Demon's Within, Chapter 7, Original

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#7 of Demon's Within -Original- Complete

Before you go commenting me about how things don't really make sense at the end. Know that this was my first ever story series that I ever did. I had little experience in writing at that time so that is why I started to re-write them. So please don't comment about things being left out and questions. I'll answer most of them in the re-written version as well as leave you with several more.

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Moving through the darkness that was all around him Vincent couldn't seem to find his way around, unable to see anything around him at all, he could look down and early make out his feet under him but giving a sigh before looking up and squinting his eyes as he sees a small white dot in the distance. Quickly running toward the dot hoping silently that it was a way out of this place but the closer he got the dot seemed to shift and change, when he was only a few yards from it he was able to see that the dot was not a way out yet a glowing figure, a fox or kitsune was standing infront of him with it's back to him and glowing white fur.

Stepping forward since kitsune were revered as powerful spirits "Um, excuse me" he said trying to be as polite as possible less he be cursed with bad luck, slowly moving around the kitsune turning it's head showing it's glowing blue eyes as they fell onto the lost little human.

Vincent was closer now and the kitsune stood up to his chest as it sat on it's hunches, it's glowing white fur seemed to shift and move around to a will of it's own, there were large purple prayer beads handing around it's neck as well as red symbols painted into the kitsunes fur, a symbol on the back of each ear, chest and on the side of each leg. Vincent couldn't tell what the symbols mean but was now standing directly infront of the kitsune who regarded him with only a glowing gaze, shying his gaze away which looked to bring a smile to the kitsunes muzzle

"Um, do you know the way out of here, I kind of want to go home now" Vincent said in a soft voice still trying to as respectful as possible though something caught his eye, looking up slowly to the right side of the kitsune he saw it's tail, nothing out of the ordinary before it suddenly split into two tails which made him blink in surprise. Looking to the other side of the kitsune seeing there there were three more tails laying over top one another on it's right side, looking directly at the kitsunes chest wondering exactly how many tails this spirit had, the more tails the more powerful or as the stories told.

Looking back down then hearing a chime go off that forced him to look up seeing the kitsune moving toward him, he suddenly became nervous with his stomach going crazy, butterflies nothing there was a hornets nest going mad inside of his stomach as he watched the spirit approach it's gaze fixed on the small human. As the kitsune stopped infront of him Vincent slowly looked up seeing the spirit lowering it's head and he froze when he felt the feral foxes lips press against his, he didn't know what to do as the fox pushed up against his lips more firmly but soon he did what felt natural and kissed the spirit back not thinking anything of it.

When the spirit broke the kiss it seemed to smile at the human who was panting lightly for breath before he blushed and looked away figuring that he was going to be 'sooo' cursed for doing that with a kitsune spirit but the fox didn't seem to respond as it slowly moved around slipping one of it's long soft tails under his chin and lifting his head up making him close his eyes at the feeling of the amazingly soft fur. Looking over and following the kitsune one his hands and knees abit before standing himself up, the kitsunes head was now just below his chest since it was on all fours though something had happened, he no longer cared where he was or even thought about getting home he just wanted to follow the kitsune, even if it would lead to the end of the world he would follow it.

Suddenly the kitsune stopped and looked over it's shoulder, the blackness that surrounded them quickly disappearing and revealing a large forest surrounding them with a shrine infront of them, it took a moment but Vincent remembered this place, they were standing infront of the Oni shrine in the village and it appeared that it was daytime but since the light didn't seem to fade in this place he couldn't really tell. Hearing a bell chime once again making him look for the kitsune who was already moving into the shrine, immediately running over to catch up with the spirit as it led him deep into the shrine, he didn't remember this part of the shrine though Isa didn't give him a full tour of the place when he was first here.

Moving into a large room that was in the exact middle of the shrine showing the base of the ancient tree that sprouted high over all the other trees, he stared in awe at the girth of the tree and could swear he could feel a pulse beating under his feet as the tree thrived on. His thoughts were broken as he suddenly felt something rub up against the front of his pants and like any surprised male he jumped back seeing the kitsune there with what could be considered a devious smile, the spirit moved closer and immediately started nosing at the front of Vincents pants and though he was extremely nervous he couldn't hold back a pleasurable moan.

