Jennifer & The Wolf

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Mother Mulda (Dead Story)

05 - Jennifer & The Wolf

A full belly calmed Jennifer's nerves and made her sleepy. A nap passed the time but she could not seem to sleep properly. A restless energy crackled just below the surface, stirring primal emotions that made her want to do things she felt she should control. John was close and that made her feel more comfortable, but she also wanted to attack him.

The passion of their earlier sex had awakened a part of her she had not known could exist in her. To need him so much... to clench her body so hard around him... such thoughts stirred her desires, moistening her, teasing her in ways she thought only men could be.

'Good God,' she thought as she shook these thoughts from her brain, 'what in the hell is wrong with me?'

"Are you alright?" The smooth vibrations of John's voice caused her to shiver. "You're trembling."

"You killed him... I watched you tear him to pieces..."

"He was about to rape you-"

"Yes, I know, but I thought I would feel... different. I'm not horrified by the beast you've become or the death that happened right in front of me. If anything... I'm..."

"Go ahead," John whispered, "say it."

"It was amazing! The way you tore his body apart... the crunch of the bones... the sound of his breath as it hissed out of him forever... I got a rush out of it."

"It's alright," he told her, "the change does things like this to you. Makes you more primal. That is what happened when we were at your place."

"You... you knew this would happen?" Jennifer whimpered. "You knew I'd... I'd..."

"I did not expect you to taste my blood so soon," he told her firmly, "but once you did, I knew this would happen."

"You... ass...," Jennifer whimpered as her body spasmed, "how could you-"

"Should I have abandoned you to your body as it changed and warped your mind?" John's voice had cut her off but his authority forced her to listen. "Should I have lead the others away from you and hoped they'd take more interest in me than in a budding female in heat?"


"I love you, Jenny. I have since the day we met and I will not abandon you."

"You... bastard," she cried and buried her face into his chest. Warm tears soaked into his shirt as her bony fist punched him feebly. "How... how can you do this? I'm becoming a monster! How can you stand me?"

Tenderly he lifted her chin and gazed lovingly into her eyes. "How could I hate you? You're becoming more like me."

"Like... you?"

"It's a struggle, isn't it?"

"You feel... like this... all the time?"

"Not all the time," he said with a smile, "just when I'm with you."

Meaning settled into her mind with a romantic thrust that caused her to suddenly surge forward and kiss him hard on the lips. Lusty licks tasted his mouth, causing her to salivate. Primitive impulses flared inside causing her to nip his lip, and suck the bloody skin.

A sudden swell of sensation pulled her back and caused her to shout with surprise as fangs forced themselves into place. John withdrew from her presence causing hatred and fear to well up inside of her, silently scolding his cowardice. Bones bulged, pushing out against their constraints, flooding her with an agony that rolled along a river of vulgar ecstasy. Confused screams, moans, and whimpers emitted as the body thrashed and changed from woman to wolf.

Instinct moved her to all fours as fur began to grow. Thickening vertebrae swelled along the surface of her back lengthening her tailbone until new muscles and skin wrapped around the spinal extension. A series of pitiful twitches jerked the new limb until thickening muscle and fur created a tail.

The sensitive nerves of her canal and its surround muscles spasmed uncontrollably, causing pheromone filled fluids to saturate the steadily thickening pubic fur. The hungry heat caused her to cry out like a dog, a wolf, a bitch in heat. She wanted her mate, her alpha, the hardened male who could sate her wild animalistic lust.

Fully transformed paws grabbed hold of her widening hips and held her steady for the snout that followed. Pheromones spread onto his muzzle, energizing his beast, strengthening his potency. Terrifying claws tore her blouse to shreds, freeing breasts and allowing him to stimulate the second and third sets of small nipples that were forming without her knowledge.

The alpha ran his claws through his bitch's dark red fur. Claws raised her sensitivity as his strength caused her to want him... to submit to his power. Instinctively she leaned back, legs wide, tail up. Fierce teeth gripped her neck, holding her steady as a powerful thrust tamed her uncouth body. A she-bitch's snout pushed forward and a submissive groan of pleasure rolled out.

The engorged red form slid back then forward, driving pulsing flesh into her smooth passage till she could feel every part of him. A pause let her rest... his body lingering... fangs releasing... claws dragging trails down her flanks. A pop caused her to shutter as the last of her snapped into place. The completion caused her to clench, a shiver of release rushed through as another orgasm lubricated her further.

