Soul Stalkers - 01

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Soul Stalkers

A Werewolf alpha decides to form a new pack by hunting for potential mates on a college campus.

Soul Stalkers - 01

By Arthur Griffin

The lean months of summer are finally at an end.

The school year is next week. The campus is alive with prey.

Girls are just becoming young women, and moving into the dorms.

Parents let their baby girls go, they will open their wings and try to fly.

Some will soar to the heavens, and others will lay down and die.

Boy shorts are in style this year and it is a warm summer day.

Long luscious legs stretch for miles in the glistening sun.

Anxiety, hope, and fear, reeks from their lithe young bodies.

So many likely candidates, so much youth looking to explore.

Some will scream and some will giggle, others will stand and roar.

I smell them and their excited ways, they know there is danger here.

Some want to hide while others will seek it out, I will meet them there.

Little sisters watch as older ones go away.

I will wait for them in years to come, giving a chance to be with me.

Just a little longer, I wait and tremble with glee.


Freshmen girls drag luggage into their dorms on the week of move in. There is great effort in their faces as they try to look brave. Some of them proudly ware senior shirts with this year shown in high school colors. Those are the most likely to fall. Those are the most likely to be wrapped in parties and school spirit. Drunk with euphoria and beer, they stumble through my hunting grounds without knowing.

I would add to my pack if a worthy mate was here, but most of these are only lambs. The lambs are devoured, used, and thrown away. Made into thralls who will stagger back to their dorms on the walk of shame day-after-day. All can guess what they have been up too but none will know why. Even they are not sure. They cannot fully remember, part of them will never forget.

As the day bleeds away I scent them. I have a week before classes start. I will attend parties, searching for the strongest and least worthy to be my targets. There is no need to scar the promising or weak. The arrogant who cover their fears with pride are the most fun. They all look so good, like chewy presents in slick wrapping paper. I remember their smell. I wait for the night.


"Hi, I'm Tammy!" she says to me. For some reason it does not surprise me. I have yet to meet a Tammy with virtue, restraint, and respect for her own body.

"Brian," I lie through my wolfish grin, "great party, huh?"

"Yeah! I'll say!" The beer in her hand is not the first. She wears a black dress with white lace, making her look a little like a French maid. Her long brown hair probably takes at least an hour to prepare each day. Her white skin has a slight tan to it, she knows what the boys like.

It takes about five minutes for her to decide that she wants to fuck me. I use that word precisely because she definitely does not want me for anything else. She does not want to kiss, or cuddle, or read poetry at night. She would much rather tear her fingernails down my back, screaming obscenities as I fuck her through orgasm after orgasm. That is all I offer her and that is all she wants.

It only takes half an hour for me to get her out back. There, I can continue the hunt without attracting too much attention. My pheromones are an important part of this seduction. If I were to release them inside I would have a harem trying to get my attention. Nothing would get done in such a situation, so I act here.

"You're a smooth talker," she teases with a blush. "Know any other moves?"

"Only the bad ones," I say mysteriously, "you're not old enough for those."

I gesture to her shirt that says "Seniors" and this year's date. It is how I know she is only 18. It is how I know she will want to prove herself.

"Don't give me that shit!" she half shouts, her mind swaying sharply between slapping me and mounting me. "I'm not one of those 'good girls' who's never seen a dick before!"

She's such a vulgar little thing. Not only does she face off with the wolf, but a few words later she follows me home back to my lair.

"This is so awesome!" she says as she checks out my house. "You own it?"

"My father set me up here," I lie. I don't want to appear out of her league. Tiny flaws draw her in. She notices the carpet and air conditioning that lacks that smell of piss and stale beer found in Greek houses. Soon she is in my basement. It is cooler down here, more private, no one will hear us. There is a sizable mat covered in pillows and a comforter, they are cheaper to replace than an actual bed.

"I suppose you take all your girls here," she says for one final round of banter.

"Only the really brave ones," I tell her to build her up. I want her to feel good before she loses control.

I step up to her and give her a bold kiss on the lips. She flinches for a moment, remembering what her mother told her about doing things like this with strange men. This place is full of my pheromones, and as I breath more into her nostrils, I stare into her eyes. She bites her lip then kisses me hard.

She's hungry. I fall back onto the comforter, letting her be on top. No need to conquer this one, she has done all of the work for me. Her shirt comes off and is dropped behind her. She almost tears her bra off then rubs her breasts together.