The spirit wasn't even touching his flesh yet it felt amazing to have here just touching him, hearing the sound of a zipper and looking down to see the fox pulling his zipper down with it's teeth before immediately slipping it's muzzle into the hole of his pants and quickly the hole of his boxers. Vincent let out a loud moan as he felt the warm fox tongue move from base to tip of his extremely hard member, pre leaked out and was quickly cleaned off by the foxes tongue and soon Vincent could feel his knees giving way but something from behind caught him under his arms. Freezing and looking over his shoulder seeing a white fox morph standing there with a smile on her muzzle, she was completely naked and her ample chest was pressed firmly against the humans back and moved up against his head as she slowly lowered him onto his back with his head resting in her lap.

He wasn't really able to think much about where the anthro kitsune came from since another moan tore through his throat as the spirit continued lapping over his length though he did take the moment to look over the anthro fox, she was exactly like the spirit, white fur with glowing blue eyes and red symbols painted into her fur though there was a symbol on the top of her muzzle and it seemed that she only had four tails but he couldn't be sure.

Panting softly as the spirit continued lapping over his length, the anthro fox leaning over to unbutton his pants and pull them open as well as push his pants down to allow full access to his length, his hands found their ways to the anthros hips holding onto her fur and she smiled when he touched her leaning down and rubbing over his chest and stomach almost like he was a puppy.

Soon enough he could feel his peak though, his length swelling a bit and the kitsune took notice and immediately engulfed his entire length as he bucked his hips and moaned as his hot seed was shot into the spirits eagerly awaiting maw, it's tongue lapping over his length and giving long hard sucks like weaning kit would to it's mothers teat. Vincent lay there panting the females lap he was resting his head on felt amazingly soft now though he just couldn't fall asleep, the spirit slipped it's muzzle off of his length and moved over pressing it's lips to the female kitsunes muzzle sharing a kiss as they swapped the humans seed with their tongues.

Vincent watched the two foxes share his cum before they broke the kiss and swallowed and then both eyes were on him, the feral spirit turned itself around and lifted all of it's tail, all eight of them from what Vincent counted, an eight tailed fox spirit. His eyes didn't linger long on the tails as they shifted down to see a tiny tailhole then an awaiting fox sex, he was able to see the most sex glistening lightly from the light that made it's way into the shrine from outside. Sitting himself up and looking to the anthro fox who moved over on her paws and knees, sniffing at the ferals sex like she herself were a feral, soon she began lapping over the spirits sex motioning for the human to come toward her which he did though very cautiously.

The feral spirit murred loudly in pleasure as its tails moved from side to side slowly, the anthro fox smiling at the human as he stopped at her side though she immediately grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him firmly pouring the ferals nectar into his mouth forcing him to swallow every drop. Vincent was about to struggle as he felt the warm liquid pour down his throat, moaning loudly as he felt his limp member immediately turn rock hard and his fingers clawing over the wooden floor and his back arch slightly as the anthro slowly moved away with a smile.

Vincent panting softly looking at the awaiting kitsune spirit, she spread her hind legs slightly and lowered her upper body toward the ground giving all the signs that Vincent needed as he moved up behind the feral fox, he moved on instinct not listening to the rational side of his mind or even thinking that what he was about to do might effect him in the future or even the village since they were protected by Oni.

Slowly pushing his length into the feral Spirits slick passage making him moan out as her walls immediately started massaging the invading length with expert precision, Vincent never felt so much pleasure running up his spine and he couldn't tell if it was the kitsunes massaging passage or her sweet nectar that he drank only moments ago but in all honesty he didn't care. His hips started to move back and forth making the fox murr out in pleasure, all her eight tails wrapping around the human pulling him closer to her as he started mating her like he himself was a feral, leaning his upper body over her as he held firmly to her hips.

Vincent pumped his shaft in and out of the feral spirits sex at a steady pace pulling her back to meet his thrusts, her juices running down and matting her inner thighs as well as his thighs as he panted between her shoulder blades, his hot breath blowing over her soft fur only making her murr even more. It only took a few moments before Vincent felt his orgasm approaching, gripping her hips tightly not wanting this pleasure to end and she seemed to agree giving a whine of pleasure as if knowing he was about to cum. Her sex began clenching his length harder as her claws dug into the wooden floor as Vincent cried out in pleasure before hunching over giving a final thrust pushing his length as far as possible into her before his hot seed shot out deep into the kitsunes clenching sex.

