Soul Stalkers - 03

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Soul Stalkers

Life Happens to the new Werewolves. Also ... wolves are not the only were-creatures around. And do I see some politics?

Soul Stalkers - 03

By Arthur Griffin

Guest Writer: Little Red Wolf

Having a pair of thralls is like owning a pair of cats. They play together, then fight with each

other, then groom one another affectionately. They are always together, lesbian lovers on a campus of liberal gossip which praises one moment then condemns the next. Their behavior draws too much attention. I must complete my task soon.

I spend a great deal of time in seclusion while they tend to their day. I move their thoughts and control their actions. Tammy scoffs at girls who are less pretty than she. Angela dismisses the need to work. I humble them, focus them on each other. I deny them the warmth of my lair when they are bad, and rub them raw when they are good.

Their focus is not where it should be, and neither is mine. For weeks I focus on Tammy while she focuses on Angela. We spin together, a tumultuous pack that nips at each other in annoyance. I teach Tammy to take care of Angela, she teaches Angela to work hard to please me. It takes time but eventually we start to work well together.

"What are we preparing for?" The blond thrall asks her big-sister as they gather trash under the light of a flickering street lamp.

"I don't know," Tammy admits, "but I trust, Master."

"Do you think we'll be a family?" Angela's thoughts have been drifting there a lot lately. I think her manipulating ways might come from that part of her past. I have seen it. I looked into her mind and saw her shattered family. She does not understand love but the bond between pack mates is strong. She is trying to understand it.

I listen. It lifts my spirits to hear them talk like this. Tammy is learning... Angela is following her example. I must find the third. Three is the magical number. I know not who she is yet... I must find her.


''Hajimimashite, watashi wa Mai desu!'' Such sweet and succulent delights the Japanese school girls are. While most do not deserve my wrath, there are others who do. The Kitsune protect them with their tricks and magics. They delight in annoying the crap out of a person, the bigger and more powerful the more fun they think it is. The Chinese have the Ki-rin, Dragon-like creatures so powerful they could devour this campus and then quench their thirst on a local lake. The Mongolians have the Kahns. The Koreans have the San-Sin and Yo-Sansin. As exotic as they are, I leave the Asian delights alone.

I spot a Native American girl, filled with the spirit of the land. Her tanned skin and eagle eyes are the pride and power of her people. The magic of the land fills her veins. She would lead the pack with a wisdom found only in the heart of this land. She would give birth to pups who could see the spirits as she does. She would be amazing. I pass her by. The spirits of this land are still angry. No creature with blood ties to old Europe can lay with her and not feel their wrath. I do not wish to anger the spirits... so I let one of the worthy women pass me by.

An ebony beauty with the pungent musk of her people washes across my senses. She is strong and steady in ways that turns me toward her. Hips and curves sway seductively as she struts through the crowd. She would make a passionate mate. With wide childbearing hips and muscles that run along her frame. Her predatory aura pushes out, invading the space of those around her. She could dominate the other females of the pack. She would keep them firmly in line, a partner who would allow me to focus on other things.

She draws me to her. It is rare for a human to draw me this way, making me into her obedient puppy. I salivate at the thought of her flesh in my teeth and her blood in my veins. Her voice is powerful, full of the strength it took her to escape a hard life of poverty and violence. She would howl to the moon and be heard by the stars. She would not be a thrall.

"'ello, me friend," a flash of cold sweat washes over me as the voice comes out of nowhere. "Fine day ta be watchin' da ladies." I know that voice. It is deep, masculine, and musical.

"Hello, Ansa," I say with the most relaxed smile I can muster, "the pack and the pride still hunt together?" His smile is big and bright against his dark skin. His eyes are noble and powerful, speaking threats without voice or effort. I am aware of his power, intimidated by his presence, and humbled by his demeanor.

"Huntin' togetha fer different prey. It be a good day ta be livin'." Ansa's a lion. The great Simba from Somalia are less numerous, but bigger and stronger. Always coming out of nowhere to remind us of our obligations.

I glance back toward the young black woman. She disappears into the student health building. I have to let her go. The great cats of her people demand it. I will uphold the treaty.

"The packs and prides are meeting this year," I mention politely and he nods.

"De pride be meetin' sout. Ya tink it all be good?"

"I don't see a problem, I have two. The third is a challenge, but I am confident."

"Ya people and yer tralls," he laughs and shakes his head, "ya neva learn ta be good witout slaves." I force a chuckle and look to the ground. I was never involved in American slavery, just as his family was never enslaved, but he still likes to rub my nose in it. A bad habit he picked up from his time in America. He slaps me on the shoulder and laughs. "Relax, mon, I know why ya do."

He's not Jamaican, but he sounds like he might be from time to time. I watch him leave and follow the young woman into the student health building. His needs are the same as ours. He might take her or find another. I don't know, but I walk the other way. I will uphold the treaty, so Ansa can smile at me without his fangs. The roar of the lion is one I pray to never hear.


The thralls are getting stronger. Tammy's grades are improving and she has joined some athletic clubs to keep her in shape. Angela has found passion in music and is now always singing. It is pleasant to hear this voice as it speaks of life, love, and the things that drive us. Tammy is the heart and Angela is the soul. Now I need the third and we can begin to grow the pack the old fashioned way.

It is strange, being so close to the mating times. We have not raised cubs in a long time. Now that the political climate is calm we may decide to try again. We will know when the next pack meeting occurs. Things are going well. All we need is to find the third and keep our noses dry.


