Uncle Brad's

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Been working on this one for awhile. Underage drinking and accidents. The usual. Read at your own risk! ;3

Josh's tail wagged excitedly as the car neared its destination, the ten year old jackal peering out the window as familiar streets rolled by. He was going to see his uncle Brad for a whole week! And that meant a week of video games, sodas, pizza, late nights, and everything else a young boy could want. His parents had told him uncle Brad was a professional freeloader once. What they had meant was he was an author, which made it easy for the lion, an adoptive brother of his mother, to watch Josh any time his parents needed to get away for awhile.

"Almost there, kiddo," his dad called from the front seat, the jackal nodding and giving a happy yip of affirmation as the car pulled up to the curb in front of Brad's house. Scrabbling from the car, Josh scampered up the walk as Brad stepped outside, beaming.

"Hey, hey! It's my favorite nephew!" the big lion purred as he scooped the boy into his arms and swung him around, Josh giggling, "Hi uncle Brad!" Setting the pup back on his feet, he tousled Josh's headfur a little as his parents approached, the large cat smiling, "Greg, Stella, how are you?"

"Hello Brad," Josh's mother replied, kissing her brother on the cheek and moving out of the way so her husband could shake his hand, "We've been great. Better after vacation, though."

Laughing, the lion nodded and gave his nephew's rump a pat, "Why doncha run inside, kiddo? You know where the fridge and the video games are so just make yourself at home."

The young jackal grinned, turning to leave the adults. "Hey now," his dad said, holding up a paw, "We've gotta run pretty quick so go ahead and give us a hug!" Nodding, Josh hugged and, to his slight embarrassment, kissed both his parents goodbye, his uncle teasing him with an 'Awww' as he kissed them which made the boy blush brighter, "Bye Mom, bye Dad. Love you!" he called as he scampered into the house and towards video games, his parents calling their goodbyes after him.

Josh had been to his uncle Brad's plenty of times and he spent lots of weekends in the lion's home so he knew exactly where everything was. Stopping first in the kitchen the boy got out a soda from the fridge, humming softly to himself as he looked around inside for something to snack on. "We might get pizza later," he thought and decided to wait, not wanting to fill up on something like apples when delicious pepperoni might be forthcoming! Heading for the living room he knelt down in front of the big entertainment system and picked out a game to play.

Settling onto his uncle's couch, the young jackal slurped from his soda as the game started up, soon comfortably shooting bad guys and blasting through alien blockades. Chuckling as he entered the room, Brad settled down beside him, the big lion slipping his arm around the pup's shoulders, "Guess it's just me and you for a whole week, pup. You excited?"

Scrunching up his nose a little as he fought a particularly troublesome enemy, Josh nodded, tongue poking from the side of his muzzle, "Mmmhm."

Brad grinned and let the boy finish up with his fight before giving his side a little poke, making the jackal yip and jump, "Anything special you want to do this week?"

"Wanna eat pizza," Josh said with a grin, pausing the game and looking up to his uncle, tail thumping quietly on the couch. Laughing, the lion nodded and hugging the boy to his side, "Pizza it is, though I figure there'll be more to do than just get fat this week. Play your game and I'll go order us up something for dinner," Brad purred, getting up and padding off towards the kitchen.

The young jackal passed the time until dinner playing his games while Brad sat at his desk toying with a manuscript and occasionally offering a small bit of advice about the game. The lion was too cool for an adult! He played video games! Josh told Brad this every time the lion helped him through a tough spot which always got a crooked grin from the lion and a comment about how big kids liked games too.

When the food arrived Brad insisted Josh take a break from the games for awhile to give his eyes a rest so they ate at the table, the pup excited that he could have as much soda as he liked, Brad laughing and telling him, "No bedtimes on vacation so pups can have all the caffeine they like!"

"Can I have one of your beers, too?" the pup asked shyly as they munched on pizza.

"I'm not quite ready for your mom to skin me so I think beer is still off limits for you," Brad replied with another easy laugh before polishing off a slice. "Besides, beer tastes gross. You only like it when you're old like me."

The pup giggled, "You aren't old, though! You play games and don't hafta go to work!"

Grinning, the lion leaned back in his chair, paws clasped behind his head, "Old enough to be old to a puppy!" he shot back, making his nephew giggle more as he munched on pizza. "Wanna watch a movie after dinner?" the big cat offered, "We can watch whatever you like."

"I want to see something bloody!" the jackal yipped, tail wagging swiftly, "With lotsa guns and explosions!" he said, pushing his plate away.

