Broken Orbs

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Broken Orbs for a broken heart

Terrance couldn't believe how lucky he was, a nerdy sports management major and he had been asked out on a date by the star Fullback of his college football team. As was well reported in the gossip circles, Cameron only dated the cream of the cheer-leading crop. Cameron was essentially the king of that school, setting the record for most short yardage touchdowns in a career in his Junior season and representing most of his team's points. The big Zebra's prospects for the NFL were doubtless, with ESPN talking heads bringing him up regularly as the solution to several professional team's offensive woes. In addition to his athletic prowess, the Zebra was also quite a handsome stud. With his black and white stripped fur, the contrast drew looks immediately to his startling blue eyes. The velveteen of his full black equine lips, stretched over his sharp chin and thickly muscular neck. The strict regiment of workouts required for his position had given him a sculpted body any classical sculpture would envy. In the sort of irony that genetics likes to play out, he was also gifted with above-average intelligence. Successful in all his classes... even a teachers favorite without the usual wink of a diehard teacher willing to fudge the numbers to see the U keep winning.

How Terrance managed this honor was beyond the slightly chubby Panthers imagination. The feline was by no means unattractive, however the big star stud could have almost anyone. He usually kept his sleek black fur well groomed most of the time, his one major self-confidence woe was his rather flabby rump. He always had broad round most non feline ass. Watching the cheerleaders bouncing all around in their routines, he was green with envy watching those panty clad cheeks. But all that really didn't matter now, Cameron wanted to date him. Maybe it was his deep soulful eyes, or perfect oral technique which his former boyfriends always agreed was his best assets. Regardless of the reason, Terrance was carefully prepared himself for the date they had that night.

The date had been magical... no matter the conversation, from football to video games to Cameron's career prospects. Terrance was taken in, and hung on the big jock studs every word. At the conclusion of the evening, Cameron suggested they go up to the Panther's apartment for a drink and to continue talking. After Terrance's heart skipped a beat or two, he was able to squeak out a breathy 'Yes.' Neither of them were really thirsty or interested in any sort of discussion. As soon as the door was closed Cameron took the dominant role, kissing him hard and undressing the chubby Panther right off. As each successive part of Terrance's feline body came into view, it was clear he was a very attractive male. His long slender legs ran directly up into the full cheeks of his wide buttocks.

Cameron felt the silky smoothness of the Panthers fur as he hooked a big thumbs under the band of Terrance's boxer briefs and slid them down slowly. The big Zebra smirking as he realized that the nerdy Panther didn't need much to get his motor running after he took in his first look at that fat bulging feline sheath. The tip of that pointed feline cock was fully engorged, revealing a long slimy string of pre-cum just waiting for him. Despite the current state of arousal, the big Zebra was generous with his foreplay. His long head sunk down to the Panthers emerging hard on and his skilled tongue went to work. Terrance immediately shook in pleasure as the efficient and strong movements of that equine tongue sent waves of pleasure through his body. It wasn't long before all the muscles in Terrance's body tensed at once, moaning he exploded in an uncontrollable orgasm. With a confident smile on his long striped muzzle, the fully clothed Cameron pulled back and looked down at the felines naked body.

First, he pulled his jersey over his long equine head, providing Terrance with a unparalleled view of his bulging muscular upper body. Then he unfastened his belt and dropped his baggy jeans, kicking the off in the process. Terrance noticed that his Jock strap jiggled in an attempt to contain the surprises within. Wasting no time, Cameron dropped them without ceremony, revealing the main attraction. Between his massive thighs dangled his semi-hard cock, which surprisingly looked small in comparison to what resided below. A huge dangling scrotum that contained the biggest balls than Terrance had ever seen.

"Come on now kitty boi..." The big Zebra moaned as he fondled that long black equine hose... which quickly grew to it's full length. "Come and do for me like I did for you..." Cameron demanded as the nerdy feline staggered to his knee's in front of the big jock stud. As it was shoved in and out of his mouth, Terrance estimated it to be over eighteen inches long. Certainly large, but not in proportion to the obscenely massive sperm factories that was bouncing off the Panthers chin. Terrance pulled Cameron's throbbing cock from his mouth, and then put his lips up to those huge low-hanging nuts. Suckled on them, as first one and then the other mighty testicle popped into his mouth filling those cheeks obscenely. After closing his shiny black lips around the thin strip of scrotal skin containing the spermatic cords. Terrance rolled those big balls around within his mouth, exploring every part with his rough tongue as he gently suckled. Even as he continued vigorously pawing off Cameron's mighty cock with his both of his paws. Suckling on those hefty stud nuggets, as the big jock stud moaned and suddenly tensed up. That big black cock head flaring wide... as the big stud stick tensed bouncing up and down. Hot spurts of creamy stud milk spurted out of his throbbing cock, landing on the shiny black fur of the nerdy Panther's head and the bed behind him. As Cameron came hard, Terrance could feel those big nuts pulling up and tense with each intense spurt of cum. Cameron then pushed the Panther's head aside, his huge nuts flopping out that feline mouth with a loud wet 'Plop'. And then he shoved the smaller Panther back onto the bed, lifting those long slender legs over his hulking shoulders. While the big Zebra was thrusting his throbbing, still rock hard cock to the hilt into Terrance's hot quivering tailhole as he gasped.

