Strange Dreams

Story by Skribble on SoFurry

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Brand spanking new and hot off the press! Odd little story involving latex monsters, enemas, and diaper soiling! Enjoy the ride!

Gavin sat up in bed with a gasp, or tried to, rather. The reason he was unable to sit up wasn't readily apparent but it felt (and smelled) as if a large amount of rubber or latex had been piled on his chest. The raccoon gave a strangled grunt, unable to free himself beneath the weight which shifted, giggled, and clicked on the bedside light.

The creature that was revealed was unlike anything the young raccoon had ever seen; a foxlike form, perhaps five feet tall and made entirely out of what was living latex. The strange creature, which apart from two faintly glowing yellow eyes was comprised of white and pale purple latex, giggled again and poked out a shiny tongue, "Wakey, wakey sleepyhead! You've been waiting on me!"

"Waiting on you?" the 'coon stammered, "I've never even met you before! Heck I've never even heard of something like you!" This exclamation only made the foxthing giggle again.

"You don't -know- you've been waiting on me, but you have. That's the only reason I show up!" the creature explained, mercifully slipping off the raccoon and the bed to take a few bouncy steps across the floor. It was clear now that it had turned away the thing had several almost balloony latex tails that squeaked as they rubbed against in each other in the midst of motion. "I'm like... a fairy godmother or something! I show up to help out."

Sitting up, Gavin rubbed his chest, huffing a little as he was able to breathe again, "Well I don't need any- h-hey! Stay out of my closet!" he yelped scrambling out of bed as the strange visitor tugged open the door to his closet.

"Oooh, my!" the creature chirped with a happy grin as it regarded the raccoon's collection of diaper-related supplies, "Someone must have lotsa trouble making the potty to need alla this!"

Shoving the latexy kitsune aside he pushed the doors to his closet closed, blushing deeply. None of this made sense and he took comfort in the idea that he would wake up soon from this rather odd dream. "Look, none of that's your business. I like 'em and it doesn't hurt anyone," he said defensively, maintaining his position in front of the closet, arms folded.

Laughing, the fox pushed its paws to Gavin's shoulders, "I don't mind! I've met lotsa boys like you... most of 'em aren't so huffy, though!" Kneeling down, the creature pushed its cheek to the raccoon's bared tummy, Gavin only wearing underwear to bed, and listened intently. "Oooh, goody! This will be quick -and- fun!"

"Wh-what will?" Gavin asked nervously as the foxthing stood back up and did a happy little dance in front of him. "I still don't understand what you're here for..."

Shrugging, the creature smiled, "Just here to help you let off a little steam, 'coonie. Nothin' to worry about. You'll have fun."

Shaking his head, Gavin waved his paws, "I don't want to have any fun with you. This dream is way too strange... Just. Just go. That's what I want."

The rubber fox laughed and shook its head, "Not a chance! If I'm here, I've got work to do! Now..." it said, eyes narrowing, "Don't struggle too much."

Before Gavin could react the creature expanded sideways, doubling, then tripling in width before lashing forward. The living latex it seemed to be made of was warm, which was surprising, but the raccoon gave a bark of fear and struggled helplessly as the semi-liquid rubber engulfed him. Everything was dark and there was a faint smell, one that reminded him of powder and the plastic of a fresh pack of diapers. The creature's voice came from everywhere as it admonished, "I said don't struggle you silly thing!"

Gavin couldn't speak and couldn't breathe and then, suddenly, it was over and he could see once more. The warmth of the living latex surrounded him and it didn't take long for the raccoon to realize the thing had enveloped him completely; he was inside it, peering out through what he supposed were the eyes as if the creature were some odd sentient latex armor!

"All that fussing," the voice chided, rubbing its belly and Gavin's as well through the intervening latex, "This isn't so bad, huh?" the thing asked as it padded over to the bedroom mirror to let the raccoon have a look at himself. He was surprised to find that, aside from the latexsune's dimensions having stretched to accommodate him, there was little difference in his odd visitor's appearance. The raccoon squirmed a little and determined that his tail seemed to be pinned up against his back inside the creature and that he was actually gazing out of the 'sune's yellow eyes.