The feral kitsune shivered as she felt the humans hot seed splashing against her insides, the fist drop that touched her walls sent her sex into overdrive clenching and pulling every last drop deep into her womb not letting even the smallest drop escape. Vincent was more than tired as he laid himself gently onto the ferals back rubbing her sides making her murr in pleasure before looking over her shoulder at him with a smile, he smiled back though his eyes began closing even though he tried to keep them open but soon everything went black.

Slowly opening his eyes again Vincent blinked as he saw the wall that his bed rested against, blinking and pushing himself up finding himself still a bit tired though he threw the blankets off of him and stood up, he was completely naked which was a bit strange but he shrugged it off just as the door opened showing Isa standing there. She smiled seeing the naked human

"I'm surprised that your up so early but it doesn't matter, get dressed, only half a day of school today since the festival is gonna start up tomorrow" Isa said happily moving over and licking the humans chest before taking his hand "Com'on I'll help you dress."

Vincent accepted the help getting dressed though it was more of Isa just feeling over him and getting him all excited before just leaving him there as they headed off to school, Fade joined them like normal at the fork in the road wrapping her arms around Vincents. It was then that he noticed that everyones eyes were the second pair, he hadn't realized it until he looked down at fade who smiled up at him sweetly with those piercing eyes though he didn't feel any fear his heart didn't even tighten anymore and at that realization everyone seemed to smile broadly.

School was normal as was everything else, Vincent couldn't really remember why he was so scared of those eyes before since now it seemed nothing but foolish to find Fade or Sasha scary though Isa did install fear but at the moment it was nothing but cute to him. Resting his head in his hand as his arm propped his head up while Isa ranted about something that had to do with the science that they were learning. Fade leaned over and patted Vincents arm gaining his attention, looking at the small panther who held out two small bell chimes that were connected to a red ribbon, moving them so they chimed immediately brought back the memory of the 'dream' of the kitsune that Vincent had last night. Fade blinked at Vincent expression before he snapped free of his thoughts and patted the panthers head making her giggle and tie the bells around the humans wrist.

Isa and Sasha smiled at the human as he petted Fades head who leaned into the petting fully but soon a bell sounded letting everyone know that school was over, standing everyone filed out of the building most being happy shouts of the coming festival though Vincent was just smiling as Fade lead him out Isa and Sasha telling them to go on since they had to help get the festival up and going so they would meet them later.

Fade lead Vincent out into a large field about a mile away from the village, looking around at the beautiful blue sky as the white puffy clouds floated around, the wind blowing over them cooled them down from the warm summer day, Vincent slowly sat himself down and propped himself up on his arms Fade moving over and sitting down next to him leaning against him with her head on his chest like they were lovers. Fade looked up at Vincent as he stared up at the sky without a care in the world, he couldn't really tell why but everything, all the problems and fears just kind of seemed to disappear after that dream last night.

Vincent was so lost in staring at the sky that he didn't see Fade stand up and didn't notice her until she turned his head and pressed her lips to his, his eyes immediately widened in total shock, as if having a dream about him mating with a feral kitsune spirit wasn't bad enough he was now kissing a little girl which he knew wasn't a dream. He immediately breaks the kiss staring at Fade with complete surprise though Fade lightly placed a finger to her lips with a blush, he couldn't see the blush with her black almost blue like fur but he had been around furs long enough to read the signs of their ears and the ways their tails moved. Fades ears were back a bit and pulled toward the sides and her tail was swaying slowly left to right as she moved her finger over her lips having just gave her first kiss to the shocked human gazing up at her, Vincent blushed a bit and looked around hoping no one had just seen him kissing Fade, he didn't know how things worked out here in the country but in the city he'd get beat down and killed for even thinking about kissing Fade.

Fade looked back at him and smiled her heart warming smile as she moved back over and kneeled down rubbing her head up against Vincents neck giving a loud purr of enjoyment as her tail still swayed showing happiness as well as a bit of embarrassment, Vincent slowly recovering from the shock began petting the little panthers head before turning his attention back to the sky.

Moving home after a few hours of lounging around in the field with Fade he found his thoughts returning to that dream he had about the kitsune, was it just a dream because it felt so real but then again many have said that dreams have been known to feel so real that sometimes one can't tell the difference. Moving up the stairs and turning into the hallway before freezing as he hears the chime of bells, looking up and freezing as he sees the feral kitsune standing there infront of his room before turning and jumping through the door to his room, phasing through it as if it wasn't there leaving Vincent alone in the hall.