What followed was a long evening of hot hard rutting, that left Terrance panting after cumming at least three times. It was certainly more than with any other lovers he'd been with in the past. Anal orgasms were the most intense kind... and very rare for most males. But the big Zebra proved to be an expert, and his huge cock found all the right spots. Cameron rolled over and drifted off to sleep, as the soft little Panther cuddled against his side. When Terrance awoke Cameron was gone, but he still couldn't hide the grin on his sleek black muzzle. The proud Panther skipped about campus all day long until an assignment altered things in ways he couldn't had imagined.

Normally no one but the athletes were allowed into the locker room, but his professor said he'd forgotten some equipment from his office there. And had asked Terrance to grab them for him before class began. The chubby Panther stole into the locker room as unobtrusively as possible, hopping to spot a few naked or nearly naked jocks. When he heard a familiar voice echoing down between the old steel lockers.

"I told you it'd only take me one night to bed that sports management major, whatever his name is... gods that pussy has... had a tight tail hole." Cameron chuckled to one of his big handsome teammate.

"So does that mean you two are gonna keep going out?" The big Buffalo responded in honest curiosity.

"Hell no, he has the tiniest little dick I've ever seen." "Besides, I have my reputation to think of... I can't be caught dating some faggy little booster." The big handsome Zebra responded snidely. "In any case, I'm still rutting Charlotte from the cheerleaders regularly."

"You're ruttin' about everything ya can get your paws on..." The big Buffalo laughed darkly amused.

"I aint rutted you yet..." Cameron smirked as the big Buffalo stripped off his sweat stained jock strap.

"And ya aint gunna..." The big Buff snorted as he turned his back on the big Zebra. "Yer a cold son of a bitch Cam." The Buffalo snorted with a lewd laugh as the big Zebra pressed up against his naked back.

"Owww come on Drax let me show ya how warm I really am bully boy." Cameron purred as his big black equine salami wedged up under the Buffalo's short tail.

"Bastard..." The big Buff grunted even as he spread his thick thigh's and leaned over slightly. Even as the big Zebra snickered and spread those shaggy black butt cheeks. Terrance steamed with rage as he comprehended the reality of the situation. Sure it seemed too good to be true, but he didn't imagine Cameron could be that low and self-absorbed. He felt so many conflicting emotions combining rage, shame, sexual frustration and horror, angrily he stormed out of the locker room and back to class. Unfortunately, the chubby Panther really couldn't think of anything he could do to resolve the situation. Talking to Cameron would hurt more, and attacking the large athlete would be a near impossibility. Terrance dropped his head into his Paws, distracted from his class by the torturous thoughts dancing in his head. He finally realized the best decision was to just move on and put it behind him.

Later that semester, with Football season in full swing, and a few games into the season. The U played one of their biggest rival in a much anticipated home game. Jake the Quarterback rolled left along with most of the offensive line the blocking scheme moving along with him. As the Quarterback heaved the ball back to Cameron, the big Fullback rounded the end of the shifting line. Only to run straight into the shoulder pad of the hard-hitting opposing line backer, the big Tiger was in fact ACC defensive player of the year last three years. Who streaking full streaking up field on a Blitz to deliver a world of hurt to anyone holding the football. The collision sending his helmeted head shooting backwards, unfortunately his brain remained on its forward course until contacting the inside of his skull. As Cameron fell backwards, his eyes glassed over and the football slipped from his big three fingered hands. The ensuing scrum of both his own teammates, and the entire opposing defense landing on top of him. Inside the scrum, brutal paws with claw tipped fingers poked and prodded and scratched at every player unfortunate to be on the bottom of the pile. As the ball squirted harmlessly out the other side, only to be immediately recovered by a lumbering defensive lineman. As the officials pulled the players apart, the big Zebra remained unmoving on the ground. The medical staff rushed onto the field, including Terrance as part of his major he was called to deal with the injured players.

