Unintended Intruder - 01

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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This short story is a joint effort between Arthur Griffin and Little Red Wolf and contains a symbiotic parasite that takes over human women in a very invasive and sexual way.


The bell announced the opening of the front door to the 'O'-Mart. To Abigale, the chime seemed to say, "LOOK AT THE GIANT PERVERT!!!" After-all, this was a sex shop and when a person entered such a place they were obviously thinking with their libido. This thought brought a blush to her cheeks every time she entered this place. Though it no longer burned hotter than the tiny tingle of naughty pleasure which accompanied such feelings.

"Hey Abby," the college kid at the front desk said. He was all smooth and scruffy, and her mind did terrible things to him she was certain her body never would.

"Hey Terry, anything new?"

"Meh... we got a new shipment of jack-rabbits... Oh! Some guys bought Thor!"

"Really!? Who?"

"A few frat guys," Terry said with a laugh. "Probably gonna use him as a door stop."

"Probably," Abigale agreed, "I can't see a three foot dildo fitting anywhere else. Is Marcy around?"

"She went out for dinner but I'm sure she'll be back in a few."

"Cool, I'll wait."

Abigale had already picked through the toy section, well enough to know it by heart. The best were already hers and the rest were not worth her cash. Fetishes had come and gone but her appetite for them kept increasing. Every once in awhile she would find a precious gem, but the thrill would eventually fade. Once the new had become normal she would return to the store and look for more. It had been months since the last great score so she perused through her trusty old standby, the video aisle.

'Barely Legal Cum Sluts, Big Black Dicks in Blond Bimbos, Girl-on-Girl-on-Girl-on-Guy-on-Donkey, Boy Love, Doms & Subs...' Nothing abnormally kinky was in so she went to the Hentai area. It was a rare thing to see a new Hentai but she spotted one, snatched it, and laughed at the back. 'Tentacle Love High!' the box read. The art showed three impossibly well drawn women in naughty schoolgirl outfits.

Price: $50 / Abby: Free

She raised her brow but figured Marcy would explain all.


"Hey Marcy."

"Hey Terry."

"Anything exciting happen while I was out?"

"Nah, Abby's here, though."

"Oh, Abby!"

"Hi Marcy, what's with this?" She held up the box so the owner could see it. "Fifty bucks?"

"Oh yeah, I'm glad you found that! It's all the rage among Japanese women right now!"


"Yeah, check this out!" Marcy went into the back and came back with a box. "By itself it's just tenti-porn, but for the full price it comes with some crazy Japanese interactive accessory!"

"You're kidding..."

"No really! I figured you'd want to try it out straight away!"

"So... what's the catch?"

"Research!" The porn store manager said with a gleam that both frightened and excited Abigale at the same time.

"This is gonna be really weird isn't it?"

"Well... it's a Japanese sex toy... so my guess is yes."

"So, you're giving it to me for free so that I can try it out then give you a full report?"


"And I get to keep the sex toy?"


"And if it sucks I bring it back and get something for free?"


"Alright, I'm in." Abby went into the back and Marcy handed her the box, it was larger than she expected, almost a full foot cubed. "Kind of... big."

"Well yeah, it's a fully interactive tentacle rape kit. It probably has miles of tubing and inflatable hoses. I wonder how they make it work."

"Warm water?"

"Warm Jello?"

"Supper Lube?"

"You're very own midget?"

"Eew," Abigale muttered and both of the women fell into a familiar form of laughter.

"I wish we could read Japanese."

"Not me, I'm glad I can't understand what those girl's are screaming. During those ridiculous rape scenes I just pretend they're actually screaming 'oh yeah give it too me.'"

"Isn't that how most of them turn out?"

"Toward the end they do, but it's always a little forced in the beginning." They both looked up and noticed Terry was listening intently. "What?"

"Oh nothing," he smiled innocently. "I'm just making mental notes for tonight's masturbation marathon."


Terry carried the unusually heavy box to Abigale's car but she had to muscle it up the stairs when she got to her apartment. 'What the hell is in this thing?' was something she asked herself at least a dozen times as she trudged up one flight of stairs and then another. Sweat and sore legs got her to her door but the keys took another three minutes to fumble into the lock.

When at last she burst into her place, she dropped the keys onto the floor and muscled the box to the floor in front of her personal shrine to laziness. A sixty-inch wide-screen was bolted directly to the wall and the speakers were supported by sound resistant foam. The result was a surround system that did not rattle the neighbor's dishes, a courtesy she wished they returned.

As the thumping of her own heart diminished, she was greeted by the sounds of passion drifting through her ceiling, reminding her of the thing her body needed most. The rhythm pulsed through her nerves, causing her to stir and look at the package with a longing smile. She reached for it then paused.

"Dinner... then a hot bath..."


The evening after work routine always seemed to be easier to deal with when she had a new kink from the 'O'-Mart for her to play with. With a towel wrapped around her hair, she stared at the box with the Japanese writing on it. With a quickened pulse, she tore the shipping seals and popped the top.

A rush of motion erupted as the cardboard folds released. A sharp inhalation of breath was held as she leaned forward and spread the opening. A wooden chest appeared to be the reason for the weight. A key tucked in a plastic baggy was stapled to the frame and was easily liberated. Placing the strangely heavy bit of metal into the keyhole allowed her to turn it until she heard a clicking noise. Carefully she peered in and... and...






"What... the... hell?"


In layers of a green liquid was a small spiral seashell that was no bigger than her thumb. Reaching into the slick green goo, she lifted the little shell and found it heavier than it looked. It felt like there was something trapped inside, but it was just not that big.

"Awe... come on," she grumbled as she turned the glistening bit of seashell this was and that. "I know Japanese guys are little... but... this sucks!"