Laughing, Brad gathered up the dishes and refilled the glasses with soda for the movie. It only took a moment or two to clean off the table and he was soon ushering his excitable nephew toward the couch, "Alright. I'll pick out something with lots of blood and explosions," he purred, snagging a dvd off the shelf and popping it in, "Just don't tell your mom!"

"I won't!" the pup agreed, snuggling up against his uncle's side as the lion joined him on the couch. It didn't take long before a full belly and the warmth of his nephew's body to lull the big lion to sleep, Brad snoring quietly as Josh watched the movie.

"I bet I could sneak one of Brad's beers and he wouldn't know..." the pup thought to himself, slipping carefully off the couch and padding into the kitchen. Cocking an ear, he listened intently for a moment before pulling open the fridge and getting out one of the shining cans. "Better drink it fast before Brad gets up!"

Tipping the can back, the boy guzzled most of it in the first try, the pup making a small face. It -did- taste sort of gross... Still, gotta finish it so he drank the last of the beer and hid it in the trash, promising himself he wouldn't repeat that experiment until he was old enough for beer to taste good.

Once back in the living room, though, it didn't take long for Josh's head to start feeling funny, the pup blinking and shaking himself a little. He knew sometimes people got drunk on beer but he always assumed it took way more than one can! Still, it felt kind of nice and he kind of wanted another beer now. Slipping back into the kitchen the jackal, stumbled a little, unsteady on his feet after the alcohol. "One more won't hurt," Josh thought as he got a second can out and quickly drank that one. Still tasted bad but he felt really funny and nice.

Back in the living room he flopped down on the couch again, leaning on the arm as his body felt all loose and rubbery, his vision spinning a little as the two cans of beer did their work on his young body. As the movie was drawing to a close, Josh was quite drunk, the jackal blinking in confusion as he felt the crotch of his jeans warm up.

"Wh-wha?" he mumbled, lightly touching the front of his pants where a fist sized dark patch had spread, the jackal blushing brightly as he realized he'd peed in his pants a little. "Oh... oh man..." the boy whimpered, struggling to his feet, the noise and motion making his uncle stir fitfully. Swaying drunkenly, the young jackal clutched a paw at his crotch and took several unsteady steps towards the bathroom.

"Uncle Brad," he whined, realizing there was no way he'd make it to the toilet without help, "Uncle Brad wake up!" he barked, trembling slightly as he realized just how badly he needed to pee and did his best to fight it.

"Mmm, sorry Josh. Musta dozed off," the lion grunted as he sat upright, blinking and looking curiously at his nephew, "What's the matter?" he asked, eyes narrowing as he took in the situation.

"I-I had some of your beer," the jackal explained, words thick and difficult to understand, "an I'm wet... I can't make it," he whimpered, blushing furiously and pressing down a little harder on his pants as he felt warm urine trickling into his jeans.

Brad was up in a flash, more worried than angry at his drunk nephew, though Josh thought the lion must be furious. "C'mon kiddo, let's hurry up," he said, scooping the boy up and hustling with him to the bathroom. He had noticed that damp stain creeping through Josh's pants and could feel the boy losing his battle to keep from wetting as he held the slender jackal to his chest. "At least this isn't a white shirt," he thought to himself as he shouldered open the door to the bathroom.

Josh gave a sharp gasp, whining as a hot gush spread through his jeans and across his uncle's shirt, the pup whining, "S-sorry!" Brad quickly got the pup to the toilet and sat him down on it, still wetting into his jeans. As the pee flooded the denim it began to trickle down between the jackal's thighs and dribble from the seat of his pants, the boy's eyes tearing up as he wet his pants in front of his uncle.

"Shhh, shhh... You're okay," the lion assured him, his broad paw stroking Josh's ears as he emptied his bladder into his jeans, "You can't drink beer though, Josh. I told you that you weren't old enough. It's bad for kids," he explained, though Josh was having trouble focusing his eyes and just nodded helplessly. Sighing, the lion filled a glass with water and gave it to his nephew, "Drink all of that," he instructed before turning to fill up the bath tub with warm water.

While the tub filled he made Josh drink another glass of water before getting the soaked jackal off the toilet and stripping him down. "I've gotta clean you off, Josh," he murmurs, giving the pup's muzzle an affectionate lick before lifting the naked boy into the bathtub and helping him sit. The bath was a short one, the lion mainly just rinsing the urine from his nephew's fur. After draining the water and toweling the jackal off he sat him on the bathmat still wrapped up in the towel, "Just wait here. I'll be right back."

