Big, Bad, and Red All Over

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Short Stories

Possibly the most perfect Little Red Riding Hood story I have ever written. If you only read one of my stories ever ... read this one. You will not be disappointed.

Big, Bad, and Red All Over

The first scent of young maidenly skin shook the wolf hard awake, as he laid in the sun. The day had been a long, cool, dull sort, with perfect flowers in a field of green, blue, and red. Nostrils flared at the scent, causing blood to pulse through inner organs till one poked, red and sore, out for a look. The lolling tongue licked his lips, but the wolf was unable to stay still.

The gray canine crept through the tall grass to the path where he had seen her before. Bouncing blond curls were tucked in a hood of deep red, a delicate white arm cradled a basket of goods for her granny, and always a song on her lips as she skipped happily along.

The way to her granny's was always happier than the way back, and the wolf often spoke with her during these journeys. It had been easier when she was young, a child of the village with a pure heart, but these days it was difficult to be in her presence for long. The seasons had turned and the girl had blossomed like the flowers she stopped to pick. The blouse now held a bosom and the flow of moon-blood granted pheromones and desires she did not fully understand... at first.

"Good day, Mr. Wolf," she said in her customary greeting.

"Good day to you, Little Red," he returned in the way he often did. "Are those goodies in your basket?"

"You know they are," she told him, "but none for a wolf. They're for my grandmother, who needs me to care for her. She's getting on ever so poorly these days."

"You are too kind," the wolf said with his toothy grin, "you should tend to her for she misses you badly."

"Aren't you going to tell me to pick flowers and dally a bit first?" she asked as she walked through the game of lies.

"I could if you like," the wolf told her, "but the day has been a hard one and spring sings too strongly these days. The breeze is too strong and the flowers too sweet."

"Then perhaps we should stop for a bite to eat," she said and dangled her basket before his eyes.

"I thought the goodies were not for wolves."

"Well," she smiled slyly, "maybe just a nibble."

"I know a place," he said, but she shook her head.

"So do I," she patted his head and skipped further along. The path was a distance off and a cradling selection of trees allowed good cover. She laid down her basket and unrolled a picnic blanket, then she bade him to sit. "You poor poor wolf," she said when they were alone. Her hands stroked his fur and scratched his belly. "The season's been hard on you, but I can help. Do you mind if I start with a snack?"

"I believe the answer lays before you," the wolf said, as the ever-soft touch moved around the pulsing parts where blood filled veins with heat.

"Poor poor wolf," she whispered as she traced his body, his blood, his heat, "let me help you." With the tip of her tongue, she touched his ache. A tiny dab of salty serum connected him to her with a string, then warm lips surrounded the part, traveling down with moistening affect.

Blond curls bounced as she took hungry dips, sliding warm meat into her throat where it pulsed with his heartbeat. Slowly, she drew up and took a breath, then repeated the act, down then up then down again. Pressure inside swelled a base born knot, and care was given to avoid a choking lock. Speed of tongue and cupping hands spurred the wolf along till a gasping twitch took place.

A mighty stream of liquid heat rewarded the patient tongue. With tight lipped seal, and sucking zeal, she swallowed the savory treat. Pulse ... pulse ... spurt and squirt ... her cheeks puffed out and filled. But time allowed skills of her own to take what was given without waste or mess. As the heart and heat settled, lips drew slowly back, cleaning the tip with talented tongue, and leaving with a gentle kiss.

"Mmm ... I'm so full," Little Red told the wolf with a giggling smile.

"It has been too long," he reminded her and she gave a sad smile.

"Too long is too true," she said in a singsong way. "I must be off, Mr. Wolf, but first I need a nap to savor this wonderful meal."

"I will watch you sleep, for a time," he said with a smile. She curled up along his flank, relaxed her body, and licked her lips.

Soon her breathing was deep with sleep and the wolf settled for a time as well. Once upon a time he might have left her here, but these days were dangerous and strange. While they had their games the forest was more dangerous for a vulnerable woman than an innocent girl. This is what he told himself, as he lay smitten with the delicate blond curls. Moments passed but then at last she did rouse from her sleep and see him still.

"You're still here?" she commented and he smiled.