"See these?" she almost shouts as spittle speckles my chest. "Nothing little here!" She slams forward with her hands, clawing at my shirt as she begins to pull it up. She is losing control, spitting and snarling are animal behaviors. "You better not fuckin' hold back like a little girl! You better do it fuckin' right!"

I help her get my shirt the rest of the way off then grab her hair and pull her in for a kiss. She bites my lip and sucks my tongue, knows what she wants. I decide to make her work for it.

"Think you know what to do, little girl?" I scoff at her then buck my hips up at her a little. "Show me your skills then I'll show you mine." She glares into my eyes. She wants me.

"Fucker," she calls me with a smile and begins to undo my pants. She's glad to see my little wolf. He's tall, broad, and standing up just for her. She grabs me and immediately sucks me into her mouth.

I know she's an instant gratification type. I know she had no idea how to love a man. The way a woman gives a blow job shows a lot about her character. If she licks or teases, she enjoys being in charge. If she goes slow and takes her time, building him up, then she is methodical, patient, and savors her delights. The woman who can take her time is the type who can be in it for the long haul. This is nothing like that.

She sucks hard. Her lips, tongue, and cheeks run along my shaft as she practically drools on me. She wants to show off her skills and prove she is an adult, so I know she will swallow. She opens her throat and plunges deep. I have to admit she knows how to stimulate.

With an intense little growl I grab her hair and thrust down her throat. She moans a little, then I explode. My cream spurts in globs like thick custard. The intensity of it forces her to swallow and suck together. When I finish, I let her go.

"Nice," I coo as the endorphins of my orgasm run through me. "You're awesome."

"Time to pay the prick piper," she says as her pants come off. In a moment we're both completely nude. She spreads herself before me and sits on my chin. "Lick!" she orders, and I do.

Tasting her is the best way to tell how the change is going. It also gives me time to regenerate more love candy. She tastes human and fresh, I have to restrain from bitting her here. She is already mine.

She cries out and curses as I work her. Such a fowl mouth. It will soon be screaming my name and begging for my attention. I start to change. My hands are always the first thing, growing into long claws with a touch of fur. Next I will my tongue to lengthen. This takes some work and I feel my feet and ears change in the process, but she is enjoying herself too much to notice.

Finally my wolf's tongue is ready. This time I penetrate her with my mouth. Slithering in, I feel her twitch. I listen to her voice as I move from spot to spot. This spot is a fake moan... this one a slight moan... here is a gasp. A little more and, "FUCK! Right there you fucking fuck!" The cursing continues, she likes that word. It makes her feel dirty and bad. She needs to feel that way. It makes her lustful and free.

A few moments of working that spot causes her to react as I need. The inner walls clench together, firing endorphins through her body. The infection of my seed courses through her. The orgasm absorbs it all in. An accelerated heart rate allows the swimmers to spread faster. She screams and I see her fangs.

Lifting her up, I realize my arms have become more muscular. I set her down on my wolf-hood which is beginning to grow a little. I fight the change, she is not ready yet. Gasping for breath, she feels something within. Her body warps with excitement. She rakes freshly sprouted claws down my chest and grinds her sex along my shaft. I am hard and ready, so she helps herself.

I clench my teeth, my fangs are forming but I hold back my snout. She grinds her hips forward and back like a true expert, she's seen a lot of porn. Once properly wet, she slips me into her canal, moving me to her g-spot like a dildo. I am enjoying myself but it is obvious she is only doing this for herself. She hits the right spot and begins to cry out like a whore from a movie.

"OOoooohhh GOD!!! Ooohhh yyyyeeeeaaaahhhh!!! OOOHHH YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!!" She begins to bounce as she loses control. She leans forward and her breasts brush my chest. A second pair of nipples peaks out of her skin below her original pair.

Her back broadens and her muscles grow. Every bone pops as it increases in mass. I feel every moment of this change as I struggle to hold back my own. She digs her claws into my shoulders as her spine pushes out and back. The jawbone thickens, the bridge of the nose slides forward. Saliva spills out of her mouth, spiting onto my chest as she buckles and shifts. Finally, she cums and it is an amazing thing.

She tears my flesh and bites my neck, drawing blood. I crush her to me, holding her so she will not rip out my throat. She sups my blood, further bonding herself to me. I breath in her energy and my body escapes my restraints.