"Good thing I've still got some of those supplies here from when he was wetting the bed," the lion mused, heading into his guest room and fetching one of the thick, overnight disposables his nephew had once relied on to keep his bed dry. Back in the bathroom he had Josh stretch out on the floor, explaining gently that he'd probably have an accident and that he needed to wear one of his "night-time undies", what he had called the diapers when he still needed them. The boy was still tipsy and nodded his head, "Uhkay."

Nodding himself, the lion unfolded the diaper and gave it a dusting of powder, another remnant from his nephew's bedwetting days, and gently got the boy ready for bed. The lion had to admit seeing his nephew in a diaper again was sort of cute and gave him a pang of nostalgia for when Josh was just a baby. The jackal had been adorable as little puppy and Brad had to admit he had enjoyed the extra work it was to take care of the helpless bundle of fur.

After checking his handiwork, the lion not wanting his nephew to leak all over the bed, he hefted Josh up over his shoulder, the pup already quietly snoring, and carried him to his bed, figuring it would be better to have him nearby in case the kid woke up in the night.. Pulling back the blankets, he laid the padded pup down and slipped in beside him. Kissing the boy's ears as he pulled up the blankets the lion murmured, "G'night Joshy," before drifting off to sleep.


The next morning Josh awoke to a sensation he hadn't felt in a long time. There was something warm and heavy around his waist and he was... peeing! Whimpering, the boy shoved the blankets down and sat up, staring at the rumpled and obviously quite wet diaper he was wearing. Blushing as he recalled most of what had happened the night before he clenched up, stopping himself from wetting any further and turned to push on his uncle.

"Uncle Brad! Get up!" he whined, holding back in mid-stream kinda painful, "Hurry I gotta go!" The big lion grunted, stirring little at first, then suddenly swelling up to pull the jackal into his arms, "Grrr! Who's wakin' me up," he questioned loudly, a paw tickling over Josh's tummy!

"N-no!" the pup warned before breaking down into helpless giggles, squirming and fighting in his uncle's strong arms as he felt his bladder let go once more, fresh, warm pee running into his diaper. Blushing furiously the boy whimpered, "S-stoppit! I'm goin' in the bed, quit!"

The lion frowned seeing how upset Josh was, a paw tucking down between his nephew's thighs to feel his diaper. It was warm and pretty swollen. Between the alcohol and the glasses of water it was a good thing the lion had decided to diaper the boy before bed. Josh sniffled quietly, eyes tearing up as his uncle checked him.

"Hey now... What was our rule about night-time accidents?" Brad asked, reverting to his assurances from when Josh was piddling his bed every night. "Don't get upset if we couldn't help it..." the boy replied softly. Nodding, his uncle kissed the tip of his nose and cuddled the boy close, "That's right. Nothin' to be ashamed about Joshy. Just a little water in a diaper."

The pup was still quite red in the face, but his uncle's kind words had calmed him enough that he could nod and enjoy the warm snuggling. He also had to admit that the squishy heat of his freshly wet padding didn't feel bad either. "Can I have a bath now?" he asked timidly.

Nodding, Brad pulled the covers back and slipped out of bed, "We'll get ya a bath soon. Lets have a bowl of cereal first, though." Reaching out, the lion helped his nephew from the bed, "Your head feels okay?"

Josh nodding, yawning and stretching a little once on his feet, his legs spread by the damp bulk of his wet diaper, "Yuh-huh. Feel okay."

Taking the boy's paw, the lion nodded, smiling and leading him to the kitchen. "Lucky boy. Drinkin' all that beer usually gives people a headache in the morning. Guess that water flushed you out."

The young jackal smiled and gave a drowsy shrug as he toddled along beside his uncle, having to waddle just slightly thanks to the heavy padding. Once in the kitchen he seated himself at the table as Brad began preparing a bowl of cereal for him, squirming a little as his diaper squelched wetly under his bottom.

"Here we go. Gourmet fruit loops," his uncle purred, setting a bowl down in front of Josh as well as a big glass of orange juice. Giggling, the jackal said, "Thanks uncle Brad," before digging into the sweet cereal.

"Don't mention it, pup," the lion replied as he fixed himself a cup of coffee. Leaning on the counter he blew at the hot liquid and watched Josh eat his breakfast, eyes lingering on the boy's swollen diaper. Smiling to himself, he took a sip of the bitter liquid. The boy really did look cute that way.

His nephew didn't say anything as he banged away at his cereal, the boy occasionally wiping the back of his hand across his milk-spattered muzzle. As he dipped his bowl down for another spoonful the jackal's eyes widened and his ears laid back, the pup seeming to tense up. "What's the matter?" Brad asked, concerned.