"You drew the life right out of me," he lied, "and thus I could not move."

"Oh, you poor wolf," she teased him then bent low to gather her things. His lusty gaze caressed firmly along the cotton covered skin. So round were the curves that his blood did pulse once more, though recent release kept his head inside.

"We should walk together," he offered when she finished gathering her things.

"Now, now," she chided, "what would people say if they saw us skipping along in such a way?"

"So great is the concern?" he asked and she giggled, then placed another kiss on his cold, wet, nose. "I'll see you later," she promised, then skipped along the shorter of the two paths.

The wolf cringed when he saw this, for it meant he would need to be faster than she. The life of a beast allowed him the speed and strength to outrun the skipping girl, and through the trees and brush, where people dared not tread, he found is way to the cottage in the woods. Nimble paws let him in and a fierce growl chased out the animals who liked to loiter there, but no other life remained.

A quick trip through the room put things in order and a flick of the front door's lock opened the way for the next stage of the day. With large old clothes draped loosely over his frame and his big ears tucked neatly into an old hair cap, the wolf slipped into bed and closed his eyes. Moments later, the awaited knock came.

"Come in," the wolf said in his terribly faked granny voice.

"Hi, Granny!" Little Red said as she bounced with the delight of a child. "I brought you some treats!"

"Thank you, deary," the wolf said according to the old script, "just set them on the table and make yourself comfortable." Little Red obeyed and stretched leisurely in the sunbeam that shone through an open window.

"Oh ... it's such a pretty day," she commented lazily and bent away from him to take off her boots. "I feel so warm in this cloak."

"Keep the cloak," the wolf told her, "but shed the rest and then be free."

Little Red unbuttoned her blouse and bit by bit she set herself free. A cool breeze caressed her small buds into firmness, and a shift of her hips slipped the clothing free and soon there was only a red cloak keeping her from the chill.

"Let me see you," he asked and she swayed toward the bed with the energy of anticipation.

"Why Granny," she said as her hand covered a knowing smile, "what big eyes you have!"

"The better to gaze upon your beauty, my dear," he said with a grin.

"And Granny," she continued, "what huge arms you have!"

"The better to hug and hold you with, my dear."

"And Granny," she said as she came closer, "what huge hands you have!"

"The better to feel your heart race, my dear."

"And Granny," she almost whispered as she crawled onto the bed and under the sheets, "what a big tongue you have."

"The better to taste you with, my dear." Little Red's lips parted and they let their tongues meet in a wet and slippery dance.

"And Granny," she said as she gave his head fur a scratch, tossing the silly nightcap to the floor, "such soft fur you have."

"The better to keep you warm, my dear."

Little Red drifted down to where the wolf's feet hung off of the bed and slipped her head up the tent-like old-lady bed cloth that was stretched as thin as fabric could be.

"And Granny," she said as she approached her favorite part, "how... big you are..." The wolf had only a long sigh to give as his reply, for she kissed the most delicate parts of him and glided her skin along his. When her head emerged from his bed clothes, she straddled him and draped the cloak around them both.

"How you've grown," he told her in a gentle, soothing, voice. "A young beauty like you should beware of wolves."

"What would happen if the big bad wolves tried to enter and found another wolf already there?" she asked as she rubbed her little blossom along his large length.

"Then they'd have a fight on their paws," he said he drew her down. Into her lair, the beast slid slow, where warm wet walls waited with heated glow. Though his breath was deep and low, her voice was high and gasping. "Easy," he told her, "take it slowly."

"But ... but ... aahhh-"

"Relax, my dear, it's not going anywhere," he cooed in her ear. "Do you feel it ... deep ... deep inside?"

"Yesss ... yyyeeesss ..." she breathed in reply, then settled gradually to the base.

"Feel us grow ... feel us rise ... no need to rush as we swell inside." A series of halting breaths deepened then slowed from his lover's embrace. As breath synced and passions warmed he whispered more. "No need to hurry ... no need to rush ... all will happen with a heated gush ..."

"Ooohhh ... you ..." she whispered as her chest rose and fell. "You've been ravenous ... and now you're calm?"

"Savage speed will rub you raw," he rumbled deeply. "We've waited too long for it to be over so quickly." To this he moved slowly, forward then back.

