus. However you could allow me to help you more."

"I'll try. I promise you I'll try." She stops at the enterance to her room and leans against the enterance and looks upon the bed. Veli and Nadia were already asleep and under the covers since it's winter. No doubt it's toasty for Nadia but as usual she'll endure anything for both of them.She thinks of what Silverback asked her.

"What am I going to do? I can't change her but I don't want to see her die. I always thought she would outlive me."

"Since giving her the gift is out of the question then treasure the time you have with her. Make sure she knows that she's loved and we can both hope she has decades ahead of her."

"On that we can certainly agree." She then goes to the bed and sleeps on the other side of Veli, leaving the girl sandwhiched between the two werewolves.

A year goes by as Veli gets use to the ideal of living with a werewolf pack. She mainly stays with Jezi and Nadia, although she also hangs out with Raceh who doesn't go out as much since she's pregnant. She is treated with respect by the pack all the time and she generally goes where she likes. Two major things happen during this time. The First was the birth of Raceh's third child."uuuuuuggggg.." Raceh groans in labor. Moonlight serving as nursemaid while Argus, Silverback, Jezeca,Nadia,and Veli watch.

"Push, Raceh push."


"Come on push girl."

"Nnnneeeeeehh....aaaaahhhhhhhh!" And with a final push the pup comes out.Moonlight cleans the pup and uses a claw to cut the umbilical cord. She then hands the exhasted female the pup.

"It's a girl, congraduation." Raceh then begins milking her daughter.

"What should we call her?" Argus asks. Raceh thinks of a bit before coming up with an answer.

"Casse. Her name is Casse." She looks down and smiles at her new daughter.

The second thing happen a week later Veli was deep in the forest gathering some fruit and wood when a massive wind storm came in. She tried to get back to the den but the wind was so strong, she dropped her load but that hardly helped. before she could dispair Jezeca shows up gathers Veli in her arms and begins to get them to the den slowly but surely. The storm intensifies adding rain and lighting to the wind. A lighting bolt strikes a nearby and the tree falls towards them. Knowing she can't get them clear she tosses Pup in front of her as the tree hits sending her into darkness. Veli manages to get up and looks over to find Jezi half under the tree and a branch over her head with a gash on the werewolf's head.

"JEZI!" Veli races over and tries to move her sister away from the tree. She's not strong enough and she starts yelling. "Jezi! Big sister! Please wake up!" She continues to yell and try to wake her sister up for many minutes dreading she's lost yet another relative. In between another set of screams Silverback and Nadia appear and move to assist. Silverback checks Jezeca while Nadia checks Veli."Is she..?" Veli couldn't finish the question she asked fearing the answer.

"She's alive pup. Nadia take Veli home I'll carry Jezeca." he the manges to pull her free and puts her over his shoulder."She was much light when she was human." He says to himself and heads home. They manage to get home without further problems. Veli had a couple of brusies from the toss but otherwise fine. Jezeca on the otherhand, her head wound healed quickly and her spine was in the middle of repairing itself but the greatest concern was she wouldn't wake up. As the days past they manges to get water into her and some paste like stuff as food but she never shown signs of waking up just swallowing. Veli never left her side except to got to the bathroom and then only if some one relived her. After two weeks of no sign of waking up she suddenly did. She sits up and looks over and sees put asleep sitting next to the matress.

"Pup." She says with a surprised look on her face.Veli wakes up since she was in a light doze and sees her sister up.

"Jezi!" she quickly hugs her big sister which she returns.

"Not quite." Puzzled Veli breaks the hug and looks closely at Jezi's face her normally blue with a tinged of gold eyes were instead practially all gold now.


"I'm the wolf."

"The wolf? Oh the wolf she fights with."

"I prefer debate."

"How did you? Wait What about Jezi?"

"I don't know how I'm in control. She's still here Pup.I can still feel her but I can't wake her." Veli starts to ease away. The wolf reaches her hand out and pleads.