Guest Writer

Little Red Wolf

"Fuckin' bitches! Yeah, do that again!" Fraternity boys, too drunk to think strait, were yelling at the two girls. One who wore her fear like a blanket while the other used her fear like a sword. "Make out with her again! Come one! Get freaky!" Some guys like to watch girls make out, others feel threatened by it.

Gentle Angela clung to her big-sister, she had never seen this type of anger before. Tammy held her little-sister protectively, endangering herself for another for the first time.

"Fuck off!" spat the stronger of the two. The fraternity leader stood up straighter in the face of the defiant response. He began snarling and spiting at her, trying to make them cower before his strength.

"I know what these dykes need," the leader said to his group, "a stiff dick."

"Yeah," agreed another, "they just gotta be laid right! A good dickin's just what they need!"

"Bring 'em back over," said a third. "Cum in 'er mouth. That'll fix 'er."

There were five of them. They spread out, forming a circle, two went to the rear while three stayed in front. They closed. Grubby hands reached out. Angela clenched her eyes shut and screamed. She had never been a warrior. Tammy, on the other hand, was a little rougher as a human. She felt the beast in her belly stir. Holding as hard as she could to the reins, she waited for the right moment.

The fraternity brothers grabbed their intended victims and tore at their cloths. Tammy twisted in their grip, lunged forward, and slammed her fist into the lead male's stomach. He doubled over but the others threw her down.

Two had Tammy and two had her little-sister. They punched them, kicked them, spit on them, and hurled as many insults as their simple brains could muster. Angela did not have the ability to fight back. They tore off her clothing and groped at her roughly. Tears flowed from her eyes but she was submissive. When the first frat boy put his dick in her mouth, she let him.

Tammy was not so tame. After beating her bloody, one of her attackers slapped her in the face with his pride. The rapist then pinched her cheeks and forced himself in. The other pulled her pants off and began fumbling for a proper angle to penetrate. Tammy growled. Fangs and claws sprouted allowing her to snap at the pitiful penis. There was a terrible scream but she was not through. Twisting and tearing finished the first boy. She then turned on the other and thrust her claws into his stomach, penetrating him like he planned to do with her.

The other attackers all stopped, held transfixed by the horror brought about by their actions. Tammy spit the bloody male member onto the ground and licked her lips. It was then that she discovered the shrieks of men to be almost as high pitched as the shrieks of women as they fled into the night.

The young woman took a firm grip on the reins of her she-wolf and pulled herself back to center. Fangs and claws returned to teeth and nails, and as she returned to her human self, she knelt near her little-sister and held her while she cried.

"Come on," she said firmly but gently, "we need to get back home."


"THEY DID WHAT!?" Master's anger threw a chair at the wall and splintered it to pieces. "They forget themselves! They shall pay for their insolence!" He began breathing heavily, trying to calm down. Tammy was smiling.

"I took a trophy," she said when it was obvious that he noticed. Reaching into her tattered pocket, she withdrew the part of him she had bitten off. There was an involuntary twitch of recognition from one male to another.

"You... fought them off?" Her nod calmed him. "You have done well. Protecting your sister and achieving victory in battle is the height of what our people used to achieve. This evening you have made me proud."

Master's words did not match his face, nor the scent she had grown accustomed to reading. Emotions etched in his face did not fade and she could not tell which one was dominant. Pride? Pain? Shame? Why shame? What had he done that was so horrible? The question was too disrespectful to ask, but it gnawed at her mind.

"I'm honored, Master. What shall we do next?" Amber eyes held her in place as his mind turned many times. Tammy understood he was thinking, but his hesitation always unnerved her.

"We might have to move," he finally spoke with much dread. "This hunting ground will surely be investigated by the authorities. You two will most likely be questioned because of your... relationship."

"My... sister?" Tammy asked with a tilt of the head.

"Your lover." Tammy had not thought of Angela as her lover until her master mentioned it. True, they did all of the things lovers did in private, but romance was not what she thought of it as. Angela felt more like a sibling to her... and the crazy sex was just something they did, but as her mind swung back around to her master's words, a dull ache began to form in her stomach.

"Master, are you leaving us?" He looked at the ground and did not speak. "No, you can't. You're our master. You can't just leave us." She kept her voice level but her insides were screaming. She did not want to lose him just because he saw she and Angela as lovers. Wasn't there room for him too? Wasn't there room for all three of them? Wasn't he looking for another to join their pack... their... family?

"I do not know," he finally said. Angela began to weep. Tammy sucked her sob back but the tears still surfaced.

"You're not done!" she shouted and then immediately regretted it.

"You forget yourself," her master said through narrowed eyes.

"So have you," Tammy managed to say with more control. "You have yet to finish your work with Angela. You have yet to find a third. I don't know why you need us, but you can't just throw us away. We need you, Master, and you need us."

It took a great deal of effort to say such things to him, but he gave her a small smile.

"Are you willing to leave your entire life for me?" he said with a sadness to his voice. "To leave this school and all your friends? To leave your parents and not speak to them again?"

"N-nooo...." Angela moaned as she fell to her knees.

"You need to be stronger, Master," Tammy said as she crossed the room and cradled Angela. "We're not strong enough to survive without you, but you can't just run away either."

"You think that is all this is about?" Master said with a furrowed brow. "You have no idea what will happen if we are found here."

"Then we need to make sure we're not found," Tammy said as a tiny smirk began to form on her face. "All we need is a third. Right?"

"A third," he said with a nod. "Very well, you tend to your sister. I'll find the third."

Soul Stalkers - 02

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