Gavin shook his head, or attempted to anyway, being trapped in living latex wasn't really conducive to moving around much, "It... it isn't so bad," he conceded. Almost immediately he felt the latex around his hips and legs rippling, tugging his underpants down and off of him, "Hey! What are you doing now!?" he yelped, struggling. It was no use, though, soon enough he could see his underwear pushed out of the creature's feet.

"They'll just get in the way," the thing giggled, patting his (and Gavin's) belly once more. "Besides, you prefer thicker underpants, doncha?" As the foxthing said this Gavin could feel his cheeks warming up. It was almost worse this way, trapped inside the latex kitsune, helpless to avoid the teasing. The latexsune padded into the bathroom, tails wagging squeakily against one another.

"You'll feel better in a second, just let me see..." the 'sune said, squinting as if in concentration. The thing's form begin to shift and run, the markings distorting as white latex moved to bulk up around the creature's hips, the purple forming outlines of tapes and defining the edge of what was apparently meant to resemble a comically large diaper. Gavin squirmed, gasping a little as the latex on the thing's insides softened up and remained that way, feeling not almost but not completely unlike fresh, unused padding against his discerning privates.

Wriggling, the 'coon couldn't help swelling a little, painfully aware that his growing erection was pushing directly into this odd visitor's insides. "Th-that's a neat trick," he mumbled, eyeing the oversized latex diaper in the mirror.

"I can tell you like it," his captor giggled, winking as it bent forward a little and patted the thick 'diaper' it had given itself, "You'll like it even more here in a minute!" Before Gavin could ask what that meant the latex that was squeezed against his feet, sides, and under his arms began to wriggle wildly, tickling him while he was trapped inside the kitsune! Gasping, he fought wildly, completely ineffective, the poor raccoon laughing helplessly and writhing inside the confines of his tormentor!

From the outside there was just the smallest distortion in the kitsune's form, the creature crossing its arms with a happy titter as it tickled the trapped raccoon inside itself, "I could tell you needed to pee when I listened earlier! Just relax and you'll feel better!" it sing-songed.

Gavin whimpered, blushing furiously as the odd fox was right. He did need to pee something awful and all the tickling meant it would happen... now. The laughing and tensing and writhing was too much for his poor bladder and hot piss flowed out into the "diaper" he'd been provided with, the 'sune giggling and sighing as the raccoon wet inside it.

"Aaaah. That's nice," it cooed as Gavin panted, flooding the "padding" around his hips which actually seemed to suck up the fresh urine and swell against him like a diaper should. He shivered, his dick rock hard inside his captor as he finished soaking his "diaper".

"Aren't you grossed out?" Gavin asked quietly, "I mean... I just peed in you... A lot..." The raccoon shifted a little, whimpering happily as his cock pushed into the sodden latex with a wonderful squish. He couldn't resist rocking his hips forward once or twice, always aware that his living prison would no doubt feel every motion.

"Think of me like a diaper that enjoys being wet," the kitsune responded with a grin and petted its crotch, adding some nice pressure to Gavin's shameful thrusting inside. "If you want, though... I could always wet you back before bed..."

Gavin wasn't paying much attention, pushing his dick into the soaked living latex was just too nice. Shaking his head as best he could manage in his situation he stammered, "W-wait, what? You could wet me back? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'll just show you," the foxthing replied. Gavin had little time to ponder this as something thick and slippery pushed beneath his tail. Gasping, the raccoon clenched up with a whine but to no avail, the living latex just formed a smaller tip and wriggled inside his anus. Moaning helplessly, Gavin wormed inside the kitsune's body as the latex cock thickened up slowly, spreading him open before beginning to snake deeper into his bowels.