"Please...please don't be afraid of me." Tears start down her eyes. "I'd never hurt you." Veli stops easing back but doesn't return to her previous spot.


"Never intentionally,I know I'm not exactly her but I have lived through everything you did together and one of the few things we did agree on was our love for you."

"You love me?" The wolf nods.

"As much as she does. Why do you think I call you Pup?"


"Yes me that's why when the first time she was so horrified because it was me speaking through her. As much as we are different we're still one in many ways."

Veli starts getting closer to the wolf."I'm not sure about you. Your like a stranger in a friends clothes so, this may take me some time to adapt."

"Not to much of a stranger I think but I'll take what I can. Heck I should have enough patience after deal with Jezeca all these years." Reaching out her had again she continues."Come Pup lets find Silverback and she if he knows why this has happened." Veli decides to give her hand to the wolf knowing Jezi wouldn't be afraid to do so. They then walk out of the room to find Silverback. Veli tries to pin down the wolf with a question.

"I bet your glad to be able to move on your own will?"

"I admit I am enjoying this chance but I am worried about my other half."

"Other half?"



"As I said before she's my other half. Without her I'm incomplete though I know to her I'm just an intruder she has to deal with."

"Sounds horrible for you."

"It maybe but she's worth it and despite how much she hates what I represent to her I love her."


"Yes I love her. She's strong in both will and body, dependible,honorable, and loving. If I was granted a choice who I would live with and guide it would always be her. Thankfully the past couple of years we've come to a better understanding, especially when we brought you here. I wanted you here and when she realized she was wrong about the packs response to you she open the door more." They walk out into the clearing in front of the den. When Silverback sees them his face lit with joy.

"Jezeca your awake! I'm so glad I and the pack was worried."

"Still reason to worry I'm afraid."

"Huh?" Then he notices her eyes."OH! It's you, well why don't you wake your other half?"

"I've tried she won't wake up."

"We need Snowhunter. Argus! Get Snowhunter for me." Argus heads off to find the elder werewolf. Silverback then looks back at the wolf controlled Jezeca."I bet your hungry let's get some actuall food in you." They follow him to wher he was before and there was a moose he was preparing."Go on eat up you've been unconsience for two weeks." The wolf digs in without hesitation and soon there's a considerible dent in the carcass. About half the carcass was gone when she finished sitting back licking her lips and patting her belly when Argus returns with Snowhunter. Seeing Jezeca he comments.

"Good to see you up and....Oh!" Seeing her eyes."I see why you called me."

"Then you know why were like this?" The wolf asks.

"I guess at least no one really knows. My guess is that your other self took the brunt of the damage to the head so it might take longer to heal than you need."

"How long will that take?" Veli asks.

"Don't know might be a few more days to never. Luckly the way you developed you can function should she never wake up. I've heard of stories that packs had to kill packmates that suffered such an ingury and the wolf couldn't function without her other half."

"Never?" Veli's hand goes up to her mouth in shock and fear.

"Possibly but the one thing I've seen of the other half is that she's tenatious, so don't count her out yet."

"So what can we do?" The wolf asked.

"Nothing but wait. I'm sorry Pup that I can't give you better news."

Thank you." Veli replies and he nods and walks away. The wolf tries to comfort Veli but she breaks away leaving a hurt wolf standing their with Silverback. Later in the day the wolf tries to check on Pup and finds her with Nadia. Their both joking and having a good time with smiles on their faces. This is to much for the wolf and showing a difference between the Wolf and Jezeca she runs for the woods instead of confronting them.Later at night Veli decided to check on....she's not sure what to call her. She's in her big sister yet defiantly not her sister but she hopes when she does find her she'll be Jezi again. She first tried their room but it was empty so then she tried the woods.After an hour of walking she hears sobbing to her left. Putting her hand on the handle of her sword (which she where's almost constantly) she heads for the area where the sobs are coming from. Soon she sees Jezi's form in the woods, sitting on the ground with her back facing Veli and her claws at her eyes sobbing unrelentenly. Veli walks up to Jezeca and puts her hand on Jezeca's shoulder. The Wolf so focused on her grief didn't notice Veli until she felt Veli's hand. She jerks only a little before she regconizes Veli's scent. She slowly looks up at Veli's concerned face."What's wrong?" Veli asksed.

