A Pack of Her Own

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Short Stories

What is a limerick?

What is a limerick?

Hickory Dickory Doc is a limerick.

Remember, limericks are supposed to be dirty... (Additional Update on Feb 21st)

There once was a girl in a home

Whose father would froth and foam

But out in the night

She knew what was right

The need of a pack all her own

They roamed with barely a care

With songs of beauty declare

In dancing moon beams

Drifting through her dreams

Beyond her awful despair

A savage burn she felt

To touch a warm wolf pelt

But between her thighs

Were different cries

That caused her insides to melt

Inside of her house she was trapped

With a monster whose path was mapped

All across her skin

With bestial grin

Her body was beaten and slapped

She looked up into his eye

And wished that she would die

In awful hands

To his demands

With force to make her cry

The night was filled with pain

She cried a forbidden name

The man he froze

In blank mad pose

And died as the house set aflame

So girl she fled to the pack

To the woods she would not look back

And there in that place

She looked in the face

Of four legs and a mighty sack

The eyes on her shape were bold

She stared into amber and gold

And inside her bust

Her feelings of lust

Left not one bit of her cold

Down onto all fours she posed

Then leaving her belly exposed

She gave him her trust

That thickened with lust

Alpha's will would be unopposed

Desire ran all through her skin

She knew just where to begin

She felt his breath

And teeth of death

She placed one finger within

Her scent began to unfold

The desire to mate would take hold

With hunger and lust

His nose to her bust

The feeling was wet and cold

Warm tongue on her sex did taste

Her hungry curves were traced

The scent of delight

In pale moon light

Till up to her lips he was placed

Her tongue ran across his skin

Wet lips were holding him in

Then into her thirst

He started to burst

Till warmth ran down her chin

She swallowed the heat of his seed

Which quickened her personal greed

To take him in

To be his kin

And sate her body's need

At last he pulled away

She wished that he would stay

But when she looked

Her goose was cooked

The pack surrounded its prey

Yet here there was no fear

She turned presenting her rear

With eyes ablaze

Their mind in a haze

There dangled the thickening spear

The beta approached from the pack

And savagely mounted her back

With maddening thrust

And plenty of lust

He made an unknotted attack

They rutted quite harshly at first

Till into her cradle he burst

And as they exchanged

Her path rearranged

Around that which was submersed

He left for the third did yearn

He mounted and started to churn

But in her plot

He did not knot

Proceeding with great concern

At last when he did excrete

Claws grew on her hands and feet

A fair exchange

She welcomed the change

For now she was fully in heat

Four rose his wolfish mast

And came at her hard and fast

He did endure

Not premature

Astoundingly he would last

His cum brought fangs and a snout

With pleasure these features did sprout

A gasping squeak

A startled shriek

A girl-wolf's howl came out

Five's passion was strong indeed

He bit and she started to bleed

With whimpering plea

And jubilee

Of mating that did proceed

With vigor his body did spur

A lolling tongue did occur

Then he filled her at last

And from his blast

Her skin was covered with fur

When six inserted his nail

She clenched and started to wail

Her bottom did lift

Inside was a shift

That grew a wiggling tail

Seven caused her body to bend

As the wolf in her did ascend

It all snapped in place

From tail to face

And brought her change to an end

He twitched with a shuttering moan

Then dismounted and left her alone

A moments rest

To gaze abreast

At the beautiful she-wolf they'd grown

Strong alpha approached the bitch

His wolfhood started to twitch

To show his rule

He'd take the jewel

And enter her up to his hitch

But first from her body he cast

The seed the others had passed

With every lung

New warmth would plung

With a passion unsurpassed

At last their seed was expelled

His alpha line was upheld

He settled within

Her softest skin

Then with his knot he held

Her body was covered with sweat

And though her insides were wet

Their seal was tight

A union of might

Escape was hardly a threat

He pumped with all of his might

With fire she did ignite

A bestial urge

A mighty surge

She clenched around him tight

At last his seed was released

Inside her planting his beast

A clutch of wolf cubs

Would grow like shrubs

Then find her milk and feast

Awash in afterglow

His knot let more seeds to sow

From primal lust

And total trust

At last he let her go

Then on and into the night

A larger pack took flight

Off into the wood

They understood

That all had been made right

Earth Force Diplomacy

WARNING #1 - Sex and swearing are in this story, along with a great deal of military humor. If you were ever in the service, you should laugh a little harder than the rest. You should also be able to figure out that I was not an officer. If you did not...

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Journey of a Succubus - 06

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Journey of a Succubus - 05

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