"I-I don't want this," Gavin huffed, panting as he felt the snakelike latex pushing deeper inside him, "I-it feels-"

"It feels wonderful and you know it. You're throbbing in me, silly," the creature replied, stern but affectionate as it penetrated the raccoon. "Mmm... let's have a little fun before we put you to bed..."

The latexsune gripped the counter, bending forward slightly, "Just enjoy it, Gavin..." it whispered before thrusting itself forward in a slow, lazy motion. As it did the raccoon felt the whole length of the thing's "cock" push deeper inside him. He moaned and the wet latex around his own dick sucked tighter to it, rippling slowly.

Gavin's mind was a riot of sensations and embarrassment; the situation was too much to process and he simply let himself go, closing his eyes and giving in to the pleasure of being taken by what felt like feet of the kitsune's latex shaft. As it slowly fucked his bowels the latex around Gavin's cock continued to suck and squeeze, the raccoon squirming in the sodden latex's embrace.

As the creature thrust into him Gavin realized something more was happening as well, the latex drying up. He whimpered with humiliation and pleasure as he felt warm liquid spreading deep inside his guts, the kitsune was pissing his own urine back into him! Moaning he rocked against the confines of the latex, feeling himself being filled with an impossible amount of warm fluid even as his snug tail hole was taken. It wasn't long before the raccoon erupted inside the kitsune, spurting thick loads of 'coon spunk which was sucked up as well and added to the load filling his bowels.

Gavin felt impossibly full and exhausted. He had wet and cum inside the strange creature and it was now slowly snaking itself back out of his aching bowels. Cracking his eyes the 'coon was surprised to see the thing had attached one of its tails to the bathroom faucet and had been using the warm water to add to his own piss. No wonder he felt so filled to the brim!

"There we go... Now time for bed," the latexsune murmured soothingly, rubbing a paw over its tummy to soothe the complaining stomach hidden beneath.

"I need to... Gotta go, though..." Gavin whispered, blushing deeply as he wondered if the creature would make him let the massive piss and water enema out inside it.

Nodding, the creature made its way back to Gavin's closet, "I know, Gavin. I think you should sleep now, though. You can let that out in the morning," it cooed, plucking a diaper from the closet and pushing it to itself, the body sucking it in. Gavin could feel the latex shifting and rippling, the diaper wrapped about him and taped snugly into place. He couldn't remember ever having felt a better fit.

"I dunno if I can hold it until then," he whispered, shivering a little as his bowels gave a shudder inside him after a particularly loud complaint from his stomach.

Giggling, the creature laid down on Gavin's bed, "I left a little something inside to help hold it until morning," it explained as it sat up, somehow leaving the raccoon laying on his covers as it moved off the bed. Gavin blinked and looked himself over in disbelief. As he opened his mouth the creature shook its head, pressing a latex palm over the raccoon's muzzle, "I said sleep," it said firmly, and Gavin did.

Gavin sat up in bed with a gasp as his bowels emptied in a soupy rush. Moaning, he clutched at his tummy, his haunches tightening helplessly as his body pushed out several gushes of hot liquid before a heavy, muddy load squelched into his diaper, his seated position forcing the soft mess across his bottom and up between his thighs. Panting, he shivered there still covered from the waist down and reflected on his very odd dream from the night before.

"Good thing I decided to get diapered before bedtime... I thought I had decided not to, though," he mused before being interrupted by another hot, mushy load smushing into his diaperseat. "Mmmf. I guess I caught a stomach bug. That might've caused that weird dream. Well, better get clean."

Wriggling to the side of the bed on his bottom, the raccoon savoring the soiled seat of his diaper a little before he would have to take care of the massive mess, Gavin swung his legs over the side. He was quite surprised to see once he'd pulled back the covers a small patch of latex clinging to the inside of his thigh...

A Walk in the Woods

Just a short one tonight! Been super busy with classes and such this semester, this is just something I've scribbled up during lectures because I like cubs and accidents. No plot and no sex, just pants peein' and a messy pull-up! Enjoy if you...

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Uncle Brad's

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A Late Night Ride

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