My chest has already expanded, my muscle mass has doubled. Six pack abs pull me into a sitting position and mighty legs allow me to shift. My claws grip the back of her hair and she lets go. I look into her eyes and see they are amber. Her mind is mine, she belongs to me.

With a mighty push, I throw her into the air. She crashes into the concrete but I pin her to the wall before she can crumple. It must have hurt a lot but she appears to have liked it. Ribs shift and she creams herself. I hold her up and wait for the waves to finish. I watch the ecstasy and the agony play across her face. When at last her hips begin to widen, I know she can handle me.

A sheath sprouts from my body as my testicles enlarge. Thick hair sprouts from my scrotum and fur climbs up my body. My mating lance becomes wolf-like, bulging and twisting as a proper wolf should. A small burst of ejaculate hits her breasts. She looks into my eyes and cannot look away.

My face pushes forward into a muzzle of great power. I spin her around and bite her in the back of the neck. Her body submits and I toss her onto a custom futon, used for this precise act. She lands and her lower body begins to fur up. Before she can move I mount her.

My jaws hold her neck while my claws carve my mark between her shoulder blades. Blood runs down her back. She cries out but I hold her tighter. Before her fur can cover the wound I release her neck and chant the chant of binding. The mark glows and becomes a rune. She is now bound to me and will obey me for as long as I will it.

Her fur grows up and around the mark but will not cover it. As long as that patch is bare, her beast is not completely her own. The animalistic part of her is mine to control and feed from. The only way for her to escape is for her will to over power mine, or for me to let her go. Not even death will free her from me. As long as I live, this rune will draw her too me.

For the moment her will is shattered, a side-affect of the ritual. She is bent over the futon. A state of confusion holds her in place. Her muzzle hangs open and drool collects in a pool next to her face. I position myself properly and enter her body.

She gasps and stiffens as I hilt myself fully. I hold in place for a moment, feeling her pulse around me. She whimpers in submission, it is a good sign. Slowly I pull out then slide back in. She has never felt pleasure from a wolf before. I drag along different parts of her insides than she is used to. I hold my knot back, I am not ready to finish the ritual of the first matting yet.

Her breathing increases a she tries to reach back for me. I thrust forward hard when she does this, my scrotum slaps against her and she gasps. Slowly I pull back and she reaches back again. I slam forward again, forcing her back to all fours, I want her to remember this position.

Finally, she stops reaching back. Like a good little bitch she is waiting for her alpha. I reward her by moving in and out in a slow but steady rhythm. She likes that and begins to make the kinds of noises that I like to hear in a mate. As she makes the noises I like, I begin caress her breasts. First the left three, stopping at each one to show my appreciation. On the right side I discover she is more sensitive. This is good to know, I will save that side for special occasions.

I can feel another orgasm mounting, so I stop. She whimpers and I dig my claws into her rump. She lets out a whimper and tears fall from her eyes. I can tell they are not from pain but from disappointing me. Her orgasm falls away and I start to move again. It is time for the final push.

Slick bitch juice allows me to glide effortlessly in and out. Even as my knot begins to pulse and grow, my movements are not hampered. Heat grows within me as I gather our energies for the ritual's finally. My bitch closes her claws and curls her toes, she is holding back her orgasm so that we can peak together. 'Such a good little bitch,' I tell her in the way of my people, 'I will reward you for your obedience.'

She whimpers in response and adorable little howls follow each slap of skin on skin. Her wetness spreads, running in rivers down her legs. I lean forward and grip a breast. I bite her neck and thrust harder. Her eyes are clenched tight. She is fighting her body with all of her might. My knot is now filling her, making it harder to pull back and push in. She is buckling under the power of her lust. She is in blissful agony and then...

My knot catches, firmly in place. My movements shift the tip forward into her womb. Warmth forms at my base and pulses forward, I let go of her neck, giving her permission to release her beast. We howl...

Hot seed gushes out of me, rushing into her womb with no chance of escape. My knot seals us together and our essence is exchanged. My energy pours into her, and hers is drawn up into me. Her strength feeds my body. Her bound mind nourishes my soul. We cum and cum, filling each other with every drop of strength. There is no pleasure greater than this... save one.

We fall forward, I cover her with my body. We will stay like this for a long time. We cannot escape each other. The first post matting rush is more than any normal coupling. I absorb the young feminine energy that exudes from her, while she takes that part of me that makes her obedient. Our souls merge this night and will stay until I tire of her. That time will come later. For now, she is mine.

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