Sowing Seeds

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Mother Mulda (Dead Story)

03 - Sowing Seeds

"So, when am I going to get some great-grandchildren?" Granny's new, stronger, voice asked over the line.

"Granny!?" Jennifer shouted. "It's only been three months! I mean, he's great, and I really like him... but-"

"Have you done it yet?"

"Done... it?" Jennifer stopped. 'She's not asking what I think she's asking... no way... not her...'

"Yes, dear. His Grandfather's a wonderful lover, and I was wondering-"

"WHOA! Granny! Off limits!"

"Oh, dear, lets not be silly. Stop pretending I'm a virgin. Come one, tell me about it."

"Uhm... sorry, Granny, gotta go, love you bye!" -click- Jennifer shivered and tried not to think about her Granny Mulda having sex. True, she sounded a lot healthier now that she was with Vincent but she was just so old... and her grandmother... and... well... EW!

A special catchy ring tone jingled and she opened her phone. "Hi!" she half shouted, trying not to sound as flustered as she was."

"Jenny?" John asked over the line. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just got off the phone with my Granny," she said trying to calm her voice. Her mind flashed to imaginary sex with John and her voice was no longer steady. "She's just asking really bad questions and being silly and-"

"Right," he cut her off which was odd. "Listen, I need to see you."

"You... okay?"

"Yeah, I just need to see you." There was an emotional edge to his voice.

"John... where do you want to meet?"

"I'm out front," he said.

Jennifer closed the phone and rushed quickly down the stairs. The door opened and John leaned heavily to one side. In a glance she could see he had been in a fight. Loving arms wrapped under his armpits and held him close. She closed her eyes and drew in the details of his body, the smell of his sweat, the muscles under his shirt.

"Come in," she whispered, knowing he would not enter her home uninvited. She helped him to the kitchen table and his weight settled heavily into a chair. "What happened?" she asked as she began to remove his jacket which had been torn in several places.

"I got in a fight," he muttered.

"With what, a bear?" Her voice was angrier than she meant it to be as she pulled off his torn up shirt and looked at the gash in his side. "You need a doctor."

"NO!" John barked, grabbing her arm. "No doctor." Jennifer locked eyes with him and twisted her arm from his grip.

"Fine," she huffed, knowing his mind was set, "I'll get a needle and thread." Storming out of the room, Jennifer sailed through the hallway to the closet where she kept such things. In a moment she was back and running the needle through his skin. Blood got on her hands but did not leak onto the floor. The wounds looked bad enough that she felt he should be gushing, but she was too focused to question it. Silence stood between them like a wall. Neither spoke as she pierced the frayed skin and pulled the thread through. The wet needle was slippery and she poked herself twice. Both times she put the pricked part in her mouth and tasted both her blood and his. "So," she asked as she tied off the line, "you going to tell me what happened?"

"I got in a fight," he repeated.

"Yeah, and refused the help of a doctor... why?"

"Too many questions." The pause that followed made Jennifer want to slap some sense into him, but she feared it might break the stitches. "We need to break up."


"We need to break up."

"Like hell!"

"Jenny, I don't want you to get involved in all this." The fear in his eyes gave her pause but she could not let him go.

"No," she told him. "I'm not going to just give up on this because some asshole got in a fight with you. What is it? KKK? Family feud? Come on, John, talk to me."

"It's a feud," he admitted as he looked miserably to the floor.

"Alright," she said, swallowing hard as she searched for strength. "Things like that happen out in these little towns. Who are they?"

"The Bales."

"Bales?" Jennifer thought back to some of the less pleasant boys who used to bully her as a kid. "Like... Aaron and Dale?"

"It was Dale," John muttered.

"Just Dale?"


"Just Dale did all this too you?"

"Yeah... no... Brett was there too." Jennifer stood up suddenly and walked sternly over to the phone. "What are you doing?"

"You don't have to tell me everything but you WILL talk to your grandfather. I'm calling Granny."

"NO!" A sudden blur of motion slapped the phone from Jennifer's hand and pinned her arms against the wall. They breathed hard into each others' nostrils and stared hard eye-to-eye. Fear swirled away, replaced with the excitement of being so close. They spoke with their eyes. Fear, excitement, and desire filling them till Jennifer lunged forward to kiss him.

John's arms wrapped around her and they stumbled back onto the couch. A huff of pain escaped John and his stitches pulled which gave Jennifer pause.

"I'm alright," he assured her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... how about you? Are you sure you want to do this?" Her shirt came off and fell to the floor before he could ask more questions. Straddling him carefully, she laid herself across his body and felt the warmth.

'What are you doing Jenny?' her mind asked. The answers came in the form of hungry little kisses that she placed on his face, neck. and chest. Red droplets formed in the path of her tongue and were licked up. The taste of him created a strange hunger that drove her face to the side where she began lapping at the blood that had formed around the stitches.