Moments of stillness allowed her to enjoy the sensations as her mind adapted to its body. Deep breaths filled larger lungs as increased muscle mass tugged against thickened bones. The dark was clear, the male's musk was upon her, she needed the rest of him.

A slight dip forward allowed her the room to push back. The movements signaled her readiness, and he allowed his hunger a moderate amount of control. Forward and back... in and out... body heat spread throughout every part of them, warming the room and drawing beads of sweat to their skin.

The twice spasmed channel widened, accepting more more of him into her. Deeper and deeper he traveled, driving her along as a bulge pulsed strongly at the base of his shaft. Lost in their rhythm, an additional shutter gripped her when the alpha suddenly knotted himself tightly to her. Entwined in her folds, the male's thrusting shook her savagely.

Their bodies continued to press together, her muscles gripped the knot and squeezed with all her might. The act drew the part of him which swayed and slapped her skin into the warmth of her body. Heated fluid rose up, in response, poured through their connection, and injected into her. Shuttering eruptions spilled into the depths where pups were sown. Hot life filled her up, rushed to the surface, and stopped at the knot that held it all inside.

The she-wolf squealed as her womb filled and bulged with the promise of new life. Never had she been so full... so warm... so completely satisfied. The love of her mate held her snugly. His arms then wrapped her up and held her tight. Leaning forward, they rested on the bed, exhausted by all they had done. The new werewolf closed her eyes, thought one speck of the future, then slipped off to sleep.


"Whoa, they're really going at it," Vincent commented as the noise carried from the next room.

"Gives you ideas... doesn't it," Mulda said slyly, giving him the look he had grown to be wary of.

"Shouldn't we be letting them have their moment?" Vincent asked as he took an involuntary step back.

"And let them have all the fun? Come on, Chief, lets show those kids a thing or two." Lightning quick movements sent Vincent to the floor and the sudden pain in his neck told him she had him. A firm grip of his hair held him ridged as she bit his collar bone with sharpening teeth.

"You're... getting a good grip... on your shifting abilities..." he gasped through the shuttering bursts of sensation she managed to inflict upon him.

"Shut up," she growled as she used a recently sprouted claw to cut the front of his shirt open. Mulda's teeth released then traveled south to the fleshier parts of Vincent's chest, teasing and nipping, causing just enough pain to make him twitch without approaching agony. Breath sucked through his teeth then blasted out, causing him to arch his back in a way he was not accustomed to.

The hand released his hair but her teeth held his lower self firmly, holding him steady. Skilled hands dragged sharpening claws down his frame then unfastened him. It took minimal assistance from him to free his pants and underwear, exposing him to her desires.

Like a shark lunging for a fish, Mulda seized him, held him, controlled him. Blade-like teeth teased soft flesh, her delicate tongue dabbed his weak points. He sprawled powerlessly before her, completely controlled by her wishes. Sheltering lips reached forward and around his pulsing pink part. A wolf muzzle pushed forward, surrounding all of his length, warm tongue extending along the entirety of his base until it slithered past, cupping his pride, and pulling that part of him in too. Instinctively his hands grabbed her head, tangling in the thickening head hair, lupine ears caressing his wrists with gentle fur.

"Mu... Mu... ooohhhhhhuuuggghhh..." Before he could control himself his testicles tightened, shooting their contents into the back of her throat. Her virile motion was replaced by gentle sucking. Inner warmth poured out, draining his will and strength. Several deep breaths steadied him... settled him... guided through the mind shattering pulse of all he gave her. And as she released him, there was no doubt, that he was hers in body, mind, and soul.


04 - Essence The crash of broken glass shattered the silence startling Jennifer awake. A heavy intruder moved through the rooms above, shifted floorboards toward her belongings, and began rummaging through drawers. Sitting up forced the liquid essence...

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Sowing Seeds

03 - Sowing Seeds "So, when am I going to get some great-grandchildren?" Granny's new, stronger, voice asked over the line. "Granny!?" Jennifer shouted. "It's only been three months! I mean, he's great, and I really like him... but-" "Have you done...

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Life, Love, and Facebook

02 - Life, Love, and Facebook Morning crested over the trees and brought the end to what Old Mother Mulda felt had to be an odd mushroom induced dream. An aching stiffness had been the introduction to every morning for the past three decades but the...

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