Returning the shell to its liquid home, she gave it a smell and thought it was almost citrus in origin. A daring taste proved it was was like lime flavored jelly, and while it was not unpleasant... she wished she could read the instructions.

Along the side of the packaging lurked the DvD that was supposed to come with the unit. With more than a little disappointment, she scooped it up and slid the disc into her player. The lid to the box was closed and left on the table while she covered her couch with a sheet, to protect the fabric, and grabbed a jell textured dildo. When she was ready, she stripped down to her birthday suit, flopped onto her couch, and pressed play.

The FBI Warning and opening credits jumped to life as she watched the opening scenes. Pretty little schoolgirls, in their cute uniforms, found a small seashell, like the one in the crate, and it proceeded to turn into a monster who plunged them senseless. Abigale reached between her legs and touched herself a little but it just did not seem to be doing much for her. She was not getting wet enough for the dildo and was beginning to wonder if she should get the seashell when the acting suddenly improved. A tiny amount of moisture began to form between her thighs and she slipped one well practiced finger inside of herself... then... it ended.

"What the? Hey," Abigale said as she grabbed her remote and began pushing buttons. An X appeared in the corner letting her know that the system was programed to not allow her to alter its course. "There's supposed to be more than this. The plot wasn't even..." Her voice trailed off as a scene began to play. The spiral seashell appeared, floating in its green mixture, with the sound of a heartbeat pulsing in the background.

Subtitles along the bottom read, "THE VIDEO WILL CONTINUE WHEN YOU GET YOUR PROP."

"My prop?" Abigale started to laugh. "It's like Rocky Horror! That's so cool. I wonder how they did that?" Dropping the remote, she walked in the nude to the box and carefully plucked up the little seashell with two fingers. "I hope this lube is water-salable," she muttered as she went back to her seat.

As soon as she got comfortable the scene ended and an eerie musical tone cued. Another character walked along the beach and gathered a matching shell in her hands. She was admiring it when a friend called her name and she dropped it into her cleavage for safe keeping. Abigale laughed out loud when she said the line, "There you go, you'll be safe in there." The scene was horror movie bad, but she decided it was designed to get the audience ready for the molestation to come.

Two scenes latter the girl was in her bedroom when the text "READY YOUR PROP" scrolled along the top of the screen. Abigale looked closely at the scrolled shell in her hand and was surprised to see the lubricant was still wet. A slight hum emitted from the speakers causing the little shell to resonate. "INSERT PLEASE" appeared as the girl on screen began to moan.

With a smile, she slowly slid the slick seashell past the folds of her labia. The spiral ridges twisted into position as it hummed like a high frequency vibrator. A long, slow, exhale eased out of her as sensation tickled her in ways she liked.

Easing the spiral cone forward and back, she felt her inner moisture filling her tunnel, mixing with the green lubricant. A slight warming sensation began to build, tingling her nerves and allowing tiny moans to form in her throat. A familiar sensation built in her muscles, causing whimpers that peaked into the gasp of the night's first orgasm.

Twitch and shutter sent cum forward, wetting the object and her fingers with warmth. The vaginal walls were not the only thing that released at the moment of orgasm, though. In mid-shutter, the vibrating seashell seemed to jerk out of her grip, twirled, and drilled itself deeper than she could reach. A mixture of pleasure and frustration rippled through her as series of vulgar curses flowed from her mouth.

As the video played on, the noise of the two women complimented each other, growing then fading as they looked down at their entrance. Abigale was preparing to place her middle finger inside of herself when from inside of the shell, the occupant began twitching like a Mexican Jumping Bean. A brief moment of panic made her wonder if there was still something alive in the shell when she was answered by the TV.

On the screen, the camera x-rayed the girl's vagina and showed a small slug-like creature moving in the shell. Abigale had time to utter one small curse when both creatures inflated like puffer fish, cracked through their shells, and stabbed into sensitive flesh with rows of sharp quills.

Pain screamed through her body but was numbed just enough by the lubricant that she did not start crying. Sharp stabs regressed into painful throbs as she watched the creature on her screen inject a purple venom into the girl. A burning sensation began to form along Abigale's vaginal walls and spread through her veins.

"Oh shit! Oh... shhaaaaa..." she gasped as sounds of pleasure and pain echoed from the two sources. Venom spread through the abdomen, tingling in ways that forced the body to writhe. The pathways of the circulatory system began to darken into a deep violet that could be seen through the skin as flesh became pale.

The creature grew in girth and length, pressing against her walls in ways that frightened and excited. Lengthening toward both the mouth of her opening and farther in toward her cervix, additional spines formed, anchoring into the flesh. Abigale moaned and found her finger stroking her clit as her juices leaked out onto her hands. As she squirmed she could feel it... crawling in toward her barrier and out until it was less than an inch from fresh air.

The slug rippled inside her body as it fed on her blood. Sensations ebbed and flowed as another orgasm began to mount. 'I'm cuming... why am I cuming? Why? How can... how can I like this?' "Oh... ooohhh... aaaaaAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Muscles clenched tightly around the intruder who pressed out with all of its might. Like an overfilled water balloon, the inner end burst open and thin tendrils breached the cervix, invading the womb.

Abigale shuttered again and again then went limp as she helplessly watched the parasite on screen crawl through the yielding opening, up into the uterus. Wispy limbs attached to the inner lining like tiny umbilical cords, settling into place like a growing child. In exchange the parasite flooded her with endorphins that seemed to lift her out of her body on waves across orgasmically charged nerves.

Abigale's eyes watched the screen as the tiny life form settled into the girl's womb. One hand delicately caressed her abdomen... the life inside of her relaxed as it happily fed on her nutrients. As a final tidal wave of rippling orgasms tumbled through her, her eyes rolled back in her head and she drifted off into unconsciousness.

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