A New Adventure

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Mother Mulda (Dead Story)

01 - A New Adventure

"Mulda, Mulda, let me in!"

"Not by the hair of my chiny-chin-chin!"

It was an old joke they had not shared in over a decade, and it brought tears to her eyes. She wished she could throw her front door open and crush her old friend in a hug, but age had brought a frailty that made such a rush of movement impossible.

"I was beginning to think you might really mean it this time," said the gentleman when the old woman finally answered the door. "How are you?"

"I'm old, Vincent," Mulda said with her customary kind smile, "now hold still so I can have a look at you." Plunking her small round spectacles onto her nose, she squinted hard at him, taking in his dark gray hair and dark brown eyes. Vincent's Native American features had always sharpened his face and been pleasing to look upon. Mulda remembered feeling jealous of Vincent's wife, when she was younger, and though she was much too old to feel such an ache, she still found him pleasing to look upon. "Hmmm..." she mused then smiled and touched his cheek, "you're aging like a mountain."

"So... I'm rough and jagged?" Vincent asked.

"A little," she teased, "but the wind and the rain haven't worn you too much. Not like me, I'm made of clay, these days." The visitor brightened at her expression but noticed the effort it took her muscles to perform. Her skin was paper thin and her joints rubbed like sandpaper as she moved slowly... ever so slowly.

"It pains me to see you so old, dear friend," Vincent said gently.

"Better old than dead," Mulda said as she stepped aside to let her guest into her home. "But I'm afraid this life will soon be through. Jenny left yesterday and already my bones grow cold. Every time I see her, I feel it could be my last."

"Dear friend, it IS good to see you, and I don't want you go. I was wondering, would you like to come and live with me?"

"With your tribe?"

"Yes, I'm chief now and I wish a concubine."

"Oh you tease," the old woman laughed as she settled into her favorite chair. "You old wolf, your humor's as terrible as always."

"This isn't humor," the old chief said sternly. "I need you, Mulda. I need you to come to my home and share your wisdom with my family."

Mulda paused and gauged the seriousness in his voice. "What could I possibly offer your family?"


"Oh, please," Mulda chuckled dryly. "Kind words don't do much these days."

"Not true," Vincent said with a sly look. "Kind words are often the difference between friends and enemies. Many of our young and even our old rarely see past old hate. It is rare for a new idea to pass any further than the mumblings of friends. We need kindness, Mulda. We need kindness and the wisdom to back it up."

The old woman took a deep breath and shivered as it hissed out of her. When she settled, she felt, for a moment, like her chest might never rise again. Then, somehow, it did. "Why now? Why not years ago?"

"Because you still had life to live," Vincent said.

"Oh?" Mulda said with a raised brow. "So... you plan to take my ghost?"

"No, but we can fill you with new life." The old woman eyed her old friend suspiciously but said nothing. "I am older than you, my friend, yet I appear far younger."

"Pah! Joke with my granddaughter, and leave this old woman be."

"It's true," Vincent said seriously. "May I show you?"

"Vincent," Mulda said with a stern tone, "what game are you playing?"

"The game of change," he said and he removed his vest and loosened his shirt.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" the old woman said as she tried to decide between annoyance and amusement.

"I think I might," he said as his smile revealed slightly sharpened teeth. Fur began to sprout and his body began to shift. Hands grew larger, as his nails sharpened into claws. Legs shifted as his bones cracked, and the lower part of his home-made leather pants fanned open to contain his form. Mulda was certain it was a hallucination, her mind must be misfiring... perhaps it was a stroke. When at last he was finished, a large bipedal wolf towered over her with sleek gray fur and more muscles than most young men.

"What have you done?" Mulda asked, her voice trembling slightly at seeing Vincent like this for the first time.

"This is my true self," he said as gently as the wolf's muzzle would allow.

"So... you're a werewolf?"

"That is one of our names."

"But... you... but you..."

"I am still the same old man who lusted after you in my youth."

"Oh, you old wolf," she muttered again, reaching forward weakly. The great wolf knelt before the granny in her chair and let her pet his fur. "Soft..." Tears pooled and she sniffed them back. "Why now? Why now when I'm so old? I'll die in a week... I might not even survive the night."

"As a human, you will die soon, but the children of the Moon Tribe have powers of regeneration that make us strong. You could live for many years as one of our people."