Vincent suddenly snapped from his trance and rushed forward quickly sliding the door to his room over and gazing into his empty room, moving into his room and looking around quickly though he didn't see the figure step infront of his door standing in the hallway. Blinking and standing up finding that the room was empty and contributing what he just saw to being tired or something like that just to try and rationalize what he had just saw, maybe he was just relaxing to much and his mind was wandering a bit to far into other realms, he didn't know.

Turning himself around and nearly jumping out of his skin as Sasha stared at him with a curious feline head tilt, leaning over a bit and feeling for his heart beat as Sasha giggled and moved in rubbing his back comfortingly to try and calm the startled human. Looking up at the smiling lioness

"What's up Sasha" he asked curious as to why she was here but she just patted his head a few times before slipping herself down and kissing Vincent fully on the lips though without surprise he returned the kiss in full.

Vincent was slowly pushed back into his bed with the lioness straddling his waist pushing his shirt up as the kiss continued, her long rough feline tongue lashing against his much softer human tongue, soon Vincents hands were wandering over the lionesses body pushing her school skirt down. Sasha blushed a bit before moving herself down the humans body pulling his pants with her, leaning her head up to nose and rub her cheeks against the growing bulge in the humans boxers, Vincent propping himself up on his elbows to get a better view of what the lioness was doing.

Sasha was content to nose and nuzzle into Vincents groin but soon she became bored and pulled his boxers down freeing his length to the cool air in his room, leaning forward and kissing the tip before starting to lap from base to tip coating his length in her warm saliva as her paws rubbed his thighs. Laying himself back letting the lioness do as she wished since he was getting all the enjoyment out of it and Sasha seemed to be enjoying herself since her tail was swaying high above her rear, the tip just in view of Vincent as he lay there. Soon Vincent was panting in pleasure but that's when Sasha decided to stop, standing herself up as well as pulling her school skirt back up but quickly dropped her panties giving a smile at Vincents confused expression

"Isa tells me that alot of guys would love to have sex with a school girl in uniform" she giggles, this being very true for most guys and Vincent as well.

Sasha slowly climbed atop the human rubbing her sex up against his already slick member, resting her paws on Vincents chest as she rocked her hips back and forth against his length before raising up letting Vincent position himself before she sunk down her sex being forced apart causing her to moan out in pleasure. Vincent gripped the lionesses hips as she started to rock herself up and down milking his length for all he had, she wasn't as skilled as Isa was at milking him but she was tighter since she gave her virginity to him not long ago.

Vincent watched as Sasha rode him, her skirt hiding all of the nastier bits of their motions but he could feel it well enough to know what was happening under that thin bit of clothing and Sasha knew it as well, reaching down with both her paws she grabbed his hands and pushed them firmly against her breasts moaning out as she squeezed them. He rubbed her nipples through her shirt making her shiver and clench him firmly as she continued to ride him, both Sasha and Vincent were panting hard and both jumped high when they felt Sasha's skirt being lifted up and a warm tongue lapping over Vincents sac all the way to Sasha's tailhole.

Looking behind Sasha they found Isa kneeling there giving a smile to them before leaning her head in again and licking over the humans exposed length and lionesses tailhole causing both to moan out before Sasha started up again with Isa pushing a finger up her tailhole making her grip Vincents length even tiger causing him to moan louder. Soon Vincent announced he was 'close' but that only made Sasha work hard ridding him faster with her sex milking him hard wanting to feel his warmth shoot up inside of her, Isa only helping that fact as she thrusted her finger in and out of Sasha's tailhole and it wasn't long before Vincent thrusted up and moaned.

His hot seed shot deep into Sasha making her shiver in delight as she sat atop his waist just staring forward with half lidded eyes Isa pulling her finger from the felines tailhole and kissing Vincents sac before she stood "Meet me in the shower when your free Vincent" Isa said giving him a wink before turning and leaving his room.

It took Vincent a bit of persuading to get Sasha to let him go, some well placed ear scratching and some long drawn out kisses before she finally rolled off of him and cuddled up with his pillow but once Vincent was in the hall he stopped feeling a familiar feeling coming over his body. turning himself down the hall toward the bathroom seeing the last bit of a white tail disappearing into the bathroom, not Isa's since Isas was a bit wild this tail being smooth like that of a foxes. He moved quickly and opened the bathroom down with a bit of aggression that caught Isa by surprise as she stared at him half in and out of the tub, blinking once seeing only Isa sitting there on the side of the tub before he slipped in and closed the door

"I'm sorry" came his soft reply but it only made Isa smile. Standing herself up and moving over to the human, pulling his shirt off of him before pulling him gently into the shower letting the warm water coat both of their bodies, Isa licking and kissing over the humans bare chest as her paws lathered up some soap and quickly began washing one specific spot that made Vincent groan softly.