"I guess you're mine forever," John whispered, causing the woman in his arms to flush and look up into his eyes. "Careful, don't want to get your bra dirty."

"You're right," she said, and began fumbling at the fastener with trembling hands.

"Let me help," he offered and snapped the bra off with only the slightest bit of fumbling.

The fabric fell forward and she smiled. "Show-off," she whispered as she tossed it aside. For a moment he just looked at her, making her whole body blush red in anticipation of his touch.

"Beautiful," he whispered and his arms ran up her back, drawing her forward so that he could kiss her some more. Erect nipples brushed against his skin, causing her to shiver at the heat she found. Rough hands rubbed smoothly up and down her back, his touch exciting her further. She knew what she wanted.

"Your wound," she whispered as her logical mind teetered at the edge.

"I'm fine," he told her seriously.

"But... the stitches..."

Wrapping his arms around her, he lifted her suddenly, shifted and threw her back onto the couch. She marveled at the muscles that rippled along his body and then flexed, tearing the stitches. A gasp escaped her lips but he turned to show her it had healed.


"Because I'm team Jacob," he told her with a savage grin. "And if you want to continue, you need to take the next step."

The joke between them turned her on in a way she had not expected it too. The logical part of her mind grasped at facts as it toppled over the edge. Reaching forward she unfastened his pants and pulled them to the ground. An astonished sound emitted form her as she stared at the part of him she had been dreaming about at night. It was long, thick, and ready for her touch.

Lightly she blew on him, causing a slight growl to emanate from his throat. With a smile on her face she kissed it, licked it, and then took him into her mouth. A savage sigh hissed out of her man as she slid him along her tongue. Her hand wrapped around the base to prevent choking, and a light up and down motion gave him the sensations he needed.

John breathed hard, growling, and straining for control. Pulling herself all the way back, Jennifer moved to the side and stood. A quick snap and zip allowed her the room to wiggle out of her tight jeans. It was a brief struggle to step out of them, but once finished she looked up to see John sitting on her couch.

Once again, she straddled him, but this time he was not breakable. The red flush refused to abate and she became so warm she thought she might faint. Hot breath increased as they drew closer, and she whimpered as he licked her nipples and kissed her naked breasts. Hard flesh touched her inner thigh and she lowered herself till her lower lips were able to slide along him.

A careful forward and back motion moved him along her until she began opening up. Inner moisture leaked to the surface, lubricating her parts, slicking, swelling, enticing him with each pass. Friction teased their nerves with hints of the act they both craved. Anticipation grew, but John held back, staring intently at her, letting her be in control. Jennifer reveled in this power until she felt she could not wait another moment.

Reaching between her legs, she took him in her hand and placed him where her body could submit to him. Flesh parted flesh and he traveled into her, pressing her out from within.

"So full," she gasped, "oh, God, you're so big!"

John's hands traveled to her bottom and moved her slowly up and down. This motion sent a ferocious dissemination of electric jolts through her cells, grating away at her body's resistance until her muscles clenched in glorious orgasm. The internal explosion forced a warm rush around their link and leaked onto him.

"Y-you... you're... s-so... ooohhhh..." She squeezed hard with her arms and legs before finally settling, breathing heavily, feeling emotions that had never been this intense before. It was not her first time, but he was bigger than other men, with a scent that made her want to bite him, to taste him, to absorb every part of him into her.

A slight chill blew onto her neithers causing her to realize her emissions has grown cold, and John had not moved. Drawing inner strength into her muscles, Jennifer pushed forward and moved again. She told him to move, whispered begging breaths into his ear, gave him permission. The orgasm had loosened her muscles, allowing the presence inside of her to move more freely. As she rose and fell, primal heat grew between them, moistening their skin, eroding the resistance of their bodies.

Strong hands moved her bottom as the man she had mounted began to thrust into her. A mischievous thought caused her to thrust down hard and grind herself with all of him inside of her. The action drew a snarl from her lover and she swore she felt his fingernails grow sharper as he dragged them across her skin.

Movement was again his and he raised and lowered her at a steady pace. Jennifer wrapped herself around him and let him guild her along to the journey of her orgasm and his. The beat of her heart was solid but she could feel his pulse through every beat of their connection. Heat burned her body as sweat spilled from every pour. A shutter in him told her he was about to release and she allowed the feeling to take her away.

A sea of liquid heat poured into her body, cascaded deep within, filling her as ecstatic gasps crashed through her bones. John howled as vibrant swarms of seed tore past walls of resistance, flooded to her center, and sowed themselves deep within.

Tears ran in rivers onto fur that softened John's shoulder as she settled upon him. Their bodies shuttered as subtle aftershocks rumbled between them, passing through skin and bone, setting off similar reactions in the other. As their breathing slowed, Jennifer began to feel heavy. The weight of what they had just done settled over her and pushed her deep inside of herself. There, in the depths of her soul, part of him merged with her creating new lives for him, for her, and the beast forming within.

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