"And why would you want little old me?"

"Because I like you, Mulda."

"Oh... once upon a time," the old woman laughed. "Now tell me the truth, Vincent. Why?"

"I see there's no fooling you, old friend," the great gray wolf chief said as he sat at her feet. "What I am about to tell you is a violation of tribe law. Even as chief, I could be put to death for revealing our ways to a human."

"I'll be dead before the week is through should I refuse you."

"Very well... we're dying, Mulda. We're dying out and our people are losing their way."

"You mean the Indians?"

"I mean my tribe. We've kept quiet a long time and kept to ourselves. The reservations didn't work for us so we left and lived quietly among regular white humans. A handful took white people as mates but it has been an awful taboo among my people, one that I wish to put behind us."

"Am I to be your example?"

"Yes, you can show the others. As an elder you can advise us... people have always listened to you. With your help we might pull together and create a future for those whom have little hope."

"What would you have me do?"

"Become one of us, old friend. Become my concubine and my adviser. Come to live with my family on the west side of town. Help mentor the pups and settle disputes, the way you did with your own family."

"I need... some time," Mulda managed to say.

"Very well, I'll return tonight. If you fall asleep then light a candle in the window if you agree."


Old Mother Mulda pondered her life as she sat in front of her fire. Her old bones were heavy, hollow, and useless to others. Her husband was long dead and her children had all moved to the city. Only little Jenny came to visit and she was a young woman now, being pursued by young men who wanted her for their own.

Part of her wanted to die, but the thought of Vincent's tribe gave her pause. Would she really be expected to have sex with Vincent? It was an odd thing to think of at her age and she chuckled at the thought of him trying to get a reaction from her withered flesh. The older she became the less she felt. These days the thought of an orgasm was so foreign a concept that she was certain such a miracle would kill her.

'Not a bad way to go,' she thought. 'I should say yes just to see if Vincent can manage such a feat.' A smile formed on her lips and it took all of her strength just to stand. She placed a candle in the window and lit it before preparing for bed. Slipping into her nightgown, she left her front door opened a crack before settling into her bed. 'Maybe he'll ravage me in my sleep,' she thought as she closed her eyes. 'That would be nice.'


The night was cold and the bed was not as warm as it used to be. Mulda thought she felt a prick in her leg, but aches and pains were such normal things these days that she took no notice. There was breathing in the room, but she dismissed it as wind. The bed dipped slightly, as someone else crawled onto the bed with her, she thought for a moment her granddaughter had come to visit.

"Had a bad dream dear?" she called out without opening her heavy eyes.

"The same dream every night," said a voice that she recognized.

"Vincent," she smiled, "why are you here?"

"You lit the candle and left the door open."

"Did I?" She was trying to remember events from earlier. Thoughts skated at the edge of her mind and took a moment to catch. "That's right, you've come to ravage these old bones."

"That's right," the old wolf said as he laid along side her in the bed, "I don't suppose you're in the mood?"

"Not yet," she yawned, moving her right foot to scratch her left leg. "You sure are warm, though. You can stay right there, if you like."

"It is the tradition."

"To sleep with old ladies?"

"To spend the entire night in the bed of a new concubine."

"Oh, you tease... well you just lay right there then," she said, putting her arms around him and snuggling into his fur. "You're so comfy..." she murmured as she started to drift off again, but there was the itch in her leg was spreading. She tried to ignore the sensation as it spread down to her toes and then up her leg. A rash? A random burn? Leg going to sleep? These thoughts drifted through her until the sensation reached her groin and caused her body to respond in a way that it had not done in almost three decades.

"Wha?" she gasped and pulled back from her living body warmer.

"It has started," he told her.

"What has started?" she said, moving the blanket aside for a proper look. "Oh my word!"

"Yes," the wolf said, as they watched her red skin gorge with blood.

"What have you done?"

"I gave you a little nip while you slept."

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"You asked me too."

"I did no such... whoa..." her voice was stolen by the blood that filled her legs and rose into her abdomen, invigorating that part of her as well. A rush of tingling euphoria emitted from her torso, then her chest, and arms. Breasts that had long sagged and gone flat revitalized. Skin firmed and muscle tightened. In the tunnels of her withered womb there was a warm energy, the sensation of new life stirred then a released fluid that resulted in her first orgasm in decades. A cry squeaked out of her throat as her vocal cords regained elasticity.