Soon Vincent was back to full hardness with his length standing proudly as Isa 'washed' it, pushing her back against the wall firmly making her gasp softly in pleasure, he had found that for being a 'tough girl' she liked being pushed around during sex and he was happy to do so provided she didn't get angry and hit him in return.

Isa pushed Vincent back alittle and quickly turned around presenting her rear for him and hiking her tail up nice and high showing everything she had to her human lover who in return quickly sank his length into her causing her to cry out in pleasure with her tail flagging left and right. He reached up and gripped Isa scruff firmly in his right hand causing her to whine out in pleasure as her tail tried moving even higher for the dominant male behind her, quickly Vincent began thrusting into her not wasting any time before he was slamming into her.

Isa clawed at the bathroom wall as Vincent took her hard just like she wanted, her tail going rigid everytime he pulled on her scruff, his left hand holding firmly to her hips as he sank himself over and over into her milking sex which made her moan out as loud as she could and he was sure everyone in the house could hear her. Vincent pushed off his orgasm as much as he could but the surprise howl that Isa gave as her sex clenched him hard as well as the warm flood of juices that flowed over his sac broke all resistance as he buried himself deep into her and let everything shoot out into her.

Isa shivered just like Sasha as she felt the humans hot seed filling her insides, her sex happily gripping and pulling in every drop that it possibly could her tail flagging left to right though Vincent saw it as more of a 'wag' of happiness, his right hand letting go of her scruff and slowly petting her neck making her whimper out in pleasure.

After his two romps with Isa and Sasha Vincent dressed then sat himself down on a couch downstairs since both girls said that they were going to bed, they were tired when the got home from all the preparations that hey had to do for the festival and the added on pleasure that their human lover gave them just tired them out to much to do anything else, Vincent doubted that since they both went into Isa's room to 'sleep' but he left it.

Laying there feeling very tired himself he just stared up at the ceiling for a bit, his thoughts turned to the kitsune that he kept of seeing, 'is he going insane, is he seeing things, or is something about to happen' these were all things he asked himself as a face appeared infront of him from of the back of the couch. Blinking as Jess looked down at the young human, reaching down and brushing some hair out of his face

"You seem troubled by something hun, is something wrong" she asked taking the part as 'mother figure' which Vincent was grateful for actually.

He sighed and sat up as Jess made her way around the couch, sitting down and putting an arm around him petting his head gently "I don't know if I'm just seeing things Jess or if something happening, I mean with the eyes it's probably not 'impossible' but I'm seeing a Kitsune spirit, I had a dream about it last night as well" this made Jess quiet for a bit before smiling and kissing the humans cheek.

"Mmm, that's one of the Oni villages guardian spirits Vincent, her name is Kai'assa, I trust you've seen her daughter as well, Marri" this made Vincent nod as the older wolf continued petting his head "Kai'assa is the guardian who comes every fifteen years and is the most powerful of the three, an ancient Oni from the old days who found this village worth her protection so long as they believe in her and pay homage to her every fifteen years."

Vincent listened carefully and even more so when the word 'Homage' came up again, he looked around for a moment before pushing himself away to look face to face with the older wolf "Jess, you've never lied to me, what 'Homage' do you pay these spirits" that once again made Jess fall silent just moving over to pet his head again.

"We pay them through our faith and spirit, we believe in them and they reward us with more years of protection, don't worry Vincent it's not a payment of blood or life" she soothed trying to calm the human as she pulled him back into her lap nibbling his ear a little trying to be playful.

"On the day of the festival you'll learn what I mean" she gently pulled his head over which he didn't try to stop as he laid his head onto her chest just resting it there as Jess looked at the blank TV with a bit of a saddened expression though smiled as she licked the humans cheek.

The night came and went and Vincent got up with some help from Isa and Sasha, even though there was no school today they still got him up alot earlier than he would have liked but with their persistence he was up and walking down the road with them, meeting up with Fade at the crossroads. The festival wasn't until night time so they decided to go out and just have a 'fun day' as Isa so put it, 'Very adult like' Vincent said which earned him a push in the side but here they all were moving out into the field that Fade and Vincent went to the day before.

