A Walk in the Woods

Story by Skribble on SoFurry

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Just a short one tonight! Been super busy with classes and such this semester, this is just something I've scribbled up during lectures because I like cubs and accidents. No plot and no sex, just pants peein' and a messy pull-up! Enjoy if you can!

The young husky barked happily, dashing ahead of his caretaker into the clearing, tongue lolling as he panted and looked about the late summer scenery.

"Get back here, you rascal!" the older leopard laughed, puffing along after the boy, "I'm too old to be chasing puppies!" Shouldering his pack he caught up to the giggly boy, the big cat growling playfully as he tousled his charge's hair.

"I gotta potty," the pup announced, clutching the front of his short and pushing his thighs together, his curly tail wagging as he gazed up at the feline.

Chuckling, the leopard gave the boy's rump a pat with his broad paw, "Well go potty. I'm not stopping you!"

The boy nodded, dashing ahead with a laugh, and squatted without even pulling his shorts down. Before the older cat could protest a broad, wet patch had bloomed in the boy's shorts, spreading rapidly. Fresh, golden puppy-pee trickled down the young husky's legs and shimmered brightly in the afternoon sun as it dribbled freely from the crotch of his pants into the soft grass.

"Oh! You naughty pup," the leopard scolded, striding over just as the boy was straightening, his shorts all soaked with fresh, warm piddle still leaking down his fuzzy thighs!

"I hadda accident," the boy whined cutely, sticking his finger in the corner of his muzzle and gazing up at his caretaker, cheeks red.

Smirking, the older cat shook his head and placed his hands on his hips, "It looked more like an on-purpose from where I was standing."

The husky just gave another soft whine by way of answer and pushed his thighs together. Shrugging off his backpack the leopard smiled, "Alright, alright. Take off your potty-pants. I've got some pull-ups here you can wear. Nobody'll see out here."

Rummaging in his bag, the feline pulled out a trash bag and held it open for the puppy, the little husky dropping his soaked shorts and undies into it to be tied up and placed in his caretaker's bag. "Now hold still while we clean you up," the cat purred, getting out some wipes and setting about cleaning the pup's damp fur. That done he handed the boy a fresh pull-up, pronouncing, "Puppy pants for a puppy."

Blushing but with a grin, the husky nodded and wiggled into the clean, padded underwear, tail waggling as he barked a quick, "Thanks!" before dashing off again, clad only in a shirt and the cubby trainers.

Smirking, the leopard made sure he had the wipes and wet clothes bagged up and back in his pack, calling as he worked, "Don't run off, puppy!"

"I woooon't," the energetic boy assured him, scampering about the clearing until his caretaker was ready to continue their walk.

The two wandered lazily through the woods, the pup chasing bugs and tossing sticks, the leopard making sure his young charge didn't get too dirty as he played. Eventually they came to a small pond, green and still, the clouds skimming across it distorted by the ripples of an occasional breeze. Seating himself on a clean looking rock near the bank, the leopard sighed, "I'm getting old kiddo. I need to sit down for awhile."

The puppy nodded and gave a happy bark, "That's okay. You can rest while I look fer frogs!" the big cat chuckling and waving the boy on as he shrugged off his backpack and rummaged for a soda to sip on as the husky skipped and played around the pond.

It had been a long walk and eventually the young pup grew tired and returned to where the leopard was lazing, yipping, "I'm hungry!" to the chuckling feline. Patting his lap, the big cat purred, "Well sit down with me and we'll get you a snack, pup."

Nodding, the eager boy clambered into the offered lap, the cat giving the kid's pull-up a check as he settled in, noting it was a little soggy. "Just a small snack," he purred, giving the puppy a juice box and a baggie with some cookies which he happily munched on.

Once the husky had finished up with his snacking the leopard took his trash and stashed it in his backpack. "I think we should start heading back home now, kiddo," he purred, tousling the pup's headfur, earning a pout and a grudging, "Okaaay."

Smiling, the big cat pulled his pack on and started the puppy on his way with a pat on the tush, "C'mon puppy. You'll need a fresh pull-up by the time we get back to the house." Blushing but smiling the boy nodded and they began the walk home. It didn't take long for the pup to tucker out and beg to be carried, which the cat obliged, mock-grumbling as he lifted the tired cub into his arms, "Lazy boy. Thought you were big enough to make the whole trip."

Whining, the boy nuzzled into his caretaker's neck, huffing, "I am big! Jus' tired." Nodding, the leopard kissed the cub's ears, "Fine, fine. You're a big husky."

Soon enough the warm afternoon and the gentle rocking of the walk lulled the puppy to sleep in the big leopard's arms, the cat purring softly as he cradled the boy in his arms. As the two neared the house the boy squirmed fussily, his curly tail hiking up. It wasn't difficult for the feline to see he was too far from the house to get the boy there in time to prevent a messy accident so he gave the cub's ears a quick kiss and resigned himself to the fact it'd be bath time once the two were home.

Sure enough, the boy loaded the seat of his pull-up with a little whimper of relief, the seat of the training pants expanding slowly as the little husky's bowels unloaded themselves. Smiling to himself, the leopard gently patted the filled rump of his charge's trainers, the leg gathers stretched and pulling away from the boy's legs a little with the healthy load he'd made in the padded undies.

As the cat reached the door to the house he had to transfer the cub to one arm, certainly not helping the state of the boy's filled pull-up as his full weight rested on his seat. "Phew," the cat snorted as he unlocked the door and slipped inside, "Definitely bath time for this puppy." Yawning, the boy shook himself awake, his tail wagging slowly above his stinky seat, "Rrrf. Didja say something'?"

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