"Oh ... ooohhh ..." she cooed then breathed, feeling him in her body, enduring the languid strokes, moving as one with laborious intent. "Oh ... I'm ... gonna ..."

"Let it go," he told her gently.

"Oh ... ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." she shuttered and squeezed her legs around him as hard as she could. Eyes and toes clenched, as fingers grabbed his fur with all their strength. She settled then with shivering release and he could feel her warmth running down between them. "Ooohhh ... you bad wolf ..." she whispered.

"You're a warm puddle," he teased her and she flopped down onto him limply.

"Y-you're ... not ... even ... knotted."

"Not yet," he told her, "but soon."

"Soon?" she whispered. "There's more?"

"The wet heat is all your own," he smiled and she blushed deeply.

"You like me like this, don't you?" she asked him and he nodded in part.

"I love you in every way," he said with an empowered embrace, "every part of you here ... every bit of you ... mine."

They were quiet for a time, enjoying the moment, but soon she moved and felt him again. Burying her face in his chest, she breathed deeply his scent and felt its affects run through her. The wolf felt his Little Red's lair wink around his beast, and as her cheeks reddened, her muscles twitched, renewing the warmth at their base.

"Ooohhh ..."


"Aaagaaaiiinnn ..." she murmured in a breathy tone as he moved slowly again.

Momentum increased the slippery slurping where they met, and a tiny giggle acknowledged the sound to them both. Powerful hands wrapped around her breasts, then around to her back where clawed digits drug themselves slowly down. A long whine let out of her as she beheld the intoxicating affect on her body.

With buck and thrust, they moved as one, delighted by touch, surrounded in the musk of their deepening scents. The pleasure shared, and he began to push up into her with increased vigor. The swelling of his pride filled her in ways no other could pleasure, and with a savage growl, he lifted her up then rolled her back.

From the top, he perched, and deeper plunged within. The sound of her voice heightened though the cabin and escaped the walls that held them. Growls and shifting wood resonated as they mated with mutual delight.

Open flesh was assaulted, and soon, another part did swell. As flesh pressed flesh, she spread like an eagle, opening herself to his invasion without reservation. Deep ... deep ... down ... down ... he pressed into her womb and locked himself in place. For countless moments he filled her space ... locked her in place ...

At last she cried out, with vulgar demands, and he cleared his throat with an animalistic howl. There minds went wild as the peak began and she bit him hard on the neck to stifle her scream with his fur. The sudden bite rattled through him and pulsed between them both. Deep in her cradle, a heat exploded white, erupting into the deepest parts of Little Red's being. The already occupied space gorged with heat then overflowed, bulged, expanded, filling firmly as if stretched larger by a child. The knotted stopper held him in, denying any part of escape.

The crash of bliss gorged their minds but he tilted up just enough to let her belly swell. Tightly she held, with crushing embrace, as more of them gushed together, mixing, swimming, running round and round in the sea of frenzied rapture. And when at long last, his vigor did stem, he held himself off her swollen girth and watched her blissful face.

"Beautiful," he whispered as her eyes rolled back to his gaze.

"I'm ... so full ..." she muttered as her body barely remained aware.

"We're still tied," he told her and she let out a tired giggle that barely breathed.

"Tied together ..." she whispered. "Do you think we'll ever tie pups together with these knotted seeds we've sown?"

"I hope so," the Big Bad Wolf said ... but that ... is another story.

Unintended Intruder - 01

This short story is a joint effort between **Arthur Griffin** and **Little Red Wolf** and contains a symbiotic parasite that takes over human women in a very invasive and sexual way. \*DING\* The bell announced the opening...

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Moth to a Flame

Lunar Blood Feud - 07 - Moth to a Flame "You're engaged!?" Sara shouted, drawing stares and smiles from other patrons in the dinner. Jennifer fanned out her fingers to show off the ring, causing her friends to whistle. "I know it's a little sudden......

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Why We Fight

06 - Why We Fight "So, you wanna tell me what this is all about?" Mulda sat comfortably in her easy chair. It had taken two young werewolves an hour to get it through the front door and into position. Every time she sat in it she smiled, appreciated...

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