All sitting down and looking up at the sky as the warm summer breeze moved over them, Vincent didn't notice the three girls talking amongst themselves before Isa and Sasha moved to either of his sides with Fade crawling infront of him, he felt a bit trapt as the three girls looked over him and his eyes moved from girl to girl. Very suddenly Fade and slipped up and straddled his waist kissing him fully on the lips, shocked just like the first time and quick to try and move away but Isa and Sasha were quick to grab him and stop any attempts of pushing the young panther away.

Fade broke the kiss slowly and blushed as Isa covered Vincents mouth so he couldn't object "Fades been saving herself just like us for you, it'll be our little secret Vincent" Isa said though he wasn't sold, he was eighteen and Fade was twelve he would be strung up by the nearest tree for sure.

As he laid there thinking trying to figure out how he was going to get out of this Fade was busy pulling his pants down showing his half erect member, Sasha was helping her as well pumping the humans shaft slowly to get him fully hard for the young panther and soon Vincents length was standing at full hardness for the small panther. Fade looked nervous and Vincent did as well as the small panther leaned her head down and gently started lapping at his tip Sasha moving her head down to help her showing the younger feline how to do it and make Vincent moan which he did.

Isa moved up behind Vincent holding his upper arms so he couldn't try and push Fade and Sasha away but with each lick of the two rough feline tongues his will to fight slowly faded away, his pre leaking out steadily for the two felines to lap up, soon Vincent was panting heavily as his length throbbed with Sasha licking over the right and upper part of Vincent length Fade taking the left and underside of his shaft. Soon the tongue slowly stopped and Fade stood up pulling her dress up showing her small white cotton panties which Sasha moved her paws up to pull down showing her small sex with a few beads of her nectar wetting it. Vincent finally had a break to speak but Isa silenced him as soon as he started talk with a deep kiss, Fade moved over her gently rubbing her sex against his hard length as Sasha instructed, Vincent continued panting as his pre mixed with Fades and soon Fade moved back up and Sasha positioned Vincents length straight up for Fade she slowly came back down.

Fade was shivering and gasped softly jumping a bit as she felt the tip of the humans length touch her virgin sex, Isa slipped a paw over and gently scratched the small felines tummy making her purr softly before Sash moved around her gently taking a firm hold on Fades hips to help her get Vincent inside of her. Fade took a deep breath before she slowly started down pushing herself firmly onto Vincents tip forcing herself open a bit baring her teeth a bit in pain as Vincent gripped the grass tightly as his tip continued to force Fade open for the first time in her life.

Fade was by far the tightest female he had ever tried to be in though it wasn't like he went though females every day, just the normal three, Fade reached down and gripped Vincents shirt tightly his claws putting holes into his shirt as the tip continued to slowly slide into her and soon with a loud pop his tip disappearing into the small feline. Fade gave a loud whine, Vincent was huge compared to her and it hurt having something so big inside of her, unlike Sasha she didn't have Isa loosening her up on a daily basis for Vincent.

Soon with some encouragement from Sasha as well as alot of petting to her ears, head, sides and tummy from the lioness Fade slowly began to slide down some more but not even a second she started she screamed out in pain as her virginity was broken through, Vincents tip being just small enough to pop in without tearing her hymen but not so small that the smallest movement wouldn't tear it. It took several minutes of Sashas constant attention and encouragement to get her to calm down enough to move again, Vincent now want panting hard in pleasure as pre shot out into the deflowered feline, Fade had been unconsciously clenching his length and he was slowly getting close to his orgasm.

Isa rubbed Vincents stomach to calm him down as well not wanting him to cum too soon otherwise Fade probably wouldn't mount him up again since they would have to wait a few minutes for him to become erect again, Fade looked down at the human as he panted in pleasure and slowly she began to move herself down once again after several moments of letting the pain pass. Fade was way to small to take all of Vincents length and her tightness was nearly painful to Vincent but 'nearly' was the key word as he moan as Fade suck down as far as she could with about two inches of his length still exposed.

Fade took another moment before she started moving up and down unconsciously milking his shaft making him pant out harder, Isa being behind him and holding him close letting him enjoy Fade as Sasha made sure Fade didn't slam down to hard and hurt herself. Minutes went by and Fade continued panting feeling pleasure as she rode what length she could with Vincent gripping the grass tightly as he felt himself ready to cum at any moment, soon enough though Vincent gave a small buck of his hips trying not to thrust up into the small feline but she gasped in surprise and gave a small cry of pleasure as she felt something warm begin to fill her tummy.