"I-I..." the pup gripped at the table as a noisy 'splrrrrrtch' escaped from his diaper, making Josh gasp as hot mess squished into his diaper. Brad stood and stared as his nephew struggled up from his chair, the seat of his diaper sagging slightly. The boy's lip trembled as he clutched his belly and another hard spasm in his bowels forced him to squat, soiling himself further with a second noisy splatter.

Josh seemed almost in shock as he stood, knees bent and the seat of his diaper sagging heavily in front of his uncle, the lion asking, "Are you okay, Josh?"

"I... I couldn't stop!" the boy wailed, shoving his face into his paws with a sob as the lion rushed over to pull the humiliated jackal into a warm hug.

"I know buddy, I know... It was cause you had all that beer last night... sometimes it makes you needta go like that." The lion kissed at the jackal's ears, petting the pup's back as he trembled and cried. After a moment he sat down on the linoleum and pulled Josh down into his lap. The pup fought weakly as he was forced to sit in his warm mess, the soft poop squishing around inside his diaper as he wriggled.

Brad squeezed the boy carefully, nuzzling his ears and shushing him, "It's okay puppy, your fine. It was an accident," he murmured soothingly as his broad paws stroked over his nephew's shivering form.

"Couldn't stop," the sniffling jackal managed to stammer, "I... I didn't have time to get up, Uncle brad I'm sorry!" he mumbled against the lion, completely embarrassed.

"C'mon, hey... It's just a messy diaper, Joshy. Diapers are for pottying in. I'm not mad," he assured the boy, rubbing a paw on his bare thigh, "Boy's are easy to clean up."

Josh nodded mutely, nibbling at his lip as his uncle's paws petted so nicely between his legs and over his belly. The boy's toes curled a little as he felt himself getting a stiffy inside his hot, soiled diaper. He couldn't help it, the warmth of his accident pressing under his tail was nice now that he'd had a few minutes to calm himself and his uncles big paws... He just hoped the big lion wouldn't notice.

Brad held his nephew close, continuing to idly pet over the boy for awhile, Josh seeming to have calmed down quite a bit. Slipping a paw down between the pup's legs he smiled and gave the swollen diaper a gentle squeeze and was surprised to find out the boy had a hard-on inside the heavy garment.

Looking up at his uncle, Josh stammered, "It was... I mean I..." which made the big lion smile and shake his head. Kissing at the boy's muzzle he began to grind his palm carefully over the front of his nephew's diaper, drawing a shuddery gasp from the boy as the warm, squishy padding began to massage his young cock.

Spreading his legs a little wide for his uncle's broad paw, Josh gave a soft groan, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut as he blushed and enjoyed to careful kneading of his uncle's paw. Slowly he began to push back, the lion giving an encouraging little purr as his nephew thrust himself forward, grinding his tight diaper front into the lion's squeezing digits.

Each time he pushed himself forward Josh was both embarrassed and happy to find the dirty mess in the seat of his diaper shifted and rubbed against his bottom. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying himself so much after soiling himself like a little baby but the sensations were just too much, the pup panting quietly and giving a little whimper as he rocked between his uncle's paw and his loaded pampers.

It didn't take long for the young pup to find himself on the verge of coming in his diaper but he had no idea what the wonderful sensation was building inside him. With no warning except for a little yelp of ecstasy, he jerked against Brad's paw, squirting his watery puppy-cum into his pampers.

"Good boy, Josh. That feels nice, huh?" the lion cooed into his nephew's ears, still slowly rubbing the front of the pup's tight pampers as he twitched and trembled, spilling his seed into his hot diaper.

Nodding, Josh groaned and went nearly limp in his uncle's lap, chest heaving as he panted with the excitement of the last couple minutes. "F-felt good," he managed after a moment to regain his breath, the pup gazing up at Brad's smiling face.

"You about ready to go get cleaned and get out of that diaper?" the lion asked, stroking Josh's ears.

Shaking his head, the pup shyly murmured, "I think I wanna 'nother..."

A Late Night Ride

Sean couldn't help blushing as he stood in the bathroom with his pants around his knees and pushed the third suppository under his tail, an excited little shiver running through the ‘roo as he pulled his finger free of his gently clenching tailstar...

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The Long Weekend (Preview)

Michael groaned softly and stirred beneath the blankets, his head splitting from what he could tell was going to be one monster of a hangover. So concerned was he with the painful ache behind his eyes he didn't immediately notice that one, should he...

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