"How do you feel?" Vincent asked as he lifted her nightgown and put one strong paw on her leg.


"And this?" He pushed her gown higher. Red flesh prickled with sensation, blazing at his touch, yearning for more of him.

"I... I... oh... you bad... you bad wolf... you..." her breathing had become heavy, causing her to pant like she had been running.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Y.. ye... noooooo," she breathed as she drew her gown up more and wrapped her legs around him. The wolf's fur left smoldering trails of desire along her skin as she melted into him. Strength once thought long gone was returning and with it was a form of lust that she never thought she would feel again.

"What would you like to do now?" Vincent asked, but Mulda had already begin struggling to remove the remainder of her nightgown. When it fell to the floor behind her, she gazed upon her breasts, and marveled at how full and firm they appeared. Moving to her hands and knees, she straddled the prone wolf and began to rub his body with hers.

Eyes rolled back as her heightened sensitivity crackled with body heat, hard muscle, and soft fur through newly awakened nerves. The rational part of her mind eroded to a writhing body of ecstasy, and when strong paws caressed her back then drifted to her bottom, she whined, forced her eyes open and, even in the dark, stared hard at the glory of his shape.

"Am I young?"

"And beautiful," Vincent told her. A pause in her movements brought tears to her eyes. Another life... another chance... another... a savage grin signaled an idea that had formed in her mind. Pulsing patiently at the base of his belly was a warm pink thing poking out from its sheath. Fingers stretched out on their own accord, wanting to remember the feeling of a man. A slight touch coaxed it out. Trembling digits traced full veins. He twitched at her touch, holding back his beast but only barely. His hunger, palatable, just beneath the surface.

The poor, pulsing, pup needed care. Without needing to check for wetness, Mulda straddled the long forgotten warmth and accepted a younger woman's pleasure into her body. Lupine heat dragged along her lower lips, sending starlight up from the shaft. Fluids from her body left a long smooth line as her heated folds embarrassed him, wanting all he had. Electric jolts shot through her, causing her to gasp and moan with excitement.

Soft strong paws caressed her back and butt, causing her to move in a rhythm once thought lost but never forgotten. The hunger in her rose and broke its banks in a sudden squealing rush. Inner muscles quivered then clenched, causing more of her to run down onto him. Heightened sensitivity caused her to wrap around the wolf and hold him tightly to him. His body froze, pink pup pulsing but holding back, letting her come down from her sky. A tired woman settled across her wolf's body and breathed deeply.

"This... is wonderful," Mulda murmured as she caught her breath.

"It is," Vincent agreed. "Imagine future nights..."

"Will they be as good as this one?"

"Probably not," he said, hugging her tightly, "fear and anticipation of new things is generally better than the same old same old."

"This is a same old that I could get used to," she whispered as she ran her fingers through his fur. "Care to go again?"

"At your command." The wolfish grin of his playfulness was infectious and she soon was revitalizing his body back into hardness with slight movements. Rocking revitalized hips forward then back brought her own body back into the realm of heady desire. A clitoral nub plowed across slick softness as the curves of the beast twisted along her human nethers.

Paws on her back drug fearsome claws lightly along her skin. Fear and anticipation seized her, causing fight or flight to mix with mate. Without knowing why, she grabbed two fists full of fur and bit his collarbone. A growl emitted from her throat as she gnawed on him with a savage need. A sharp return bite caused small rivers of blood to run down her shoulder.

Thrusts up increased in speed and power, jostling her up and down in a way that would have shattered her older self. Each attack advanced her past the point of lucid thought. Pressure built before the onslaught, rising her higher until his thickening knot caught tightly inside of her and he pitched over. Hot white wolf projected deeply into the body of the new concubine. A rippling tide of sensitivity burst its banks, setting her insides ablaze with the third orgasm of the night. Liquid fire rushed up then in, spraying the walls of her revitalized womb.

Mulda settled over Vincent like a limp blanket of sweat and fatigue. Cuddling him close, she breathed in and out, listening to his heart pound through her chest. No words could express her gratitude. No thanks could make her joy known. With his pink pup sealing liquid warmth inside of her body, she let the euphoria overcome her and carry her off to the land of dreams.

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