Isa and Sasha smiled as Vincent came, his warm seed filling the small panther full of his hot seed and soon Fade collapsed down onto Vincents chest purring happily as Vincent stared up at the sky half way between disgust at what had happen and completely pleasure that he got to take another girls virginity and it was the cute little Fade this time. Looking to his right a bit and turning his head fully as he saw the kitsune sitting on the tree line with the anthro kitsune standing right next to her and both watching him intensely.

The two kitsunes soon turned and moved into the forest just as Fade stirred and slowly lifted herself up off of Vincents limp shaft, even though he was limp Fade was still far to tight for him to just slip out of her, sitting himself up and glaring at Isa and Sasha who tried to look innocent only to fail as Fade slowly tried to walk.

The rest of the day was spent making Fade feel better and getting her to walk right so not to get Vincent in trouble though Isa and Sasha continued assuring him that he would be fine and not to worry, when night came by everyone began to gather in the middle of the village. Vincent moved together with Isa, Sasha, Jess and Fade and everything seemed to be going along happily, there sere small games set up all over the main road of the village and everyone was dressed in older clothes. Kimonos and garb of the like, everyone was moving around happily playing games and having fun and Vincent enjoyed playing some of the games and having fun with the four girls around him but after after only two hours everyone started toward the shrine that was up in the mountain.

Vincent just followed everyone to the shrine though he was unsure what everyone was going to do at the shrine, moving up the stairs and into the building everyone moved to the main hall that surrounded the tree base though when Vincent moved in he felt out of place mainly because he was standing in a fur made aisle.

The furs had parted to make rows and he was standing in the middle of it and soon the furs all bowed down onto their knees then lowered their head, Vincent looked around before seeing Jess and the girls off to his right but before he could call out to them something happened. The light outside even though it was night time in the village it still was sunny where the shrine was, he knew that this place had supernatural powers that he knew even before the eyes started started appearing on all the villagers.

Looking up he saw that the light outside that was shining through some of the windows was quickly fading leaving only the light that came from lit torches, looking around feeling left out before a glow began to over take the room, looking at the base of the large tree seeing that the tree itself was glowing. Staring at the tree as a figure began to form though in his mind he already knew what it was but his face still looked surprised as the feral and anthro kitsunes appeared from the tree.

Standing there looking a bit stupid before two more glows appeared on either side of the tree a red and purple glow and soon stepped out a large red oni wearing ancient samurai armor clutching a large sword that was easily as big as Vincent himself, turning and looking over the crowd of furs and the one standing human. From the purple light came a black cloaked form, it's gender unspecifiable as was it's species, it looked to be nothing but a black cloak welding a large double ended scythe, looking between these creatures, Kitsune, oni and the shrouded figure he now realized that he was standing infront of the three guardian oni that protected the village.

Vincent didn't know what to do, he was the odd man out here being the only person standing there and all three, well four of the Oni's eyes were on him though he wasn't sure if the anthro kitsune was one of the guardians or something else, the feral kitsune slowly stood and started toward him preventing him from thinking about what the anthro might be.

Slowly stopping infornt of the human and sitting down on her hunches before Vincent felt something enter his mind and relax him

"It's good to see you once again Vincent, it's been so long since I've last actually gotten to speak to you" this made Vincent confused, even more than confused he was outright dumbstruck as the voice entered his mind.

The kitsune tilted it's head as the human stared at her "You don't remember me, it was quite a long time again for you I'm sure, I believe that you were no more than four or five years old in this time and now look at you, you've grown into a man and are standing before me once more" the kitsunes voice was full of joy and relief like Vincent was a long lost son or something.

Standing up and turning around the villagers slowly standing and beginning to file out though Vincent stayed, Jess, Fade, Sasha and Isa staying behind to each give Vincent a hug and kiss before they moved on, he tried asking them what was going on but they didn't answer him and just left, the two other Oni, the shrouded cloak and red demon also left with the villagers leaving Vincent standing there with the two kitsune.

Vincent standing there awkwardly as the two kitsune watch him before the feral kitsune moved toward him once again "I'm sure you have many questions Vincent so please ask all you wish and I will answer what I can" her voice was gentle and showed that she wasn't lieing though he didn't know how he knew she wouldn't lie to him.