"What the hell were they doing running a stretch play deep in their territory on third-and-long anyways?" "That was a serious coaching mistake, and it may have cost them their star Fullback." The radio announcer groused in exasperation. As the big Zebra was secured on to a stretcher and carted off to the locker room, even as the game continued with a notably subdued crowd. Once in the locker room, the team Doctors suggested setting up an MRI, to check the damage after preliminary tests pointed to a severe concussion. As the doctors and the other assistants went to go set up the machines and prepare for more tests, they left Cameron secured in his stretcher on a table. In the hustle and bustle, no one noticed that Terrance had not joined them in the other rooms. The chubby Panther stood over Cameron's unmoving body, glaring and shaking in anger. After sitting still for a while, he approached the big Zebra and looked him over in his tight football gear. Those tight football pants and athletic supporter he wore couldn't contain the size of the Zebra's mighty malehood. Terrance's baser emotions took hold of him then as he slapped the Zebra's mighty crotch as hard has he could. Feeling the soft flesh below compress, as a subconscious groan escaped Cameron's velvety black lips. As a running back the Zebra never wore a protective cup, because it restricted his movement far too much.

The black Panther slid his paws under those tight football pants and the elastic band of Cameron's sweaty jock strap. And slowly pulled them down a foot or so, allowing those big bound genitals to spring free. Brushing aside the Zebra's flaccid sheath, Terrance ruthlessly took both of those hulking testicles into his paws. Each fat ball was the size of the oranges he purchased at the store, and the big loose sac allowed him to move them around freely. As he roughly handled them, Terrance felt the right nut turn around 90 degrees. A sinister thought popped into his head then, remembering a lessons on common male athletic injuries, he likewise turned the left ball with ease. The nerdy Panther released the left testicle and moved both strong paws to the Zebra's big right nut, turning it repeatedly in the same direction. Steadily the turning became more difficult, but Terrance's angry resolved remained strong. When he could not longer turn that big nut effectively, the Panther yanked it down hard with both strong paws, eliciting a soft crunching sound like cartilage breaking. It was then the chubby nerdy Panther realized his thick stubby cock was fully erect within his soft cotton brief. Instantly he went onto the big Zebra's remaining testicle, repeating the process exactly. After turning this ball even more, he leaned back and threw all his weight into yanking it down. Yielding the same soft wet 'Crunch' and a little more slack. Holding the warm orange sized nuts in his paws, Terrance was startled to hear the returning voices of the team Doctors. And so carefully placed Cameron's big bloated and discolored nuts back into that sweaty jockstrap, pulling up those tight shiny pants. Completing a process that only took a couple of minutes, just as the Doctors rounded the corner. The black Panther ducked into the adjoining supply closet, leaving the door slightly ajar. Shoving a paw into his mouth to stifled any noise. as he reached down to free his own throbbing erection and ferociously pawing it.

"Alright, let's get him into the MRI, should take about an hour." The team Doctor instructed to the others. As the Doctors wheeled Cameron out of the room and down the hallway, the Panther timed his orgasmic moans with the slamming of the big double doors. He could no longer contain himself, as he thought about Cameron's twisted and damaged testicles dying on the vine for an hour while they scanned his head. A few minutes later Terrance had calmed himself down, and cleaned up the spooge before returned unnoticed to the throng of training staff. Cameron had returned to consciousness after the MRI had confirmed a serious concussion, and began drowsily complaining about pains in his stomach and groin. When the Doctors lowered the stud's football pants to examine the problem, everyone in the room gasped in horror. The team Doctor himself having to choke down vomit as he examined those cold bloated orbs.

"There seems to be... a double testicular torsion." "I've never seen a case like this... we have to get him to a hospital at once." The team Doctor stammered out. Terrance slipped away into the supply closet once more, and was shuddering and moaning in orgasmic pleasure in no time at all. Unfortunately for Cameron, this diagnosis had been made about two hours too late. As the Doctors were forced to perform a double orchiectomy to prevent the infection of the necrotic tissue in those large testicles. The big Zebra became a stranger on campus after Charlotte dumped him, only occasionally seen hobbling to his classes with his head down. After this darkly cathartic event, Terrance's faith in life was returned. He strutted about campus with a spring in his step once more, and decided to accept the date offered by the new State wrestling champion. Whenever he was bouncing up and down on Jeromes rock hard cock, she would reach down and grasp his fat testicles. Lovingly massaging them as he recalled Cameron's massive nuts quivering in his paws, begging for life. If he was ever feeling down, he would just imagine the football star's perfect muscular body, rippling and bulging with a loose, empty sack slung below his flaccid cock, and he instantly felt better.


Well there's always the park

A ride through a young Jaguars first gay sex in 1976... ...

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