Rubbing her eyes and standing up the Wolf replies. "I discovered something I had long feared." The Wolf walks over to a nearby tree and puts both of her hands on it's trunk as she lowers her head."I had feared you only liked her and only tolerated me. Now I know you do. I know I'm not her exactly but I love you just as mush as she does and I was hoping that despite the seriousness of this situation I'd be able to show you my love and directly experience yours, but now I know that won't happen and that hurts alot." After a minute she feels Pup's arms wrap around her waist and Pup's chin resting on her back.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you like this. I just still don't know how exactly how to deal with you yet but I don't hate you. I'm also still worried that Jezi still hasn't woken up yet and maybe I'm afraid of you might represent if she doesn't ever wake up."

"Maybe then I should allow you to get to truely know me then. Start as friends and maybe you'll consider me a sister in time. Is that okay?"

"I could live with that." And the two of them spent most of the night like that.

For a week the Wolf and Veli got to bond, Wolf allready knew Veli very well but Veli barely knew the Wolf in her eyes but that soon passed and the Wolf got her wish. Near the end of the week Veli was firmly calling her "Sis". One morning Veli got up and nudged both Jezeca and Nadia to wake them up.

"Wake up you two the sun's out." Nadia groaned but got up while her sister just moaned and shifted.

Veli kicks alittle harder and yells."Wake Up Sis!"Veli's sister slowly gets up rubbing her eyes and when she looks at Veli she pounces up and bear hugs Veli.

"Pup! You're okay! Here let me see if there's any bruses." And she immediatly starts examining Veli. Veli her self is puzzled until she notices that the eyes are mainly green again.

"Jezi I'm allright it was you we were worried about.You've been asleep for nearly three weeks. Even your Wolf was worried."

"My wolf?"

"Yes, she woke up a week ago but not you. Thankfully you've finally woke up."

"Did she hurt you at all?"

"Of course not but I was alittle scared of her but that didn't last long. We've gotten to know eachother."

Jezeca has a quick mental conversation with the wolf.

"Care to explain?"

"You took the brunt of the damage to the head that night, so I woke up first ask Snowhunter. I was afraid of two things one: You would never wake up and though I could function I would still be incomplete without you. Two: That Pup would not love me which would be hard to bear. Thankfully after that first rough day we mange to get her comfortable with me." Jezeca turns back to Pup.

"I'm glad your okay."

"I'm happy your awake now."

Another week past and things returned to normal. As evening starts one day Jezeca got concerned. "Pup hasn't returned yet. She Always arrive before now." Digger comes out of the woods with a sheet of paper yelling.

"Jezeca!Jezeca! I found this in the woods with Pup's scent." He hands the paper to Jezeca. it is a letter and after reading it she looks at Silverback who came over.

"I'm going to kill him for this and all take Argus,Raceh, and Nadia with me."

Pack Mentaility Chapter 13

Veli had come out in the middle of the forest with a great smile on her face. The reason for that smile, Her sister Jezi had finally awoken from the coma and though she had a great ime with her sister's wolf and even come to accept her as yet another...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 11

It is now early spring and a new routine has formed in the house. Nadia and Veli worked in the kitchen for Nadia assisted Lela when she was alive, while Jezeca and Pat ran his trade business. At night Pat goes to bed in the main bedroom still unable to...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 10

Two years passed without much going on. Lela relucantly allowed Jezeca to train Veli in combat when they were nearly robbed during a winter. Veli proved to be an excellent student, after taking some hard knocks she just jumps back into it. Even Nadia...