"Well first would be what's going on" came his first question, he was unsure what was going on or what would happen with him being alone with two spirits, or demons, he wasn't really sure

"Well this is the sixtieth years and so the villagers are paying their respects to us for protecting them, you are here as a sort of 'sacrifice' if that is the appropriate word for it" that made Vincent freeze and his heart begin pounding in his chest.

"Do not fear Vincent you will not die this day or while under my care, sacrifice is just a word though your life is perfectly safe with us" the kitsune assured as the anthro female stared toward him with a sway in her hips her two tails swaying with them as she neared the human.

"Well, other than that what kind of sacrifice am I then if your not going to kill me" he said still unsure about the whole idea

"The sacrifice that your going to be is one of a debt payment Vincent, you see many years ago this village was suffering a horrible drought, they prayed to me, their strongest guardian to bring the rains and in return I would choose one human to come with me and my daughter to serve us as we saw fit."

This turn of events slowly began to sink in and start anger him a bit, he was to be used as a payment to some debt that the village had acquired years ago, the more he thought about it the more he felt resentment toward the village for what they've done. Before he could really express his anger the anthro kitsune had reached him and had wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a deep kiss that expelled all his anger that he had toward the village, as the anthro kitsune kissed him the feral kitsune moved toward him as well

"Do not feel anger towards the village Vincent, they did not choose you to be the sacrifice to pay the debt, me and my daughter had chosen you to come with us."

Blinking as the kiss slowly broke the female kitsune or Marri as she was called, her paws ran though the back of his hair with her other paw rubbing the back of his neck "Why did you choose me and what do you mean 'come with us'" he asked and the anthro smiled as the feral sat next to them.

"Come with us meaning you are going to come back with me and my daughter to our world, there you will serve us in the way we deem you worthy of, you will be taken care you and you will gain supernatural abilities and extended life for your service to us" all in all the deal didn't seem to bad if my 'serve' they meant what they thought he did, the anthro kitsune nosing at his neck helping him confirm his suspicions.

Looking at the feral kitsune as she sat by them he noticed her tail swaying once again, he found himself counting her tails like he did in the 'dream' that he had last night but something was different, last time he counted eight this time there was one more this time, she was an nine tailed fox. The feral kitsune smiled to him before she licked her muzzle

"Um, I have another question" Vincent said making the kitsune perk her ears up "Um, what's with the eyes that the villagers have" this bringing a smile to the anthros lips as well.

"The villagers have each been granted a bit of power that the one of the Oni have given them, the 'eyes' that you see is a reflection of that power, it gives the welder the ability to read minds and see glimpses of the future" Vincent blinked once, that's how Isa and Sasha knew he was thinking about running away.

"It also can be used to create a link between the villagers, it can be used to share pleasure between the villagers" this also explained why when he would be having sex with Isa that Sasha and Jess would moan as well, the feral kitsune turned from the human moving back toward the tree the anthro kitsune taking his hands and slowly pulling him along with her.

Vincent looked around, there was only him and the kitsunes, no villagers or any of his friends and soon the light that had come from the tree appeared again illuminating the area in a blue glow "Come Vincent, it's time for us to go, the sun will raise and we will return to our world."

Vincent looked out the door into the woods and the stairs that lead down to where the villagers were having their festival and he couldn't help but feel sad for this, his thoughts turned to their day in the field today, they were saying goodbye to him making his day as perfect and as fur as possible before he had to go.

Looking back seeing the two kitsune standing there waiting for him before looking up his eyes moving up the tree seeing spirits moving from the tree limbs then swirling around before slipping back into the tree "The tree that house the demons that live in the mountains..." sighing before he started toward the tree "Guess demons really do live within the tree" he said just as he slipped into the light along with the two kitsune, Vincent leaving the world and the Oni village behind.

Demon's Within, Chapter 6, Original

Slowly pushing himself from his bed having been sleeping on his stomach though feeling refreshed in a new way that he had never felt before, looking over at his window seeing that the sun hadn't risen yet, turning and slipping from his bed...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 5, Original

Slowly waking up from his surprisingly restful sleep Vincent sits up stretching though he noticed that Isa was nowhere to be found which wasn't strange though what he did find strange is that it was Monday and looking out the window seeing that...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 4, Original

It had been several days since Vincent got together with not only Isa, but Jess as well. Though still feeling guilty about, it he didn't try to stop either of the bitches advances... which were constant each day. When it wasn't Isa it was Jess, and...

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